Technical Q&A QA1872
Recording Audio from an App Extension
Q: Can I record audio from an app extension on iOS 8?
A: App extensions in iOS 8 are not allowed to record audio. There are a number of AudioToolbox framework functions and AVFoundation methods that will return errors (for example AVAudioSessionErrorCodeCannotStartRecording
) if an app extension attempts to start recording audio.
Some examples of AVFoundation
methods that will return errors if recording is attempted are:
AVAudioRecorder (see AVAudioRecorder.h) |
- (BOOL)record; |
- (BOOL)recordAtTime:(NSTimeInterval)time; |
- (BOOL)recordForDuration:(NSTimeInterval) duration; |
- (BOOL)recordAtTime:(NSTimeInterval)time forDuration:(NSTimeInterval) duration |
AVAudioEngine (see AVAudioEngine.h) in cases where the inputNode object is used. |
- (BOOL)startAndReturnError:(NSError **)outError; |
Some examples of AudioToolbox
functions that will return errors if recording is attempted are:
AudioQueueStart() (see AudioQueue.h) when used with an AudioQueue object created by a call to AudioQueueNewInput(). |
AUGraphStart() (see AUGraph.h) or AudioOutputUnitStart() (see AudioOutputUnit.h) if the input element on the Remote I/O (kAudioUnitSubType_RemoteIO) or Voice Processing (kAudioUnitSubType_VoiceProcessingIO) audio unit has been enabled. |
Document Revision History
Date | Notes |
2014-08-14 | New document that discusses audio recording from an App Extension. |
Copyright © 2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2014-09-17