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Current information on this Reference Library topic can be found here:
Q: Under certain conditions, I want to move the menu bar from the main Macintosh display to some other display. Is this possible? A: We have found that in most cases users find it highly confusing when this is done any other way than through the Monitors & Sound control panel. In general, we like to discourage this sort of thing and instead recommend that developers implement a floating tool palette which the user can move between displays at will; she is likely to understand this better and in all probability will find it more useful, since she'll have control over the palette's placement in both the X and Y axes.
However, there is indeed a function which will allow you to move the
menu bar to another display -- assuming you're willing to accept a few
more changes than you might like. Further Reference: Inside Macintosh: Menu Manager [Dec 22 1998] |