Setting Up a Subversion Repository

Use command-line commands to set up a Subversion repository.

  1. Use the mkdir command to create a directory with three subdirectories named branches, tags, and trunk to hold a temporary copy of your project.

  2. Copy the project directory into the trunk subdirectory.

  3. Create a directory for the Subversion repository.

  4. Use the svnadmin create command to create an empty Subversion repository.

  5. Use the svn import command to import your project directory into the new Subversion repository.

// Step 1
$ mkdir /Sketch_svn_tmp
$ mkdir /Sketch_svn_tmp/trunk
$ mkdir /Sketch_svn_tmp/branches
$ mkdir /Sketch_svn_tmp/tags
// Step 2
$ cp -R /Users/me/sample_code/Sketch /Sketch_svn_tmp/trunk
// Step 3
$ mkdir /svn_rep
// Step 4
$ svnadmin create /svn_rep/Sketch_svn
// Step 5
$ svn import /Sketch_svn_tmp file:///svn_rep/Sketch_svn -m "Initial import"
Adding         /Sketch_svn_tmp/trunk
Adding         /Sketch_svn_tmp/trunk/Sketch
Adding         /Sketch_svn_tmp/trunk/Sketch/SKTGraphicView.h
Adding  (bin)  /Sketch_svn_tmp/trunk/Sketch/Cross.tiff
Adding         /Sketch_svn_tmp/trunk/Sketch/SKTAppDelegate.h
Adding         /Sketch_svn_tmp/trunk/Sketch/NSColor_SKTScripting.m
Adding         /Sketch_svn_tmp/branches
Adding         /Sketch_svn_tmp/tags
Committed revision 1.

To set up a Subversion repository, you have to use the command-line shell implemented by the Terminal app.

If you don’t have an existing project, use Xcode to create a project before setting up your repository.