AppKit Changes
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityActivationPoint
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityAllowedValues
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityAlternateUIVisible
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityApplicationFocusedUIElement
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityCancelButton
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityChildren
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityClearButton
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityCloseButton
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityColumnCount
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityColumnHeaderUIElements
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityColumnIndexRange
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityColumnTitles
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityColumns
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityContents
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityCriticalValue
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityDecrementButton
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityDefaultButton
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityDisclosed
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityDisclosedByRow
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityDisclosedRows
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityDisclosureLevel
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityDocument
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityEdited
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityElement
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityEnabled
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityExpanded
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityExtrasMenuBar
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityFilename
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityFocused
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityFocusedWindow
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityFrame
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityFrontmost
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityFullScreenButton
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityGrowArea
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityHandles
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityHeader
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityHelp
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityHidden
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityHorizontalScrollBar
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityHorizontalUnitDescription
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityHorizontalUnits
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityIdentifier
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityIncrementButton
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityIndex
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityInsertionPointLineNumber
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityLabel
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityLabelUIElements
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityLabelValue
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityLinkedUIElements
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityMain
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityMainWindow
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityMarkerGroupUIElement
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityMarkerTypeDescription
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityMarkerUIElements
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityMarkerValues
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityMaxValue
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityMenuBar
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityMinValue
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityMinimizeButton
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityMinimized
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityModal
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityNextContents
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityNumberOfCharacters
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityOrderedByRow
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityOrientation
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityOverflowButton
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityParent
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityPlaceholderValue
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityPreviousContents
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityProtectedContent
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityProxy
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityRole
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityRoleDescription
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityRowCount
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityRowHeaderUIElements
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityRowIndexRange
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityRows
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityRulerMarkerType
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilitySearchButton
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilitySearchMenu
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilitySelected
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilitySelectedCells
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilitySelectedChildren
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilitySelectedColumns
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilitySelectedRows
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilitySelectedText
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilitySelectedTextRange
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilitySelectedTextRanges
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityServesAsTitleForUIElements
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilitySharedCharacterRange
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilitySharedFocusElements
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilitySharedTextUIElements
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityShownMenu
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilitySortDirection
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilitySplitters
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilitySubrole
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityTabs
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityTitle
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityTitleUIElement
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityToolbarButton
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityTopLevelUIElement
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityURL
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityUnitDescription
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityUnits
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityValue
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityValueDescription
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityVerticalScrollBar
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityVerticalUnitDescription
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityVerticalUnits
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityVisibleCells
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityVisibleCharacterRange
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityVisibleChildren
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityVisibleColumns
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityVisibleRows
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityWarningValue
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityWindow
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityWindows
Removed NSAccessibility.accessibilityZoomButton
Removed NSAccessibilityElement.accessibilityFrameInParentSpace
Removed NSApplicationActivationOptions.value
Removed NSApplicationOcclusionState.value
Removed NSApplicationPresentationOptions.value
Removed NSAutoresizingMaskOptions.value
Removed NSBitmapFormat.value
Removed NSCellHitResult.value
Removed NSCellStyleMask.value
Removed NSColorPanelOptions.value
Removed NSCompositingOperation.CompositeHighlight
Removed NSDatePickerElementFlags.value
Removed NSDragOperation.value
Removed NSDraggingItemEnumerationOptions.value
Removed NSEventButtonMask.value
Removed NSEventMask.value
Removed NSEventModifierFlags.value
Removed NSEventPhase.value
Removed NSEventSwipeTrackingOptions.value
Removed NSFontCollectionOptions.value
Removed NSFontCollectionVisibility.value
Removed NSFontTraitMask.value
Removed NSGestureRecognizerDelegate.gestureRecognizer(NSGestureRecognizer!, shouldReceiveEvent: NSEvent!) -> Bool
Removed NSLayoutFormatOptions.value
Removed NSMediaLibrary.value
Removed NSMenuProperties.value
Removed NSPDFPanelOptions.value
Removed NSPasteboardReadingOptions.value
Removed NSPasteboardWritingOptions.value
Removed NSPathStyle.NavigationBar
Removed NSPrintPanelOptions.value
Removed NSPrinter.init(name: String!, domain: String!, includeUnavailable: Bool)
Removed NSRemoteNotificationType.value
Removed NSStringDrawingOptions.value
Removed NSTabViewController.segmentedControl
Removed NSTableColumnResizingOptions.value
Removed NSTableViewAnimationOptions.value
Removed NSTableViewGridLineStyle.value
Removed NSTextListOptions.value
Removed NSTextStorageEditedOptions.value
Removed NSTokenStyle.DefaultTokenStyle
Removed NSTokenStyle.PlainTextTokenStyle
Removed NSTokenStyle.RoundedTokenStyle
Removed NSTouchPhase.value
Removed NSTrackingAreaOptions.value
Removed NSTypesetterControlCharacterAction.value
Removed NSView.getMirror() -> Mirror
Removed NSViewControllerTransitionOptions.value
Removed NSWindowCollectionBehavior.value
Removed NSWindowOcclusionState.value
Removed NSWindowTitleVisibility.HiddenWhenActive
Removed NSWorkspaceIconCreationOptions.value
Removed NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions.value
Removed NSApplicationMain(Int32, UnsafePointer<UnsafePointer<CChar>>) -> Int32
Added CIColor.init(color: NSColor)
Added CIImage.init(bitmapImageRep: NSBitmapImageRep)
Added CIImage.drawAtPoint(NSPoint, fromRect: NSRect, operation: NSCompositingOperation, fraction: CGFloat)
Added CIImage.drawInRect(NSRect, fromRect: NSRect, operation: NSCompositingOperation, fraction: CGFloat)
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityActivationPoint() -> NSPoint
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityAllowedValues() -> [AnyObject]!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityApplicationFocusedUIElement() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityCancelButton() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityChildren() -> [AnyObject]!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityClearButton() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityCloseButton() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityColumnCount() -> Int
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityColumnHeaderUIElements() -> [AnyObject]!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityColumnIndexRange() -> NSRange
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityColumnTitles() -> [AnyObject]!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityColumns() -> [AnyObject]!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityContents() -> [AnyObject]!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityCriticalValue() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityDecrementButton() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityDefaultButton() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityDisclosedByRow() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityDisclosedRows() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityDisclosureLevel() -> Int
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityDocument() -> String!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityExtrasMenuBar() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityFilename() -> String!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityFocusedWindow() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityFrame() -> NSRect
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityFullScreenButton() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityGrowArea() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityHandles() -> [AnyObject]!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityHeader() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityHelp() -> String!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityHorizontalScrollBar() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityHorizontalUnitDescription() -> String!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityHorizontalUnits() -> NSAccessibilityUnits
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityIdentifier() -> String!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityIncrementButton() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityIndex() -> Int
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityInsertionPointLineNumber() -> Int
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityLabel() -> String!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityLabelUIElements() -> [AnyObject]!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityLabelValue() -> Float
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityLinkedUIElements() -> [AnyObject]!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityMainWindow() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityMarkerGroupUIElement() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityMarkerTypeDescription() -> String!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityMarkerUIElements() -> [AnyObject]!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityMarkerValues() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityMaxValue() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityMenuBar() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityMinValue() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityMinimizeButton() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityNextContents() -> [AnyObject]!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityNumberOfCharacters() -> Int
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityOrientation() -> NSAccessibilityOrientation
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityOverflowButton() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityParent() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityPlaceholderValue() -> String!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityPreviousContents() -> [AnyObject]!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityProxy() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityRole() -> String!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityRoleDescription() -> String!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityRowCount() -> Int
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityRowHeaderUIElements() -> [AnyObject]!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityRowIndexRange() -> NSRange
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityRows() -> [AnyObject]!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityRulerMarkerType() -> NSAccessibilityRulerMarkerType
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilitySearchButton() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilitySearchMenu() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilitySelectedCells() -> [AnyObject]!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilitySelectedChildren() -> [AnyObject]!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilitySelectedColumns() -> [AnyObject]!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilitySelectedRows() -> [AnyObject]!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilitySelectedText() -> String!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilitySelectedTextRange() -> NSRange
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilitySelectedTextRanges() -> [AnyObject]!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityServesAsTitleForUIElements() -> [AnyObject]!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilitySharedCharacterRange() -> NSRange
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilitySharedFocusElements() -> [AnyObject]!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilitySharedTextUIElements() -> [AnyObject]!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityShownMenu() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilitySortDirection() -> NSAccessibilitySortDirection
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilitySplitters() -> [AnyObject]!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilitySubrole() -> String!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityTabs() -> [AnyObject]!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityTitle() -> String!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityTitleUIElement() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityToolbarButton() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityTopLevelUIElement() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityURL() -> NSURL!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityUnitDescription() -> String!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityUnits() -> NSAccessibilityUnits
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityValue() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityValueDescription() -> String!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityVerticalScrollBar() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityVerticalUnitDescription() -> String!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityVerticalUnits() -> NSAccessibilityUnits
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityVisibleCells() -> [AnyObject]!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityVisibleCharacterRange() -> NSRange
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityVisibleChildren() -> [AnyObject]!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityVisibleColumns() -> [AnyObject]!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityVisibleRows() -> [AnyObject]!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityWarningValue() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityWindow() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityWindows() -> [AnyObject]!
Added NSAccessibility.accessibilityZoomButton() -> AnyObject!
Added NSAccessibility.isAccessibilityAlternateUIVisible() -> Bool
Added NSAccessibility.isAccessibilityDisclosed() -> Bool
Added NSAccessibility.isAccessibilityEdited() -> Bool
Added NSAccessibility.isAccessibilityElement() -> Bool
Added NSAccessibility.isAccessibilityEnabled() -> Bool
Added NSAccessibility.isAccessibilityExpanded() -> Bool
Added NSAccessibility.isAccessibilityFocused() -> Bool
Added NSAccessibility.isAccessibilityFrontmost() -> Bool
Added NSAccessibility.isAccessibilityHidden() -> Bool
Added NSAccessibility.isAccessibilityMain() -> Bool
Added NSAccessibility.isAccessibilityMinimized() -> Bool
Added NSAccessibility.isAccessibilityModal() -> Bool
Added NSAccessibility.isAccessibilityOrderedByRow() -> Bool
Added NSAccessibility.isAccessibilityProtectedContent() -> Bool
Added NSAccessibility.isAccessibilitySelected() -> Bool
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityActivationPoint(NSPoint)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityAllowedValues([AnyObject]!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityAlternateUIVisible(Bool)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityApplicationFocusedUIElement(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityCancelButton(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityChildren([AnyObject]!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityClearButton(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityCloseButton(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityColumnCount(Int)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityColumnHeaderUIElements([AnyObject]!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityColumnIndexRange(NSRange)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityColumnTitles([AnyObject]!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityColumns([AnyObject]!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityContents([AnyObject]!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityCriticalValue(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityDecrementButton(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityDefaultButton(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityDisclosed(Bool)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityDisclosedByRow(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityDisclosedRows(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityDisclosureLevel(Int)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityDocument(String!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityEdited(Bool)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityElement(Bool)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityEnabled(Bool)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityExpanded(Bool)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityExtrasMenuBar(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityFilename(String!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityFocused(Bool)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityFocusedWindow(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityFrame(NSRect)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityFrontmost(Bool)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityFullScreenButton(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityGrowArea(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityHandles([AnyObject]!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityHeader(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityHelp(String!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityHidden(Bool)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityHorizontalScrollBar(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityHorizontalUnitDescription(String!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityHorizontalUnits(NSAccessibilityUnits)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityIdentifier(String!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityIncrementButton(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityIndex(Int)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityInsertionPointLineNumber(Int)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityLabel(String!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityLabelUIElements([AnyObject]!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityLabelValue(Float)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityLinkedUIElements([AnyObject]!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityMain(Bool)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityMainWindow(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityMarkerGroupUIElement(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityMarkerTypeDescription(String!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityMarkerUIElements([AnyObject]!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityMarkerValues(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityMaxValue(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityMenuBar(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityMinValue(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityMinimizeButton(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityMinimized(Bool)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityModal(Bool)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityNextContents([AnyObject]!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityNumberOfCharacters(Int)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityOrderedByRow(Bool)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityOrientation(NSAccessibilityOrientation)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityOverflowButton(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityParent(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityPlaceholderValue(String!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityPreviousContents([AnyObject]!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityProtectedContent(Bool)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityProxy(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityRole(String!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityRoleDescription(String!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityRowCount(Int)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityRowHeaderUIElements([AnyObject]!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityRowIndexRange(NSRange)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityRows([AnyObject]!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityRulerMarkerType(NSAccessibilityRulerMarkerType)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilitySearchButton(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilitySearchMenu(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilitySelected(Bool)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilitySelectedCells([AnyObject]!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilitySelectedChildren([AnyObject]!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilitySelectedColumns([AnyObject]!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilitySelectedRows([AnyObject]!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilitySelectedText(String!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilitySelectedTextRange(NSRange)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilitySelectedTextRanges([AnyObject]!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityServesAsTitleForUIElements([AnyObject]!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilitySharedCharacterRange(NSRange)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilitySharedFocusElements([AnyObject]!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilitySharedTextUIElements([AnyObject]!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityShownMenu(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilitySortDirection(NSAccessibilitySortDirection)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilitySplitters([AnyObject]!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilitySubrole(String!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityTabs([AnyObject]!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityTitle(String!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityTitleUIElement(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityToolbarButton(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityTopLevelUIElement(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityURL(NSURL!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityUnitDescription(String!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityUnits(NSAccessibilityUnits)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityValue(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityValueDescription(String!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityVerticalScrollBar(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityVerticalUnitDescription(String!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityVerticalUnits(NSAccessibilityUnits)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityVisibleCells([AnyObject]!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityVisibleCharacterRange(NSRange)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityVisibleChildren([AnyObject]!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityVisibleColumns([AnyObject]!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityVisibleRows([AnyObject]!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityWarningValue(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityWindow(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityWindows([AnyObject]!)
Added NSAccessibility.setAccessibilityZoomButton(AnyObject!)
Added NSAccessibilityElement.accessibilityFrameInParentSpace() -> NSRect
Added NSAccessibilityElement.setAccessibilityFrameInParentSpace(NSRect)
Added NSAffineTransform.concat()
Added NSAffineTransform.set()
Added NSAffineTransform.transformBezierPath(NSBezierPath) -> NSBezierPath
Added NSAppleScript.richTextSource
Added NSApplicationActivationOptions.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSApplicationOcclusionState.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSApplicationPresentationOptions.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSAttributedString.init(HTML: NSData, baseURL: NSURL, documentAttributes: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSDictionary?>)
Added NSAttributedString.init(HTML: NSData, documentAttributes: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSDictionary?>)
Added NSAttributedString.init(HTML: NSData, options:[NSObject: AnyObject]?, documentAttributes: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSDictionary?>)
Added NSAttributedString.init(RTF: NSData, documentAttributes: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSDictionary?>)
Added NSAttributedString.init(RTFD: NSData, documentAttributes: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSDictionary?>)
Added NSAttributedString.init(RTFDFileWrapper: NSFileWrapper, documentAttributes: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSDictionary?>)
Added NSAttributedString.RTFDFileWrapperFromRange(NSRange, documentAttributes:[NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> NSFileWrapper?
Added NSAttributedString.RTFDFromRange(NSRange, documentAttributes:[NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> NSData?
Added NSAttributedString.RTFFromRange(NSRange, documentAttributes:[NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> NSData?
Added NSAttributedString.init(URL: NSURL, documentAttributes: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSDictionary?>)
Added NSAttributedString.init(URL: NSURL, options:[NSObject: AnyObject]?, documentAttributes: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSDictionary?>, error: NSErrorPointer)
Added NSAttributedString.URLAtIndex(Int, effectiveRange: NSRangePointer) -> NSURL?
Added NSAttributedString.init(attachment: NSTextAttachment)
Added NSAttributedString.boundingRectWithSize(NSSize, options: NSStringDrawingOptions) -> NSRect
Added NSAttributedString.containsAttachments
Added NSAttributedString.init(data: NSData, options:[NSObject: AnyObject]?, documentAttributes: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSDictionary?>, error: NSErrorPointer)
Added NSAttributedString.dataFromRange(NSRange, documentAttributes:[NSObject: AnyObject], error: NSErrorPointer) -> NSData?
Added NSAttributedString.init(docFormat: NSData, documentAttributes: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSDictionary?>)
Added NSAttributedString.docFormatFromRange(NSRange, documentAttributes:[NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> NSData?
Added NSAttributedString.doubleClickAtIndex(Int) -> NSRange
Added NSAttributedString.drawAtPoint(NSPoint)
Added NSAttributedString.drawInRect(NSRect)
Added NSAttributedString.drawWithRect(NSRect, options: NSStringDrawingOptions)
Added NSAttributedString.fileWrapperFromRange(NSRange, documentAttributes:[NSObject: AnyObject], error: NSErrorPointer) -> NSFileWrapper?
Added NSAttributedString.fontAttributesInRange(NSRange) -> [NSObject: AnyObject]
Added NSAttributedString.itemNumberInTextList(NSTextList, atIndex: Int) -> Int
Added NSAttributedString.lineBreakBeforeIndex(Int, withinRange: NSRange) -> Int
Added NSAttributedString.lineBreakByHyphenatingBeforeIndex(Int, withinRange: NSRange) -> Int
Added NSAttributedString.nextWordFromIndex(Int, forward: Bool) -> Int
Added NSAttributedString.init(path: String, documentAttributes: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSDictionary?>)
Added NSAttributedString.rangeOfTextBlock(NSTextBlock, atIndex: Int) -> NSRange
Added NSAttributedString.rangeOfTextList(NSTextList, atIndex: Int) -> NSRange
Added NSAttributedString.rangeOfTextTable(NSTextTable, atIndex: Int) -> NSRange
Added NSAttributedString.rulerAttributesInRange(NSRange) -> [NSObject: AnyObject]?
Added NSAttributedString.size
Added NSAttributedString.textTypes() -> [AnyObject] [class]
Added NSAttributedString.textUnfilteredTypes() -> [AnyObject] [class]
Added NSAutoresizingMaskOptions.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSBitmapFormat.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSBitmapImageRep.init(data: NSData)
Added NSBundle.URLForImageResource(String) -> NSURL?
Added NSBundle.contextHelpForKey(String) -> NSAttributedString?
Added NSBundle.imageForResource(String) -> NSImage?
Added NSBundle.loadNibNamed(String, owner: AnyObject!, topLevelObjects: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSArray?>) -> Bool
Added NSBundle.pathForImageResource(String) -> String?
Added NSBundle.pathForSoundResource(String) -> String?
Added NSButton.maxAcceleratorLevel
Added NSButton.springLoaded
Added NSButtonType.AcceleratorButton
Added NSButtonType.MultiLevelAcceleratorButton
Added NSCIImageRep.init(CIImage: CIImage)
Added NSCellHitResult.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSCellStyleMask.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSClipView.automaticallyAdjustsContentInsets
Added NSClipView.contentInsets
Added NSColor.quaternaryLabelColor() -> NSColor [class]
Added NSColor.tertiaryLabelColor() -> NSColor [class]
Added NSColorPanelOptions.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSCursor.getMirror() -> MirrorType
Added NSDatePickerElementFlags.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSDragOperation.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSDraggingItemEnumerationOptions.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSEPSImageRep.init(data: NSData)
Added NSEvent.associatedEventsMask
Added NSEvent.stage
Added NSEvent.stageTransition
Added NSEventButtonMask.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSEventMask.EventMaskPressure
Added NSEventMask.init(rawValue: UInt64)
Added NSEventModifierFlags.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSEventPhase.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSEventSwipeTrackingOptions.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSEventType.EventTypePressure
Added NSFileWrapper.icon
Added NSFontCollectionOptions.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSFontCollectionVisibility.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSFontTraitMask.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSGestureRecognizer.pressureChangeWithEvent(NSEvent!)
Added NSItemProvider.containerFrame
Added NSItemProvider.preferredPresentationSize
Added NSItemProvider.sourceFrame
Added NSLayoutFormatOptions.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSMediaLibrary.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSMenuProperties.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSMutableAttributedString.applyFontTraits(NSFontTraitMask, range: NSRange)
Added NSMutableAttributedString.fixAttachmentAttributeInRange(NSRange)
Added NSMutableAttributedString.fixAttributesInRange(NSRange)
Added NSMutableAttributedString.fixFontAttributeInRange(NSRange)
Added NSMutableAttributedString.fixParagraphStyleAttributeInRange(NSRange)
Added NSMutableAttributedString.readFromData(NSData, options:[NSObject: AnyObject]?, documentAttributes: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSDictionary?>) -> Bool
Added NSMutableAttributedString.readFromData(NSData, options:[NSObject: AnyObject]?, documentAttributes: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSDictionary?>, error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool
Added NSMutableAttributedString.readFromURL(NSURL, options:[NSObject: AnyObject]?, documentAttributes: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSDictionary?>) -> Bool
Added NSMutableAttributedString.readFromURL(NSURL, options:[NSObject: AnyObject]?, documentAttributes: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSDictionary?>, error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool
Added NSMutableAttributedString.setAlignment(NSTextAlignment, range: NSRange)
Added NSMutableAttributedString.setBaseWritingDirection(NSWritingDirection, range: NSRange)
Added NSMutableAttributedString.subscriptRange(NSRange)
Added NSMutableAttributedString.superscriptRange(NSRange)
Added NSMutableAttributedString.unscriptRange(NSRange)
Added NSMutableAttributedString.updateAttachmentsFromPath(String)
Added NSObject.accessibilityActionDescription(String) -> String?
Added NSObject.accessibilityActionNames() -> [AnyObject]
Added NSObject.accessibilityArrayAttributeCount(String) -> Int
Added NSObject.accessibilityArrayAttributeValues(String, index: Int, maxCount: Int) -> [AnyObject]
Added NSObject.accessibilityAttributeNames() -> [AnyObject]
Added NSObject.accessibilityAttributeValue(String) -> AnyObject?
Added NSObject.accessibilityAttributeValue(String, forParameter: AnyObject?) -> AnyObject?
Added NSObject.accessibilityFocusedUIElement
Added NSObject.accessibilityHitTest(NSPoint) -> AnyObject?
Added NSObject.accessibilityIndexOfChild(AnyObject) -> Int
Added NSObject.accessibilityIsAttributeSettable(String) -> Bool
Added NSObject.accessibilityIsIgnored() -> Bool
Added NSObject.accessibilityNotifiesWhenDestroyed
Added NSObject.accessibilityParameterizedAttributeNames() -> [AnyObject]
Added NSObject.accessibilityPerformAction(String)
Added NSObject.accessibilitySetOverrideValue(AnyObject?, forAttribute: String) -> Bool
Added NSObject.accessibilitySetValue(AnyObject?, forAttribute: String)
Added NSObject.application(NSApplication, delegateHandlesKey: String) -> Bool
Added NSObject.awakeFromNib()
Added NSObject.bind(String, toObject: AnyObject, withKeyPath: String, options:[NSObject: AnyObject]?)
Added NSObject.changeColor(AnyObject?)
Added NSObject.changeFont(AnyObject?)
Added NSObject.commitEditing() -> Bool
Added NSObject.commitEditingAndReturnError(NSErrorPointer) -> Bool
Added NSObject.commitEditingWithDelegate(AnyObject?, didCommitSelector: Selector, contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Added NSObject.controlTextDidBeginEditing(NSNotification)
Added NSObject.controlTextDidChange(NSNotification)
Added NSObject.controlTextDidEndEditing(NSNotification)
Added NSObject.defaultPlaceholderForMarker(AnyObject?, withBinding: String) -> AnyObject? [class]
Added NSObject.discardEditing()
Added NSObject.exposeBinding(String) [class]
Added NSObject.exposedBindings
Added NSObject.fontManager(AnyObject, willIncludeFont: String) -> Bool
Added NSObject.infoForBinding(String) -> [NSObject: AnyObject]?
Added NSObject.isExplicitlyIncluded() -> Bool
Added NSObject.key() -> String?
Added NSObject.layer(CALayer, shouldInheritContentsScale: CGFloat, fromWindow: NSWindow) -> Bool
Added NSObject.localizedKey() -> String?
Added NSObject.namesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestination(NSURL) -> [AnyObject]?
Added NSObject.objectDidBeginEditing(AnyObject)
Added NSObject.objectDidEndEditing(AnyObject)
Added NSObject.optionDescriptionsForBinding(String) -> [AnyObject]
Added NSObject.pasteboard(NSPasteboard, provideDataForType: String)
Added NSObject.pasteboardChangedOwner(NSPasteboard)
Added NSObject.prepareForInterfaceBuilder()
Added NSObject.setDefaultPlaceholder(AnyObject?, forMarker: AnyObject?, withBinding: String) [class]
Added NSObject.setKey(String?)
Added NSObject.setLocalizedKey(String?)
Added NSObject.setValue(AnyObject?)
Added NSObject.unbind(String)
Added NSObject.validModesForFontPanel(NSFontPanel) -> Int
Added NSObject.validateMenuItem(NSMenuItem) -> Bool
Added NSObject.validateToolbarItem(NSToolbarItem) -> Bool
Added NSObject.value() -> AnyObject?
Added NSObject.valueClassForBinding(String) -> AnyClass?
Added NSObject.view(NSView, stringForToolTip: NSToolTipTag, point: NSPoint, userData: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> String
Added NSOpenPanel.canDownloadUbiquitousContents
Added NSOpenPanel.canResolveUbiquitousConflicts
Added NSPDFImageRep.init(data: NSData)
Added NSPDFPanelOptions.init(rawValue: Int)
Added NSPICTImageRep.init(data: NSData)
Added NSPasteboardReadingOptions.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSPasteboardWritingOptions.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSPrintPanelOptions.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSRemoteNotificationType.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSResponder.pressureChangeWithEvent(NSEvent!)
Added NSScrollView.automaticallyAdjustsContentInsets
Added NSScrollView.contentInsets
Added NSScrollView.scrollerInsets
Added NSSegmentSwitchTracking.MomentaryAccelerator
Added NSSegmentedControl.doubleValueForSelectedSegment() -> Double
Added NSSegmentedControl.springLoaded
Added NSSegmentedControl.trackingMode
Added NSString.boundingRectWithSize(NSSize, options: NSStringDrawingOptions, attributes:[NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> NSRect
Added NSString.drawAtPoint(NSPoint, withAttributes:[NSObject: AnyObject]?)
Added NSString.drawInRect(NSRect, withAttributes:[NSObject: AnyObject]?)
Added NSString.drawWithRect(NSRect, options: NSStringDrawingOptions, attributes:[NSObject: AnyObject]?)
Added NSString.sizeWithAttributes([NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> NSSize
Added NSStringDrawingOptions.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSTableColumnResizingOptions.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSTableViewAnimationOptions.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSTableViewGridLineStyle.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSTextListOptions.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSTextStorageEditedOptions.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSTokenStyle.Default
Added NSTokenStyle.None
Added NSTokenStyle.PlainSquared
Added NSTokenStyle.Rounded
Added NSTokenStyle.Squared
Added NSTouchPhase.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSTrackingAreaOptions.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSTypesetterControlCharacterAction.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSURL.init(fromPasteboard: NSPasteboard)
Added NSURL.writeToPasteboard(NSPasteboard)
Added NSView.getMirror() -> MirrorType
Added NSViewControllerTransitionOptions.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSWindowCollectionBehavior.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSWindowOcclusionState.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSWorkspace.accessibilityDisplayShouldDifferentiateWithoutColor
Added NSWorkspace.accessibilityDisplayShouldIncreaseContrast
Added NSWorkspace.accessibilityDisplayShouldReduceTransparency
Added NSWorkspaceIconCreationOptions.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added NSAppKitVersionNumber10_10
Added NSApplicationMain(Int32, UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>>) -> Int32
Added NSDefaultTokenStyle
Added NSPlainTextTokenStyle
Added NSRoundedTokenStyle
Added NSWorkspaceAccessibilityDisplayOptionsDidChangeNotification
Modified NSATSTypesetter.attributedString
Declaration | |
From | var attributedString: NSAttributedString! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var attributedString: NSAttributedString? |
Modified NSATSTypesetter.boundingBoxForControlGlyphAtIndex(Int, forTextContainer: NSTextContainer, proposedLineFragment: NSRect, glyphPosition: NSPoint, characterIndex: Int) -> NSRect
Declaration | |
From | func boundingBoxForControlGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int, forTextContainer textContainer: NSTextContainer!, proposedLineFragment proposedRect: NSRect, glyphPosition glyphPosition: NSPoint, characterIndex charIndex: Int) -> NSRect |
To | func boundingBoxForControlGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int, forTextContainer textContainer: NSTextContainer, proposedLineFragment proposedRect: NSRect, glyphPosition glyphPosition: NSPoint, characterIndex charIndex: Int) -> NSRect |
Modified NSATSTypesetter.currentTextContainer
Declaration | |
From | var currentTextContainer: NSTextContainer! { get } |
To | unowned(unsafe) var currentTextContainer: NSTextContainer? { get } |
Modified NSATSTypesetter.getGlyphsInRange(NSRange, glyphs: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyph>, characterIndexes: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, glyphInscriptions: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyphInscription>, elasticBits: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func getGlyphsInRange(_ glyphsRange: NSRange, glyphs glyphBuffer: UnsafePointer<NSGlyph>, characterIndexes charIndexBuffer: UnsafePointer<Int>, glyphInscriptions inscribeBuffer: UnsafePointer<NSGlyphInscription>, elasticBits elasticBuffer: UnsafePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Int |
To | func getGlyphsInRange(_ glyphsRange: NSRange, glyphs glyphBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyph>, characterIndexes charIndexBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, glyphInscriptions inscribeBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyphInscription>, elasticBits elasticBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Int |
Modified NSATSTypesetter.getLineFragmentRect(UnsafeMutablePointer<NSRect>, usedRect: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSRect>, forParagraphSeparatorGlyphRange: NSRange, atProposedOrigin: NSPoint)
Declaration | |
From | func getLineFragmentRect(_ lineFragmentRect: UnsafePointer<NSRect>, usedRect lineFragmentUsedRect: UnsafePointer<NSRect>, forParagraphSeparatorGlyphRange paragraphSeparatorGlyphRange: NSRange, atProposedOrigin lineOrigin: NSPoint) |
To | func getLineFragmentRect(_ lineFragmentRect: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSRect>, usedRect lineFragmentUsedRect: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSRect>, forParagraphSeparatorGlyphRange paragraphSeparatorGlyphRange: NSRange, atProposedOrigin lineOrigin: NSPoint) |
Modified NSATSTypesetter.layoutManager
Declaration | |
From | var layoutManager: NSLayoutManager! { get } |
To | unowned(unsafe) var layoutManager: NSLayoutManager? { get } |
Modified NSATSTypesetter.layoutParagraphAtPoint(UnsafeMutablePointer<NSPoint>) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func layoutParagraphAtPoint(_ lineFragmentOrigin: UnsafePointer<NSPoint>) -> Int |
To | func layoutParagraphAtPoint(_ lineFragmentOrigin: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSPoint>) -> Int |
Modified NSATSTypesetter.setBidiLevels(UnsafePointer<UInt8>, forGlyphRange: NSRange)
Declaration | |
From | func setBidiLevels(_ levels: ConstUnsafePointer<UInt8>, forGlyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) |
To | func setBidiLevels(_ levels: UnsafePointer<UInt8>, forGlyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) |
Modified NSATSTypesetter.setLocation(NSPoint, withAdvancements: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, forStartOfGlyphRange: NSRange)
Declaration | |
From | func setLocation(_ location: NSPoint, withAdvancements advancements: ConstUnsafePointer<CGFloat>, forStartOfGlyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) |
To | func setLocation(_ location: NSPoint, withAdvancements advancements: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, forStartOfGlyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) |
Modified NSATSTypesetter.sharedTypesetter() -> NSATSTypesetter [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func sharedTypesetter() -> NSATSTypesetter! |
To | class func sharedTypesetter() -> NSATSTypesetter |
Modified NSATSTypesetter.substituteFontForFont(NSFont) -> NSFont
Declaration | |
From | func substituteFontForFont(_ originalFont: NSFont!) -> NSFont! |
To | func substituteFontForFont(_ originalFont: NSFont) -> NSFont |
Modified NSATSTypesetter.substituteGlyphsInRange(NSRange, withGlyphs: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyph>)
Declaration | |
From | func substituteGlyphsInRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange, withGlyphs glyphs: UnsafePointer<NSGlyph>) |
To | func substituteGlyphsInRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange, withGlyphs glyphs: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyph>) |
Modified NSATSTypesetter.textTabForGlyphLocation(CGFloat, writingDirection: NSWritingDirection, maxLocation: CGFloat) -> NSTextTab?
Declaration | |
From | func textTabForGlyphLocation(_ glyphLocation: CGFloat, writingDirection direction: NSWritingDirection, maxLocation maxLocation: CGFloat) -> NSTextTab! |
To | func textTabForGlyphLocation(_ glyphLocation: CGFloat, writingDirection direction: NSWritingDirection, maxLocation maxLocation: CGFloat) -> NSTextTab? |
Modified NSATSTypesetter.willSetLineFragmentRect(UnsafeMutablePointer<NSRect>, forGlyphRange: NSRange, usedRect: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSRect>, baselineOffset: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>)
Declaration | |
From | func willSetLineFragmentRect(_ lineRect: UnsafePointer<NSRect>, forGlyphRange glyphRange: NSRange, usedRect usedRect: UnsafePointer<NSRect>, baselineOffset baselineOffset: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) |
To | func willSetLineFragmentRect(_ lineRect: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSRect>, forGlyphRange glyphRange: NSRange, usedRect usedRect: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSRect>, baselineOffset baselineOffset: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>) |
Modified NSAccessibility.accessibilityAttributedStringForRange(NSRange) -> NSAttributedString?
Declaration | |
From | func accessibilityAttributedStringForRange(_ range: NSRange) -> NSAttributedString! |
To | func accessibilityAttributedStringForRange(_ range: NSRange) -> NSAttributedString? |
Modified NSAccessibility.accessibilityCellForColumn(Int, row: Int) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func accessibilityCellForColumn(_ column: Int, row row: Int) -> AnyObject! |
To | func accessibilityCellForColumn(_ column: Int, row row: Int) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSAccessibility.accessibilityRTFForRange(NSRange) -> NSData?
Declaration | |
From | func accessibilityRTFForRange(_ range: NSRange) -> NSData! |
To | func accessibilityRTFForRange(_ range: NSRange) -> NSData? |
Modified NSAccessibility.accessibilityStringForRange(NSRange) -> String?
Declaration | |
From | func accessibilityStringForRange(_ range: NSRange) -> String! |
To | func accessibilityStringForRange(_ range: NSRange) -> String? |
Modified NSAccessibilityButton.accessibilityLabel() -> String?
Declaration | |
From | func accessibilityLabel() -> String! |
To | func accessibilityLabel() -> String? |
Modified NSAccessibilityCheckBox.accessibilityValue() -> NSNumber?
Declaration | |
From | func accessibilityValue() -> NSNumber! |
To | func accessibilityValue() -> NSNumber? |
Modified NSAccessibilityElement.accessibilityAddChildElement(NSAccessibilityElement)
Declaration | |
From | func accessibilityAddChildElement(_ childElement: NSAccessibilityElement!) |
To | func accessibilityAddChildElement(_ childElement: NSAccessibilityElement) |
Modified NSAccessibilityElement.accessibilityElementWithRole(String, frame: NSRect, label: String?, parent: AnyObject?) -> AnyObject [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func accessibilityElementWithRole(_ role: String!, frame frame: NSRect, label label: String!, parent parent: AnyObject!) -> AnyObject! |
To | class func accessibilityElementWithRole(_ role: String, frame frame: NSRect, label label: String?, parent parent: AnyObject?) -> AnyObject |
Modified NSAccessibilityElementProtocol.accessibilityIdentifier() -> String
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func accessibilityIdentifier() -> String! | -- |
To | optional func accessibilityIdentifier() -> String | yes |
Modified NSAccessibilityElementProtocol.accessibilityParent() -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func accessibilityParent() -> AnyObject! |
To | func accessibilityParent() -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSAccessibilityElementProtocol.isAccessibilityFocused() -> Bool
Optional | |
From | -- |
To | yes |
Modified NSAccessibilityImage.accessibilityLabel() -> String?
Declaration | |
From | func accessibilityLabel() -> String! |
To | func accessibilityLabel() -> String? |
Modified NSAccessibilityLayoutArea.accessibilityChildren() -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | |
From | func accessibilityChildren() -> [AnyObject]! |
To | func accessibilityChildren() -> [AnyObject]? |
Modified NSAccessibilityLayoutArea.accessibilityFocusedUIElement() -> AnyObject
Declaration | |
From | func accessibilityFocusedUIElement() -> AnyObject! |
To | func accessibilityFocusedUIElement() -> AnyObject |
Modified NSAccessibilityLayoutArea.accessibilityLabel() -> String
Declaration | |
From | func accessibilityLabel() -> String! |
To | func accessibilityLabel() -> String |
Modified NSAccessibilityLayoutArea.accessibilitySelectedChildren() -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | |
From | func accessibilitySelectedChildren() -> [AnyObject]! |
To | func accessibilitySelectedChildren() -> [AnyObject]? |
Modified NSAccessibilityLayoutItem.setAccessibilityFrame(NSRect)
Optional | |
From | -- |
To | yes |
Modified NSAccessibilityNavigableStaticText.accessibilityStringForRange(NSRange) -> String?
Declaration | |
From | func accessibilityStringForRange(_ range: NSRange) -> String! |
To | func accessibilityStringForRange(_ range: NSRange) -> String? |
Modified NSAccessibilityPriorityLevel [enum]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSAccessibilityProgressIndicator.accessibilityValue() -> NSNumber?
Declaration | |
From | func accessibilityValue() -> NSNumber! |
To | func accessibilityValue() -> NSNumber? |
Modified NSAccessibilityRadioButton.accessibilityValue() -> NSNumber?
Declaration | |
From | func accessibilityValue() -> NSNumber! |
To | func accessibilityValue() -> NSNumber? |
Modified NSAccessibilityRow.accessibilityDisclosureLevel() -> Int
Optional | |
From | -- |
To | yes |
Modified NSAccessibilitySlider.accessibilityLabel() -> String?
Declaration | |
From | func accessibilityLabel() -> String! |
To | func accessibilityLabel() -> String? |
Modified NSAccessibilitySlider.accessibilityValue() -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func accessibilityValue() -> AnyObject! |
To | func accessibilityValue() -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSAccessibilityStaticText.accessibilityAttributedStringForRange(NSRange) -> NSAttributedString?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func accessibilityAttributedStringForRange(_ range: NSRange) -> NSAttributedString! | -- |
To | optional func accessibilityAttributedStringForRange(_ range: NSRange) -> NSAttributedString? | yes |
Modified NSAccessibilityStaticText.accessibilityValue() -> String?
Declaration | |
From | func accessibilityValue() -> String! |
To | func accessibilityValue() -> String? |
Modified NSAccessibilityStaticText.accessibilityVisibleCharacterRange() -> NSRange
Optional | |
From | -- |
To | yes |
Modified NSAccessibilityStepper.accessibilityLabel() -> String?
Declaration | |
From | func accessibilityLabel() -> String! |
To | func accessibilityLabel() -> String? |
Modified NSAccessibilityStepper.accessibilityValue() -> AnyObject?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func accessibilityValue() -> AnyObject! | -- |
To | optional func accessibilityValue() -> AnyObject? | yes |
Modified NSAccessibilitySwitch.accessibilityPerformDecrement() -> Bool
Optional | |
From | -- |
To | yes |
Modified NSAccessibilitySwitch.accessibilityPerformIncrement() -> Bool
Optional | |
From | -- |
To | yes |
Modified NSAccessibilitySwitch.accessibilityValue() -> String?
Declaration | |
From | func accessibilityValue() -> String! |
To | func accessibilityValue() -> String? |
Modified NSAccessibilityTable.accessibilityColumnHeaderUIElements() -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func accessibilityColumnHeaderUIElements() -> [AnyObject]! | -- |
To | optional func accessibilityColumnHeaderUIElements() -> [AnyObject]? | yes |
Modified NSAccessibilityTable.accessibilityColumns() -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func accessibilityColumns() -> [AnyObject]! | -- |
To | optional func accessibilityColumns() -> [AnyObject]? | yes |
Modified NSAccessibilityTable.accessibilityHeaderGroup() -> String?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func accessibilityHeaderGroup() -> String! | -- |
To | optional func accessibilityHeaderGroup() -> String? | yes |
Modified NSAccessibilityTable.accessibilityLabel() -> String?
Declaration | |
From | func accessibilityLabel() -> String! |
To | func accessibilityLabel() -> String? |
Modified NSAccessibilityTable.accessibilityRowHeaderUIElements() -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func accessibilityRowHeaderUIElements() -> [AnyObject]! | -- |
To | optional func accessibilityRowHeaderUIElements() -> [AnyObject]? | yes |
Modified NSAccessibilityTable.accessibilityRows() -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | |
From | func accessibilityRows() -> [AnyObject]! |
To | func accessibilityRows() -> [AnyObject]? |
Modified NSAccessibilityTable.accessibilitySelectedCells() -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func accessibilitySelectedCells() -> [AnyObject]! | -- |
To | optional func accessibilitySelectedCells() -> [AnyObject]? | yes |
Modified NSAccessibilityTable.accessibilitySelectedColumns() -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func accessibilitySelectedColumns() -> [AnyObject]! | -- |
To | optional func accessibilitySelectedColumns() -> [AnyObject]? | yes |
Modified NSAccessibilityTable.accessibilitySelectedRows() -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func accessibilitySelectedRows() -> [AnyObject]! | -- |
To | optional func accessibilitySelectedRows() -> [AnyObject]? | yes |
Modified NSAccessibilityTable.accessibilityVisibleCells() -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func accessibilityVisibleCells() -> [AnyObject]! | -- |
To | optional func accessibilityVisibleCells() -> [AnyObject]? | yes |
Modified NSAccessibilityTable.accessibilityVisibleColumns() -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func accessibilityVisibleColumns() -> [AnyObject]! | -- |
To | optional func accessibilityVisibleColumns() -> [AnyObject]? | yes |
Modified NSAccessibilityTable.accessibilityVisibleRows() -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func accessibilityVisibleRows() -> [AnyObject]! | -- |
To | optional func accessibilityVisibleRows() -> [AnyObject]? | yes |
Modified NSAccessibilityTable.setAccessibilitySelectedRows([AnyObject])
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func setAccessibilitySelectedRows(_ selectedRows: [AnyObject]!) | -- |
To | optional func setAccessibilitySelectedRows(_ selectedRows: [AnyObject]) | yes |
Declaration | |
From | var target: AnyObject! |
To | weak var target: AnyObject? |
Modified NSAlert.accessoryView
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var accessoryView: NSView! | OS X 10.10 |
To | var accessoryView: NSView? | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSAlert.addButtonWithTitle(String) -> NSButton
Declaration | |
From | func addButtonWithTitle(_ title: String!) -> NSButton! |
To | func addButtonWithTitle(_ title: String) -> NSButton |
Modified NSAlert.beginSheetModalForWindow(NSWindow, completionHandler:((NSModalResponse) -> Void)?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func beginSheetModalForWindow(_ sheetWindow: NSWindow!, completionHandler handler: ((NSModalResponse) -> Void)!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func beginSheetModalForWindow(_ sheetWindow: NSWindow, completionHandler handler: ((NSModalResponse) -> Void)?) | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSAlert.beginSheetModalForWindow(NSWindow, modalDelegate: AnyObject?, didEndSelector: Selector, contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | func beginSheetModalForWindow(_ window: NSWindow!, modalDelegate delegate: AnyObject!, didEndSelector didEndSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafePointer<()>) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | func beginSheetModalForWindow(_ window: NSWindow, modalDelegate delegate: AnyObject?, didEndSelector didEndSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) | OS X 10.3 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSAlert.buttons
Declaration | |
From | var buttons: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var buttons: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSAlert.delegate
Declaration | |
From | var delegate: NSAlertDelegate! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSAlertDelegate? |
Modified NSAlert.init(error: NSError)
Declaration | |
From | init(error error: NSError!) -> NSAlert |
To | init(error error: NSError) -> NSAlert |
Modified NSAlert.helpAnchor
Declaration | |
From | var helpAnchor: String! |
To | var helpAnchor: String? |
Modified NSAlert.informativeText
Declaration | |
From | var informativeText: String! |
To | var informativeText: String? |
Modified NSAlert.layout()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSAlert.messageText
Declaration | |
From | var messageText: String! |
To | var messageText: String? |
Modified NSAlert.showsSuppressionButton
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSAlert.suppressionButton
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var suppressionButton: NSButton! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var suppressionButton: NSButton? { get } | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSAlert.window
Declaration | |
From | var window: AnyObject! { get } |
To | var window: AnyObject { get } |
Modified NSAlertDelegate.alertShowHelp(NSAlert) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func alertShowHelp(_ alert: NSAlert!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func alertShowHelp(_ alert: NSAlert) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSAnimatablePropertyContainer.animationForKey(String) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func animationForKey(_ key: String!) -> AnyObject! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func animationForKey(_ key: String) -> AnyObject? | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSAnimatablePropertyContainer.animations() -> [NSObject: AnyObject]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func animations() -> [NSObject : AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func animations() -> [NSObject : AnyObject] | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSAnimatablePropertyContainer.animator() -> Self
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func animator() -> Self! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func animator() -> Self | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSAnimatablePropertyContainer.defaultAnimationForKey(String!) -> AnyObject! [class]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class func defaultAnimationForKey(_ key: String!) -> AnyObject! | OS X 10.10 |
To | static func defaultAnimationForKey(_ key: String!) -> AnyObject! | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSAnimatablePropertyContainer.setAnimations([NSObject: AnyObject]!)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSAnimation.delegate
Declaration | |
From | var delegate: NSAnimationDelegate! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSAnimationDelegate? |
Modified NSAnimation.progressMarks
Declaration | |
From | var progressMarks: [AnyObject]! |
To | var progressMarks: [AnyObject] |
Modified NSAnimation.runLoopModesForAnimating
Declaration | |
From | var runLoopModesForAnimating: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var runLoopModesForAnimating: [AnyObject]? { get } |
Modified NSAnimation.startWhenAnimation(NSAnimation, reachesProgress: NSAnimationProgress)
Declaration | |
From | func startWhenAnimation(_ animation: NSAnimation!, reachesProgress startProgress: NSAnimationProgress) |
To | func startWhenAnimation(_ animation: NSAnimation, reachesProgress startProgress: NSAnimationProgress) |
Modified NSAnimation.stopWhenAnimation(NSAnimation, reachesProgress: NSAnimationProgress)
Declaration | |
From | func stopWhenAnimation(_ animation: NSAnimation!, reachesProgress stopProgress: NSAnimationProgress) |
To | func stopWhenAnimation(_ animation: NSAnimation, reachesProgress stopProgress: NSAnimationProgress) |
Modified NSAnimationContext
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSAnimationContext.allowsImplicitAnimation
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSAnimationContext.completionHandler
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var completionHandler: (() -> Void)! | OS X 10.10 |
To | var completionHandler: (() -> Void)? | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSAnimationContext.currentContext() -> NSAnimationContext [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func currentContext() -> NSAnimationContext! |
To | class func currentContext() -> NSAnimationContext |
Modified NSAnimationContext.runAnimationGroup((NSAnimationContext!) -> Void, completionHandler:(() -> Void)?) [class]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class func runAnimationGroup(_ changes: ((NSAnimationContext!) -> Void)!, completionHandler completionHandler: (() -> Void)!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | class func runAnimationGroup(_ changes: (NSAnimationContext!) -> Void, completionHandler completionHandler: (() -> Void)?) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSAnimationContext.timingFunction
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var timingFunction: CAMediaTimingFunction! | OS X 10.10 |
To | var timingFunction: CAMediaTimingFunction? | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSAnimationDelegate.animation(NSAnimation, didReachProgressMark: NSAnimationProgress)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func animation(_ animation: NSAnimation!, didReachProgressMark progress: NSAnimationProgress) | -- |
To | optional func animation(_ animation: NSAnimation, didReachProgressMark progress: NSAnimationProgress) | yes |
Modified NSAnimationDelegate.animation(NSAnimation, valueForProgress: NSAnimationProgress) -> Float
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func animation(_ animation: NSAnimation!, valueForProgress progress: NSAnimationProgress) -> Float | -- |
To | optional func animation(_ animation: NSAnimation, valueForProgress progress: NSAnimationProgress) -> Float | yes |
Modified NSAnimationDelegate.animationDidEnd(NSAnimation)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func animationDidEnd(_ animation: NSAnimation!) | -- |
To | optional func animationDidEnd(_ animation: NSAnimation) | yes |
Modified NSAnimationDelegate.animationDidStop(NSAnimation)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func animationDidStop(_ animation: NSAnimation!) | -- |
To | optional func animationDidStop(_ animation: NSAnimation) | yes |
Modified NSAnimationDelegate.animationShouldStart(NSAnimation) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func animationShouldStart(_ animation: NSAnimation!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func animationShouldStart(_ animation: NSAnimation) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSAppearance
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSAppearance.init(appearanceNamed: String, bundle: NSBundle?)
Declaration | |
From | init(appearanceNamed name: String!, bundle bundle: NSBundle!) |
To | init?(appearanceNamed name: String, bundle bundle: NSBundle?) |
Modified NSAppearance.currentAppearance() -> NSAppearance [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func currentAppearance() -> NSAppearance! |
To | class func currentAppearance() -> NSAppearance |
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var name: String! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var name: String { get } | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSAppearance.init(named: String)
Declaration | |
From | init(named name: String!) -> NSAppearance |
To | init?(named name: String) -> NSAppearance |
Modified NSAppearance.setCurrentAppearance(NSAppearance?) [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func setCurrentAppearance(_ appearance: NSAppearance!) |
To | class func setCurrentAppearance(_ appearance: NSAppearance?) |
Modified NSAppearanceCustomization.appearance
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var appearance: NSAppearance! { get set } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var appearance: NSAppearance? { get set } | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSAppearanceCustomization.effectiveAppearance
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var effectiveAppearance: NSAppearance! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var effectiveAppearance: NSAppearance { get } | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSApplication.activateContextHelpMode(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func activateContextHelpMode(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func activateContextHelpMode(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSApplication.activationPolicy() -> NSApplicationActivationPolicy
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSApplication.addWindowsItem(NSWindow, title: String, filename: Bool)
Declaration | |
From | func addWindowsItem(_ win: NSWindow!, title aString: String!, filename isFilename: Bool) |
To | func addWindowsItem(_ win: NSWindow, title aString: String, filename isFilename: Bool) |
Modified NSApplication.arrangeInFront(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func arrangeInFront(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func arrangeInFront(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSApplication.beginModalSessionForWindow(NSWindow) -> NSModalSession
Declaration | |
From | func beginModalSessionForWindow(_ theWindow: NSWindow!) -> NSModalSession |
To | func beginModalSessionForWindow(_ theWindow: NSWindow) -> NSModalSession |
Modified NSApplication.beginSheet(NSWindow, modalForWindow: NSWindow, modalDelegate: AnyObject?, didEndSelector: Selector, contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | func beginSheet(_ sheet: NSWindow!, modalForWindow docWindow: NSWindow!, modalDelegate modalDelegate: AnyObject!, didEndSelector didEndSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafePointer<()>) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | func beginSheet(_ sheet: NSWindow, modalForWindow docWindow: NSWindow, modalDelegate modalDelegate: AnyObject?, didEndSelector didEndSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSApplication.changeWindowsItem(NSWindow, title: String, filename: Bool)
Declaration | |
From | func changeWindowsItem(_ win: NSWindow!, title aString: String!, filename isFilename: Bool) |
To | func changeWindowsItem(_ win: NSWindow, title aString: String, filename isFilename: Bool) |
Modified NSApplication.completeStateRestoration()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSApplication.context
Declaration | |
From | var context: NSGraphicsContext! { get } |
To | var context: NSGraphicsContext? { get } |
Modified NSApplication.currentEvent
Declaration | |
From | var currentEvent: NSEvent! { get } |
To | var currentEvent: NSEvent? { get } |
Modified NSApplication.currentSystemPresentationOptions
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSApplication.delegate
Declaration | |
From | var delegate: NSApplicationDelegate! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSApplicationDelegate? |
Modified NSApplication.detachDrawingThread(Selector, toTarget: AnyObject, withObject: AnyObject?) [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func detachDrawingThread(_ selector: Selector, toTarget target: AnyObject!, withObject argument: AnyObject!) |
To | class func detachDrawingThread(_ selector: Selector, toTarget target: AnyObject, withObject argument: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSApplication.disableRelaunchOnLogin()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSApplication.discardEventsMatchingMask(Int, beforeEvent: NSEvent?)
Declaration | |
From | func discardEventsMatchingMask(_ mask: Int, beforeEvent lastEvent: NSEvent!) |
To | func discardEventsMatchingMask(_ mask: Int, beforeEvent lastEvent: NSEvent?) |
Modified NSApplication.dockTile
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var dockTile: NSDockTile! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var dockTile: NSDockTile { get } | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSApplication.enableRelaunchOnLogin()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSApplication.enabledRemoteNotificationTypes
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSApplication.endSheet(NSWindow)
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | func endSheet(_ sheet: NSWindow!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | func endSheet(_ sheet: NSWindow) | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSApplication.endSheet(NSWindow, returnCode: Int)
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | func endSheet(_ sheet: NSWindow!, returnCode returnCode: Int) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | func endSheet(_ sheet: NSWindow, returnCode returnCode: Int) | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSApplication.extendStateRestoration()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSApplication.fullKeyboardAccessEnabled
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSApplication.helpMenu
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var helpMenu: NSMenu! | OS X 10.10 |
To | var helpMenu: NSMenu? | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSApplication.hide(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func hide(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func hide(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSApplication.hideOtherApplications(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func hideOtherApplications(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func hideOtherApplications(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSApplication.keyWindow
Declaration | |
From | var keyWindow: NSWindow! { get } |
To | unowned(unsafe) var keyWindow: NSWindow? { get } |
Modified NSApplication.mainMenu
Declaration | |
From | var mainMenu: NSMenu! |
To | var mainMenu: NSMenu? |
Modified NSApplication.mainWindow
Declaration | |
From | var mainWindow: NSWindow! { get } |
To | unowned(unsafe) var mainWindow: NSWindow? { get } |
Modified NSApplication.makeWindowsPerform(Selector, inOrder: Bool) -> NSWindow?
Declaration | |
From | func makeWindowsPerform(_ aSelector: Selector, inOrder flag: Bool) -> NSWindow! |
To | func makeWindowsPerform(_ aSelector: Selector, inOrder flag: Bool) -> NSWindow? |
Modified NSApplication.miniaturizeAll(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func miniaturizeAll(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func miniaturizeAll(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSApplication.modalWindow
Declaration | |
From | var modalWindow: NSWindow! { get } |
To | var modalWindow: NSWindow? { get } |
Modified NSApplication.nextEventMatchingMask(Int, untilDate: NSDate?, inMode: String, dequeue: Bool) -> NSEvent?
