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Important: This document is part of the Legacy section of the ADC Reference Library. This information should not be used for new development.
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Q: Our multimedia presentation software does not awaken properly on a PowerBook that has come out of sleep mode. Are there any special handling requirements to recover from sleep mode? What event should we be watching for? A: These are some of the changes to the system state when a PowerBook goes to sleep:
It is not clear why these two changes would affect your multimedia presentation software. However, there are two Macintosh Technotes available that relate to your situation: "HW 24, Little PowerBook in Slumberland," which provides a brief overview of the sleep process, and "HW 31, Sleep Queue Tasks," which presents additional material regarding the sleep process. The second Technote includes sample code that demonstrates a sleep-queue task implementation. The sleep-queue task provides a means by which your program can save state information that otherwise might be lost. Typically, this is important for a networked process, but it's not clear why your application would have to monitor this type of information. You might want to implement a sleep-queue handler so you can drop to the debugger when the handler is notified that the unit is waking up. This would allow you to take debugging steps before a crash occurs. |