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Technical Q&A QA1064
Automatically starting and stopping application instances without using Monitor
Monitor is difficult to wrangle on my platform. Is there
another way to automatically start and stop application instances?
See figure 1 for an example script.
Yes, many sites use specialized scripts to control their
application instances. A popular implementation language
is PERL.
# $processPath defines the application's process path
# $processName defines the application's name
# logLocation defines the absolute path to the log file
# logDirectory defines the path to the log file(s)
#smtpHost is the value of the WOSMTPHost startup variable
$smtpHost = "";
# basePortNum is the first port number your instances will live under
$basePortNum = 4321;
#maxinstances is the maximum number of instances your application will have
# Open the LogFile
printlog("Killing all the $processName processes");
# Finds all #processName jobs & kills them
@prreturn=`ps -aef | grep $processName`;
foreach $i (0 .. $#prreturn){
@value=split(" ",$prreturn[$i]);
if ($value[$#value-1] ne "grep"
&& $value[$value-1] ne $0 && $value[$value-1]){
system "kill -9 $value[1] >> $logloc 2>&1";
printlog("Killed process $value[1]");
# a script to preserve the old log instead of overwriting with a new one would be
# appropriate here
# Start the Application
printlog("Starting $processName");
foreach $instance (0 .. $maxinstances-1)
$portnum = $basePortNum + $instance;
system "$processPath $processName -WOPort $portnum -WOSMTPHost $smtpHost \
-WOCachingEnabled YES -WOListeningQueueSize 10 \
-NSJavaMinHeapSize 33554432 -NSJavaMaxHeapSize 67108864 $processName \
>>$logDirectory/$processName.$portnum 2>&1 &";
# Subroutine to write to log file
sub printlog {
print logfile "@_\n";
close (logfile);
sub date_print
$currtime = time();
@mytime = localtime($currtime);
$yyyy = $mytime[5];
if ($yyyy > 70)
{ $yyyy += 1900 ;}
{$yyyy +=2000; }
printf(logfile "%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d ",
$mytime[1],$mytime[0]) ;
Listing 1. A source code listing showing some code that helps to explain
my idea.
[Jul 25 2001]