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Documentation updater for Project Builder shipping with Mac OS X 10.2

Q: How can I search for more symbols, including the Bluetooth framework, in Project Builder shipping with Mac OS X 10.2?

A: The updater can be downloaded using the link at the bottom of this page. After you install the updater package, you will be able to search more than a thousand additional symbols in Project Builder. This package also adds the new Bluetooth framework documents to the list of searchable API documentation.

this package does not install any documentation - it re-indexes the documentation installed with Mac OS X 10.2 so that Project Builder can take better advantage of the search indexes. Therefore, before using this tool you should have installed the documentation from the Mac OS X 10.2 Developer Tools CD before installing this package (this will be installed by default when you install the developer tools).

How to Install the Documentation Updater Package

To update the API documentation, quit Project Builder and run the documentation updater package installer available below.

The documentation updater package does not actually install any application or documentation, rather it makes changes directly to the developer documentation located in the /Developer/Documentation folder. After editing the documentation, this package rebuilds the documentation index.

You should copy the documentation updater package on to a local volume before running it. Do not try to run the updater from a remote network volume.

Installation of the documentation updater package requires admin privileges to edit the API documentation, so the Installer displays an authentication panel asking you for your name and password before running the installation.


Redbook gif

Documentation Updater Package (40 K)


[Oct 25 2002]