Declaration | |
From | func nextEventMatchingMask(_ mask: Int, untilDate expiration: NSDate!, inMode mode: String!, dequeue deqFlag: Bool) -> NSEvent! |
To | func nextEventMatchingMask(_ mask: Int, untilDate expiration: NSDate?, inMode mode: String, dequeue deqFlag: Bool) -> NSEvent? |
Modified NSApplication.occlusionState
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSApplication.orderFrontCharacterPalette(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func orderFrontCharacterPalette(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func orderFrontCharacterPalette(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSApplication.orderFrontColorPanel(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func orderFrontColorPanel(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func orderFrontColorPanel(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSApplication.orderFrontStandardAboutPanel(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func orderFrontStandardAboutPanel(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func orderFrontStandardAboutPanel(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSApplication.orderFrontStandardAboutPanelWithOptions([NSObject: AnyObject])
Declaration | |
From | func orderFrontStandardAboutPanelWithOptions(_ optionsDictionary: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) |
To | func orderFrontStandardAboutPanelWithOptions(_ optionsDictionary: [NSObject : AnyObject]) |
Modified NSApplication.orderedDocuments
Declaration | |
From | var orderedDocuments: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var orderedDocuments: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSApplication.orderedWindows
Declaration | |
From | var orderedWindows: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var orderedWindows: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSApplication.postEvent(NSEvent, atStart: Bool)
Declaration | |
From | func postEvent(_ event: NSEvent!, atStart flag: Bool) |
To | func postEvent(_ event: NSEvent, atStart flag: Bool) |
Modified NSApplication.presentationOptions
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSApplication.registerForRemoteNotificationTypes(NSRemoteNotificationType)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSApplication.registerServicesMenuSendTypes([AnyObject], returnTypes:[AnyObject])
Declaration | |
From | func registerServicesMenuSendTypes(_ sendTypes: [AnyObject]!, returnTypes returnTypes: [AnyObject]!) |
To | func registerServicesMenuSendTypes(_ sendTypes: [AnyObject], returnTypes returnTypes: [AnyObject]) |
Modified NSApplication.registerUserInterfaceItemSearchHandler(NSUserInterfaceItemSearching)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func registerUserInterfaceItemSearchHandler(_ handler: NSUserInterfaceItemSearching!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func registerUserInterfaceItemSearchHandler(_ handler: NSUserInterfaceItemSearching) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSApplication.removeWindowsItem(NSWindow)
Declaration | |
From | func removeWindowsItem(_ win: NSWindow!) |
To | func removeWindowsItem(_ win: NSWindow) |
Modified NSApplication.reportException(NSException)
Declaration | |
From | func reportException(_ theException: NSException!) |
To | func reportException(_ theException: NSException) |
Modified NSApplication.restoreWindowWithIdentifier(String, state: NSCoder, completionHandler:(NSWindow!, NSError!) -> Void) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func restoreWindowWithIdentifier(_ identifier: String!, state state: NSCoder!, completionHandler completionHandler: ((NSWindow!, NSError!) -> Void)!) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 |
To | func restoreWindowWithIdentifier(_ identifier: String, state state: NSCoder, completionHandler completionHandler: (NSWindow!, NSError!) -> Void) -> Bool | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSApplication.runModalForWindow(NSWindow) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func runModalForWindow(_ theWindow: NSWindow!) -> Int |
To | func runModalForWindow(_ theWindow: NSWindow) -> Int |
Modified NSApplication.runPageLayout(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func runPageLayout(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func runPageLayout(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSApplication.searchString(String, inUserInterfaceItemString: String, searchRange: NSRange, foundRange: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSRange>) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func searchString(_ searchString: String!, inUserInterfaceItemString stringToSearch: String!, searchRange searchRange: NSRange, foundRange foundRange: UnsafePointer<NSRange>) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 |
To | func searchString(_ searchString: String, inUserInterfaceItemString stringToSearch: String, searchRange searchRange: NSRange, foundRange foundRange: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSRange>) -> Bool | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSApplication.sendAction(Selector, to: AnyObject?, from: AnyObject?) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func sendAction(_ theAction: Selector, to theTarget: AnyObject!, from sender: AnyObject!) -> Bool |
To | func sendAction(_ theAction: Selector, to theTarget: AnyObject?, from sender: AnyObject?) -> Bool |
Modified NSApplication.sendEvent(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func sendEvent(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) |
To | func sendEvent(_ theEvent: NSEvent) |
Modified NSApplication.servicesMenu
Declaration | |
From | var servicesMenu: NSMenu! |
To | var servicesMenu: NSMenu? |
Modified NSApplication.servicesProvider
Declaration | |
From | var servicesProvider: AnyObject! |
To | var servicesProvider: AnyObject? |
Modified NSApplication.setActivationPolicy(NSApplicationActivationPolicy) -> Bool
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSApplication.sharedApplication() -> NSApplication [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func sharedApplication() -> NSApplication! |
To | class func sharedApplication() -> NSApplication |
Modified NSApplication.showHelp(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func showHelp(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func showHelp(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSApplication.stop(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func stop(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func stop(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSApplication.targetForAction(Selector) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func targetForAction(_ theAction: Selector) -> AnyObject! |
To | func targetForAction(_ theAction: Selector) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSApplication.targetForAction(Selector, to: AnyObject?, from: AnyObject?) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func targetForAction(_ theAction: Selector, to theTarget: AnyObject!, from sender: AnyObject!) -> AnyObject! |
To | func targetForAction(_ theAction: Selector, to theTarget: AnyObject?, from sender: AnyObject?) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSApplication.terminate(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func terminate(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func terminate(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSApplication.tryToPerform(Selector, with: AnyObject?) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func tryToPerform(_ anAction: Selector, with anObject: AnyObject!) -> Bool |
To | func tryToPerform(_ anAction: Selector, with anObject: AnyObject?) -> Bool |
Modified NSApplication.unhide(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func unhide(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func unhide(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSApplication.unhideAllApplications(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func unhideAllApplications(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func unhideAllApplications(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSApplication.unregisterForRemoteNotifications()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSApplication.unregisterUserInterfaceItemSearchHandler(NSUserInterfaceItemSearching)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func unregisterUserInterfaceItemSearchHandler(_ handler: NSUserInterfaceItemSearching!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func unregisterUserInterfaceItemSearchHandler(_ handler: NSUserInterfaceItemSearching) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSApplication.updateWindowsItem(NSWindow)
Declaration | |
From | func updateWindowsItem(_ win: NSWindow!) |
To | func updateWindowsItem(_ win: NSWindow) |
Modified NSApplication.userInterfaceLayoutDirection
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSApplication.validRequestorForSendType(String, returnType: String) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func validRequestorForSendType(_ sendType: String!, returnType returnType: String!) -> AnyObject! |
To | func validRequestorForSendType(_ sendType: String, returnType returnType: String) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSApplication.windowWithWindowNumber(Int) -> NSWindow?
Declaration | |
From | func windowWithWindowNumber(_ windowNum: Int) -> NSWindow! |
To | func windowWithWindowNumber(_ windowNum: Int) -> NSWindow? |
Declaration | |
From | var windows: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var windows: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSApplication.windowsMenu
Declaration | |
From | var windowsMenu: NSMenu! |
To | var windowsMenu: NSMenu? |
Modified NSApplicationActivationOptions [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct NSApplicationActivationOptions : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var ActivateAllWindows: NSApplicationActivationOptions { get } static var ActivateIgnoringOtherApps: NSApplicationActivationOptions { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct NSApplicationActivationOptions : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var ActivateAllWindows: NSApplicationActivationOptions { get } static var ActivateIgnoringOtherApps: NSApplicationActivationOptions { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified NSApplicationActivationOptions.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.application(AnyObject, openFileWithoutUI: String) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func application(_ sender: AnyObject!, openFileWithoutUI filename: String!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func application(_ sender: AnyObject, openFileWithoutUI filename: String) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.application(NSApplication, continueUserActivity: NSUserActivity, restorationHandler:([AnyObject]!) -> Void) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func application(_ application: NSApplication!, continueUserActivity userActivity: NSUserActivity!, restorationHandler restorationHandler: (([AnyObject]!) -> Void)!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func application(_ application: NSApplication, continueUserActivity userActivity: NSUserActivity, restorationHandler restorationHandler: ([AnyObject]!) -> Void) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.application(NSApplication, didDecodeRestorableState: NSCoder)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func application(_ app: NSApplication!, didDecodeRestorableState coder: NSCoder!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func application(_ app: NSApplication, didDecodeRestorableState coder: NSCoder) | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.application(NSApplication, didFailToContinueUserActivityWithType: String, error: NSError)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func application(_ application: NSApplication!, didFailToContinueUserActivityWithType userActivityType: String!, error error: NSError!) | -- |
To | optional func application(_ application: NSApplication, didFailToContinueUserActivityWithType userActivityType: String, error error: NSError) | yes |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.application(NSApplication, didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError: NSError)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func application(_ application: NSApplication!, didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError error: NSError!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func application(_ application: NSApplication, didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError error: NSError) | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.application(NSApplication, didReceiveRemoteNotification:[NSObject: AnyObject])
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func application(_ application: NSApplication!, didReceiveRemoteNotification userInfo: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func application(_ application: NSApplication, didReceiveRemoteNotification userInfo: [NSObject : AnyObject]) | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.application(NSApplication, didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: NSData)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func application(_ application: NSApplication!, didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken deviceToken: NSData!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func application(_ application: NSApplication, didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken deviceToken: NSData) | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.application(NSApplication, didUpdateUserActivity: NSUserActivity)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func application(_ application: NSApplication!, didUpdateUserActivity userActivity: NSUserActivity!) | -- |
To | optional func application(_ application: NSApplication, didUpdateUserActivity userActivity: NSUserActivity) | yes |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.application(NSApplication, openFile: String) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func application(_ sender: NSApplication!, openFile filename: String!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func application(_ sender: NSApplication, openFile filename: String) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.application(NSApplication, openFiles:[AnyObject])
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func application(_ sender: NSApplication!, openFiles filenames: [AnyObject]!) | -- |
To | optional func application(_ sender: NSApplication, openFiles filenames: [AnyObject]) | yes |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.application(NSApplication, openTempFile: String) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func application(_ sender: NSApplication!, openTempFile filename: String!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func application(_ sender: NSApplication, openTempFile filename: String) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.application(NSApplication, printFile: String) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func application(_ sender: NSApplication!, printFile filename: String!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func application(_ sender: NSApplication, printFile filename: String) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.application(NSApplication, printFiles:[AnyObject], withSettings:[NSObject: AnyObject], showPrintPanels: Bool) -> NSApplicationPrintReply
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func application(_ application: NSApplication!, printFiles fileNames: [AnyObject]!, withSettings printSettings: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, showPrintPanels showPrintPanels: Bool) -> NSApplicationPrintReply | -- |
To | optional func application(_ application: NSApplication, printFiles fileNames: [AnyObject], withSettings printSettings: [NSObject : AnyObject], showPrintPanels showPrintPanels: Bool) -> NSApplicationPrintReply | yes |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.application(NSApplication, willContinueUserActivityWithType: String) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func application(_ application: NSApplication!, willContinueUserActivityWithType userActivityType: String!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func application(_ application: NSApplication, willContinueUserActivityWithType userActivityType: String) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.application(NSApplication, willEncodeRestorableState: NSCoder)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func application(_ app: NSApplication!, willEncodeRestorableState coder: NSCoder!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func application(_ app: NSApplication, willEncodeRestorableState coder: NSCoder) | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.application(NSApplication, willPresentError: NSError) -> NSError
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func application(_ application: NSApplication!, willPresentError error: NSError!) -> NSError! | -- |
To | optional func application(_ application: NSApplication, willPresentError error: NSError) -> NSError | yes |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.applicationDidBecomeActive(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.applicationDidChangeOcclusionState(NSNotification)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func applicationDidChangeOcclusionState(_ notification: NSNotification!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func applicationDidChangeOcclusionState(_ notification: NSNotification) | OS X 10.9 | yes |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.applicationDidChangeScreenParameters(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func applicationDidChangeScreenParameters(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func applicationDidChangeScreenParameters(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.applicationDidFinishLaunching(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.applicationDidHide(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func applicationDidHide(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func applicationDidHide(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.applicationDidResignActive(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func applicationDidResignActive(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func applicationDidResignActive(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.applicationDidUnhide(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func applicationDidUnhide(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func applicationDidUnhide(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.applicationDidUpdate(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func applicationDidUpdate(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func applicationDidUpdate(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.applicationDockMenu(NSApplication) -> NSMenu?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func applicationDockMenu(_ sender: NSApplication!) -> NSMenu! | -- |
To | optional func applicationDockMenu(_ sender: NSApplication) -> NSMenu? | yes |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.applicationOpenUntitledFile(NSApplication) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func applicationOpenUntitledFile(_ sender: NSApplication!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func applicationOpenUntitledFile(_ sender: NSApplication) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.applicationShouldHandleReopen(NSApplication, hasVisibleWindows: Bool) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func applicationShouldHandleReopen(_ sender: NSApplication!, hasVisibleWindows flag: Bool) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func applicationShouldHandleReopen(_ sender: NSApplication, hasVisibleWindows flag: Bool) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.applicationShouldOpenUntitledFile(NSApplication) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func applicationShouldOpenUntitledFile(_ sender: NSApplication!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func applicationShouldOpenUntitledFile(_ sender: NSApplication) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.applicationShouldTerminate(NSApplication) -> NSApplicationTerminateReply
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func applicationShouldTerminate(_ sender: NSApplication!) -> NSApplicationTerminateReply | -- |
To | optional func applicationShouldTerminate(_ sender: NSApplication) -> NSApplicationTerminateReply | yes |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed(NSApplication) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed(_ sender: NSApplication!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed(_ sender: NSApplication) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.applicationWillBecomeActive(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func applicationWillBecomeActive(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func applicationWillBecomeActive(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.applicationWillFinishLaunching(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func applicationWillFinishLaunching(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func applicationWillFinishLaunching(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.applicationWillHide(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func applicationWillHide(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func applicationWillHide(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.applicationWillResignActive(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func applicationWillResignActive(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func applicationWillResignActive(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.applicationWillTerminate(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func applicationWillTerminate(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func applicationWillTerminate(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.applicationWillUnhide(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func applicationWillUnhide(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func applicationWillUnhide(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSApplicationDelegate.applicationWillUpdate(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func applicationWillUpdate(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func applicationWillUpdate(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSApplicationOcclusionState [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | Introduction | |
From | struct NSApplicationOcclusionState : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var Visible: NSApplicationOcclusionState { get } } | RawOptionSet | OS X 10.10 |
To | struct NSApplicationOcclusionState : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var Visible: NSApplicationOcclusionState { get } } | RawOptionSetType | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSApplicationOcclusionState.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSApplicationPresentationOptions [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | Introduction | |
From | struct NSApplicationPresentationOptions : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var Default: NSApplicationPresentationOptions { get } static var AutoHideDock: NSApplicationPresentationOptions { get } static var HideDock: NSApplicationPresentationOptions { get } static var AutoHideMenuBar: NSApplicationPresentationOptions { get } static var HideMenuBar: NSApplicationPresentationOptions { get } static var DisableAppleMenu: NSApplicationPresentationOptions { get } static var DisableProcessSwitching: NSApplicationPresentationOptions { get } static var DisableForceQuit: NSApplicationPresentationOptions { get } static var DisableSessionTermination: NSApplicationPresentationOptions { get } static var DisableHideApplication: NSApplicationPresentationOptions { get } static var DisableMenuBarTransparency: NSApplicationPresentationOptions { get } static var FullScreen: NSApplicationPresentationOptions { get } static var AutoHideToolbar: NSApplicationPresentationOptions { get } } | RawOptionSet | OS X 10.10 |
To | struct NSApplicationPresentationOptions : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var Default: NSApplicationPresentationOptions { get } static var AutoHideDock: NSApplicationPresentationOptions { get } static var HideDock: NSApplicationPresentationOptions { get } static var AutoHideMenuBar: NSApplicationPresentationOptions { get } static var HideMenuBar: NSApplicationPresentationOptions { get } static var DisableAppleMenu: NSApplicationPresentationOptions { get } static var DisableProcessSwitching: NSApplicationPresentationOptions { get } static var DisableForceQuit: NSApplicationPresentationOptions { get } static var DisableSessionTermination: NSApplicationPresentationOptions { get } static var DisableHideApplication: NSApplicationPresentationOptions { get } static var DisableMenuBarTransparency: NSApplicationPresentationOptions { get } static var FullScreen: NSApplicationPresentationOptions { get } static var AutoHideToolbar: NSApplicationPresentationOptions { get } } | RawOptionSetType | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSApplicationPresentationOptions.AutoHideToolbar
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSApplicationPresentationOptions.FullScreen
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSApplicationPresentationOptions.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSArrayController.add(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func add(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func add(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSArrayController.addObject(AnyObject)
Declaration | |
From | func addObject(_ object: AnyObject!) |
To | func addObject(_ object: AnyObject) |
Modified NSArrayController.addObjects([AnyObject])
Declaration | |
From | func addObjects(_ objects: [AnyObject]!) |
To | func addObjects(_ objects: [AnyObject]) |
Modified NSArrayController.addSelectedObjects([AnyObject]) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func addSelectedObjects(_ objects: [AnyObject]!) -> Bool |
To | func addSelectedObjects(_ objects: [AnyObject]) -> Bool |
Modified NSArrayController.addSelectionIndexes(NSIndexSet) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func addSelectionIndexes(_ indexes: NSIndexSet!) -> Bool |
To | func addSelectionIndexes(_ indexes: NSIndexSet) -> Bool |
Modified NSArrayController.arrangeObjects([AnyObject]) -> [AnyObject]
Declaration | |
From | func arrangeObjects(_ objects: [AnyObject]!) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | func arrangeObjects(_ objects: [AnyObject]) -> [AnyObject] |
Modified NSArrayController.arrangedObjects
Declaration | |
From | var arrangedObjects: AnyObject! { get } |
To | var arrangedObjects: AnyObject { get } |
Modified NSArrayController.automaticRearrangementKeyPaths
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var automaticRearrangementKeyPaths: [AnyObject]! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var automaticRearrangementKeyPaths: [AnyObject]? { get } | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSArrayController.automaticallyRearrangesObjects
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSArrayController.didChangeArrangementCriteria()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSArrayController.filterPredicate
Declaration | |
From | var filterPredicate: NSPredicate! |
To | var filterPredicate: NSPredicate? |
Modified NSArrayController.insert(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func insert(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func insert(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSArrayController.insertObject(AnyObject, atArrangedObjectIndex: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func insertObject(_ object: AnyObject!, atArrangedObjectIndex index: Int) |
To | func insertObject(_ object: AnyObject, atArrangedObjectIndex index: Int) |
Modified NSArrayController.insertObjects([AnyObject], atArrangedObjectIndexes: NSIndexSet)
Declaration | |
From | func insertObjects(_ objects: [AnyObject]!, atArrangedObjectIndexes indexes: NSIndexSet!) |
To | func insertObjects(_ objects: [AnyObject], atArrangedObjectIndexes indexes: NSIndexSet) |
Modified NSArrayController.remove(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func remove(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func remove(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSArrayController.removeObject(AnyObject)
Declaration | |
From | func removeObject(_ object: AnyObject!) |
To | func removeObject(_ object: AnyObject) |
Modified NSArrayController.removeObjects([AnyObject])
Declaration | |
From | func removeObjects(_ objects: [AnyObject]!) |
To | func removeObjects(_ objects: [AnyObject]) |
Modified NSArrayController.removeObjectsAtArrangedObjectIndexes(NSIndexSet)
Declaration | |
From | func removeObjectsAtArrangedObjectIndexes(_ indexes: NSIndexSet!) |
To | func removeObjectsAtArrangedObjectIndexes(_ indexes: NSIndexSet) |
Modified NSArrayController.removeSelectedObjects([AnyObject]) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func removeSelectedObjects(_ objects: [AnyObject]!) -> Bool |
To | func removeSelectedObjects(_ objects: [AnyObject]) -> Bool |
Modified NSArrayController.removeSelectionIndexes(NSIndexSet) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func removeSelectionIndexes(_ indexes: NSIndexSet!) -> Bool |
To | func removeSelectionIndexes(_ indexes: NSIndexSet) -> Bool |
Modified NSArrayController.selectNext(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func selectNext(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func selectNext(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSArrayController.selectPrevious(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func selectPrevious(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func selectPrevious(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSArrayController.selectionIndexes
Declaration | |
From | var selectionIndexes: NSIndexSet! { get } |
To | @NSCopying var selectionIndexes: NSIndexSet { get } |
Modified NSArrayController.setSelectedObjects([AnyObject]) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func setSelectedObjects(_ objects: [AnyObject]!) -> Bool |
To | func setSelectedObjects(_ objects: [AnyObject]) -> Bool |
Modified NSAutoresizingMaskOptions [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct NSAutoresizingMaskOptions : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var ViewNotSizable: NSAutoresizingMaskOptions { get } static var ViewMinXMargin: NSAutoresizingMaskOptions { get } static var ViewWidthSizable: NSAutoresizingMaskOptions { get } static var ViewMaxXMargin: NSAutoresizingMaskOptions { get } static var ViewMinYMargin: NSAutoresizingMaskOptions { get } static var ViewHeightSizable: NSAutoresizingMaskOptions { get } static var ViewMaxYMargin: NSAutoresizingMaskOptions { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct NSAutoresizingMaskOptions : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var ViewNotSizable: NSAutoresizingMaskOptions { get } static var ViewMinXMargin: NSAutoresizingMaskOptions { get } static var ViewWidthSizable: NSAutoresizingMaskOptions { get } static var ViewMaxXMargin: NSAutoresizingMaskOptions { get } static var ViewMinYMargin: NSAutoresizingMaskOptions { get } static var ViewHeightSizable: NSAutoresizingMaskOptions { get } static var ViewMaxYMargin: NSAutoresizingMaskOptions { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified NSAutoresizingMaskOptions.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSBackgroundStyle [enum]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSBezelStyle.InlineBezelStyle
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSBezierPath.appendBezierPath(NSBezierPath)
Declaration | |
From | func appendBezierPath(_ path: NSBezierPath!) |
To | func appendBezierPath(_ path: NSBezierPath) |
Modified NSBezierPath.appendBezierPathWithGlyph(NSGlyph, inFont: NSFont)
Declaration | |
From | func appendBezierPathWithGlyph(_ glyph: NSGlyph, inFont font: NSFont!) |
To | func appendBezierPathWithGlyph(_ glyph: NSGlyph, inFont font: NSFont) |
Modified NSBezierPath.appendBezierPathWithGlyphs(UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyph>, count: Int, inFont: NSFont)
Declaration | |
From | func appendBezierPathWithGlyphs(_ glyphs: UnsafePointer<NSGlyph>, count count: Int, inFont font: NSFont!) |
To | func appendBezierPathWithGlyphs(_ glyphs: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyph>, count count: Int, inFont font: NSFont) |
Modified NSBezierPath.appendBezierPathWithPackedGlyphs(UnsafePointer<Int8>)
Declaration | |
From | func appendBezierPathWithPackedGlyphs(_ packedGlyphs: ConstUnsafePointer<Int8>) |
To | func appendBezierPathWithPackedGlyphs(_ packedGlyphs: UnsafePointer<Int8>) |
Modified NSBezierPath.appendBezierPathWithRoundedRect(NSRect, xRadius: CGFloat, yRadius: CGFloat)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSBezierPath.bezierPathByFlatteningPath
Declaration | |
From | var bezierPathByFlatteningPath: NSBezierPath! { get } |
To | @NSCopying var bezierPathByFlatteningPath: NSBezierPath { get } |
Modified NSBezierPath.bezierPathByReversingPath
Declaration | |
From | var bezierPathByReversingPath: NSBezierPath! { get } |
To | @NSCopying var bezierPathByReversingPath: NSBezierPath { get } |
Modified NSBezierPath.drawPackedGlyphs(UnsafePointer<Int8>, atPoint: NSPoint) [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func drawPackedGlyphs(_ packedGlyphs: ConstUnsafePointer<Int8>, atPoint point: NSPoint) |
To | class func drawPackedGlyphs(_ packedGlyphs: UnsafePointer<Int8>, atPoint point: NSPoint) |
Modified NSBezierPath.getLineDash(UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, count: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, phase: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>)
Declaration | |
From | func getLineDash(_ pattern: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, count count: UnsafePointer<Int>, phase phase: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) |
To | func getLineDash(_ pattern: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, count count: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, phase phase: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>) |
Modified NSBezierPath.init(roundedRect: NSRect, xRadius: CGFloat, yRadius: CGFloat)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSBezierPath.setLineDash(UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, count: Int, phase: CGFloat)
Declaration | |
From | func setLineDash(_ pattern: ConstUnsafePointer<CGFloat>, count count: Int, phase phase: CGFloat) |
To | func setLineDash(_ pattern: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, count count: Int, phase phase: CGFloat) |
Modified NSBezierPath.transformUsingAffineTransform(NSAffineTransform)
Declaration | |
From | func transformUsingAffineTransform(_ transform: NSAffineTransform!) |
To | func transformUsingAffineTransform(_ transform: NSAffineTransform) |
Modified NSBitmapFormat [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct NSBitmapFormat : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var NSAlphaFirstBitmapFormat: NSBitmapFormat { get } static var NSAlphaNonpremultipliedBitmapFormat: NSBitmapFormat { get } static var NSFloatingPointSamplesBitmapFormat: NSBitmapFormat { get } static var NS16BitLittleEndianBitmapFormat: NSBitmapFormat { get } static var NS32BitLittleEndianBitmapFormat: NSBitmapFormat { get } static var NS16BitBigEndianBitmapFormat: NSBitmapFormat { get } static var NS32BitBigEndianBitmapFormat: NSBitmapFormat { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct NSBitmapFormat : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var NSAlphaFirstBitmapFormat: NSBitmapFormat { get } static var NSAlphaNonpremultipliedBitmapFormat: NSBitmapFormat { get } static var NSFloatingPointSamplesBitmapFormat: NSBitmapFormat { get } static var NS16BitLittleEndianBitmapFormat: NSBitmapFormat { get } static var NS32BitLittleEndianBitmapFormat: NSBitmapFormat { get } static var NS16BitBigEndianBitmapFormat: NSBitmapFormat { get } static var NS32BitBigEndianBitmapFormat: NSBitmapFormat { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified NSBitmapFormat.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSBitmapImageRep.CGImage
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var CGImage: CGImage! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var CGImage: CGImage? { get } | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSBitmapImageRep.init(CGImage: CGImage)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | init(CGImage cgImage: CGImage!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | init(CGImage cgImage: CGImage) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSBitmapImageRep.init(CIImage: CIImage)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | init(CIImage ciImage: CIImage!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | init(CIImage ciImage: CIImage) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSBitmapImageRep.TIFFRepresentation
Declaration | |
From | var TIFFRepresentation: NSData! { get } |
To | @NSCopying var TIFFRepresentation: NSData? { get } |
Modified NSBitmapImageRep.TIFFRepresentationOfImageRepsInArray([AnyObject]) -> NSData? [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func TIFFRepresentationOfImageRepsInArray(_ array: [AnyObject]!) -> NSData! |
To | class func TIFFRepresentationOfImageRepsInArray(_ array: [AnyObject]) -> NSData? |
Modified NSBitmapImageRep.TIFFRepresentationOfImageRepsInArray([AnyObject], usingCompression: NSTIFFCompression, factor: Float) -> NSData? [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func TIFFRepresentationOfImageRepsInArray(_ array: [AnyObject]!, usingCompression comp: NSTIFFCompression, factor factor: Float) -> NSData! |
To | class func TIFFRepresentationOfImageRepsInArray(_ array: [AnyObject], usingCompression comp: NSTIFFCompression, factor factor: Float) -> NSData? |
Modified NSBitmapImageRep.TIFFRepresentationUsingCompression(NSTIFFCompression, factor: Float) -> NSData?
Declaration | |
From | func TIFFRepresentationUsingCompression(_ comp: NSTIFFCompression, factor factor: Float) -> NSData! |
To | func TIFFRepresentationUsingCompression(_ comp: NSTIFFCompression, factor factor: Float) -> NSData? |
Modified NSBitmapImageRep.bitmapData
Declaration | |
From | var bitmapData: UnsafePointer<UInt8> { get } |
To | var bitmapData: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8> { get } |
Modified NSBitmapImageRep.init(bitmapDataPlanes: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>>, pixelsWide: Int, pixelsHigh: Int, bitsPerSample: Int, samplesPerPixel: Int, hasAlpha: Bool, isPlanar: Bool, colorSpaceName: String, bitmapFormat: NSBitmapFormat, bytesPerRow: Int, bitsPerPixel: Int)
Declaration | |
From | init(bitmapDataPlanes planes: UnsafePointer<UnsafePointer<UInt8>>, pixelsWide width: Int, pixelsHigh height: Int, bitsPerSample bps: Int, samplesPerPixel spp: Int, hasAlpha alpha: Bool, isPlanar isPlanar: Bool, colorSpaceName colorSpaceName: String!, bitmapFormat bitmapFormat: NSBitmapFormat, bytesPerRow rBytes: Int, bitsPerPixel pBits: Int) |
To | init?(bitmapDataPlanes planes: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>>, pixelsWide width: Int, pixelsHigh height: Int, bitsPerSample bps: Int, samplesPerPixel spp: Int, hasAlpha alpha: Bool, isPlanar isPlanar: Bool, colorSpaceName colorSpaceName: String, bitmapFormat bitmapFormat: NSBitmapFormat, bytesPerRow rBytes: Int, bitsPerPixel pBits: Int) |
Modified NSBitmapImageRep.init(bitmapDataPlanes: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>>, pixelsWide: Int, pixelsHigh: Int, bitsPerSample: Int, samplesPerPixel: Int, hasAlpha: Bool, isPlanar: Bool, colorSpaceName: String, bytesPerRow: Int, bitsPerPixel: Int)
Declaration | |
From | init(bitmapDataPlanes planes: UnsafePointer<UnsafePointer<UInt8>>, pixelsWide width: Int, pixelsHigh height: Int, bitsPerSample bps: Int, samplesPerPixel spp: Int, hasAlpha alpha: Bool, isPlanar isPlanar: Bool, colorSpaceName colorSpaceName: String!, bytesPerRow rBytes: Int, bitsPerPixel pBits: Int) |
To | init?(bitmapDataPlanes planes: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>>, pixelsWide width: Int, pixelsHigh height: Int, bitsPerSample bps: Int, samplesPerPixel spp: Int, hasAlpha alpha: Bool, isPlanar isPlanar: Bool, colorSpaceName colorSpaceName: String, bytesPerRow rBytes: Int, bitsPerPixel pBits: Int) |
Modified NSBitmapImageRep.bitmapImageRepByConvertingToColorSpace(NSColorSpace, renderingIntent: NSColorRenderingIntent) -> NSBitmapImageRep?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func bitmapImageRepByConvertingToColorSpace(_ targetSpace: NSColorSpace!, renderingIntent renderingIntent: NSColorRenderingIntent) -> NSBitmapImageRep! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func bitmapImageRepByConvertingToColorSpace(_ targetSpace: NSColorSpace, renderingIntent renderingIntent: NSColorRenderingIntent) -> NSBitmapImageRep? | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSBitmapImageRep.bitmapImageRepByRetaggingWithColorSpace(NSColorSpace) -> NSBitmapImageRep?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func bitmapImageRepByRetaggingWithColorSpace(_ newSpace: NSColorSpace!) -> NSBitmapImageRep! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func bitmapImageRepByRetaggingWithColorSpace(_ newSpace: NSColorSpace) -> NSBitmapImageRep? | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSBitmapImageRep.colorAtX(Int, y: Int) -> NSColor?
Declaration | |
From | func colorAtX(_ x: Int, y y: Int) -> NSColor! |
To | func colorAtX(_ x: Int, y y: Int) -> NSColor? |
Modified NSBitmapImageRep.colorSpace
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var colorSpace: NSColorSpace! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var colorSpace: NSColorSpace { get } | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSBitmapImageRep.colorizeByMappingGray(CGFloat, toColor: NSColor?, blackMapping: NSColor?, whiteMapping: NSColor?)
Declaration | |
From | func colorizeByMappingGray(_ midPoint: CGFloat, toColor midPointColor: NSColor!, blackMapping shadowColor: NSColor!, whiteMapping lightColor: NSColor!) |
To | func colorizeByMappingGray(_ midPoint: CGFloat, toColor midPointColor: NSColor?, blackMapping shadowColor: NSColor?, whiteMapping lightColor: NSColor?) |
Modified NSBitmapImageRep.init(data: NSData!)
Declaration | |
From | init(data data: NSData!) |
To | convenience init!(data data: NSData!) |
Modified NSBitmapImageRep.init(focusedViewRect: NSRect)
Declaration | |
From | init(focusedViewRect rect: NSRect) |
To | init?(focusedViewRect rect: NSRect) |
Modified NSBitmapImageRep.getBitmapDataPlanes(UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>>)
Declaration | |
From | func getBitmapDataPlanes(_ data: UnsafePointer<UnsafePointer<UInt8>>) |
To | func getBitmapDataPlanes(_ data: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>>) |
Modified NSBitmapImageRep.getCompression(UnsafeMutablePointer<NSTIFFCompression>, factor: UnsafeMutablePointer<Float>)
Declaration | |
From | func getCompression(_ compression: UnsafePointer<NSTIFFCompression>, factor factor: UnsafePointer<Float>) |
To | func getCompression(_ compression: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSTIFFCompression>, factor factor: UnsafeMutablePointer<Float>) |
Modified NSBitmapImageRep.getPixel(UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, atX: Int, y: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func getPixel(_ p: UnsafePointer<Int>, atX x: Int, y y: Int) |
To | func getPixel(_ p: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, atX x: Int, y y: Int) |
Modified NSBitmapImageRep.getTIFFCompressionTypes(UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<NSTIFFCompression>>, count: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func getTIFFCompressionTypes(_ list: UnsafePointer<ConstUnsafePointer<NSTIFFCompression>>, count numTypes: UnsafePointer<Int>) |
To | class func getTIFFCompressionTypes(_ list: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<NSTIFFCompression>>, count numTypes: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) |
Modified NSBitmapImageRep.imageRepsWithData(NSData) -> [AnyObject] [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func imageRepsWithData(_ data: NSData!) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | class func imageRepsWithData(_ data: NSData) -> [AnyObject] |
Modified NSBitmapImageRep.incrementalLoadFromData(NSData, complete: Bool) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func incrementalLoadFromData(_ data: NSData!, complete complete: Bool) -> Int |
To | func incrementalLoadFromData(_ data: NSData, complete complete: Bool) -> Int |
Modified NSBitmapImageRep.localizedNameForTIFFCompressionType(NSTIFFCompression) -> String? [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func localizedNameForTIFFCompressionType(_ compression: NSTIFFCompression) -> String! |
To | class func localizedNameForTIFFCompressionType(_ compression: NSTIFFCompression) -> String? |
Modified NSBitmapImageRep.representationOfImageRepsInArray([AnyObject], usingType: NSBitmapImageFileType, properties:[NSObject: AnyObject]) -> NSData? [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func representationOfImageRepsInArray(_ imageReps: [AnyObject]!, usingType storageType: NSBitmapImageFileType, properties properties: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> NSData! |
To | class func representationOfImageRepsInArray(_ imageReps: [AnyObject], usingType storageType: NSBitmapImageFileType, properties properties: [NSObject : AnyObject]) -> NSData? |
Modified NSBitmapImageRep.representationUsingType(NSBitmapImageFileType, properties:[NSObject: AnyObject]) -> NSData?
Declaration | |
From | func representationUsingType(_ storageType: NSBitmapImageFileType, properties properties: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> NSData! |
To | func representationUsingType(_ storageType: NSBitmapImageFileType, properties properties: [NSObject : AnyObject]) -> NSData? |
Modified NSBitmapImageRep.setColor(NSColor, atX: Int, y: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func setColor(_ color: NSColor!, atX x: Int, y y: Int) |
To | func setColor(_ color: NSColor, atX x: Int, y y: Int) |
Modified NSBitmapImageRep.setPixel(UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, atX: Int, y: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func setPixel(_ p: UnsafePointer<Int>, atX x: Int, y y: Int) |
To | func setPixel(_ p: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, atX x: Int, y y: Int) |
Modified NSBitmapImageRep.setProperty(String, withValue: AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func setProperty(_ property: String!, withValue value: AnyObject!) |
To | func setProperty(_ property: String, withValue value: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSBitmapImageRep.valueForProperty(String) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func valueForProperty(_ property: String!) -> AnyObject! |
To | func valueForProperty(_ property: String) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSBox.borderColor
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var borderColor: NSColor! | OS X 10.10 |
To | @NSCopying var borderColor: NSColor | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSBox.borderWidth
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSBox.contentView
Declaration | |
From | var contentView: AnyObject! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var contentView: AnyObject? |
Modified NSBox.cornerRadius
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSBox.fillColor
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var fillColor: NSColor! | OS X 10.10 |
To | @NSCopying var fillColor: NSColor | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSBox.title
Declaration | |
From | var title: String! |
To | var title: String |
Modified NSBox.titleCell
Declaration | |
From | var titleCell: AnyObject! { get } |
To | var titleCell: AnyObject { get } |
Modified NSBox.titleFont
Declaration | |
From | var titleFont: NSFont! |
To | var titleFont: NSFont |
Modified NSBox.transparent
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSBoxType.Custom
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSBrowser.allowsTypeSelect
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSBrowser.autohidesScroller
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSBrowser.backgroundColor
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var backgroundColor: NSColor! | OS X 10.10 |
To | var backgroundColor: NSColor | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSBrowser.canDragRowsWithIndexes(NSIndexSet, inColumn: Int, withEvent: NSEvent) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func canDragRowsWithIndexes(_ rowIndexes: NSIndexSet!, inColumn column: Int, withEvent event: NSEvent!) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 |
To | func canDragRowsWithIndexes(_ rowIndexes: NSIndexSet, inColumn column: Int, withEvent event: NSEvent) -> Bool | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSBrowser.cellClass() -> AnyClass [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func cellClass() -> AnyClass! |
To | class func cellClass() -> AnyClass |
Modified NSBrowser.clickedColumn
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSBrowser.clickedRow
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSBrowser.columnOfMatrix(NSMatrix) -> Int
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | func columnOfMatrix(_ matrix: NSMatrix!) -> Int | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | func columnOfMatrix(_ matrix: NSMatrix) -> Int | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSBrowser.columnsAutosaveName
Declaration | |
From | var columnsAutosaveName: String! |
To | var columnsAutosaveName: String |
Modified NSBrowser.defaultColumnWidth() -> CGFloat
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSBrowser.delegate
Declaration | |
From | var delegate: NSBrowserDelegate! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSBrowserDelegate? |
Modified NSBrowser.doClick(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func doClick(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func doClick(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSBrowser.doDoubleClick(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func doDoubleClick(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func doDoubleClick(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSBrowser.draggingImageForRowsWithIndexes(NSIndexSet, inColumn: Int, withEvent: NSEvent, offset: NSPointPointer) -> NSImage?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func draggingImageForRowsWithIndexes(_ rowIndexes: NSIndexSet!, inColumn column: Int, withEvent event: NSEvent!, offset dragImageOffset: NSPointPointer) -> NSImage! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func draggingImageForRowsWithIndexes(_ rowIndexes: NSIndexSet, inColumn column: Int, withEvent event: NSEvent, offset dragImageOffset: NSPointPointer) -> NSImage? | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSBrowser.editItemAtIndexPath(NSIndexPath, withEvent: NSEvent, select: Bool)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func editItemAtIndexPath(_ indexPath: NSIndexPath!, withEvent theEvent: NSEvent!, select select: Bool) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func editItemAtIndexPath(_ indexPath: NSIndexPath, withEvent theEvent: NSEvent, select select: Bool) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSBrowser.frameOfRow(Int, inColumn: Int) -> NSRect
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSBrowser.getRow(UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, column: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, forPoint: NSPoint) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func getRow(_ row: UnsafePointer<Int>, column column: UnsafePointer<Int>, forPoint point: NSPoint) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 |
To | func getRow(_ row: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, column column: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, forPoint point: NSPoint) -> Bool | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSBrowser.indexPathForColumn(Int) -> NSIndexPath
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func indexPathForColumn(_ column: Int) -> NSIndexPath! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func indexPathForColumn(_ column: Int) -> NSIndexPath | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSBrowser.isLeafItem(AnyObject?) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func isLeafItem(_ item: AnyObject!) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 |
To | func isLeafItem(_ item: AnyObject?) -> Bool | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSBrowser.itemAtIndexPath(NSIndexPath) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func itemAtIndexPath(_ indexPath: NSIndexPath!) -> AnyObject! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func itemAtIndexPath(_ indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> AnyObject? | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSBrowser.itemAtRow(Int, inColumn: Int) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func itemAtRow(_ row: Int, inColumn column: Int) -> AnyObject! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func itemAtRow(_ row: Int, inColumn column: Int) -> AnyObject? | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSBrowser.loadedCellAtRow(Int, column: Int) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func loadedCellAtRow(_ row: Int, column col: Int) -> AnyObject! |
To | func loadedCellAtRow(_ row: Int, column col: Int) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSBrowser.matrixClass() -> AnyClass
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | func matrixClass() -> AnyClass! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | func matrixClass() -> AnyClass | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSBrowser.matrixInColumn(Int) -> NSMatrix?
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | func matrixInColumn(_ column: Int) -> NSMatrix! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | func matrixInColumn(_ column: Int) -> NSMatrix? | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSBrowser.noteHeightOfRowsWithIndexesChanged(NSIndexSet, inColumn: Int)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func noteHeightOfRowsWithIndexesChanged(_ indexSet: NSIndexSet!, inColumn columnIndex: Int) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func noteHeightOfRowsWithIndexesChanged(_ indexSet: NSIndexSet, inColumn columnIndex: Int) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSBrowser.parentForItemsInColumn(Int) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func parentForItemsInColumn(_ column: Int) -> AnyObject! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func parentForItemsInColumn(_ column: Int) -> AnyObject? | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSBrowser.path() -> String
Declaration | |
From | func path() -> String! |
To | func path() -> String |
Modified NSBrowser.pathSeparator
Declaration | |
From | var pathSeparator: String! |
To | var pathSeparator: String |
Modified NSBrowser.pathToColumn(Int) -> String
Declaration | |
From | func pathToColumn(_ column: Int) -> String! |
To | func pathToColumn(_ column: Int) -> String |
Modified NSBrowser.reloadDataForRowIndexes(NSIndexSet, inColumn: Int)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func reloadDataForRowIndexes(_ rowIndexes: NSIndexSet!, inColumn column: Int) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func reloadDataForRowIndexes(_ rowIndexes: NSIndexSet, inColumn column: Int) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSBrowser.removeSavedColumnsWithAutosaveName(String) [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func removeSavedColumnsWithAutosaveName(_ name: String!) |
To | class func removeSavedColumnsWithAutosaveName(_ name: String) |
Modified NSBrowser.rowHeight
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSBrowser.scrollRowToVisible(Int, inColumn: Int)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSBrowser.selectAll(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func selectAll(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func selectAll(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSBrowser.selectRowIndexes(NSIndexSet, inColumn: Int)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func selectRowIndexes(_ indexes: NSIndexSet!, inColumn column: Int) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func selectRowIndexes(_ indexes: NSIndexSet, inColumn column: Int) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSBrowser.selectedCellInColumn(Int) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func selectedCellInColumn(_ column: Int) -> AnyObject! |
To | func selectedCellInColumn(_ column: Int) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSBrowser.selectedCells
Declaration | |
From | var selectedCells: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var selectedCells: [AnyObject]? { get } |
Modified NSBrowser.selectedRowIndexesInColumn(Int) -> NSIndexSet?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func selectedRowIndexesInColumn(_ column: Int) -> NSIndexSet! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func selectedRowIndexesInColumn(_ column: Int) -> NSIndexSet? | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSBrowser.selectionIndexPath
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var selectionIndexPath: NSIndexPath! | OS X 10.10 |
To | @NSCopying var selectionIndexPath: NSIndexPath | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSBrowser.selectionIndexPaths
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var selectionIndexPaths: [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 |
To | var selectionIndexPaths: [AnyObject] | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSBrowser.setCellClass(AnyClass)
Declaration | |
From | func setCellClass(_ factoryId: AnyClass!) |
To | func setCellClass(_ factoryId: AnyClass) |
Modified NSBrowser.setDefaultColumnWidth(CGFloat)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSBrowser.setDraggingSourceOperationMask(NSDragOperation, forLocal: Bool)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSBrowser.setMatrixClass(AnyClass)
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | func setMatrixClass(_ factoryId: AnyClass!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | func setMatrixClass(_ factoryId: AnyClass) | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSBrowser.setPath(String) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func setPath(_ path: String!) -> Bool |
To | func setPath(_ path: String) -> Bool |
Modified NSBrowser.setTitle(String, ofColumn: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func setTitle(_ aString: String!, ofColumn column: Int) |
To | func setTitle(_ aString: String, ofColumn column: Int) |
Modified NSBrowser.titleOfColumn(Int) -> String?
Declaration | |
From | func titleOfColumn(_ column: Int) -> String! |
To | func titleOfColumn(_ column: Int) -> String? |
Modified NSBrowserCell.alternateImage
Declaration | |
From | var alternateImage: NSImage! |
To | var alternateImage: NSImage? |
Modified NSBrowserCell.branchImage() -> NSImage [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func branchImage() -> NSImage! |
To | class func branchImage() -> NSImage |
Modified NSBrowserCell.highlightColorInView(NSView) -> NSColor?
Declaration | |
From | func highlightColorInView(_ controlView: NSView!) -> NSColor! |
To | func highlightColorInView(_ controlView: NSView) -> NSColor? |
Modified NSBrowserDelegate.browser(NSBrowser, acceptDrop: NSDraggingInfo, atRow: Int, column: Int, dropOperation: NSBrowserDropOperation) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser!, acceptDrop info: NSDraggingInfo!, atRow row: Int, column column: Int, dropOperation dropOperation: NSBrowserDropOperation) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser, acceptDrop info: NSDraggingInfo, atRow row: Int, column column: Int, dropOperation dropOperation: NSBrowserDropOperation) -> Bool | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSBrowserDelegate.browser(NSBrowser, canDragRowsWithIndexes: NSIndexSet, inColumn: Int, withEvent: NSEvent) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser!, canDragRowsWithIndexes rowIndexes: NSIndexSet!, inColumn column: Int, withEvent event: NSEvent!) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser, canDragRowsWithIndexes rowIndexes: NSIndexSet, inColumn column: Int, withEvent event: NSEvent) -> Bool | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSBrowserDelegate.browser(NSBrowser, child: Int, ofItem: AnyObject?) -> AnyObject
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser!, child index: Int, ofItem item: AnyObject!) -> AnyObject! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser, child index: Int, ofItem item: AnyObject?) -> AnyObject | OS X 10.6 | yes |
Modified NSBrowserDelegate.browser(NSBrowser, createRowsForColumn: Int, inMatrix: NSMatrix)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func browser(_ sender: NSBrowser!, createRowsForColumn column: Int, inMatrix matrix: NSMatrix!) | -- |
To | optional func browser(_ sender: NSBrowser, createRowsForColumn column: Int, inMatrix matrix: NSMatrix) | yes |
Modified NSBrowserDelegate.browser(NSBrowser, didChangeLastColumn: Int, toColumn: Int)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser!, didChangeLastColumn oldLastColumn: Int, toColumn column: Int) | -- |
To | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser, didChangeLastColumn oldLastColumn: Int, toColumn column: Int) | yes |
Modified NSBrowserDelegate.browser(NSBrowser, draggingImageForRowsWithIndexes: NSIndexSet, inColumn: Int, withEvent: NSEvent, offset: NSPointPointer) -> NSImage?
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser!, draggingImageForRowsWithIndexes rowIndexes: NSIndexSet!, inColumn column: Int, withEvent event: NSEvent!, offset dragImageOffset: NSPointPointer) -> NSImage! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser, draggingImageForRowsWithIndexes rowIndexes: NSIndexSet, inColumn column: Int, withEvent event: NSEvent, offset dragImageOffset: NSPointPointer) -> NSImage? | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSBrowserDelegate.browser(NSBrowser, headerViewControllerForItem: AnyObject?) -> NSViewController?
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser!, headerViewControllerForItem item: AnyObject!) -> NSViewController! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser, headerViewControllerForItem item: AnyObject?) -> NSViewController? | OS X 10.6 | yes |
Modified NSBrowserDelegate.browser(NSBrowser, heightOfRow: Int, inColumn: Int) -> CGFloat
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser!, heightOfRow row: Int, inColumn columnIndex: Int) -> CGFloat | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser, heightOfRow row: Int, inColumn columnIndex: Int) -> CGFloat | OS X 10.6 | yes |
Modified NSBrowserDelegate.browser(NSBrowser, isColumnValid: Int) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func browser(_ sender: NSBrowser!, isColumnValid column: Int) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func browser(_ sender: NSBrowser, isColumnValid column: Int) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSBrowserDelegate.browser(NSBrowser, isLeafItem: AnyObject?) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser!, isLeafItem item: AnyObject!) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser, isLeafItem item: AnyObject?) -> Bool | OS X 10.6 | yes |
Modified NSBrowserDelegate.browser(NSBrowser, namesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestination: NSURL, forDraggedRowsWithIndexes: NSIndexSet, inColumn: Int) -> [AnyObject]
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser!, namesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestination dropDestination: NSURL!, forDraggedRowsWithIndexes rowIndexes: NSIndexSet!, inColumn column: Int) -> [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser, namesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestination dropDestination: NSURL, forDraggedRowsWithIndexes rowIndexes: NSIndexSet, inColumn column: Int) -> [AnyObject] | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSBrowserDelegate.browser(NSBrowser, nextTypeSelectMatchFromRow: Int, toRow: Int, inColumn: Int, forString: String?) -> Int
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser!, nextTypeSelectMatchFromRow startRow: Int, toRow endRow: Int, inColumn column: Int, forString searchString: String!) -> Int | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser, nextTypeSelectMatchFromRow startRow: Int, toRow endRow: Int, inColumn column: Int, forString searchString: String?) -> Int | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSBrowserDelegate.browser(NSBrowser, numberOfChildrenOfItem: AnyObject?) -> Int
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser!, numberOfChildrenOfItem item: AnyObject!) -> Int | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser, numberOfChildrenOfItem item: AnyObject?) -> Int | OS X 10.6 | yes |
Modified NSBrowserDelegate.browser(NSBrowser, numberOfRowsInColumn: Int) -> Int
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func browser(_ sender: NSBrowser!, numberOfRowsInColumn column: Int) -> Int | -- |
To | optional func browser(_ sender: NSBrowser, numberOfRowsInColumn column: Int) -> Int | yes |
Modified NSBrowserDelegate.browser(NSBrowser, objectValueForItem: AnyObject?) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser!, objectValueForItem item: AnyObject!) -> AnyObject! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser, objectValueForItem item: AnyObject?) -> AnyObject? | OS X 10.6 | yes |
Modified NSBrowserDelegate.browser(NSBrowser, previewViewControllerForLeafItem: AnyObject) -> NSViewController?
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser!, previewViewControllerForLeafItem item: AnyObject!) -> NSViewController! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser, previewViewControllerForLeafItem item: AnyObject) -> NSViewController? | OS X 10.6 | yes |
Modified NSBrowserDelegate.browser(NSBrowser, selectCellWithString: String, inColumn: Int) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func browser(_ sender: NSBrowser!, selectCellWithString title: String!, inColumn column: Int) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func browser(_ sender: NSBrowser, selectCellWithString title: String, inColumn column: Int) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSBrowserDelegate.browser(NSBrowser, selectRow: Int, inColumn: Int) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func browser(_ sender: NSBrowser!, selectRow row: Int, inColumn column: Int) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func browser(_ sender: NSBrowser, selectRow row: Int, inColumn column: Int) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSBrowserDelegate.browser(NSBrowser, selectionIndexesForProposedSelection: NSIndexSet, inColumn: Int) -> NSIndexSet
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser!, selectionIndexesForProposedSelection proposedSelectionIndexes: NSIndexSet!, inColumn column: Int) -> NSIndexSet! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser, selectionIndexesForProposedSelection proposedSelectionIndexes: NSIndexSet, inColumn column: Int) -> NSIndexSet | OS X 10.6 | yes |
Modified NSBrowserDelegate.browser(NSBrowser, setObjectValue: AnyObject?, forItem: AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser!, setObjectValue object: AnyObject!, forItem item: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser, setObjectValue object: AnyObject?, forItem item: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.6 | yes |
Modified NSBrowserDelegate.browser(NSBrowser, shouldEditItem: AnyObject?) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser!, shouldEditItem item: AnyObject!) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser, shouldEditItem item: AnyObject?) -> Bool | OS X 10.6 | yes |
Modified NSBrowserDelegate.browser(NSBrowser, shouldShowCellExpansionForRow: Int, column: Int) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser!, shouldShowCellExpansionForRow row: Int, column column: Int) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser, shouldShowCellExpansionForRow row: Int, column column: Int) -> Bool | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSBrowserDelegate.browser(NSBrowser, shouldSizeColumn: Int, forUserResize: Bool, toWidth: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser!, shouldSizeColumn columnIndex: Int, forUserResize forUserResize: Bool, toWidth suggestedWidth: CGFloat) -> CGFloat | -- |
To | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser, shouldSizeColumn columnIndex: Int, forUserResize forUserResize: Bool, toWidth suggestedWidth: CGFloat) -> CGFloat | yes |
Modified NSBrowserDelegate.browser(NSBrowser, shouldTypeSelectForEvent: NSEvent, withCurrentSearchString: String?) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser!, shouldTypeSelectForEvent event: NSEvent!, withCurrentSearchString searchString: String!) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser, shouldTypeSelectForEvent event: NSEvent, withCurrentSearchString searchString: String?) -> Bool | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSBrowserDelegate.browser(NSBrowser, sizeToFitWidthOfColumn: Int) -> CGFloat
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser!, sizeToFitWidthOfColumn columnIndex: Int) -> CGFloat | -- |
To | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser, sizeToFitWidthOfColumn columnIndex: Int) -> CGFloat | yes |
Modified NSBrowserDelegate.browser(NSBrowser, titleOfColumn: Int) -> String?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func browser(_ sender: NSBrowser!, titleOfColumn column: Int) -> String! | -- |
To | optional func browser(_ sender: NSBrowser, titleOfColumn column: Int) -> String? | yes |
Modified NSBrowserDelegate.browser(NSBrowser, typeSelectStringForRow: Int, inColumn: Int) -> String
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser!, typeSelectStringForRow row: Int, inColumn column: Int) -> String! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser, typeSelectStringForRow row: Int, inColumn column: Int) -> String | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSBrowserDelegate.browser(NSBrowser, validateDrop: NSDraggingInfo, proposedRow: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, column: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, dropOperation: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSBrowserDropOperation>) -> NSDragOperation
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser!, validateDrop info: NSDraggingInfo!, proposedRow row: UnsafePointer<Int>, column column: UnsafePointer<Int>, dropOperation dropOperation: UnsafePointer<NSBrowserDropOperation>) -> NSDragOperation | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser, validateDrop info: NSDraggingInfo, proposedRow row: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, column column: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, dropOperation dropOperation: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSBrowserDropOperation>) -> NSDragOperation | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSBrowserDelegate.browser(NSBrowser, willDisplayCell: AnyObject, atRow: Int, column: Int)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func browser(_ sender: NSBrowser!, willDisplayCell cell: AnyObject!, atRow row: Int, column column: Int) | -- |
To | optional func browser(_ sender: NSBrowser, willDisplayCell cell: AnyObject, atRow row: Int, column column: Int) | yes |
Modified NSBrowserDelegate.browser(NSBrowser, writeRowsWithIndexes: NSIndexSet, inColumn: Int, toPasteboard: NSPasteboard) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser!, writeRowsWithIndexes rowIndexes: NSIndexSet!, inColumn column: Int, toPasteboard pasteboard: NSPasteboard!) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func browser(_ browser: NSBrowser, writeRowsWithIndexes rowIndexes: NSIndexSet, inColumn column: Int, toPasteboard pasteboard: NSPasteboard) -> Bool | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSBrowserDelegate.browserColumnConfigurationDidChange(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func browserColumnConfigurationDidChange(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func browserColumnConfigurationDidChange(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSBrowserDelegate.browserDidScroll(NSBrowser)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func browserDidScroll(_ sender: NSBrowser!) | -- |
To | optional func browserDidScroll(_ sender: NSBrowser) | yes |
Modified NSBrowserDelegate.browserWillScroll(NSBrowser)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func browserWillScroll(_ sender: NSBrowser!) | -- |
To | optional func browserWillScroll(_ sender: NSBrowser) | yes |
Modified NSBrowserDelegate.rootItemForBrowser(NSBrowser) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func rootItemForBrowser(_ browser: NSBrowser!) -> AnyObject! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func rootItemForBrowser(_ browser: NSBrowser) -> AnyObject? | OS X 10.6 | yes |
Modified NSBrowserDropOperation [enum]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSButton.alternateImage
Declaration | |
From | var alternateImage: NSImage! |
To | var alternateImage: NSImage? |
Modified NSButton.alternateTitle
Declaration | |
From | var alternateTitle: String! |
To | var alternateTitle: String |
Modified NSButton.attributedAlternateTitle
Declaration | |
From | var attributedAlternateTitle: NSAttributedString! |
To | @NSCopying var attributedAlternateTitle: NSAttributedString |
Modified NSButton.attributedTitle
Declaration | |
From | var attributedTitle: NSAttributedString! |
To | @NSCopying var attributedTitle: NSAttributedString |
Modified NSButton.getPeriodicDelay(UnsafeMutablePointer<Float>, interval: UnsafeMutablePointer<Float>)
Declaration | |
From | func getPeriodicDelay(_ delay: UnsafePointer<Float>, interval interval: UnsafePointer<Float>) |
To | func getPeriodicDelay(_ delay: UnsafeMutablePointer<Float>, interval interval: UnsafeMutablePointer<Float>) |
Modified NSButton.image
Declaration | |
From | var image: NSImage! |
To | var image: NSImage? |
Modified NSButton.keyEquivalent
Declaration | |
From | var keyEquivalent: String! |
To | var keyEquivalent: String |
Modified NSButton.performKeyEquivalent(NSEvent) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func performKeyEquivalent(_ key: NSEvent!) -> Bool |
To | func performKeyEquivalent(_ key: NSEvent) -> Bool |
Modified NSButton.sound
Declaration | |
From | var sound: NSSound! |
To | var sound: NSSound? |
Modified NSButton.title
Declaration | |
From | var title: String! |
To | var title: String |
Modified NSButtonCell.alternateImage
Declaration | |
From | var alternateImage: NSImage! |
To | var alternateImage: NSImage? |
Modified NSButtonCell.alternateTitle
Declaration | |
From | var alternateTitle: String! |
To | var alternateTitle: String |
Modified NSButtonCell.attributedAlternateTitle
Declaration | |
From | var attributedAlternateTitle: NSAttributedString! |
To | @NSCopying var attributedAlternateTitle: NSAttributedString |
Modified NSButtonCell.attributedTitle
Declaration | |
From | var attributedTitle: NSAttributedString! |
To | @NSCopying var attributedTitle: NSAttributedString |
Modified NSButtonCell.backgroundColor
Declaration | |
From | var backgroundColor: NSColor! |
To | @NSCopying var backgroundColor: NSColor? |
Modified NSButtonCell.drawBezelWithFrame(NSRect, inView: NSView)
Declaration | |
From | func drawBezelWithFrame(_ frame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView!) |
To | func drawBezelWithFrame(_ frame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView) |
Modified NSButtonCell.drawImage(NSImage, withFrame: NSRect, inView: NSView)
Declaration | |
From | func drawImage(_ image: NSImage!, withFrame frame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView!) |
To | func drawImage(_ image: NSImage, withFrame frame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView) |
Modified NSButtonCell.drawTitle(NSAttributedString, withFrame: NSRect, inView: NSView) -> NSRect
Declaration | |
From | func drawTitle(_ title: NSAttributedString!, withFrame frame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView!) -> NSRect |
To | func drawTitle(_ title: NSAttributedString, withFrame frame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView) -> NSRect |
Modified NSButtonCell.getPeriodicDelay(UnsafeMutablePointer<Float>, interval: UnsafeMutablePointer<Float>)
Declaration | |
From | func getPeriodicDelay(_ delay: UnsafePointer<Float>, interval interval: UnsafePointer<Float>) |
To | func getPeriodicDelay(_ delay: UnsafeMutablePointer<Float>, interval interval: UnsafeMutablePointer<Float>) |
Modified NSButtonCell.imageScaling
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSButtonCell.keyEquivalent
Declaration | |
From | var keyEquivalent: String! |
To | var keyEquivalent: String |
Modified NSButtonCell.keyEquivalentFont
Declaration | |
From | var keyEquivalentFont: NSFont! |
To | var keyEquivalentFont: NSFont? |
Modified NSButtonCell.mouseEntered(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func mouseEntered(_ event: NSEvent!) |
To | func mouseEntered(_ event: NSEvent) |
Modified NSButtonCell.mouseExited(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func mouseExited(_ event: NSEvent!) |
To | func mouseExited(_ event: NSEvent) |
Modified NSButtonCell.performClick(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func performClick(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func performClick(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSButtonCell.setKeyEquivalentFont(String, size: CGFloat)
Declaration | |
From | func setKeyEquivalentFont(_ fontName: String!, size fontSize: CGFloat) |
To | func setKeyEquivalentFont(_ fontName: String, size fontSize: CGFloat) |
Modified NSButtonCell.sound
Declaration | |
From | var sound: NSSound! |
To | var sound: NSSound? |
Modified NSButtonType [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum NSButtonType : UInt { case MomentaryLightButton case PushOnPushOffButton case ToggleButton case SwitchButton case RadioButton case MomentaryChangeButton case OnOffButton case MomentaryPushInButton } |
To | enum NSButtonType : UInt { case MomentaryLightButton case PushOnPushOffButton case ToggleButton case SwitchButton case RadioButton case MomentaryChangeButton case OnOffButton case MomentaryPushInButton case AcceleratorButton case MultiLevelAcceleratorButton } |
Modified NSCIImageRep.CIImage
Declaration | |
From | var CIImage: CIImage! { get } |
To | var CIImage: CIImage { get } |
Modified NSCIImageRep.init(CIImage: CIImage!)
