Technical Q&A QA1527

AUSampler - Adding Instrument Information and Loop Points to Core Audio Files

Q:  How can I add Music Instrument Information and Sample Loop Points to Core Audio (.caf) files so I can use them with the AUSampler Audio Unit?

A: The Core Audio File Format Specification provides two chunk types to specify instrument data including looping Information to a .caf file. The Instrument chunk type and the Region chunks work together allowing you to build a list of Region descriptions containing markers annotating position(s) in an audio file which are then referred to by the Instrument chunk to define an instrument.

For more information see the Apple Core Audio Format Specification and AudioFile.h which is part of the AudioToolbox.framework.

Listing 1 demonstrates how to add an Instrument chunk with a single sustain loop region as well as specifying a bass, low and high pitch range when provided with an open Core Audio File (.caf) file.

Listing 1  

OSStatus SetupInstrument(AudioFileID inFileID,
                         UInt64 inFileLength,   // length in frames (samples)
                         UInt8 inBaseNote,      // MIDI note (0-127)
                         UInt8 inLowNote,       // MIDI note (0-127, <= inBaseNote)
                         UInt8 inHighNote) // MIDI note (0-127, >= inBaseNote)
    const UInt32 numRegionChunks = 1; // For our sustain loop, one region
    const UInt32 numMarkers = 2; // Two markers - One for loop start, one for loop end
    UInt32 totalChunkSize = 0;
    /**** Region Chunk ****/
    // Add up the total memory size we need to allocate for the variable-size AudioFileRegionList
    totalChunkSize += offsetof(AudioFileRegionList, mRegions);
    totalChunkSize += numRegionChunks * offsetof(AudioFileRegion, mMarkers);
    totalChunkSize += numRegionChunks * numMarkers * sizeof(AudioFileMarker);
    // Allocate the region chunk
    AudioFileRegionList *pRegionList = (AudioFileRegionList *) malloc(totalChunkSize);
    pRegionList->mNumberRegions = numRegionChunks;
    pRegionList->mSMPTE_TimeType = kCAF_SMPTE_TimeTypeNone; // Not used
    // Access the region
    AudioFileRegion *pRegion = &pRegionList->mRegions[0];
    pRegion->mRegionID = 6789; // Arbitrary, but must match the values used
                               // in the Instrument Chunk below
    pRegion->mName = NULL;
    pRegion->mNumberMarkers = numMarkers; // From above
    pRegion->mFlags = kAudioFileRegionFlag_LoopEnable |
                      kAudioFileRegionFlag_PlayForward; // enable forward looping for this region
    // Access the marker array
    AudioFileMarker *pMarkers = &pRegion->mMarkers[0];
    // Set up loop start
    pMarkers[0].mType = kCAFMarkerType_SustainLoopStart;
    memset(&pMarkers[0].mSMPTETime, 0, sizeof(pMarkers[0].mSMPTETime)); // zero out; not used
    pMarkers[0].mFramePosition = 0; // Loop from first sample
    pMarkers[0].mMarkerID = 1;
    pMarkers[0].mName = NULL; // Unused
    pMarkers[0].mChannel = 0; // Unused
    // Set up loop end
    pMarkers[1].mType = kCAFMarkerType_SustainLoopEnd;
    memset(&pMarkers[1].mSMPTETime, 0, sizeof(pMarkers[0].mSMPTETime)); // zero out; not used
    pMarkers[1].mFramePosition = inFileLength - 1; // Loop to the last sample
    pMarkers[1].mMarkerID = 2;
    pMarkers[1].mName = NULL; // Unused
    pMarkers[1].mChannel = 0; // Unused
    // Write out entire AudioFileRegionList into the file
    // Note that we use the full allocated size
    OSStatus err = AudioFileSetProperty(inFileID, kAudioFilePropertyRegionList, totalChunkSize, pRegionList);
     if (err) { free(pRegionList); return err; }
    // Set up Instrument Chunk, referencing the ID for the region chunk that we just wrote to the file
    CAFInstrumentChunk instChunk;
    instChunk.mBaseNote = (Float32) inBaseNote;
    instChunk.mMIDILowNote = inLowNote;
    instChunk.mMIDIHighNote = inHighNote;
    instChunk.mMIDILowVelocity = 0; // For this example, just setting full velocity range
    instChunk.mMIDIHighVelocity = 127;
    instChunk.mdBGain = 0.0f; // 0.0 dB means unity gain
    instChunk.mStartRegionID = 0; // Unused
    instChunk.mSustainRegionID = pRegion->mRegionID; // Set up above
    instChunk.mReleaseRegionID = 0; // Unused
    instChunk.mInstrumentID = 0;
    // CAF Specification requires all chunks to be BigEndian
    // Write out CAFInstrumentChunk into the file
    err = AudioFileSetUserData(inFileID, kCAF_InstrumentChunkID, 0, sizeof(instChunk), &instChunk);
    return err;
#include <stddef.h>
#include "CAByteOrder.h" // from Core Audio public utilities
// CAF Files are big-endian, so the chunks contents need to be swapped
static void MakeCAFInstrumentBigEndian(CAFInstrumentChunk *chunk)
    chunk->mBaseNote = CASwapFloat32HostToBig(chunk->mBaseNote);
    chunk->mdBGain = CASwapFloat32HostToBig(chunk->mdBGain);
    chunk->mStartRegionID = CFSwapInt32HostToBig(chunk->mStartRegionID);
    chunk->mSustainRegionID = CFSwapInt32HostToBig(chunk->mSustainRegionID);
    chunk->mReleaseRegionID = CFSwapInt32HostToBig(chunk->mReleaseRegionID);
    chunk->mInstrumentID = CFSwapInt32HostToBig(chunk->mInstrumentID);

Document Revision History


New document that discusses how to add Music Instrument Information and Sample Loop Points to Core Audio (.caf) files so they can be used with the AUSampler.