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Important: This document is part of the Legacy section of the ADC Reference Library. This information should not be used for new development.

Current information on this Reference Library topic can be found here:

Base-Derived async image codecs must implement ImageCodecQueueStarting and ImageCodecQueueStopping

Q: I've written a codec that uses the Base Image Decompressor. My Decompressor should be able to run asynchronously (the DrawBand function doesn't make any un-safe calls), and I've made sure to set the canAsync flag in the sub-codec capabilities record during ImageCodecInitialize. However, the codec doesn't seem to be running asynchronously. Am I missing something?

A: Asynchronous codecs derived from the Base Codec must make sure to implement the ImageCodecQueueStarting and ImageCodecQueueStopping routines in addition to setting the canAsync flag. Your codec must implement these calls or the Base Codec will fall back to synchronous playback.

If your codec doesn't need to do any work at these times, simply return noErr.

Listing 1 demonstrates setting up a dispatch file and implementing both selectors.

Listing 2 demonstrates how to let ComponentDispatchHelper do the work for you if your codec doesn't need to do any work in QueueStarting and QueueStopping.

// MySubCodecDispatch.h

    ComponentRangeBegin (3)
        ComponentCall     (Preflight)
        ComponentCall     (Initialize)
        ComponentCall     (BeginBand)
        ComponentCall     (DrawBand)
        ComponentCall     (EndBand)
        ComponentCall     (QueueStarting)
        ComponentCall     (QueueStopping)
        ComponentDelegate (DroppingFrame)
        ComponentDelegate (ScheduleFrame)
        ComponentDelegate (CancelTrigger)
    ComponentRangeEnd (3)

// MySubCodec.c

// ImageCodecQueueStarting
//     The base image decompressor calls your image decompressor component's
// ImageCodecQueueStarting function before decompressing the frames in the
// queue. The base image decompressor never calls the ImageCodecQueueStarting
// function at interrupt time.
// If your codec supports asynchronous scheduled decompression you must
// implement this selector. If your codec does not need to do anything at
// this time simply return noErr.
pascal ComponentResult EI_ImageCodecQueueStarting(EI_Globals glob)
 #pragma unused(glob)

    return noErr;

// ImageCodecQueueStopping
//     The base image decompressor calls your ImageCodecQueueStopping
// function to notify your codec that the frames in the queue have been
// decompressed. After your image decompressor component handles an
// ImageCodecQueueStopping call, it can perform any tasks that are required
// when decompression of the frames is finished, such as disposing of data
// structures that are no longer needed.
// If your codec supports asynchronous scheduled decompression you must
// implement this selector. If your codec does not need to do anything at
// this time simply return noErr.
// The base image decompressor never calls the ImageCodecQueueStopping
// function at interrupt time.
pascal ComponentResult EI_ImageCodecQueueStopping(EI_Globals glob)
 #pragma unused(glob)

    return noErr;

Listing 1. Implementing QueueStarting & QueueStopping

// If your codec doesn't need to perform any work in QueueStarting
// and QueueStopping, you can use ComponentNoError in your dispatcher
// and let ComponentDispatchHelper do the work for you.
// ComponentDispatchHelper will return noErr for these two selectors and not
// badComponentSelector.

// MySubCodecDispatch.h
    ComponentRangeBegin (3)
        ComponentCall     (Preflight)
        ComponentCall     (Initialize)
        ComponentCall     (BeginBand)
        ComponentCall     (DrawBand)
        ComponentCall     (EndBand)
        ComponentNoError  (QueueStarting)
        ComponentNoError  (QueueStopping)
        ComponentDelegate (DroppingFrame)
        ComponentDelegate (ScheduleFrame)
        ComponentDelegate (CancelTrigger)
    ComponentRangeEnd (3)

Listing 2. Using ComponentNoError to implement QueueStarting & QueueStopping


QuickTime Codec Components

Base Image Decompressor Functions

[Jul 09 2002]