Declaration | |
From | init(CIImage image: CIImage!) |
To | convenience init!(CIImage image: CIImage!) |
Modified NSCell.attributedStringValue
Declaration | |
From | var attributedStringValue: NSAttributedString! |
To | @NSCopying var attributedStringValue: NSAttributedString |
Modified NSCell.backgroundStyle
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified -> NSComparisonResult
Declaration | |
From | func compare(_ otherCell: AnyObject!) -> NSComparisonResult |
To | func compare(_ otherCell: AnyObject) -> NSComparisonResult |
Modified NSCell.continueTracking(NSPoint, at: NSPoint, inView: NSView) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func continueTracking(_ lastPoint: NSPoint, at currentPoint: NSPoint, inView controlView: NSView!) -> Bool |
To | func continueTracking(_ lastPoint: NSPoint, at currentPoint: NSPoint, inView controlView: NSView) -> Bool |
Modified NSCell.controlView
Declaration | |
From | var controlView: NSView! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var controlView: NSView? |
Modified NSCell.defaultMenu() -> NSMenu? [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func defaultMenu() -> NSMenu! |
To | class func defaultMenu() -> NSMenu? |
Modified NSCell.draggingImageComponentsWithFrame(NSRect, inView: NSView) -> [AnyObject]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func draggingImageComponentsWithFrame(_ frame: NSRect, inView view: NSView!) -> [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func draggingImageComponentsWithFrame(_ frame: NSRect, inView view: NSView) -> [AnyObject] | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSCell.drawFocusRingMaskWithFrame(NSRect, inView: NSView)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func drawFocusRingMaskWithFrame(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func drawFocusRingMaskWithFrame(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSCell.drawInteriorWithFrame(NSRect, inView: NSView)
Declaration | |
From | func drawInteriorWithFrame(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView!) |
To | func drawInteriorWithFrame(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView) |
Modified NSCell.drawWithExpansionFrame(NSRect, inView: NSView)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func drawWithExpansionFrame(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView view: NSView!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func drawWithExpansionFrame(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView view: NSView) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSCell.drawWithFrame(NSRect, inView: NSView)
Declaration | |
From | func drawWithFrame(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView!) |
To | func drawWithFrame(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView) |
Modified NSCell.editWithFrame(NSRect, inView: NSView, editor: NSText, delegate: AnyObject?, event: NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func editWithFrame(_ aRect: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView!, editor textObj: NSText!, delegate anObject: AnyObject!, event theEvent: NSEvent!) |
To | func editWithFrame(_ aRect: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView, editor textObj: NSText, delegate anObject: AnyObject?, event theEvent: NSEvent) |
Modified NSCell.endEditing(NSText)
Declaration | |
From | func endEditing(_ textObj: NSText!) |
To | func endEditing(_ textObj: NSText) |
Modified NSCell.expansionFrameWithFrame(NSRect, inView: NSView) -> NSRect
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func expansionFrameWithFrame(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView view: NSView!) -> NSRect | OS X 10.10 |
To | func expansionFrameWithFrame(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView view: NSView) -> NSRect | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSCell.fieldEditorForView(NSView) -> NSTextView?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func fieldEditorForView(_ aControlView: NSView!) -> NSTextView! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func fieldEditorForView(_ aControlView: NSView) -> NSTextView? | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSCell.focusRingMaskBoundsForFrame(NSRect, inView: NSView) -> NSRect
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func focusRingMaskBoundsForFrame(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView!) -> NSRect | OS X 10.10 |
To | func focusRingMaskBoundsForFrame(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView) -> NSRect | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSCell.font
Declaration | |
From | var font: NSFont! |
To | var font: NSFont? |
Modified NSCell.formatter
Declaration | |
From | var formatter: AnyObject! |
To | var formatter: AnyObject? |
Modified NSCell.getPeriodicDelay(UnsafeMutablePointer<Float>, interval: UnsafeMutablePointer<Float>)
Declaration | |
From | func getPeriodicDelay(_ delay: UnsafePointer<Float>, interval interval: UnsafePointer<Float>) |
To | func getPeriodicDelay(_ delay: UnsafeMutablePointer<Float>, interval interval: UnsafeMutablePointer<Float>) |
Modified NSCell.highlight(Bool, withFrame: NSRect, inView: NSView)
Declaration | |
From | func highlight(_ flag: Bool, withFrame cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView!) |
To | func highlight(_ flag: Bool, withFrame cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView) |
Modified NSCell.highlightColorWithFrame(NSRect, inView: NSView) -> NSColor
Declaration | |
From | func highlightColorWithFrame(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView!) -> NSColor! |
To | func highlightColorWithFrame(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView) -> NSColor |
Modified NSCell.hitTestForEvent(NSEvent, inRect: NSRect, ofView: NSView) -> NSCellHitResult
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func hitTestForEvent(_ event: NSEvent!, inRect cellFrame: NSRect, ofView controlView: NSView!) -> NSCellHitResult | OS X 10.10 |
To | func hitTestForEvent(_ event: NSEvent, inRect cellFrame: NSRect, ofView controlView: NSView) -> NSCellHitResult | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSCell.image
Declaration | |
From | var image: NSImage! |
To | var image: NSImage? |
Modified NSCell.init(imageCell: NSImage?)
Declaration | |
From | init(imageCell image: NSImage!) |
To | init(imageCell image: NSImage?) |
Modified NSCell.integerValue
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSCell.interiorBackgroundStyle
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSCell.keyEquivalent
Declaration | |
From | var keyEquivalent: String! { get } |
To | var keyEquivalent: String { get } |
Declaration | |
From | var menu: NSMenu! |
To | var menu: NSMenu? |
Modified NSCell.menuForEvent(NSEvent, inRect: NSRect, ofView: NSView) -> NSMenu?
Declaration | |
From | func menuForEvent(_ event: NSEvent!, inRect cellFrame: NSRect, ofView view: NSView!) -> NSMenu! |
To | func menuForEvent(_ event: NSEvent, inRect cellFrame: NSRect, ofView view: NSView) -> NSMenu? |
Modified NSCell.objectValue
Declaration | |
From | var objectValue: AnyObject! |
To | @NSCopying var objectValue: AnyObject? |
Modified NSCell.performClick(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func performClick(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func performClick(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSCell.representedObject
Declaration | |
From | var representedObject: AnyObject! |
To | var representedObject: AnyObject? |
Modified NSCell.resetCursorRect(NSRect, inView: NSView)
Declaration | |
From | func resetCursorRect(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView!) |
To | func resetCursorRect(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView) |
Modified NSCell.selectWithFrame(NSRect, inView: NSView, editor: NSText, delegate: AnyObject?, start: Int, length: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func selectWithFrame(_ aRect: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView!, editor textObj: NSText!, delegate anObject: AnyObject!, start selStart: Int, length selLength: Int) |
To | func selectWithFrame(_ aRect: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView, editor textObj: NSText, delegate anObject: AnyObject?, start selStart: Int, length selLength: Int) |
Modified NSCell.setUpFieldEditorAttributes(NSText) -> NSText
Declaration | |
From | func setUpFieldEditorAttributes(_ textObj: NSText!) -> NSText! |
To | func setUpFieldEditorAttributes(_ textObj: NSText) -> NSText |
Modified NSCell.startTrackingAt(NSPoint, inView: NSView) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func startTrackingAt(_ startPoint: NSPoint, inView controlView: NSView!) -> Bool |
To | func startTrackingAt(_ startPoint: NSPoint, inView controlView: NSView) -> Bool |
Modified NSCell.stopTracking(NSPoint, at: NSPoint, inView: NSView, mouseIsUp: Bool)
Declaration | |
From | func stopTracking(_ lastPoint: NSPoint, at stopPoint: NSPoint, inView controlView: NSView!, mouseIsUp flag: Bool) |
To | func stopTracking(_ lastPoint: NSPoint, at stopPoint: NSPoint, inView controlView: NSView, mouseIsUp flag: Bool) |
Modified NSCell.stringValue
Declaration | |
From | var stringValue: String! |
To | var stringValue: String |
Modified NSCell.takeDoubleValueFrom(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func takeDoubleValueFrom(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func takeDoubleValueFrom(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSCell.takeFloatValueFrom(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func takeFloatValueFrom(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func takeFloatValueFrom(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSCell.takeIntValueFrom(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func takeIntValueFrom(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func takeIntValueFrom(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSCell.takeIntegerValueFrom(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func takeIntegerValueFrom(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func takeIntegerValueFrom(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSCell.takeObjectValueFrom(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func takeObjectValueFrom(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func takeObjectValueFrom(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSCell.takeStringValueFrom(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func takeStringValueFrom(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func takeStringValueFrom(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Declaration | |
From | var target: AnyObject! |
To | weak var target: AnyObject? |
Modified NSCell.init(textCell: String)
Declaration | |
From | init(textCell aString: String!) |
To | init(textCell aString: String) |
Modified NSCell.title
Declaration | |
From | var title: String! |
To | var title: String |
Modified NSCell.trackMouse(NSEvent, inRect: NSRect, ofView: NSView, untilMouseUp: Bool) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func trackMouse(_ theEvent: NSEvent!, inRect cellFrame: NSRect, ofView controlView: NSView!, untilMouseUp flag: Bool) -> Bool |
To | func trackMouse(_ theEvent: NSEvent, inRect cellFrame: NSRect, ofView controlView: NSView, untilMouseUp flag: Bool) -> Bool |
Modified NSCell.truncatesLastVisibleLine
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSCell.userInterfaceLayoutDirection
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSCell.usesSingleLineMode
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSCellHitResult [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | Introduction | |
From | struct NSCellHitResult : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var None: NSCellHitResult { get } static var ContentArea: NSCellHitResult { get } static var EditableTextArea: NSCellHitResult { get } static var TrackableArea: NSCellHitResult { get } } | RawOptionSet | OS X 10.10 |
To | struct NSCellHitResult : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var None: NSCellHitResult { get } static var ContentArea: NSCellHitResult { get } static var EditableTextArea: NSCellHitResult { get } static var TrackableArea: NSCellHitResult { get } } | RawOptionSetType | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSCellHitResult.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSCellStyleMask [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct NSCellStyleMask : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var NoCellMask: NSCellStyleMask { get } static var ContentsCellMask: NSCellStyleMask { get } static var PushInCellMask: NSCellStyleMask { get } static var ChangeGrayCellMask: NSCellStyleMask { get } static var ChangeBackgroundCellMask: NSCellStyleMask { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct NSCellStyleMask : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var NoCellMask: NSCellStyleMask { get } static var ContentsCellMask: NSCellStyleMask { get } static var PushInCellMask: NSCellStyleMask { get } static var ChangeGrayCellMask: NSCellStyleMask { get } static var ChangeBackgroundCellMask: NSCellStyleMask { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified NSCellStyleMask.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSChangeSpelling.changeSpelling(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func changeSpelling(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func changeSpelling(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSClipView.autoscroll(NSEvent) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func autoscroll(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) -> Bool |
To | func autoscroll(_ theEvent: NSEvent) -> Bool |
Modified NSClipView.backgroundColor
Declaration | |
From | var backgroundColor: NSColor! |
To | @NSCopying var backgroundColor: NSColor |
Modified NSClipView.constrainBoundsRect(NSRect) -> NSRect
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSClipView.constrainScrollPoint(NSPoint) -> NSPoint
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSClipView.documentCursor
Declaration | |
From | var documentCursor: NSCursor! |
To | var documentCursor: NSCursor? |
Modified NSClipView.documentView
Declaration | |
From | var documentView: AnyObject! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var documentView: AnyObject? |
Modified NSClipView.viewBoundsChanged(NSNotification)
Declaration | |
From | func viewBoundsChanged(_ notification: NSNotification!) |
To | func viewBoundsChanged(_ notification: NSNotification) |
Modified NSClipView.viewFrameChanged(NSNotification)
Declaration | |
From | func viewFrameChanged(_ notification: NSNotification!) |
To | func viewFrameChanged(_ notification: NSNotification) |
Modified NSCollectionView
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSCollectionView.delegate
Declaration | |
From | var delegate: NSCollectionViewDelegate! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSCollectionViewDelegate? |
Modified NSCollectionView.draggingImageForItemsAtIndexes(NSIndexSet!, withEvent: NSEvent!, offset: NSPointPointer) -> NSImage!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSCollectionView.frameForItemAtIndex(Int) -> NSRect
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSCollectionView.frameForItemAtIndex(Int, withNumberOfItems: Int) -> NSRect
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSCollectionView.itemAtIndex(Int) -> NSCollectionViewItem!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSCollectionView.selectionIndexes
Declaration | |
From | var selectionIndexes: NSIndexSet! |
To | @NSCopying var selectionIndexes: NSIndexSet! |
Modified NSCollectionView.setDraggingSourceOperationMask(NSDragOperation, forLocal: Bool)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSCollectionViewDelegate.collectionView(NSCollectionView, acceptDrop: NSDraggingInfo, index: Int, dropOperation: NSCollectionViewDropOperation) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func collectionView(_ collectionView: NSCollectionView!, acceptDrop draggingInfo: NSDraggingInfo!, index index: Int, dropOperation dropOperation: NSCollectionViewDropOperation) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func collectionView(_ collectionView: NSCollectionView, acceptDrop draggingInfo: NSDraggingInfo, index index: Int, dropOperation dropOperation: NSCollectionViewDropOperation) -> Bool | OS X 10.6 | yes |
Modified NSCollectionViewDelegate.collectionView(NSCollectionView, canDragItemsAtIndexes: NSIndexSet, withEvent: NSEvent) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func collectionView(_ collectionView: NSCollectionView!, canDragItemsAtIndexes indexes: NSIndexSet!, withEvent event: NSEvent!) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func collectionView(_ collectionView: NSCollectionView, canDragItemsAtIndexes indexes: NSIndexSet, withEvent event: NSEvent) -> Bool | OS X 10.6 | yes |
Modified NSCollectionViewDelegate.collectionView(NSCollectionView, draggingImageForItemsAtIndexes: NSIndexSet!, withEvent: NSEvent!, offset: NSPointPointer) -> NSImage!
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func collectionView(_ collectionView: NSCollectionView!, draggingImageForItemsAtIndexes indexes: NSIndexSet!, withEvent event: NSEvent!, offset dragImageOffset: NSPointPointer) -> NSImage! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func collectionView(_ collectionView: NSCollectionView, draggingImageForItemsAtIndexes indexes: NSIndexSet!, withEvent event: NSEvent!, offset dragImageOffset: NSPointPointer) -> NSImage! | OS X 10.6 | yes |
Modified NSCollectionViewDelegate.collectionView(NSCollectionView, draggingSession: NSDraggingSession!, willBeginAtPoint: NSPoint, forItemsAtIndexes: NSIndexSet!)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func collectionView(_ collectionView: NSCollectionView!, draggingSession session: NSDraggingSession!, willBeginAtPoint screenPoint: NSPoint, forItemsAtIndexes indexes: NSIndexSet!) | -- |
To | optional func collectionView(_ collectionView: NSCollectionView, draggingSession session: NSDraggingSession!, willBeginAtPoint screenPoint: NSPoint, forItemsAtIndexes indexes: NSIndexSet!) | yes |
Modified NSCollectionViewDelegate.collectionView(NSCollectionView, draggingSession: NSDraggingSession, endedAtPoint: NSPoint, dragOperation: NSDragOperation)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func collectionView(_ collectionView: NSCollectionView!, draggingSession session: NSDraggingSession!, endedAtPoint screenPoint: NSPoint, dragOperation operation: NSDragOperation) | -- |
To | optional func collectionView(_ collectionView: NSCollectionView, draggingSession session: NSDraggingSession, endedAtPoint screenPoint: NSPoint, dragOperation operation: NSDragOperation) | yes |
Modified NSCollectionViewDelegate.collectionView(NSCollectionView, namesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestination: NSURL!, forDraggedItemsAtIndexes: NSIndexSet!) -> [AnyObject]!
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func collectionView(_ collectionView: NSCollectionView!, namesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestination dropURL: NSURL!, forDraggedItemsAtIndexes indexes: NSIndexSet!) -> [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func collectionView(_ collectionView: NSCollectionView, namesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestination dropURL: NSURL!, forDraggedItemsAtIndexes indexes: NSIndexSet!) -> [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.6 | yes |
Modified NSCollectionViewDelegate.collectionView(NSCollectionView, pasteboardWriterForItemAtIndex: Int) -> NSPasteboardWriting!
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func collectionView(_ collectionView: NSCollectionView!, pasteboardWriterForItemAtIndex index: Int) -> NSPasteboardWriting! | -- |
To | optional func collectionView(_ collectionView: NSCollectionView, pasteboardWriterForItemAtIndex index: Int) -> NSPasteboardWriting! | yes |
Modified NSCollectionViewDelegate.collectionView(NSCollectionView, updateDraggingItemsForDrag: NSDraggingInfo)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func collectionView(_ collectionView: NSCollectionView!, updateDraggingItemsForDrag draggingInfo: NSDraggingInfo!) | -- |
To | optional func collectionView(_ collectionView: NSCollectionView, updateDraggingItemsForDrag draggingInfo: NSDraggingInfo) | yes |
Modified NSCollectionViewDelegate.collectionView(NSCollectionView, validateDrop: NSDraggingInfo, proposedIndex: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, dropOperation: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSCollectionViewDropOperation>) -> NSDragOperation
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func collectionView(_ collectionView: NSCollectionView!, validateDrop draggingInfo: NSDraggingInfo!, proposedIndex proposedDropIndex: UnsafePointer<Int>, dropOperation proposedDropOperation: UnsafePointer<NSCollectionViewDropOperation>) -> NSDragOperation | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func collectionView(_ collectionView: NSCollectionView, validateDrop draggingInfo: NSDraggingInfo, proposedIndex proposedDropIndex: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, dropOperation proposedDropOperation: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSCollectionViewDropOperation>) -> NSDragOperation | OS X 10.6 | yes |
Modified NSCollectionViewDelegate.collectionView(NSCollectionView, writeItemsAtIndexes: NSIndexSet, toPasteboard: NSPasteboard) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func collectionView(_ collectionView: NSCollectionView!, writeItemsAtIndexes indexes: NSIndexSet!, toPasteboard pasteboard: NSPasteboard!) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func collectionView(_ collectionView: NSCollectionView, writeItemsAtIndexes indexes: NSIndexSet, toPasteboard pasteboard: NSPasteboard) -> Bool | OS X 10.6 | yes |
Modified NSCollectionViewDropOperation [enum]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSCollectionViewItem
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSCollectionViewItem.draggingImageComponents
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var draggingImageComponents: [AnyObject]! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var draggingImageComponents: [AnyObject] { get } | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSCollectionViewItem.imageView
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | @IBOutlet var imageView: NSImageView! | OS X 10.10 |
To | @IBOutlet unowned(unsafe) var imageView: NSImageView! | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSCollectionViewItem.textField
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | @IBOutlet var textField: NSTextField! | OS X 10.10 |
To | @IBOutlet unowned(unsafe) var textField: NSTextField! | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSColor.CGColor
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var CGColor: CGColor! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var CGColor: CGColor { get } | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSColor.init(CGColor: CGColor)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | init(CGColor cgColor: CGColor!) -> NSColor | OS X 10.10 |
To | init?(CGColor cgColor: CGColor) -> NSColor | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSColor.init(CIColor: CIColor)
Declaration | |
From | init(CIColor color: CIColor!) -> NSColor |
To | init(CIColor color: CIColor) -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.init(SRGBRed: CGFloat, green: CGFloat, blue: CGFloat, alpha: CGFloat)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSColor.alternateSelectedControlColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func alternateSelectedControlColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func alternateSelectedControlColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.alternateSelectedControlTextColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func alternateSelectedControlTextColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func alternateSelectedControlTextColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.blackColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func blackColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func blackColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.blendedColorWithFraction(CGFloat, ofColor: NSColor) -> NSColor?
Declaration | |
From | func blendedColorWithFraction(_ fraction: CGFloat, ofColor color: NSColor!) -> NSColor! |
To | func blendedColorWithFraction(_ fraction: CGFloat, ofColor color: NSColor) -> NSColor? |
Modified NSColor.blueColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func blueColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func blueColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.brownColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func brownColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func brownColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.init(catalogName: String, colorName: String)
Declaration | |
From | init(catalogName listName: String!, colorName colorName: String!) -> NSColor |
To | init?(catalogName listName: String, colorName colorName: String) -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.catalogNameComponent
Declaration | |
From | var catalogNameComponent: String! { get } |
To | var catalogNameComponent: String { get } |
Modified NSColor.clearColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func clearColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func clearColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.init(coder: NSCoder)
Declaration | |
From | init(coder coder: NSCoder!) |
To | init?(coder coder: NSCoder) |
Modified NSColor.colorNameComponent
Declaration | |
From | var colorNameComponent: String! { get } |
To | var colorNameComponent: String { get } |
Modified NSColor.colorSpace
Declaration | |
From | var colorSpace: NSColorSpace! { get } |
To | var colorSpace: NSColorSpace { get } |
Modified NSColor.init(colorSpace: NSColorSpace, components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, count: Int)
Declaration | |
From | init(colorSpace space: NSColorSpace!, components components: ConstUnsafePointer<CGFloat>, count numberOfComponents: Int) -> NSColor |
To | init(colorSpace space: NSColorSpace, components components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, count numberOfComponents: Int) -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.colorSpaceName
Declaration | |
From | var colorSpaceName: String! { get } |
To | var colorSpaceName: String { get } |
Modified NSColor.colorUsingColorSpace(NSColorSpace) -> NSColor?
Declaration | |
From | func colorUsingColorSpace(_ space: NSColorSpace!) -> NSColor! |
To | func colorUsingColorSpace(_ space: NSColorSpace) -> NSColor? |
Modified NSColor.colorUsingColorSpaceName(String) -> NSColor?
Declaration | |
From | func colorUsingColorSpaceName(_ colorSpace: String!) -> NSColor! |
To | func colorUsingColorSpaceName(_ colorSpace: String) -> NSColor? |
Modified NSColor.colorUsingColorSpaceName(String?, device:[NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> NSColor?
Declaration | |
From | func colorUsingColorSpaceName(_ colorSpace: String!, device deviceDescription: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> NSColor! |
To | func colorUsingColorSpaceName(_ colorSpace: String?, device deviceDescription: [NSObject : AnyObject]?) -> NSColor? |
Modified NSColor.colorWithAlphaComponent(CGFloat) -> NSColor
Declaration | |
From | func colorWithAlphaComponent(_ alpha: CGFloat) -> NSColor! |
To | func colorWithAlphaComponent(_ alpha: CGFloat) -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.controlAlternatingRowBackgroundColors() -> [AnyObject] [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func controlAlternatingRowBackgroundColors() -> [AnyObject]! |
To | class func controlAlternatingRowBackgroundColors() -> [AnyObject] |
Modified NSColor.controlBackgroundColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func controlBackgroundColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func controlBackgroundColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.controlColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func controlColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func controlColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.controlDarkShadowColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func controlDarkShadowColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func controlDarkShadowColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.controlHighlightColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func controlHighlightColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func controlHighlightColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.controlLightHighlightColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func controlLightHighlightColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func controlLightHighlightColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.controlShadowColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func controlShadowColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func controlShadowColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.controlTextColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func controlTextColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func controlTextColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.cyanColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func cyanColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func cyanColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.darkGrayColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func darkGrayColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func darkGrayColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.disabledControlTextColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func disabledControlTextColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func disabledControlTextColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.init(fromPasteboard: NSPasteboard)
Declaration | |
From | init(fromPasteboard pasteBoard: NSPasteboard!) -> NSColor |
To | init?(fromPasteboard pasteBoard: NSPasteboard) -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.init(genericGamma22White: CGFloat, alpha: CGFloat)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSColor.getComponents(UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>)
Declaration | |
From | func getComponents(_ components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) |
To | func getComponents(_ components: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>) |
Modified NSColor.getCyan(UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, magenta: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, yellow: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, black: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, alpha: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>)
Declaration | |
From | func getCyan(_ cyan: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, magenta magenta: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, yellow yellow: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, black black: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, alpha alpha: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) |
To | func getCyan(_ cyan: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, magenta magenta: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, yellow yellow: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, black black: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, alpha alpha: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>) |
Modified NSColor.getHue(UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, saturation: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, brightness: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, alpha: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>)
Declaration | |
From | func getHue(_ hue: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, saturation saturation: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, brightness brightness: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, alpha alpha: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) |
To | func getHue(_ hue: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, saturation saturation: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, brightness brightness: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, alpha alpha: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>) |
Modified NSColor.getRed(UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, green: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, blue: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, alpha: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>)
Declaration | |
From | func getRed(_ red: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, green green: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, blue blue: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, alpha alpha: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) |
To | func getRed(_ red: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, green green: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, blue blue: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, alpha alpha: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>) |
Modified NSColor.getWhite(UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, alpha: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>)
Declaration | |
From | func getWhite(_ white: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, alpha alpha: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) |
To | func getWhite(_ white: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, alpha alpha: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>) |
Modified NSColor.grayColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func grayColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func grayColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.greenColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func greenColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func greenColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.gridColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func gridColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func gridColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.headerColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func headerColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func headerColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.headerTextColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func headerTextColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func headerTextColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.highlightColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func highlightColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func highlightColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.highlightWithLevel(CGFloat) -> NSColor?
Declaration | |
From | func highlightWithLevel(_ val: CGFloat) -> NSColor! |
To | func highlightWithLevel(_ val: CGFloat) -> NSColor? |
Modified NSColor.init(hue: CGFloat, saturation: CGFloat, brightness: CGFloat, alpha: CGFloat)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSColor.keyboardFocusIndicatorColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func keyboardFocusIndicatorColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func keyboardFocusIndicatorColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.knobColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func knobColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func knobColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.labelColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func labelColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func labelColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.lightGrayColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func lightGrayColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func lightGrayColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.localizedCatalogNameComponent
Declaration | |
From | var localizedCatalogNameComponent: String! { get } |
To | var localizedCatalogNameComponent: String { get } |
Modified NSColor.localizedColorNameComponent
Declaration | |
From | var localizedColorNameComponent: String! { get } |
To | var localizedColorNameComponent: String { get } |
Modified NSColor.magentaColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func magentaColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func magentaColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.orangeColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func orangeColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func orangeColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.patternImage
Declaration | |
From | var patternImage: NSImage! { get } |
To | var patternImage: NSImage { get } |
Modified NSColor.init(patternImage: NSImage)
Declaration | |
From | init(patternImage image: NSImage!) -> NSColor |
To | init(patternImage image: NSImage) -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.purpleColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func purpleColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func purpleColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.init(red: CGFloat, green: CGFloat, blue: CGFloat, alpha: CGFloat)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSColor.redColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func redColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func redColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.scrollBarColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func scrollBarColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func scrollBarColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.secondaryLabelColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func secondaryLabelColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func secondaryLabelColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.secondarySelectedControlColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func secondarySelectedControlColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func secondarySelectedControlColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.selectedControlColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func selectedControlColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func selectedControlColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.selectedControlTextColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func selectedControlTextColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func selectedControlTextColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.selectedKnobColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func selectedKnobColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func selectedKnobColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.selectedMenuItemColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func selectedMenuItemColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func selectedMenuItemColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.selectedMenuItemTextColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func selectedMenuItemTextColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func selectedMenuItemTextColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.selectedTextBackgroundColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func selectedTextBackgroundColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func selectedTextBackgroundColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.selectedTextColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func selectedTextColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func selectedTextColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.shadowColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func shadowColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func shadowColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.shadowWithLevel(CGFloat) -> NSColor?
Declaration | |
From | func shadowWithLevel(_ val: CGFloat) -> NSColor! |
To | func shadowWithLevel(_ val: CGFloat) -> NSColor? |
Modified NSColor.textBackgroundColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func textBackgroundColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func textBackgroundColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.textColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func textColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func textColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.underPageBackgroundColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class func underPageBackgroundColor() -> NSColor! | OS X 10.10 |
To | class func underPageBackgroundColor() -> NSColor | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSColor.init(white: CGFloat, alpha: CGFloat)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSColor.whiteColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func whiteColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func whiteColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.windowBackgroundColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func windowBackgroundColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func windowBackgroundColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.windowFrameColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func windowFrameColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func windowFrameColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.windowFrameTextColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func windowFrameTextColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func windowFrameTextColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColor.writeToPasteboard(NSPasteboard)
Declaration | |
From | func writeToPasteboard(_ pasteBoard: NSPasteboard!) |
To | func writeToPasteboard(_ pasteBoard: NSPasteboard) |
Modified NSColor.yellowColor() -> NSColor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func yellowColor() -> NSColor! |
To | class func yellowColor() -> NSColor |
Modified NSColorList.allKeys
Declaration | |
From | var allKeys: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var allKeys: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSColorList.availableColorLists() -> [AnyObject] [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func availableColorLists() -> [AnyObject]! |
To | class func availableColorLists() -> [AnyObject] |
Modified NSColorList.colorWithKey(String) -> NSColor?
Declaration | |
From | func colorWithKey(_ key: String!) -> NSColor! |
To | func colorWithKey(_ key: String) -> NSColor? |
Modified NSColorList.insertColor(NSColor, key: String, atIndex: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func insertColor(_ color: NSColor!, key key: String!, atIndex loc: Int) |
To | func insertColor(_ color: NSColor, key key: String, atIndex loc: Int) |
Declaration | |
From | var name: String! { get } |
To | var name: String? { get } |
Modified NSColorList.init(name: String)
Declaration | |
From | init(name name: String!) |
To | init(name name: String) |
Modified NSColorList.init(name: String, fromFile: String?)
Declaration | |
From | init(name name: String!, fromFile path: String!) |
To | init?(name name: String, fromFile path: String?) |
Modified NSColorList.init(named: String)
Declaration | |
From | init(named name: String!) -> NSColorList |
To | init?(named name: String) -> NSColorList |
Modified NSColorList.removeColorWithKey(String)
Declaration | |
From | func removeColorWithKey(_ key: String!) |
To | func removeColorWithKey(_ key: String) |
Modified NSColorList.setColor(NSColor, forKey: String)
Declaration | |
From | func setColor(_ color: NSColor!, forKey key: String!) |
To | func setColor(_ color: NSColor, forKey key: String) |
Modified NSColorList.writeToFile(String?) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func writeToFile(_ path: String!) -> Bool |
To | func writeToFile(_ path: String?) -> Bool |
Modified NSColorPanel.accessoryView
Declaration | |
From | var accessoryView: NSView! |
To | var accessoryView: NSView? |
Modified NSColorPanel.attachColorList(NSColorList)
Declaration | |
From | func attachColorList(_ colorList: NSColorList!) |
To | func attachColorList(_ colorList: NSColorList) |
Modified NSColorPanel.color
Declaration | |
From | var color: NSColor! |
To | @NSCopying var color: NSColor |
Modified NSColorPanel.detachColorList(NSColorList)
Declaration | |
From | func detachColorList(_ colorList: NSColorList!) |
To | func detachColorList(_ colorList: NSColorList) |
Modified NSColorPanel.dragColor(NSColor, withEvent: NSEvent, fromView: NSView) -> Bool [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func dragColor(_ color: NSColor!, withEvent theEvent: NSEvent!, fromView sourceView: NSView!) -> Bool |
To | class func dragColor(_ color: NSColor, withEvent theEvent: NSEvent, fromView sourceView: NSView) -> Bool |
Modified NSColorPanel.setTarget(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func setTarget(_ anObject: AnyObject!) |
To | func setTarget(_ anObject: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSColorPanel.sharedColorPanel() -> NSColorPanel [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func sharedColorPanel() -> NSColorPanel! |
To | class func sharedColorPanel() -> NSColorPanel |
Modified NSColorPanelMode.NSNoModeColorPanel
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSColorPanelOptions [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct NSColorPanelOptions : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var GrayModeMask: NSColorPanelOptions { get } static var RGBModeMask: NSColorPanelOptions { get } static var CMYKModeMask: NSColorPanelOptions { get } static var HSBModeMask: NSColorPanelOptions { get } static var CustomPaletteModeMask: NSColorPanelOptions { get } static var ColorListModeMask: NSColorPanelOptions { get } static var WheelModeMask: NSColorPanelOptions { get } static var CrayonModeMask: NSColorPanelOptions { get } static var AllModesMask: NSColorPanelOptions { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct NSColorPanelOptions : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var GrayModeMask: NSColorPanelOptions { get } static var RGBModeMask: NSColorPanelOptions { get } static var CMYKModeMask: NSColorPanelOptions { get } static var HSBModeMask: NSColorPanelOptions { get } static var CustomPaletteModeMask: NSColorPanelOptions { get } static var ColorListModeMask: NSColorPanelOptions { get } static var WheelModeMask: NSColorPanelOptions { get } static var CrayonModeMask: NSColorPanelOptions { get } static var AllModesMask: NSColorPanelOptions { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified NSColorPanelOptions.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSColorPicker.attachColorList(NSColorList)
Declaration | |
From | func attachColorList(_ colorList: NSColorList!) |
To | func attachColorList(_ colorList: NSColorList) |
Modified NSColorPicker.buttonToolTip
Declaration | |
From | var buttonToolTip: String! { get } |
To | var buttonToolTip: String { get } |
Modified NSColorPicker.colorPanel
Declaration | |
From | var colorPanel: NSColorPanel! { get } |
To | var colorPanel: NSColorPanel { get } |
Modified NSColorPicker.detachColorList(NSColorList)
Declaration | |
From | func detachColorList(_ colorList: NSColorList!) |
To | func detachColorList(_ colorList: NSColorList) |
Modified NSColorPicker.insertNewButtonImage(NSImage, in: NSButtonCell)
Declaration | |
From | func insertNewButtonImage(_ newButtonImage: NSImage!, `in` buttonCell: NSButtonCell!) |
To | func insertNewButtonImage(_ newButtonImage: NSImage, `in` buttonCell: NSButtonCell) |
Modified NSColorPicker.init(pickerMask: Int, colorPanel: NSColorPanel)
Declaration | |
From | init(pickerMask mask: Int, colorPanel owningColorPanel: NSColorPanel!) |
To | init?(pickerMask mask: Int, colorPanel owningColorPanel: NSColorPanel) |
Modified NSColorPicker.provideNewButtonImage
Declaration | |
From | var provideNewButtonImage: NSImage! { get } |
To | var provideNewButtonImage: NSImage { get } |
Modified NSColorPicker.viewSizeChanged(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func viewSizeChanged(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func viewSizeChanged(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSColorPickingCustom.provideNewView(Bool) -> NSView
Declaration | |
From | func provideNewView(_ initialRequest: Bool) -> NSView! |
To | func provideNewView(_ initialRequest: Bool) -> NSView |
Modified NSColorPickingCustom.setColor(NSColor)
Declaration | |
From | func setColor(_ newColor: NSColor!) |
To | func setColor(_ newColor: NSColor) |
Modified NSColorPickingDefault.alphaControlAddedOrRemoved(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func alphaControlAddedOrRemoved(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func alphaControlAddedOrRemoved(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSColorPickingDefault.attachColorList(NSColorList)
Declaration | |
From | func attachColorList(_ colorList: NSColorList!) |
To | func attachColorList(_ colorList: NSColorList) |
Modified NSColorPickingDefault.buttonToolTip() -> String
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func buttonToolTip() -> String! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func buttonToolTip() -> String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSColorPickingDefault.detachColorList(NSColorList)
Declaration | |
From | func detachColorList(_ colorList: NSColorList!) |
To | func detachColorList(_ colorList: NSColorList) |
Modified NSColorPickingDefault.insertNewButtonImage(NSImage, in: NSButtonCell)
Declaration | |
From | func insertNewButtonImage(_ newButtonImage: NSImage!, `in` buttonCell: NSButtonCell!) |
To | func insertNewButtonImage(_ newButtonImage: NSImage, `in` buttonCell: NSButtonCell) |
Modified NSColorPickingDefault.minContentSize() -> NSSize
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSColorPickingDefault.init(pickerMask: Int, colorPanel: NSColorPanel)
Declaration | |
From | init(pickerMask mask: Int, colorPanel owningColorPanel: NSColorPanel!) |
To | init?(pickerMask mask: Int, colorPanel owningColorPanel: NSColorPanel) |
Modified NSColorPickingDefault.provideNewButtonImage() -> NSImage
Declaration | |
From | func provideNewButtonImage() -> NSImage! |
To | func provideNewButtonImage() -> NSImage |
Modified NSColorPickingDefault.viewSizeChanged(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func viewSizeChanged(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func viewSizeChanged(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSColorRenderingIntent [enum]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSColorSpace.CGColorSpace
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var CGColorSpace: CGColorSpace! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var CGColorSpace: CGColorSpace? { get } | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSColorSpace.init(CGColorSpace: CGColorSpace)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | init(CGColorSpace cgColorSpace: CGColorSpace!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | init?(CGColorSpace cgColorSpace: CGColorSpace) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSColorSpace.ICCProfileData
Declaration | |
From | var ICCProfileData: NSData! { get } |
To | var ICCProfileData: NSData? { get } |
Modified NSColorSpace.init(ICCProfileData: NSData)
Declaration | |
From | init(ICCProfileData iccData: NSData!) |
To | init?(ICCProfileData iccData: NSData) |
Modified NSColorSpace.adobeRGB1998ColorSpace() -> NSColorSpace [class]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class func adobeRGB1998ColorSpace() -> NSColorSpace! | OS X 10.10 |
To | class func adobeRGB1998ColorSpace() -> NSColorSpace | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSColorSpace.availableColorSpacesWithModel(NSColorSpaceModel) -> [AnyObject] [class]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class func availableColorSpacesWithModel(_ model: NSColorSpaceModel) -> [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 |
To | class func availableColorSpacesWithModel(_ model: NSColorSpaceModel) -> [AnyObject] | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSColorSpace.colorSyncProfile
Declaration | |
From | var colorSyncProfile: UnsafePointer<()> { get } |
To | var colorSyncProfile: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> { get } |
Modified NSColorSpace.init(colorSyncProfile: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | init(colorSyncProfile prof: UnsafePointer<()>) |
To | init?(colorSyncProfile prof: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) |
Modified NSColorSpace.deviceCMYKColorSpace() -> NSColorSpace [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func deviceCMYKColorSpace() -> NSColorSpace! |
To | class func deviceCMYKColorSpace() -> NSColorSpace |
Modified NSColorSpace.deviceGrayColorSpace() -> NSColorSpace [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func deviceGrayColorSpace() -> NSColorSpace! |
To | class func deviceGrayColorSpace() -> NSColorSpace |
Modified NSColorSpace.deviceRGBColorSpace() -> NSColorSpace [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func deviceRGBColorSpace() -> NSColorSpace! |
To | class func deviceRGBColorSpace() -> NSColorSpace |
Modified NSColorSpace.genericCMYKColorSpace() -> NSColorSpace [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func genericCMYKColorSpace() -> NSColorSpace! |
To | class func genericCMYKColorSpace() -> NSColorSpace |
Modified NSColorSpace.genericGamma22GrayColorSpace() -> NSColorSpace [class]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class func genericGamma22GrayColorSpace() -> NSColorSpace! | OS X 10.10 |
To | class func genericGamma22GrayColorSpace() -> NSColorSpace | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSColorSpace.genericGrayColorSpace() -> NSColorSpace [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func genericGrayColorSpace() -> NSColorSpace! |
To | class func genericGrayColorSpace() -> NSColorSpace |
Modified NSColorSpace.genericRGBColorSpace() -> NSColorSpace [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func genericRGBColorSpace() -> NSColorSpace! |
To | class func genericRGBColorSpace() -> NSColorSpace |
Modified NSColorSpace.localizedName
Declaration | |
From | var localizedName: String! { get } |
To | var localizedName: String? { get } |
Modified NSColorSpace.sRGBColorSpace() -> NSColorSpace [class]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class func sRGBColorSpace() -> NSColorSpace! | OS X 10.10 |
To | class func sRGBColorSpace() -> NSColorSpace | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSColorWell.color
Declaration | |
From | var color: NSColor! |
To | @NSCopying var color: NSColor |
Modified NSColorWell.takeColorFrom(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func takeColorFrom(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func takeColorFrom(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSComboBox.addItemWithObjectValue(AnyObject)
Declaration | |
From | func addItemWithObjectValue(_ object: AnyObject!) |
To | func addItemWithObjectValue(_ object: AnyObject) |
Modified NSComboBox.addItemsWithObjectValues([AnyObject])
Declaration | |
From | func addItemsWithObjectValues(_ objects: [AnyObject]!) |
To | func addItemsWithObjectValues(_ objects: [AnyObject]) |
Modified NSComboBox.dataSource
Declaration | |
From | var dataSource: NSComboBoxDataSource! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var dataSource: NSComboBoxDataSource? |
Modified NSComboBox.delegate() -> NSComboBoxDelegate?
Declaration | |
From | func delegate() -> NSComboBoxDelegate! |
To | func delegate() -> NSComboBoxDelegate? |
Modified NSComboBox.indexOfItemWithObjectValue(AnyObject) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func indexOfItemWithObjectValue(_ object: AnyObject!) -> Int |
To | func indexOfItemWithObjectValue(_ object: AnyObject) -> Int |
Modified NSComboBox.insertItemWithObjectValue(AnyObject, atIndex: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func insertItemWithObjectValue(_ object: AnyObject!, atIndex index: Int) |
To | func insertItemWithObjectValue(_ object: AnyObject, atIndex index: Int) |
Modified NSComboBox.itemObjectValueAtIndex(Int) -> AnyObject
Declaration | |
From | func itemObjectValueAtIndex(_ index: Int) -> AnyObject! |
To | func itemObjectValueAtIndex(_ index: Int) -> AnyObject |
Modified NSComboBox.objectValueOfSelectedItem
Declaration | |
From | var objectValueOfSelectedItem: AnyObject! { get } |
To | var objectValueOfSelectedItem: AnyObject? { get } |
Modified NSComboBox.objectValues
Declaration | |
From | var objectValues: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var objectValues: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSComboBox.removeItemWithObjectValue(AnyObject)
Declaration | |
From | func removeItemWithObjectValue(_ object: AnyObject!) |
To | func removeItemWithObjectValue(_ object: AnyObject) |
Modified NSComboBox.selectItemWithObjectValue(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func selectItemWithObjectValue(_ object: AnyObject!) |
To | func selectItemWithObjectValue(_ object: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSComboBox.setDelegate(NSComboBoxDelegate?)
Declaration | |
From | func setDelegate(_ anObject: NSComboBoxDelegate!) |
To | func setDelegate(_ anObject: NSComboBoxDelegate?) |
Modified NSComboBoxCell.addItemWithObjectValue(AnyObject)
Declaration | |
From | func addItemWithObjectValue(_ object: AnyObject!) |
To | func addItemWithObjectValue(_ object: AnyObject) |
Modified NSComboBoxCell.addItemsWithObjectValues([AnyObject])
Declaration | |
From | func addItemsWithObjectValues(_ objects: [AnyObject]!) |
To | func addItemsWithObjectValues(_ objects: [AnyObject]) |
Modified NSComboBoxCell.completedString(String) -> String?
Declaration | |
From | func completedString(_ string: String!) -> String! |
To | func completedString(_ string: String) -> String? |
Modified NSComboBoxCell.dataSource
Declaration | |
From | var dataSource: NSComboBoxCellDataSource! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var dataSource: NSComboBoxCellDataSource? |
Modified NSComboBoxCell.indexOfItemWithObjectValue(AnyObject) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func indexOfItemWithObjectValue(_ object: AnyObject!) -> Int |
To | func indexOfItemWithObjectValue(_ object: AnyObject) -> Int |
Modified NSComboBoxCell.insertItemWithObjectValue(AnyObject, atIndex: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func insertItemWithObjectValue(_ object: AnyObject!, atIndex index: Int) |
To | func insertItemWithObjectValue(_ object: AnyObject, atIndex index: Int) |
Modified NSComboBoxCell.itemObjectValueAtIndex(Int) -> AnyObject
Declaration | |
From | func itemObjectValueAtIndex(_ index: Int) -> AnyObject! |
To | func itemObjectValueAtIndex(_ index: Int) -> AnyObject |
Modified NSComboBoxCell.objectValueOfSelectedItem
Declaration | |
From | var objectValueOfSelectedItem: AnyObject! { get } |
To | var objectValueOfSelectedItem: AnyObject? { get } |
Modified NSComboBoxCell.objectValues
Declaration | |
From | var objectValues: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var objectValues: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSComboBoxCell.removeItemWithObjectValue(AnyObject)
Declaration | |
From | func removeItemWithObjectValue(_ object: AnyObject!) |
To | func removeItemWithObjectValue(_ object: AnyObject) |
Modified NSComboBoxCell.selectItemWithObjectValue(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func selectItemWithObjectValue(_ object: AnyObject!) |
To | func selectItemWithObjectValue(_ object: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSComboBoxCellDataSource.comboBoxCell(NSComboBoxCell, completedString: String) -> String?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func comboBoxCell(_ aComboBoxCell: NSComboBoxCell!, completedString uncompletedString: String!) -> String! | -- |
To | optional func comboBoxCell(_ aComboBoxCell: NSComboBoxCell, completedString uncompletedString: String) -> String? | yes |
Modified NSComboBoxCellDataSource.comboBoxCell(NSComboBoxCell, indexOfItemWithStringValue: String) -> Int
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func comboBoxCell(_ aComboBoxCell: NSComboBoxCell!, indexOfItemWithStringValue string: String!) -> Int | -- |
To | optional func comboBoxCell(_ aComboBoxCell: NSComboBoxCell, indexOfItemWithStringValue string: String) -> Int | yes |
Modified NSComboBoxCellDataSource.comboBoxCell(NSComboBoxCell, objectValueForItemAtIndex: Int) -> AnyObject
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func comboBoxCell(_ aComboBoxCell: NSComboBoxCell!, objectValueForItemAtIndex index: Int) -> AnyObject! | -- |
To | optional func comboBoxCell(_ aComboBoxCell: NSComboBoxCell, objectValueForItemAtIndex index: Int) -> AnyObject | yes |
Modified NSComboBoxCellDataSource.numberOfItemsInComboBoxCell(NSComboBoxCell) -> Int
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func numberOfItemsInComboBoxCell(_ comboBoxCell: NSComboBoxCell!) -> Int | -- |
To | optional func numberOfItemsInComboBoxCell(_ comboBoxCell: NSComboBoxCell) -> Int | yes |
Modified NSComboBoxDataSource.comboBox(NSComboBox, completedString: String) -> String?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func comboBox(_ aComboBox: NSComboBox!, completedString string: String!) -> String! | -- |
To | optional func comboBox(_ aComboBox: NSComboBox, completedString string: String) -> String? | yes |
Modified NSComboBoxDataSource.comboBox(NSComboBox, indexOfItemWithStringValue: String) -> Int
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func comboBox(_ aComboBox: NSComboBox!, indexOfItemWithStringValue string: String!) -> Int | -- |
To | optional func comboBox(_ aComboBox: NSComboBox, indexOfItemWithStringValue string: String) -> Int | yes |
Modified NSComboBoxDataSource.comboBox(NSComboBox, objectValueForItemAtIndex: Int) -> AnyObject
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func comboBox(_ aComboBox: NSComboBox!, objectValueForItemAtIndex index: Int) -> AnyObject! | -- |
To | optional func comboBox(_ aComboBox: NSComboBox, objectValueForItemAtIndex index: Int) -> AnyObject | yes |
Modified NSComboBoxDataSource.numberOfItemsInComboBox(NSComboBox) -> Int
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func numberOfItemsInComboBox(_ aComboBox: NSComboBox!) -> Int | -- |
To | optional func numberOfItemsInComboBox(_ aComboBox: NSComboBox) -> Int | yes |
Modified NSComboBoxDelegate.comboBoxSelectionDidChange(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func comboBoxSelectionDidChange(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func comboBoxSelectionDidChange(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSComboBoxDelegate.comboBoxSelectionIsChanging(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func comboBoxSelectionIsChanging(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func comboBoxSelectionIsChanging(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSComboBoxDelegate.comboBoxWillDismiss(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func comboBoxWillDismiss(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func comboBoxWillDismiss(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSComboBoxDelegate.comboBoxWillPopUp(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func comboBoxWillPopUp(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func comboBoxWillPopUp(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSControl.allowsExpansionToolTips
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSControl.attributedStringValue
Declaration | |
From | var attributedStringValue: NSAttributedString! |
To | @NSCopying var attributedStringValue: NSAttributedString |
Modified NSControl.cell() -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func cell() -> AnyObject! |
To | func cell() -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSControl.cellClass() -> AnyClass? [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func cellClass() -> AnyClass! |
To | class func cellClass() -> AnyClass? |
Modified NSControl.init(coder: NSCoder)
Declaration | |
From | init(coder coder: NSCoder!) |
To | init?(coder coder: NSCoder) |
Modified NSControl.currentEditor() -> NSText?
Declaration | |
From | func currentEditor() -> NSText! |
To | func currentEditor() -> NSText? |
Modified NSControl.drawCell(NSCell)
Declaration | |
From | func drawCell(_ aCell: NSCell!) |
To | func drawCell(_ aCell: NSCell) |
Modified NSControl.drawCellInside(NSCell)
Declaration | |
From | func drawCellInside(_ aCell: NSCell!) |
To | func drawCellInside(_ aCell: NSCell) |
Modified NSControl.drawWithExpansionFrame(NSRect, inView: NSView)
Declaration | |
From | func drawWithExpansionFrame(_ contentFrame: NSRect, inView view: NSView!) |
To | func drawWithExpansionFrame(_ contentFrame: NSRect, inView view: NSView) |
Modified NSControl.editWithFrame(NSRect, editor: NSText, delegate: AnyObject?, event: NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func editWithFrame(_ aRect: NSRect, editor textObj: NSText!, delegate anObject: AnyObject!, event theEvent: NSEvent!) |
To | func editWithFrame(_ aRect: NSRect, editor textObj: NSText, delegate anObject: AnyObject?, event theEvent: NSEvent) |
Modified NSControl.endEditing(NSText)
Declaration | |
From | func endEditing(_ textObj: NSText!) |
To | func endEditing(_ textObj: NSText) |
Modified NSControl.font
Declaration | |
From | var font: NSFont! |
To | @NSCopying var font: NSFont? |
Modified NSControl.formatter
Declaration | |
From | var formatter: AnyObject! |
To | var formatter: AnyObject? |
Modified NSControl.invalidateIntrinsicContentSizeForCell(NSCell)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func invalidateIntrinsicContentSizeForCell(_ cell: NSCell!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func invalidateIntrinsicContentSizeForCell(_ cell: NSCell) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSControl.mouseDown(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func mouseDown(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) |
To | func mouseDown(_ theEvent: NSEvent) |
Modified NSControl.objectValue
Declaration | |
From | var objectValue: AnyObject! |
To | @NSCopying var objectValue: AnyObject? |
Modified NSControl.performClick(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func performClick(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func performClick(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSControl.selectCell(NSCell)
Declaration | |
From | func selectCell(_ aCell: NSCell!) |
To | func selectCell(_ aCell: NSCell) |
Modified NSControl.selectWithFrame(NSRect, editor: NSText, delegate: AnyObject?, start: Int, length: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func selectWithFrame(_ aRect: NSRect, editor textObj: NSText!, delegate anObject: AnyObject!, start selStart: Int, length selLength: Int) |
To | func selectWithFrame(_ aRect: NSRect, editor textObj: NSText, delegate anObject: AnyObject?, start selStart: Int, length selLength: Int) |
Modified NSControl.selectedCell() -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func selectedCell() -> AnyObject! |
To | func selectedCell() -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSControl.sendAction(Selector, to: AnyObject?) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func sendAction(_ theAction: Selector, to theTarget: AnyObject!) -> Bool |
To | func sendAction(_ theAction: Selector, to theTarget: AnyObject?) -> Bool |
Modified NSControl.setCell(NSCell?)
