Technical Q&A QA1722
Safari's "Mail [Contents/Link] of This page" to Mail Client events...
Q: What do I have to do to make my mail client handle Safari's "Mail Contents of This page" and "Mail Link to This page" events?
A: What do I have to do to make my mail client handle Safari's "Mail Contents of This page" and "Mail Link to This page" events?
1. Add two boolean keys to your <Info.plist>: MailLinkSupported and MailPageSupported
2. Install two AppleEvent handlers:
'mail'/'mlpg' (for mail contents of this page)
'mail'/'mllk' (for mail link to this page)
Listing 1 Installing AppleEvent handlers:
- (void) applicationDidFinishLaunching: (NSNotification *) inNotification { NSAppleEventManager *eventManager = [NSAppleEventManager sharedAppleEventManager]; [eventManager setEventHandler:self andSelector:@selector(handleMailPageEvent:withReplyEvent:) forEventClass:'mail' andEventID:'mlpg']; [eventManager setEventHandler:self andSelector:@selector(handleMailLinkEvent:withReplyEvent:) forEventClass:'mail' andEventID:'mllk']; } // applicationDidFinishLaunching |
3. Implement the AppleEvent handlers:
Listing 2 Implementing the AppleEvent handlers:
- (void) handleMailPageEvent:(NSAppleEventDescriptor *) inEvent withReplyEvent:(NSAppleEventDescriptor *) inReplyEvent { // Get the subject and address NSString *subject = [[inEvent paramDescriptorForKeyword:'urln'] stringValue]; NSString *address = [[inEvent paramDescriptorForKeyword:'url '] stringValue]; NSLog(@"subject: \"%@\", address: \"%@\"", subject, address); NSData *data = [[inEvent paramDescriptorForKeyword:keyDirectObject] data]; if (data) { // handle data here… (Safari WebArchive) } else { // Report error. NSLog(@" is NULL."); } } // handleMailPageEvent - (void) handleMailLinkEvent:(NSAppleEventDescriptor *) inEvent withReplyEvent:(NSAppleEventDescriptor *) inReplyEvent { // Get the subject and address NSString *subject = [[inEvent paramDescriptorForKeyword:'urln'] stringValue]; NSString *urlString = [[inEvent paramDescriptorForKeyword:keyDirectObject] stringValue]; NSLog(@"subject: \"%@\", url: <%@>", subject, urlString); } // handleMailLinkEvent |
Document Revision History
Date | Notes |
2010-12-23 | New document that documents what a mail client needs to handle Safari's "Mail Contents of This page" and "Mail Link to This page" events. |
Copyright © 2010 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2010-12-23