AudioToolbox Changes for Swift
Modified AUAudioUnit
Declaration | |
From | class AUAudioUnit : NSObject { convenience init() init(componentDescription componentDescription: AudioComponentDescription, options options: AudioComponentInstantiationOptions = []) throws convenience init(componentDescription componentDescription: AudioComponentDescription) throws class func instantiate(with componentDescription: AudioComponentDescription, options options: AudioComponentInstantiationOptions = [], completionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (AUAudioUnit?, Error?) -> Swift.Void) var componentDescription: AudioComponentDescription { get } var component: AudioComponent { get } var componentName: String? { get } var audioUnitName: String? { get } var manufacturerName: String? { get } var componentVersion: UInt32 { get } func allocateRenderResources() throws func deallocateRenderResources() var renderResourcesAllocated: Bool { get } func reset() var inputBusses: AUAudioUnitBusArray { get } var outputBusses: AUAudioUnitBusArray { get } var renderBlock: AudioToolbox.AURenderBlock { get } var scheduleParameterBlock: AudioToolbox.AUScheduleParameterBlock { get } func token(byAddingRenderObserver observer: AudioToolbox.AURenderObserver) -> Int func removeRenderObserver(_ token: Int) var maximumFramesToRender: AUAudioFrameCount var parameterTree: AUParameterTree? { get } func parametersForOverview(withCount count: Int) -> [NSNumber] var allParameterValues: Bool { get } var isMusicDeviceOrEffect: Bool { get } var virtualMIDICableCount: Int { get } var scheduleMIDIEventBlock: AudioToolbox.AUScheduleMIDIEventBlock? { get } var fullState: [String : Any]? var fullStateForDocument: [String : Any]? var factoryPresets: [AUAudioUnitPreset]? { get } var currentPreset: AUAudioUnitPreset? var latency: TimeInterval { get } var tailTime: TimeInterval { get } var renderQuality: Int var shouldBypassEffect: Bool var canProcessInPlace: Bool { get } var isRenderingOffline: Bool var channelCapabilities: [NSNumber]? { get } var musicalContextBlock: AudioToolbox.AUHostMusicalContextBlock? var transportStateBlock: AudioToolbox.AUHostTransportStateBlock? var contextName: String? var supportsMPE: Bool { get } var channelMap: [NSNumber]? class func registerSubclass(_ cls: Swift.AnyClass, as componentDescription: AudioComponentDescription, name name: String, version version: UInt32) var internalRenderBlock: AudioToolbox.AUInternalRenderBlock { get } func shouldChange(to format: AVAudioFormat, for bus: AUAudioUnitBus) -> Bool func setRenderResourcesAllocated(_ flag: Bool) var canPerformInput: Bool { get } var canPerformOutput: Bool { get } var isInputEnabled: Bool var isOutputEnabled: Bool var outputProvider: AudioToolbox.AURenderPullInputBlock? var inputHandler: AudioToolbox.AUInputHandler? var deviceID: AudioObjectID { get } func setDeviceID(_ deviceID: AudioObjectID) throws func startHardware() throws func stopHardware() func scriptingIsEqual(to object: Any) -> Bool func scriptingIsLessThanOrEqual(to object: Any) -> Bool func scriptingIsLessThan(_ object: Any) -> Bool func scriptingIsGreaterThanOrEqual(to object: Any) -> Bool func scriptingIsGreaterThan(_ object: Any) -> Bool func scriptingBegins(with object: Any) -> Bool func scriptingEnds(with object: Any) -> Bool func scriptingContains(_ object: Any) -> Bool func isEqual(to object: Any?) -> Bool func isLessThanOrEqual(to object: Any?) -> Bool func isLessThan(_ object: Any?) -> Bool func isGreaterThanOrEqual(to object: Any?) -> Bool func isGreaterThan(_ object: Any?) -> Bool func isNotEqual(to object: Any?) -> Bool func doesContain(_ object: Any) -> Bool func isLike(_ object: String) -> Bool func isCaseInsensitiveLike(_ object: String) -> Bool var objectSpecifier: NSScriptObjectSpecifier? { get } func indicesOfObjects(byEvaluatingObjectSpecifier specifier: NSScriptObjectSpecifier) -> [NSNumber]? func value(at index: Int, inPropertyWithKey key: String) -> Any? func value(withName name: String, inPropertyWithKey key: String) -> Any? func value(withUniqueID uniqueID: Any, inPropertyWithKey key: String) -> Any? func insertValue(_ value: Any, at index: Int, inPropertyWithKey key: String) func removeValue(at index: Int, fromPropertyWithKey key: String) func replaceValue(at index: Int, inPropertyWithKey key: String, withValue value: Any) func insertValue(_ value: Any, inPropertyWithKey key: String) func coerceValue(_ value: Any?, forKey key: String) -> Any? var classCode: FourCharCode { get } var className: String { get } func scriptingValue(for objectSpecifier: NSScriptObjectSpecifier) -> Any? var scriptingProperties: [String : Any]? func copyScriptingValue(_ value: Any, forKey key: String, withProperties properties: [String : Any]) -> Any? func newScriptingObject(of objectClass: AnyClass, forValueForKey key: String, withContentsValue contentsValue: Any?, properties properties: [String : Any]) -> Any? @NSCopying var classDescription: NSClassDescription { get } var attributeKeys: [String] { get } var toOneRelationshipKeys: [String] { get } var toManyRelationshipKeys: [String] { get } func inverse(forRelationshipKey relationshipKey: String) -> String? var classForPortCoder: AnyClass { get } func replacementObject(for coder: NSPortCoder) -> Any? var classForArchiver: AnyClass? { get } func replacementObject(for archiver: NSArchiver) -> Any? func performSelector(onMainThread aSelector: Selector, with arg: Any?, waitUntilDone wait: Bool, modes array: [String]?) func performSelector(onMainThread aSelector: Selector, with arg: Any?, waitUntilDone wait: Bool) func perform(_ aSelector: Selector, on thr: Thread, with arg: Any?, waitUntilDone wait: Bool, modes array: [String]?) func perform(_ aSelector: Selector, on thr: Thread, with arg: Any?, waitUntilDone wait: Bool) func performSelector(inBackground aSelector: Selector, with arg: Any?) class func classForKeyedUnarchiver() -> AnyClass var classForKeyedArchiver: AnyClass? { get } func replacementObject(for archiver: NSKeyedArchiver) -> Any? class func classFallbacksForKeyedArchiver() -> [String] class func setKeys(_ keys: [Any], triggerChangeNotificationsForDependentKey dependentKey: String) class func keyPathsForValuesAffectingValue(forKey key: String) -> Set<String> class func automaticallyNotifiesObservers(forKey key: String) -> Bool var observationInfo: UnsafeMutableRawPointer? func willChangeValue(forKey key: String) func didChangeValue(forKey key: String) func willChange(_ changeKind: NSKeyValueChange, valuesAt indexes: IndexSet, forKey key: String) func didChange(_ changeKind: NSKeyValueChange, valuesAt indexes: IndexSet, forKey key: String) func willChangeValue(forKey key: String, withSetMutation mutationKind: NSKeyValueSetMutationKind, using objects: Set<AnyHashable>) func didChangeValue(forKey key: String, withSetMutation mutationKind: NSKeyValueSetMutationKind, using objects: Set<AnyHashable>) func addObserver(_ observer: NSObject, forKeyPath keyPath: String, options options: NSKeyValueObservingOptions = [], context context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) func removeObserver(_ observer: NSObject, forKeyPath keyPath: String, context context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) func removeObserver(_ observer: NSObject, forKeyPath keyPath: String) func observeValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String?, of object: Any?, change change: [NSKeyValueChangeKey : Any]?, context context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) class func useStoredAccessor() -> Bool func storedValue(forKey key: String) -> Any? func takeStoredValue(_ value: Any?, forKey key: String) func takeValue(_ value: Any?, forKey key: String) func takeValue(_ value: Any?, forKeyPath keyPath: String) func handleQuery(withUnboundKey key: String) -> Any? func handleTakeValue(_ value: Any?, forUnboundKey key: String) func unableToSetNil(forKey key: String) func values(forKeys keys: [Any]) -> [AnyHashable : Any] func takeValues(from properties: [AnyHashable : Any]) class var accessInstanceVariablesDirectly: Bool { get } func value(forKey key: String) -> Any? func setValue(_ value: Any?, forKey key: String) func validateValue(_ ioValue: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject?>, forKey inKey: String) throws func mutableArrayValue(forKey key: String) -> NSMutableArray func mutableOrderedSetValue(forKey key: String) -> NSMutableOrderedSet func mutableSetValue(forKey key: String) -> NSMutableSet func value(forKeyPath keyPath: String) -> Any? func setValue(_ value: Any?, forKeyPath keyPath: String) func validateValue(_ ioValue: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject?>, forKeyPath inKeyPath: String) throws func mutableArrayValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String) -> NSMutableArray func mutableOrderedSetValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String) -> NSMutableOrderedSet func mutableSetValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String) -> NSMutableSet func value(forUndefinedKey key: String) -> Any? func setValue(_ value: Any?, forUndefinedKey key: String) func setNilValueForKey(_ key: String) func dictionaryWithValues(forKeys keys: [String]) -> [String : Any] func setValuesForKeys(_ keyedValues: [String : Any]) func fileManager(_ fm: FileManager, shouldProceedAfterError errorInfo: [AnyHashable : Any]) -> Bool func fileManager(_ fm: FileManager, willProcessPath path: String) func perform(_ aSelector: Selector, with anArgument: Any?, afterDelay delay: TimeInterval, inModes modes: [RunLoopMode]) func perform(_ aSelector: Selector, with anArgument: Any?, afterDelay delay: TimeInterval) class func cancelPreviousPerformRequests(withTarget aTarget: Any, selector aSelector: Selector, object anArgument: Any?) class func cancelPreviousPerformRequests(withTarget aTarget: Any) func attemptRecovery(fromError error: Error, optionIndex recoveryOptionIndex: Int, delegate delegate: Any?, didRecoverSelector didRecoverSelector: Selector?, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) func attemptRecovery(fromError error: Error, optionIndex recoveryOptionIndex: Int) -> Bool var autoContentAccessingProxy: Any { get } class func pose(as aClass: AnyClass) class func version() -> Int class func setVersion(_ aVersion: Int) var classForCoder: AnyClass { get } func replacementObject(for aCoder: NSCoder) -> Any? func awakeAfter(using aDecoder: NSCoder) -> Any? } extension AUAudioUnit : CVarArg { } extension AUAudioUnit : Equatable, Hashable { var hashValue: Int { get } } extension AUAudioUnit { var canPerformInput: Bool { get } var canPerformOutput: Bool { get } var isInputEnabled: Bool var isOutputEnabled: Bool var outputProvider: AudioToolbox.AURenderPullInputBlock? var inputHandler: AudioToolbox.AUInputHandler? var deviceID: AudioObjectID { get } func setDeviceID(_ deviceID: AudioObjectID) throws func startHardware() throws func stopHardware() } extension AUAudioUnit { class func registerSubclass(_ cls: Swift.AnyClass, as componentDescription: AudioComponentDescription, name name: String, version version: UInt32) var internalRenderBlock: AudioToolbox.AUInternalRenderBlock { get } func shouldChange(to format: AVAudioFormat, for bus: AUAudioUnitBus) -> Bool func setRenderResourcesAllocated(_ flag: Bool) } extension AUAudioUnit { func requestViewController(completionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (NSViewController?) -> Swift.Void) } |
To | class AUAudioUnit : NSObject { convenience init() init(componentDescription componentDescription: AudioComponentDescription, options options: AudioComponentInstantiationOptions = []) throws convenience init(componentDescription componentDescription: AudioComponentDescription) throws class func instantiate(with componentDescription: AudioComponentDescription, options options: AudioComponentInstantiationOptions = [], completionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (AUAudioUnit?, Error?) -> Swift.Void) var componentDescription: AudioComponentDescription { get } var component: AudioComponent { get } var componentName: String? { get } var audioUnitName: String? { get } var manufacturerName: String? { get } var componentVersion: UInt32 { get } func allocateRenderResources() throws func deallocateRenderResources() var renderResourcesAllocated: Bool { get } func reset() var inputBusses: AUAudioUnitBusArray { get } var outputBusses: AUAudioUnitBusArray { get } var renderBlock: AudioToolbox.AURenderBlock { get } var scheduleParameterBlock: AudioToolbox.AUScheduleParameterBlock { get } func token(byAddingRenderObserver observer: @escaping AudioToolbox.AURenderObserver) -> Int func removeRenderObserver(_ token: Int) var maximumFramesToRender: AUAudioFrameCount var parameterTree: AUParameterTree? { get } func parametersForOverview(withCount count: Int) -> [NSNumber] var allParameterValues: Bool { get } var isMusicDeviceOrEffect: Bool { get } var virtualMIDICableCount: Int { get } var scheduleMIDIEventBlock: AudioToolbox.AUScheduleMIDIEventBlock? { get } var fullState: [String : Any]? var fullStateForDocument: [String : Any]? var factoryPresets: [AUAudioUnitPreset]? { get } var currentPreset: AUAudioUnitPreset? var latency: TimeInterval { get } var tailTime: TimeInterval { get } var renderQuality: Int var shouldBypassEffect: Bool var canProcessInPlace: Bool { get } var isRenderingOffline: Bool var channelCapabilities: [NSNumber]? { get } var musicalContextBlock: AudioToolbox.AUHostMusicalContextBlock? var transportStateBlock: AudioToolbox.AUHostTransportStateBlock? var contextName: String? var supportsMPE: Bool { get } var channelMap: [NSNumber]? class func registerSubclass(_ cls: Swift.AnyClass, as componentDescription: AudioComponentDescription, name name: String, version version: UInt32) var internalRenderBlock: AudioToolbox.AUInternalRenderBlock { get } func shouldChange(to format: AVAudioFormat, for bus: AUAudioUnitBus) -> Bool func setRenderResourcesAllocated(_ flag: Bool) var canPerformInput: Bool { get } var canPerformOutput: Bool { get } var isInputEnabled: Bool var isOutputEnabled: Bool var outputProvider: AudioToolbox.AURenderPullInputBlock? var inputHandler: AudioToolbox.AUInputHandler? var deviceID: AudioObjectID { get } func setDeviceID(_ deviceID: AudioObjectID) throws func startHardware() throws func stopHardware() func scriptingIsEqual(to object: Any) -> Bool func scriptingIsLessThanOrEqual(to object: Any) -> Bool func scriptingIsLessThan(_ object: Any) -> Bool func scriptingIsGreaterThanOrEqual(to object: Any) -> Bool func scriptingIsGreaterThan(_ object: Any) -> Bool func scriptingBegins(with object: Any) -> Bool func scriptingEnds(with object: Any) -> Bool func scriptingContains(_ object: Any) -> Bool func isEqual(to object: Any?) -> Bool func isLessThanOrEqual(to object: Any?) -> Bool func isLessThan(_ object: Any?) -> Bool func isGreaterThanOrEqual(to object: Any?) -> Bool func isGreaterThan(_ object: Any?) -> Bool func isNotEqual(to object: Any?) -> Bool func doesContain(_ object: Any) -> Bool