Declaration | |
From | func setCell(_ aCell: NSCell!) |
To | func setCell(_ aCell: NSCell?) |
Modified NSControl.setCellClass(AnyClass?) [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func setCellClass(_ factoryId: AnyClass!) |
To | class func setCellClass(_ factoryId: AnyClass?) |
Modified NSControl.stringValue
Declaration | |
From | var stringValue: String! |
To | var stringValue: String |
Modified NSControl.takeDoubleValueFrom(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func takeDoubleValueFrom(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func takeDoubleValueFrom(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSControl.takeFloatValueFrom(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func takeFloatValueFrom(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func takeFloatValueFrom(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSControl.takeIntValueFrom(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func takeIntValueFrom(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func takeIntValueFrom(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSControl.takeIntegerValueFrom(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func takeIntegerValueFrom(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func takeIntegerValueFrom(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSControl.takeObjectValueFrom(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func takeObjectValueFrom(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func takeObjectValueFrom(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSControl.takeStringValueFrom(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func takeStringValueFrom(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func takeStringValueFrom(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Declaration | |
From | var target: AnyObject! |
To | weak var target: AnyObject? |
Modified NSControl.updateCell(NSCell)
Declaration | |
From | func updateCell(_ aCell: NSCell!) |
To | func updateCell(_ aCell: NSCell) |
Modified NSControl.updateCellInside(NSCell)
Declaration | |
From | func updateCellInside(_ aCell: NSCell!) |
To | func updateCellInside(_ aCell: NSCell) |
Modified NSControlTextEditingDelegate.control(NSControl, didFailToFormatString: String, errorDescription: String?) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func control(_ control: NSControl!, didFailToFormatString string: String!, errorDescription error: String!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func control(_ control: NSControl, didFailToFormatString string: String, errorDescription error: String?) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSControlTextEditingDelegate.control(NSControl, didFailToValidatePartialString: String, errorDescription: String?)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func control(_ control: NSControl!, didFailToValidatePartialString string: String!, errorDescription error: String!) | -- |
To | optional func control(_ control: NSControl, didFailToValidatePartialString string: String, errorDescription error: String?) | yes |
Modified NSControlTextEditingDelegate.control(NSControl, isValidObject: AnyObject) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func control(_ control: NSControl!, isValidObject obj: AnyObject!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func control(_ control: NSControl, isValidObject obj: AnyObject) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSControlTextEditingDelegate.control(NSControl, textShouldBeginEditing: NSText) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func control(_ control: NSControl!, textShouldBeginEditing fieldEditor: NSText!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func control(_ control: NSControl, textShouldBeginEditing fieldEditor: NSText) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSControlTextEditingDelegate.control(NSControl, textShouldEndEditing: NSText) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func control(_ control: NSControl!, textShouldEndEditing fieldEditor: NSText!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func control(_ control: NSControl, textShouldEndEditing fieldEditor: NSText) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSControlTextEditingDelegate.control(NSControl, textView: NSTextView, completions:[AnyObject], forPartialWordRange: NSRange, indexOfSelectedItem: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) -> [AnyObject]
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func control(_ control: NSControl!, textView textView: NSTextView!, completions words: [AnyObject]!, forPartialWordRange charRange: NSRange, indexOfSelectedItem index: UnsafePointer<Int>) -> [AnyObject]! | -- |
To | optional func control(_ control: NSControl, textView textView: NSTextView, completions words: [AnyObject], forPartialWordRange charRange: NSRange, indexOfSelectedItem index: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) -> [AnyObject] | yes |
Modified NSControlTextEditingDelegate.control(NSControl, textView: NSTextView, doCommandBySelector: Selector) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func control(_ control: NSControl!, textView textView: NSTextView!, doCommandBySelector commandSelector: Selector) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func control(_ control: NSControl, textView textView: NSTextView, doCommandBySelector commandSelector: Selector) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSController.init(coder: NSCoder)
Declaration | |
From | init(coder coder: NSCoder!) |
To | init?(coder coder: NSCoder) |
Modified NSController.commitEditingWithDelegate(AnyObject?, didCommitSelector: Selector, contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func commitEditingWithDelegate(_ delegate: AnyObject!, didCommitSelector didCommitSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafePointer<()>) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func commitEditingWithDelegate(_ delegate: AnyObject?, didCommitSelector didCommitSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) | OS X 10.10.3 |
Modified NSCursor
Protocols | |
From | AnyObject, NSCoding |
To | AnyObject, NSCoding, Reflectable |
Modified NSCursor.IBeamCursor() -> NSCursor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func IBeamCursor() -> NSCursor! |
To | class func IBeamCursor() -> NSCursor |
Modified NSCursor.IBeamCursorForVerticalLayout() -> NSCursor [class]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class func IBeamCursorForVerticalLayout() -> NSCursor! | OS X 10.10 |
To | class func IBeamCursorForVerticalLayout() -> NSCursor | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSCursor.arrowCursor() -> NSCursor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func arrowCursor() -> NSCursor! |
To | class func arrowCursor() -> NSCursor |
Modified NSCursor.closedHandCursor() -> NSCursor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func closedHandCursor() -> NSCursor! |
To | class func closedHandCursor() -> NSCursor |
Modified NSCursor.contextualMenuCursor() -> NSCursor [class]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class func contextualMenuCursor() -> NSCursor! | OS X 10.10 |
To | class func contextualMenuCursor() -> NSCursor | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSCursor.crosshairCursor() -> NSCursor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func crosshairCursor() -> NSCursor! |
To | class func crosshairCursor() -> NSCursor |
Modified NSCursor.currentCursor() -> NSCursor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func currentCursor() -> NSCursor! |
To | class func currentCursor() -> NSCursor |
Modified NSCursor.currentSystemCursor() -> NSCursor? [class]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class func currentSystemCursor() -> NSCursor! | OS X 10.10 |
To | class func currentSystemCursor() -> NSCursor? | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSCursor.disappearingItemCursor() -> NSCursor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func disappearingItemCursor() -> NSCursor! |
To | class func disappearingItemCursor() -> NSCursor |
Modified NSCursor.dragCopyCursor() -> NSCursor [class]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class func dragCopyCursor() -> NSCursor! | OS X 10.10 |
To | class func dragCopyCursor() -> NSCursor | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSCursor.dragLinkCursor() -> NSCursor [class]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class func dragLinkCursor() -> NSCursor! | OS X 10.10 |
To | class func dragLinkCursor() -> NSCursor | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSCursor.image
Declaration | |
From | var image: NSImage! { get } |
To | var image: NSImage { get } |
Modified NSCursor.init(image: NSImage, foregroundColorHint: NSColor?, backgroundColorHint: NSColor?, hotSpot: NSPoint)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(image newImage: NSImage!, foregroundColorHint fg: NSColor!, backgroundColorHint bg: NSColor!, hotSpot hotSpot: NSPoint) |
To | convenience init(image newImage: NSImage, foregroundColorHint fg: NSColor?, backgroundColorHint bg: NSColor?, hotSpot hotSpot: NSPoint) |
Modified NSCursor.init(image: NSImage, hotSpot: NSPoint)
Declaration | |
From | init(image newImage: NSImage!, hotSpot aPoint: NSPoint) |
To | init(image newImage: NSImage, hotSpot aPoint: NSPoint) |
Modified NSCursor.mouseEntered(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func mouseEntered(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) |
To | func mouseEntered(_ theEvent: NSEvent) |
Modified NSCursor.mouseExited(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func mouseExited(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) |
To | func mouseExited(_ theEvent: NSEvent) |
Modified NSCursor.openHandCursor() -> NSCursor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func openHandCursor() -> NSCursor! |
To | class func openHandCursor() -> NSCursor |
Modified NSCursor.operationNotAllowedCursor() -> NSCursor [class]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class func operationNotAllowedCursor() -> NSCursor! | OS X 10.10 |
To | class func operationNotAllowedCursor() -> NSCursor | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSCursor.pointingHandCursor() -> NSCursor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func pointingHandCursor() -> NSCursor! |
To | class func pointingHandCursor() -> NSCursor |
Modified NSCursor.resizeDownCursor() -> NSCursor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func resizeDownCursor() -> NSCursor! |
To | class func resizeDownCursor() -> NSCursor |
Modified NSCursor.resizeLeftCursor() -> NSCursor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func resizeLeftCursor() -> NSCursor! |
To | class func resizeLeftCursor() -> NSCursor |
Modified NSCursor.resizeLeftRightCursor() -> NSCursor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func resizeLeftRightCursor() -> NSCursor! |
To | class func resizeLeftRightCursor() -> NSCursor |
Modified NSCursor.resizeRightCursor() -> NSCursor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func resizeRightCursor() -> NSCursor! |
To | class func resizeRightCursor() -> NSCursor |
Modified NSCursor.resizeUpCursor() -> NSCursor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func resizeUpCursor() -> NSCursor! |
To | class func resizeUpCursor() -> NSCursor |
Modified NSCursor.resizeUpDownCursor() -> NSCursor [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func resizeUpDownCursor() -> NSCursor! |
To | class func resizeUpDownCursor() -> NSCursor |
Modified NSCustomImageRep.delegate
Declaration | |
From | var delegate: AnyObject! { get } |
To | unowned(unsafe) var delegate: AnyObject? { get } |
Modified NSCustomImageRep.init(drawSelector: Selector, delegate: AnyObject)
Declaration | |
From | init(drawSelector aMethod: Selector, delegate anObject: AnyObject!) |
To | init(drawSelector aMethod: Selector, delegate anObject: AnyObject) |
Modified NSCustomImageRep.drawingHandler
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var drawingHandler: ((NSRect) -> Bool)! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var drawingHandler: ((NSRect) -> Bool)? { get } | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSCustomImageRep.init(size: NSSize, flipped: Bool, drawingHandler:(NSRect) -> Bool)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | init(size size: NSSize, flipped drawingHandlerShouldBeCalledWithFlippedContext: Bool, drawingHandler drawingHandler: ((NSRect) -> Bool)!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | init(size size: NSSize, flipped drawingHandlerShouldBeCalledWithFlippedContext: Bool, drawingHandler drawingHandler: (NSRect) -> Bool) | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSDatePicker.backgroundColor
Declaration | |
From | var backgroundColor: NSColor! |
To | @NSCopying var backgroundColor: NSColor |
Modified NSDatePicker.calendar
Declaration | |
From | var calendar: NSCalendar! |
To | @NSCopying var calendar: NSCalendar? |
Modified NSDatePicker.dateValue
Declaration | |
From | var dateValue: NSDate! |
To | @NSCopying var dateValue: NSDate |
Modified NSDatePicker.delegate
Declaration | |
From | var delegate: NSDatePickerCellDelegate! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSDatePickerCellDelegate? |
Modified NSDatePicker.locale
Declaration | |
From | var locale: NSLocale! |
To | @NSCopying var locale: NSLocale? |
Modified NSDatePicker.maxDate
Declaration | |
From | var maxDate: NSDate! |
To | @NSCopying var maxDate: NSDate? |
Modified NSDatePicker.minDate
Declaration | |
From | var minDate: NSDate! |
To | @NSCopying var minDate: NSDate? |
Modified NSDatePicker.textColor
Declaration | |
From | var textColor: NSColor! |
To | @NSCopying var textColor: NSColor |
Modified NSDatePicker.timeZone
Declaration | |
From | var timeZone: NSTimeZone! |
To | @NSCopying var timeZone: NSTimeZone? |
Modified NSDatePickerCell.backgroundColor
Declaration | |
From | var backgroundColor: NSColor! |
To | @NSCopying var backgroundColor: NSColor |
Modified NSDatePickerCell.calendar
Declaration | |
From | var calendar: NSCalendar! |
To | @NSCopying var calendar: NSCalendar? |
Modified NSDatePickerCell.dateValue
Declaration | |
From | var dateValue: NSDate! |
To | @NSCopying var dateValue: NSDate |
Modified NSDatePickerCell.delegate
Declaration | |
From | var delegate: NSDatePickerCellDelegate! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSDatePickerCellDelegate? |
Modified NSDatePickerCell.locale
Declaration | |
From | var locale: NSLocale! |
To | @NSCopying var locale: NSLocale? |
Modified NSDatePickerCell.maxDate
Declaration | |
From | var maxDate: NSDate! |
To | @NSCopying var maxDate: NSDate? |
Modified NSDatePickerCell.minDate
Declaration | |
From | var minDate: NSDate! |
To | @NSCopying var minDate: NSDate? |
Modified NSDatePickerCell.textColor
Declaration | |
From | var textColor: NSColor! |
To | @NSCopying var textColor: NSColor |
Modified NSDatePickerCell.timeZone
Declaration | |
From | var timeZone: NSTimeZone! |
To | @NSCopying var timeZone: NSTimeZone? |
Modified NSDatePickerCellDelegate.datePickerCell(NSDatePickerCell, validateProposedDateValue: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSDate?>, timeInterval: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSTimeInterval>)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func datePickerCell(_ aDatePickerCell: NSDatePickerCell!, validateProposedDateValue proposedDateValue: AutoreleasingUnsafePointer<NSDate?>, timeInterval proposedTimeInterval: UnsafePointer<NSTimeInterval>) | -- |
To | optional func datePickerCell(_ aDatePickerCell: NSDatePickerCell, validateProposedDateValue proposedDateValue: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSDate?>, timeInterval proposedTimeInterval: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSTimeInterval>) | yes |
Modified NSDatePickerElementFlags [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct NSDatePickerElementFlags : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var HourMinuteDatePickerElementFlag: NSDatePickerElementFlags { get } static var HourMinuteSecondDatePickerElementFlag: NSDatePickerElementFlags { get } static var TimeZoneDatePickerElementFlag: NSDatePickerElementFlags { get } static var YearMonthDatePickerElementFlag: NSDatePickerElementFlags { get } static var YearMonthDayDatePickerElementFlag: NSDatePickerElementFlags { get } static var EraDatePickerElementFlag: NSDatePickerElementFlags { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct NSDatePickerElementFlags : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var HourMinuteDatePickerElementFlag: NSDatePickerElementFlags { get } static var HourMinuteSecondDatePickerElementFlag: NSDatePickerElementFlags { get } static var TimeZoneDatePickerElementFlag: NSDatePickerElementFlags { get } static var YearMonthDatePickerElementFlag: NSDatePickerElementFlags { get } static var YearMonthDayDatePickerElementFlag: NSDatePickerElementFlags { get } static var EraDatePickerElementFlag: NSDatePickerElementFlags { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified NSDatePickerElementFlags.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSDictionaryController
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSDictionaryController.excludedKeys
Declaration | |
From | var excludedKeys: [AnyObject]! |
To | var excludedKeys: [AnyObject] |
Modified NSDictionaryController.includedKeys
Declaration | |
From | var includedKeys: [AnyObject]! |
To | var includedKeys: [AnyObject] |
Modified NSDictionaryController.initialKey
Declaration | |
From | var initialKey: String! |
To | var initialKey: String |
Modified NSDictionaryController.initialValue
Declaration | |
From | var initialValue: AnyObject! |
To | var initialValue: AnyObject |
Modified NSDictionaryController.localizedKeyDictionary
Declaration | |
From | var localizedKeyDictionary: [NSObject : AnyObject]! |
To | var localizedKeyDictionary: [NSObject : AnyObject] |
Modified NSDictionaryController.localizedKeyTable
Declaration | |
From | var localizedKeyTable: String! |
To | var localizedKeyTable: String? |
Modified NSDictionaryController.newObject() -> AnyObject
Declaration | |
From | func newObject() -> AnyObject! |
To | func newObject() -> AnyObject |
Modified NSDockTile
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSDockTile.badgeLabel
Declaration | |
From | var badgeLabel: String! |
To | var badgeLabel: String? |
Modified NSDockTile.contentView
Declaration | |
From | var contentView: NSView! |
To | var contentView: NSView? |
Modified NSDockTile.owner
Declaration | |
From | var owner: AnyObject! { get } |
To | unowned(unsafe) var owner: AnyObject { get } |
Modified NSDockTilePlugIn.dockMenu() -> NSMenu!
Optional | |
From | -- |
To | yes |
Modified NSDocument.PDFPrintOperation
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var PDFPrintOperation: NSPrintOperation! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var PDFPrintOperation: NSPrintOperation { get } | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSDocument.addWindowController(NSWindowController)
Declaration | |
From | func addWindowController(_ windowController: NSWindowController!) |
To | func addWindowController(_ windowController: NSWindowController) |
Modified NSDocument.autosaveDocumentWithDelegate(AnyObject?, didAutosaveSelector: Selector, contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func autosaveDocumentWithDelegate(_ delegate: AnyObject!, didAutosaveSelector didAutosaveSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func autosaveDocumentWithDelegate(_ delegate: AnyObject?, didAutosaveSelector didAutosaveSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) |
Modified NSDocument.autosaveWithImplicitCancellability(Bool, completionHandler:(NSError!) -> Void)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func autosaveWithImplicitCancellability(_ autosavingIsImplicitlyCancellable: Bool, completionHandler completionHandler: ((NSError!) -> Void)!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func autosaveWithImplicitCancellability(_ autosavingIsImplicitlyCancellable: Bool, completionHandler completionHandler: (NSError!) -> Void) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDocument.autosavedContentsFileURL
Declaration | |
From | var autosavedContentsFileURL: NSURL! |
To | @NSCopying var autosavedContentsFileURL: NSURL? |
Modified NSDocument.autosavesDrafts() -> Bool [class]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSDocument.autosavesInPlace() -> Bool [class]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDocument.autosavingFileType
Declaration | |
From | var autosavingFileType: String! { get } |
To | var autosavingFileType: String? { get } |
Modified NSDocument.autosavingIsImplicitlyCancellable
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDocument.backupFileURL
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var backupFileURL: NSURL! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | @NSCopying var backupFileURL: NSURL? { get } | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSDocument.browseDocumentVersions(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | @IBAction func browseDocumentVersions(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | @IBAction func browseDocumentVersions(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSDocument.canAsynchronouslyWriteToURL(NSURL, ofType: String, forSaveOperation: NSSaveOperationType) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func canAsynchronouslyWriteToURL(_ url: NSURL!, ofType typeName: String!, forSaveOperation saveOperation: NSSaveOperationType) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 |
To | func canAsynchronouslyWriteToURL(_ url: NSURL, ofType typeName: String, forSaveOperation saveOperation: NSSaveOperationType) -> Bool | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDocument.canCloseDocumentWithDelegate(AnyObject, shouldCloseSelector: Selector, contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func canCloseDocumentWithDelegate(_ delegate: AnyObject!, shouldCloseSelector shouldCloseSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func canCloseDocumentWithDelegate(_ delegate: AnyObject, shouldCloseSelector shouldCloseSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) |
Modified NSDocument.canConcurrentlyReadDocumentsOfType(String) -> Bool [class]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class func canConcurrentlyReadDocumentsOfType(_ typeName: String!) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 |
To | class func canConcurrentlyReadDocumentsOfType(_ typeName: String) -> Bool | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSDocument.changeCountTokenForSaveOperation(NSSaveOperationType) -> AnyObject
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func changeCountTokenForSaveOperation(_ saveOperation: NSSaveOperationType) -> AnyObject! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func changeCountTokenForSaveOperation(_ saveOperation: NSSaveOperationType) -> AnyObject | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDocument.checkAutosavingSafetyAndReturnError(NSErrorPointer) -> Bool
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDocument.init(contentsOfURL: NSURL, ofType: String, error: NSErrorPointer)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(contentsOfURL url: NSURL!, ofType typeName: String!, error outError: NSErrorPointer) |
To | convenience init?(contentsOfURL url: NSURL, ofType typeName: String, error outError: NSErrorPointer) |
Modified NSDocument.continueActivityUsingBlock(() -> Void)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func continueActivityUsingBlock(_ block: (() -> Void)!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func continueActivityUsingBlock(_ block: () -> Void) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDocument.continueAsynchronousWorkOnMainThreadUsingBlock(() -> Void)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func continueAsynchronousWorkOnMainThreadUsingBlock(_ block: (() -> Void)!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func continueAsynchronousWorkOnMainThreadUsingBlock(_ block: () -> Void) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDocument.dataOfType(String, error: NSErrorPointer) -> NSData?
Declaration | |
From | func dataOfType(_ typeName: String!, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> NSData! |
To | func dataOfType(_ typeName: String, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> NSData? |
Modified NSDocument.defaultDraftName() -> String
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func defaultDraftName() -> String! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func defaultDraftName() -> String | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSDocument.displayName
Declaration | |
From | var displayName: String! { get } |
To | var displayName: String { get } |
Modified NSDocument.draft
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSDocument.duplicateAndReturnError(NSErrorPointer) -> NSDocument?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func duplicateAndReturnError(_ outError: NSErrorPointer) -> NSDocument! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func duplicateAndReturnError(_ outError: NSErrorPointer) -> NSDocument? | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDocument.duplicateDocument(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | @IBAction func duplicateDocument(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | @IBAction func duplicateDocument(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDocument.duplicateDocumentWithDelegate(AnyObject?, didDuplicateSelector: Selector, contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func duplicateDocumentWithDelegate(_ delegate: AnyObject!, didDuplicateSelector didDuplicateSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafePointer<()>) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func duplicateDocumentWithDelegate(_ delegate: AnyObject?, didDuplicateSelector didDuplicateSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDocument.encodeRestorableStateWithCoder(NSCoder)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func encodeRestorableStateWithCoder(_ coder: NSCoder!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func encodeRestorableStateWithCoder(_ coder: NSCoder) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDocument.entireFileLoaded
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDocument.fileAttributesToWriteToURL(NSURL, ofType: String, forSaveOperation: NSSaveOperationType, originalContentsURL: NSURL?, error: NSErrorPointer) -> [NSObject: AnyObject]?
Declaration | |
From | func fileAttributesToWriteToURL(_ url: NSURL!, ofType typeName: String!, forSaveOperation saveOperation: NSSaveOperationType, originalContentsURL absoluteOriginalContentsURL: NSURL!, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> [NSObject : AnyObject]! |
To | func fileAttributesToWriteToURL(_ url: NSURL, ofType typeName: String, forSaveOperation saveOperation: NSSaveOperationType, originalContentsURL absoluteOriginalContentsURL: NSURL?, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> [NSObject : AnyObject]? |
Modified NSDocument.fileModificationDate
Declaration | |
From | var fileModificationDate: NSDate! |
To | @NSCopying var fileModificationDate: NSDate? |
Modified NSDocument.fileNameExtensionForType(String, saveOperation: NSSaveOperationType) -> String?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func fileNameExtensionForType(_ typeName: String!, saveOperation saveOperation: NSSaveOperationType) -> String! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func fileNameExtensionForType(_ typeName: String, saveOperation saveOperation: NSSaveOperationType) -> String? | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSDocument.fileType
Declaration | |
From | var fileType: String! |
To | var fileType: String? |
Modified NSDocument.fileTypeFromLastRunSavePanel
Declaration | |
From | var fileTypeFromLastRunSavePanel: String! { get } |
To | var fileTypeFromLastRunSavePanel: String? { get } |
Modified NSDocument.fileURL
Declaration | |
From | var fileURL: NSURL! |
To | @NSCopying var fileURL: NSURL? |
Modified NSDocument.fileWrapperOfType(String, error: NSErrorPointer) -> NSFileWrapper?
Declaration | |
From | func fileWrapperOfType(_ typeName: String!, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> NSFileWrapper! |
To | func fileWrapperOfType(_ typeName: String, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> NSFileWrapper? |
Modified NSDocument.init(forURL: NSURL?, withContentsOfURL: NSURL, ofType: String, error: NSErrorPointer)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(forURL urlOrNil: NSURL!, withContentsOfURL contentsURL: NSURL!, ofType typeName: String!, error outError: NSErrorPointer) |
To | convenience init?(forURL urlOrNil: NSURL?, withContentsOfURL contentsURL: NSURL, ofType typeName: String, error outError: NSErrorPointer) |
Modified NSDocument.handleCloseScriptCommand(NSCloseCommand) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func handleCloseScriptCommand(_ command: NSCloseCommand!) -> AnyObject! |
To | func handleCloseScriptCommand(_ command: NSCloseCommand) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSDocument.handlePrintScriptCommand(NSScriptCommand) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func handlePrintScriptCommand(_ command: NSScriptCommand!) -> AnyObject! |
To | func handlePrintScriptCommand(_ command: NSScriptCommand) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSDocument.handleSaveScriptCommand(NSScriptCommand) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func handleSaveScriptCommand(_ command: NSScriptCommand!) -> AnyObject! |
To | func handleSaveScriptCommand(_ command: NSScriptCommand) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSDocument.inViewingMode
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDocument.invalidateRestorableState()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDocument.isNativeType(String) -> Bool [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func isNativeType(_ type: String!) -> Bool |
To | class func isNativeType(_ type: String) -> Bool |
Modified NSDocument.lastComponentOfFileName
Declaration | |
From | var lastComponentOfFileName: String! |
To | var lastComponentOfFileName: String |
Modified NSDocument.lockDocument(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | @IBAction func lockDocument(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | @IBAction func lockDocument(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSDocument.lockDocumentWithCompletionHandler(((Bool) -> Void)?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func lockDocumentWithCompletionHandler(_ completionHandler: ((Bool) -> Void)!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func lockDocumentWithCompletionHandler(_ completionHandler: ((Bool) -> Void)?) | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSDocument.lockWithCompletionHandler(((NSError!) -> Void)?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func lockWithCompletionHandler(_ completionHandler: ((NSError!) -> Void)!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func lockWithCompletionHandler(_ completionHandler: ((NSError!) -> Void)?) | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSDocument.locked
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSDocument.moveDocument(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | @IBAction func moveDocument(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | @IBAction func moveDocument(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSDocument.moveDocumentToUbiquityContainer(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | @IBAction func moveDocumentToUbiquityContainer(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | @IBAction func moveDocumentToUbiquityContainer(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSDocument.moveDocumentWithCompletionHandler(((Bool) -> Void)?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func moveDocumentWithCompletionHandler(_ completionHandler: ((Bool) -> Void)!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func moveDocumentWithCompletionHandler(_ completionHandler: ((Bool) -> Void)?) | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSDocument.moveToURL(NSURL, completionHandler:((NSError!) -> Void)?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func moveToURL(_ url: NSURL!, completionHandler completionHandler: ((NSError!) -> Void)!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func moveToURL(_ url: NSURL, completionHandler completionHandler: ((NSError!) -> Void)?) | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSDocument.objectSpecifier
Declaration | |
From | var objectSpecifier: NSScriptObjectSpecifier! { get } |
To | var objectSpecifier: NSScriptObjectSpecifier { get } |
Modified NSDocument.performActivityWithSynchronousWaiting(Bool, usingBlock:((() -> Void)!) -> Void)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func performActivityWithSynchronousWaiting(_ waitSynchronously: Bool, usingBlock block: (((() -> Void)!) -> Void)!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func performActivityWithSynchronousWaiting(_ waitSynchronously: Bool, usingBlock block: ((() -> Void)!) -> Void) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDocument.performAsynchronousFileAccessUsingBlock(((() -> Void)!) -> Void)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func performAsynchronousFileAccessUsingBlock(_ block: (((() -> Void)!) -> Void)!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func performAsynchronousFileAccessUsingBlock(_ block: ((() -> Void)!) -> Void) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDocument.performSynchronousFileAccessUsingBlock(() -> Void)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func performSynchronousFileAccessUsingBlock(_ block: (() -> Void)!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func performSynchronousFileAccessUsingBlock(_ block: () -> Void) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDocument.preparePageLayout(NSPageLayout) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func preparePageLayout(_ pageLayout: NSPageLayout!) -> Bool |
To | func preparePageLayout(_ pageLayout: NSPageLayout) -> Bool |
Modified NSDocument.prepareSavePanel(NSSavePanel) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func prepareSavePanel(_ savePanel: NSSavePanel!) -> Bool |
To | func prepareSavePanel(_ savePanel: NSSavePanel) -> Bool |
Modified NSDocument.presentError(NSError) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func presentError(_ error: NSError!) -> Bool |
To | func presentError(_ error: NSError) -> Bool |
Modified NSDocument.presentError(NSError, modalForWindow: NSWindow, delegate: AnyObject?, didPresentSelector: Selector, contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func presentError(_ error: NSError!, modalForWindow window: NSWindow!, delegate delegate: AnyObject!, didPresentSelector didPresentSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func presentError(_ error: NSError, modalForWindow window: NSWindow, delegate delegate: AnyObject?, didPresentSelector didPresentSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) |
Modified NSDocument.preservesVersions() -> Bool [class]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDocument.printDocument(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | @IBAction func printDocument(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | @IBAction func printDocument(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSDocument.printDocumentWithSettings([NSObject: AnyObject], showPrintPanel: Bool, delegate: AnyObject?, didPrintSelector: Selector, contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func printDocumentWithSettings(_ printSettings: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, showPrintPanel showPrintPanel: Bool, delegate delegate: AnyObject!, didPrintSelector didPrintSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func printDocumentWithSettings(_ printSettings: [NSObject : AnyObject], showPrintPanel showPrintPanel: Bool, delegate delegate: AnyObject?, didPrintSelector didPrintSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) |
Modified NSDocument.printInfo
Declaration | |
From | var printInfo: NSPrintInfo! |
To | @NSCopying var printInfo: NSPrintInfo |
Modified NSDocument.printOperationWithSettings([NSObject: AnyObject], error: NSErrorPointer) -> NSPrintOperation?
Declaration | |
From | func printOperationWithSettings(_ printSettings: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> NSPrintOperation! |
To | func printOperationWithSettings(_ printSettings: [NSObject : AnyObject], error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> NSPrintOperation? |
Modified NSDocument.readFromData(NSData, ofType: String, error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func readFromData(_ data: NSData!, ofType typeName: String!, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool |
To | func readFromData(_ data: NSData, ofType typeName: String, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool |
Modified NSDocument.readFromFileWrapper(NSFileWrapper, ofType: String, error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func readFromFileWrapper(_ fileWrapper: NSFileWrapper!, ofType typeName: String!, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool |
To | func readFromFileWrapper(_ fileWrapper: NSFileWrapper, ofType typeName: String, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool |
Modified NSDocument.readFromURL(NSURL, ofType: String, error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func readFromURL(_ url: NSURL!, ofType typeName: String!, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool |
To | func readFromURL(_ url: NSURL, ofType typeName: String, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool |
Modified NSDocument.readableTypes() -> [AnyObject] [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func readableTypes() -> [AnyObject]! |
To | class func readableTypes() -> [AnyObject] |
Modified NSDocument.removeWindowController(NSWindowController)
Declaration | |
From | func removeWindowController(_ windowController: NSWindowController!) |
To | func removeWindowController(_ windowController: NSWindowController) |
Modified NSDocument.renameDocument(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | @IBAction func renameDocument(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | @IBAction func renameDocument(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSDocument.restorableStateKeyPaths() -> [AnyObject] [class]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class func restorableStateKeyPaths() -> [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 |
To | class func restorableStateKeyPaths() -> [AnyObject] | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDocument.restoreDocumentWindowWithIdentifier(String, state: NSCoder, completionHandler:(NSWindow!, NSError!) -> Void)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func restoreDocumentWindowWithIdentifier(_ identifier: String!, state state: NSCoder!, completionHandler completionHandler: ((NSWindow!, NSError!) -> Void)!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func restoreDocumentWindowWithIdentifier(_ identifier: String, state state: NSCoder, completionHandler completionHandler: (NSWindow!, NSError!) -> Void) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDocument.restoreStateWithCoder(NSCoder)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func restoreStateWithCoder(_ coder: NSCoder!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func restoreStateWithCoder(_ coder: NSCoder) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDocument.restoreUserActivityState(NSUserActivity)
Declaration | |
From | func restoreUserActivityState(_ activity: NSUserActivity!) |
To | func restoreUserActivityState(_ activity: NSUserActivity) |
Modified NSDocument.revertDocumentToSaved(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | @IBAction func revertDocumentToSaved(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | @IBAction func revertDocumentToSaved(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSDocument.revertToContentsOfURL(NSURL, ofType: String, error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func revertToContentsOfURL(_ url: NSURL!, ofType typeName: String!, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool |
To | func revertToContentsOfURL(_ url: NSURL, ofType typeName: String, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool |
Modified NSDocument.runModalPageLayoutWithPrintInfo(NSPrintInfo, delegate: AnyObject?, didRunSelector: Selector, contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func runModalPageLayoutWithPrintInfo(_ printInfo: NSPrintInfo!, delegate delegate: AnyObject!, didRunSelector didRunSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func runModalPageLayoutWithPrintInfo(_ printInfo: NSPrintInfo, delegate delegate: AnyObject?, didRunSelector didRunSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) |
Modified NSDocument.runModalPrintOperation(NSPrintOperation, delegate: AnyObject?, didRunSelector: Selector, contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func runModalPrintOperation(_ printOperation: NSPrintOperation!, delegate delegate: AnyObject!, didRunSelector didRunSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func runModalPrintOperation(_ printOperation: NSPrintOperation, delegate delegate: AnyObject?, didRunSelector didRunSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) |
Modified NSDocument.runModalSavePanelForSaveOperation(NSSaveOperationType, delegate: AnyObject?, didSaveSelector: Selector, contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func runModalSavePanelForSaveOperation(_ saveOperation: NSSaveOperationType, delegate delegate: AnyObject!, didSaveSelector didSaveSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func runModalSavePanelForSaveOperation(_ saveOperation: NSSaveOperationType, delegate delegate: AnyObject?, didSaveSelector didSaveSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) |
Modified NSDocument.runPageLayout(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | @IBAction func runPageLayout(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | @IBAction func runPageLayout(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSDocument.saveDocument(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | @IBAction func saveDocument(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | @IBAction func saveDocument(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSDocument.saveDocumentAs(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | @IBAction func saveDocumentAs(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | @IBAction func saveDocumentAs(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSDocument.saveDocumentTo(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | @IBAction func saveDocumentTo(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | @IBAction func saveDocumentTo(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSDocument.saveDocumentToPDF(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | @IBAction func saveDocumentToPDF(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | @IBAction func saveDocumentToPDF(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSDocument.saveDocumentWithDelegate(AnyObject?, didSaveSelector: Selector, contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func saveDocumentWithDelegate(_ delegate: AnyObject!, didSaveSelector didSaveSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func saveDocumentWithDelegate(_ delegate: AnyObject?, didSaveSelector didSaveSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) |
Modified NSDocument.saveToURL(NSURL, ofType: String, forSaveOperation: NSSaveOperationType, completionHandler:(NSError!) -> Void)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func saveToURL(_ url: NSURL!, ofType typeName: String!, forSaveOperation saveOperation: NSSaveOperationType, completionHandler completionHandler: ((NSError!) -> Void)!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func saveToURL(_ url: NSURL, ofType typeName: String, forSaveOperation saveOperation: NSSaveOperationType, completionHandler completionHandler: (NSError!) -> Void) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDocument.saveToURL(NSURL, ofType: String, forSaveOperation: NSSaveOperationType, delegate: AnyObject?, didSaveSelector: Selector, contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func saveToURL(_ url: NSURL!, ofType typeName: String!, forSaveOperation saveOperation: NSSaveOperationType, delegate delegate: AnyObject!, didSaveSelector didSaveSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func saveToURL(_ url: NSURL, ofType typeName: String, forSaveOperation saveOperation: NSSaveOperationType, delegate delegate: AnyObject?, didSaveSelector didSaveSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) |
Modified NSDocument.scheduleAutosaving()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDocument.setDisplayName(String?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func setDisplayName(_ displayNameOrNil: String!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func setDisplayName(_ displayNameOrNil: String?) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDocument.setWindow(NSWindow?)
Declaration | |
From | func setWindow(_ window: NSWindow!) |
To | func setWindow(_ window: NSWindow?) |
Modified NSDocument.shouldChangePrintInfo(NSPrintInfo) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func shouldChangePrintInfo(_ newPrintInfo: NSPrintInfo!) -> Bool |
To | func shouldChangePrintInfo(_ newPrintInfo: NSPrintInfo) -> Bool |
Modified NSDocument.shouldCloseWindowController(NSWindowController, delegate: AnyObject?, shouldCloseSelector: Selector, contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func shouldCloseWindowController(_ windowController: NSWindowController!, delegate delegate: AnyObject!, shouldCloseSelector shouldCloseSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func shouldCloseWindowController(_ windowController: NSWindowController, delegate delegate: AnyObject?, shouldCloseSelector shouldCloseSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) |
Modified NSDocument.init(type: String, error: NSErrorPointer)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(type typeName: String!, error outError: NSErrorPointer) |
To | convenience init?(type typeName: String, error outError: NSErrorPointer) |
Modified NSDocument.unblockUserInteraction()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDocument.undoManager
Declaration | |
From | var undoManager: NSUndoManager! |
To | var undoManager: NSUndoManager? |
Modified NSDocument.unlockDocument(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | @IBAction func unlockDocument(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | @IBAction func unlockDocument(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSDocument.unlockDocumentWithCompletionHandler(((Bool) -> Void)?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func unlockDocumentWithCompletionHandler(_ completionHandler: ((Bool) -> Void)!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func unlockDocumentWithCompletionHandler(_ completionHandler: ((Bool) -> Void)?) | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSDocument.unlockWithCompletionHandler(((NSError!) -> Void)?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func unlockWithCompletionHandler(_ completionHandler: ((NSError!) -> Void)!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func unlockWithCompletionHandler(_ completionHandler: ((NSError!) -> Void)?) | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSDocument.updateChangeCountWithToken(AnyObject, forSaveOperation: NSSaveOperationType)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func updateChangeCountWithToken(_ changeCountToken: AnyObject!, forSaveOperation saveOperation: NSSaveOperationType) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func updateChangeCountWithToken(_ changeCountToken: AnyObject, forSaveOperation saveOperation: NSSaveOperationType) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDocument.updateUserActivityState(NSUserActivity)
Declaration | |
From | func updateUserActivityState(_ activity: NSUserActivity!) |
To | func updateUserActivityState(_ activity: NSUserActivity) |
Modified NSDocument.userActivity
Declaration | |
From | var userActivity: NSUserActivity! |
To | var userActivity: NSUserActivity? |
Modified NSDocument.usesUbiquitousStorage() -> Bool [class]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSDocument.validateUserInterfaceItem(NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func validateUserInterfaceItem(_ anItem: NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem!) -> Bool |
To | func validateUserInterfaceItem(_ anItem: NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem) -> Bool |
Modified NSDocument.willNotPresentError(NSError)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func willNotPresentError(_ error: NSError!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func willNotPresentError(_ error: NSError) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDocument.willPresentError(NSError) -> NSError
Declaration | |
From | func willPresentError(_ error: NSError!) -> NSError! |
To | func willPresentError(_ error: NSError) -> NSError |
Modified NSDocument.windowControllerDidLoadNib(NSWindowController)
Declaration | |
From | func windowControllerDidLoadNib(_ windowController: NSWindowController!) |
To | func windowControllerDidLoadNib(_ windowController: NSWindowController) |
Modified NSDocument.windowControllerWillLoadNib(NSWindowController)
Declaration | |
From | func windowControllerWillLoadNib(_ windowController: NSWindowController!) |
To | func windowControllerWillLoadNib(_ windowController: NSWindowController) |
Modified NSDocument.windowControllers
Declaration | |
From | var windowControllers: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var windowControllers: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSDocument.windowForSheet
Declaration | |
From | var windowForSheet: NSWindow! { get } |
To | var windowForSheet: NSWindow? { get } |
Modified NSDocument.windowNibName
Declaration | |
From | var windowNibName: String! { get } |
To | var windowNibName: String? { get } |
Modified NSDocument.writableTypes() -> [AnyObject] [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func writableTypes() -> [AnyObject]! |
To | class func writableTypes() -> [AnyObject] |
Modified NSDocument.writableTypesForSaveOperation(NSSaveOperationType) -> [AnyObject]
Declaration | |
From | func writableTypesForSaveOperation(_ saveOperation: NSSaveOperationType) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | func writableTypesForSaveOperation(_ saveOperation: NSSaveOperationType) -> [AnyObject] |
Modified NSDocument.writeSafelyToURL(NSURL, ofType: String, forSaveOperation: NSSaveOperationType, error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func writeSafelyToURL(_ url: NSURL!, ofType typeName: String!, forSaveOperation saveOperation: NSSaveOperationType, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool |
To | func writeSafelyToURL(_ url: NSURL, ofType typeName: String, forSaveOperation saveOperation: NSSaveOperationType, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool |
Modified NSDocument.writeToURL(NSURL, ofType: String, error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func writeToURL(_ url: NSURL!, ofType typeName: String!, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool |
To | func writeToURL(_ url: NSURL, ofType typeName: String, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool |
Modified NSDocument.writeToURL(NSURL, ofType: String, forSaveOperation: NSSaveOperationType, originalContentsURL: NSURL?, error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func writeToURL(_ url: NSURL!, ofType typeName: String!, forSaveOperation saveOperation: NSSaveOperationType, originalContentsURL absoluteOriginalContentsURL: NSURL!, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool |
To | func writeToURL(_ url: NSURL, ofType typeName: String, forSaveOperation saveOperation: NSSaveOperationType, originalContentsURL absoluteOriginalContentsURL: NSURL?, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool |
Modified NSDocumentChangeType.ChangeDiscardable
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDocumentChangeType.ChangeRedone
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSDocumentController.URLsFromRunningOpenPanel
Declaration | |
From | var URLsFromRunningOpenPanel: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var URLsFromRunningOpenPanel: [AnyObject]? { get } |
Modified NSDocumentController.addDocument(NSDocument)
Declaration | |
From | func addDocument(_ document: NSDocument!) |
To | func addDocument(_ document: NSDocument) |
Modified NSDocumentController.beginOpenPanel(NSOpenPanel, forTypes:[AnyObject], completionHandler:(Int) -> Void)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func beginOpenPanel(_ openPanel: NSOpenPanel!, forTypes inTypes: [AnyObject]!, completionHandler completionHandler: ((Int) -> Void)!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func beginOpenPanel(_ openPanel: NSOpenPanel, forTypes inTypes: [AnyObject], completionHandler completionHandler: (Int) -> Void) | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSDocumentController.beginOpenPanelWithCompletionHandler(([AnyObject]!) -> Void)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func beginOpenPanelWithCompletionHandler(_ completionHandler: (([AnyObject]!) -> Void)!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func beginOpenPanelWithCompletionHandler(_ completionHandler: ([AnyObject]!) -> Void) | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSDocumentController.clearRecentDocuments(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | @IBAction func clearRecentDocuments(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | @IBAction func clearRecentDocuments(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSDocumentController.closeAllDocumentsWithDelegate(AnyObject?, didCloseAllSelector: Selector, contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func closeAllDocumentsWithDelegate(_ delegate: AnyObject!, didCloseAllSelector didCloseAllSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func closeAllDocumentsWithDelegate(_ delegate: AnyObject?, didCloseAllSelector didCloseAllSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) |
Modified NSDocumentController.init(coder: NSCoder)
Declaration | |
From | init(coder coder: NSCoder!) |
To | init?(coder coder: NSCoder) |
Modified NSDocumentController.currentDirectory
Declaration | |
From | var currentDirectory: String! { get } |
To | var currentDirectory: String? { get } |
Modified NSDocumentController.currentDocument
Declaration | |
From | var currentDocument: AnyObject! { get } |
To | var currentDocument: AnyObject? { get } |
Modified NSDocumentController.defaultType() -> String?
Declaration | |
From | func defaultType() -> String! |
To | func defaultType() -> String? |
Modified NSDocumentController.displayNameForType(String) -> String?
Declaration | |
From | func displayNameForType(_ typeName: String!) -> String! |
To | func displayNameForType(_ typeName: String) -> String? |
Modified NSDocumentController.documentClassForType(String) -> AnyClass?
Declaration | |
From | func documentClassForType(_ typeName: String!) -> AnyClass! |
To | func documentClassForType(_ typeName: String) -> AnyClass? |
Modified NSDocumentController.documentClassNames
Declaration | |
From | var documentClassNames: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var documentClassNames: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSDocumentController.documentForURL(NSURL) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func documentForURL(_ url: NSURL!) -> AnyObject! |
To | func documentForURL(_ url: NSURL) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSDocumentController.documentForWindow(NSWindow) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func documentForWindow(_ window: NSWindow!) -> AnyObject! |
To | func documentForWindow(_ window: NSWindow) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSDocumentController.documents
Declaration | |
From | var documents: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var documents: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSDocumentController.duplicateDocumentWithContentsOfURL(NSURL, copying: Bool, displayName: String?, error: NSErrorPointer) -> NSDocument?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func duplicateDocumentWithContentsOfURL(_ url: NSURL!, copying duplicateByCopying: Bool, displayName displayNameOrNil: String!, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> NSDocument! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func duplicateDocumentWithContentsOfURL(_ url: NSURL, copying duplicateByCopying: Bool, displayName displayNameOrNil: String?, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> NSDocument? | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDocumentController.makeDocumentForURL(NSURL?, withContentsOfURL: NSURL, ofType: String, error: NSErrorPointer) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func makeDocumentForURL(_ urlOrNil: NSURL!, withContentsOfURL contentsURL: NSURL!, ofType typeName: String!, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> AnyObject! |
To | func makeDocumentForURL(_ urlOrNil: NSURL?, withContentsOfURL contentsURL: NSURL, ofType typeName: String, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSDocumentController.makeDocumentWithContentsOfURL(NSURL, ofType: String, error: NSErrorPointer) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func makeDocumentWithContentsOfURL(_ url: NSURL!, ofType typeName: String!, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> AnyObject! |
To | func makeDocumentWithContentsOfURL(_ url: NSURL, ofType typeName: String, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSDocumentController.makeUntitledDocumentOfType(String, error: NSErrorPointer) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func makeUntitledDocumentOfType(_ typeName: String!, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> AnyObject! |
To | func makeUntitledDocumentOfType(_ typeName: String, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSDocumentController.newDocument(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | @IBAction func newDocument(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | @IBAction func newDocument(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSDocumentController.noteNewRecentDocument(NSDocument)
Declaration | |
From | func noteNewRecentDocument(_ document: NSDocument!) |
To | func noteNewRecentDocument(_ document: NSDocument) |
Modified NSDocumentController.noteNewRecentDocumentURL(NSURL)
Declaration | |
From | func noteNewRecentDocumentURL(_ url: NSURL!) |
To | func noteNewRecentDocumentURL(_ url: NSURL) |
Modified NSDocumentController.openDocument(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | @IBAction func openDocument(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | @IBAction func openDocument(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSDocumentController.openDocumentWithContentsOfURL(NSURL, display: Bool, completionHandler:(NSDocument!, Bool, NSError!) -> Void)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func openDocumentWithContentsOfURL(_ url: NSURL!, display displayDocument: Bool, completionHandler completionHandler: ((NSDocument!, Bool, NSError!) -> Void)!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func openDocumentWithContentsOfURL(_ url: NSURL, display displayDocument: Bool, completionHandler completionHandler: (NSDocument!, Bool, NSError!) -> Void) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDocumentController.openUntitledDocumentAndDisplay(Bool, error: NSErrorPointer) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func openUntitledDocumentAndDisplay(_ displayDocument: Bool, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> AnyObject! |
To | func openUntitledDocumentAndDisplay(_ displayDocument: Bool, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSDocumentController.presentError(NSError) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func presentError(_ error: NSError!) -> Bool |
To | func presentError(_ error: NSError) -> Bool |
Modified NSDocumentController.presentError(NSError, modalForWindow: NSWindow, delegate: AnyObject?, didPresentSelector: Selector, contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func presentError(_ error: NSError!, modalForWindow window: NSWindow!, delegate delegate: AnyObject!, didPresentSelector didPresentSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func presentError(_ error: NSError, modalForWindow window: NSWindow, delegate delegate: AnyObject?, didPresentSelector didPresentSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) |
Modified NSDocumentController.recentDocumentURLs
Declaration | |
From | var recentDocumentURLs: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var recentDocumentURLs: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSDocumentController.removeDocument(NSDocument)
Declaration | |
From | func removeDocument(_ document: NSDocument!) |
To | func removeDocument(_ document: NSDocument) |
Modified NSDocumentController.reopenDocumentForURL(NSURL?, withContentsOfURL: NSURL, display: Bool, completionHandler:(NSDocument!, Bool, NSError!) -> Void)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func reopenDocumentForURL(_ urlOrNil: NSURL!, withContentsOfURL contentsURL: NSURL!, display displayDocument: Bool, completionHandler completionHandler: ((NSDocument!, Bool, NSError!) -> Void)!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func reopenDocumentForURL(_ urlOrNil: NSURL?, withContentsOfURL contentsURL: NSURL, display displayDocument: Bool, completionHandler completionHandler: (NSDocument!, Bool, NSError!) -> Void) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDocumentController.reviewUnsavedDocumentsWithAlertTitle(String?, cancellable: Bool, delegate: AnyObject?, didReviewAllSelector: Selector, contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func reviewUnsavedDocumentsWithAlertTitle(_ title: String!, cancellable cancellable: Bool, delegate delegate: AnyObject!, didReviewAllSelector didReviewAllSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func reviewUnsavedDocumentsWithAlertTitle(_ title: String?, cancellable cancellable: Bool, delegate delegate: AnyObject?, didReviewAllSelector didReviewAllSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) |
Modified NSDocumentController.runModalOpenPanel(NSOpenPanel, forTypes:[AnyObject]) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func runModalOpenPanel(_ openPanel: NSOpenPanel!, forTypes types: [AnyObject]!) -> Int |
To | func runModalOpenPanel(_ openPanel: NSOpenPanel, forTypes types: [AnyObject]) -> Int |
Modified NSDocumentController.saveAllDocuments(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | @IBAction func saveAllDocuments(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | @IBAction func saveAllDocuments(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSDocumentController.sharedDocumentController() -> AnyObject [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func sharedDocumentController() -> AnyObject! |
To | class func sharedDocumentController() -> AnyObject |
Modified NSDocumentController.typeForContentsOfURL(NSURL, error: NSErrorPointer) -> String?
Declaration | |
From | func typeForContentsOfURL(_ url: NSURL!, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> String! |
To | func typeForContentsOfURL(_ url: NSURL, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> String? |
Modified NSDocumentController.validateUserInterfaceItem(NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func validateUserInterfaceItem(_ anItem: NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem!) -> Bool |
To | func validateUserInterfaceItem(_ anItem: NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem) -> Bool |
Modified NSDocumentController.willPresentError(NSError) -> NSError
Declaration | |
From | func willPresentError(_ error: NSError!) -> NSError! |
To | func willPresentError(_ error: NSError) -> NSError |
Modified NSDragOperation [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct NSDragOperation : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var None: NSDragOperation { get } static var Copy: NSDragOperation { get } static var Link: NSDragOperation { get } static var Generic: NSDragOperation { get } static var Private: NSDragOperation { get } static var Move: NSDragOperation { get } static var Delete: NSDragOperation { get } static var Every: NSDragOperation { get } static var All_Obsolete: NSDragOperation { get } static var All: NSDragOperation { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct NSDragOperation : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var None: NSDragOperation { get } static var Copy: NSDragOperation { get } static var Link: NSDragOperation { get } static var Generic: NSDragOperation { get } static var Private: NSDragOperation { get } static var Move: NSDragOperation { get } static var Delete: NSDragOperation { get } static var Every: NSDragOperation { get } static var All_Obsolete: NSDragOperation { get } static var All: NSDragOperation { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified NSDragOperation.All
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSDragOperation.All_Obsolete
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSDragOperation.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSDraggingContext [enum]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDraggingDestination.concludeDragOperation(NSDraggingInfo?)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func concludeDragOperation(_ sender: NSDraggingInfo!) | -- |
To | optional func concludeDragOperation(_ sender: NSDraggingInfo?) | yes |
Modified NSDraggingDestination.draggingEnded(NSDraggingInfo?)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func draggingEnded(_ sender: NSDraggingInfo!) | -- |
To | optional func draggingEnded(_ sender: NSDraggingInfo?) | yes |
Modified NSDraggingDestination.draggingEntered(NSDraggingInfo) -> NSDragOperation
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func draggingEntered(_ sender: NSDraggingInfo!) -> NSDragOperation | -- |
To | optional func draggingEntered(_ sender: NSDraggingInfo) -> NSDragOperation | yes |
Modified NSDraggingDestination.draggingExited(NSDraggingInfo?)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func draggingExited(_ sender: NSDraggingInfo!) | -- |
To | optional func draggingExited(_ sender: NSDraggingInfo?) | yes |
Modified NSDraggingDestination.draggingUpdated(NSDraggingInfo) -> NSDragOperation
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func draggingUpdated(_ sender: NSDraggingInfo!) -> NSDragOperation | -- |
To | optional func draggingUpdated(_ sender: NSDraggingInfo) -> NSDragOperation | yes |
Modified NSDraggingDestination.performDragOperation(NSDraggingInfo) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func performDragOperation(_ sender: NSDraggingInfo!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func performDragOperation(_ sender: NSDraggingInfo) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSDraggingDestination.prepareForDragOperation(NSDraggingInfo) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func prepareForDragOperation(_ sender: NSDraggingInfo!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func prepareForDragOperation(_ sender: NSDraggingInfo) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSDraggingDestination.updateDraggingItemsForDrag(NSDraggingInfo?)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func updateDraggingItemsForDrag(_ sender: NSDraggingInfo!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func updateDraggingItemsForDrag(_ sender: NSDraggingInfo?) | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSDraggingDestination.wantsPeriodicDraggingUpdates() -> Bool
Optional | |
From | -- |
To | yes |
Modified NSDraggingFormation [enum]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDraggingImageComponent
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDraggingImageComponent.init(key: String!)
Declaration | |
From | init(key key: String!) |
To | init!(key key: String!) |
Modified NSDraggingInfo.animatesToDestination
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDraggingInfo.draggedImage() -> NSImage?
Declaration | |
From | func draggedImage() -> NSImage! |
To | func draggedImage() -> NSImage? |
Modified NSDraggingInfo.draggingFormation
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDraggingInfo.draggingSource() -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func draggingSource() -> AnyObject! |
To | func draggingSource() -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSDraggingInfo.enumerateDraggingItemsWithOptions(NSDraggingItemEnumerationOptions, forView: NSView, classes:[AnyObject], searchOptions:[NSObject: AnyObject], usingBlock:(NSDraggingItem!, Int, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func enumerateDraggingItemsWithOptions(_ enumOpts: NSDraggingItemEnumerationOptions, forView view: NSView!, classes classArray: [AnyObject]!, searchOptions searchOptions: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, usingBlock block: ((NSDraggingItem!, Int, UnsafePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void)!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func enumerateDraggingItemsWithOptions(_ enumOpts: NSDraggingItemEnumerationOptions, forView view: NSView, classes classArray: [AnyObject], searchOptions searchOptions: [NSObject : AnyObject], usingBlock block: (NSDraggingItem!, Int, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDraggingInfo.namesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestination(NSURL) -> [AnyObject]!
Declaration | |
From | func namesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestination(_ dropDestination: NSURL!) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | func namesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestination(_ dropDestination: NSURL) -> [AnyObject]! |
Modified NSDraggingInfo.numberOfValidItemsForDrop
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDraggingItem
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDraggingItem.imageComponentsProvider
Declaration | |
From | var imageComponentsProvider: (() -> [AnyObject]!)! |
To | var imageComponentsProvider: (() -> [AnyObject]!)? |
Modified NSDraggingItem.init(pasteboardWriter: NSPasteboardWriting)
Declaration | |
From | init(pasteboardWriter pasteboardWriter: NSPasteboardWriting!) |
To | init(pasteboardWriter pasteboardWriter: NSPasteboardWriting) |
Modified NSDraggingItem.setDraggingFrame(NSRect, contents: AnyObject)
Declaration | |
From | func setDraggingFrame(_ frame: NSRect, contents contents: AnyObject!) |
To | func setDraggingFrame(_ frame: NSRect, contents contents: AnyObject) |
Modified NSDraggingItemEnumerationOptions [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | Introduction | |
From | struct NSDraggingItemEnumerationOptions : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var Concurrent: NSDraggingItemEnumerationOptions { get } static var ClearNonenumeratedImages: NSDraggingItemEnumerationOptions { get } } | RawOptionSet | OS X 10.10 |
To | struct NSDraggingItemEnumerationOptions : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var Concurrent: NSDraggingItemEnumerationOptions { get } static var ClearNonenumeratedImages: NSDraggingItemEnumerationOptions { get } } | RawOptionSetType | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDraggingItemEnumerationOptions.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSDraggingSession
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDraggingSession.enumerateDraggingItemsWithOptions(NSDraggingItemEnumerationOptions, forView: NSView!, classes:[AnyObject]!, searchOptions:[NSObject: AnyObject]!, usingBlock:((NSDraggingItem!, Int, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void)!)
Declaration | |
From | func enumerateDraggingItemsWithOptions(_ enumOpts: NSDraggingItemEnumerationOptions, forView view: NSView!, classes classArray: [AnyObject]!, searchOptions searchOptions: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, usingBlock block: ((NSDraggingItem!, Int, UnsafePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void)!) |
To | func enumerateDraggingItemsWithOptions(_ enumOpts: NSDraggingItemEnumerationOptions, forView view: NSView!, classes classArray: [AnyObject]!, searchOptions searchOptions: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, usingBlock block: ((NSDraggingItem!, Int, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void)!) |
Modified NSDraggingSource.draggingSession(NSDraggingSession, endedAtPoint: NSPoint, operation: NSDragOperation)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func draggingSession(_ session: NSDraggingSession!, endedAtPoint screenPoint: NSPoint, operation operation: NSDragOperation) | -- |
To | optional func draggingSession(_ session: NSDraggingSession, endedAtPoint screenPoint: NSPoint, operation operation: NSDragOperation) | yes |
Modified NSDraggingSource.draggingSession(NSDraggingSession, movedToPoint: NSPoint)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func draggingSession(_ session: NSDraggingSession!, movedToPoint screenPoint: NSPoint) | -- |
To | optional func draggingSession(_ session: NSDraggingSession, movedToPoint screenPoint: NSPoint) | yes |
Modified NSDraggingSource.draggingSession(NSDraggingSession, sourceOperationMaskForDraggingContext: NSDraggingContext) -> NSDragOperation
Declaration | |
From | func draggingSession(_ session: NSDraggingSession!, sourceOperationMaskForDraggingContext context: NSDraggingContext) -> NSDragOperation |
To | func draggingSession(_ session: NSDraggingSession, sourceOperationMaskForDraggingContext context: NSDraggingContext) -> NSDragOperation |
Modified NSDraggingSource.draggingSession(NSDraggingSession, willBeginAtPoint: NSPoint)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func draggingSession(_ session: NSDraggingSession!, willBeginAtPoint screenPoint: NSPoint) | -- |
To | optional func draggingSession(_ session: NSDraggingSession, willBeginAtPoint screenPoint: NSPoint) | yes |
Modified NSDraggingSource.ignoreModifierKeysForDraggingSession(NSDraggingSession) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func ignoreModifierKeysForDraggingSession(_ session: NSDraggingSession!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func ignoreModifierKeysForDraggingSession(_ session: NSDraggingSession) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSDrawer.close(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func close(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func close(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSDrawer.contentView
Declaration | |
From | var contentView: NSView! |
To | var contentView: NSView? |
Modified NSDrawer.delegate
Declaration | |
From | var delegate: NSDrawerDelegate! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSDrawerDelegate? |
Declaration | |
From | func open(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func open(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSDrawer.parentWindow
Declaration | |
From | var parentWindow: NSWindow! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var parentWindow: NSWindow? |
Modified NSDrawer.toggle(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func toggle(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func toggle(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSDrawerDelegate.drawerDidClose(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func drawerDidClose(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func drawerDidClose(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSDrawerDelegate.drawerDidOpen(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func drawerDidOpen(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func drawerDidOpen(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSDrawerDelegate.drawerShouldClose(NSDrawer) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func drawerShouldClose(_ sender: NSDrawer!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func drawerShouldClose(_ sender: NSDrawer) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSDrawerDelegate.drawerShouldOpen(NSDrawer) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func drawerShouldOpen(_ sender: NSDrawer!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func drawerShouldOpen(_ sender: NSDrawer) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSDrawerDelegate.drawerWillClose(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func drawerWillClose(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func drawerWillClose(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSDrawerDelegate.drawerWillOpen(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func drawerWillOpen(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func drawerWillOpen(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSDrawerDelegate.drawerWillResizeContents(NSDrawer, toSize: NSSize) -> NSSize
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func drawerWillResizeContents(_ sender: NSDrawer!, toSize contentSize: NSSize) -> NSSize | -- |
To | optional func drawerWillResizeContents(_ sender: NSDrawer, toSize contentSize: NSSize) -> NSSize | yes |
Modified NSEPSImageRep.EPSRepresentation
Declaration | |
From | var EPSRepresentation: NSData! { get } |
To | @NSCopying var EPSRepresentation: NSData { get } |
Modified NSEPSImageRep.init(data: NSData!)
