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Legacy Document
Important: This document is part of the Legacy section of the ADC Reference Library. This information should not be used for new development.
Current information on this Reference Library topic can be found here:
Q: Our development group has encountered a problem with their Macintosh port (they
are developing for the 68K only, under MPW 3.3.1 with the MPW C 3.2.4
compiler). They allocate a large number of FILE streams via A: Microsoft has provided a standard C library that has a larger static FILE stream buffer to circumvent this problem, and they would like get a similar MPW C library from Apple. A: The There is a possible workaround - use our low-level I/O calls instead of the stream I/O calls. The number of files you can open with low-level calls is limited only by available memory. (These calls are documented in the chapter on building MPW tools in Building and Managing Programs with MPW). Low-level I/O calls can be used in applications, but this isn't obvious because the documentation isn't well organized. It's possible that our low-level I/O calls may not provide you with sufficient
functionality for your port, assuming that you are using |