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Important: This document is part of the Legacy section of the ADC Reference Library. This information should not be used for new development.

Current information on this Reference Library topic can be found here:

Obtaining a List of Volumes from a Server Programmatically

Q: How do I obtain a list of volumes from a server programmatically, given that I have the atalk-internet address of that server?

A: To obtain a list of volumes from a server programatically, you use an AFPCommand called afpGetSParms. This command requires you to log in (as either a guest or a user) and create a session, and then issue the afpGetSParms. The string returned by afpGetSParms, which is described on page 13-98 of Inside AppleTalk,looks like this:

[0-3]   long    Current Date-time on Server's clock
[4] byte    Number of Volumes that follow
    byte    NumVol Structure...
        Msb = HasPassword (bit)
        Lsb = HasConfigInfo (appleII stuff, ignore it)
    P-String    Volume Name

The string is repeated for each volume.

There is also an example in the February 1995 Developer CD:

Dev.CD Feb 95:Sample Code:Snippets:Networking:AppleTalk Libraries

The string from this example looks like this:

short LogOnAsGuest(AddrBlock *serverAddress,Ptr SCBBlock)
    AFPLoginPrm *XPPBlock;  /* to build parameter blocks for AFP */
    short       cbsize;
    char        XPPReply[quantumSize*8];
         /* used to get AFP replies (max. size 8 ATP packet) */
    char        XPPCmd[quantumSize]; /* used to send AFP commands */
    OSErr       error;
    short       result;
-   /* information used by Login function */
    char        AFPVersion[30];
    char        AuthentMethod[30];

    strcpy(AFPVersion, "AFPVersion 2.0");
    strcpy(AuthentMethod, "No User Authent");

    if (!(XPPBlock = (AFPLoginPrm *)NewPtrClear(sizeof(AFPLoginPrm))))
        return MemError();

    XPPBlock->ioRefNum = xppRefNum;
    XPPBlock->ioCompletion = nil;
    XPPBlock->aspTimeout = 1;    /* Timeout for ATP */
    XPPBlock->aspRetry = 2;      /* Retry count for ATP */
    XPPBlock->afpAddrBlock = *serverAddress;
           /* AppleTalk address of the server */
    XPPBlock->afpAttnRoutine = nil ;
    XPPBlock->rbPtr = (Ptr)XPPReply; /* Reply buffer pointer */
    XPPBlock->rbSize = quantumSize;  /* Reply buffer size */

    /* prepare command information :
       1st byte : command (login)
       2nd Pascal string : AFP version
       3rd Pascal string : Authentication
                           Method - see Inside AppleTalk 13-104 */
    XPPCmd[0] = afpLogin;
    XPPCmd[1] = strlen(AFPVersion);
    cbsize = strlen(XPPCmd);
    XPPCmd[cbsize] = strlen(AuthentMethod);
    cbsize = strlen(XPPCmd);

    XPPBlock->cbPtr = (Ptr)XPPCmd; /* Command block pointer */
    XPPBlock->cbSize = cbsize;
    XPPBlock->afpSCBPtr = (Ptr) SCBBlock; /* SCB pointer in AFP login */
    if ((error = AFPCommand((XPPParmBlkPtr)XPPBlock,sync)) != noErr)
        result = error;
        if (XPPBlock->cmdResult != noErr)
           result =  XPPBlock->cmdResult ;
        else result =  XPPBlock->sessRefnum;
                /* return session number */

    return result;
}   /* LogOnAsGuest */
OSErr GetServerParams(short sessNum,Ptr replyBuffer,short buffLength)
    XPPPrmBlk   *XPPBlock; /* to build parameter blocks for AFP */
    char        XPPCmd[quantumSize];/* used to send AFP commands */
    OSErr       error;

    if (!(XPPBlock = (XPPPrmBlk *)NewPtrClear(sizeof(XPPPrmBlk))))
        return MemError();
    XPPBlock->ioRefNum = xppRefNum; /* driver reference number */
    /* prepare command information :
        no input provided except command - see IA 13-98 */
    XPPCmd[0]  = afpGetSParms;

    XPPBlock->sessRefnum = sessNum;
    XPPBlock->aspTimeout = 2; /* Timeout for ATP */
    XPPBlock->aspRetry = 2;
    XPPBlock->cbPtr = (Ptr)XPPCmd;
    XPPBlock->cbSize = 1;            /* Command block size */
    XPPBlock->rbPtr = replyBuffer;   /* Reply buffer pointer */
    XPPBlock->rbSize = buffLength;
    XPPBlock->wdSize = 0;    /* Write Data size */
    XPPBlock->wdPtr = nil;      /* Write Data pointer */

    error = AFPCommand((XPPParmBlkPtr)XPPBlock,sync);
    return error;
Str32 theServer;
Ptr buffer;
AddrBlock serverAddress;
char SCBBlock[scbMemSize]; /* used by AFP to manage a session */
short sessionNum;
OSErr ErrNo;
short refNum;
/* allocate a buffer to retrieve info */
    if (!(buffer = NewPtr(buffSize))) return;

/* open .XPP driver */
    ErrNo = OpenXPP(&refNum);
// hard coded address cause I'm lazy
    serverAddress.aNet = 41107;
    serverAddress.aNode = 87;
    serverAddress.aSocket = 250;

// simple login as guest
    if ((sessionNum = LogOnAsGuest(
             &serverAddress,&SCBBlock)) <= 0) {
// get server params
    if ((ErrNo = GetServerParams(sessionNum,
                buffer,buffSize)) != noErr) {
// buffer has server string

// be a good citizen

[June 01 1995]