Declaration | |
From | init(data epsData: NSData!) |
To | convenience init!(data epsData: NSData!) |
Modified NSEPSImageRep.prepareGState()
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSEdgeInsets [struct]
Declaration | Module | |
From | struct NSEdgeInsets { var top: CGFloat var left: CGFloat var bottom: CGFloat var right: CGFloat } | AppKit |
To | struct NSEdgeInsets { var top: CGFloat var left: CGFloat var bottom: CGFloat var right: CGFloat init() init(top top: CGFloat, left left: CGFloat, bottom bottom: CGFloat, right right: CGFloat) } | Foundation |
Modified NSEdgeInsets.bottom
Module | |
From | AppKit |
To | Foundation |
Modified NSEdgeInsets.left
Module | |
From | AppKit |
To | Foundation |
Modified NSEdgeInsets.right
Module | |
From | AppKit |
To | Foundation |
Module | |
From | AppKit |
To | Foundation |
Modified NSEvent.CGEvent
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var CGEvent: CGEvent! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var CGEvent: CGEvent? { get } | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSEvent.init(CGEvent: CGEvent)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | init(CGEvent cgEvent: CGEvent!) -> NSEvent | OS X 10.10 |
To | init?(CGEvent cgEvent: CGEvent) -> NSEvent | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSEvent.addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask(NSEventMask, handler:(NSEvent!) -> Void) -> AnyObject? [class]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class func addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask(_ mask: NSEventMask, handler block: ((NSEvent!) -> Void)!) -> AnyObject! | OS X 10.10 |
To | class func addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask(_ mask: NSEventMask, handler block: (NSEvent!) -> Void) -> AnyObject? | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSEvent.addLocalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask(NSEventMask, handler:(NSEvent!) -> NSEvent!) -> AnyObject? [class]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class func addLocalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask(_ mask: NSEventMask, handler block: ((NSEvent!) -> NSEvent!)!) -> AnyObject! | OS X 10.10 |
To | class func addLocalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask(_ mask: NSEventMask, handler block: (NSEvent!) -> NSEvent!) -> AnyObject? | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSEvent.characters
Declaration | |
From | var characters: String! { get } |
To | var characters: String? { get } |
Modified NSEvent.charactersIgnoringModifiers
Declaration | |
From | var charactersIgnoringModifiers: String! { get } |
To | var charactersIgnoringModifiers: String? { get } |
Modified NSEvent.context
Declaration | |
From | var context: NSGraphicsContext! { get } |
To | var context: NSGraphicsContext? { get } |
Modified NSEvent.directionInvertedFromDevice
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSEvent.doubleClickInterval() -> NSTimeInterval [class]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSEvent.enterExitEventWithType(NSEventType, location: NSPoint, modifierFlags: NSEventModifierFlags, timestamp: NSTimeInterval, windowNumber: Int, context: NSGraphicsContext?, eventNumber: Int, trackingNumber: Int, userData: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> NSEvent? [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func enterExitEventWithType(_ type: NSEventType, location location: NSPoint, modifierFlags flags: NSEventModifierFlags, timestamp time: NSTimeInterval, windowNumber wNum: Int, context context: NSGraphicsContext!, eventNumber eNum: Int, trackingNumber tNum: Int, userData data: UnsafePointer<()>) -> NSEvent! |
To | class func enterExitEventWithType(_ type: NSEventType, location location: NSPoint, modifierFlags flags: NSEventModifierFlags, timestamp time: NSTimeInterval, windowNumber wNum: Int, context context: NSGraphicsContext?, eventNumber eNum: Int, trackingNumber tNum: Int, userData data: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> NSEvent? |
Modified NSEvent.eventRef
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var eventRef: ConstUnsafePointer<()> { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var eventRef: UnsafePointer<Void> { get } | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSEvent.init(eventRef: UnsafePointer<Void>)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | init(eventRef eventRef: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> NSEvent | OS X 10.10 |
To | init?(eventRef eventRef: UnsafePointer<Void>) -> NSEvent | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSEvent.hasPreciseScrollingDeltas
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSEvent.isMouseCoalescingEnabled() -> Bool [class]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSEvent.isSwipeTrackingFromScrollEventsEnabled() -> Bool [class]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSEvent.keyEventWithType(NSEventType, location: NSPoint, modifierFlags: NSEventModifierFlags, timestamp: NSTimeInterval, windowNumber: Int, context: NSGraphicsContext?, characters: String, charactersIgnoringModifiers: String, isARepeat: Bool, keyCode: UInt16) -> NSEvent? [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func keyEventWithType(_ type: NSEventType, location location: NSPoint, modifierFlags flags: NSEventModifierFlags, timestamp time: NSTimeInterval, windowNumber wNum: Int, context context: NSGraphicsContext!, characters keys: String!, charactersIgnoringModifiers ukeys: String!, isARepeat flag: Bool, keyCode code: UInt16) -> NSEvent! |
To | class func keyEventWithType(_ type: NSEventType, location location: NSPoint, modifierFlags flags: NSEventModifierFlags, timestamp time: NSTimeInterval, windowNumber wNum: Int, context context: NSGraphicsContext?, characters keys: String, charactersIgnoringModifiers ukeys: String, isARepeat flag: Bool, keyCode code: UInt16) -> NSEvent? |
Modified NSEvent.keyRepeatDelay() -> NSTimeInterval [class]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSEvent.keyRepeatInterval() -> NSTimeInterval [class]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSEvent.magnification
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSEvent.modifierFlags() -> NSEventModifierFlags [class]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSEvent.momentumPhase
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSEvent.mouseEventWithType(NSEventType, location: NSPoint, modifierFlags: NSEventModifierFlags, timestamp: NSTimeInterval, windowNumber: Int, context: NSGraphicsContext?, eventNumber: Int, clickCount: Int, pressure: Float) -> NSEvent? [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func mouseEventWithType(_ type: NSEventType, location location: NSPoint, modifierFlags flags: NSEventModifierFlags, timestamp time: NSTimeInterval, windowNumber wNum: Int, context context: NSGraphicsContext!, eventNumber eNum: Int, clickCount cNum: Int, pressure pressure: Float) -> NSEvent! |
To | class func mouseEventWithType(_ type: NSEventType, location location: NSPoint, modifierFlags flags: NSEventModifierFlags, timestamp time: NSTimeInterval, windowNumber wNum: Int, context context: NSGraphicsContext?, eventNumber eNum: Int, clickCount cNum: Int, pressure pressure: Float) -> NSEvent? |
Modified NSEvent.otherEventWithType(NSEventType, location: NSPoint, modifierFlags: NSEventModifierFlags, timestamp: NSTimeInterval, windowNumber: Int, context: NSGraphicsContext?, subtype: Int16, data1: Int, data2: Int) -> NSEvent? [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func otherEventWithType(_ type: NSEventType, location location: NSPoint, modifierFlags flags: NSEventModifierFlags, timestamp time: NSTimeInterval, windowNumber wNum: Int, context context: NSGraphicsContext!, subtype subtype: Int16, data1 d1: Int, data2 d2: Int) -> NSEvent! |
To | class func otherEventWithType(_ type: NSEventType, location location: NSPoint, modifierFlags flags: NSEventModifierFlags, timestamp time: NSTimeInterval, windowNumber wNum: Int, context context: NSGraphicsContext?, subtype subtype: Int16, data1 d1: Int, data2 d2: Int) -> NSEvent? |
Modified NSEvent.phase
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSEvent.pressedMouseButtons() -> Int [class]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSEvent.removeMonitor(AnyObject) [class]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class func removeMonitor(_ eventMonitor: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | class func removeMonitor(_ eventMonitor: AnyObject) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSEvent.scrollingDeltaX
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSEvent.scrollingDeltaY
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSEvent.setMouseCoalescingEnabled(Bool) [class]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSEvent.touchesMatchingPhase(NSTouchPhase, inView: NSView?) -> Set<NSObject>
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func touchesMatchingPhase(_ phase: NSTouchPhase, inView view: NSView!) -> NSSet! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func touchesMatchingPhase(_ phase: NSTouchPhase, inView view: NSView?) -> Set<NSObject> | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSEvent.trackSwipeEventWithOptions(NSEventSwipeTrackingOptions, dampenAmountThresholdMin: CGFloat, max: CGFloat, usingHandler:(CGFloat, NSEventPhase, Bool, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func trackSwipeEventWithOptions(_ options: NSEventSwipeTrackingOptions, dampenAmountThresholdMin minDampenThreshold: CGFloat, max maxDampenThreshold: CGFloat, usingHandler trackingHandler: ((CGFloat, NSEventPhase, Bool, UnsafePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void)!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func trackSwipeEventWithOptions(_ options: NSEventSwipeTrackingOptions, dampenAmountThresholdMin minDampenThreshold: CGFloat, max maxDampenThreshold: CGFloat, usingHandler trackingHandler: (CGFloat, NSEventPhase, Bool, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSEvent.trackingArea
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var trackingArea: NSTrackingArea! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var trackingArea: NSTrackingArea? { get } | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSEvent.userData
Declaration | |
From | var userData: UnsafePointer<()> { get } |
To | var userData: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> { get } |
Modified NSEvent.vendorDefined
Declaration | |
From | var vendorDefined: AnyObject! { get } |
To | var vendorDefined: AnyObject { get } |
Modified NSEvent.window
Declaration | |
From | var window: NSWindow! { get } |
To | unowned(unsafe) var window: NSWindow? { get } |
Modified NSEventButtonMask [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct NSEventButtonMask : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var PenTipMask: NSEventButtonMask { get } static var PenLowerSideMask: NSEventButtonMask { get } static var PenUpperSideMask: NSEventButtonMask { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct NSEventButtonMask : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var PenTipMask: NSEventButtonMask { get } static var PenLowerSideMask: NSEventButtonMask { get } static var PenUpperSideMask: NSEventButtonMask { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified NSEventButtonMask.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSEventGestureAxis [enum]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSEventMask [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct NSEventMask : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt64) var value: UInt64 static var LeftMouseDownMask: NSEventMask { get } static var LeftMouseUpMask: NSEventMask { get } static var RightMouseDownMask: NSEventMask { get } static var RightMouseUpMask: NSEventMask { get } static var MouseMovedMask: NSEventMask { get } static var LeftMouseDraggedMask: NSEventMask { get } static var RightMouseDraggedMask: NSEventMask { get } static var MouseEnteredMask: NSEventMask { get } static var MouseExitedMask: NSEventMask { get } static var KeyDownMask: NSEventMask { get } static var KeyUpMask: NSEventMask { get } static var FlagsChangedMask: NSEventMask { get } static var AppKitDefinedMask: NSEventMask { get } static var SystemDefinedMask: NSEventMask { get } static var ApplicationDefinedMask: NSEventMask { get } static var PeriodicMask: NSEventMask { get } static var CursorUpdateMask: NSEventMask { get } static var ScrollWheelMask: NSEventMask { get } static var TabletPointMask: NSEventMask { get } static var TabletProximityMask: NSEventMask { get } static var OtherMouseDownMask: NSEventMask { get } static var OtherMouseUpMask: NSEventMask { get } static var OtherMouseDraggedMask: NSEventMask { get } static var EventMaskGesture: NSEventMask { get } static var EventMaskMagnify: NSEventMask { get } static var EventMaskSwipe: NSEventMask { get } static var EventMaskRotate: NSEventMask { get } static var EventMaskBeginGesture: NSEventMask { get } static var EventMaskEndGesture: NSEventMask { get } static var EventMaskSmartMagnify: NSEventMask { get } static var AnyEventMask: NSEventMask { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct NSEventMask : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt64) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt64) static var LeftMouseDownMask: NSEventMask { get } static var LeftMouseUpMask: NSEventMask { get } static var RightMouseDownMask: NSEventMask { get } static var RightMouseUpMask: NSEventMask { get } static var MouseMovedMask: NSEventMask { get } static var LeftMouseDraggedMask: NSEventMask { get } static var RightMouseDraggedMask: NSEventMask { get } static var MouseEnteredMask: NSEventMask { get } static var MouseExitedMask: NSEventMask { get } static var KeyDownMask: NSEventMask { get } static var KeyUpMask: NSEventMask { get } static var FlagsChangedMask: NSEventMask { get } static var AppKitDefinedMask: NSEventMask { get } static var SystemDefinedMask: NSEventMask { get } static var ApplicationDefinedMask: NSEventMask { get } static var PeriodicMask: NSEventMask { get } static var CursorUpdateMask: NSEventMask { get } static var ScrollWheelMask: NSEventMask { get } static var TabletPointMask: NSEventMask { get } static var TabletProximityMask: NSEventMask { get } static var OtherMouseDownMask: NSEventMask { get } static var OtherMouseUpMask: NSEventMask { get } static var OtherMouseDraggedMask: NSEventMask { get } static var EventMaskGesture: NSEventMask { get } static var EventMaskMagnify: NSEventMask { get } static var EventMaskSwipe: NSEventMask { get } static var EventMaskRotate: NSEventMask { get } static var EventMaskBeginGesture: NSEventMask { get } static var EventMaskEndGesture: NSEventMask { get } static var EventMaskSmartMagnify: NSEventMask { get } static var EventMaskPressure: NSEventMask { get } static var AnyEventMask: NSEventMask { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified NSEventMask.EventMaskBeginGesture
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSEventMask.EventMaskEndGesture
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSEventMask.EventMaskGesture
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSEventMask.EventMaskMagnify
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSEventMask.EventMaskRotate
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSEventMask.EventMaskSmartMagnify
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSEventMask.EventMaskSwipe
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSEventMask.init(_: UInt64)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt64) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt64) |
Modified NSEventModifierFlags [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct NSEventModifierFlags : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var AlphaShiftKeyMask: NSEventModifierFlags { get } static var ShiftKeyMask: NSEventModifierFlags { get } static var ControlKeyMask: NSEventModifierFlags { get } static var AlternateKeyMask: NSEventModifierFlags { get } static var CommandKeyMask: NSEventModifierFlags { get } static var NumericPadKeyMask: NSEventModifierFlags { get } static var HelpKeyMask: NSEventModifierFlags { get } static var FunctionKeyMask: NSEventModifierFlags { get } static var DeviceIndependentModifierFlagsMask: NSEventModifierFlags { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct NSEventModifierFlags : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var AlphaShiftKeyMask: NSEventModifierFlags { get } static var ShiftKeyMask: NSEventModifierFlags { get } static var ControlKeyMask: NSEventModifierFlags { get } static var AlternateKeyMask: NSEventModifierFlags { get } static var CommandKeyMask: NSEventModifierFlags { get } static var NumericPadKeyMask: NSEventModifierFlags { get } static var HelpKeyMask: NSEventModifierFlags { get } static var FunctionKeyMask: NSEventModifierFlags { get } static var DeviceIndependentModifierFlagsMask: NSEventModifierFlags { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified NSEventModifierFlags.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSEventPhase [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | Introduction | |
From | struct NSEventPhase : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var None: NSEventPhase { get } static var Began: NSEventPhase { get } static var Stationary: NSEventPhase { get } static var Changed: NSEventPhase { get } static var Ended: NSEventPhase { get } static var Cancelled: NSEventPhase { get } static var MayBegin: NSEventPhase { get } } | RawOptionSet | OS X 10.10 |
To | struct NSEventPhase : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var None: NSEventPhase { get } static var Began: NSEventPhase { get } static var Stationary: NSEventPhase { get } static var Changed: NSEventPhase { get } static var Ended: NSEventPhase { get } static var Cancelled: NSEventPhase { get } static var MayBegin: NSEventPhase { get } } | RawOptionSetType | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSEventPhase.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSEventSubtype.NSTouchEventSubtype
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSEventSwipeTrackingOptions [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | Introduction | |
From | struct NSEventSwipeTrackingOptions : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var LockDirection: NSEventSwipeTrackingOptions { get } static var ClampGestureAmount: NSEventSwipeTrackingOptions { get } } | RawOptionSet | OS X 10.10 |
To | struct NSEventSwipeTrackingOptions : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var LockDirection: NSEventSwipeTrackingOptions { get } static var ClampGestureAmount: NSEventSwipeTrackingOptions { get } } | RawOptionSetType | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSEventSwipeTrackingOptions.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSEventType [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum NSEventType : UInt { case LeftMouseDown case LeftMouseUp case RightMouseDown case RightMouseUp case MouseMoved case LeftMouseDragged case RightMouseDragged case MouseEntered case MouseExited case KeyDown case KeyUp case FlagsChanged case AppKitDefined case SystemDefined case ApplicationDefined case Periodic case CursorUpdate case ScrollWheel case TabletPoint case TabletProximity case OtherMouseDown case OtherMouseUp case OtherMouseDragged case EventTypeGesture case EventTypeMagnify case EventTypeSwipe case EventTypeRotate case EventTypeBeginGesture case EventTypeEndGesture case EventTypeSmartMagnify case EventTypeQuickLook } |
To | enum NSEventType : UInt { case LeftMouseDown case LeftMouseUp case RightMouseDown case RightMouseUp case MouseMoved case LeftMouseDragged case RightMouseDragged case MouseEntered case MouseExited case KeyDown case KeyUp case FlagsChanged case AppKitDefined case SystemDefined case ApplicationDefined case Periodic case CursorUpdate case ScrollWheel case TabletPoint case TabletProximity case OtherMouseDown case OtherMouseUp case OtherMouseDragged case EventTypeGesture case EventTypeMagnify case EventTypeSwipe case EventTypeRotate case EventTypeBeginGesture case EventTypeEndGesture case EventTypeSmartMagnify case EventTypeQuickLook case EventTypePressure } |
Modified NSEventType.EventTypeBeginGesture
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSEventType.EventTypeEndGesture
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSEventType.EventTypeGesture
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSEventType.EventTypeMagnify
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSEventType.EventTypeQuickLook
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSEventType.EventTypeRotate
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSEventType.EventTypeSmartMagnify
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSEventType.EventTypeSwipe
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSFont
Protocols | |
From | AnyObject, NSCoding, NSCopying |
To | AnyObject, NSCoding, NSCopying, NSSecureCoding |
Modified NSFont.boldSystemFontOfSize(CGFloat) -> NSFont [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func boldSystemFontOfSize(_ fontSize: CGFloat) -> NSFont! |
To | class func boldSystemFontOfSize(_ fontSize: CGFloat) -> NSFont |
Modified NSFont.controlContentFontOfSize(CGFloat) -> NSFont [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func controlContentFontOfSize(_ fontSize: CGFloat) -> NSFont! |
To | class func controlContentFontOfSize(_ fontSize: CGFloat) -> NSFont |
Modified NSFont.coveredCharacterSet
Declaration | |
From | var coveredCharacterSet: NSCharacterSet! { get } |
To | var coveredCharacterSet: NSCharacterSet { get } |
Modified NSFont.init(descriptor: NSFontDescriptor, size: CGFloat)
Declaration | |
From | init(descriptor fontDescriptor: NSFontDescriptor!, size fontSize: CGFloat) -> NSFont |
To | init?(descriptor fontDescriptor: NSFontDescriptor, size fontSize: CGFloat) -> NSFont |
Modified NSFont.init(descriptor: NSFontDescriptor, textTransform: NSAffineTransform?)
Declaration | |
From | init(descriptor fontDescriptor: NSFontDescriptor!, textTransform textTransform: NSAffineTransform!) -> NSFont |
To | init?(descriptor fontDescriptor: NSFontDescriptor, textTransform textTransform: NSAffineTransform?) -> NSFont |
Modified NSFont.displayName
Declaration | |
From | var displayName: String! { get } |
To | var displayName: String? { get } |
Modified NSFont.familyName
Declaration | |
From | var familyName: String! { get } |
To | var familyName: String? { get } |
Modified NSFont.fontDescriptor
Declaration | |
From | var fontDescriptor: NSFontDescriptor! { get } |
To | var fontDescriptor: NSFontDescriptor { get } |
Modified NSFont.fontName
Declaration | |
From | var fontName: String! { get } |
To | var fontName: String { get } |
Modified NSFont.getAdvancements(NSSizeArray, forGlyphs: UnsafePointer<NSGlyph>, count: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func getAdvancements(_ advancements: NSSizeArray, forGlyphs glyphs: ConstUnsafePointer<NSGlyph>, count glyphCount: Int) |
To | func getAdvancements(_ advancements: NSSizeArray, forGlyphs glyphs: UnsafePointer<NSGlyph>, count glyphCount: Int) |
Modified NSFont.getAdvancements(NSSizeArray, forPackedGlyphs: UnsafePointer<Void>, length: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func getAdvancements(_ advancements: NSSizeArray, forPackedGlyphs packedGlyphs: ConstUnsafePointer<()>, length length: Int) |
To | func getAdvancements(_ advancements: NSSizeArray, forPackedGlyphs packedGlyphs: UnsafePointer<Void>, length length: Int) |
Modified NSFont.getBoundingRects(NSRectArray, forGlyphs: UnsafePointer<NSGlyph>, count: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func getBoundingRects(_ bounds: NSRectArray, forGlyphs glyphs: ConstUnsafePointer<NSGlyph>, count glyphCount: Int) |
To | func getBoundingRects(_ bounds: NSRectArray, forGlyphs glyphs: UnsafePointer<NSGlyph>, count glyphCount: Int) |
Modified NSFont.glyphWithName(String) -> NSGlyph
Declaration | |
From | func glyphWithName(_ aName: String!) -> NSGlyph |
To | func glyphWithName(_ aName: String) -> NSGlyph |
Modified NSFont.labelFontOfSize(CGFloat) -> NSFont [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func labelFontOfSize(_ fontSize: CGFloat) -> NSFont! |
To | class func labelFontOfSize(_ fontSize: CGFloat) -> NSFont |
Modified NSFont.matrix
Declaration | |
From | var matrix: ConstUnsafePointer<CGFloat> { get } |
To | var matrix: UnsafePointer<CGFloat> { get } |
Modified NSFont.menuBarFontOfSize(CGFloat) -> NSFont [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func menuBarFontOfSize(_ fontSize: CGFloat) -> NSFont! |
To | class func menuBarFontOfSize(_ fontSize: CGFloat) -> NSFont |
Modified NSFont.menuFontOfSize(CGFloat) -> NSFont [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func menuFontOfSize(_ fontSize: CGFloat) -> NSFont! |
To | class func menuFontOfSize(_ fontSize: CGFloat) -> NSFont |
Modified NSFont.messageFontOfSize(CGFloat) -> NSFont [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func messageFontOfSize(_ fontSize: CGFloat) -> NSFont! |
To | class func messageFontOfSize(_ fontSize: CGFloat) -> NSFont |
Modified NSFont.init(name: String, matrix: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>)
Declaration | |
From | init(name fontName: String!, matrix fontMatrix: ConstUnsafePointer<CGFloat>) -> NSFont |
To | init?(name fontName: String, matrix fontMatrix: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) -> NSFont |
Modified NSFont.init(name: String, size: CGFloat)
Declaration | |
From | init(name fontName: String!, size fontSize: CGFloat) -> NSFont |
To | init?(name fontName: String, size fontSize: CGFloat) -> NSFont |
Modified NSFont.paletteFontOfSize(CGFloat) -> NSFont [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func paletteFontOfSize(_ fontSize: CGFloat) -> NSFont! |
To | class func paletteFontOfSize(_ fontSize: CGFloat) -> NSFont |
Modified NSFont.printerFont
Declaration | |
From | var printerFont: NSFont! { get } |
To | @NSCopying var printerFont: NSFont { get } |
Modified NSFont.screenFont
Declaration | |
From | var screenFont: NSFont! { get } |
To | @NSCopying var screenFont: NSFont { get } |
Modified NSFont.screenFontWithRenderingMode(NSFontRenderingMode) -> NSFont
Declaration | |
From | func screenFontWithRenderingMode(_ renderingMode: NSFontRenderingMode) -> NSFont! |
To | func screenFontWithRenderingMode(_ renderingMode: NSFontRenderingMode) -> NSFont |
Modified NSFont.setInContext(NSGraphicsContext)
Declaration | |
From | func setInContext(_ graphicsContext: NSGraphicsContext!) |
To | func setInContext(_ graphicsContext: NSGraphicsContext) |
Modified NSFont.setUserFixedPitchFont(NSFont?) [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func setUserFixedPitchFont(_ aFont: NSFont!) |
To | class func setUserFixedPitchFont(_ aFont: NSFont?) |
Modified NSFont.setUserFont(NSFont?) [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func setUserFont(_ aFont: NSFont!) |
To | class func setUserFont(_ aFont: NSFont?) |
Modified NSFont.systemFontOfSize(CGFloat) -> NSFont [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func systemFontOfSize(_ fontSize: CGFloat) -> NSFont! |
To | class func systemFontOfSize(_ fontSize: CGFloat) -> NSFont |
Modified NSFont.textTransform
Declaration | |
From | var textTransform: NSAffineTransform! { get } |
To | @NSCopying var textTransform: NSAffineTransform { get } |
Modified NSFont.titleBarFontOfSize(CGFloat) -> NSFont [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func titleBarFontOfSize(_ fontSize: CGFloat) -> NSFont! |
To | class func titleBarFontOfSize(_ fontSize: CGFloat) -> NSFont |
Modified NSFont.toolTipsFontOfSize(CGFloat) -> NSFont [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func toolTipsFontOfSize(_ fontSize: CGFloat) -> NSFont! |
To | class func toolTipsFontOfSize(_ fontSize: CGFloat) -> NSFont |
Modified NSFont.userFixedPitchFontOfSize(CGFloat) -> NSFont? [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func userFixedPitchFontOfSize(_ fontSize: CGFloat) -> NSFont! |
To | class func userFixedPitchFontOfSize(_ fontSize: CGFloat) -> NSFont? |
Modified NSFont.userFontOfSize(CGFloat) -> NSFont? [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func userFontOfSize(_ fontSize: CGFloat) -> NSFont! |
To | class func userFontOfSize(_ fontSize: CGFloat) -> NSFont? |
Modified NSFont.vertical
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSFont.verticalFont
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var verticalFont: NSFont! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | @NSCopying var verticalFont: NSFont { get } | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSFontCollection
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSFontCollection.allFontCollectionNames() -> [AnyObject] [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func allFontCollectionNames() -> [AnyObject]! |
To | class func allFontCollectionNames() -> [AnyObject] |
Modified NSFontCollection.init(descriptors: [AnyObject])
Declaration | |
From | init(descriptors queryDescriptors: [AnyObject]!) -> NSFontCollection |
To | init(descriptors queryDescriptors: [AnyObject]) -> NSFontCollection |
Modified NSFontCollection.exclusionDescriptors
Declaration | |
From | var exclusionDescriptors: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var exclusionDescriptors: [AnyObject]? { get } |
Modified NSFontCollection.fontCollectionWithAllAvailableDescriptors() -> NSFontCollection [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func fontCollectionWithAllAvailableDescriptors() -> NSFontCollection! |
To | class func fontCollectionWithAllAvailableDescriptors() -> NSFontCollection |
Modified NSFontCollection.hideFontCollectionWithName(String, visibility: NSFontCollectionVisibility, error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func hideFontCollectionWithName(_ name: String!, visibility visibility: NSFontCollectionVisibility, error error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool |
To | class func hideFontCollectionWithName(_ name: String, visibility visibility: NSFontCollectionVisibility, error error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool |
Modified NSFontCollection.init(locale: NSLocale)
Declaration | |
From | init(locale locale: NSLocale!) -> NSFontCollection |
To | init?(locale locale: NSLocale) -> NSFontCollection |
Modified NSFontCollection.matchingDescriptors
Declaration | |
From | var matchingDescriptors: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var matchingDescriptors: [AnyObject]? { get } |
Modified NSFontCollection.matchingDescriptorsForFamily(String) -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | |
From | func matchingDescriptorsForFamily(_ family: String!) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | func matchingDescriptorsForFamily(_ family: String) -> [AnyObject]? |
Modified NSFontCollection.matchingDescriptorsForFamily(String, options:[NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | |
From | func matchingDescriptorsForFamily(_ family: String!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | func matchingDescriptorsForFamily(_ family: String, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]?) -> [AnyObject]? |
Modified NSFontCollection.matchingDescriptorsWithOptions([NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | |
From | func matchingDescriptorsWithOptions(_ options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | func matchingDescriptorsWithOptions(_ options: [NSObject : AnyObject]?) -> [AnyObject]? |
Modified NSFontCollection.init(name: String)
Declaration | |
From | init(name name: String!) -> NSFontCollection |
To | init?(name name: String) -> NSFontCollection |
Modified NSFontCollection.init(name: String, visibility: NSFontCollectionVisibility)
Declaration | |
From | init(name name: String!, visibility visibility: NSFontCollectionVisibility) -> NSFontCollection |
To | init?(name name: String, visibility visibility: NSFontCollectionVisibility) -> NSFontCollection |
Modified NSFontCollection.queryDescriptors
Declaration | |
From | var queryDescriptors: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var queryDescriptors: [AnyObject]? { get } |
Modified NSFontCollection.renameFontCollectionWithName(String, visibility: NSFontCollectionVisibility, toName: String, error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func renameFontCollectionWithName(_ name: String!, visibility visibility: NSFontCollectionVisibility, toName name: String!, error error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool |
To | class func renameFontCollectionWithName(_ name: String, visibility visibility: NSFontCollectionVisibility, toName name: String, error error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool |
Modified NSFontCollection.showFontCollection(NSFontCollection, withName: String, visibility: NSFontCollectionVisibility, error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func showFontCollection(_ collection: NSFontCollection!, withName name: String!, visibility visibility: NSFontCollectionVisibility, error error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool |
To | class func showFontCollection(_ collection: NSFontCollection, withName name: String, visibility visibility: NSFontCollectionVisibility, error error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool |
Modified NSFontCollectionOptions [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct NSFontCollectionOptions : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var ApplicationOnlyMask: NSFontCollectionOptions { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct NSFontCollectionOptions : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var ApplicationOnlyMask: NSFontCollectionOptions { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified NSFontCollectionOptions.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSFontCollectionVisibility [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct NSFontCollectionVisibility : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var Process: NSFontCollectionVisibility { get } static var User: NSFontCollectionVisibility { get } static var Computer: NSFontCollectionVisibility { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct NSFontCollectionVisibility : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var Process: NSFontCollectionVisibility { get } static var User: NSFontCollectionVisibility { get } static var Computer: NSFontCollectionVisibility { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified NSFontCollectionVisibility.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSFontDescriptor.fontAttributes
Declaration | |
From | var fontAttributes: [NSObject : AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var fontAttributes: [NSObject : AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSFontDescriptor.init(fontAttributes: [NSObject: AnyObject]?)
Declaration | |
From | init(fontAttributes attributes: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) |
To | init(fontAttributes attributes: [NSObject : AnyObject]?) |
Modified NSFontDescriptor.fontDescriptorByAddingAttributes([NSObject: AnyObject]) -> NSFontDescriptor
Declaration | |
From | func fontDescriptorByAddingAttributes(_ attributes: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> NSFontDescriptor! |
To | func fontDescriptorByAddingAttributes(_ attributes: [NSObject : AnyObject]) -> NSFontDescriptor |
Modified NSFontDescriptor.fontDescriptorWithFace(String) -> NSFontDescriptor
Declaration | |
From | func fontDescriptorWithFace(_ newFace: String!) -> NSFontDescriptor! |
To | func fontDescriptorWithFace(_ newFace: String) -> NSFontDescriptor |
Modified NSFontDescriptor.fontDescriptorWithFamily(String) -> NSFontDescriptor
Declaration | |
From | func fontDescriptorWithFamily(_ newFamily: String!) -> NSFontDescriptor! |
To | func fontDescriptorWithFamily(_ newFamily: String) -> NSFontDescriptor |
Modified NSFontDescriptor.fontDescriptorWithMatrix(NSAffineTransform) -> NSFontDescriptor
Declaration | |
From | func fontDescriptorWithMatrix(_ matrix: NSAffineTransform!) -> NSFontDescriptor! |
To | func fontDescriptorWithMatrix(_ matrix: NSAffineTransform) -> NSFontDescriptor |
Modified NSFontDescriptor.fontDescriptorWithSize(CGFloat) -> NSFontDescriptor
Declaration | |
From | func fontDescriptorWithSize(_ newPointSize: CGFloat) -> NSFontDescriptor! |
To | func fontDescriptorWithSize(_ newPointSize: CGFloat) -> NSFontDescriptor |
Modified NSFontDescriptor.fontDescriptorWithSymbolicTraits(NSFontSymbolicTraits) -> NSFontDescriptor
Declaration | |
From | func fontDescriptorWithSymbolicTraits(_ symbolicTraits: NSFontSymbolicTraits) -> NSFontDescriptor! |
To | func fontDescriptorWithSymbolicTraits(_ symbolicTraits: NSFontSymbolicTraits) -> NSFontDescriptor |
Modified NSFontDescriptor.matchingFontDescriptorWithMandatoryKeys(Set<NSObject>?) -> NSFontDescriptor?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func matchingFontDescriptorWithMandatoryKeys(_ mandatoryKeys: NSSet!) -> NSFontDescriptor! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func matchingFontDescriptorWithMandatoryKeys(_ mandatoryKeys: Set<NSObject>?) -> NSFontDescriptor? | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSFontDescriptor.matchingFontDescriptorsWithMandatoryKeys(Set<NSObject>?) -> [AnyObject]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func matchingFontDescriptorsWithMandatoryKeys(_ mandatoryKeys: NSSet!) -> [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func matchingFontDescriptorsWithMandatoryKeys(_ mandatoryKeys: Set<NSObject>?) -> [AnyObject] | OS X 10.10.3 |
Modified NSFontDescriptor.matrix
Declaration | |
From | var matrix: NSAffineTransform! { get } |
To | @NSCopying var matrix: NSAffineTransform? { get } |
Modified NSFontDescriptor.init(name: String, matrix: NSAffineTransform)
Declaration | |
From | init(name fontName: String!, matrix matrix: NSAffineTransform!) -> NSFontDescriptor |
To | init(name fontName: String, matrix matrix: NSAffineTransform) -> NSFontDescriptor |
Modified NSFontDescriptor.init(name: String, size: CGFloat)
Declaration | |
From | init(name fontName: String!, size size: CGFloat) -> NSFontDescriptor |
To | init(name fontName: String, size size: CGFloat) -> NSFontDescriptor |
Modified NSFontDescriptor.objectForKey(String) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func objectForKey(_ anAttribute: String!) -> AnyObject! |
To | func objectForKey(_ anAttribute: String) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSFontDescriptor.postscriptName
Declaration | |
From | var postscriptName: String! { get } |
To | var postscriptName: String? { get } |
Modified NSFontManager.addCollection(String, options: NSFontCollectionOptions) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func addCollection(_ collectionName: String!, options collectionOptions: NSFontCollectionOptions) -> Bool |
To | func addCollection(_ collectionName: String, options collectionOptions: NSFontCollectionOptions) -> Bool |
Modified NSFontManager.addFontDescriptors([AnyObject], toCollection: String)
Declaration | |
From | func addFontDescriptors(_ descriptors: [AnyObject]!, toCollection collectionName: String!) |
To | func addFontDescriptors(_ descriptors: [AnyObject], toCollection collectionName: String) |
Modified NSFontManager.addFontTrait(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func addFontTrait(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func addFontTrait(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSFontManager.availableFontFamilies
Declaration | |
From | var availableFontFamilies: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var availableFontFamilies: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSFontManager.availableFontNamesMatchingFontDescriptor(NSFontDescriptor) -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | |
From | func availableFontNamesMatchingFontDescriptor(_ descriptor: NSFontDescriptor!) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | func availableFontNamesMatchingFontDescriptor(_ descriptor: NSFontDescriptor) -> [AnyObject]? |
Modified NSFontManager.availableFontNamesWithTraits(NSFontTraitMask) -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | |
From | func availableFontNamesWithTraits(_ someTraits: NSFontTraitMask) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | func availableFontNamesWithTraits(_ someTraits: NSFontTraitMask) -> [AnyObject]? |
Modified NSFontManager.availableFonts
Declaration | |
From | var availableFonts: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var availableFonts: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSFontManager.availableMembersOfFontFamily(String) -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | |
From | func availableMembersOfFontFamily(_ fam: String!) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | func availableMembersOfFontFamily(_ fam: String) -> [AnyObject]? |
Modified NSFontManager.collectionNames
Declaration | |
From | var collectionNames: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var collectionNames: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSFontManager.convertAttributes([NSObject: AnyObject]) -> [NSObject: AnyObject]
Declaration | |
From | func convertAttributes(_ attributes: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> [NSObject : AnyObject]! |
To | func convertAttributes(_ attributes: [NSObject : AnyObject]) -> [NSObject : AnyObject] |
Modified NSFontManager.convertFont(NSFont) -> NSFont
Declaration | |
From | func convertFont(_ fontObj: NSFont!) -> NSFont! |
To | func convertFont(_ fontObj: NSFont) -> NSFont |
Modified NSFontManager.convertFont(NSFont, toFace: String) -> NSFont?
Declaration | |
From | func convertFont(_ fontObj: NSFont!, toFace typeface: String!) -> NSFont! |
To | func convertFont(_ fontObj: NSFont, toFace typeface: String) -> NSFont? |
Modified NSFontManager.convertFont(NSFont, toFamily: String) -> NSFont
Declaration | |
From | func convertFont(_ fontObj: NSFont!, toFamily family: String!) -> NSFont! |
To | func convertFont(_ fontObj: NSFont, toFamily family: String) -> NSFont |
Modified NSFontManager.convertFont(NSFont, toHaveTrait: NSFontTraitMask) -> NSFont
Declaration | |
From | func convertFont(_ fontObj: NSFont!, toHaveTrait trait: NSFontTraitMask) -> NSFont! |
To | func convertFont(_ fontObj: NSFont, toHaveTrait trait: NSFontTraitMask) -> NSFont |
Modified NSFontManager.convertFont(NSFont, toNotHaveTrait: NSFontTraitMask) -> NSFont
Declaration | |
From | func convertFont(_ fontObj: NSFont!, toNotHaveTrait trait: NSFontTraitMask) -> NSFont! |
To | func convertFont(_ fontObj: NSFont, toNotHaveTrait trait: NSFontTraitMask) -> NSFont |
Modified NSFontManager.convertFont(NSFont, toSize: CGFloat) -> NSFont
Declaration | |
From | func convertFont(_ fontObj: NSFont!, toSize size: CGFloat) -> NSFont! |
To | func convertFont(_ fontObj: NSFont, toSize size: CGFloat) -> NSFont |
Modified NSFontManager.convertFontTraits(NSFontTraitMask) -> NSFontTraitMask
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSFontManager.convertWeight(Bool, ofFont: NSFont) -> NSFont
Declaration | |
From | func convertWeight(_ upFlag: Bool, ofFont fontObj: NSFont!) -> NSFont! |
To | func convertWeight(_ upFlag: Bool, ofFont fontObj: NSFont) -> NSFont |
Modified NSFontManager.currentFontAction
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSFontManager.delegate
Declaration | |
From | var delegate: AnyObject! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var delegate: AnyObject? |
Modified NSFontManager.fontDescriptorsInCollection(String) -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | |
From | func fontDescriptorsInCollection(_ collectionNames: String!) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | func fontDescriptorsInCollection(_ collectionNames: String) -> [AnyObject]? |
Modified NSFontManager.fontMenu(Bool) -> NSMenu?
Declaration | |
From | func fontMenu(_ create: Bool) -> NSMenu! |
To | func fontMenu(_ create: Bool) -> NSMenu? |
Modified NSFontManager.fontNamed(String, hasTraits: NSFontTraitMask) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func fontNamed(_ fName: String!, hasTraits someTraits: NSFontTraitMask) -> Bool |
To | func fontNamed(_ fName: String, hasTraits someTraits: NSFontTraitMask) -> Bool |
Modified NSFontManager.fontPanel(Bool) -> NSFontPanel?
Declaration | |
From | func fontPanel(_ create: Bool) -> NSFontPanel! |
To | func fontPanel(_ create: Bool) -> NSFontPanel? |
Modified NSFontManager.fontWithFamily(String, traits: NSFontTraitMask, weight: Int, size: CGFloat) -> NSFont?
Declaration | |
From | func fontWithFamily(_ family: String!, traits traits: NSFontTraitMask, weight weight: Int, size size: CGFloat) -> NSFont! |
To | func fontWithFamily(_ family: String, traits traits: NSFontTraitMask, weight weight: Int, size size: CGFloat) -> NSFont? |
Modified NSFontManager.localizedNameForFamily(String, face: String?) -> String
Declaration | |
From | func localizedNameForFamily(_ family: String!, face faceKey: String!) -> String! |
To | func localizedNameForFamily(_ family: String, face faceKey: String?) -> String |
Modified NSFontManager.modifyFont(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func modifyFont(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func modifyFont(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSFontManager.modifyFontViaPanel(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func modifyFontViaPanel(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func modifyFontViaPanel(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSFontManager.orderFrontFontPanel(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func orderFrontFontPanel(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func orderFrontFontPanel(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSFontManager.orderFrontStylesPanel(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func orderFrontStylesPanel(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func orderFrontStylesPanel(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSFontManager.removeCollection(String) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func removeCollection(_ collectionName: String!) -> Bool |
To | func removeCollection(_ collectionName: String) -> Bool |
Modified NSFontManager.removeFontDescriptor(NSFontDescriptor, fromCollection: String)
Declaration | |
From | func removeFontDescriptor(_ descriptor: NSFontDescriptor!, fromCollection collection: String!) |
To | func removeFontDescriptor(_ descriptor: NSFontDescriptor, fromCollection collection: String) |
Modified NSFontManager.removeFontTrait(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func removeFontTrait(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func removeFontTrait(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSFontManager.selectedFont
Declaration | |
From | var selectedFont: NSFont! { get } |
To | var selectedFont: NSFont? { get } |
Modified NSFontManager.setFontManagerFactory(AnyClass?) [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func setFontManagerFactory(_ factoryId: AnyClass!) |
To | class func setFontManagerFactory(_ factoryId: AnyClass?) |
Modified NSFontManager.setFontMenu(NSMenu)
Declaration | |
From | func setFontMenu(_ newMenu: NSMenu!) |
To | func setFontMenu(_ newMenu: NSMenu) |
Modified NSFontManager.setFontPanelFactory(AnyClass?) [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func setFontPanelFactory(_ factoryId: AnyClass!) |
To | class func setFontPanelFactory(_ factoryId: AnyClass?) |
Modified NSFontManager.setSelectedAttributes([NSObject: AnyObject], isMultiple: Bool)
Declaration | |
From | func setSelectedAttributes(_ attributes: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, isMultiple flag: Bool) |
To | func setSelectedAttributes(_ attributes: [NSObject : AnyObject], isMultiple flag: Bool) |
Modified NSFontManager.setSelectedFont(NSFont, isMultiple: Bool)
Declaration | |
From | func setSelectedFont(_ fontObj: NSFont!, isMultiple flag: Bool) |
To | func setSelectedFont(_ fontObj: NSFont, isMultiple flag: Bool) |
Modified NSFontManager.sharedFontManager() -> NSFontManager [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func sharedFontManager() -> NSFontManager! |
To | class func sharedFontManager() -> NSFontManager |
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var target: AnyObject! | OS X 10.10 |
To | weak var target: AnyObject? | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSFontManager.traitsOfFont(NSFont) -> NSFontTraitMask
Declaration | |
From | func traitsOfFont(_ fontObj: NSFont!) -> NSFontTraitMask |
To | func traitsOfFont(_ fontObj: NSFont) -> NSFontTraitMask |
Modified NSFontManager.weightOfFont(NSFont) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func weightOfFont(_ fontObj: NSFont!) -> Int |
To | func weightOfFont(_ fontObj: NSFont) -> Int |
Modified NSFontPanel.accessoryView
Declaration | |
From | var accessoryView: NSView! |
To | var accessoryView: NSView? |
Modified NSFontPanel.panelConvertFont(NSFont) -> NSFont
Declaration | |
From | func panelConvertFont(_ fontObj: NSFont!) -> NSFont! |
To | func panelConvertFont(_ fontObj: NSFont) -> NSFont |
Modified NSFontPanel.setPanelFont(NSFont, isMultiple: Bool)
Declaration | |
From | func setPanelFont(_ fontObj: NSFont!, isMultiple flag: Bool) |
To | func setPanelFont(_ fontObj: NSFont, isMultiple flag: Bool) |
Modified NSFontPanel.sharedFontPanel() -> NSFontPanel [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func sharedFontPanel() -> NSFontPanel! |
To | class func sharedFontPanel() -> NSFontPanel |
Modified NSFontTraitMask [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct NSFontTraitMask : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var ItalicFontMask: NSFontTraitMask { get } static var BoldFontMask: NSFontTraitMask { get } static var UnboldFontMask: NSFontTraitMask { get } static var NonStandardCharacterSetFontMask: NSFontTraitMask { get } static var NarrowFontMask: NSFontTraitMask { get } static var ExpandedFontMask: NSFontTraitMask { get } static var CondensedFontMask: NSFontTraitMask { get } static var SmallCapsFontMask: NSFontTraitMask { get } static var PosterFontMask: NSFontTraitMask { get } static var CompressedFontMask: NSFontTraitMask { get } static var FixedPitchFontMask: NSFontTraitMask { get } static var UnitalicFontMask: NSFontTraitMask { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct NSFontTraitMask : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var ItalicFontMask: NSFontTraitMask { get } static var BoldFontMask: NSFontTraitMask { get } static var UnboldFontMask: NSFontTraitMask { get } static var NonStandardCharacterSetFontMask: NSFontTraitMask { get } static var NarrowFontMask: NSFontTraitMask { get } static var ExpandedFontMask: NSFontTraitMask { get } static var CondensedFontMask: NSFontTraitMask { get } static var SmallCapsFontMask: NSFontTraitMask { get } static var PosterFontMask: NSFontTraitMask { get } static var CompressedFontMask: NSFontTraitMask { get } static var FixedPitchFontMask: NSFontTraitMask { get } static var UnitalicFontMask: NSFontTraitMask { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified NSFontTraitMask.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSForm
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSForm.addEntry(String) -> NSFormCell
Declaration | Deprecation | |
From | func addEntry(_ title: String!) -> NSFormCell! | -- |
To | func addEntry(_ title: String) -> NSFormCell | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSForm.cellAtIndex(Int) -> AnyObject!
Deprecation | |
From | -- |
To | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSForm.drawCellAtIndex(Int)
Deprecation | |
From | -- |
To | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSForm.indexOfCellWithTag(Int) -> Int
Deprecation | |
From | -- |
To | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSForm.indexOfSelectedItem() -> Int
Deprecation | |
From | -- |
To | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSForm.insertEntry(String, atIndex: Int) -> NSFormCell!
Declaration | Deprecation | |
From | func insertEntry(_ title: String!, atIndex index: Int) -> NSFormCell! | -- |
To | func insertEntry(_ title: String, atIndex index: Int) -> NSFormCell! | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSForm.preferredTextFieldWidth() -> CGFloat
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.8 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSForm.removeEntryAtIndex(Int)
Deprecation | |
From | -- |
To | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSForm.selectTextAtIndex(Int)
Deprecation | |
From | -- |
To | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSForm.setBezeled(Bool)
Deprecation | |
From | -- |
To | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSForm.setBordered(Bool)
Deprecation | |
From | -- |
To | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSForm.setEntryWidth(CGFloat)
Deprecation | |
From | -- |
To | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSForm.setFrameSize(NSSize)
Deprecation | |
From | -- |
To | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSForm.setInterlineSpacing(CGFloat)
Deprecation | |
From | -- |
To | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSForm.setPreferredTextFieldWidth(CGFloat)
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.8 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSForm.setTextAlignment(NSTextAlignment)
Deprecation | |
From | -- |
To | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSForm.setTextBaseWritingDirection(NSWritingDirection)
Deprecation | |
From | -- |
To | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSForm.setTextFont(NSFont)
Declaration | Deprecation | |
From | func setTextFont(_ fontObj: NSFont!) | -- |
To | func setTextFont(_ fontObj: NSFont) | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSForm.setTitleAlignment(NSTextAlignment)
Deprecation | |
From | -- |
To | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSForm.setTitleBaseWritingDirection(NSWritingDirection)
Deprecation | |
From | -- |
To | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSForm.setTitleFont(NSFont)
Declaration | Deprecation | |
From | func setTitleFont(_ fontObj: NSFont!) | -- |
To | func setTitleFont(_ fontObj: NSFont) | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSFormCell.attributedTitle
Declaration | |
From | var attributedTitle: NSAttributedString! |
To | @NSCopying var attributedTitle: NSAttributedString |
Modified NSFormCell.placeholderAttributedString
Declaration | |
From | var placeholderAttributedString: NSAttributedString! |
To | @NSCopying var placeholderAttributedString: NSAttributedString? |
Modified NSFormCell.placeholderString
Declaration | |
From | var placeholderString: String! |
To | var placeholderString: String? |
Modified NSFormCell.preferredTextFieldWidth
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSFormCell.init(textCell: String?)
Declaration | |
From | init(textCell aString: String!) |
To | init(textCell aString: String?) |
Modified NSFormCell.title
Declaration | |
From | var title: String! |
To | var title: String |
Modified NSFormCell.titleFont
Declaration | |
From | var titleFont: NSFont! |
To | var titleFont: NSFont |
Modified NSGestureRecognizer.canBePreventedByGestureRecognizer(NSGestureRecognizer) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func canBePreventedByGestureRecognizer(_ preventingGestureRecognizer: NSGestureRecognizer!) -> Bool |
To | func canBePreventedByGestureRecognizer(_ preventingGestureRecognizer: NSGestureRecognizer) -> Bool |
Modified NSGestureRecognizer.canPreventGestureRecognizer(NSGestureRecognizer) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func canPreventGestureRecognizer(_ preventedGestureRecognizer: NSGestureRecognizer!) -> Bool |
To | func canPreventGestureRecognizer(_ preventedGestureRecognizer: NSGestureRecognizer) -> Bool |
Modified NSGestureRecognizer.init(coder: NSCoder)
Declaration | |
From | init(coder coder: NSCoder!) |
To | init?(coder coder: NSCoder) |
Modified NSGestureRecognizer.delegate
Declaration | |
From | var delegate: NSGestureRecognizerDelegate! |
To | weak var delegate: NSGestureRecognizerDelegate? |
Modified NSGestureRecognizer.flagsChanged(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func flagsChanged(_ event: NSEvent!) |
To | func flagsChanged(_ event: NSEvent) |
Modified NSGestureRecognizer.keyDown(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func keyDown(_ event: NSEvent!) |
To | func keyDown(_ event: NSEvent) |
Modified NSGestureRecognizer.keyUp(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func keyUp(_ event: NSEvent!) |
To | func keyUp(_ event: NSEvent) |
Modified NSGestureRecognizer.locationInView(NSView?) -> NSPoint
Declaration | |
From | func locationInView(_ view: NSView!) -> NSPoint |
To | func locationInView(_ view: NSView?) -> NSPoint |
Modified NSGestureRecognizer.magnifyWithEvent(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func magnifyWithEvent(_ event: NSEvent!) |
To | func magnifyWithEvent(_ event: NSEvent) |
Modified NSGestureRecognizer.mouseDown(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func mouseDown(_ event: NSEvent!) |
To | func mouseDown(_ event: NSEvent) |
Modified NSGestureRecognizer.mouseDragged(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func mouseDragged(_ event: NSEvent!) |
To | func mouseDragged(_ event: NSEvent) |
Modified NSGestureRecognizer.mouseUp(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func mouseUp(_ event: NSEvent!) |
To | func mouseUp(_ event: NSEvent) |
Modified NSGestureRecognizer.otherMouseDown(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func otherMouseDown(_ event: NSEvent!) |
To | func otherMouseDown(_ event: NSEvent) |
Modified NSGestureRecognizer.otherMouseDragged(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func otherMouseDragged(_ event: NSEvent!) |
To | func otherMouseDragged(_ event: NSEvent) |
Modified NSGestureRecognizer.otherMouseUp(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func otherMouseUp(_ event: NSEvent!) |
To | func otherMouseUp(_ event: NSEvent) |
Modified NSGestureRecognizer.rightMouseDown(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func rightMouseDown(_ event: NSEvent!) |
To | func rightMouseDown(_ event: NSEvent) |
Modified NSGestureRecognizer.rightMouseDragged(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func rightMouseDragged(_ event: NSEvent!) |
To | func rightMouseDragged(_ event: NSEvent) |
Modified NSGestureRecognizer.rightMouseUp(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func rightMouseUp(_ event: NSEvent!) |
To | func rightMouseUp(_ event: NSEvent) |
Modified NSGestureRecognizer.rotateWithEvent(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func rotateWithEvent(_ event: NSEvent!) |
To | func rotateWithEvent(_ event: NSEvent) |
Modified NSGestureRecognizer.shouldBeRequiredToFailByGestureRecognizer(NSGestureRecognizer) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func shouldBeRequiredToFailByGestureRecognizer(_ otherGestureRecognizer: NSGestureRecognizer!) -> Bool |
To | func shouldBeRequiredToFailByGestureRecognizer(_ otherGestureRecognizer: NSGestureRecognizer) -> Bool |
Modified NSGestureRecognizer.shouldRequireFailureOfGestureRecognizer(NSGestureRecognizer) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func shouldRequireFailureOfGestureRecognizer(_ otherGestureRecognizer: NSGestureRecognizer!) -> Bool |
To | func shouldRequireFailureOfGestureRecognizer(_ otherGestureRecognizer: NSGestureRecognizer) -> Bool |
Modified NSGestureRecognizer.tabletPoint(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func tabletPoint(_ event: NSEvent!) |
To | func tabletPoint(_ event: NSEvent) |
Declaration | |
From | var target: AnyObject! |
To | weak var target: AnyObject? |
Modified NSGestureRecognizer.init(target: AnyObject, action: Selector)
Declaration | |
From | init(target target: AnyObject!, action action: Selector) |
To | init(target target: AnyObject, action action: Selector) |
Modified NSGestureRecognizer.view
Declaration | |
From | var view: NSView! { get } |
To | var view: NSView? { get } |
Modified NSGestureRecognizerDelegate.gestureRecognizer(NSGestureRecognizer, shouldBeRequiredToFailByGestureRecognizer: NSGestureRecognizer) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func gestureRecognizer(_ gestureRecognizer: NSGestureRecognizer!, shouldBeRequiredToFailByGestureRecognizer otherGestureRecognizer: NSGestureRecognizer!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func gestureRecognizer(_ gestureRecognizer: NSGestureRecognizer, shouldBeRequiredToFailByGestureRecognizer otherGestureRecognizer: NSGestureRecognizer) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSGestureRecognizerDelegate.gestureRecognizer(NSGestureRecognizer, shouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWithGestureRecognizer: NSGestureRecognizer) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func gestureRecognizer(_ gestureRecognizer: NSGestureRecognizer!, shouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWithGestureRecognizer otherGestureRecognizer: NSGestureRecognizer!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func gestureRecognizer(_ gestureRecognizer: NSGestureRecognizer, shouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWithGestureRecognizer otherGestureRecognizer: NSGestureRecognizer) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSGestureRecognizerDelegate.gestureRecognizer(NSGestureRecognizer, shouldRequireFailureOfGestureRecognizer: NSGestureRecognizer) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func gestureRecognizer(_ gestureRecognizer: NSGestureRecognizer!, shouldRequireFailureOfGestureRecognizer otherGestureRecognizer: NSGestureRecognizer!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func gestureRecognizer(_ gestureRecognizer: NSGestureRecognizer, shouldRequireFailureOfGestureRecognizer otherGestureRecognizer: NSGestureRecognizer) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSGestureRecognizerDelegate.gestureRecognizerShouldBegin(NSGestureRecognizer) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func gestureRecognizerShouldBegin(_ gestureRecognizer: NSGestureRecognizer!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func gestureRecognizerShouldBegin(_ gestureRecognizer: NSGestureRecognizer) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSGlyphGenerator.generateGlyphsForGlyphStorage(NSGlyphStorage, desiredNumberOfCharacters: Int, glyphIndex: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, characterIndex: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>)
Declaration | |
From | func generateGlyphsForGlyphStorage(_ glyphStorage: NSGlyphStorage!, desiredNumberOfCharacters nChars: Int, glyphIndex glyphIndex: UnsafePointer<Int>, characterIndex charIndex: UnsafePointer<Int>) |
To | func generateGlyphsForGlyphStorage(_ glyphStorage: NSGlyphStorage, desiredNumberOfCharacters nChars: Int, glyphIndex glyphIndex: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, characterIndex charIndex: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) |
Modified NSGlyphGenerator.sharedGlyphGenerator() -> NSGlyphGenerator [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func sharedGlyphGenerator() -> NSGlyphGenerator! |
To | class func sharedGlyphGenerator() -> NSGlyphGenerator |
Modified NSGlyphInfo.init(characterIdentifier: Int, collection: NSCharacterCollection, baseString: String)
Declaration | |
From | init(characterIdentifier cid: Int, collection characterCollection: NSCharacterCollection, baseString theString: String!) -> NSGlyphInfo |
To | init?(characterIdentifier cid: Int, collection characterCollection: NSCharacterCollection, baseString theString: String) -> NSGlyphInfo |
Modified NSGlyphInfo.init(glyph: NSGlyph, forFont: NSFont, baseString: String)
Declaration | |
From | init(glyph glyph: NSGlyph, forFont font: NSFont!, baseString theString: String!) -> NSGlyphInfo |
To | init?(glyph glyph: NSGlyph, forFont font: NSFont, baseString theString: String) -> NSGlyphInfo |
Modified NSGlyphInfo.glyphName
Declaration | |
From | var glyphName: String! { get } |
To | var glyphName: String? { get } |
Modified NSGlyphInfo.init(glyphName: String, forFont: NSFont, baseString: String)
Declaration | |
From | init(glyphName glyphName: String!, forFont font: NSFont!, baseString theString: String!) -> NSGlyphInfo |
To | init?(glyphName glyphName: String, forFont font: NSFont, baseString theString: String) -> NSGlyphInfo |
Modified NSGlyphStorage.attributedString() -> NSAttributedString
Declaration | |
From | func attributedString() -> NSAttributedString! |
To | func attributedString() -> NSAttributedString |
Modified NSGlyphStorage.insertGlyphs(UnsafePointer<NSGlyph>, length: Int, forStartingGlyphAtIndex: Int, characterIndex: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func insertGlyphs(_ glyphs: ConstUnsafePointer<NSGlyph>, length length: Int, forStartingGlyphAtIndex glyphIndex: Int, characterIndex charIndex: Int) |
To | func insertGlyphs(_ glyphs: UnsafePointer<NSGlyph>, length length: Int, forStartingGlyphAtIndex glyphIndex: Int, characterIndex charIndex: Int) |
Modified NSGradient
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSGradient.colorSpace
Declaration | |
From | var colorSpace: NSColorSpace! { get } |
To | var colorSpace: NSColorSpace { get } |
Modified NSGradient.init(colors: [AnyObject])
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(colors colorArray: [AnyObject]!) |
To | convenience init!(colors colorArray: [AnyObject]) |
Modified NSGradient.init(colors: [AnyObject], atLocations: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, colorSpace: NSColorSpace)
Declaration | |
From | init(colors colorArray: [AnyObject]!, atLocations locations: ConstUnsafePointer<CGFloat>, colorSpace colorSpace: NSColorSpace!) |
To | init(colors colorArray: [AnyObject], atLocations locations: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, colorSpace colorSpace: NSColorSpace) |
Modified NSGradient.drawInBezierPath(NSBezierPath, angle: CGFloat)
Declaration | |
From | func drawInBezierPath(_ path: NSBezierPath!, angle angle: CGFloat) |
To | func drawInBezierPath(_ path: NSBezierPath, angle angle: CGFloat) |
Modified NSGradient.drawInBezierPath(NSBezierPath, relativeCenterPosition: NSPoint)
Declaration | |
From | func drawInBezierPath(_ path: NSBezierPath!, relativeCenterPosition relativeCenterPosition: NSPoint) |
To | func drawInBezierPath(_ path: NSBezierPath, relativeCenterPosition relativeCenterPosition: NSPoint) |
Modified NSGradient.getColor(AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSColor?>, location: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, atIndex: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func getColor(_ color: AutoreleasingUnsafePointer<NSColor?>, location location: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, atIndex index: Int) |
To | func getColor(_ color: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSColor?>, location location: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, atIndex index: Int) |
Modified NSGradient.interpolatedColorAtLocation(CGFloat) -> NSColor
Declaration | |
From | func interpolatedColorAtLocation(_ location: CGFloat) -> NSColor! |
To | func interpolatedColorAtLocation(_ location: CGFloat) -> NSColor |
Modified NSGradient.init(startingColor: NSColor, endingColor: NSColor)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(startingColor startingColor: NSColor!, endingColor endingColor: NSColor!) |
To | convenience init(startingColor startingColor: NSColor, endingColor endingColor: NSColor) |
Modified NSGraphicsContext.CGContext
Declaration | |
From | var CGContext: CGContext! { get } |
To | var CGContext: CGContext { get } |
Modified NSGraphicsContext.init(CGContext: CGContext, flipped: Bool)
Declaration | |
From | init(CGContext graphicsPort: CGContext!, flipped initialFlippedState: Bool) -> NSGraphicsContext |
To | init(CGContext graphicsPort: CGContext, flipped initialFlippedState: Bool) -> NSGraphicsContext |
Modified NSGraphicsContext.CIContext
Declaration | |
From | var CIContext: CIContext! { get } |
To | var CIContext: CIContext? { get } |
Modified NSGraphicsContext.attributes
Declaration | |
From | var attributes: [NSObject : AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var attributes: [NSObject : AnyObject]? { get } |
Modified NSGraphicsContext.init(attributes: [NSObject: AnyObject])
Declaration | |
From | init(attributes attributes: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> NSGraphicsContext |
To | init?(attributes attributes: [NSObject : AnyObject]) -> NSGraphicsContext |
Modified NSGraphicsContext.init(bitmapImageRep: NSBitmapImageRep)
Declaration | |
From | init(bitmapImageRep bitmapRep: NSBitmapImageRep!) -> NSGraphicsContext |
To | init?(bitmapImageRep bitmapRep: NSBitmapImageRep) -> NSGraphicsContext |
Modified NSGraphicsContext.colorRenderingIntent
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSGraphicsContext.currentContext() -> NSGraphicsContext? [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func currentContext() -> NSGraphicsContext! |
To | class func currentContext() -> NSGraphicsContext? |
Modified NSGraphicsContext.graphicsPort
Declaration | |
From | var graphicsPort: UnsafePointer<()> { get } |
To | var graphicsPort: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> { get } |
Modified NSGraphicsContext.init(graphicsPort: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, flipped: Bool)
Declaration | |
From | init(graphicsPort graphicsPort: UnsafePointer<()>, flipped initialFlippedState: Bool) -> NSGraphicsContext |
To | init(graphicsPort graphicsPort: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, flipped initialFlippedState: Bool) -> NSGraphicsContext |
Modified NSGraphicsContext.setCurrentContext(NSGraphicsContext?) [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func setCurrentContext(_ context: NSGraphicsContext!) |
To | class func setCurrentContext(_ context: NSGraphicsContext?) |
Modified NSGraphicsContext.setGraphicsState(Int) [class]
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSGraphicsContext.init(window: NSWindow)
Declaration | |
From | init(window window: NSWindow!) -> NSGraphicsContext |
To | init(window window: NSWindow) -> NSGraphicsContext |
Modified NSHelpManager.contextHelpForObject(AnyObject) -> NSAttributedString?
