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Important: This document is part of the Legacy section of the ADC Reference Library. This information should not be used for new development.
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I am writing a fax client/server system and I have encountered a
problem after I put the server to sleep: on waking, the server software
does not seem to re-register on the network (using
On the client side, (when receiving a What action should I take to correct this problem? A:
In general, you might want to disable sleep on your server by
informing the Power Manager with
The exact interaction of how your server should handle
I installed a sleep procedure. But the Power Manager will issue a
Your Application can (should) not refuse a When your sleep procedure receives a sleep demand, however, your procedure has no way to determine whether it originated as a conditional sleep demand or an unconditional sleep demand. Your device driver or application must prepare for the sleep state and return control promptly to the Power Manager when it receives a sleep demand. As for When |