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Important: This document is part of the Legacy section of the ADC Reference Library. This information should not be used for new development.

Current information on this Reference Library topic can be found here:

PCI Drivers: I/O Queue & KillIO

Q: Does the PCI Device Manager handle calls to drivers and the KillIO command the same way as the current Device Manager (all calls to drivers are treated as asynchronous calls)? If so, does this mean that the driver has control?

A: The PCI Device Manager handles KillIO the same way that the current Device Manager does. This means that you are issued one killIO (since they are delivered immediately), with the PB pointing to the block that needs to be killed. The Device Manager then walks the queue and removes and terminates all pending entries (it calls IOCommandCompleted with abort status).

This is only an issue if you maintain an internal queue (take entries off the device queue yourself). If you do this, you can either put the entries back or call IOCommandCompleted yourself.

[Jul 15 1995]