Declaration | |
From | func contextHelpForObject(_ object: AnyObject!) -> NSAttributedString! |
To | func contextHelpForObject(_ object: AnyObject) -> NSAttributedString? |
Modified NSHelpManager.findString(String, inBook: String?)
Declaration | |
From | func findString(_ query: String!, inBook book: String!) |
To | func findString(_ query: String, inBook book: String?) |
Modified NSHelpManager.openHelpAnchor(String, inBook: String?)
Declaration | |
From | func openHelpAnchor(_ anchor: String!, inBook book: String!) |
To | func openHelpAnchor(_ anchor: String, inBook book: String?) |
Modified NSHelpManager.registerBooksInBundle(NSBundle) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func registerBooksInBundle(_ bundle: NSBundle!) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 |
To | func registerBooksInBundle(_ bundle: NSBundle) -> Bool | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSHelpManager.removeContextHelpForObject(AnyObject)
Declaration | |
From | func removeContextHelpForObject(_ object: AnyObject!) |
To | func removeContextHelpForObject(_ object: AnyObject) |
Modified NSHelpManager.setContextHelp(NSAttributedString, forObject: AnyObject)
Declaration | |
From | func setContextHelp(_ attrString: NSAttributedString!, forObject object: AnyObject!) |
To | func setContextHelp(_ attrString: NSAttributedString, forObject object: AnyObject) |
Modified NSHelpManager.sharedHelpManager() -> NSHelpManager [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func sharedHelpManager() -> NSHelpManager! |
To | class func sharedHelpManager() -> NSHelpManager |
Modified NSHelpManager.showContextHelpForObject(AnyObject, locationHint: NSPoint) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func showContextHelpForObject(_ object: AnyObject!, locationHint pt: NSPoint) -> Bool |
To | func showContextHelpForObject(_ object: AnyObject, locationHint pt: NSPoint) -> Bool |
Modified NSIgnoreMisspelledWords.ignoreSpelling(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func ignoreSpelling(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func ignoreSpelling(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSImage.init(CGImage: CGImage, size: NSSize)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | init(CGImage cgImage: CGImage!, size size: NSSize) | OS X 10.10 |
To | init(CGImage cgImage: CGImage, size size: NSSize) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSImage.CGImageForProposedRect(UnsafeMutablePointer<NSRect>, context: NSGraphicsContext?, hints:[NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Unmanaged<CGImage>?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CGImageForProposedRect(_ proposedDestRect: UnsafePointer<NSRect>, context referenceContext: NSGraphicsContext!, hints hints: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> Unmanaged<CGImage>! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CGImageForProposedRect(_ proposedDestRect: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSRect>, context referenceContext: NSGraphicsContext?, hints hints: [NSObject : AnyObject]?) -> Unmanaged<CGImage>? | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSImage.TIFFRepresentation
Declaration | |
From | var TIFFRepresentation: NSData! { get } |
To | var TIFFRepresentation: NSData? { get } |
Modified NSImage.TIFFRepresentationUsingCompression(NSTIFFCompression, factor: Float) -> NSData?
Declaration | |
From | func TIFFRepresentationUsingCompression(_ comp: NSTIFFCompression, factor aFloat: Float) -> NSData! |
To | func TIFFRepresentationUsingCompression(_ comp: NSTIFFCompression, factor aFloat: Float) -> NSData? |
Modified NSImage.accessibilityDescription
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var accessibilityDescription: String! | OS X 10.10 |
To | var accessibilityDescription: String? | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSImage.addRepresentation(NSImageRep)
Declaration | |
From | func addRepresentation(_ imageRep: NSImageRep!) |
To | func addRepresentation(_ imageRep: NSImageRep) |
Modified NSImage.addRepresentations([AnyObject])
Declaration | |
From | func addRepresentations(_ imageReps: [AnyObject]!) |
To | func addRepresentations(_ imageReps: [AnyObject]) |
Modified NSImage.alignmentRect
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImage.backgroundColor
Declaration | |
From | var backgroundColor: NSColor! |
To | @NSCopying var backgroundColor: NSColor |
Modified NSImage.bestRepresentationForRect(NSRect, context: NSGraphicsContext?, hints:[NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> NSImageRep?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func bestRepresentationForRect(_ rect: NSRect, context referenceContext: NSGraphicsContext!, hints hints: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> NSImageRep! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func bestRepresentationForRect(_ rect: NSRect, context referenceContext: NSGraphicsContext?, hints hints: [NSObject : AnyObject]?) -> NSImageRep? | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSImage.init(byReferencingFile: String)
Declaration | |
From | init(byReferencingFile fileName: String!) |
To | init?(byReferencingFile fileName: String) |
Modified NSImage.init(byReferencingURL: NSURL)
Declaration | |
From | init(byReferencingURL url: NSURL!) |
To | init(byReferencingURL url: NSURL) |
Modified NSImage.canInitWithPasteboard(NSPasteboard) -> Bool [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func canInitWithPasteboard(_ pasteboard: NSPasteboard!) -> Bool |
To | class func canInitWithPasteboard(_ pasteboard: NSPasteboard) -> Bool |
Modified NSImage.init(contentsOfFile: String)
Declaration | |
From | init(contentsOfFile fileName: String!) |
To | init?(contentsOfFile fileName: String) |
Modified NSImage.init(contentsOfURL: NSURL)
Declaration | |
From | init(contentsOfURL url: NSURL!) |
To | init?(contentsOfURL url: NSURL) |
Modified NSImage.init(data: NSData)
Declaration | |
From | init(data data: NSData!) |
To | init?(data data: NSData) |
Modified NSImage.init(dataIgnoringOrientation: NSData)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | init(dataIgnoringOrientation data: NSData!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | init?(dataIgnoringOrientation data: NSData) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSImage.delegate
Declaration | |
From | var delegate: NSImageDelegate! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSImageDelegate? |
Modified NSImage.drawInRect(NSRect)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSImage.drawInRect(NSRect, fromRect: NSRect, operation: NSCompositingOperation, fraction: CGFloat, respectFlipped: Bool, hints:[NSObject: AnyObject]?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func drawInRect(_ dstSpacePortionRect: NSRect, fromRect srcSpacePortionRect: NSRect, operation op: NSCompositingOperation, fraction requestedAlpha: CGFloat, respectFlipped respectContextIsFlipped: Bool, hints hints: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func drawInRect(_ dstSpacePortionRect: NSRect, fromRect srcSpacePortionRect: NSRect, operation op: NSCompositingOperation, fraction requestedAlpha: CGFloat, respectFlipped respectContextIsFlipped: Bool, hints hints: [NSObject : AnyObject]?) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSImage.drawRepresentation(NSImageRep, inRect: NSRect) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func drawRepresentation(_ imageRep: NSImageRep!, inRect rect: NSRect) -> Bool |
To | func drawRepresentation(_ imageRep: NSImageRep, inRect rect: NSRect) -> Bool |
Modified NSImage.hitTestRect(NSRect, withImageDestinationRect: NSRect, context: NSGraphicsContext?, hints:[NSObject: AnyObject]?, flipped: Bool) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func hitTestRect(_ testRectDestSpace: NSRect, withImageDestinationRect imageRectDestSpace: NSRect, context context: NSGraphicsContext!, hints hints: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, flipped flipped: Bool) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 |
To | func hitTestRect(_ testRectDestSpace: NSRect, withImageDestinationRect imageRectDestSpace: NSRect, context context: NSGraphicsContext?, hints hints: [NSObject : AnyObject]?, flipped flipped: Bool) -> Bool | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSImage.init(iconRef: IconRef)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | init(iconRef iconRef: Icon!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | init(iconRef iconRef: IconRef) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImage.imageFileTypes() -> [AnyObject] [class]
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | class func imageFileTypes() -> [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | class func imageFileTypes() -> [AnyObject] | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSImage.imagePasteboardTypes() -> [AnyObject] [class]
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | class func imagePasteboardTypes() -> [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | class func imagePasteboardTypes() -> [AnyObject] | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSImage.imageTypes() -> [AnyObject] [class]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class func imageTypes() -> [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 |
To | class func imageTypes() -> [AnyObject] | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImage.imageUnfilteredFileTypes() -> [AnyObject] [class]
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | class func imageUnfilteredFileTypes() -> [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | class func imageUnfilteredFileTypes() -> [AnyObject] | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSImage.imageUnfilteredPasteboardTypes() -> [AnyObject] [class]
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | class func imageUnfilteredPasteboardTypes() -> [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | class func imageUnfilteredPasteboardTypes() -> [AnyObject] | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSImage.imageUnfilteredTypes() -> [AnyObject] [class]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class func imageUnfilteredTypes() -> [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 |
To | class func imageUnfilteredTypes() -> [AnyObject] | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImage.isTemplate() -> Bool
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImage.layerContentsForContentsScale(CGFloat) -> AnyObject
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func layerContentsForContentsScale(_ layerContentsScale: CGFloat) -> AnyObject! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func layerContentsForContentsScale(_ layerContentsScale: CGFloat) -> AnyObject | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSImage.lockFocusFlipped(Bool)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSImage.matchesOnlyOnBestFittingAxis
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified -> String?
Declaration | |
From | func name() -> String! |
To | func name() -> String? |
Modified NSImage.init(named: String)
Declaration | |
From | init(named name: String!) -> NSImage |
To | init?(named name: String) -> NSImage |
Modified NSImage.init(pasteboard: NSPasteboard)
Declaration | |
From | init(pasteboard pasteboard: NSPasteboard!) |
To | init?(pasteboard pasteboard: NSPasteboard) |
Modified NSImage.recommendedLayerContentsScale(CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSImage.removeRepresentation(NSImageRep)
Declaration | |
From | func removeRepresentation(_ imageRep: NSImageRep!) |
To | func removeRepresentation(_ imageRep: NSImageRep) |
Modified NSImage.representations
Declaration | |
From | var representations: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var representations: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSImage.setName(String?) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func setName(_ string: String!) -> Bool |
To | func setName(_ string: String?) -> Bool |
Modified NSImage.setTemplate(Bool)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImage.init(size: NSSize, flipped: Bool, drawingHandler:(NSRect) -> Bool)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | init(size size: NSSize, flipped drawingHandlerShouldBeCalledWithFlippedContext: Bool, drawingHandler drawingHandler: ((NSRect) -> Bool)!) -> NSImage | OS X 10.10 |
To | init(size size: NSSize, flipped drawingHandlerShouldBeCalledWithFlippedContext: Bool, drawingHandler drawingHandler: (NSRect) -> Bool) -> NSImage | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSImageDelegate.image(NSImage, didLoadPartOfRepresentation: NSImageRep, withValidRows: Int)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func image(_ image: NSImage!, didLoadPartOfRepresentation rep: NSImageRep!, withValidRows rows: Int) | -- |
To | optional func image(_ image: NSImage, didLoadPartOfRepresentation rep: NSImageRep, withValidRows rows: Int) | yes |
Modified NSImageDelegate.image(NSImage, didLoadRepresentation: NSImageRep!, withStatus: NSImageLoadStatus)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func image(_ image: NSImage!, didLoadRepresentation rep: NSImageRep!, withStatus status: NSImageLoadStatus) | -- |
To | optional func image(_ image: NSImage, didLoadRepresentation rep: NSImageRep!, withStatus status: NSImageLoadStatus) | yes |
Modified NSImageDelegate.image(NSImage, didLoadRepresentationHeader: NSImageRep)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func image(_ image: NSImage!, didLoadRepresentationHeader rep: NSImageRep!) | -- |
To | optional func image(_ image: NSImage, didLoadRepresentationHeader rep: NSImageRep) | yes |
Modified NSImageDelegate.image(NSImage, willLoadRepresentation: NSImageRep)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func image(_ image: NSImage!, willLoadRepresentation rep: NSImageRep!) | -- |
To | optional func image(_ image: NSImage, willLoadRepresentation rep: NSImageRep) | yes |
Modified NSImageDelegate.imageDidNotDraw(AnyObject!, inRect: NSRect) -> NSImage?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func imageDidNotDraw(_ sender: AnyObject!, inRect aRect: NSRect) -> NSImage! | -- |
To | optional func imageDidNotDraw(_ sender: AnyObject!, inRect aRect: NSRect) -> NSImage? | yes |
Modified NSImageInterpolation.Medium
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSImageRep.CGImageForProposedRect(UnsafeMutablePointer<NSRect>, context: NSGraphicsContext?, hints:[NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Unmanaged<CGImage>?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CGImageForProposedRect(_ proposedDestRect: UnsafePointer<NSRect>, context context: NSGraphicsContext!, hints hints: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> Unmanaged<CGImage>! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CGImageForProposedRect(_ proposedDestRect: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSRect>, context context: NSGraphicsContext?, hints hints: [NSObject : AnyObject]?) -> Unmanaged<CGImage>? | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSImageRep.canInitWithData(NSData) -> Bool [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func canInitWithData(_ data: NSData!) -> Bool |
To | class func canInitWithData(_ data: NSData) -> Bool |
Modified NSImageRep.canInitWithPasteboard(NSPasteboard) -> Bool [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func canInitWithPasteboard(_ pasteboard: NSPasteboard!) -> Bool |
To | class func canInitWithPasteboard(_ pasteboard: NSPasteboard) -> Bool |
Modified NSImageRep.init(coder: NSCoder)
Declaration | |
From | init(coder coder: NSCoder!) |
To | init?(coder coder: NSCoder) |
Modified NSImageRep.colorSpaceName
Declaration | |
From | var colorSpaceName: String! |
To | var colorSpaceName: String |
Modified NSImageRep.drawInRect(NSRect, fromRect: NSRect, operation: NSCompositingOperation, fraction: CGFloat, respectFlipped: Bool, hints:[NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func drawInRect(_ dstSpacePortionRect: NSRect, fromRect srcSpacePortionRect: NSRect, operation op: NSCompositingOperation, fraction requestedAlpha: CGFloat, respectFlipped respectContextIsFlipped: Bool, hints hints: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 |
To | func drawInRect(_ dstSpacePortionRect: NSRect, fromRect srcSpacePortionRect: NSRect, operation op: NSCompositingOperation, fraction requestedAlpha: CGFloat, respectFlipped respectContextIsFlipped: Bool, hints hints: [NSObject : AnyObject]?) -> Bool | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSImageRep.imageFileTypes() -> [AnyObject] [class]
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | class func imageFileTypes() -> [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | class func imageFileTypes() -> [AnyObject] | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSImageRep.imagePasteboardTypes() -> [AnyObject] [class]
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | class func imagePasteboardTypes() -> [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | class func imagePasteboardTypes() -> [AnyObject] | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSImageRep.imageRepClassForData(NSData) -> AnyClass? [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func imageRepClassForData(_ data: NSData!) -> AnyClass! |
To | class func imageRepClassForData(_ data: NSData) -> AnyClass? |
Modified NSImageRep.imageRepClassForFileType(String) -> AnyClass? [class]
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | class func imageRepClassForFileType(_ type: String!) -> AnyClass! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | class func imageRepClassForFileType(_ type: String) -> AnyClass? | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSImageRep.imageRepClassForPasteboardType(String) -> AnyClass? [class]
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | class func imageRepClassForPasteboardType(_ type: String!) -> AnyClass! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | class func imageRepClassForPasteboardType(_ type: String) -> AnyClass? | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSImageRep.imageRepClassForType(String) -> AnyClass? [class]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class func imageRepClassForType(_ type: String!) -> AnyClass! | OS X 10.10 |
To | class func imageRepClassForType(_ type: String) -> AnyClass? | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageRep.imageRepWithContentsOfFile(String) -> AnyObject? [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func imageRepWithContentsOfFile(_ filename: String!) -> AnyObject! |
To | class func imageRepWithContentsOfFile(_ filename: String) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSImageRep.imageRepWithContentsOfURL(NSURL) -> AnyObject? [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func imageRepWithContentsOfURL(_ url: NSURL!) -> AnyObject! |
To | class func imageRepWithContentsOfURL(_ url: NSURL) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSImageRep.imageRepWithPasteboard(NSPasteboard) -> AnyObject? [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func imageRepWithPasteboard(_ pasteboard: NSPasteboard!) -> AnyObject! |
To | class func imageRepWithPasteboard(_ pasteboard: NSPasteboard) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSImageRep.imageRepsWithContentsOfFile(String) -> [AnyObject]? [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func imageRepsWithContentsOfFile(_ filename: String!) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | class func imageRepsWithContentsOfFile(_ filename: String) -> [AnyObject]? |
Modified NSImageRep.imageRepsWithContentsOfURL(NSURL) -> [AnyObject]? [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func imageRepsWithContentsOfURL(_ url: NSURL!) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | class func imageRepsWithContentsOfURL(_ url: NSURL) -> [AnyObject]? |
Modified NSImageRep.imageRepsWithPasteboard(NSPasteboard) -> [AnyObject]? [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func imageRepsWithPasteboard(_ pasteboard: NSPasteboard!) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | class func imageRepsWithPasteboard(_ pasteboard: NSPasteboard) -> [AnyObject]? |
Modified NSImageRep.imageTypes() -> [AnyObject] [class]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class func imageTypes() -> [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 |
To | class func imageTypes() -> [AnyObject] | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageRep.imageUnfilteredFileTypes() -> [AnyObject] [class]
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | class func imageUnfilteredFileTypes() -> [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | class func imageUnfilteredFileTypes() -> [AnyObject] | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSImageRep.imageUnfilteredPasteboardTypes() -> [AnyObject] [class]
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | class func imageUnfilteredPasteboardTypes() -> [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | class func imageUnfilteredPasteboardTypes() -> [AnyObject] | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSImageRep.imageUnfilteredTypes() -> [AnyObject] [class]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class func imageUnfilteredTypes() -> [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 |
To | class func imageUnfilteredTypes() -> [AnyObject] | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageRep.registerImageRepClass(AnyClass) [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func registerImageRepClass(_ imageRepClass: AnyClass!) |
To | class func registerImageRepClass(_ imageRepClass: AnyClass) |
Modified NSImageRep.registeredImageRepClasses() -> [AnyObject] [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func registeredImageRepClasses() -> [AnyObject]! |
To | class func registeredImageRepClasses() -> [AnyObject] |
Modified NSImageRep.unregisterImageRepClass(AnyClass) [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func unregisterImageRepClass(_ imageRepClass: AnyClass!) |
To | class func unregisterImageRepClass(_ imageRepClass: AnyClass) |
Modified NSImageScaling [enum]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageView.image
Declaration | |
From | var image: NSImage! |
To | var image: NSImage? |
Modified NSLayoutConstraint
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSLayoutConstraint.activateConstraints([AnyObject]) [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func activateConstraints(_ constraints: [AnyObject]!) |
To | class func activateConstraints(_ constraints: [AnyObject]) |
Modified NSLayoutConstraint.constraintsWithVisualFormat(String, options: NSLayoutFormatOptions, metrics:[NSObject: AnyObject]?, views:[NSObject: AnyObject]) -> [AnyObject] [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func constraintsWithVisualFormat(_ format: String!, options opts: NSLayoutFormatOptions, metrics metrics: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, views views: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | class func constraintsWithVisualFormat(_ format: String, options opts: NSLayoutFormatOptions, metrics metrics: [NSObject : AnyObject]?, views views: [NSObject : AnyObject]) -> [AnyObject] |
Modified NSLayoutConstraint.deactivateConstraints([AnyObject]) [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func deactivateConstraints(_ constraints: [AnyObject]!) |
To | class func deactivateConstraints(_ constraints: [AnyObject]) |
Modified NSLayoutConstraint.firstItem
Declaration | |
From | var firstItem: AnyObject! { get } |
To | unowned(unsafe) var firstItem: AnyObject { get } |
Modified NSLayoutConstraint.identifier
Declaration | |
From | var identifier: String! |
To | var identifier: String? |
Modified NSLayoutConstraint.init(item: AnyObject, attribute: NSLayoutAttribute, relatedBy: NSLayoutRelation, toItem: AnyObject?, attribute: NSLayoutAttribute, multiplier: CGFloat, constant: CGFloat)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(item view1: AnyObject!, attribute attr1: NSLayoutAttribute, relatedBy relation: NSLayoutRelation, toItem view2: AnyObject!, attribute attr2: NSLayoutAttribute, multiplier multiplier: CGFloat, constant c: CGFloat) |
To | convenience init(item view1: AnyObject, attribute attr1: NSLayoutAttribute, relatedBy relation: NSLayoutRelation, toItem view2: AnyObject?, attribute attr2: NSLayoutAttribute, multiplier multiplier: CGFloat, constant c: CGFloat) |
Modified NSLayoutConstraint.secondItem
Declaration | |
From | var secondItem: AnyObject! { get } |
To | unowned(unsafe) var secondItem: AnyObject? { get } |
Modified NSLayoutFormatOptions [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct NSLayoutFormatOptions : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var AlignAllLeft: NSLayoutFormatOptions { get } static var AlignAllRight: NSLayoutFormatOptions { get } static var AlignAllTop: NSLayoutFormatOptions { get } static var AlignAllBottom: NSLayoutFormatOptions { get } static var AlignAllLeading: NSLayoutFormatOptions { get } static var AlignAllTrailing: NSLayoutFormatOptions { get } static var AlignAllCenterX: NSLayoutFormatOptions { get } static var AlignAllCenterY: NSLayoutFormatOptions { get } static var AlignAllBaseline: NSLayoutFormatOptions { get } static var AlignmentMask: NSLayoutFormatOptions { get } static var DirectionLeadingToTrailing: NSLayoutFormatOptions { get } static var DirectionLeftToRight: NSLayoutFormatOptions { get } static var DirectionRightToLeft: NSLayoutFormatOptions { get } static var DirectionMask: NSLayoutFormatOptions { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct NSLayoutFormatOptions : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var AlignAllLeft: NSLayoutFormatOptions { get } static var AlignAllRight: NSLayoutFormatOptions { get } static var AlignAllTop: NSLayoutFormatOptions { get } static var AlignAllBottom: NSLayoutFormatOptions { get } static var AlignAllLeading: NSLayoutFormatOptions { get } static var AlignAllTrailing: NSLayoutFormatOptions { get } static var AlignAllCenterX: NSLayoutFormatOptions { get } static var AlignAllCenterY: NSLayoutFormatOptions { get } static var AlignAllBaseline: NSLayoutFormatOptions { get } static var AlignmentMask: NSLayoutFormatOptions { get } static var DirectionLeadingToTrailing: NSLayoutFormatOptions { get } static var DirectionLeftToRight: NSLayoutFormatOptions { get } static var DirectionRightToLeft: NSLayoutFormatOptions { get } static var DirectionMask: NSLayoutFormatOptions { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified NSLayoutFormatOptions.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSLayoutManager.addTemporaryAttribute(String, value: AnyObject, forCharacterRange: NSRange)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func addTemporaryAttribute(_ attrName: String!, value value: AnyObject!, forCharacterRange charRange: NSRange) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func addTemporaryAttribute(_ attrName: String, value value: AnyObject, forCharacterRange charRange: NSRange) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSLayoutManager.addTemporaryAttributes([NSObject: AnyObject], forCharacterRange: NSRange)
Declaration | |
From | func addTemporaryAttributes(_ attrs: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, forCharacterRange charRange: NSRange) |
To | func addTemporaryAttributes(_ attrs: [NSObject : AnyObject], forCharacterRange charRange: NSRange) |
Modified NSLayoutManager.addTextContainer(NSTextContainer)
Declaration | |
From | func addTextContainer(_ container: NSTextContainer!) |
To | func addTextContainer(_ container: NSTextContainer) |
Modified NSLayoutManager.allowsNonContiguousLayout
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSLayoutManager.attributedString
Declaration | |
From | var attributedString: NSAttributedString! { get } |
To | var attributedString: NSAttributedString? { get } |
Modified NSLayoutManager.boundingRectForGlyphRange(NSRange, inTextContainer: NSTextContainer) -> NSRect
Declaration | |
From | func boundingRectForGlyphRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer!) -> NSRect |
To | func boundingRectForGlyphRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer) -> NSRect |
Modified NSLayoutManager.boundsRectForTextBlock(NSTextBlock, atIndex: Int, effectiveRange: NSRangePointer) -> NSRect
Declaration | |
From | func boundsRectForTextBlock(_ block: NSTextBlock!, atIndex glyphIndex: Int, effectiveRange effectiveGlyphRange: NSRangePointer) -> NSRect |
To | func boundsRectForTextBlock(_ block: NSTextBlock, atIndex glyphIndex: Int, effectiveRange effectiveGlyphRange: NSRangePointer) -> NSRect |
Modified NSLayoutManager.boundsRectForTextBlock(NSTextBlock, glyphRange: NSRange) -> NSRect
Declaration | |
From | func boundsRectForTextBlock(_ block: NSTextBlock!, glyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) -> NSRect |
To | func boundsRectForTextBlock(_ block: NSTextBlock, glyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) -> NSRect |
Modified NSLayoutManager.characterIndexForPoint(NSPoint, inTextContainer: NSTextContainer, fractionOfDistanceBetweenInsertionPoints: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>) -> Int
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func characterIndexForPoint(_ point: NSPoint, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer!, fractionOfDistanceBetweenInsertionPoints partialFraction: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) -> Int | OS X 10.10 |
To | func characterIndexForPoint(_ point: NSPoint, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer, fractionOfDistanceBetweenInsertionPoints partialFraction: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>) -> Int | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSLayoutManager.defaultBaselineOffsetForFont(NSFont) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | func defaultBaselineOffsetForFont(_ theFont: NSFont!) -> CGFloat |
To | func defaultBaselineOffsetForFont(_ theFont: NSFont) -> CGFloat |
Modified NSLayoutManager.defaultLineHeightForFont(NSFont) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | func defaultLineHeightForFont(_ theFont: NSFont!) -> CGFloat |
To | func defaultLineHeightForFont(_ theFont: NSFont) -> CGFloat |
Modified NSLayoutManager.delegate
Declaration | |
From | var delegate: NSLayoutManagerDelegate! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSLayoutManagerDelegate? |
Modified NSLayoutManager.ensureGlyphsForCharacterRange(NSRange)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSLayoutManager.ensureGlyphsForGlyphRange(NSRange)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSLayoutManager.ensureLayoutForBoundingRect(NSRect, inTextContainer: NSTextContainer)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func ensureLayoutForBoundingRect(_ bounds: NSRect, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func ensureLayoutForBoundingRect(_ bounds: NSRect, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSLayoutManager.ensureLayoutForCharacterRange(NSRange)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSLayoutManager.ensureLayoutForGlyphRange(NSRange)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSLayoutManager.ensureLayoutForTextContainer(NSTextContainer)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func ensureLayoutForTextContainer(_ container: NSTextContainer!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func ensureLayoutForTextContainer(_ container: NSTextContainer) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSLayoutManager.extraLineFragmentTextContainer
Declaration | |
From | var extraLineFragmentTextContainer: NSTextContainer! { get } |
To | var extraLineFragmentTextContainer: NSTextContainer? { get } |
Modified NSLayoutManager.fillBackgroundRectArray(NSRectArray, count: Int, forCharacterRange: NSRange, color: NSColor)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func fillBackgroundRectArray(_ rectArray: NSRectArray, count rectCount: Int, forCharacterRange charRange: NSRange, color color: NSColor!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func fillBackgroundRectArray(_ rectArray: NSRectArray, count rectCount: Int, forCharacterRange charRange: NSRange, color color: NSColor) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSLayoutManager.firstTextView
Declaration | |
From | var firstTextView: NSTextView! { get } |
To | unowned(unsafe) var firstTextView: NSTextView? { get } |
Modified NSLayoutManager.fractionOfDistanceThroughGlyphForPoint(NSPoint, inTextContainer: NSTextContainer) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | func fractionOfDistanceThroughGlyphForPoint(_ point: NSPoint, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer!) -> CGFloat |
To | func fractionOfDistanceThroughGlyphForPoint(_ point: NSPoint, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer) -> CGFloat |
Modified NSLayoutManager.getFirstUnlaidCharacterIndex(UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, glyphIndex: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>)
Declaration | |
From | func getFirstUnlaidCharacterIndex(_ charIndex: UnsafePointer<Int>, glyphIndex glyphIndex: UnsafePointer<Int>) |
To | func getFirstUnlaidCharacterIndex(_ charIndex: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, glyphIndex glyphIndex: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) |
Modified NSLayoutManager.getGlyphs(UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyph>, range: NSRange) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func getGlyphs(_ glyphArray: UnsafePointer<NSGlyph>, range glyphRange: NSRange) -> Int |
To | func getGlyphs(_ glyphArray: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyph>, range glyphRange: NSRange) -> Int |
Modified NSLayoutManager.getGlyphsInRange(NSRange, glyphs: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyph>, characterIndexes: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, glyphInscriptions: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyphInscription>, elasticBits: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func getGlyphsInRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange, glyphs glyphBuffer: UnsafePointer<NSGlyph>, characterIndexes charIndexBuffer: UnsafePointer<Int>, glyphInscriptions inscribeBuffer: UnsafePointer<NSGlyphInscription>, elasticBits elasticBuffer: UnsafePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Int |
To | func getGlyphsInRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange, glyphs glyphBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyph>, characterIndexes charIndexBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, glyphInscriptions inscribeBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyphInscription>, elasticBits elasticBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Int |
Modified NSLayoutManager.getGlyphsInRange(NSRange, glyphs: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyph>, characterIndexes: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, glyphInscriptions: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyphInscription>, elasticBits: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>, bidiLevels: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func getGlyphsInRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange, glyphs glyphBuffer: UnsafePointer<NSGlyph>, characterIndexes charIndexBuffer: UnsafePointer<Int>, glyphInscriptions inscribeBuffer: UnsafePointer<NSGlyphInscription>, elasticBits elasticBuffer: UnsafePointer<ObjCBool>, bidiLevels bidiLevelBuffer: UnsafePointer<UInt8>) -> Int |
To | func getGlyphsInRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange, glyphs glyphBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyph>, characterIndexes charIndexBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, glyphInscriptions inscribeBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyphInscription>, elasticBits elasticBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>, bidiLevels bidiLevelBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>) -> Int |
Modified NSLayoutManager.getLineFragmentInsertionPointsForCharacterAtIndex(Int, alternatePositions: Bool, inDisplayOrder: Bool, positions: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, characterIndexes: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) -> Int
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func getLineFragmentInsertionPointsForCharacterAtIndex(_ charIndex: Int, alternatePositions aFlag: Bool, inDisplayOrder dFlag: Bool, positions positions: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, characterIndexes charIndexes: UnsafePointer<Int>) -> Int | OS X 10.10 |
To | func getLineFragmentInsertionPointsForCharacterAtIndex(_ charIndex: Int, alternatePositions aFlag: Bool, inDisplayOrder dFlag: Bool, positions positions: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, characterIndexes charIndexes: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) -> Int | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSLayoutManager.glyphAtIndex(Int, isValidIndex: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> NSGlyph
Declaration | |
From | func glyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int, isValidIndex isValidIndex: UnsafePointer<ObjCBool>) -> NSGlyph |
To | func glyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int, isValidIndex isValidIndex: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> NSGlyph |
Modified NSLayoutManager.glyphIndexForCharacterAtIndex(Int) -> Int
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSLayoutManager.glyphIndexForPoint(NSPoint, inTextContainer: NSTextContainer) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func glyphIndexForPoint(_ point: NSPoint, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer!) -> Int |
To | func glyphIndexForPoint(_ point: NSPoint, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer) -> Int |
Modified NSLayoutManager.glyphIndexForPoint(NSPoint, inTextContainer: NSTextContainer, fractionOfDistanceThroughGlyph: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func glyphIndexForPoint(_ point: NSPoint, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer!, fractionOfDistanceThroughGlyph partialFraction: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) -> Int |
To | func glyphIndexForPoint(_ point: NSPoint, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer, fractionOfDistanceThroughGlyph partialFraction: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>) -> Int |
Modified NSLayoutManager.glyphRangeForBoundingRect(NSRect, inTextContainer: NSTextContainer) -> NSRange
Declaration | |
From | func glyphRangeForBoundingRect(_ bounds: NSRect, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer!) -> NSRange |
To | func glyphRangeForBoundingRect(_ bounds: NSRect, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer) -> NSRange |
Modified NSLayoutManager.glyphRangeForBoundingRectWithoutAdditionalLayout(NSRect, inTextContainer: NSTextContainer) -> NSRange
Declaration | |
From | func glyphRangeForBoundingRectWithoutAdditionalLayout(_ bounds: NSRect, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer!) -> NSRange |
To | func glyphRangeForBoundingRectWithoutAdditionalLayout(_ bounds: NSRect, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer) -> NSRange |
Modified NSLayoutManager.glyphRangeForTextContainer(NSTextContainer) -> NSRange
Declaration | |
From | func glyphRangeForTextContainer(_ container: NSTextContainer!) -> NSRange |
To | func glyphRangeForTextContainer(_ container: NSTextContainer) -> NSRange |
Modified NSLayoutManager.hasNonContiguousLayout
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSLayoutManager.insertGlyphs(UnsafePointer<NSGlyph>, length: Int, forStartingGlyphAtIndex: Int, characterIndex: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func insertGlyphs(_ glyphs: ConstUnsafePointer<NSGlyph>, length length: Int, forStartingGlyphAtIndex glyphIndex: Int, characterIndex charIndex: Int) |
To | func insertGlyphs(_ glyphs: UnsafePointer<NSGlyph>, length length: Int, forStartingGlyphAtIndex glyphIndex: Int, characterIndex charIndex: Int) |
Modified NSLayoutManager.insertTextContainer(NSTextContainer, atIndex: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func insertTextContainer(_ container: NSTextContainer!, atIndex index: Int) |
To | func insertTextContainer(_ container: NSTextContainer, atIndex index: Int) |
Modified NSLayoutManager.invalidateGlyphsOnLayoutInvalidationForGlyphRange(NSRange)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSLayoutManager.invalidateLayoutForCharacterRange(NSRange, actualCharacterRange: NSRangePointer)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSLayoutManager.layoutManagerOwnsFirstResponderInWindow(NSWindow) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func layoutManagerOwnsFirstResponderInWindow(_ window: NSWindow!) -> Bool |
To | func layoutManagerOwnsFirstResponderInWindow(_ window: NSWindow) -> Bool |
Modified NSLayoutManager.layoutRectForTextBlock(NSTextBlock, atIndex: Int, effectiveRange: NSRangePointer) -> NSRect
Declaration | |
From | func layoutRectForTextBlock(_ block: NSTextBlock!, atIndex glyphIndex: Int, effectiveRange effectiveGlyphRange: NSRangePointer) -> NSRect |
To | func layoutRectForTextBlock(_ block: NSTextBlock, atIndex glyphIndex: Int, effectiveRange effectiveGlyphRange: NSRangePointer) -> NSRect |
Modified NSLayoutManager.layoutRectForTextBlock(NSTextBlock, glyphRange: NSRange) -> NSRect
Declaration | |
From | func layoutRectForTextBlock(_ block: NSTextBlock!, glyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) -> NSRect |
To | func layoutRectForTextBlock(_ block: NSTextBlock, glyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) -> NSRect |
Modified NSLayoutManager.rectArrayForCharacterRange(NSRange, withinSelectedCharacterRange: NSRange, inTextContainer: NSTextContainer, rectCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) -> NSRectArray
Declaration | |
From | func rectArrayForCharacterRange(_ charRange: NSRange, withinSelectedCharacterRange selCharRange: NSRange, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer!, rectCount rectCount: UnsafePointer<Int>) -> NSRectArray |
To | func rectArrayForCharacterRange(_ charRange: NSRange, withinSelectedCharacterRange selCharRange: NSRange, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer, rectCount rectCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) -> NSRectArray |
Modified NSLayoutManager.rectArrayForGlyphRange(NSRange, withinSelectedGlyphRange: NSRange, inTextContainer: NSTextContainer, rectCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) -> NSRectArray
Declaration | |
From | func rectArrayForGlyphRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange, withinSelectedGlyphRange selGlyphRange: NSRange, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer!, rectCount rectCount: UnsafePointer<Int>) -> NSRectArray |
To | func rectArrayForGlyphRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange, withinSelectedGlyphRange selGlyphRange: NSRange, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer, rectCount rectCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) -> NSRectArray |
Modified NSLayoutManager.removeTemporaryAttribute(String, forCharacterRange: NSRange)
Declaration | |
From | func removeTemporaryAttribute(_ attrName: String!, forCharacterRange charRange: NSRange) |
To | func removeTemporaryAttribute(_ attrName: String, forCharacterRange charRange: NSRange) |
Modified NSLayoutManager.replaceTextStorage(NSTextStorage)
Declaration | |
From | func replaceTextStorage(_ newTextStorage: NSTextStorage!) |
To | func replaceTextStorage(_ newTextStorage: NSTextStorage) |
Modified NSLayoutManager.rulerAccessoryViewForTextView(NSTextView?, paragraphStyle: NSParagraphStyle, ruler: NSRulerView, enabled: Bool) -> NSView?
Declaration | |
From | func rulerAccessoryViewForTextView(_ view: NSTextView!, paragraphStyle style: NSParagraphStyle!, ruler ruler: NSRulerView!, enabled isEnabled: Bool) -> NSView! |
To | func rulerAccessoryViewForTextView(_ view: NSTextView?, paragraphStyle style: NSParagraphStyle, ruler ruler: NSRulerView, enabled isEnabled: Bool) -> NSView? |
Modified NSLayoutManager.rulerMarkersForTextView(NSTextView?, paragraphStyle: NSParagraphStyle, ruler: NSRulerView) -> [AnyObject]
Declaration | |
From | func rulerMarkersForTextView(_ view: NSTextView!, paragraphStyle style: NSParagraphStyle!, ruler ruler: NSRulerView!) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | func rulerMarkersForTextView(_ view: NSTextView?, paragraphStyle style: NSParagraphStyle, ruler ruler: NSRulerView) -> [AnyObject] |
Modified NSLayoutManager.setBoundsRect(NSRect, forTextBlock: NSTextBlock, glyphRange: NSRange)
Declaration | |
From | func setBoundsRect(_ rect: NSRect, forTextBlock block: NSTextBlock!, glyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) |
To | func setBoundsRect(_ rect: NSRect, forTextBlock block: NSTextBlock, glyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) |
Modified NSLayoutManager.setExtraLineFragmentRect(NSRect, usedRect: NSRect, textContainer: NSTextContainer?)
Declaration | |
From | func setExtraLineFragmentRect(_ fragmentRect: NSRect, usedRect usedRect: NSRect, textContainer container: NSTextContainer!) |
To | func setExtraLineFragmentRect(_ fragmentRect: NSRect, usedRect usedRect: NSRect, textContainer container: NSTextContainer?) |
Modified NSLayoutManager.setLayoutRect(NSRect, forTextBlock: NSTextBlock, glyphRange: NSRange)
Declaration | |
From | func setLayoutRect(_ rect: NSRect, forTextBlock block: NSTextBlock!, glyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) |
To | func setLayoutRect(_ rect: NSRect, forTextBlock block: NSTextBlock, glyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) |
Modified NSLayoutManager.setLocations(NSPointArray, startingGlyphIndexes: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, count: Int, forGlyphRange: NSRange)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func setLocations(_ locations: NSPointArray, startingGlyphIndexes glyphIndexes: UnsafePointer<Int>, count count: Int, forGlyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func setLocations(_ locations: NSPointArray, startingGlyphIndexes glyphIndexes: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, count count: Int, forGlyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSLayoutManager.setTemporaryAttributes([NSObject: AnyObject]?, forCharacterRange: NSRange)
Declaration | |
From | func setTemporaryAttributes(_ attrs: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, forCharacterRange charRange: NSRange) |
To | func setTemporaryAttributes(_ attrs: [NSObject : AnyObject]?, forCharacterRange charRange: NSRange) |
Modified NSLayoutManager.setTextContainer(NSTextContainer, forGlyphRange: NSRange)
Declaration | |
From | func setTextContainer(_ container: NSTextContainer!, forGlyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) |
To | func setTextContainer(_ container: NSTextContainer, forGlyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) |
Modified NSLayoutManager.showAttachmentCell(NSCell, inRect: NSRect, characterIndex: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func showAttachmentCell(_ cell: NSCell!, inRect rect: NSRect, characterIndex attachmentIndex: Int) |
To | func showAttachmentCell(_ cell: NSCell, inRect rect: NSRect, characterIndex attachmentIndex: Int) |
Modified NSLayoutManager.showCGGlyphs(UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>, positions: UnsafePointer<NSPoint>, count: Int, font: NSFont, matrix: NSAffineTransform?, attributes:[NSObject: AnyObject]?, inContext: NSGraphicsContext?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func showCGGlyphs(_ glyphs: ConstUnsafePointer<CGGlyph>, positions positions: ConstUnsafePointer<NSPoint>, count glyphCount: Int, font font: NSFont!, matrix textMatrix: NSAffineTransform!, attributes attributes: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, inContext graphicsContext: NSGraphicsContext!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func showCGGlyphs(_ glyphs: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>, positions positions: UnsafePointer<NSPoint>, count glyphCount: Int, font font: NSFont, matrix textMatrix: NSAffineTransform?, attributes attributes: [NSObject : AnyObject]?, inContext graphicsContext: NSGraphicsContext?) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSLayoutManager.substituteFontForFont(NSFont) -> NSFont
Declaration | |
From | func substituteFontForFont(_ originalFont: NSFont!) -> NSFont! |
To | func substituteFontForFont(_ originalFont: NSFont) -> NSFont |
Modified NSLayoutManager.temporaryAttribute(String, atCharacterIndex: Int, effectiveRange: NSRangePointer) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func temporaryAttribute(_ attrName: String!, atCharacterIndex location: Int, effectiveRange range: NSRangePointer) -> AnyObject! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func temporaryAttribute(_ attrName: String, atCharacterIndex location: Int, effectiveRange range: NSRangePointer) -> AnyObject? | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSLayoutManager.temporaryAttribute(String, atCharacterIndex: Int, longestEffectiveRange: NSRangePointer, inRange: NSRange) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func temporaryAttribute(_ attrName: String!, atCharacterIndex location: Int, longestEffectiveRange range: NSRangePointer, inRange rangeLimit: NSRange) -> AnyObject! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func temporaryAttribute(_ attrName: String, atCharacterIndex location: Int, longestEffectiveRange range: NSRangePointer, inRange rangeLimit: NSRange) -> AnyObject? | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSLayoutManager.temporaryAttributesAtCharacterIndex(Int, effectiveRange: NSRangePointer) -> [NSObject: AnyObject]
Declaration | |
From | func temporaryAttributesAtCharacterIndex(_ charIndex: Int, effectiveRange effectiveCharRange: NSRangePointer) -> [NSObject : AnyObject]! |
To | func temporaryAttributesAtCharacterIndex(_ charIndex: Int, effectiveRange effectiveCharRange: NSRangePointer) -> [NSObject : AnyObject] |
Modified NSLayoutManager.temporaryAttributesAtCharacterIndex(Int, longestEffectiveRange: NSRangePointer, inRange: NSRange) -> [NSObject: AnyObject]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func temporaryAttributesAtCharacterIndex(_ location: Int, longestEffectiveRange range: NSRangePointer, inRange rangeLimit: NSRange) -> [NSObject : AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func temporaryAttributesAtCharacterIndex(_ location: Int, longestEffectiveRange range: NSRangePointer, inRange rangeLimit: NSRange) -> [NSObject : AnyObject] | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSLayoutManager.textContainerChangedGeometry(NSTextContainer)
Declaration | |
From | func textContainerChangedGeometry(_ container: NSTextContainer!) |
To | func textContainerChangedGeometry(_ container: NSTextContainer) |
Modified NSLayoutManager.textContainerChangedTextView(NSTextContainer)
Declaration | |
From | func textContainerChangedTextView(_ container: NSTextContainer!) |
To | func textContainerChangedTextView(_ container: NSTextContainer) |
Modified NSLayoutManager.textContainerForGlyphAtIndex(Int, effectiveRange: NSRangePointer) -> NSTextContainer?
Declaration | |
From | func textContainerForGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int, effectiveRange effectiveGlyphRange: NSRangePointer) -> NSTextContainer! |
To | func textContainerForGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int, effectiveRange effectiveGlyphRange: NSRangePointer) -> NSTextContainer? |
Modified NSLayoutManager.textContainerForGlyphAtIndex(Int, effectiveRange: NSRangePointer, withoutAdditionalLayout: Bool) -> NSTextContainer?
Declaration | |
From | func textContainerForGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int, effectiveRange effectiveGlyphRange: NSRangePointer, withoutAdditionalLayout flag: Bool) -> NSTextContainer! |
To | func textContainerForGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int, effectiveRange effectiveGlyphRange: NSRangePointer, withoutAdditionalLayout flag: Bool) -> NSTextContainer? |
Modified NSLayoutManager.textContainers
Declaration | |
From | var textContainers: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var textContainers: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSLayoutManager.textStorage
Declaration | |
From | var textStorage: NSTextStorage! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var textStorage: NSTextStorage? |
Modified NSLayoutManager.textStorage(NSTextStorage, edited: NSTextStorageEditedOptions, range: NSRange, changeInLength: Int, invalidatedRange: NSRange)
Declaration | |
From | func textStorage(_ str: NSTextStorage!, edited editedMask: NSTextStorageEditedOptions, range newCharRange: NSRange, changeInLength delta: Int, invalidatedRange invalidatedCharRange: NSRange) |
To | func textStorage(_ str: NSTextStorage, edited editedMask: NSTextStorageEditedOptions, range newCharRange: NSRange, changeInLength delta: Int, invalidatedRange invalidatedCharRange: NSRange) |
Modified NSLayoutManager.textViewForBeginningOfSelection
Declaration | |
From | var textViewForBeginningOfSelection: NSTextView! { get } |
To | unowned(unsafe) var textViewForBeginningOfSelection: NSTextView? { get } |
Modified NSLayoutManager.usedRectForTextContainer(NSTextContainer) -> NSRect
Declaration | |
From | func usedRectForTextContainer(_ container: NSTextContainer!) -> NSRect |
To | func usedRectForTextContainer(_ container: NSTextContainer) -> NSRect |
Modified NSLayoutManagerDelegate.layoutManager(NSLayoutManager, didCompleteLayoutForTextContainer: NSTextContainer?, atEnd: Bool)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func layoutManager(_ layoutManager: NSLayoutManager!, didCompleteLayoutForTextContainer textContainer: NSTextContainer!, atEnd layoutFinishedFlag: Bool) | -- |
To | optional func layoutManager(_ layoutManager: NSLayoutManager, didCompleteLayoutForTextContainer textContainer: NSTextContainer?, atEnd layoutFinishedFlag: Bool) | yes |
Modified NSLayoutManagerDelegate.layoutManager(NSLayoutManager, shouldUseTemporaryAttributes:[NSObject: AnyObject], forDrawingToScreen: Bool, atCharacterIndex: Int, effectiveRange: NSRangePointer) -> [NSObject: AnyObject]?
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func layoutManager(_ layoutManager: NSLayoutManager!, shouldUseTemporaryAttributes attrs: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, forDrawingToScreen toScreen: Bool, atCharacterIndex charIndex: Int, effectiveRange effectiveCharRange: NSRangePointer) -> [NSObject : AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func layoutManager(_ layoutManager: NSLayoutManager, shouldUseTemporaryAttributes attrs: [NSObject : AnyObject], forDrawingToScreen toScreen: Bool, atCharacterIndex charIndex: Int, effectiveRange effectiveCharRange: NSRangePointer) -> [NSObject : AnyObject]? | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSLayoutManagerDelegate.layoutManagerDidInvalidateLayout(NSLayoutManager)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func layoutManagerDidInvalidateLayout(_ sender: NSLayoutManager!) | -- |
To | optional func layoutManagerDidInvalidateLayout(_ sender: NSLayoutManager) | yes |
Modified NSLevelIndicatorCell.setImage(NSImage?)
