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Legacy Document
Important: This document is part of the Legacy section of the ADC Reference Library. This information should not be used for new development.
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Q: I'm writing a QuickTime for Java application and receive "class not found" errors for the QTJ classes at compile-time. Isn't QTJ installed with OS X? A: Yes, the QuickTime for Java libraries are installed by default with Mac OS X. They are not, however, included in the bootclasspath for the system, which is used by most IDEs such as ProjectBuilder or JBuilder when building and running Java projects. The QuickTime for Java libraries are stored in: And they will need to be referenced by your IDE in order for them to be recognized in your import statements. To add the QTJ libraries in Project Builder, for example:
Project Builder should now recognize your use of the QTJ classes. It is not necessary to include the actual JAR file in your compiled app, as its location in the system extensions area of the JavaVM Framework will have it included during runtime automatically. These steps are only necessary for compile-time recognition of the QuickTime for Java libraries. [Apr 08 2002] |