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Accessing the ARA/PPP password

Q: My code needs to set the password used by ARA/PPP, but I can't find any documentation on how the password works. How do I create a password resource?

A: The Open Transport ARA/PPP password for a given configuration is stored in the 'pass' resource of the "Remote Access Connections" file, which resides in the "Remote Access" preference folder. As of ARA version 2.0, the size of the 'pass' resource has been extended to 256 bytes.

The actual password data is encoded using the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm in Electronic Code Book (ECB) Mode. The key schedule for the encryption is derived from the first 56 bits (7 bytes) of the ARA/PPP configurations user name.

Currently there is no Open Transport API for encoding the ARA password. However, since the password is encoded using ECB mode of DES, it is possible to use the PassWordMunger function of the older Apple Remote Access API to encode a modern ARA/PPP password.

To properly encode the password, you must first zero pad the password data in a 256-byte buffer. Then, encode the cleartext password 8 bytes at a time using the user name string as a key, appending the result to the 'pass' resource until all 256 bytes are processed. When you have completed this, zero out the first byte of the 'pass' resource.

This process is illustrated in the following code snippet, taken from the MoreNetworkSetup module of the DTS MoreIsBetter library.

static OSStatus EncodeRemotePasswordARA(
                                ConstStr255Param userName,
                                ConstStr255Param password,
                                Str255 encodedPassword)
    // Encodes a password using the ARA API.
    OSStatus err;
    TRemoteAccessPasswordMunger pb;
    UInt8 chunkOfPassword[9];
    ByteCount offset;
    // Zero the encoded password buffer and copy the
    // password (sans length byte) into it.

    OTMemzero(encodedPassword, sizeof(Str255));
    BlockMoveData(&password[1], encodedPassword, password[0]);

    // Now walk through the password in chunks, copying
    // a chunk into the chunkOfPassword buffer, encrypting
    // that buffer with the ARA API, and then copying the
    // buffer back out to the encrypted password.

    // Note that the for loop increments offset by 8 each time.
    for (offset = 0; offset < 256 ; offset += 8) {

        // Copy a chunk of the password into chunkOfPassword.

        BlockMoveData(encodedPassword + offset, &chunkOfPassword[1], 8);
        chunkOfPassword[0] = 8;
        // Setup the parameter block for a remote access API call.
        pb.csCode       = RAM_EXTENDED_CALL;
        pb.resultStrPtr = nil;
        pb.extendedType = (char*) REMOTEACCESSNAME;
        pb.extendedCode = CmdRemoteAccess_PassWordMunger;
        pb.userNamePtr  = (UInt8 *) userName;
        pb.passWordPtr  = chunkOfPassword;
        pb.reserved     = 0;
        err = PBRemoteAccess((TPRemoteAccessParamBlock) &pb, false);
        if (err == noErr) {
            err = pb.ioResult;
        if (err == noErr) {
            // Copy the encrypted chunk of password back out into
            // encodedPassword.

            BlockMoveData(&chunkOfPassword[1], encodedPassword + offset, 8);
        } else {
    // Tidy up encoded password.  Move the encrypted data up
    // one byte and insert a zero length byte.  Don't ask me
    // why this is required, I didn't invent this scheme (-:
    BlockMoveData(encodedPassword, encodedPassword + 1, sizeof(Str255) - 1);
    encodedPassword[0] = 0;

    return err;

Once you have processed the encoded the password, you can set the actual 'pass' resource in a number of ways:

  1. The preferred method is to use the Network Setup API, which is part of Open Transport 2.0 included with MacOS 8.5. The Network Setup SDK really is the proper long-term solution to accessing the configuration database. A good example of how to use this API can be found in the DTS sample code More NetworkSetup.
  2. As an alternative, you can send an AppleEvent to Network Setup Scripting to set the password for a given configuration. This is described below. Note: Version 1.0 of Network Setup Scripting does not encode the password properly; use version 1.0.2 or newer.
--setpassword("Configuration", "password")
 on setpassword(configName, thePassword)
    tell application "Network Setup Scripting"
        open database
        begin transaction
         set password of Remote Access configuration
configName to thePassword
         end transaction
         close database
    end tell
end setpassword

  1. As a last resort, your code could open and write into the "Remote Access Connections" file directly. This method is risky and I highly recommend against it. Since ARA could open it at any time, you run the risk of corrupting the file's resource map. There is also no promise that the preference file data formats will not change in the future.

At some point in the future, we hope that the Network Setup API will provide an interface for encoding the password. Until that happens, the above example should be sufficient.

Further Reference: Inside Macintosh: Open Transport
Sample Code: MoreNetworkSetup

[May 17 1999]