Declaration | |
From | func setImage(_ image: NSImage!) |
To | func setImage(_ image: NSImage?) |
Modified NSMatrix.acceptsFirstMouse(NSEvent) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func acceptsFirstMouse(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) -> Bool |
To | func acceptsFirstMouse(_ theEvent: NSEvent) -> Bool |
Modified NSMatrix.addColumnWithCells([AnyObject])
Declaration | |
From | func addColumnWithCells(_ newCells: [AnyObject]!) |
To | func addColumnWithCells(_ newCells: [AnyObject]) |
Modified NSMatrix.addRowWithCells([AnyObject])
Declaration | |
From | func addRowWithCells(_ newCells: [AnyObject]!) |
To | func addRowWithCells(_ newCells: [AnyObject]) |
Modified NSMatrix.autorecalculatesCellSize
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSMatrix.backgroundColor
Declaration | |
From | var backgroundColor: NSColor! |
To | @NSCopying var backgroundColor: NSColor |
Modified NSMatrix.cellAtRow(Int, column: Int) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func cellAtRow(_ row: Int, column col: Int) -> AnyObject! |
To | func cellAtRow(_ row: Int, column col: Int) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSMatrix.cellBackgroundColor
Declaration | |
From | var cellBackgroundColor: NSColor! |
To | @NSCopying var cellBackgroundColor: NSColor? |
Modified NSMatrix.cellClass
Declaration | |
From | var cellClass: AnyClass! |
To | var cellClass: AnyClass |
Modified NSMatrix.cellWithTag(Int) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func cellWithTag(_ anInt: Int) -> AnyObject! |
To | func cellWithTag(_ anInt: Int) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSMatrix.cells
Declaration | |
From | var cells: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var cells: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSMatrix.delegate
Declaration | |
From | var delegate: NSMatrixDelegate! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSMatrixDelegate? |
Modified NSMatrix.init(frame: NSRect, mode: NSMatrixMode, cellClass: AnyClass?, numberOfRows: Int, numberOfColumns: Int)
Declaration | |
From | init(frame frameRect: NSRect, mode aMode: NSMatrixMode, cellClass factoryId: AnyClass!, numberOfRows rowsHigh: Int, numberOfColumns colsWide: Int) |
To | init(frame frameRect: NSRect, mode aMode: NSMatrixMode, cellClass factoryId: AnyClass?, numberOfRows rowsHigh: Int, numberOfColumns colsWide: Int) |
Modified NSMatrix.init(frame: NSRect, mode: NSMatrixMode, prototype: NSCell, numberOfRows: Int, numberOfColumns: Int)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(frame frameRect: NSRect, mode aMode: NSMatrixMode, prototype aCell: NSCell!, numberOfRows rowsHigh: Int, numberOfColumns colsWide: Int) |
To | init(frame frameRect: NSRect, mode aMode: NSMatrixMode, prototype aCell: NSCell, numberOfRows rowsHigh: Int, numberOfColumns colsWide: Int) |
Modified NSMatrix.getNumberOfRows(UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, columns: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>)
Declaration | |
From | func getNumberOfRows(_ rowCount: UnsafePointer<Int>, columns colCount: UnsafePointer<Int>) |
To | func getNumberOfRows(_ rowCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, columns colCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) |
Modified NSMatrix.getRow(UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, column: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, forPoint: NSPoint) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func getRow(_ row: UnsafePointer<Int>, column col: UnsafePointer<Int>, forPoint aPoint: NSPoint) -> Bool |
To | func getRow(_ row: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, column col: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, forPoint aPoint: NSPoint) -> Bool |
Modified NSMatrix.getRow(UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, column: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, ofCell: NSCell) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func getRow(_ row: UnsafePointer<Int>, column col: UnsafePointer<Int>, ofCell aCell: NSCell!) -> Bool |
To | func getRow(_ row: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, column col: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, ofCell aCell: NSCell) -> Bool |
Modified NSMatrix.insertColumn(Int, withCells:[AnyObject])
Declaration | |
From | func insertColumn(_ column: Int, withCells newCells: [AnyObject]!) |
To | func insertColumn(_ column: Int, withCells newCells: [AnyObject]) |
Modified NSMatrix.insertRow(Int, withCells:[AnyObject])
Declaration | |
From | func insertRow(_ row: Int, withCells newCells: [AnyObject]!) |
To | func insertRow(_ row: Int, withCells newCells: [AnyObject]) |
Modified NSMatrix.keyCell
Declaration | |
From | var keyCell: AnyObject! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var keyCell: AnyObject? |
Modified NSMatrix.makeCellAtRow(Int, column: Int) -> NSCell
Declaration | |
From | func makeCellAtRow(_ row: Int, column col: Int) -> NSCell! |
To | func makeCellAtRow(_ row: Int, column col: Int) -> NSCell |
Modified NSMatrix.mouseDown(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func mouseDown(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) |
To | func mouseDown(_ theEvent: NSEvent) |
Modified NSMatrix.performKeyEquivalent(NSEvent) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func performKeyEquivalent(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) -> Bool |
To | func performKeyEquivalent(_ theEvent: NSEvent) -> Bool |
Modified NSMatrix.prototype
Declaration | |
From | var prototype: AnyObject! |
To | @NSCopying var prototype: AnyObject? |
Modified NSMatrix.putCell(NSCell, atRow: Int, column: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func putCell(_ newCell: NSCell!, atRow row: Int, column col: Int) |
To | func putCell(_ newCell: NSCell, atRow row: Int, column col: Int) |
Modified NSMatrix.selectAll(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func selectAll(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func selectAll(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSMatrix.selectText(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func selectText(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func selectText(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSMatrix.selectTextAtRow(Int, column: Int) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func selectTextAtRow(_ row: Int, column col: Int) -> AnyObject! |
To | func selectTextAtRow(_ row: Int, column col: Int) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSMatrix.selectedCells
Declaration | |
From | var selectedCells: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var selectedCells: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSMatrix.sendAction(Selector, to: AnyObject, forAllCells: Bool)
Declaration | |
From | func sendAction(_ aSelector: Selector, to anObject: AnyObject!, forAllCells flag: Bool) |
To | func sendAction(_ aSelector: Selector, to anObject: AnyObject, forAllCells flag: Bool) |
Modified NSMatrix.setToolTip(String?, forCell: NSCell)
Declaration | |
From | func setToolTip(_ toolTipString: String!, forCell cell: NSCell!) |
To | func setToolTip(_ toolTipString: String?, forCell cell: NSCell) |
Modified NSMatrix.sortUsingFunction(CFunctionPointer<((AnyObject!, AnyObject!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Int)>, context: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func sortUsingFunction(_ compare: CFunctionPointer<((AnyObject!, AnyObject!, UnsafePointer<()>) -> Int)>, context context: UnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func sortUsingFunction(_ compare: CFunctionPointer<((AnyObject!, AnyObject!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Int)>, context context: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) |
Modified NSMatrix.textDidBeginEditing(NSNotification)
Declaration | |
From | func textDidBeginEditing(_ notification: NSNotification!) |
To | func textDidBeginEditing(_ notification: NSNotification) |
Modified NSMatrix.textDidChange(NSNotification)
Declaration | |
From | func textDidChange(_ notification: NSNotification!) |
To | func textDidChange(_ notification: NSNotification) |
Modified NSMatrix.textDidEndEditing(NSNotification)
Declaration | |
From | func textDidEndEditing(_ notification: NSNotification!) |
To | func textDidEndEditing(_ notification: NSNotification) |
Modified NSMatrix.textShouldBeginEditing(NSText) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func textShouldBeginEditing(_ textObject: NSText!) -> Bool |
To | func textShouldBeginEditing(_ textObject: NSText) -> Bool |
Modified NSMatrix.textShouldEndEditing(NSText) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func textShouldEndEditing(_ textObject: NSText!) -> Bool |
To | func textShouldEndEditing(_ textObject: NSText) -> Bool |
Modified NSMatrix.toolTipForCell(NSCell) -> String?
Declaration | |
From | func toolTipForCell(_ cell: NSCell!) -> String! |
To | func toolTipForCell(_ cell: NSCell) -> String? |
Modified NSMediaLibrary [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | Introduction | |
From | struct NSMediaLibrary : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var Audio: NSMediaLibrary { get } static var Image: NSMediaLibrary { get } static var Movie: NSMediaLibrary { get } } | RawOptionSet | OS X 10.10 |
To | struct NSMediaLibrary : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var Audio: NSMediaLibrary { get } static var Image: NSMediaLibrary { get } static var Movie: NSMediaLibrary { get } } | RawOptionSetType | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSMediaLibrary.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSMediaLibraryBrowserController
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSMediaLibraryBrowserController.sharedMediaLibraryBrowserController() -> NSMediaLibraryBrowserController [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func sharedMediaLibraryBrowserController() -> NSMediaLibraryBrowserController! |
To | class func sharedMediaLibraryBrowserController() -> NSMediaLibraryBrowserController |
Modified NSMediaLibraryBrowserController.togglePanel(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | @IBAction func togglePanel(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | @IBAction func togglePanel(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSMenu.addItem(NSMenuItem)
Declaration | |
From | func addItem(_ newItem: NSMenuItem!) |
To | func addItem(_ newItem: NSMenuItem) |
Modified NSMenu.addItemWithTitle(String, action: Selector, keyEquivalent: String) -> NSMenuItem?
Declaration | |
From | func addItemWithTitle(_ aString: String!, action aSelector: Selector, keyEquivalent charCode: String!) -> NSMenuItem! |
To | func addItemWithTitle(_ aString: String, action aSelector: Selector, keyEquivalent charCode: String) -> NSMenuItem? |
Modified NSMenu.allowsContextMenuPlugIns
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSMenu.cancelTracking()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSMenu.cancelTrackingWithoutAnimation()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSMenu.delegate
Declaration | |
From | var delegate: NSMenuDelegate! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSMenuDelegate? |
Modified NSMenu.font
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSMenu.helpRequested(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func helpRequested(_ eventPtr: NSEvent!) |
To | func helpRequested(_ eventPtr: NSEvent) |
Modified NSMenu.highlightedItem
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var highlightedItem: NSMenuItem! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var highlightedItem: NSMenuItem? { get } | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSMenu.indexOfItem(NSMenuItem) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func indexOfItem(_ index: NSMenuItem!) -> Int |
To | func indexOfItem(_ index: NSMenuItem) -> Int |
Modified NSMenu.indexOfItemWithRepresentedObject(AnyObject) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func indexOfItemWithRepresentedObject(_ object: AnyObject!) -> Int |
To | func indexOfItemWithRepresentedObject(_ object: AnyObject) -> Int |
Modified NSMenu.indexOfItemWithSubmenu(NSMenu?) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func indexOfItemWithSubmenu(_ submenu: NSMenu!) -> Int |
To | func indexOfItemWithSubmenu(_ submenu: NSMenu?) -> Int |
Modified NSMenu.indexOfItemWithTarget(AnyObject?, andAction: Selector) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func indexOfItemWithTarget(_ target: AnyObject!, andAction actionSelector: Selector) -> Int |
To | func indexOfItemWithTarget(_ target: AnyObject?, andAction actionSelector: Selector) -> Int |
Modified NSMenu.indexOfItemWithTitle(String) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func indexOfItemWithTitle(_ aTitle: String!) -> Int |
To | func indexOfItemWithTitle(_ aTitle: String) -> Int |
Modified NSMenu.insertItem(NSMenuItem, atIndex: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func insertItem(_ newItem: NSMenuItem!, atIndex index: Int) |
To | func insertItem(_ newItem: NSMenuItem, atIndex index: Int) |
Modified NSMenu.insertItemWithTitle(String, action: Selector, keyEquivalent: String, atIndex: Int) -> NSMenuItem?
Declaration | |
From | func insertItemWithTitle(_ aString: String!, action aSelector: Selector, keyEquivalent charCode: String!, atIndex index: Int) -> NSMenuItem! |
To | func insertItemWithTitle(_ aString: String, action aSelector: Selector, keyEquivalent charCode: String, atIndex index: Int) -> NSMenuItem? |
Modified NSMenu.itemArray
Declaration | |
From | var itemArray: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var itemArray: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSMenu.itemAtIndex(Int) -> NSMenuItem?
Declaration | |
From | func itemAtIndex(_ index: Int) -> NSMenuItem! |
To | func itemAtIndex(_ index: Int) -> NSMenuItem? |
Modified NSMenu.itemChanged(NSMenuItem)
Declaration | |
From | func itemChanged(_ item: NSMenuItem!) |
To | func itemChanged(_ item: NSMenuItem) |
Modified NSMenu.itemWithTag(Int) -> NSMenuItem?
Declaration | |
From | func itemWithTag(_ tag: Int) -> NSMenuItem! |
To | func itemWithTag(_ tag: Int) -> NSMenuItem? |
Modified NSMenu.itemWithTitle(String) -> NSMenuItem?
Declaration | |
From | func itemWithTitle(_ aTitle: String!) -> NSMenuItem! |
To | func itemWithTitle(_ aTitle: String) -> NSMenuItem? |
Modified NSMenu.minimumWidth
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSMenu.performKeyEquivalent(NSEvent) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func performKeyEquivalent(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) -> Bool |
To | func performKeyEquivalent(_ theEvent: NSEvent) -> Bool |
Modified NSMenu.popUpContextMenu(NSMenu, withEvent: NSEvent, forView: NSView) [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func popUpContextMenu(_ menu: NSMenu!, withEvent event: NSEvent!, forView view: NSView!) |
To | class func popUpContextMenu(_ menu: NSMenu, withEvent event: NSEvent, forView view: NSView) |
Modified NSMenu.popUpContextMenu(NSMenu, withEvent: NSEvent, forView: NSView, withFont: NSFont?) [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func popUpContextMenu(_ menu: NSMenu!, withEvent event: NSEvent!, forView view: NSView!, withFont font: NSFont!) |
To | class func popUpContextMenu(_ menu: NSMenu, withEvent event: NSEvent, forView view: NSView, withFont font: NSFont?) |
Modified NSMenu.popUpMenuPositioningItem(NSMenuItem?, atLocation: NSPoint, inView: NSView?) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func popUpMenuPositioningItem(_ item: NSMenuItem!, atLocation location: NSPoint, inView view: NSView!) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 |
To | func popUpMenuPositioningItem(_ item: NSMenuItem?, atLocation location: NSPoint, inView view: NSView?) -> Bool | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSMenu.propertiesToUpdate
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSMenu.removeAllItems()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSMenu.removeItem(NSMenuItem)
Declaration | |
From | func removeItem(_ item: NSMenuItem!) |
To | func removeItem(_ item: NSMenuItem) |
Modified NSMenu.setSubmenu(NSMenu?, forItem: NSMenuItem)
Declaration | |
From | func setSubmenu(_ aMenu: NSMenu!, forItem anItem: NSMenuItem!) |
To | func setSubmenu(_ aMenu: NSMenu?, forItem anItem: NSMenuItem) |
Modified NSMenu.showsStateColumn
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSMenu.size
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSMenu.submenuAction(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func submenuAction(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func submenuAction(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSMenu.supermenu
Declaration | |
From | var supermenu: NSMenu! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var supermenu: NSMenu? |
Modified NSMenu.title
Declaration | |
From | var title: String! |
To | var title: String |
Modified NSMenu.init(title: String)
Declaration | |
From | init(title aTitle: String!) |
To | init(title aTitle: String) |
Modified NSMenuDelegate.confinementRectForMenu(NSMenu, onScreen: NSScreen?) -> NSRect
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func confinementRectForMenu(_ menu: NSMenu!, onScreen screen: NSScreen!) -> NSRect | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func confinementRectForMenu(_ menu: NSMenu, onScreen screen: NSScreen?) -> NSRect | OS X 10.6 | yes |
Modified, updateItem: NSMenuItem, atIndex: Int, shouldCancel: Bool) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func menu(_ menu: NSMenu!, updateItem item: NSMenuItem!, atIndex index: Int, shouldCancel shouldCancel: Bool) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func menu(_ menu: NSMenu, updateItem item: NSMenuItem, atIndex index: Int, shouldCancel shouldCancel: Bool) -> Bool | yes |
Modified, willHighlightItem: NSMenuItem?)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func menu(_ menu: NSMenu!, willHighlightItem item: NSMenuItem!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func menu(_ menu: NSMenu, willHighlightItem item: NSMenuItem?) | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSMenuDelegate.menuDidClose(NSMenu)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func menuDidClose(_ menu: NSMenu!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func menuDidClose(_ menu: NSMenu) | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSMenuDelegate.menuHasKeyEquivalent(NSMenu, forEvent: NSEvent, target: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject?>, action: UnsafeMutablePointer<Selector>) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func menuHasKeyEquivalent(_ menu: NSMenu!, forEvent event: NSEvent!, target target: AutoreleasingUnsafePointer<AnyObject?>, action action: UnsafePointer<Selector>) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func menuHasKeyEquivalent(_ menu: NSMenu, forEvent event: NSEvent, target target: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject?>, action action: UnsafeMutablePointer<Selector>) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSMenuDelegate.menuNeedsUpdate(NSMenu)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func menuNeedsUpdate(_ menu: NSMenu!) | -- |
To | optional func menuNeedsUpdate(_ menu: NSMenu) | yes |
Modified NSMenuDelegate.menuWillOpen(NSMenu)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func menuWillOpen(_ menu: NSMenu!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func menuWillOpen(_ menu: NSMenu) | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSMenuDelegate.numberOfItemsInMenu(NSMenu) -> Int
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func numberOfItemsInMenu(_ menu: NSMenu!) -> Int | -- |
To | optional func numberOfItemsInMenu(_ menu: NSMenu) -> Int | yes |
Modified NSMenuItem.attributedTitle
Declaration | |
From | var attributedTitle: NSAttributedString! |
To | @NSCopying var attributedTitle: NSAttributedString? |
Modified NSMenuItem.hidden
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSMenuItem.hiddenOrHasHiddenAncestor
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSMenuItem.highlighted
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSMenuItem.image
Declaration | |
From | var image: NSImage! |
To | var image: NSImage? |
Modified NSMenuItem.keyEquivalent
Declaration | |
From | var keyEquivalent: String! |
To | var keyEquivalent: String |
Declaration | |
From | var menu: NSMenu! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var menu: NSMenu? |
Modified NSMenuItem.parentItem
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var parentItem: NSMenuItem! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | unowned(unsafe) var parentItem: NSMenuItem? { get } | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSMenuItem.representedObject
Declaration | |
From | var representedObject: AnyObject! |
To | var representedObject: AnyObject? |
Modified NSMenuItem.separatorItem() -> NSMenuItem [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func separatorItem() -> NSMenuItem! |
To | class func separatorItem() -> NSMenuItem |
Modified NSMenuItem.setTitleWithMnemonic(String)
Declaration | |
From | func setTitleWithMnemonic(_ stringWithAmpersand: String!) |
To | func setTitleWithMnemonic(_ stringWithAmpersand: String) |
Modified NSMenuItem.submenu
Declaration | |
From | var submenu: NSMenu! |
To | var submenu: NSMenu? |
Declaration | |
From | var target: AnyObject! |
To | weak var target: AnyObject? |
Modified NSMenuItem.title
Declaration | |
From | var title: String! |
To | var title: String |
Modified NSMenuItem.init(title: String, action: Selector, keyEquivalent: String)
Declaration | |
From | init(title aString: String!, action aSelector: Selector, keyEquivalent charCode: String!) |
To | init(title aString: String, action aSelector: Selector, keyEquivalent charCode: String) |
Modified NSMenuItem.toolTip
Declaration | |
From | var toolTip: String! |
To | var toolTip: String? |
Modified NSMenuItem.userKeyEquivalent
Declaration | |
From | var userKeyEquivalent: String! { get } |
To | var userKeyEquivalent: String { get } |
Modified NSMenuItem.view
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var view: NSView! | OS X 10.10 |
To | var view: NSView? | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSMenuItemCell.drawBorderAndBackgroundWithFrame(NSRect, inView: NSView)
Declaration | |
From | func drawBorderAndBackgroundWithFrame(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView!) |
To | func drawBorderAndBackgroundWithFrame(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView) |
Modified NSMenuItemCell.drawImageWithFrame(NSRect, inView: NSView)
Declaration | |
From | func drawImageWithFrame(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView!) |
To | func drawImageWithFrame(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView) |
Modified NSMenuItemCell.drawKeyEquivalentWithFrame(NSRect, inView: NSView)
Declaration | |
From | func drawKeyEquivalentWithFrame(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView!) |
To | func drawKeyEquivalentWithFrame(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView) |
Modified NSMenuItemCell.drawSeparatorItemWithFrame(NSRect, inView: NSView)
Declaration | |
From | func drawSeparatorItemWithFrame(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView!) |
To | func drawSeparatorItemWithFrame(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView) |
Modified NSMenuItemCell.drawStateImageWithFrame(NSRect, inView: NSView)
Declaration | |
From | func drawStateImageWithFrame(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView!) |
To | func drawStateImageWithFrame(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView) |
Modified NSMenuItemCell.drawTitleWithFrame(NSRect, inView: NSView)
Declaration | |
From | func drawTitleWithFrame(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView!) |
To | func drawTitleWithFrame(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView) |
Modified NSMenuItemCell.menuItem
Declaration | |
From | var menuItem: NSMenuItem! |
To | var menuItem: NSMenuItem? |
Modified NSMenuProperties [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct NSMenuProperties : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var PropertyItemTitle: NSMenuProperties { get } static var PropertyItemAttributedTitle: NSMenuProperties { get } static var PropertyItemKeyEquivalent: NSMenuProperties { get } static var PropertyItemImage: NSMenuProperties { get } static var PropertyItemEnabled: NSMenuProperties { get } static var PropertyItemAccessibilityDescription: NSMenuProperties { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct NSMenuProperties : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var PropertyItemTitle: NSMenuProperties { get } static var PropertyItemAttributedTitle: NSMenuProperties { get } static var PropertyItemKeyEquivalent: NSMenuProperties { get } static var PropertyItemImage: NSMenuProperties { get } static var PropertyItemEnabled: NSMenuProperties { get } static var PropertyItemAccessibilityDescription: NSMenuProperties { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified NSMenuProperties.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSMutableFontCollection
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSMutableFontCollection.addQueryForDescriptors([AnyObject])
Declaration | |
From | func addQueryForDescriptors(_ descriptors: [AnyObject]!) |
To | func addQueryForDescriptors(_ descriptors: [AnyObject]) |
Modified NSMutableFontCollection.init(descriptors: [AnyObject])
Declaration | |
From | init(descriptors queryDescriptors: [AnyObject]!) -> NSMutableFontCollection |
To | init(descriptors queryDescriptors: [AnyObject]) -> NSMutableFontCollection |
Modified NSMutableFontCollection.exclusionDescriptors
Declaration | |
From | var exclusionDescriptors: [AnyObject]! |
To | var exclusionDescriptors: [AnyObject]? |
Modified NSMutableFontCollection.fontCollectionWithAllAvailableDescriptors() -> NSMutableFontCollection [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func fontCollectionWithAllAvailableDescriptors() -> NSMutableFontCollection! |
To | class func fontCollectionWithAllAvailableDescriptors() -> NSMutableFontCollection |
Modified NSMutableFontCollection.init(locale: NSLocale)
Declaration | |
From | init(locale locale: NSLocale!) -> NSMutableFontCollection |
To | init(locale locale: NSLocale) -> NSMutableFontCollection |
Modified NSMutableFontCollection.init(name: String)
Declaration | |
From | init(name name: String!) -> NSMutableFontCollection |
To | init?(name name: String) -> NSMutableFontCollection |
Modified NSMutableFontCollection.init(name: String, visibility: NSFontCollectionVisibility)
Declaration | |
From | init(name name: String!, visibility visibility: NSFontCollectionVisibility) -> NSMutableFontCollection |
To | init?(name name: String, visibility visibility: NSFontCollectionVisibility) -> NSMutableFontCollection |
Modified NSMutableFontCollection.queryDescriptors
Declaration | |
From | var queryDescriptors: [AnyObject]! |
To | var queryDescriptors: [AnyObject]? |
Modified NSMutableFontCollection.removeQueryForDescriptors([AnyObject])
Declaration | |
From | func removeQueryForDescriptors(_ descriptors: [AnyObject]!) |
To | func removeQueryForDescriptors(_ descriptors: [AnyObject]) |
Modified NSMutableParagraphStyle.addTabStop(NSTextTab)
Declaration | |
From | func addTabStop(_ anObject: NSTextTab!) |
To | func addTabStop(_ anObject: NSTextTab) |
Modified NSMutableParagraphStyle.removeTabStop(NSTextTab)
Declaration | |
From | func removeTabStop(_ anObject: NSTextTab!) |
To | func removeTabStop(_ anObject: NSTextTab) |
Modified NSMutableParagraphStyle.setParagraphStyle(NSParagraphStyle)
Declaration | |
From | func setParagraphStyle(_ obj: NSParagraphStyle!) |
To | func setParagraphStyle(_ obj: NSParagraphStyle) |
Modified NSMutableParagraphStyle.tabStops
Declaration | |
From | var tabStops: [AnyObject]! |
To | var tabStops: [AnyObject]? |
Modified NSMutableParagraphStyle.textBlocks
Declaration | |
From | var textBlocks: [AnyObject]! |
To | var textBlocks: [AnyObject]? |
Modified NSMutableParagraphStyle.textLists
Declaration | |
From | var textLists: [AnyObject]! |
To | var textLists: [AnyObject]? |
Modified NSNib.instantiateWithOwner(AnyObject?, topLevelObjects: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSArray?>) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func instantiateWithOwner(_ owner: AnyObject!, topLevelObjects topLevelObjects: AutoreleasingUnsafePointer<NSArray?>) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 |
To | func instantiateWithOwner(_ owner: AnyObject?, topLevelObjects topLevelObjects: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSArray?>) -> Bool | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSNib.init(nibData: NSData, bundle: NSBundle?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | init(nibData nibData: NSData!, bundle bundle: NSBundle!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | init(nibData nibData: NSData, bundle bundle: NSBundle?) | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSNib.init(nibNamed: String, bundle: NSBundle?)
Declaration | |
From | init(nibNamed nibName: String!, bundle bundle: NSBundle!) |
To | init?(nibNamed nibName: String, bundle bundle: NSBundle?) |
Modified NSObjectController.add(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func add(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func add(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSObjectController.addObject(AnyObject)
Declaration | |
From | func addObject(_ object: AnyObject!) |
To | func addObject(_ object: AnyObject) |
Modified NSObjectController.init(coder: NSCoder)
Declaration | |
From | init(coder coder: NSCoder!) |
To | init?(coder coder: NSCoder) |
Modified NSObjectController.content
Declaration | |
From | var content: AnyObject! |
To | var content: AnyObject? |
Modified NSObjectController.init(content: AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | init(content content: AnyObject!) |
To | init(content content: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSObjectController.defaultFetchRequest() -> NSFetchRequest
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func defaultFetchRequest() -> NSFetchRequest! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func defaultFetchRequest() -> NSFetchRequest | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSObjectController.entityName
Declaration | |
From | var entityName: String! |
To | var entityName: String? |
Modified NSObjectController.fetch(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func fetch(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func fetch(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSObjectController.fetchPredicate
Declaration | |
From | var fetchPredicate: NSPredicate! |
To | var fetchPredicate: NSPredicate? |
Modified NSObjectController.fetchWithRequest(NSFetchRequest?, merge: Bool, error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func fetchWithRequest(_ fetchRequest: NSFetchRequest!, merge merge: Bool, error error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool |
To | func fetchWithRequest(_ fetchRequest: NSFetchRequest?, merge merge: Bool, error error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool |
Modified NSObjectController.managedObjectContext
Declaration | |
From | var managedObjectContext: NSManagedObjectContext! |
To | var managedObjectContext: NSManagedObjectContext? |
Modified NSObjectController.newObject() -> AnyObject
Declaration | |
From | func newObject() -> AnyObject! |
To | func newObject() -> AnyObject |
Modified NSObjectController.remove(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func remove(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func remove(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSObjectController.removeObject(AnyObject)
Declaration | |
From | func removeObject(_ object: AnyObject!) |
To | func removeObject(_ object: AnyObject) |
Modified NSObjectController.selectedObjects
Declaration | |
From | var selectedObjects: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var selectedObjects: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSObjectController.selection
Declaration | |
From | var selection: AnyObject! { get } |
To | var selection: AnyObject { get } |
Modified NSObjectController.usesLazyFetching
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSObjectController.validateUserInterfaceItem(NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func validateUserInterfaceItem(_ item: NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem!) -> Bool |
To | func validateUserInterfaceItem(_ item: NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem) -> Bool |
Modified NSOpenGLContext.CGLContextObj
Declaration | |
From | var CGLContextObj: UnsafePointer<_CGLContextObject> { get } |
To | var CGLContextObj: UnsafeMutablePointer<_CGLContextObject> { get } |
Modified NSOpenGLContext.init(CGLContextObj: UnsafeMutablePointer<_CGLContextObject>)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | init(CGLContextObj context: UnsafePointer<_CGLContextObject>) | OS X 10.10 |
To | init!(CGLContextObj context: UnsafeMutablePointer<_CGLContextObject>) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSOpenGLContext.currentContext() -> NSOpenGLContext? [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func currentContext() -> NSOpenGLContext! |
To | class func currentContext() -> NSOpenGLContext? |
Modified NSOpenGLContext.init(format: NSOpenGLPixelFormat!, shareContext: NSOpenGLContext?)
Declaration | |
From | init(format format: NSOpenGLPixelFormat!, shareContext share: NSOpenGLContext!) |
To | init?(format format: NSOpenGLPixelFormat!, shareContext share: NSOpenGLContext?) |
Modified NSOpenGLContext.getValues(UnsafeMutablePointer<GLint>, forParameter: NSOpenGLContextParameter)
Declaration | |
From | func getValues(_ vals: UnsafePointer<GLint>, forParameter param: NSOpenGLContextParameter) |
To | func getValues(_ vals: UnsafeMutablePointer<GLint>, forParameter param: NSOpenGLContextParameter) |
Modified NSOpenGLContext.setValues(UnsafePointer<GLint>, forParameter: NSOpenGLContextParameter)
Declaration | |
From | func setValues(_ vals: ConstUnsafePointer<GLint>, forParameter param: NSOpenGLContextParameter) |
To | func setValues(_ vals: UnsafePointer<GLint>, forParameter param: NSOpenGLContextParameter) |
Modified NSOpenGLContext.view
Declaration | |
From | var view: NSView! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var view: NSView! |
Modified NSOpenGLLayer
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSOpenGLLayer.canDrawInOpenGLContext(NSOpenGLContext!, pixelFormat: NSOpenGLPixelFormat!, forLayerTime: CFTimeInterval, displayTime: UnsafePointer<CVTimeStamp>) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func canDrawInOpenGLContext(_ context: NSOpenGLContext!, pixelFormat pixelFormat: NSOpenGLPixelFormat!, forLayerTime t: CFTimeInterval, displayTime ts: ConstUnsafePointer<CVTimeStamp>) -> Bool |
To | func canDrawInOpenGLContext(_ context: NSOpenGLContext!, pixelFormat pixelFormat: NSOpenGLPixelFormat!, forLayerTime t: CFTimeInterval, displayTime ts: UnsafePointer<CVTimeStamp>) -> Bool |
Modified NSOpenGLLayer.drawInOpenGLContext(NSOpenGLContext!, pixelFormat: NSOpenGLPixelFormat!, forLayerTime: CFTimeInterval, displayTime: UnsafePointer<CVTimeStamp>)
Declaration | |
From | func drawInOpenGLContext(_ context: NSOpenGLContext!, pixelFormat pixelFormat: NSOpenGLPixelFormat!, forLayerTime t: CFTimeInterval, displayTime ts: ConstUnsafePointer<CVTimeStamp>) |
To | func drawInOpenGLContext(_ context: NSOpenGLContext!, pixelFormat pixelFormat: NSOpenGLPixelFormat!, forLayerTime t: CFTimeInterval, displayTime ts: UnsafePointer<CVTimeStamp>) |
Modified NSOpenGLLayer.view
Declaration | |
From | var view: NSView! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var view: NSView! |
Modified NSOpenGLPixelFormat.init(CGLPixelFormatObj: COpaquePointer)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | init(CGLPixelFormatObj format: COpaquePointer) | OS X 10.10 |
To | init!(CGLPixelFormatObj format: COpaquePointer) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSOpenGLPixelFormat.init(attributes: UnsafePointer<NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute>)
Declaration | |
From | init(attributes attribs: ConstUnsafePointer<NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute>) |
To | init!(attributes attribs: UnsafePointer<NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute>) |
Modified NSOpenGLPixelFormat.getValues(UnsafeMutablePointer<GLint>, forAttribute: NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute, forVirtualScreen: GLint)
Declaration | |
From | func getValues(_ vals: UnsafePointer<GLint>, forAttribute attrib: NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute, forVirtualScreen screen: GLint) |
To | func getValues(_ vals: UnsafeMutablePointer<GLint>, forAttribute attrib: NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute, forVirtualScreen screen: GLint) |
Modified NSOpenGLView.defaultPixelFormat() -> NSOpenGLPixelFormat [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func defaultPixelFormat() -> NSOpenGLPixelFormat! |
To | class func defaultPixelFormat() -> NSOpenGLPixelFormat |
Modified NSOpenGLView.init(frame: NSRect, pixelFormat: NSOpenGLPixelFormat!)
Declaration | |
From | init(frame frameRect: NSRect, pixelFormat format: NSOpenGLPixelFormat!) |
To | init?(frame frameRect: NSRect, pixelFormat format: NSOpenGLPixelFormat!) |
Modified NSOpenGLView.pixelFormat
Declaration | |
From | var pixelFormat: NSOpenGLPixelFormat! |
To | var pixelFormat: NSOpenGLPixelFormat? |
Modified NSOpenPanel.URLs
Declaration | |
From | var URLs: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var URLs: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSOpenSavePanelDelegate.panel(AnyObject!, didChangeToDirectoryURL: NSURL?)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func panel(_ sender: AnyObject!, didChangeToDirectoryURL url: NSURL!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func panel(_ sender: AnyObject!, didChangeToDirectoryURL url: NSURL?) | OS X 10.6 | yes |
Modified NSOpenSavePanelDelegate.panel(AnyObject, shouldEnableURL: NSURL) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func panel(_ sender: AnyObject!, shouldEnableURL url: NSURL!) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func panel(_ sender: AnyObject, shouldEnableURL url: NSURL) -> Bool | OS X 10.6 | yes |
Modified NSOpenSavePanelDelegate.panel(AnyObject, userEnteredFilename: String, confirmed: Bool) -> String?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func panel(_ sender: AnyObject!, userEnteredFilename filename: String!, confirmed okFlag: Bool) -> String! | -- |
To | optional func panel(_ sender: AnyObject, userEnteredFilename filename: String, confirmed okFlag: Bool) -> String? | yes |
Modified NSOpenSavePanelDelegate.panel(AnyObject, validateURL: NSURL, error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func panel(_ sender: AnyObject!, validateURL url: NSURL!, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func panel(_ sender: AnyObject, validateURL url: NSURL, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool | OS X 10.6 | yes |
Modified NSOpenSavePanelDelegate.panel(AnyObject, willExpand: Bool)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func panel(_ sender: AnyObject!, willExpand expanding: Bool) | -- |
To | optional func panel(_ sender: AnyObject, willExpand expanding: Bool) | yes |
Modified NSOpenSavePanelDelegate.panelSelectionDidChange(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func panelSelectionDidChange(_ sender: AnyObject!) | -- |
To | optional func panelSelectionDidChange(_ sender: AnyObject?) | yes |
Modified NSOutlineView.child(Int, ofItem: AnyObject?) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func child(_ index: Int, ofItem item: AnyObject!) -> AnyObject! |
To | func child(_ index: Int, ofItem item: AnyObject?) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSOutlineView.collapseItem(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func collapseItem(_ item: AnyObject!) |
To | func collapseItem(_ item: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSOutlineView.collapseItem(AnyObject?, collapseChildren: Bool)
Declaration | |
From | func collapseItem(_ item: AnyObject!, collapseChildren collapseChildren: Bool) |
To | func collapseItem(_ item: AnyObject?, collapseChildren collapseChildren: Bool) |
Modified NSOutlineView.dataSource() -> NSOutlineViewDataSource?
Declaration | |
From | func dataSource() -> NSOutlineViewDataSource! |
To | func dataSource() -> NSOutlineViewDataSource? |
Modified NSOutlineView.delegate() -> NSOutlineViewDelegate?
Declaration | |
From | func delegate() -> NSOutlineViewDelegate! |
To | func delegate() -> NSOutlineViewDelegate? |
Modified NSOutlineView.expandItem(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func expandItem(_ item: AnyObject!) |
To | func expandItem(_ item: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSOutlineView.expandItem(AnyObject?, expandChildren: Bool)
Declaration | |
From | func expandItem(_ item: AnyObject!, expandChildren expandChildren: Bool) |
To | func expandItem(_ item: AnyObject?, expandChildren expandChildren: Bool) |
Modified NSOutlineView.frameOfOutlineCellAtRow(Int) -> NSRect
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSOutlineView.insertItemsAtIndexes(NSIndexSet, inParent: AnyObject?, withAnimation: NSTableViewAnimationOptions)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func insertItemsAtIndexes(_ indexes: NSIndexSet!, inParent parent: AnyObject!, withAnimation animationOptions: NSTableViewAnimationOptions) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func insertItemsAtIndexes(_ indexes: NSIndexSet, inParent parent: AnyObject?, withAnimation animationOptions: NSTableViewAnimationOptions) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSOutlineView.isExpandable(AnyObject?) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func isExpandable(_ item: AnyObject!) -> Bool |
To | func isExpandable(_ item: AnyObject?) -> Bool |
Modified NSOutlineView.isItemExpanded(AnyObject?) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func isItemExpanded(_ item: AnyObject!) -> Bool |
To | func isItemExpanded(_ item: AnyObject?) -> Bool |
Modified NSOutlineView.itemAtRow(Int) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func itemAtRow(_ row: Int) -> AnyObject! |
To | func itemAtRow(_ row: Int) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSOutlineView.levelForItem(AnyObject?) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func levelForItem(_ item: AnyObject!) -> Int |
To | func levelForItem(_ item: AnyObject?) -> Int |
Modified NSOutlineView.moveItemAtIndex(Int, inParent: AnyObject?, toIndex: Int, inParent: AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func moveItemAtIndex(_ fromIndex: Int, inParent oldParent: AnyObject!, toIndex toIndex: Int, inParent newParent: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func moveItemAtIndex(_ fromIndex: Int, inParent oldParent: AnyObject?, toIndex toIndex: Int, inParent newParent: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSOutlineView.numberOfChildrenOfItem(AnyObject?) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func numberOfChildrenOfItem(_ item: AnyObject!) -> Int |
To | func numberOfChildrenOfItem(_ item: AnyObject?) -> Int |
Modified NSOutlineView.outlineTableColumn
Declaration | |
From | var outlineTableColumn: NSTableColumn! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var outlineTableColumn: NSTableColumn? |
Modified NSOutlineView.parentForItem(AnyObject?) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func parentForItem(_ item: AnyObject!) -> AnyObject! |
To | func parentForItem(_ item: AnyObject?) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSOutlineView.reloadItem(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func reloadItem(_ item: AnyObject!) |
To | func reloadItem(_ item: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSOutlineView.reloadItem(AnyObject?, reloadChildren: Bool)
Declaration | |
From | func reloadItem(_ item: AnyObject!, reloadChildren reloadChildren: Bool) |
To | func reloadItem(_ item: AnyObject?, reloadChildren reloadChildren: Bool) |
Modified NSOutlineView.removeItemsAtIndexes(NSIndexSet, inParent: AnyObject?, withAnimation: NSTableViewAnimationOptions)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func removeItemsAtIndexes(_ indexes: NSIndexSet!, inParent parent: AnyObject!, withAnimation animationOptions: NSTableViewAnimationOptions) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func removeItemsAtIndexes(_ indexes: NSIndexSet, inParent parent: AnyObject?, withAnimation animationOptions: NSTableViewAnimationOptions) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSOutlineView.rowForItem(AnyObject?) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func rowForItem(_ item: AnyObject!) -> Int |
To | func rowForItem(_ item: AnyObject?) -> Int |
Modified NSOutlineView.setDataSource(NSOutlineViewDataSource?)
Declaration | |
From | func setDataSource(_ aSource: NSOutlineViewDataSource!) |
To | func setDataSource(_ aSource: NSOutlineViewDataSource?) |
Modified NSOutlineView.setDelegate(NSOutlineViewDelegate?)
Declaration | |
From | func setDelegate(_ anObject: NSOutlineViewDelegate!) |
To | func setDelegate(_ anObject: NSOutlineViewDelegate?) |
Modified NSOutlineView.setDropItem(AnyObject?, dropChildIndex: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func setDropItem(_ item: AnyObject!, dropChildIndex index: Int) |
To | func setDropItem(_ item: AnyObject?, dropChildIndex index: Int) |
Modified NSOutlineView.userInterfaceLayoutDirection
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSOutlineViewDataSource.outlineView(NSOutlineView, acceptDrop: NSDraggingInfo, item: AnyObject?, childIndex: Int) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, acceptDrop info: NSDraggingInfo!, item item: AnyObject!, childIndex index: Int) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, acceptDrop info: NSDraggingInfo, item item: AnyObject?, childIndex index: Int) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDataSource.outlineView(NSOutlineView, child: Int, ofItem: AnyObject?) -> AnyObject
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, child index: Int, ofItem item: AnyObject!) -> AnyObject! | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, child index: Int, ofItem item: AnyObject?) -> AnyObject | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDataSource.outlineView(NSOutlineView, draggingSession: NSDraggingSession, endedAtPoint: NSPoint, operation: NSDragOperation)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, draggingSession session: NSDraggingSession!, endedAtPoint screenPoint: NSPoint, operation operation: NSDragOperation) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, draggingSession session: NSDraggingSession, endedAtPoint screenPoint: NSPoint, operation operation: NSDragOperation) | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDataSource.outlineView(NSOutlineView, draggingSession: NSDraggingSession, willBeginAtPoint: NSPoint, forItems:[AnyObject])
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, draggingSession session: NSDraggingSession!, willBeginAtPoint screenPoint: NSPoint, forItems draggedItems: [AnyObject]!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, draggingSession session: NSDraggingSession, willBeginAtPoint screenPoint: NSPoint, forItems draggedItems: [AnyObject]) | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDataSource.outlineView(NSOutlineView, isItemExpandable: AnyObject) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, isItemExpandable item: AnyObject!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, isItemExpandable item: AnyObject) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDataSource.outlineView(NSOutlineView, itemForPersistentObject: AnyObject) -> AnyObject!
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, itemForPersistentObject object: AnyObject!) -> AnyObject! | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, itemForPersistentObject object: AnyObject) -> AnyObject! | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDataSource.outlineView(NSOutlineView, namesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestination: NSURL, forDraggedItems:[AnyObject]) -> [AnyObject]
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, namesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestination dropDestination: NSURL!, forDraggedItems items: [AnyObject]!) -> [AnyObject]! | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, namesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestination dropDestination: NSURL, forDraggedItems items: [AnyObject]) -> [AnyObject] | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDataSource.outlineView(NSOutlineView, numberOfChildrenOfItem: AnyObject?) -> Int
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, numberOfChildrenOfItem item: AnyObject!) -> Int | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, numberOfChildrenOfItem item: AnyObject?) -> Int | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDataSource.outlineView(NSOutlineView, objectValueForTableColumn: NSTableColumn?, byItem: AnyObject?) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, objectValueForTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn!, byItem item: AnyObject!) -> AnyObject! | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, objectValueForTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, byItem item: AnyObject?) -> AnyObject? | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDataSource.outlineView(NSOutlineView, pasteboardWriterForItem: AnyObject?) -> NSPasteboardWriting!
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, pasteboardWriterForItem item: AnyObject!) -> NSPasteboardWriting! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, pasteboardWriterForItem item: AnyObject?) -> NSPasteboardWriting! | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDataSource.outlineView(NSOutlineView, persistentObjectForItem: AnyObject?) -> AnyObject!
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, persistentObjectForItem item: AnyObject!) -> AnyObject! | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, persistentObjectForItem item: AnyObject?) -> AnyObject! | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDataSource.outlineView(NSOutlineView, setObjectValue: AnyObject?, forTableColumn: NSTableColumn?, byItem: AnyObject?)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, setObjectValue object: AnyObject!, forTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn!, byItem item: AnyObject!) | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, setObjectValue object: AnyObject?, forTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, byItem item: AnyObject?) | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDataSource.outlineView(NSOutlineView, sortDescriptorsDidChange:[AnyObject])
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, sortDescriptorsDidChange oldDescriptors: [AnyObject]!) | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, sortDescriptorsDidChange oldDescriptors: [AnyObject]) | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDataSource.outlineView(NSOutlineView, updateDraggingItemsForDrag: NSDraggingInfo)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, updateDraggingItemsForDrag draggingInfo: NSDraggingInfo!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, updateDraggingItemsForDrag draggingInfo: NSDraggingInfo) | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDataSource.outlineView(NSOutlineView, validateDrop: NSDraggingInfo, proposedItem: AnyObject?, proposedChildIndex: Int) -> NSDragOperation
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, validateDrop info: NSDraggingInfo!, proposedItem item: AnyObject!, proposedChildIndex index: Int) -> NSDragOperation | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, validateDrop info: NSDraggingInfo, proposedItem item: AnyObject?, proposedChildIndex index: Int) -> NSDragOperation | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDataSource.outlineView(NSOutlineView, writeItems:[AnyObject], toPasteboard: NSPasteboard) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, writeItems items: [AnyObject]!, toPasteboard pasteboard: NSPasteboard!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, writeItems items: [AnyObject], toPasteboard pasteboard: NSPasteboard) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDelegate.outlineView(NSOutlineView, dataCellForTableColumn: NSTableColumn?, item: AnyObject) -> NSCell?
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, dataCellForTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn!, item item: AnyObject!) -> NSCell! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, dataCellForTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, item item: AnyObject) -> NSCell? | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDelegate.outlineView(NSOutlineView, didAddRowView: NSTableRowView, forRow: Int)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, didAddRowView rowView: NSTableRowView!, forRow row: Int) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, didAddRowView rowView: NSTableRowView, forRow row: Int) | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDelegate.outlineView(NSOutlineView, didClickTableColumn: NSTableColumn)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, didClickTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn!) | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, didClickTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn) | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDelegate.outlineView(NSOutlineView, didDragTableColumn: NSTableColumn)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, didDragTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn!) | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, didDragTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn) | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDelegate.outlineView(NSOutlineView, didRemoveRowView: NSTableRowView, forRow: Int)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, didRemoveRowView rowView: NSTableRowView!, forRow row: Int) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, didRemoveRowView rowView: NSTableRowView, forRow row: Int) | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDelegate.outlineView(NSOutlineView, heightOfRowByItem: AnyObject) -> CGFloat
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, heightOfRowByItem item: AnyObject!) -> CGFloat | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, heightOfRowByItem item: AnyObject) -> CGFloat | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDelegate.outlineView(NSOutlineView, isGroupItem: AnyObject) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, isGroupItem item: AnyObject!) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, isGroupItem item: AnyObject) -> Bool | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDelegate.outlineView(NSOutlineView, mouseDownInHeaderOfTableColumn: NSTableColumn)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, mouseDownInHeaderOfTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn!) | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, mouseDownInHeaderOfTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn) | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDelegate.outlineView(NSOutlineView, nextTypeSelectMatchFromItem: AnyObject, toItem: AnyObject, forString: String) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, nextTypeSelectMatchFromItem startItem: AnyObject!, toItem endItem: AnyObject!, forString searchString: String!) -> AnyObject! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, nextTypeSelectMatchFromItem startItem: AnyObject, toItem endItem: AnyObject, forString searchString: String) -> AnyObject? | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDelegate.outlineView(NSOutlineView, rowViewForItem: AnyObject) -> NSTableRowView?
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, rowViewForItem item: AnyObject!) -> NSTableRowView! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, rowViewForItem item: AnyObject) -> NSTableRowView? | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDelegate.outlineView(NSOutlineView, selectionIndexesForProposedSelection: NSIndexSet) -> NSIndexSet
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, selectionIndexesForProposedSelection proposedSelectionIndexes: NSIndexSet!) -> NSIndexSet! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, selectionIndexesForProposedSelection proposedSelectionIndexes: NSIndexSet) -> NSIndexSet | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDelegate.outlineView(NSOutlineView, shouldCollapseItem: AnyObject) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, shouldCollapseItem item: AnyObject!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, shouldCollapseItem item: AnyObject) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDelegate.outlineView(NSOutlineView, shouldEditTableColumn: NSTableColumn?, item: AnyObject) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, shouldEditTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn!, item item: AnyObject!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, shouldEditTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, item item: AnyObject) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDelegate.outlineView(NSOutlineView, shouldExpandItem: AnyObject) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, shouldExpandItem item: AnyObject!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, shouldExpandItem item: AnyObject) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDelegate.outlineView(NSOutlineView, shouldReorderColumn: Int, toColumn: Int) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, shouldReorderColumn columnIndex: Int, toColumn newColumnIndex: Int) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, shouldReorderColumn columnIndex: Int, toColumn newColumnIndex: Int) -> Bool | OS X 10.6 | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDelegate.outlineView(NSOutlineView, shouldSelectItem: AnyObject) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, shouldSelectItem item: AnyObject!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, shouldSelectItem item: AnyObject) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDelegate.outlineView(NSOutlineView, shouldSelectTableColumn: NSTableColumn?) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, shouldSelectTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, shouldSelectTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn?) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDelegate.outlineView(NSOutlineView, shouldShowCellExpansionForTableColumn: NSTableColumn?, item: AnyObject) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, shouldShowCellExpansionForTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn!, item item: AnyObject!) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, shouldShowCellExpansionForTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, item item: AnyObject) -> Bool | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDelegate.outlineView(NSOutlineView, shouldShowOutlineCellForItem: AnyObject) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, shouldShowOutlineCellForItem item: AnyObject!) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, shouldShowOutlineCellForItem item: AnyObject) -> Bool | OS X 10.6 | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDelegate.outlineView(NSOutlineView, shouldTrackCell: NSCell, forTableColumn: NSTableColumn?, item: AnyObject) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, shouldTrackCell cell: NSCell!, forTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn!, item item: AnyObject!) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, shouldTrackCell cell: NSCell, forTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, item item: AnyObject) -> Bool | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDelegate.outlineView(NSOutlineView, shouldTypeSelectForEvent: NSEvent, withCurrentSearchString: String?) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, shouldTypeSelectForEvent event: NSEvent!, withCurrentSearchString searchString: String!) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, shouldTypeSelectForEvent event: NSEvent, withCurrentSearchString searchString: String?) -> Bool | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDelegate.outlineView(NSOutlineView, sizeToFitWidthOfColumn: Int) -> CGFloat
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, sizeToFitWidthOfColumn column: Int) -> CGFloat | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, sizeToFitWidthOfColumn column: Int) -> CGFloat | OS X 10.6 | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDelegate.outlineView(NSOutlineView, toolTipForCell: NSCell, rect: NSRectPointer, tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, item: AnyObject, mouseLocation: NSPoint) -> String
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, toolTipForCell cell: NSCell!, rect rect: NSRectPointer, tableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn!, item item: AnyObject!, mouseLocation mouseLocation: NSPoint) -> String! | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, toolTipForCell cell: NSCell, rect rect: NSRectPointer, tableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, item item: AnyObject, mouseLocation mouseLocation: NSPoint) -> String | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDelegate.outlineView(NSOutlineView, typeSelectStringForTableColumn: NSTableColumn?, item: AnyObject) -> String?
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, typeSelectStringForTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn!, item item: AnyObject!) -> String! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, typeSelectStringForTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, item item: AnyObject) -> String? | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDelegate.outlineView(NSOutlineView, viewForTableColumn: NSTableColumn?, item: AnyObject) -> NSView?
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, viewForTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn!, item item: AnyObject!) -> NSView! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, viewForTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, item item: AnyObject) -> NSView? | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDelegate.outlineView(NSOutlineView, willDisplayCell: AnyObject, forTableColumn: NSTableColumn?, item: AnyObject)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, willDisplayCell cell: AnyObject!, forTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn!, item item: AnyObject!) | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, willDisplayCell cell: AnyObject, forTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, item item: AnyObject) | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDelegate.outlineView(NSOutlineView, willDisplayOutlineCell: AnyObject, forTableColumn: NSTableColumn?, item: AnyObject)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!, willDisplayOutlineCell cell: AnyObject!, forTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn!, item item: AnyObject!) | -- |
To | optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, willDisplayOutlineCell cell: AnyObject, forTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, item item: AnyObject) | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDelegate.outlineViewColumnDidMove(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineViewColumnDidMove(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func outlineViewColumnDidMove(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDelegate.outlineViewColumnDidResize(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineViewColumnDidResize(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func outlineViewColumnDidResize(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDelegate.outlineViewItemDidCollapse(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineViewItemDidCollapse(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func outlineViewItemDidCollapse(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDelegate.outlineViewItemDidExpand(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineViewItemDidExpand(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func outlineViewItemDidExpand(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDelegate.outlineViewItemWillCollapse(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineViewItemWillCollapse(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func outlineViewItemWillCollapse(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDelegate.outlineViewItemWillExpand(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineViewItemWillExpand(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func outlineViewItemWillExpand(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDelegate.outlineViewSelectionDidChange(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineViewSelectionDidChange(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func outlineViewSelectionDidChange(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDelegate.outlineViewSelectionIsChanging(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func outlineViewSelectionIsChanging(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func outlineViewSelectionIsChanging(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSOutlineViewDelegate.selectionShouldChangeInOutlineView(NSOutlineView) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func selectionShouldChangeInOutlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func selectionShouldChangeInOutlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSPDFImageRep.PDFRepresentation
Declaration | |
From | var PDFRepresentation: NSData! { get } |
To | var PDFRepresentation: NSData { get } |
Modified NSPDFImageRep.init(data: NSData!)
Declaration | |
From | init(data pdfData: NSData!) |
To | convenience init!(data pdfData: NSData!) |
Modified NSPDFInfo
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSPDFInfo.URL
Declaration | |
From | var URL: NSURL! |
To | @NSCopying var URL: NSURL! |
Modified NSPDFPanel
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSPDFPanel.accessoryController
Declaration | |
From | var accessoryController: NSViewController! |
To | var accessoryController: NSViewController? |
Modified NSPDFPanelOptions [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | Introduction | |
From | struct NSPDFPanelOptions : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: Int) var value: Int static var ShowsPaperSize: NSPDFPanelOptions { get } static var ShowsOrientation: NSPDFPanelOptions { get } static var RequestsParentDirectory: NSPDFPanelOptions { get } } | RawOptionSet | OS X 10.10 |
To | struct NSPDFPanelOptions : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: Int) init(rawValue rawValue: Int) static var ShowsPaperSize: NSPDFPanelOptions { get } static var ShowsOrientation: NSPDFPanelOptions { get } static var RequestsParentDirectory: NSPDFPanelOptions { get } } | RawOptionSetType | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSPDFPanelOptions.init(_: Int)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: Int) |
To | init(_ rawValue: Int) |
Modified NSPICTImageRep.PICTRepresentation
Declaration | |
From | var PICTRepresentation: NSData! { get } |
To | @NSCopying var PICTRepresentation: NSData { get } |
Modified NSPICTImageRep.init(data: NSData!)
Declaration | |
From | init(data pictData: NSData!) |
To | convenience init!(data pictData: NSData!) |
Modified NSPageController
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSPageController.arrangedObjects
Declaration | |
From | var arrangedObjects: [AnyObject]! |
To | var arrangedObjects: [AnyObject] |
Modified NSPageController.delegate
Declaration | |
From | @IBOutlet var delegate: NSPageControllerDelegate! |
To | @IBOutlet unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSPageControllerDelegate? |
Modified NSPageController.navigateBack(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | @IBAction func navigateBack(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | @IBAction func navigateBack(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSPageController.navigateForward(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | @IBAction func navigateForward(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | @IBAction func navigateForward(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSPageController.navigateForwardToObject(AnyObject)
Declaration | |
From | func navigateForwardToObject(_ object: AnyObject!) |
To | func navigateForwardToObject(_ object: AnyObject) |
Modified NSPageController.selectedViewController
Declaration | |
From | var selectedViewController: NSViewController! { get } |
To | var selectedViewController: NSViewController? { get } |
Modified NSPageController.takeSelectedIndexFrom(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | @IBAction func takeSelectedIndexFrom(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | @IBAction func takeSelectedIndexFrom(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSPageControllerDelegate.pageController(NSPageController, didTransitionToObject: AnyObject!)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func pageController(_ pageController: NSPageController!, didTransitionToObject object: AnyObject!) | -- |
To | optional func pageController(_ pageController: NSPageController, didTransitionToObject object: AnyObject!) | yes |
Modified NSPageControllerDelegate.pageController(NSPageController, frameForObject: AnyObject!) -> NSRect
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func pageController(_ pageController: NSPageController!, frameForObject object: AnyObject!) -> NSRect | -- |
To | optional func pageController(_ pageController: NSPageController, frameForObject object: AnyObject!) -> NSRect | yes |
Modified NSPageControllerDelegate.pageController(NSPageController, identifierForObject: AnyObject!) -> String!
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func pageController(_ pageController: NSPageController!, identifierForObject object: AnyObject!) -> String! | -- |
To | optional func pageController(_ pageController: NSPageController, identifierForObject object: AnyObject!) -> String! | yes |
Modified NSPageControllerDelegate.pageController(NSPageController, prepareViewController: NSViewController!, withObject: AnyObject!)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func pageController(_ pageController: NSPageController!, prepareViewController viewController: NSViewController!, withObject object: AnyObject!) | -- |
To | optional func pageController(_ pageController: NSPageController, prepareViewController viewController: NSViewController!, withObject object: AnyObject!) | yes |
Modified NSPageControllerDelegate.pageController(NSPageController, viewControllerForIdentifier: String!) -> NSViewController!
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func pageController(_ pageController: NSPageController!, viewControllerForIdentifier identifier: String!) -> NSViewController! | -- |
To | optional func pageController(_ pageController: NSPageController, viewControllerForIdentifier identifier: String!) -> NSViewController! | yes |
Modified NSPageControllerDelegate.pageControllerDidEndLiveTransition(NSPageController)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func pageControllerDidEndLiveTransition(_ pageController: NSPageController!) | -- |
To | optional func pageControllerDidEndLiveTransition(_ pageController: NSPageController) | yes |
Modified NSPageControllerDelegate.pageControllerWillStartLiveTransition(NSPageController)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func pageControllerWillStartLiveTransition(_ pageController: NSPageController!) | -- |
To | optional func pageControllerWillStartLiveTransition(_ pageController: NSPageController) | yes |
Modified NSPageControllerTransitionStyle [enum]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSPageLayout.accessoryControllers
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var accessoryControllers: [AnyObject]! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var accessoryControllers: [AnyObject] { get } | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSPageLayout.addAccessoryController(NSViewController)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func addAccessoryController(_ accessoryController: NSViewController!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func addAccessoryController(_ accessoryController: NSViewController) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSPageLayout.beginSheetWithPrintInfo(NSPrintInfo, modalForWindow: NSWindow, delegate: AnyObject?, didEndSelector: Selector, contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func beginSheetWithPrintInfo(_ printInfo: NSPrintInfo!, modalForWindow docWindow: NSWindow!, delegate delegate: AnyObject!, didEndSelector didEndSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func beginSheetWithPrintInfo(_ printInfo: NSPrintInfo, modalForWindow docWindow: NSWindow, delegate delegate: AnyObject?, didEndSelector didEndSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) |
Modified NSPageLayout.removeAccessoryController(NSViewController)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func removeAccessoryController(_ accessoryController: NSViewController!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func removeAccessoryController(_ accessoryController: NSViewController) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSPageLayout.runModalWithPrintInfo(NSPrintInfo) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func runModalWithPrintInfo(_ printInfo: NSPrintInfo!) -> Int |
To | func runModalWithPrintInfo(_ printInfo: NSPrintInfo) -> Int |
Modified NSPanGestureRecognizer.setTranslation(NSPoint, inView: NSView?)
