Technical Q&A QA1614

Ensure that property list keys UIPrerenderedIcon and UIRequiresPersistentWiFi have a Boolean value type

Q:  Why are the keys UIPrerenderedIcon and UIRequiresPersistentWiFi in my Info.plist ignored as of iPhone OS 2.1?

A: Beginning with iPhone OS 2.1 the value type for the keys UIPrerenderedIcon and UIRequiresPersistentWiFi must be Boolean. If these keys are suddenly being ignored it may be because you had succeeded previously by providing a String value of "YES". This is no longer supported.

The keys UIPrerenderedIcon and UIRequiresPersistentWiFi in an iPhone application's Info.plist used to allow String value type (see Listing 1) in addition to Boolean. Starting with iPhone OS 2.1, if you need to set these values, you must ensure that the value type for these keys is set to Boolean (see Listing 2). If you do not, these keys will simply be ignored and the default behaviors will persist. In the case of UIPrerenderedIcon, this means the application icon would still get the default sheen and bevel effects applied when you didn't intend them. If UIRequiresPersistentWiFi is ignored, the WiFi picker may not be displayed and the WiFI connection will close after 30 minutes when you intended it to be maintained for the life of the application.

Listing 1  A String value was acceptable in iPhone OS 2.0

// BAD: This used to work, but will be ignored post 2.0

Listing 2  In iPhone OS 2.1 these keys require a Boolean value type

// GOOD: This prevents the sheen and bevel effects from being applied to the application icon
// GOOD: This keeps the current WiFi connection open for the life of the application

Although you may edit the contents of the Info.plist directly as shown in Listings 1 and 2, you may prefer to use the Property List Editor application. To use the application, add the desired key to the list, and then use either the Edit menu (shown in Figure 1) or the contextual menu (shown in Figure 2) to set the "Value Type" to Boolean.

Figure 1  Using the Edit menu in Property List Editor to set Boolean value type.
Figure 2  Alternatively using the contextual menu in Property List Editor to set Boolean value type.

Document Revision History


New document that Starting with iPhone OS 2.1, UIPrerenderedIcon and UIRequiresPersistentWiFi must be Boolean or they are ignored.