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Important: This document is part of the Legacy section of the ADC Reference Library. This information should not be used for new development.
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NOTE: This Technical Q&A has been retired. Please see the Technical Q&As page for current documentation. |
Q: Is there an auto-dependency tool for MPW that will parse source files and create a tree of file dependencies (similar to the Watcom auto-dependency checker on the PC)? A: There is a tool called MakeMake on the Tool Chest Edition of the Developer CD. MakeMake builds a makefile for the specified targets from a list of source files and assorted options. The generated makefile contains productions for each target, full dependencies for included files, and a set of "convenience targets" for such tasks as removing object files and printing source listings. The CD also includes a MacWrite document entitled, "MakeMake Manual (MacWrite)," which explains the tool's syntax and provides some examples. MakeMake and a number of other useful MPW tools are on the Tool Chest CD Developer CD in the following path: Developer CD Tool Chest Development Tools & Languages MPW Related MakeMake 2.0d38. |