func isLike(_ object: String) -> Bool func isCaseInsensitiveLike(_ object: String) -> Bool var objectSpecifier: NSScriptObjectSpecifier? { get } func indicesOfObjects(byEvaluatingObjectSpecifier specifier: NSScriptObjectSpecifier) -> [NSNumber]? func value(at index: Int, inPropertyWithKey key: String) -> Any? func value(withName name: String, inPropertyWithKey key: String) -> Any? func value(withUniqueID uniqueID: Any, inPropertyWithKey key: String) -> Any? func insertValue(_ value: Any, at index: Int, inPropertyWithKey key: String) func removeValue(at index: Int, fromPropertyWithKey key: String) func replaceValue(at index: Int, inPropertyWithKey key: String, withValue value: Any) func insertValue(_ value: Any, inPropertyWithKey key: String) func coerceValue(_ value: Any?, forKey key: String) -> Any? var classCode: FourCharCode { get } var className: String { get } func scriptingValue(for objectSpecifier: NSScriptObjectSpecifier) -> Any? var scriptingProperties: [String : Any]? func copyScriptingValue(_ value: Any, forKey key: String, withProperties properties: [String : Any]) -> Any? func newScriptingObject(of objectClass: AnyClass, forValueForKey key: String, withContentsValue contentsValue: Any?, properties properties: [String : Any]) -> Any? @NSCopying var classDescription: NSClassDescription { get } var attributeKeys: [String] { get } var toOneRelationshipKeys: [String] { get } var toManyRelationshipKeys: [String] { get } func inverse(forRelationshipKey relationshipKey: String) -> String? var classForPortCoder: AnyClass { get } func replacementObject(for coder: NSPortCoder) -> Any? var classForArchiver: AnyClass? { get } func replacementObject(for archiver: NSArchiver) -> Any? func performSelector(onMainThread aSelector: Selector, with arg: Any?, waitUntilDone wait: Bool, modes array: [String]?) func performSelector(onMainThread aSelector: Selector, with arg: Any?, waitUntilDone wait: Bool) func perform(_ aSelector: Selector, on thr: Thread, with arg: Any?, waitUntilDone wait: Bool, modes array: [String]?) func perform(_ aSelector: Selector, on thr: Thread, with arg: Any?, waitUntilDone wait: Bool) func performSelector(inBackground aSelector: Selector, with arg: Any?) class func classForKeyedUnarchiver() -> AnyClass var classForKeyedArchiver: AnyClass? { get } func replacementObject(for archiver: NSKeyedArchiver) -> Any? class func classFallbacksForKeyedArchiver() -> [String] class func setKeys(_ keys: [Any], triggerChangeNotificationsForDependentKey dependentKey: String) class func keyPathsForValuesAffectingValue(forKey key: String) -> Set<String> class func automaticallyNotifiesObservers(forKey key: String) -> Bool var observationInfo: UnsafeMutableRawPointer? func willChangeValue(forKey key: String) func didChangeValue(forKey key: String) func willChange(_ changeKind: NSKeyValueChange, valuesAt indexes: IndexSet, forKey key: String) func didChange(_ changeKind: NSKeyValueChange, valuesAt indexes: IndexSet, forKey key: String) func willChangeValue(forKey key: String, withSetMutation mutationKind: NSKeyValueSetMutationKind, using objects: Set<AnyHashable>) func didChangeValue(forKey key: String, withSetMutation mutationKind: NSKeyValueSetMutationKind, using objects: Set<AnyHashable>) func addObserver(_ observer: NSObject, forKeyPath keyPath: String, options options: NSKeyValueObservingOptions = [], context context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) func removeObserver(_ observer: NSObject, forKeyPath keyPath: String, context context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) func removeObserver(_ observer: NSObject, forKeyPath keyPath: String) func observeValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String?, of object: Any?, change change: [NSKeyValueChangeKey : Any]?, context context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) class func useStoredAccessor() -> Bool func storedValue(forKey key: String) -> Any? func takeStoredValue(_ value: Any?, forKey key: String) func takeValue(_ value: Any?, forKey key: String) func takeValue(_ value: Any?, forKeyPath keyPath: String) func handleQuery(withUnboundKey key: String) -> Any? func handleTakeValue(_ value: Any?, forUnboundKey key: String) func unableToSetNil(forKey key: String) func values(forKeys keys: [Any]) -> [AnyHashable : Any] func takeValues(from properties: [AnyHashable : Any]) class var accessInstanceVariablesDirectly: Bool { get } func value(forKey key: String) -> Any? func setValue(_ value: Any?, forKey key: String) func validateValue(_ ioValue: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject?>, forKey inKey: String) throws func mutableArrayValue(forKey key: String) -> NSMutableArray func mutableOrderedSetValue(forKey key: String) -> NSMutableOrderedSet func mutableSetValue(forKey key: String) -> NSMutableSet func value(forKeyPath keyPath: String) -> Any? func setValue(_ value: Any?, forKeyPath keyPath: String) func validateValue(_ ioValue: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject?>, forKeyPath inKeyPath: String) throws func mutableArrayValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String) -> NSMutableArray func mutableOrderedSetValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String) -> NSMutableOrderedSet func mutableSetValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String) -> NSMutableSet func value(forUndefinedKey key: String) -> Any? func setValue(_ value: Any?, forUndefinedKey key: String) func setNilValueForKey(_ key: String) func dictionaryWithValues(forKeys keys: [String]) -> [String : Any] func setValuesForKeys(_ keyedValues: [String : Any]) func fileManager(_ fm: FileManager, shouldProceedAfterError errorInfo: [AnyHashable : Any]) -> Bool func fileManager(_ fm: FileManager, willProcessPath path: String) func perform(_ aSelector: Selector, with anArgument: Any?, afterDelay delay: TimeInterval, inModes modes: [RunLoopMode]) func perform(_ aSelector: Selector, with anArgument: Any?, afterDelay delay: TimeInterval) class func cancelPreviousPerformRequests(withTarget aTarget: Any, selector aSelector: Selector, object anArgument: Any?) class func cancelPreviousPerformRequests(withTarget aTarget: Any) func attemptRecovery(fromError error: Error, optionIndex recoveryOptionIndex: Int, delegate delegate: Any?, didRecoverSelector didRecoverSelector: Selector?, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) func attemptRecovery(fromError error: Error, optionIndex recoveryOptionIndex: Int) -> Bool var autoContentAccessingProxy: Any { get } class func pose(as aClass: AnyClass) class func version() -> Int class func setVersion(_ aVersion: Int) var classForCoder: AnyClass { get } func replacementObject(for aCoder: NSCoder) -> Any? func awakeAfter(using aDecoder: NSCoder) -> Any? } extension AUAudioUnit : CVarArg { } extension AUAudioUnit : Equatable, Hashable { var hashValue: Int { get } } extension AUAudioUnit { var canPerformInput: Bool { get } var canPerformOutput: Bool { get } var isInputEnabled: Bool var isOutputEnabled: Bool var outputProvider: AudioToolbox.AURenderPullInputBlock? var inputHandler: AudioToolbox.AUInputHandler? var deviceID: AudioObjectID { get } func setDeviceID(_ deviceID: AudioObjectID) throws func startHardware() throws func stopHardware() } extension AUAudioUnit { class func registerSubclass(_ cls: Swift.AnyClass, as componentDescription: AudioComponentDescription, name name: String, version version: UInt32) var internalRenderBlock: AudioToolbox.AUInternalRenderBlock { get } func shouldChange(to format: AVAudioFormat, for bus: AUAudioUnitBus) -> Bool func setRenderResourcesAllocated(_ flag: Bool) } extension AUAudioUnit { func requestViewController(completionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (NSViewController?) -> Swift.Void) } |
