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Important: This document is part of the Legacy section of the ADC Reference Library. This information should not be used for new development.
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Q: In JBindery there was a Properties panel that allowed me to enter in my own environment properties, but I see nothing like this when using MRJAppBuilder. How do I specify my own properties when using the MRJAppBuilder tool? A: MRJAppBuilder does not present an interface like JBindery to handle user properties, but it is a trivial matter to add your own properties. Simply add your properties as "name = value" pairs to the MRJAppBuilder properties (configuration) file. For example, look at this sample properties file:
Once the application is built using this properties file, the custom properties can be accessed in the standard Java way using For more information on what MRJAppBuilder properties are available, or on how to use the MRJAppBuilder in general, please refer to the documentation included in the MRJ SDK. [Apr 17 2000] |