LatentSemanticMapping Changes for Swift
Declaration | |
From | func LSMMapAddCategory(_ mapref: LSMMap!) -> LSMCategory |
To | func LSMMapAddCategory(_ mapref: LSMMap) -> LSMCategory |
Declaration | |
From | func LSMMapAddText(_ mapref: LSMMap!, _ textref: LSMText!, _ category: LSMCategory) -> OSStatus |
To | func LSMMapAddText(_ mapref: LSMMap, _ textref: LSMText, _ category: LSMCategory) -> OSStatus |
Declaration | |
From | func LSMMapAddTextWithWeight(_ mapref: LSMMap!, _ textref: LSMText!, _ category: LSMCategory, _ weight: Float) -> OSStatus |
To | func LSMMapAddTextWithWeight(_ mapref: LSMMap, _ textref: LSMText, _ category: LSMCategory, _ weight: Float) -> OSStatus |
Declaration | |
From | func LSMMapApplyClusters(_ mapref: LSMMap!, _ clusters: CFArray!) -> OSStatus |
To | func LSMMapApplyClusters(_ mapref: LSMMap, _ clusters: CFArray) -> OSStatus |
Modified LSMMapCompile(_: LSMMap) -> OSStatus
Declaration | |
From | func LSMMapCompile(_ mapref: LSMMap!) -> OSStatus |
To | func LSMMapCompile(_ mapref: LSMMap) -> OSStatus |
Declaration | |
From | func LSMMapCreate(_ alloc: CFAllocator!, _ flags: CFOptionFlags) -> Unmanaged<LSMMap>! |
To | func LSMMapCreate(_ alloc: CFAllocator?, _ flags: CFOptionFlags) -> Unmanaged<LSMMap> |
Declaration | |
From | func LSMMapCreateClusters(_ alloc: CFAllocator!, _ mapref: LSMMap!, _ subset: CFArray!, _ numClusters: CFIndex, _ flags: CFOptionFlags) -> Unmanaged<CFArray>! |
To | func LSMMapCreateClusters(_ alloc: CFAllocator?, _ mapref: LSMMap, _ subset: CFArray?, _ numClusters: CFIndex, _ flags: CFOptionFlags) -> Unmanaged<CFArray>? |
Declaration | |
From | func LSMMapCreateFromURL(_ alloc: CFAllocator!, _ file: CFURL!, _ flags: CFOptionFlags) -> Unmanaged<LSMMap>! |
To | func LSMMapCreateFromURL(_ alloc: CFAllocator?, _ file: CFURL, _ flags: CFOptionFlags) -> Unmanaged<LSMMap>? |
Declaration | |
From | func LSMMapGetCategoryCount(_ mapref: LSMMap!) -> CFIndex |
To | func LSMMapGetCategoryCount(_ mapref: LSMMap) -> CFIndex |
Declaration | |
From | func LSMMapGetProperties(_ mapref: LSMMap!) -> Unmanaged<CFDictionary>! |
To | func LSMMapGetProperties(_ mapref: LSMMap) -> Unmanaged<CFDictionary> |
Declaration | |
From | func LSMMapSetProperties(_ mapref: LSMMap!, _ properties: CFDictionary!) |
To | func LSMMapSetProperties(_ mapref: LSMMap, _ properties: CFDictionary) |
Declaration | |
From | func LSMMapSetStopWords(_ mapref: LSMMap!, _ textref: LSMText!) -> OSStatus |
To | func LSMMapSetStopWords(_ mapref: LSMMap, _ textref: LSMText) -> OSStatus |
Declaration | |
From | func LSMMapStartTraining(_ mapref: LSMMap!) -> OSStatus |
To | func LSMMapStartTraining(_ mapref: LSMMap) -> OSStatus |
Modified LSMMapWriteToStream(_: LSMMap, _: LSMText?, _: CFWriteStream, _: CFOptionFlags) -> OSStatus
Declaration | |
From | func LSMMapWriteToStream(_ mapref: LSMMap!, _ textref: LSMText!, _ stream: CFWriteStream!, _ options: CFOptionFlags) -> OSStatus |
