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Technical Q&AQTVR 23 - Common Problems when Installing QuickTime VR (27-September-96)Q I am installing the QuickTime VR Authoring Tools following the instructions in Chapter 2 and I've run into a problem at step 12. When I double-click the the QTVR Templates file, I receive the following message:
Coincidentally, my coworker also ran into a problem at step 12 when he was installing the QuickTime VR Authoring Tools, yet when he double-clicked the QTVR Templates file, his Eudora Pro email application launched and displayed this error message: This file is a resource plug-in for Eudora. Put it in your Eudora Folder or the system Preferences folder or the same folder as the Eudora application What's going on? A The problems that you and your coworker are experiencing both arise from the fact that neither of you copied the ResEdit application to your hard drives before installing the QuickTime VR Authoring Tools. ResEdit is conveniently included with the QuickTime VR Authoring Tools, and is found on the ETO disc at the following location:E.T.O. #20 Other Development Tools ResEdit ResEdit 2.1.3 Furthermore, your coworker's problem differs from yours because he has Eudora installed on his hard drive, whereas you do not. Eudora plug-ins have the same file type, "rsrc", as the QTVR Templates file. If Eudora Pro (or Eudora Light) is installed, it will launch when attempting to install the QTVR Templates when ResEdit is not found.