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Legacy Document
Important: This document is part of the Legacy section of the ADC Reference Library. This information should not be used for new development.
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Q: Why does Inside Macintosh warn about calling
In the original (64K) ROMs [which are present only in the Mac 128 and
512], the problem was that
This problem was fixed in the 128K ROMs (Mac Plus and 512Ke) and all
subsequent systems. Unless your application needs to run on a 128K or
512K Macintosh (unlikely in this day and age), it's safe to call
Finally, although it's safe today, it's probably not advisable over
the long run. Future versions of the Mac OS API may do such things as
return to your application a new handle
based on the resource template, not just a modified resource handle.
So, when you get a chance, do revise your code to avoid calling
Further Reference: Inside Macintosh: Menu Manager [Dec 22 1998] |