Declaration | |
From | func token(byAddingRenderObserver observer: AudioToolbox.AURenderObserver) -> Int |
To | func token(byAddingRenderObserver observer: @escaping AudioToolbox.AURenderObserver) -> Int |
Modified AUParameterNode
Declaration | |
From | class AUParameterNode : NSObject { var identifier: String { get } var keyPath: String { get } var displayName: String { get } func displayName(withLength maximumLength: Int) -> String func token(byAddingParameterObserver observer: AudioToolbox.AUParameterObserver) -> AUParameterObserverToken func token(byAddingParameterRecordingObserver observer: AudioToolbox.AUParameterRecordingObserver) -> AUParameterObserverToken func token(byAddingParameterAutomationObserver observer: AudioToolbox.AUParameterAutomationObserver) -> AUParameterObserverToken func removeParameterObserver(_ token: AUParameterObserverToken) var implementorValueObserver: AudioToolbox.AUImplementorValueObserver var implementorValueProvider: AudioToolbox.AUImplementorValueProvider var implementorStringFromValueCallback: AudioToolbox.AUImplementorStringFromValueCallback var implementorValueFromStringCallback: AudioToolbox.AUImplementorValueFromStringCallback var implementorDisplayNameWithLengthCallback: AudioToolbox.AUImplementorDisplayNameWithLengthCallback func scriptingIsEqual(to object: Any) -> Bool func scriptingIsLessThanOrEqual(to object: Any) -> Bool func scriptingIsLessThan(_ object: Any) -> Bool func scriptingIsGreaterThanOrEqual(to object: Any) -> Bool func scriptingIsGreaterThan(_ object: Any) -> Bool func scriptingBegins(with object: Any) -> Bool func scriptingEnds(with object: Any) -> Bool func scriptingContains(_ object: Any) -> Bool func isEqual(to object: Any?) -> Bool func isLessThanOrEqual(to object: Any?) -> Bool func isLessThan(_ object: Any?) -> Bool func isGreaterThanOrEqual(to object: Any?) -> Bool func isGreaterThan(_ object: Any?) -> Bool func isNotEqual(to object: Any?) -> Bool func doesContain(_ object: Any) -> Bool func isLike(_ object: String) -> Bool func isCaseInsensitiveLike(_ object: String) -> Bool var objectSpecifier: NSScriptObjectSpecifier? { get } func indicesOfObjects(byEvaluatingObjectSpecifier specifier: NSScriptObjectSpecifier) -> [NSNumber]? func value(at index: Int, inPropertyWithKey key: String) -> Any? func value(withName name: String, inPropertyWithKey key: String) -> Any? func value(withUniqueID uniqueID: Any, inPropertyWithKey key: String) -> Any? func insertValue(_ value: Any, at index: Int, inPropertyWithKey key: String) func removeValue(at index: Int, fromPropertyWithKey key: String) func replaceValue(at index: Int, inPropertyWithKey key: String, withValue value: Any) func insertValue(_ value: Any, inPropertyWithKey key: String) func coerceValue(_ value: Any?, forKey key: String) -> Any? var classCode: FourCharCode { get } var className: String { get } func scriptingValue(for objectSpecifier: NSScriptObjectSpecifier) -> Any? var scriptingProperties: [String : Any]? func copyScriptingValue(_ value: Any, forKey key: String, withProperties properties: [String : Any]) -> Any? func newScriptingObject(of objectClass: AnyClass, forValueForKey key: String, withContentsValue contentsValue: Any?, properties properties: [String : Any]) -> Any? @NSCopying var classDescription: NSClassDescription { get } var attributeKeys: [String] { get } var toOneRelationshipKeys: [String] { get } var toManyRelationshipKeys: [String] { get } func inverse(forRelationshipKey relationshipKey: String) -> String? var classForPortCoder: AnyClass { get } func replacementObject(for coder: NSPortCoder) -> Any? var classForArchiver: AnyClass? { get } func replacementObject(for archiver: NSArchiver) -> Any? func performSelector(onMainThread aSelector: Selector, with arg: Any?, waitUntilDone wait: Bool, modes array: [String]?) func performSelector(onMainThread aSelector: Selector, with arg: Any?, waitUntilDone wait: Bool) func perform(_ aSelector: Selector, on thr: Thread, with arg: Any?, waitUntilDone wait: Bool, modes array: [String]?) func perform(_ aSelector: Selector, on thr: Thread, with arg: Any?, waitUntilDone wait: Bool) func performSelector(inBackground aSelector: Selector, with arg: Any?) class func classForKeyedUnarchiver() -> AnyClass var classForKeyedArchiver: AnyClass? { get } func replacementObject(for archiver: NSKeyedArchiver) -> Any? class func classFallbacksForKeyedArchiver() -> [String] class func setKeys(_ keys: [Any], triggerChangeNotificationsForDependentKey dependentKey: String) class func keyPathsForValuesAffectingValue(forKey key: String) -> Set<String> class func automaticallyNotifiesObservers(forKey key: String) -> Bool var observationInfo: UnsafeMutableRawPointer? func willChangeValue(forKey key: String) func didChangeValue(forKey key: String) func willChange(_ changeKind: NSKeyValueChange, valuesAt indexes: IndexSet, forKey key: String) func didChange(_ changeKind: NSKeyValueChange, valuesAt indexes: IndexSet, forKey key: String) func willChangeValue(forKey key: String, withSetMutation mutationKind: NSKeyValueSetMutationKind, using objects: Set<AnyHashable>) func didChangeValue(forKey key: String, withSetMutation mutationKind: NSKeyValueSetMutationKind, using objects: Set<AnyHashable>) func addObserver(_ observer: NSObject, forKeyPath keyPath: String, options options: NSKeyValueObservingOptions = [], context context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) func removeObserver(_ observer: NSObject, forKeyPath keyPath: String, context context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) func removeObserver(_ observer: NSObject, forKeyPath keyPath: String) func observeValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String?, of object: Any?, change change: [NSKeyValueChangeKey : Any]?, context context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) class func useStoredAccessor() -> Bool func storedValue(forKey key: String) -> Any? func takeStoredValue(_ value: Any?, forKey key: String) func takeValue(_ value: Any?, forKey key: String) func takeValue(_ value: Any?, forKeyPath keyPath: String) func handleQuery(withUnboundKey key: String) -> Any? func handleTakeValue(_ value: Any?, forUnboundKey key: String) func unableToSetNil(forKey key: String) func values(forKeys keys: [Any]) -> [AnyHashable : Any] func takeValues(from properties: [AnyHashable : Any]) class var accessInstanceVariablesDirectly: Bool { get } func value(forKey key: String) -> Any? func setValue(_ value: Any?, forKey key: String) func validateValue(_ ioValue: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject?>, forKey inKey: String) throws func mutableArrayValue(forKey key: String) -> NSMutableArray func mutableOrderedSetValue(forKey key: String) -> NSMutableOrderedSet func mutableSetValue(forKey key: String) -> NSMutableSet func value(forKeyPath keyPath: String) -> Any? func setValue(_ value: Any?, forKeyPath keyPath: String) func validateValue(_ ioValue: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject?