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Image Decompressor Data-loading Procs

Q: I'm writing a decompressor component to work with my graphics importer and I need to load all my image data into a single buffer before decompression. In implementing ImageCodecPreflight I've made sure to set bandMin to the full height of my image. However, I am finding the buffer size that I am passed in ImageCodecBeginBand is set to 32K, and not the size of the image on disk. Can you explain why that is and how I can call the data-loading proc correctly?

A: The caller of FDecompressImage (or one of the related functions in the Image Compression Manager) has a choice: they can provide all of the compressed data in a single buffer, or provide a smaller buffer and a data-loading proc.

A data-loading function's buffer will be at least 32K - codecMinimumDataSize is defined as 32K.

Image decompressor components should support both modes, since both modes are likely to occur. In current versions of QuickTime the video media handler will never use a data-loading proc, while the base graphics importer always does.

The data-loading proc interface is designed for ease of use by image decompressor components that only need to make a single pass through their input data. If a data-loading proc is supplied, you will need to call it regularly with the pointer you're reading data from and indicate the maximum read-ahead you might need. If necessary, the data-loading proc updates your pointer to make sure there's enough data ahead of you.

However, sometimes there are reasons why you can't integrate calls to the data-loading proc into your decompressor -- for example, if the actual decompression work is done by code or hardware you cannot modify. In these cases, you may need to copy the whole frame into a buffer by calling the data-loading proc multiple times, asking for p->bufferSize bytes each time.

The base graphics importer always ensures that the image description's dataSize contains the actual size of the entire compressed data.

Let's take a look at how this works:

OSErr ICMDataProcPtr(Ptr *dataP, long bytesNeeded, long refcon);

  1. When you call a data-loading proc, you pass it the address of your pointer into the data-loading proc's buffer. The data-loading proc may check that your pointer still points into its buffer, and it will use the pointer's current value to calculate how much data you have consumed.
Ptr dataPtr = drp->codecData;
Size bytesConsumed;
Boolean done = false;

while(! done) {
  if(dataProc) {
    err = CallICMDataProc(dataProc, &dataPtr, 10000, dataRefCon);
    if(err) goto bail;
    err = consumeUpTo10000Bytes(..., dataPtr, &bytesConsumed, &done);
    if(err) goto bail;
    dataPtr += bytesConsumed;

  1. Passing NULL instead of the address of your pointer has a special meaning: if the bytesNeeded parameter is zero, it requests a reset to the start of the data-stream; if the bytesNeeded parameter is non-zero, it requests a relative seek by that many bytes. Before doing a relative seek, you should make sure the data-loading proc knows the location of your pointer in its buffer. You can do this by calling the data-proc to ask for zero bytes:

Reset to Start of Data-Stream:

  err = CallICMDataProc(dataProc, NULL, 0, dataRefCon);

Relative Seek:

  err = CallICMDataProc(dataProc, &dataPtr, 0, dataRefCon);
  err = CallICMDataProc(dataProc, NULL, relativeSeekAmount, dataRefCon);

followed by read:

  err = CallICMDataProc(dataProc, &dataPtr, bytesNeeded, dataRefCon);

  1. To load the data into a block of memory you've allocated, you could do this in your BeginBand routine:
Ptr dataPtr = drp->codecData;
Ptr bufferPtr = myBuffer;
Size bytesRemaining = myBufferSize;

while(bytesRemaining > 0) {
  Size bytesToRequest;
  if(bytesRemaining < codecMinimumDataSize)
    bytesToRequest = bytesRemaining;
    bytesToRequest = codecMinimumDataSize;

  err = CallICMDataProc(dataProc, &dataPtr, bytesToRequest, dataRefCon);
  if(err) goto bail;
  BlockMoveData(dataPtr, bufferPtr, bytesToRequest);
  dataPtr += bytesToRequest;
  bufferPtr += bytesToRequest;
  bytesRemaining -= bytesToRequest;

[Jul 10, 2003]