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Custom Designing a GX Font

Q: I want to turn my font (generated with a third-party product) into a true GX font with a customized features menu, not just GXify it.

How did font developers (Apple, Linotype, ITC, etc.) create their GX fonts? What programs are available for GX font design? Would I be able to add a features menu to my font after generating it with the third-party product?

A: For custom design of GX features in a font you should use TrueEdit, available atApple's Font Tools site and on the Developer CD Series : MacOS SDK Edition in the QuickDraw GX folder.

The general process of designing a GX font starts with building all the glyphs you're interested in and hinting them, just as you would for a non-GX font. Once you have the glyph repertoire, use TrueEdit to add all the GX tables. You should be able to add the tables for the various manu features with TrueEdit just fine after you have built the font with a third-party product.

[Jul 03 1996]