>, forKeyPath inKeyPath: String) throws func mutableArrayValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String) -> NSMutableArray func mutableOrderedSetValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String) -> NSMutableOrderedSet func mutableSetValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String) -> NSMutableSet func value(forUndefinedKey key: String) -> Any? func setValue(_ value: Any?, forUndefinedKey key: String) func setNilValueForKey(_ key: String) func dictionaryWithValues(forKeys keys: [String]) -> [String : Any] func setValuesForKeys(_ keyedValues: [String : Any]) func fileManager(_ fm: FileManager, shouldProceedAfterError errorInfo: [AnyHashable : Any]) -> Bool func fileManager(_ fm: FileManager, willProcessPath path: String) func perform(_ aSelector: Selector, with anArgument: Any?, afterDelay delay: TimeInterval, inModes modes: [RunLoopMode]) func perform(_ aSelector: Selector, with anArgument: Any?, afterDelay delay: TimeInterval) class func cancelPreviousPerformRequests(withTarget aTarget: Any, selector aSelector: Selector, object anArgument: Any?) class func cancelPreviousPerformRequests(withTarget aTarget: Any) func attemptRecovery(fromError error: Error, optionIndex recoveryOptionIndex: Int, delegate delegate: Any?, didRecoverSelector didRecoverSelector: Selector?, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) func attemptRecovery(fromError error: Error, optionIndex recoveryOptionIndex: Int) -> Bool var autoContentAccessingProxy: Any { get } class func pose(as aClass: AnyClass) class func version() -> Int class func setVersion(_ aVersion: Int) var classForCoder: AnyClass { get } func replacementObject(for aCoder: NSCoder) -> Any? func awakeAfter(using aDecoder: NSCoder) -> Any? } extension AUParameterNode { var implementorValueObserver: AudioToolbox.AUImplementorValueObserver var implementorValueProvider: AudioToolbox.AUImplementorValueProvider var implementorStringFromValueCallback: AudioToolbox.AUImplementorStringFromValueCallback var implementorValueFromStringCallback: AudioToolbox.AUImplementorValueFromStringCallback var implementorDisplayNameWithLengthCallback: AudioToolbox.AUImplementorDisplayNameWithLengthCallback } extension AUParameterNode : CVarArg { } extension AUParameterNode : Equatable, Hashable { var hashValue: Int { get } } |
To | class AUParameterNode : NSObject { var identifier: String { get } var keyPath: String { get } var displayName: String { get } func displayName(withLength maximumLength: Int) -> String func token(byAddingParameterObserver observer: @escaping AudioToolbox.AUParameterObserver) -> AUParameterObserverToken func token(byAddingParameterRecordingObserver observer: @escaping AudioToolbox.AUParameterRecordingObserver) -> AUParameterObserverToken func token(byAddingParameterAutomationObserver observer: @escaping AudioToolbox.AUParameterAutomationObserver) -> AUParameterObserverToken func removeParameterObserver(_ token: AUParameterObserverToken) var implementorValueObserver: AudioToolbox.AUImplementorValueObserver var implementorValueProvider: AudioToolbox.AUImplementorValueProvider var implementorStringFromValueCallback: AudioToolbox.AUImplementorStringFromValueCallback var implementorValueFromStringCallback: AudioToolbox.AUImplementorValueFromStringCallback var implementorDisplayNameWithLengthCallback: AudioToolbox.AUImplementorDisplayNameWithLengthCallback func scriptingIsEqual(to object: Any) -> Bool func scriptingIsLessThanOrEqual(to object: Any) -> Bool func scriptingIsLessThan(_ object: Any) -> Bool func scriptingIsGreaterThanOrEqual(to object: Any) -> Bool func scriptingIsGreaterThan(_ object: Any) -> Bool func scriptingBegins(with object: Any) -> Bool func scriptingEnds(with object: Any) -> Bool func scriptingContains(_ object: Any) -> Bool func isEqual(to object: Any?) -> Bool func isLessThanOrEqual(to object: Any?) -> Bool func isLessThan(_ object: Any?) -> Bool func isGreaterThanOrEqual(to object: Any?) -> Bool func isGreaterThan(_ object: Any?) -> Bool func isNotEqual(to object: Any?) -> Bool func doesContain(_ object: Any) -> Bool func isLike(_ object: String) -> Bool func isCaseInsensitiveLike(_ object: String) -> Bool var objectSpecifier: NSScriptObjectSpecifier? { get } func indicesOfObjects(byEvaluatingObjectSpecifier specifier: NSScriptObjectSpecifier) -> [NSNumber]? func value(at index: Int, inPropertyWithKey key: String) -> Any? func value(withName name: String, inPropertyWithKey key: String) -> Any? func value(withUniqueID uniqueID: Any, inPropertyWithKey key: String) -> Any? func insertValue(_ value: Any, at index: Int, inPropertyWithKey key: String) func removeValue(at index: Int, fromPropertyWithKey key: String) func replaceValue(at index: Int, inPropertyWithKey key: String, withValue value: Any) func insertValue(_ value: Any, inPropertyWithKey key: String) func coerceValue(_ value: Any?, forKey key: String) -> Any? var classCode: FourCharCode { get } var className: String { get } func scriptingValue(for objectSpecifier: NSScriptObjectSpecifier) -> Any? var scriptingProperties: [String : Any]? func copyScriptingValue(_ value: Any, forKey key: String, withProperties properties: [String : Any]) -> Any? func newScriptingObject(of objectClass: AnyClass, forValueForKey key: String, withContentsValue contentsValue: Any?, properties properties: [String : Any]) -> Any? @NSCopying var classDescription: NSClassDescription { get } var attributeKeys: [String] { get } var toOneRelationshipKeys: [String] { get } var toManyRelationshipKeys: [String] { get } func inverse(forRelationshipKey relationshipKey: String) -> String? var classForPortCoder: AnyClass { get } func replacementObject(for coder: NSPortCoder) -> Any? var classForArchiver: AnyClass? { get } func replacementObject(for archiver: NSArchiver) -> Any? func performSelector(onMainThread aSelector: Selector, with arg: Any?, waitUntilDone wait: Bool, modes array: [String]?) func performSelector(onMainThread aSelector: Selector, with arg: Any?, waitUntilDone wait: Bool) func perform(_ aSelector: Selector, on thr: Thread, with arg: Any?, waitUntilDone wait: Bool, modes array: [String]?) func perform(_ aSelector: Selector, on thr: Thread, with arg: Any?, waitUntilDone wait: Bool) func performSelector(inBackground aSelector: Selector, with arg: Any?) class func classForKeyedUnarchiver() -> AnyClass var classForKeyedArchiver: AnyClass? { get } func replacementObject(for archiver: NSKeyedArchiver) -> Any? class func classFallbacksForKeyedArchiver() -> [String] class func setKeys(_ keys: [Any], triggerChangeNotificationsForDependentKey dependentKey: String) class func keyPathsForValuesAffectingValue(forKey key: String) -> Set<String> class func automaticallyNotifiesObservers(forKey key: String) -> Bool var observationInfo: UnsafeMutableRawPointer? func willChangeValue(forKey key: String) func didChangeValue(forKey key: String) func willChange(_ changeKind: NSKeyValueChange, valuesAt indexes: IndexSet, forKey key: String) func didChange(_ changeKind: NSKeyValueChange, valuesAt indexes: IndexSet, forKey key: String) func willChangeValue(forKey key: String, withSetMutation mutationKind: NSKeyValueSetMutationKind, using objects: Set<AnyHashable>) func didChangeValue(forKey key: String, withSetMutation mutationKind: NSKeyValueSetMutationKind, using objects: Set<AnyHashable>) func addObserver(_ observer: NSObject, forKeyPath keyPath: String, options options: NSKeyValueObservingOptions = [], context context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) func removeObserver(_ observer: NSObject, forKeyPath keyPath: String, context context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) func removeObserver(_ observer: NSObject, forKeyPath keyPath: String) func observeValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String?, of object: Any?, change change: [NSKeyValueChangeKey : Any]?, context context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) class func useStoredAccessor() -> Bool func storedValue(forKey key: String) -> Any? func takeStoredValue(_ value: Any?, forKey key: String) func takeValue(_ value: Any?, forKey key: String) func takeValue(_ value: Any?, forKeyPath keyPath: String) func handleQuery(withUnboundKey key: String) -> Any? func handleTakeValue(_ value: Any?, forUnboundKey key: String) func unableToSetNil(forKey key: String) func values(forKeys keys: [Any]) -> [AnyHashable : Any] func takeValues(from properties: [AnyHashable : Any]) class var accessInstanceVariablesDirectly: Bool { get } func value(forKey key: String) -> Any? func setValue(_ value: Any?, forKey key: String) func validateValue(_ ioValue: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject?