Technical Q&A QA1240

MPMoviePlayerController plays movie audio but not video

Q:  I'm able to successfully play movies using MPMoviePlayerController on iOS 3.1.3. When I run this same code on the iPad and on the iPhone with iOS 4 I can hear the movie audio, but the video is no longer displayed. What's going on?

A: Starting with iPhone iOS 3.2, calling the -play: method still starts playback of the movie but it does not ensure that the movie is visible. In order to display a movie, you must get the new view property from your MPMoviePlayerController object and add that view to your view hierarchy. Here's a code snippet:

Listing 1  How to add the MPMoviePlayerController view property to your view hierarchy to play a movie.

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <MediaPlayer/MediaPlayer.h>
MPMoviePlayerController *player = [[MPMoviePlayerController alloc] initWithContentURL:movieURL];
[[player view] setFrame:[myView bounds]]; // size to fit parent view exactly
[myView addSubview:[player view]];
[player play];

See Important Porting Tip for Using the Media Player Framework and the MPMoviePlayerController Class Reference for more information.

Document Revision History


New document that describes how to play movies using MPMoviePlayerController on the iPad and on the iPhone with iOS 4