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Important: This document is part of the Legacy section of the ADC Reference Library. This information should not be used for new development.

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Extracting InstaCompOne Archive Files

Q: When I attempted to extract a file from an InstaCompOne archive I got an error #28202 -- "The compressed file or resource was not found in the catalog of the archive." When I run ScriptCheck, I got this warning: "You should probably use a ScriptCheck extension to compute the correct target size for 'infa' ID = XXXX."

A: This type of error occurs because you do not have the InstaCompOne ScriptCheck extension available. The InstaCompOne documentation says:

To enable ScriptCheck for use with InstaCompOne archives:

  1. Place a copy of the file "InstaCompOneSCExt.rsrc" in the same folder as your Installer script source file (myInstallScript.r, etc.).

  2. Rename the file so that it has the same name as the install script source but uses the filename extension of ".scx". Example: "myInstallScript.scx"

However, this assumes that the .r file is the name of the resulting script, i.e., the resulting Installer script will be called "myInstallScript". Actually, the InstaCompOneSCExt.rsrc file should take the name of your resulting script. For instance, if "myInstallScript.r" produces a script named "InstallScript," then the "InstaCompOneSCExt.rsrc" file should be called "InstallScript.scx", NOT "myInstallScript.scx."

[Mar 14 1997]