>, forKey inKey: String) throws func mutableArrayValue(forKey key: String) -> NSMutableArray func mutableOrderedSetValue(forKey key: String) -> NSMutableOrderedSet func mutableSetValue(forKey key: String) -> NSMutableSet func value(forKeyPath keyPath: String) -> Any? func setValue(_ value: Any?, forKeyPath keyPath: String) func validateValue(_ ioValue: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject?>, forKeyPath inKeyPath: String) throws func mutableArrayValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String) -> NSMutableArray func mutableOrderedSetValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String) -> NSMutableOrderedSet func mutableSetValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String) -> NSMutableSet func value(forUndefinedKey key: String) -> Any? func setValue(_ value: Any?, forUndefinedKey key: String) func setNilValueForKey(_ key: String) func dictionaryWithValues(forKeys keys: [String]) -> [String : Any] func setValuesForKeys(_ keyedValues: [String : Any]) func fileManager(_ fm: FileManager, shouldProceedAfterError errorInfo: [AnyHashable : Any]) -> Bool func fileManager(_ fm: FileManager, willProcessPath path: String) func perform(_ aSelector: Selector, with anArgument: Any?, afterDelay delay: TimeInterval, inModes modes: [RunLoopMode]) func perform(_ aSelector: Selector, with anArgument: Any?, afterDelay delay: TimeInterval) class func cancelPreviousPerformRequests(withTarget aTarget: Any, selector aSelector: Selector, object anArgument: Any?) class func cancelPreviousPerformRequests(withTarget aTarget: Any) func attemptRecovery(fromError error: Error, optionIndex recoveryOptionIndex: Int, delegate delegate: Any?, didRecoverSelector didRecoverSelector: Selector?, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) func attemptRecovery(fromError error: Error, optionIndex recoveryOptionIndex: Int) -> Bool var autoContentAccessingProxy: Any { get } class func pose(as aClass: AnyClass) class func version() -> Int class func setVersion(_ aVersion: Int) var classForCoder: AnyClass { get } func replacementObject(for aCoder: NSCoder) -> Any? func awakeAfter(using aDecoder: NSCoder) -> Any? } extension AUParameterNode { var implementorValueObserver: AudioToolbox.AUImplementorValueObserver var implementorValueProvider: AudioToolbox.AUImplementorValueProvider var implementorStringFromValueCallback: AudioToolbox.AUImplementorStringFromValueCallback var implementorValueFromStringCallback: AudioToolbox.AUImplementorValueFromStringCallback var implementorDisplayNameWithLengthCallback: AudioToolbox.AUImplementorDisplayNameWithLengthCallback } extension AUParameterNode : CVarArg { } extension AUParameterNode : Equatable, Hashable { var hashValue: Int { get } } |
Declaration | |
From | func token(byAddingParameterAutomationObserver observer: AudioToolbox.AUParameterAutomationObserver) -> AUParameterObserverToken |
To | func token(byAddingParameterAutomationObserver observer: @escaping AudioToolbox.AUParameterAutomationObserver) -> AUParameterObserverToken |
Declaration | |
From | func token(byAddingParameterObserver observer: AudioToolbox.AUParameterObserver) -> AUParameterObserverToken |
To | func token(byAddingParameterObserver observer: @escaping AudioToolbox.AUParameterObserver) -> AUParameterObserverToken |
Declaration | |
From | func token(byAddingParameterRecordingObserver observer: AudioToolbox.AUParameterRecordingObserver) -> AUParameterObserverToken |
To | func token(byAddingParameterRecordingObserver observer: @escaping AudioToolbox.AUParameterRecordingObserver) -> AUParameterObserverToken |
Declaration | |
From | func AudioComponentRegister(_ inDesc: UnsafePointer<AudioComponentDescription>, _ inName: CFString, _ inVersion: UInt32, _ inFactory: AudioToolbox.AudioComponentFactoryFunction) -> AudioComponent |
To | func AudioComponentRegister(_ inDesc: UnsafePointer<AudioComponentDescription>, _ inName: CFString, _ inVersion: UInt32, _ inFactory: @escaping AudioToolbox.AudioComponentFactoryFunction) -> AudioComponent |
Declaration | |
From | func AudioConverterFillComplexBuffer(_ inAudioConverter: AudioConverterRef, _ inInputDataProc: AudioToolbox.AudioConverterComplexInputDataProc, _ inInputDataProcUserData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, _ ioOutputDataPacketSize: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>, _ outOutputData: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioBufferList>, _ outPacketDescription: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioStreamPacketDescription>?) -> OSStatus |
To | func AudioConverterFillComplexBuffer(_ inAudioConverter: AudioConverterRef, _ inInputDataProc: @escaping AudioToolbox.AudioConverterComplexInputDataProc, _ inInputDataProcUserData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, _ ioOutputDataPacketSize: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>, _ outOutputData: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioBufferList>, _ outPacketDescription: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioStreamPacketDescription>?) -> OSStatus |
Declaration | |
From | func AudioFileComponentInitializeWithCallbacks(_ inComponent: AudioFileComponent, _ inClientData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer, _ inReadFunc: AudioToolbox.AudioFile_ReadProc, _ inWriteFunc: AudioToolbox.AudioFile_WriteProc, _ inGetSizeFunc: AudioToolbox.AudioFile_GetSizeProc, _ inSetSizeFunc: AudioToolbox.AudioFile_SetSizeProc, _ inFileType: UInt32, _ inFormat: UnsafePointer<AudioStreamBasicDescription>, _ inFlags: UInt32) -> OSStatus |
To | func AudioFileComponentInitializeWithCallbacks(_ inComponent: AudioFileComponent, _ inClientData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer, _ inReadFunc: @escaping AudioToolbox.AudioFile_ReadProc, _ inWriteFunc: @escaping AudioToolbox.AudioFile_WriteProc, _ inGetSizeFunc: @escaping AudioToolbox.AudioFile_GetSizeProc, _ inSetSizeFunc: @escaping AudioToolbox.AudioFile_SetSizeProc, _ inFileType: UInt32, _ inFormat: UnsafePointer<AudioStreamBasicDescription>, _ inFlags: UInt32) -> OSStatus |
Declaration | |
From | func AudioFileComponentOpenWithCallbacks(_ inComponent: AudioFileComponent, _ inClientData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer, _ inReadFunc: AudioToolbox.AudioFile_ReadProc, _ inWriteFunc: AudioToolbox.AudioFile_WriteProc, _ inGetSizeFunc: AudioToolbox.AudioFile_GetSizeProc, _ inSetSizeFunc: AudioToolbox.AudioFile_SetSizeProc) -> OSStatus |
