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Q: I am writing an OpenTransport client program, and I'm confused as to how to
perform an orderly release when I receive the When I get the Is this correct? A: Yes, it is. Your confusion is due more to the dynamics and subtleties of XTI programming than to OpenTransport. In an orderly disconnect situation, assume that two nodes have an established
TCP connection. Endpoint A has finished sending data and indicates
closure by invoking a Endpoint B receives a This is known as a "half-close." B can still call Once B has finished receiving the data, it must initiate a If, however, either endpoint's network code is written such that There is also a subtlety of XTI programming that you should be aware of. It is
possible that According to the XTI spec ("Section 4.6 Events and TLOOK Error indication"),
the You might want to check out the OTI spec, which, although it is not always written in the most lucid fashion, does contain valuable information for those involved in OpenTransport programming. Further Information:Title: X/OPEN TRANSPORT INTERFACE (XTI) VER 2 [ 1.0 ed]Author: X/OPEN ISBN #: 0133534596 |