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Preserving embedded ICC profiles when using QuickTime Graphics Importer/Exporters

Q: I have a number of image files which contain embedded ICC profiles. I'm using the QuickTime Graphics Importer/Exporter routines to import and manipulate the images, then export them into different formats. However, once I export the images I notice the ICC profiles are lost. What can I do to preserve the profiles?

A: You'll need to first save-off the embedded profile using the GraphicsImportGetColorSyncProfile function when the image is imported, then embed this same profile in the image using the GraphicsExportSetColorSyncProfile function when the export operation is performed. Listing 1 shows how this is done.

OSErr err;
FSSpec importFile, outputFile;
GraphicsImportComponent importer;
GraphicsExportComponent exporter;
Handle profHandle = NULL;
unsigned long actualSizeWritten;

err = GetGraphicsImporterForFile(&importFile, &importer);
if (err == noErr)
        /* save the embedded profile */
    err = GraphicsImportGetColorSyncProfile(importer, &profHandle);
        /* get an exporter, then perform our image manipulations */
    err = OpenADefaultComponent(GraphicsExporterComponentType,
                                        kQTFileTypeTIFF, &exporter);
    if (err == noErr)
        err = GraphicsExportSetInputGraphicsImporter(exporter, importer);
        err = GraphicsExportSetDepth (exporter, 24);
        if (profHandle)
            /* now restore the profile before
            performing the export */
            err = GraphicsExportSetColorSyncProfile(exporter, profHandle);
            /* perform the export operation */
        err = GraphicsExportSetOutputFile(exporter, &outputFile);
        err = GraphicsExportDoExport(exporter, &actualSizeWritten);
    if (profHandle)

Listing 1. Code showing how to preserve the ICC profile embedded in a document when using the QuickTime Graphics Importer/Exporter routines

[Sep 04 2002]