To | func AudioFileComponentOpenWithCallbacks(_ inComponent: AudioFileComponent, _ inClientData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer, _ inReadFunc: @escaping AudioToolbox.AudioFile_ReadProc, _ inWriteFunc: @escaping AudioToolbox.AudioFile_WriteProc, _ inGetSizeFunc: @escaping AudioToolbox.AudioFile_GetSizeProc, _ inSetSizeFunc: @escaping AudioToolbox.AudioFile_SetSizeProc) -> OSStatus |
Declaration | |
From | func AudioFileInitializeWithCallbacks(_ inClientData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer, _ inReadFunc: AudioToolbox.AudioFile_ReadProc, _ inWriteFunc: AudioToolbox.AudioFile_WriteProc, _ inGetSizeFunc: AudioToolbox.AudioFile_GetSizeProc, _ inSetSizeFunc: AudioToolbox.AudioFile_SetSizeProc, _ inFileType: AudioFileTypeID, _ inFormat: UnsafePointer<AudioStreamBasicDescription>, _ inFlags: AudioFileFlags, _ outAudioFile: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioFileID?>) -> OSStatus |
To | func AudioFileInitializeWithCallbacks(_ inClientData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer, _ inReadFunc: @escaping AudioToolbox.AudioFile_ReadProc, _ inWriteFunc: @escaping AudioToolbox.AudioFile_WriteProc, _ inGetSizeFunc: @escaping AudioToolbox.AudioFile_GetSizeProc, _ inSetSizeFunc: @escaping AudioToolbox.AudioFile_SetSizeProc, _ inFileType: AudioFileTypeID, _ inFormat: UnsafePointer<AudioStreamBasicDescription>, _ inFlags: AudioFileFlags, _ outAudioFile: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioFileID?>) -> OSStatus |
Declaration | |
From | func AudioFileOpenWithCallbacks(_ inClientData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer, _ inReadFunc: AudioToolbox.AudioFile_ReadProc, _ inWriteFunc: AudioToolbox.AudioFile_WriteProc?, _ inGetSizeFunc: AudioToolbox.AudioFile_GetSizeProc, _ inSetSizeFunc: AudioToolbox.AudioFile_SetSizeProc?, _ inFileTypeHint: AudioFileTypeID, _ outAudioFile: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioFileID?>) -> OSStatus |
To | func AudioFileOpenWithCallbacks(_ inClientData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer, _ inReadFunc: @escaping AudioToolbox.AudioFile_ReadProc, _ inWriteFunc: AudioToolbox.AudioFile_WriteProc?, _ inGetSizeFunc: @escaping AudioToolbox.AudioFile_GetSizeProc, _ inSetSizeFunc: AudioToolbox.AudioFile_SetSizeProc?, _ inFileTypeHint: AudioFileTypeID, _ outAudioFile: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioFileID?>) -> OSStatus |
Declaration | |
From | func AudioFileStreamOpen(_ inClientData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, _ inPropertyListenerProc: AudioToolbox.AudioFileStream_PropertyListenerProc, _ inPacketsProc: AudioToolbox.AudioFileStream_PacketsProc, _ inFileTypeHint: AudioFileTypeID, _ outAudioFileStream: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioFileStreamID?>) -> OSStatus |
To | func AudioFileStreamOpen(_ inClientData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, _ inPropertyListenerProc: @escaping AudioToolbox.AudioFileStream_PropertyListenerProc, _ inPacketsProc: @escaping AudioToolbox.AudioFileStream_PacketsProc, _ inFileTypeHint: AudioFileTypeID, _ outAudioFileStream: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioFileStreamID?>) -> OSStatus |
Declaration | |
From | func AudioQueueAddPropertyListener(_ inAQ: AudioQueueRef, _ inID: AudioQueuePropertyID, _ inProc: AudioToolbox.AudioQueuePropertyListenerProc, _ inUserData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> OSStatus |
To | func AudioQueueAddPropertyListener(_ inAQ: AudioQueueRef, _ inID: AudioQueuePropertyID, _ inProc: @escaping AudioToolbox.AudioQueuePropertyListenerProc, _ inUserData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> OSStatus |
Declaration | |
From | func AudioQueueNewInput(_ inFormat: UnsafePointer<AudioStreamBasicDescription>, _ inCallbackProc: AudioToolbox.AudioQueueInputCallback, _ inUserData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, _ inCallbackRunLoop: CFRunLoop?, _ inCallbackRunLoopMode: CFString?, _ inFlags: UInt32, _ outAQ: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioQueueRef?>) -> OSStatus |
To | func AudioQueueNewInput(_ inFormat: UnsafePointer<AudioStreamBasicDescription>, _ inCallbackProc: @escaping AudioToolbox.AudioQueueInputCallback, _ inUserData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, _ inCallbackRunLoop: CFRunLoop?, _ inCallbackRunLoopMode: CFString?, _ inFlags: UInt32, _ outAQ: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioQueueRef?>) -> OSStatus |
Declaration | |
From | func AudioQueueNewInputWithDispatchQueue(_ outAQ: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioQueueRef?>, _ inFormat: UnsafePointer<AudioStreamBasicDescription>, _ inFlags: UInt32, _ inCallbackDispatchQueue: DispatchQueue, _ inCallbackBlock: AudioToolbox.AudioQueueInputCallbackBlock) -> OSStatus |
To | func AudioQueueNewInputWithDispatchQueue(_ outAQ: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioQueueRef?>, _ inFormat: UnsafePointer<AudioStreamBasicDescription>, _ inFlags: UInt32, _ inCallbackDispatchQueue: DispatchQueue, _ inCallbackBlock: @escaping AudioToolbox.AudioQueueInputCallbackBlock) -> OSStatus |
Declaration | |
From | func AudioQueueNewOutput(_ inFormat: UnsafePointer<AudioStreamBasicDescription>, _ inCallbackProc: AudioToolbox.AudioQueueOutputCallback, _ inUserData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, _ inCallbackRunLoop: CFRunLoop?, _ inCallbackRunLoopMode: CFString?, _ inFlags: UInt32, _ outAQ: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioQueueRef?>) -> OSStatus |
To | func AudioQueueNewOutput(_ inFormat: UnsafePointer<AudioStreamBasicDescription>, _ inCallbackProc: @escaping AudioToolbox.AudioQueueOutputCallback, _ inUserData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, _ inCallbackRunLoop: CFRunLoop?, _ inCallbackRunLoopMode: CFString?, _ inFlags: UInt32, _ outAQ: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioQueueRef?>) -> OSStatus |
Declaration | |
From | func AudioQueueNewOutputWithDispatchQueue(_ outAQ: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioQueueRef?>, _ inFormat: UnsafePointer<AudioStreamBasicDescription>, _ inFlags: UInt32, _ inCallbackDispatchQueue: DispatchQueue, _ inCallbackBlock: AudioToolbox.AudioQueueOutputCallbackBlock) -> OSStatus |
To | func AudioQueueNewOutputWithDispatchQueue(_ outAQ: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioQueueRef?>, _ inFormat: UnsafePointer<AudioStreamBasicDescription>, _ inFlags: UInt32, _ inCallbackDispatchQueue: DispatchQueue, _ inCallbackBlock: @escaping AudioToolbox.AudioQueueOutputCallbackBlock) -> OSStatus |
Declaration | |
From | func AudioQueueProcessingTapNew(_ inAQ: AudioQueueRef, _ inCallback: AudioToolbox.AudioQueueProcessingTapCallback, _ inClientData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, _ inFlags: AudioQueueProcessingTapFlags, _ outMaxFrames: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>, _ outProcessingFormat: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioStreamBasicDescription>, _ outAQTap: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioQueueProcessingTapRef?>) -> OSStatus |
To | func AudioQueueProcessingTapNew(_ inAQ: AudioQueueRef, _ inCallback: @escaping AudioToolbox.AudioQueueProcessingTapCallback, _ inClientData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, _ inFlags: AudioQueueProcessingTapFlags, _ outMaxFrames: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>, _ outProcessingFormat: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioStreamBasicDescription>, _ outAQTap: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioQueueProcessingTapRef?>) -> OSStatus |
