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Important: This document is part of the Legacy section of the ADC Reference Library. This information should not be used for new development.
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Q: I am running an applet with Internet Explorer 5 and MRJ 2.2, and when my
code attempts to connect to our server using A: MRJ 2.2 uses a new feature in IE 5 which allows the MRJ to use Internet Explorer's networking stack for network communication. This allows IE to provide applet caching and cookie support to MRJ hosted Java applets. Unfortunately, due to some interoperability problems with this new applet caching code, you may run into problems with applets that make network connections. At the time of this writing, these issues are scheduled to be resolved with the release of MRJ 2.2.3. In the meanwhile, you can work around these issues by using one of two methods. Perhaps the easiest way to work around this problem is to change
Internet Explorer's cache settings by choosing Preferences
from the Edit
menu and going to the Advanced
page. Select the Update pages:
Always radio button under the Cache
section of the preference dialog and then click OK.
(See image, below.) Figure 1. Internet Explorer preferences The following is a description of these cache settings: Cache Once Per Session Never Always In our case, we use Always to prevent IE from caching the .jar file. This technique may be a little intrusive for the user, and it also has the side effect of turning off caching for web pages as well as applets. A second solution involves a code change to the applet, but does not require the user to modify these IE Preference settings:
If you choose to use this source code, for security purposes you will have to sign your applet. Instructions for applet signing can be found in Technote 1175: Applet Signing with MRJ and JavaKey. Again, these workarounds are only to be used if you are having problems with reliability of your Applet under MRJ 2.2.x and IE 5.0. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. A future release of the MRJ will address these issues more completely. [Aug 14 2000] |