To | func LSMMapWriteToStream(_ mapref: LSMMap, _ textref: LSMText?, _ stream: CFWriteStream, _ options: CFOptionFlags) -> OSStatus |
Declaration | |
From | func LSMMapWriteToURL(_ mapref: LSMMap!, _ file: CFURL!, _ flags: CFOptionFlags) -> OSStatus |
To | func LSMMapWriteToURL(_ mapref: LSMMap, _ file: CFURL, _ flags: CFOptionFlags) -> OSStatus |
Declaration | |
From | func LSMResultCopyToken(_ mapref: LSMResult!, _ n: CFIndex) -> Unmanaged<CFData>! |
To | func LSMResultCopyToken(_ result: LSMResult, _ n: CFIndex) -> Unmanaged<CFData>? |
Declaration | |
From | func LSMResultCopyTokenCluster(_ mapref: LSMResult!, _ n: CFIndex) -> Unmanaged<CFArray>! |
To | func LSMResultCopyTokenCluster(_ result: LSMResult, _ n: CFIndex) -> Unmanaged<CFArray>? |
Declaration | |
From | func LSMResultCopyWord(_ result: LSMResult!, _ n: CFIndex) -> Unmanaged<CFString>! |
To | func LSMResultCopyWord(_ result: LSMResult, _ n: CFIndex) -> Unmanaged<CFString>? |
Declaration | |
From | func LSMResultCopyWordCluster(_ result: LSMResult!, _ n: CFIndex) -> Unmanaged<CFArray>! |
To | func LSMResultCopyWordCluster(_ result: LSMResult, _ n: CFIndex) -> Unmanaged<CFArray>? |
Declaration | |
From | func LSMResultCreate(_ alloc: CFAllocator!, _ mapref: LSMMap!, _ textref: LSMText!, _ numResults: CFIndex, _ flags: CFOptionFlags) -> Unmanaged<LSMResult>! |
To | func LSMResultCreate(_ alloc: CFAllocator?, _ mapref: LSMMap, _ textref: LSMText, _ numResults: CFIndex, _ flags: CFOptionFlags) -> Unmanaged<LSMResult> |
Declaration | |
From | func LSMResultGetCategory(_ result: LSMResult!, _ n: CFIndex) -> LSMCategory |
To | func LSMResultGetCategory(_ result: LSMResult, _ n: CFIndex) -> LSMCategory |
Declaration | |
From | func LSMResultGetCount(_ result: LSMResult!) -> CFIndex |
To | func LSMResultGetCount(_ result: LSMResult) -> CFIndex |
Declaration | |
From | func LSMResultGetScore(_ result: LSMResult!, _ n: CFIndex) -> Float |
To | func LSMResultGetScore(_ result: LSMResult, _ n: CFIndex) -> Float |
Declaration | |
From | func LSMTextAddToken(_ textref: LSMText!, _ token: CFData!) -> OSStatus |
To | func LSMTextAddToken(_ textref: LSMText, _ token: CFData) -> OSStatus |
Declaration | |
From | func LSMTextAddWord(_ textref: LSMText!, _ word: CFString!) -> OSStatus |
To | func LSMTextAddWord(_ textref: LSMText, _ word: CFString) -> OSStatus |
Declaration | |
From | func LSMTextAddWords(_ textref: LSMText!, _ words: CFString!, _ locale: CFLocale!, _ flags: CFOptionFlags) -> OSStatus |
To | func LSMTextAddWords(_ textref: LSMText, _ words: CFString, _ locale: CFLocale?, _ flags: CFOptionFlags) -> OSStatus |
Declaration | |
From | func LSMTextCreate(_ alloc: CFAllocator!, _ mapref: LSMMap!) -> Unmanaged<LSMText>! |
To | func LSMTextCreate(_ alloc: CFAllocator?, _ mapref: LSMMap) -> Unmanaged<LSMText> |