Declaration | |
From | func AudioQueueRemovePropertyListener(_ inAQ: AudioQueueRef, _ inID: AudioQueuePropertyID, _ inProc: AudioToolbox.AudioQueuePropertyListenerProc, _ inUserData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> OSStatus |
To | func AudioQueueRemovePropertyListener(_ inAQ: AudioQueueRef, _ inID: AudioQueuePropertyID, _ inProc: @escaping AudioToolbox.AudioQueuePropertyListenerProc, _ inUserData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> OSStatus |
Declaration | |
From | func AudioServicesAddSystemSoundCompletion(_ inSystemSoundID: SystemSoundID, _ inRunLoop: CFRunLoop?, _ inRunLoopMode: CFString?, _ inCompletionRoutine: AudioToolbox.AudioServicesSystemSoundCompletionProc, _ inClientData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> OSStatus |
To | func AudioServicesAddSystemSoundCompletion(_ inSystemSoundID: SystemSoundID, _ inRunLoop: CFRunLoop?, _ inRunLoopMode: CFString?, _ inCompletionRoutine: @escaping AudioToolbox.AudioServicesSystemSoundCompletionProc, _ inClientData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> OSStatus |
Declaration | |
From | func AudioServicesPlayAlertSoundWithCompletion(_ inSystemSoundID: SystemSoundID, _ inCompletionBlock: (@escaping () -> Swift.Void)?) |
To | func AudioServicesPlayAlertSoundWithCompletion(_ inSystemSoundID: SystemSoundID, _ inCompletionBlock: (() -> Swift.Void)?) |
Declaration | |
From | func AudioServicesPlaySystemSoundWithCompletion(_ inSystemSoundID: SystemSoundID, _ inCompletionBlock: (@escaping () -> Swift.Void)?) |
To | func AudioServicesPlaySystemSoundWithCompletion(_ inSystemSoundID: SystemSoundID, _ inCompletionBlock: (() -> Swift.Void)?) |
Declaration | |
From | func AudioUnitAddPropertyListener(_ inUnit: AudioUnit, _ inID: AudioUnitPropertyID, _ inProc: AudioToolbox.AudioUnitPropertyListenerProc, _ inProcUserData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> OSStatus |
To | func AudioUnitAddPropertyListener(_ inUnit: AudioUnit, _ inID: AudioUnitPropertyID, _ inProc: @escaping AudioToolbox.AudioUnitPropertyListenerProc, _ inProcUserData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> OSStatus |
Declaration | |
From | func AudioUnitAddRenderNotify(_ inUnit: AudioUnit, _ inProc: AudioToolbox.AURenderCallback, _ inProcUserData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> OSStatus |
To | func AudioUnitAddRenderNotify(_ inUnit: AudioUnit, _ inProc: @escaping AudioToolbox.AURenderCallback, _ inProcUserData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> OSStatus |
Declaration | |
From | func AudioUnitRemovePropertyListenerWithUserData(_ inUnit: AudioUnit, _ inID: AudioUnitPropertyID, _ inProc: AudioToolbox.AudioUnitPropertyListenerProc, _ inProcUserData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> OSStatus |
To | func AudioUnitRemovePropertyListenerWithUserData(_ inUnit: AudioUnit, _ inID: AudioUnitPropertyID, _ inProc: @escaping AudioToolbox.AudioUnitPropertyListenerProc, _ inProcUserData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> OSStatus |
Declaration | |
From | func AudioUnitRemoveRenderNotify(_ inUnit: AudioUnit, _ inProc: AudioToolbox.AURenderCallback, _ inProcUserData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> OSStatus |
To | func AudioUnitRemoveRenderNotify(_ inUnit: AudioUnit, _ inProc: @escaping AudioToolbox.AURenderCallback, _ inProcUserData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> OSStatus |
Declaration | |
From | func AUEventListenerCreate(_ inProc: AudioToolbox.AUEventListenerProc, _ inUserData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, _ inRunLoop: CFRunLoop?, _ inRunLoopMode: CFString?, _ inNotificationInterval: Float32, _ inValueChangeGranularity: Float32, _ outListener: UnsafeMutablePointer<AUEventListenerRef?>) -> OSStatus |
To | func AUEventListenerCreate(_ inProc: @escaping AudioToolbox.AUEventListenerProc, _ inUserData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, _ inRunLoop: CFRunLoop?, _ inRunLoopMode: CFString?, _ inNotificationInterval: Float32, _ inValueChangeGranularity: Float32, _ outListener: UnsafeMutablePointer<AUEventListenerRef?>) -> OSStatus |
Declaration | |
From | func AUEventListenerCreateWithDispatchQueue(_ outListener: UnsafeMutablePointer<AUEventListenerRef?>, _ inNotificationInterval: Float32, _ inValueChangeGranularity: Float32, _ inDispatchQueue: DispatchQueue, _ inBlock: AudioToolbox.AUEventListenerBlock) -> OSStatus |
To | func AUEventListenerCreateWithDispatchQueue(_ outListener: UnsafeMutablePointer<AUEventListenerRef?>, _ inNotificationInterval: Float32, _ inValueChangeGranularity: Float32, _ inDispatchQueue: DispatchQueue, _ inBlock: @escaping AudioToolbox.AUEventListenerBlock) -> OSStatus |
Declaration | |
From | func AUGraphAddRenderNotify(_ inGraph: AUGraph, _ inCallback: AudioToolbox.AURenderCallback, _ inRefCon: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> OSStatus |
To | func AUGraphAddRenderNotify(_ inGraph: AUGraph, _ inCallback: @escaping AudioToolbox.AURenderCallback, _ inRefCon: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> OSStatus |
Declaration | |
From | func AUGraphRemoveRenderNotify(_ inGraph: AUGraph, _ inCallback: AudioToolbox.AURenderCallback, _ inRefCon: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> OSStatus |
To | func AUGraphRemoveRenderNotify(_ inGraph: AUGraph, _ inCallback: @escaping AudioToolbox.AURenderCallback, _ inRefCon: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> OSStatus |
Declaration | |
From | func AUListenerCreate(_ inProc: AudioToolbox.AUParameterListenerProc, _ inUserData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer, _ inRunLoop: CFRunLoop?, _ inRunLoopMode: CFString?, _ inNotificationInterval: Float32, _ outListener: UnsafeMutablePointer<AUParameterListenerRef?>) -> OSStatus |
To | func AUListenerCreate(_ inProc: @escaping AudioToolbox.AUParameterListenerProc, _ inUserData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer, _ inRunLoop: CFRunLoop?, _ inRunLoopMode: CFString?, _ inNotificationInterval: Float32, _ outListener: UnsafeMutablePointer<AUParameterListenerRef?>) -> OSStatus |
Declaration | |
From | func AUListenerCreateWithDispatchQueue(_ outListener: UnsafeMutablePointer<AUParameterListenerRef?>, _ inNotificationInterval: Float32, _ inDispatchQueue: DispatchQueue, _ inBlock: AudioToolbox.AUParameterListenerBlock) -> OSStatus |
To | func AUListenerCreateWithDispatchQueue(_ outListener: UnsafeMutablePointer<AUParameterListenerRef?>, _ inNotificationInterval: Float32, _ inDispatchQueue: DispatchQueue, _ inBlock: @escaping AudioToolbox.AUParameterListenerBlock) -> OSStatus |
Declaration | |
From | func CAClockAddListener(_ inCAClock: CAClockRef, _ inListenerProc: AudioToolbox.CAClockListenerProc, _ inUserData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) -> OSStatus |
To | func CAClockAddListener(_ inCAClock: CAClockRef, _ inListenerProc: @escaping AudioToolbox.CAClockListenerProc, _ inUserData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) -> OSStatus |
Declaration | |
From | func CAClockRemoveListener(_ inCAClock: CAClockRef, _ inListenerProc: AudioToolbox.CAClockListenerProc, _ inUserData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) -> OSStatus |
To | func CAClockRemoveListener(_ inCAClock: CAClockRef, _ inListenerProc: @escaping AudioToolbox.CAClockListenerProc, _ inUserData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) -> OSStatus |