Declaration | |
From | func setTranslation(_ translation: NSPoint, inView view: NSView!) |
To | func setTranslation(_ translation: NSPoint, inView view: NSView?) |
Modified NSPanGestureRecognizer.translationInView(NSView?) -> NSPoint
Declaration | |
From | func translationInView(_ view: NSView!) -> NSPoint |
To | func translationInView(_ view: NSView?) -> NSPoint |
Modified NSPanGestureRecognizer.velocityInView(NSView?) -> NSPoint
Declaration | |
From | func velocityInView(_ view: NSView!) -> NSPoint |
To | func velocityInView(_ view: NSView?) -> NSPoint |
Modified NSPaperOrientation [enum]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSParagraphStyle.defaultParagraphStyle() -> NSParagraphStyle [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func defaultParagraphStyle() -> NSParagraphStyle! |
To | class func defaultParagraphStyle() -> NSParagraphStyle |
Modified NSParagraphStyle.defaultWritingDirectionForLanguage(String?) -> NSWritingDirection [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func defaultWritingDirectionForLanguage(_ languageName: String!) -> NSWritingDirection |
To | class func defaultWritingDirectionForLanguage(_ languageName: String?) -> NSWritingDirection |
Modified NSParagraphStyle.tabStops
Declaration | |
From | var tabStops: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var tabStops: [AnyObject]? { get } |
Modified NSParagraphStyle.textBlocks
Declaration | |
From | var textBlocks: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var textBlocks: [AnyObject]? { get } |
Modified NSParagraphStyle.textLists
Declaration | |
From | var textLists: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var textLists: [AnyObject]? { get } |
Modified NSPasteboard.addTypes([AnyObject], owner: AnyObject?) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func addTypes(_ newTypes: [AnyObject]!, owner newOwner: AnyObject!) -> Int |
To | func addTypes(_ newTypes: [AnyObject], owner newOwner: AnyObject?) -> Int |
Modified NSPasteboard.availableTypeFromArray([AnyObject]) -> String?
Declaration | |
From | func availableTypeFromArray(_ types: [AnyObject]!) -> String! |
To | func availableTypeFromArray(_ types: [AnyObject]) -> String? |
Modified NSPasteboard.init(byFilteringData: NSData, ofType: String)
Declaration | |
From | init(byFilteringData data: NSData!, ofType type: String!) -> NSPasteboard |
To | init(byFilteringData data: NSData, ofType type: String) -> NSPasteboard |
Modified NSPasteboard.init(byFilteringFile: String)
Declaration | |
From | init(byFilteringFile filename: String!) -> NSPasteboard |
To | init(byFilteringFile filename: String) -> NSPasteboard |
Modified NSPasteboard.init(byFilteringTypesInPasteboard: NSPasteboard)
Declaration | |
From | init(byFilteringTypesInPasteboard pboard: NSPasteboard!) -> NSPasteboard |
To | init(byFilteringTypesInPasteboard pboard: NSPasteboard) -> NSPasteboard |
Modified NSPasteboard.canReadItemWithDataConformingToTypes([AnyObject]) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func canReadItemWithDataConformingToTypes(_ types: [AnyObject]!) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 |
To | func canReadItemWithDataConformingToTypes(_ types: [AnyObject]) -> Bool | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSPasteboard.canReadObjectForClasses([AnyObject], options:[NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func canReadObjectForClasses(_ classArray: [AnyObject]!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 |
To | func canReadObjectForClasses(_ classArray: [AnyObject], options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]?) -> Bool | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSPasteboard.clearContents() -> Int
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSPasteboard.dataForType(String) -> NSData?
Declaration | |
From | func dataForType(_ dataType: String!) -> NSData! |
To | func dataForType(_ dataType: String) -> NSData? |
Modified NSPasteboard.declareTypes([AnyObject], owner: AnyObject?) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func declareTypes(_ newTypes: [AnyObject]!, owner newOwner: AnyObject!) -> Int |
To | func declareTypes(_ newTypes: [AnyObject], owner newOwner: AnyObject?) -> Int |
Modified NSPasteboard.generalPasteboard() -> NSPasteboard [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func generalPasteboard() -> NSPasteboard! |
To | class func generalPasteboard() -> NSPasteboard |
Modified NSPasteboard.indexOfPasteboardItem(NSPasteboardItem) -> Int
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func indexOfPasteboardItem(_ pasteboardItem: NSPasteboardItem!) -> Int | OS X 10.10 |
To | func indexOfPasteboardItem(_ pasteboardItem: NSPasteboardItem) -> Int | OS X 10.6 |
Declaration | |
From | var name: String! { get } |
To | var name: String { get } |
Modified NSPasteboard.init(name: String)
Declaration | |
From | init(name name: String!) -> NSPasteboard |
To | init(name name: String) -> NSPasteboard |
Modified NSPasteboard.pasteboardItems
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var pasteboardItems: [AnyObject]! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var pasteboardItems: [AnyObject]? { get } | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSPasteboard.pasteboardWithUniqueName() -> NSPasteboard [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func pasteboardWithUniqueName() -> NSPasteboard! |
To | class func pasteboardWithUniqueName() -> NSPasteboard |
Modified NSPasteboard.propertyListForType(String) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func propertyListForType(_ dataType: String!) -> AnyObject! |
To | func propertyListForType(_ dataType: String) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSPasteboard.readFileContentsType(String?, toFile: String) -> String?
Declaration | |
From | func readFileContentsType(_ type: String!, toFile filename: String!) -> String! |
To | func readFileContentsType(_ type: String?, toFile filename: String) -> String? |
Modified NSPasteboard.readFileWrapper() -> NSFileWrapper?
Declaration | |
From | func readFileWrapper() -> NSFileWrapper! |
To | func readFileWrapper() -> NSFileWrapper? |
Modified NSPasteboard.readObjectsForClasses([AnyObject], options:[NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func readObjectsForClasses(_ classArray: [AnyObject]!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func readObjectsForClasses(_ classArray: [AnyObject], options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]?) -> [AnyObject]? | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSPasteboard.setData(NSData, forType: String) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func setData(_ data: NSData!, forType dataType: String!) -> Bool |
To | func setData(_ data: NSData, forType dataType: String) -> Bool |
Modified NSPasteboard.setPropertyList(AnyObject, forType: String) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func setPropertyList(_ plist: AnyObject!, forType dataType: String!) -> Bool |
To | func setPropertyList(_ plist: AnyObject, forType dataType: String) -> Bool |
Modified NSPasteboard.setString(String, forType: String) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func setString(_ string: String!, forType dataType: String!) -> Bool |
To | func setString(_ string: String, forType dataType: String) -> Bool |
Modified NSPasteboard.stringForType(String) -> String?
Declaration | |
From | func stringForType(_ dataType: String!) -> String! |
To | func stringForType(_ dataType: String) -> String? |
Modified NSPasteboard.types
Declaration | |
From | var types: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var types: [AnyObject]? { get } |
Modified NSPasteboard.typesFilterableTo(String) -> [AnyObject] [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func typesFilterableTo(_ type: String!) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | class func typesFilterableTo(_ type: String) -> [AnyObject] |
Modified NSPasteboard.writeFileContents(String) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func writeFileContents(_ filename: String!) -> Bool |
To | func writeFileContents(_ filename: String) -> Bool |
Modified NSPasteboard.writeFileWrapper(NSFileWrapper) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func writeFileWrapper(_ wrapper: NSFileWrapper!) -> Bool |
To | func writeFileWrapper(_ wrapper: NSFileWrapper) -> Bool |
Modified NSPasteboard.writeObjects([AnyObject]) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func writeObjects(_ objects: [AnyObject]!) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 |
To | func writeObjects(_ objects: [AnyObject]) -> Bool | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSPasteboardItem
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSPasteboardItem.availableTypeFromArray([AnyObject]) -> String?
Declaration | |
From | func availableTypeFromArray(_ types: [AnyObject]!) -> String! |
To | func availableTypeFromArray(_ types: [AnyObject]) -> String? |
Modified NSPasteboardItem.dataForType(String) -> NSData?
Declaration | |
From | func dataForType(_ type: String!) -> NSData! |
To | func dataForType(_ type: String) -> NSData? |
Modified NSPasteboardItem.propertyListForType(String) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func propertyListForType(_ type: String!) -> AnyObject! |
To | func propertyListForType(_ type: String) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSPasteboardItem.setData(NSData!, forType: String) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func setData(_ data: NSData!, forType type: String!) -> Bool |
To | func setData(_ data: NSData!, forType type: String) -> Bool |
Modified NSPasteboardItem.setDataProvider(NSPasteboardItemDataProvider!, forTypes:[AnyObject]) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func setDataProvider(_ dataProvider: NSPasteboardItemDataProvider!, forTypes types: [AnyObject]!) -> Bool |
To | func setDataProvider(_ dataProvider: NSPasteboardItemDataProvider!, forTypes types: [AnyObject]) -> Bool |
Modified NSPasteboardItem.setPropertyList(AnyObject!, forType: String) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func setPropertyList(_ propertyList: AnyObject!, forType type: String!) -> Bool |
To | func setPropertyList(_ propertyList: AnyObject!, forType type: String) -> Bool |
Modified NSPasteboardItem.setString(String!, forType: String) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func setString(_ string: String!, forType type: String!) -> Bool |
To | func setString(_ string: String!, forType type: String) -> Bool |
Modified NSPasteboardItem.stringForType(String) -> String?
Declaration | |
From | func stringForType(_ type: String!) -> String! |
To | func stringForType(_ type: String) -> String? |
Modified NSPasteboardItemDataProvider.pasteboardFinishedWithDataProvider(NSPasteboard!)
Optional | |
From | -- |
To | yes |
Modified NSPasteboardReading.init(pasteboardPropertyList: AnyObject!, ofType: String!)
Declaration | |
From | init(pasteboardPropertyList propertyList: AnyObject!, ofType type: String!) |
To | init!(pasteboardPropertyList propertyList: AnyObject!, ofType type: String!) |
Modified NSPasteboardReading.readableTypesForPasteboard(NSPasteboard!) -> [AnyObject]! [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func readableTypesForPasteboard(_ pasteboard: NSPasteboard!) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | static func readableTypesForPasteboard(_ pasteboard: NSPasteboard!) -> [AnyObject]! |
Modified NSPasteboardReading.readingOptionsForType(String!, pasteboard: NSPasteboard!) -> NSPasteboardReadingOptions [class]
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional class func readingOptionsForType(_ type: String!, pasteboard pasteboard: NSPasteboard!) -> NSPasteboardReadingOptions | -- |
To | optional static func readingOptionsForType(_ type: String!, pasteboard pasteboard: NSPasteboard!) -> NSPasteboardReadingOptions | yes |
Modified NSPasteboardReadingOptions [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | Introduction | |
From | struct NSPasteboardReadingOptions : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var AsData: NSPasteboardReadingOptions { get } static var AsString: NSPasteboardReadingOptions { get } static var AsPropertyList: NSPasteboardReadingOptions { get } static var AsKeyedArchive: NSPasteboardReadingOptions { get } } | RawOptionSet | OS X 10.10 |
To | struct NSPasteboardReadingOptions : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var AsData: NSPasteboardReadingOptions { get } static var AsString: NSPasteboardReadingOptions { get } static var AsPropertyList: NSPasteboardReadingOptions { get } static var AsKeyedArchive: NSPasteboardReadingOptions { get } } | RawOptionSetType | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSPasteboardReadingOptions.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSPasteboardWriting.writingOptionsForType(String!, pasteboard: NSPasteboard!) -> NSPasteboardWritingOptions
Optional | |
From | -- |
To | yes |
Modified NSPasteboardWritingOptions [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | Introduction | |
From | struct NSPasteboardWritingOptions : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var Promised: NSPasteboardWritingOptions { get } } | RawOptionSet | OS X 10.10 |
To | struct NSPasteboardWritingOptions : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var Promised: NSPasteboardWritingOptions { get } } | RawOptionSetType | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSPasteboardWritingOptions.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSPathCell
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSPathCell.URL
Declaration | |
From | var URL: NSURL! |
To | @NSCopying var URL: NSURL? |
Modified NSPathCell.allowedTypes
Declaration | |
From | var allowedTypes: [AnyObject]! |
To | var allowedTypes: [AnyObject]? |
Modified NSPathCell.backgroundColor
Declaration | |
From | var backgroundColor: NSColor! |
To | @NSCopying var backgroundColor: NSColor? |
Modified NSPathCell.clickedPathComponentCell
Declaration | |
From | var clickedPathComponentCell: NSPathComponentCell! { get } |
To | var clickedPathComponentCell: NSPathComponentCell? { get } |
Modified NSPathCell.delegate
Declaration | |
From | var delegate: NSPathCellDelegate! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSPathCellDelegate? |
Modified NSPathCell.mouseEntered(NSEvent, withFrame: NSRect, inView: NSView)
Declaration | |
From | func mouseEntered(_ event: NSEvent!, withFrame frame: NSRect, inView view: NSView!) |
To | func mouseEntered(_ event: NSEvent, withFrame frame: NSRect, inView view: NSView) |
Modified NSPathCell.mouseExited(NSEvent, withFrame: NSRect, inView: NSView)
Declaration | |
From | func mouseExited(_ event: NSEvent!, withFrame frame: NSRect, inView view: NSView!) |
To | func mouseExited(_ event: NSEvent, withFrame frame: NSRect, inView view: NSView) |
Modified NSPathCell.pathComponentCellAtPoint(NSPoint, withFrame: NSRect, inView: NSView) -> NSPathComponentCell?
Declaration | |
From | func pathComponentCellAtPoint(_ point: NSPoint, withFrame frame: NSRect, inView view: NSView!) -> NSPathComponentCell! |
To | func pathComponentCellAtPoint(_ point: NSPoint, withFrame frame: NSRect, inView view: NSView) -> NSPathComponentCell? |
Modified NSPathCell.pathComponentCellClass() -> AnyClass [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func pathComponentCellClass() -> AnyClass! |
To | class func pathComponentCellClass() -> AnyClass |
Modified NSPathCell.pathComponentCells
Declaration | |
From | var pathComponentCells: [AnyObject]! |
To | var pathComponentCells: [AnyObject] |
Modified NSPathCell.placeholderAttributedString
Declaration | |
From | var placeholderAttributedString: NSAttributedString! |
To | @NSCopying var placeholderAttributedString: NSAttributedString? |
Modified NSPathCell.placeholderString
Declaration | |
From | var placeholderString: String! |
To | var placeholderString: String? |
Modified NSPathCell.rectOfPathComponentCell(NSPathComponentCell, withFrame: NSRect, inView: NSView) -> NSRect
Declaration | |
From | func rectOfPathComponentCell(_ cell: NSPathComponentCell!, withFrame frame: NSRect, inView view: NSView!) -> NSRect |
To | func rectOfPathComponentCell(_ cell: NSPathComponentCell, withFrame frame: NSRect, inView view: NSView) -> NSRect |
Modified NSPathCell.setObjectValue(NSCopying?)
Declaration | |
From | func setObjectValue(_ obj: NSCopying!) |
To | func setObjectValue(_ obj: NSCopying?) |
Modified NSPathCellDelegate.pathCell(NSPathCell, willDisplayOpenPanel: NSOpenPanel)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func pathCell(_ pathCell: NSPathCell!, willDisplayOpenPanel openPanel: NSOpenPanel!) | -- |
To | optional func pathCell(_ pathCell: NSPathCell, willDisplayOpenPanel openPanel: NSOpenPanel) | yes |
Modified NSPathCellDelegate.pathCell(NSPathCell, willPopUpMenu: NSMenu)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func pathCell(_ pathCell: NSPathCell!, willPopUpMenu menu: NSMenu!) | -- |
To | optional func pathCell(_ pathCell: NSPathCell, willPopUpMenu menu: NSMenu) | yes |
Modified NSPathComponentCell
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSPathComponentCell.URL
Declaration | |
From | var URL: NSURL! |
To | @NSCopying var URL: NSURL? |
Modified NSPathComponentCell.image
Declaration | |
From | var image: NSImage! |
To | @NSCopying var image: NSImage? |
Modified NSPathControl
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSPathControl.URL
Declaration | |
From | var URL: NSURL! |
To | @NSCopying var URL: NSURL? |
Modified NSPathControl.allowedTypes
Declaration | |
From | var allowedTypes: [AnyObject]! |
To | var allowedTypes: [AnyObject]? |
Modified NSPathControl.backgroundColor
Declaration | |
From | var backgroundColor: NSColor! |
To | @NSCopying var backgroundColor: NSColor? |
Modified NSPathControl.clickedPathComponentCell() -> NSPathComponentCell?
Declaration | |
From | func clickedPathComponentCell() -> NSPathComponentCell! |
To | func clickedPathComponentCell() -> NSPathComponentCell? |
Modified NSPathControl.clickedPathItem
Declaration | |
From | var clickedPathItem: NSPathControlItem! { get } |
To | var clickedPathItem: NSPathControlItem? { get } |
Modified NSPathControl.delegate
Declaration | |
From | var delegate: NSPathControlDelegate! |
To | weak var delegate: NSPathControlDelegate? |
Declaration | |
From | var menu: NSMenu! |
To | var menu: NSMenu? |
Modified NSPathControl.pathComponentCells() -> [AnyObject]
Declaration | |
From | func pathComponentCells() -> [AnyObject]! |
To | func pathComponentCells() -> [AnyObject] |
Modified NSPathControl.pathItems
Declaration | |
From | var pathItems: [AnyObject]! |
To | var pathItems: [AnyObject] |
Modified NSPathControl.placeholderAttributedString
Declaration | |
From | var placeholderAttributedString: NSAttributedString! |
To | @NSCopying var placeholderAttributedString: NSAttributedString? |
Modified NSPathControl.placeholderString
Declaration | |
From | var placeholderString: String! |
To | var placeholderString: String? |
Modified NSPathControl.setPathComponentCells([AnyObject])
Declaration | |
From | func setPathComponentCells(_ cells: [AnyObject]!) |
To | func setPathComponentCells(_ cells: [AnyObject]) |
Modified NSPathControlDelegate.pathControl(NSPathControl, acceptDrop: NSDraggingInfo) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func pathControl(_ pathControl: NSPathControl!, acceptDrop info: NSDraggingInfo!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func pathControl(_ pathControl: NSPathControl, acceptDrop info: NSDraggingInfo) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSPathControlDelegate.pathControl(NSPathControl, shouldDragItem: NSPathControlItem, withPasteboard: NSPasteboard) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func pathControl(_ pathControl: NSPathControl!, shouldDragItem pathItem: NSPathControlItem!, withPasteboard pasteboard: NSPasteboard!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func pathControl(_ pathControl: NSPathControl, shouldDragItem pathItem: NSPathControlItem, withPasteboard pasteboard: NSPasteboard) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSPathControlDelegate.pathControl(NSPathControl, shouldDragPathComponentCell: NSPathComponentCell, withPasteboard: NSPasteboard) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func pathControl(_ pathControl: NSPathControl!, shouldDragPathComponentCell pathComponentCell: NSPathComponentCell!, withPasteboard pasteboard: NSPasteboard!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func pathControl(_ pathControl: NSPathControl, shouldDragPathComponentCell pathComponentCell: NSPathComponentCell, withPasteboard pasteboard: NSPasteboard) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSPathControlDelegate.pathControl(NSPathControl, validateDrop: NSDraggingInfo) -> NSDragOperation
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func pathControl(_ pathControl: NSPathControl!, validateDrop info: NSDraggingInfo!) -> NSDragOperation | -- |
To | optional func pathControl(_ pathControl: NSPathControl, validateDrop info: NSDraggingInfo) -> NSDragOperation | yes |
Modified NSPathControlDelegate.pathControl(NSPathControl, willDisplayOpenPanel: NSOpenPanel)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func pathControl(_ pathControl: NSPathControl!, willDisplayOpenPanel openPanel: NSOpenPanel!) | -- |
To | optional func pathControl(_ pathControl: NSPathControl, willDisplayOpenPanel openPanel: NSOpenPanel) | yes |
Modified NSPathControlDelegate.pathControl(NSPathControl, willPopUpMenu: NSMenu)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func pathControl(_ pathControl: NSPathControl!, willPopUpMenu menu: NSMenu!) | -- |
To | optional func pathControl(_ pathControl: NSPathControl, willPopUpMenu menu: NSMenu) | yes |
Modified NSPathControlItem.URL
Declaration | |
From | var URL: NSURL! { get } |
To | var URL: NSURL? { get } |
Modified NSPathControlItem.attributedTitle
Declaration | |
From | var attributedTitle: NSAttributedString! |
To | @NSCopying var attributedTitle: NSAttributedString! |
Modified NSPathControlItem.image
Declaration | |
From | var image: NSImage! |
To | var image: NSImage? |
Modified NSPersistentDocument.configurePersistentStoreCoordinatorForURL(NSURL!, ofType: String!, modelConfiguration: String?, storeOptions:[NSObject: AnyObject]!, error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func configurePersistentStoreCoordinatorForURL(_ url: NSURL!, ofType fileType: String!, modelConfiguration configuration: String!, storeOptions storeOptions: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, error error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 |
To | func configurePersistentStoreCoordinatorForURL(_ url: NSURL!, ofType fileType: String!, modelConfiguration configuration: String?, storeOptions storeOptions: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, error error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSPopUpButton.addItemWithTitle(String)
Declaration | |
From | func addItemWithTitle(_ title: String!) |
To | func addItemWithTitle(_ title: String) |
Modified NSPopUpButton.addItemsWithTitles([AnyObject])
Declaration | |
From | func addItemsWithTitles(_ itemTitles: [AnyObject]!) |
To | func addItemsWithTitles(_ itemTitles: [AnyObject]) |
Modified NSPopUpButton.indexOfItem(NSMenuItem) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func indexOfItem(_ item: NSMenuItem!) -> Int |
To | func indexOfItem(_ item: NSMenuItem) -> Int |
Modified NSPopUpButton.indexOfItemWithRepresentedObject(AnyObject?) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func indexOfItemWithRepresentedObject(_ obj: AnyObject!) -> Int |
To | func indexOfItemWithRepresentedObject(_ obj: AnyObject?) -> Int |
Modified NSPopUpButton.indexOfItemWithTarget(AnyObject?, andAction: Selector) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func indexOfItemWithTarget(_ target: AnyObject!, andAction actionSelector: Selector) -> Int |
To | func indexOfItemWithTarget(_ target: AnyObject?, andAction actionSelector: Selector) -> Int |
Modified NSPopUpButton.indexOfItemWithTitle(String) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func indexOfItemWithTitle(_ title: String!) -> Int |
To | func indexOfItemWithTitle(_ title: String) -> Int |
Modified NSPopUpButton.insertItemWithTitle(String, atIndex: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func insertItemWithTitle(_ title: String!, atIndex index: Int) |
To | func insertItemWithTitle(_ title: String, atIndex index: Int) |
Modified NSPopUpButton.itemArray
Declaration | |
From | var itemArray: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var itemArray: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSPopUpButton.itemAtIndex(Int) -> NSMenuItem?
Declaration | |
From | func itemAtIndex(_ index: Int) -> NSMenuItem! |
To | func itemAtIndex(_ index: Int) -> NSMenuItem? |
Modified NSPopUpButton.itemTitleAtIndex(Int) -> String
Declaration | |
From | func itemTitleAtIndex(_ index: Int) -> String! |
To | func itemTitleAtIndex(_ index: Int) -> String |
Modified NSPopUpButton.itemTitles
Declaration | |
From | var itemTitles: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var itemTitles: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSPopUpButton.itemWithTitle(String) -> NSMenuItem?
Declaration | |
From | func itemWithTitle(_ title: String!) -> NSMenuItem! |
To | func itemWithTitle(_ title: String) -> NSMenuItem? |
Modified NSPopUpButton.lastItem
Declaration | |
From | var lastItem: NSMenuItem! { get } |
To | var lastItem: NSMenuItem? { get } |
Declaration | |
From | var menu: NSMenu! |
To | var menu: NSMenu? |
Modified NSPopUpButton.removeItemWithTitle(String)
Declaration | |
From | func removeItemWithTitle(_ title: String!) |
To | func removeItemWithTitle(_ title: String) |
Modified NSPopUpButton.selectItem(NSMenuItem?)
Declaration | |
From | func selectItem(_ item: NSMenuItem!) |
To | func selectItem(_ item: NSMenuItem?) |
Modified NSPopUpButton.selectItemWithTitle(String)
Declaration | |
From | func selectItemWithTitle(_ title: String!) |
To | func selectItemWithTitle(_ title: String) |
Modified NSPopUpButton.selectedItem
Declaration | |
From | var selectedItem: NSMenuItem! { get } |
To | var selectedItem: NSMenuItem? { get } |
Modified NSPopUpButton.setTitle(String)
Declaration | |
From | func setTitle(_ aString: String!) |
To | func setTitle(_ aString: String) |
Modified NSPopUpButton.titleOfSelectedItem
Declaration | |
From | var titleOfSelectedItem: String! { get } |
To | var titleOfSelectedItem: String? { get } |
Modified NSPopUpButtonCell.addItemWithTitle(String)
Declaration | |
From | func addItemWithTitle(_ title: String!) |
To | func addItemWithTitle(_ title: String) |
Modified NSPopUpButtonCell.addItemsWithTitles([AnyObject])
Declaration | |
From | func addItemsWithTitles(_ itemTitles: [AnyObject]!) |
To | func addItemsWithTitles(_ itemTitles: [AnyObject]) |
Modified NSPopUpButtonCell.attachPopUpWithFrame(NSRect, inView: NSView)
Declaration | |
From | func attachPopUpWithFrame(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView!) |
To | func attachPopUpWithFrame(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView) |
Modified NSPopUpButtonCell.indexOfItem(NSMenuItem) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func indexOfItem(_ item: NSMenuItem!) -> Int |
To | func indexOfItem(_ item: NSMenuItem) -> Int |
Modified NSPopUpButtonCell.indexOfItemWithRepresentedObject(AnyObject?) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func indexOfItemWithRepresentedObject(_ obj: AnyObject!) -> Int |
To | func indexOfItemWithRepresentedObject(_ obj: AnyObject?) -> Int |
Modified NSPopUpButtonCell.indexOfItemWithTarget(AnyObject?, andAction: Selector) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func indexOfItemWithTarget(_ target: AnyObject!, andAction actionSelector: Selector) -> Int |
To | func indexOfItemWithTarget(_ target: AnyObject?, andAction actionSelector: Selector) -> Int |
Modified NSPopUpButtonCell.indexOfItemWithTitle(String) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func indexOfItemWithTitle(_ title: String!) -> Int |
To | func indexOfItemWithTitle(_ title: String) -> Int |
Modified NSPopUpButtonCell.insertItemWithTitle(String, atIndex: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func insertItemWithTitle(_ title: String!, atIndex index: Int) |
To | func insertItemWithTitle(_ title: String, atIndex index: Int) |
Modified NSPopUpButtonCell.itemArray
Declaration | |
From | var itemArray: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var itemArray: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSPopUpButtonCell.itemAtIndex(Int) -> NSMenuItem?
Declaration | |
From | func itemAtIndex(_ index: Int) -> NSMenuItem! |
To | func itemAtIndex(_ index: Int) -> NSMenuItem? |
Modified NSPopUpButtonCell.itemTitleAtIndex(Int) -> String
Declaration | |
From | func itemTitleAtIndex(_ index: Int) -> String! |
To | func itemTitleAtIndex(_ index: Int) -> String |
Modified NSPopUpButtonCell.itemTitles
Declaration | |
From | var itemTitles: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var itemTitles: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSPopUpButtonCell.itemWithTitle(String) -> NSMenuItem?
Declaration | |
From | func itemWithTitle(_ title: String!) -> NSMenuItem! |
To | func itemWithTitle(_ title: String) -> NSMenuItem? |
Modified NSPopUpButtonCell.lastItem
Declaration | |
From | var lastItem: NSMenuItem! { get } |
To | var lastItem: NSMenuItem? { get } |
Declaration | |
From | var menu: NSMenu! |
To | var menu: NSMenu? |
Modified NSPopUpButtonCell.performClickWithFrame(NSRect, inView: NSView)
Declaration | |
From | func performClickWithFrame(_ frame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView!) |
To | func performClickWithFrame(_ frame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView) |
Modified NSPopUpButtonCell.removeItemWithTitle(String)
Declaration | |
From | func removeItemWithTitle(_ title: String!) |
To | func removeItemWithTitle(_ title: String) |
Modified NSPopUpButtonCell.selectItem(NSMenuItem?)
Declaration | |
From | func selectItem(_ item: NSMenuItem!) |
To | func selectItem(_ item: NSMenuItem?) |
Modified NSPopUpButtonCell.selectItemWithTitle(String)
Declaration | |
From | func selectItemWithTitle(_ title: String!) |
To | func selectItemWithTitle(_ title: String) |
Modified NSPopUpButtonCell.selectedItem
Declaration | |
From | var selectedItem: NSMenuItem! { get } |
To | var selectedItem: NSMenuItem? { get } |
Modified NSPopUpButtonCell.setTitle(String)
Declaration | |
From | func setTitle(_ aString: String!) |
To | func setTitle(_ aString: String) |
Modified NSPopUpButtonCell.init(textCell: String, pullsDown: Bool)
Declaration | |
From | init(textCell stringValue: String!, pullsDown pullDown: Bool) |
To | init(textCell stringValue: String, pullsDown pullDown: Bool) |
Modified NSPopUpButtonCell.titleOfSelectedItem
Declaration | |
From | var titleOfSelectedItem: String! { get } |
To | var titleOfSelectedItem: String? { get } |
Modified NSPopover
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSPopover.appearance
Declaration | |
From | var appearance: NSAppearance! |
To | var appearance: NSAppearance? |
Modified NSPopover.init(coder: NSCoder)
Declaration | |
From | init(coder coder: NSCoder!) |
To | init?(coder coder: NSCoder) |
Modified NSPopover.contentViewController
Declaration | |
From | @IBOutlet var contentViewController: NSViewController! |
To | @IBOutlet var contentViewController: NSViewController? |
Modified NSPopover.delegate
Declaration | |
From | @IBOutlet var delegate: NSPopoverDelegate! |
To | @IBOutlet unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSPopoverDelegate? |
Modified NSPopover.effectiveAppearance
Declaration | |
From | var effectiveAppearance: NSAppearance! { get } |
To | var effectiveAppearance: NSAppearance { get } |
Modified NSPopover.performClose(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | @IBAction func performClose(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | @IBAction func performClose(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSPopover.showRelativeToRect(NSRect, ofView: NSView, preferredEdge: NSRectEdge)
Declaration | |
From | func showRelativeToRect(_ positioningRect: NSRect, ofView positioningView: NSView!, preferredEdge preferredEdge: NSRectEdge) |
To | func showRelativeToRect(_ positioningRect: NSRect, ofView positioningView: NSView, preferredEdge preferredEdge: NSRectEdge) |
Modified NSPopoverAppearance [enum]
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.7 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSPopoverAppearance.HUD
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.7 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSPopoverAppearance.Minimal
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.7 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSPopoverDelegate.detachableWindowForPopover(NSPopover) -> NSWindow?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func detachableWindowForPopover(_ popover: NSPopover!) -> NSWindow! | -- |
To | optional func detachableWindowForPopover(_ popover: NSPopover) -> NSWindow? | yes |
Modified NSPopoverDelegate.popoverDidClose(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func popoverDidClose(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func popoverDidClose(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSPopoverDelegate.popoverDidShow(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func popoverDidShow(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func popoverDidShow(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSPopoverDelegate.popoverShouldClose(NSPopover) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func popoverShouldClose(_ popover: NSPopover!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func popoverShouldClose(_ popover: NSPopover) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSPopoverDelegate.popoverShouldDetach(NSPopover) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func popoverShouldDetach(_ popover: NSPopover!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func popoverShouldDetach(_ popover: NSPopover) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSPopoverDelegate.popoverWillClose(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func popoverWillClose(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func popoverWillClose(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSPopoverDelegate.popoverWillShow(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func popoverWillShow(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func popoverWillShow(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSPredicateEditor
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSPredicateEditor.rowTemplates
Declaration | |
From | var rowTemplates: [AnyObject]! |
To | var rowTemplates: [AnyObject] |
Modified NSPredicateEditorRowTemplate
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSPredicateEditorRowTemplate.init(compoundTypes: [AnyObject]!)
Declaration | |
From | init(compoundTypes compoundTypes: [AnyObject]!) |
To | init!(compoundTypes compoundTypes: [AnyObject]!) |
Modified NSPredicateEditorRowTemplate.displayableSubpredicatesOfPredicate(NSPredicate!) -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | |
From | func displayableSubpredicatesOfPredicate(_ predicate: NSPredicate!) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | func displayableSubpredicatesOfPredicate(_ predicate: NSPredicate!) -> [AnyObject]? |
Modified NSPredicateEditorRowTemplate.init(leftExpressions: [AnyObject]!, rightExpressionAttributeType: NSAttributeType, modifier: NSComparisonPredicateModifier, operators:[AnyObject]!, options: Int)
Declaration | |
From | init(leftExpressions leftExpressions: [AnyObject]!, rightExpressionAttributeType attributeType: NSAttributeType, modifier modifier: NSComparisonPredicateModifier, operators operators: [AnyObject]!, options options: Int) |
To | init!(leftExpressions leftExpressions: [AnyObject]!, rightExpressionAttributeType attributeType: NSAttributeType, modifier modifier: NSComparisonPredicateModifier, operators operators: [AnyObject]!, options options: Int) |
Modified NSPredicateEditorRowTemplate.init(leftExpressions: [AnyObject]!, rightExpressions:[AnyObject]!, modifier: NSComparisonPredicateModifier, operators:[AnyObject]!, options: Int)
Declaration | |
From | init(leftExpressions leftExpressions: [AnyObject]!, rightExpressions rightExpressions: [AnyObject]!, modifier modifier: NSComparisonPredicateModifier, operators operators: [AnyObject]!, options options: Int) |
To | init!(leftExpressions leftExpressions: [AnyObject]!, rightExpressions rightExpressions: [AnyObject]!, modifier modifier: NSComparisonPredicateModifier, operators operators: [AnyObject]!, options options: Int) |
Modified NSPressGestureRecognizer
Protocols | |
From | AnyObject |
To | AnyObject, NSCoding |
Modified NSPrintInfo.PMPageFormat() -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func PMPageFormat() -> UnsafePointer<()> | OS X 10.10 |
To | func PMPageFormat() -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSPrintInfo.PMPrintSession() -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func PMPrintSession() -> UnsafePointer<()> | OS X 10.10 |
To | func PMPrintSession() -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSPrintInfo.PMPrintSettings() -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func PMPrintSettings() -> UnsafePointer<()> | OS X 10.10 |
To | func PMPrintSettings() -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSPrintInfo.defaultPrinter() -> NSPrinter? [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func defaultPrinter() -> NSPrinter! |
To | class func defaultPrinter() -> NSPrinter? |
Modified NSPrintInfo.dictionary() -> NSMutableDictionary
Declaration | |
From | func dictionary() -> NSMutableDictionary! |
To | func dictionary() -> NSMutableDictionary |
Modified NSPrintInfo.init(dictionary: [NSObject: AnyObject])
Declaration | |
From | init(dictionary attributes: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) |
To | init(dictionary attributes: [NSObject : AnyObject]) |
Modified NSPrintInfo.jobDisposition
Declaration | |
From | var jobDisposition: String! |
To | var jobDisposition: String |
Modified NSPrintInfo.printSettings
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var printSettings: NSMutableDictionary! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var printSettings: NSMutableDictionary { get } | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSPrintInfo.printer
Declaration | |
From | var printer: NSPrinter! |
To | @NSCopying var printer: NSPrinter |
Modified NSPrintInfo.scalingFactor
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSPrintInfo.selectionOnly
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSPrintInfo.setSharedPrintInfo(NSPrintInfo) [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func setSharedPrintInfo(_ printInfo: NSPrintInfo!) |
To | class func setSharedPrintInfo(_ printInfo: NSPrintInfo) |
Modified NSPrintInfo.sharedPrintInfo() -> NSPrintInfo [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func sharedPrintInfo() -> NSPrintInfo! |
To | class func sharedPrintInfo() -> NSPrintInfo |
Modified NSPrintInfo.takeSettingsFromPDFInfo(NSPDFInfo)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func takeSettingsFromPDFInfo(_ inPDFInfo: NSPDFInfo!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func takeSettingsFromPDFInfo(_ inPDFInfo: NSPDFInfo) | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSPrintInfo.updateFromPMPageFormat()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSPrintInfo.updateFromPMPrintSettings()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSPrintOperation.EPSOperationWithView(NSView, insideRect: NSRect, toData: NSMutableData, printInfo: NSPrintInfo) -> NSPrintOperation [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func EPSOperationWithView(_ view: NSView!, insideRect rect: NSRect, toData data: NSMutableData!, printInfo printInfo: NSPrintInfo!) -> NSPrintOperation! |
To | class func EPSOperationWithView(_ view: NSView, insideRect rect: NSRect, toData data: NSMutableData, printInfo printInfo: NSPrintInfo) -> NSPrintOperation |
Modified NSPrintOperation.EPSOperationWithView(NSView, insideRect: NSRect, toData: NSMutableData?) -> NSPrintOperation [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func EPSOperationWithView(_ view: NSView!, insideRect rect: NSRect, toData data: NSMutableData!) -> NSPrintOperation! |
To | class func EPSOperationWithView(_ view: NSView, insideRect rect: NSRect, toData data: NSMutableData?) -> NSPrintOperation |
Modified NSPrintOperation.EPSOperationWithView(NSView, insideRect: NSRect, toPath: String, printInfo: NSPrintInfo) -> NSPrintOperation [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func EPSOperationWithView(_ view: NSView!, insideRect rect: NSRect, toPath path: String!, printInfo printInfo: NSPrintInfo!) -> NSPrintOperation! |
To | class func EPSOperationWithView(_ view: NSView, insideRect rect: NSRect, toPath path: String, printInfo printInfo: NSPrintInfo) -> NSPrintOperation |
Modified NSPrintOperation.PDFOperationWithView(NSView, insideRect: NSRect, toData: NSMutableData) -> NSPrintOperation [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func PDFOperationWithView(_ view: NSView!, insideRect rect: NSRect, toData data: NSMutableData!) -> NSPrintOperation! |
To | class func PDFOperationWithView(_ view: NSView, insideRect rect: NSRect, toData data: NSMutableData) -> NSPrintOperation |
Modified NSPrintOperation.PDFOperationWithView(NSView, insideRect: NSRect, toData: NSMutableData, printInfo: NSPrintInfo) -> NSPrintOperation [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func PDFOperationWithView(_ view: NSView!, insideRect rect: NSRect, toData data: NSMutableData!, printInfo printInfo: NSPrintInfo!) -> NSPrintOperation! |
To | class func PDFOperationWithView(_ view: NSView, insideRect rect: NSRect, toData data: NSMutableData, printInfo printInfo: NSPrintInfo) -> NSPrintOperation |
Modified NSPrintOperation.PDFOperationWithView(NSView, insideRect: NSRect, toPath: String, printInfo: NSPrintInfo) -> NSPrintOperation [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func PDFOperationWithView(_ view: NSView!, insideRect rect: NSRect, toPath path: String!, printInfo printInfo: NSPrintInfo!) -> NSPrintOperation! |
To | class func PDFOperationWithView(_ view: NSView, insideRect rect: NSRect, toPath path: String, printInfo printInfo: NSPrintInfo) -> NSPrintOperation |
Modified NSPrintOperation.PDFPanel
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var PDFPanel: NSPDFPanel! | OS X 10.10 |
To | var PDFPanel: NSPDFPanel | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSPrintOperation.context
Declaration | |
From | var context: NSGraphicsContext! { get } |
To | var context: NSGraphicsContext? { get } |
Modified NSPrintOperation.createContext() -> NSGraphicsContext?
Declaration | |
From | func createContext() -> NSGraphicsContext! |
To | func createContext() -> NSGraphicsContext? |
Modified NSPrintOperation.currentOperation() -> NSPrintOperation? [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func currentOperation() -> NSPrintOperation! |
To | class func currentOperation() -> NSPrintOperation? |
Modified NSPrintOperation.jobTitle
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var jobTitle: String! | OS X 10.10 |
To | var jobTitle: String? | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSPrintOperation.pageRange
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSPrintOperation.preferredRenderingQuality
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSPrintOperation.printInfo
Declaration | |
From | var printInfo: NSPrintInfo! |
To | @NSCopying var printInfo: NSPrintInfo |
Modified NSPrintOperation.printPanel
Declaration | |
From | var printPanel: NSPrintPanel! |
To | var printPanel: NSPrintPanel |
Modified NSPrintOperation.runOperationModalForWindow(NSWindow, delegate: AnyObject?, didRunSelector: Selector, contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func runOperationModalForWindow(_ docWindow: NSWindow!, delegate delegate: AnyObject!, didRunSelector didRunSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func runOperationModalForWindow(_ docWindow: NSWindow, delegate delegate: AnyObject?, didRunSelector didRunSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) |
Modified NSPrintOperation.setCurrentOperation(NSPrintOperation?) [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func setCurrentOperation(_ operation: NSPrintOperation!) |
To | class func setCurrentOperation(_ operation: NSPrintOperation?) |
Modified NSPrintOperation.view
Declaration | |
From | var view: NSView! { get } |
To | var view: NSView? { get } |
Modified NSPrintOperation.init(view: NSView)
Declaration | |
From | init(view view: NSView!) -> NSPrintOperation |
To | init(view view: NSView) -> NSPrintOperation |
Modified NSPrintOperation.init(view: NSView, printInfo: NSPrintInfo)
Declaration | |
From | init(view view: NSView!, printInfo printInfo: NSPrintInfo!) -> NSPrintOperation |
To | init(view view: NSView, printInfo printInfo: NSPrintInfo) -> NSPrintOperation |
Modified NSPrintPanel.accessoryControllers
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var accessoryControllers: [AnyObject]! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var accessoryControllers: [AnyObject] { get } | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSPrintPanel.addAccessoryController(NSViewController)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func addAccessoryController(_ accessoryController: NSViewController!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func addAccessoryController(_ accessoryController: NSViewController) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSPrintPanel.beginSheetWithPrintInfo(NSPrintInfo, modalForWindow: NSWindow, delegate: AnyObject?, didEndSelector: Selector, contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func beginSheetWithPrintInfo(_ printInfo: NSPrintInfo!, modalForWindow docWindow: NSWindow!, delegate delegate: AnyObject!, didEndSelector didEndSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func beginSheetWithPrintInfo(_ printInfo: NSPrintInfo, modalForWindow docWindow: NSWindow, delegate delegate: AnyObject?, didEndSelector didEndSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) |
Modified NSPrintPanel.defaultButtonTitle() -> String?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func defaultButtonTitle() -> String! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func defaultButtonTitle() -> String? | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSPrintPanel.helpAnchor
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var helpAnchor: String! | OS X 10.10 |
To | var helpAnchor: String? | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSPrintPanel.jobStyleHint
Declaration | |
From | var jobStyleHint: String! |
To | var jobStyleHint: String? |
Modified NSPrintPanel.options
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSPrintPanel.printInfo
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var printInfo: NSPrintInfo! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var printInfo: NSPrintInfo { get } | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSPrintPanel.removeAccessoryController(NSViewController)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func removeAccessoryController(_ accessoryController: NSViewController!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func removeAccessoryController(_ accessoryController: NSViewController) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSPrintPanel.runModalWithPrintInfo(NSPrintInfo) -> Int
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func runModalWithPrintInfo(_ printInfo: NSPrintInfo!) -> Int | OS X 10.10 |
To | func runModalWithPrintInfo(_ printInfo: NSPrintInfo) -> Int | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSPrintPanel.setDefaultButtonTitle(String?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func setDefaultButtonTitle(_ defaultButtonTitle: String!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func setDefaultButtonTitle(_ defaultButtonTitle: String?) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSPrintPanelAccessorizing.keyPathsForValuesAffectingPreview() -> Set<NSObject>!
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func keyPathsForValuesAffectingPreview() -> NSSet! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func keyPathsForValuesAffectingPreview() -> Set<NSObject>! | OS X 10.10.3 | yes |
Modified NSPrintPanelOptions [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | Introduction | |
From | struct NSPrintPanelOptions : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var ShowsCopies: NSPrintPanelOptions { get } static var ShowsPageRange: NSPrintPanelOptions { get } static var ShowsPaperSize: NSPrintPanelOptions { get } static var ShowsOrientation: NSPrintPanelOptions { get } static var ShowsScaling: NSPrintPanelOptions { get } static var ShowsPrintSelection: NSPrintPanelOptions { get } static var ShowsPageSetupAccessory: NSPrintPanelOptions { get } static var ShowsPreview: NSPrintPanelOptions { get } } | RawOptionSet | OS X 10.10 |
To | struct NSPrintPanelOptions : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var ShowsCopies: NSPrintPanelOptions { get } static var ShowsPageRange: NSPrintPanelOptions { get } static var ShowsPaperSize: NSPrintPanelOptions { get } static var ShowsOrientation: NSPrintPanelOptions { get } static var ShowsScaling: NSPrintPanelOptions { get } static var ShowsPrintSelection: NSPrintPanelOptions { get } static var ShowsPageSetupAccessory: NSPrintPanelOptions { get } static var ShowsPreview: NSPrintPanelOptions { get } } | RawOptionSetType | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSPrintPanelOptions.ShowsPrintSelection
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSPrintPanelOptions.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSPrintRenderingQuality [enum]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSPrinter.deviceDescription
Declaration | |
From | var deviceDescription: [NSObject : AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var deviceDescription: [NSObject : AnyObject] { get } |
Declaration | |
From | var name: String! { get } |
To | var name: String { get } |
Modified NSPrinter.init(name: String)
Declaration | |
From | init(name name: String!) -> NSPrinter |
To | init?(name name: String) -> NSPrinter |
Modified NSPrinter.pageSizeForPaper(String) -> NSSize
Declaration | |
From | func pageSizeForPaper(_ paperName: String!) -> NSSize |
To | func pageSizeForPaper(_ paperName: String) -> NSSize |
Modified NSPrinter.printerNames() -> [AnyObject] [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func printerNames() -> [AnyObject]! |
To | class func printerNames() -> [AnyObject] |
Modified NSPrinter.printerTypes() -> [AnyObject] [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func printerTypes() -> [AnyObject]! |
To | class func printerTypes() -> [AnyObject] |
Modified NSPrinter.type
Declaration | |
From | var type: String! { get } |
To | var type: String { get } |
Modified NSPrinter.init(type: String)
Declaration | |
From | init(type type: String!) -> NSPrinter |
To | init?(type type: String) -> NSPrinter |
Modified NSProgressIndicator.startAnimation(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func startAnimation(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func startAnimation(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSProgressIndicator.stopAnimation(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func stopAnimation(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func stopAnimation(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSRemoteNotificationType [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct NSRemoteNotificationType : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var None: NSRemoteNotificationType { get } static var Badge: NSRemoteNotificationType { get } static var Sound: NSRemoteNotificationType { get } static var Alert: NSRemoteNotificationType { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct NSRemoteNotificationType : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var None: NSRemoteNotificationType { get } static var Badge: NSRemoteNotificationType { get } static var Sound: NSRemoteNotificationType { get } static var Alert: NSRemoteNotificationType { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified NSRemoteNotificationType.Alert
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSRemoteNotificationType.Badge
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSRemoteNotificationType.None
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSRemoteNotificationType.Sound
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSRemoteNotificationType.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSResponder.beginGestureWithEvent(NSEvent)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func beginGestureWithEvent(_ event: NSEvent!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func beginGestureWithEvent(_ event: NSEvent) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSResponder.cancelOperation(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func cancelOperation(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func cancelOperation(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.capitalizeWord(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func capitalizeWord(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func capitalizeWord(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.centerSelectionInVisibleArea(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func centerSelectionInVisibleArea(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func centerSelectionInVisibleArea(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.changeCaseOfLetter(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func changeCaseOfLetter(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func changeCaseOfLetter(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.init(coder: NSCoder)
Declaration | |
From | init(coder coder: NSCoder!) |
To | init?(coder coder: NSCoder) |
Modified NSResponder.complete(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func complete(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func complete(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.cursorUpdate(NSEvent)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func cursorUpdate(_ event: NSEvent!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func cursorUpdate(_ event: NSEvent) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSResponder.deleteBackward(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func deleteBackward(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func deleteBackward(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.deleteBackwardByDecomposingPreviousCharacter(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func deleteBackwardByDecomposingPreviousCharacter(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func deleteBackwardByDecomposingPreviousCharacter(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.deleteForward(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func deleteForward(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func deleteForward(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.deleteToBeginningOfLine(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func deleteToBeginningOfLine(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func deleteToBeginningOfLine(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.deleteToBeginningOfParagraph(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func deleteToBeginningOfParagraph(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func deleteToBeginningOfParagraph(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.deleteToEndOfLine(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func deleteToEndOfLine(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func deleteToEndOfLine(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.deleteToEndOfParagraph(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func deleteToEndOfParagraph(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func deleteToEndOfParagraph(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.deleteToMark(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func deleteToMark(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func deleteToMark(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.deleteWordBackward(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func deleteWordBackward(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func deleteWordBackward(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.deleteWordForward(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func deleteWordForward(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func deleteWordForward(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.encodeRestorableStateWithCoder(NSCoder)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func encodeRestorableStateWithCoder(_ coder: NSCoder!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func encodeRestorableStateWithCoder(_ coder: NSCoder) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSResponder.endGestureWithEvent(NSEvent)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func endGestureWithEvent(_ event: NSEvent!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func endGestureWithEvent(_ event: NSEvent) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSResponder.flagsChanged(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func flagsChanged(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) |
To | func flagsChanged(_ theEvent: NSEvent) |
Modified NSResponder.helpRequested(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func helpRequested(_ eventPtr: NSEvent!) |
To | func helpRequested(_ eventPtr: NSEvent) |
Modified NSResponder.indent(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func indent(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func indent(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.insertBacktab(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func insertBacktab(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func insertBacktab(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.insertContainerBreak(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func insertContainerBreak(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func insertContainerBreak(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.insertDoubleQuoteIgnoringSubstitution(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func insertDoubleQuoteIgnoringSubstitution(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func insertDoubleQuoteIgnoringSubstitution(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSResponder.insertLineBreak(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func insertLineBreak(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func insertLineBreak(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.insertNewline(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func insertNewline(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func insertNewline(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.insertNewlineIgnoringFieldEditor(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func insertNewlineIgnoringFieldEditor(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func insertNewlineIgnoringFieldEditor(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.insertParagraphSeparator(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func insertParagraphSeparator(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func insertParagraphSeparator(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.insertSingleQuoteIgnoringSubstitution(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func insertSingleQuoteIgnoringSubstitution(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func insertSingleQuoteIgnoringSubstitution(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSResponder.insertTab(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func insertTab(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func insertTab(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.insertTabIgnoringFieldEditor(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func insertTabIgnoringFieldEditor(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func insertTabIgnoringFieldEditor(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.insertText(AnyObject)
Declaration | |
From | func insertText(_ insertString: AnyObject!) |
To | func insertText(_ insertString: AnyObject) |
Modified NSResponder.interpretKeyEvents([AnyObject])
Declaration | |
From | func interpretKeyEvents(_ eventArray: [AnyObject]!) |
To | func interpretKeyEvents(_ eventArray: [AnyObject]) |
Modified NSResponder.invalidateRestorableState()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSResponder.keyDown(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func keyDown(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) |
To | func keyDown(_ theEvent: NSEvent) |
Modified NSResponder.keyUp(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func keyUp(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) |
To | func keyUp(_ theEvent: NSEvent) |
Modified NSResponder.lowercaseWord(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func lowercaseWord(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func lowercaseWord(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.magnifyWithEvent(NSEvent)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func magnifyWithEvent(_ event: NSEvent!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func magnifyWithEvent(_ event: NSEvent) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSResponder.makeBaseWritingDirectionLeftToRight(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func makeBaseWritingDirectionLeftToRight(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func makeBaseWritingDirectionLeftToRight(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSResponder.makeBaseWritingDirectionNatural(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func makeBaseWritingDirectionNatural(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func makeBaseWritingDirectionNatural(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSResponder.makeBaseWritingDirectionRightToLeft(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func makeBaseWritingDirectionRightToLeft(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func makeBaseWritingDirectionRightToLeft(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSResponder.makeTextWritingDirectionLeftToRight(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func makeTextWritingDirectionLeftToRight(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func makeTextWritingDirectionLeftToRight(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSResponder.makeTextWritingDirectionNatural(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func makeTextWritingDirectionNatural(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func makeTextWritingDirectionNatural(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSResponder.makeTextWritingDirectionRightToLeft(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func makeTextWritingDirectionRightToLeft(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func makeTextWritingDirectionRightToLeft(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.6 |
Declaration | |
From | var menu: NSMenu! |
To | var menu: NSMenu? |
Modified NSResponder.mouseDown(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func mouseDown(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) |
To | func mouseDown(_ theEvent: NSEvent) |
Modified NSResponder.mouseDragged(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func mouseDragged(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) |
To | func mouseDragged(_ theEvent: NSEvent) |
Modified NSResponder.mouseEntered(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func mouseEntered(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) |
To | func mouseEntered(_ theEvent: NSEvent) |
Modified NSResponder.mouseExited(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func mouseExited(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) |
To | func mouseExited(_ theEvent: NSEvent) |
Modified NSResponder.mouseMoved(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func mouseMoved(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) |
To | func mouseMoved(_ theEvent: NSEvent) |
Modified NSResponder.mouseUp(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func mouseUp(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) |
To | func mouseUp(_ theEvent: NSEvent) |
Modified NSResponder.moveBackward(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func moveBackward(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func moveBackward(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.moveBackwardAndModifySelection(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func moveBackwardAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func moveBackwardAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.moveDown(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func moveDown(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func moveDown(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.moveDownAndModifySelection(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func moveDownAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func moveDownAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.moveForward(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func moveForward(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func moveForward(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.moveForwardAndModifySelection(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func moveForwardAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func moveForwardAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.moveLeft(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func moveLeft(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func moveLeft(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.moveLeftAndModifySelection(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func moveLeftAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func moveLeftAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.moveParagraphBackwardAndModifySelection(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func moveParagraphBackwardAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func moveParagraphBackwardAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.moveParagraphForwardAndModifySelection(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func moveParagraphForwardAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func moveParagraphForwardAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.moveRight(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func moveRight(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func moveRight(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.moveRightAndModifySelection(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func moveRightAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func moveRightAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.moveToBeginningOfDocument(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func moveToBeginningOfDocument(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func moveToBeginningOfDocument(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.moveToBeginningOfDocumentAndModifySelection(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func moveToBeginningOfDocumentAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func moveToBeginningOfDocumentAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.moveToBeginningOfLine(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func moveToBeginningOfLine(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func moveToBeginningOfLine(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.moveToBeginningOfLineAndModifySelection(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func moveToBeginningOfLineAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func moveToBeginningOfLineAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.moveToBeginningOfParagraph(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func moveToBeginningOfParagraph(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func moveToBeginningOfParagraph(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.moveToBeginningOfParagraphAndModifySelection(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func moveToBeginningOfParagraphAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func moveToBeginningOfParagraphAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.moveToEndOfDocument(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func moveToEndOfDocument(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func moveToEndOfDocument(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.moveToEndOfDocumentAndModifySelection(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func moveToEndOfDocumentAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func moveToEndOfDocumentAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.moveToEndOfLine(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func moveToEndOfLine(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func moveToEndOfLine(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.moveToEndOfLineAndModifySelection(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func moveToEndOfLineAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func moveToEndOfLineAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.moveToEndOfParagraph(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func moveToEndOfParagraph(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func moveToEndOfParagraph(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.moveToEndOfParagraphAndModifySelection(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func moveToEndOfParagraphAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func moveToEndOfParagraphAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.moveToLeftEndOfLine(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func moveToLeftEndOfLine(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func moveToLeftEndOfLine(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSResponder.moveToLeftEndOfLineAndModifySelection(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func moveToLeftEndOfLineAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func moveToLeftEndOfLineAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSResponder.moveToRightEndOfLine(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func moveToRightEndOfLine(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func moveToRightEndOfLine(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSResponder.moveToRightEndOfLineAndModifySelection(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func moveToRightEndOfLineAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func moveToRightEndOfLineAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSResponder.moveUp(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func moveUp(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func moveUp(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.moveUpAndModifySelection(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func moveUpAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func moveUpAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.moveWordBackward(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func moveWordBackward(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func moveWordBackward(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.moveWordBackwardAndModifySelection(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func moveWordBackwardAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func moveWordBackwardAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.moveWordForward(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func moveWordForward(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func moveWordForward(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.moveWordForwardAndModifySelection(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func moveWordForwardAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func moveWordForwardAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.moveWordLeft(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func moveWordLeft(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func moveWordLeft(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.moveWordLeftAndModifySelection(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func moveWordLeftAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func moveWordLeftAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.moveWordRight(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func moveWordRight(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func moveWordRight(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.moveWordRightAndModifySelection(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func moveWordRightAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func moveWordRightAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.nextResponder
Declaration | |
From | var nextResponder: NSResponder! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var nextResponder: NSResponder? |
Modified NSResponder.otherMouseDown(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func otherMouseDown(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) |
To | func otherMouseDown(_ theEvent: NSEvent) |
Modified NSResponder.otherMouseDragged(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func otherMouseDragged(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) |
To | func otherMouseDragged(_ theEvent: NSEvent) |
Modified NSResponder.otherMouseUp(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func otherMouseUp(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) |
To | func otherMouseUp(_ theEvent: NSEvent) |
Modified NSResponder.pageDown(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func pageDown(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func pageDown(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.pageDownAndModifySelection(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func pageDownAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func pageDownAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.pageUp(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func pageUp(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func pageUp(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.pageUpAndModifySelection(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func pageUpAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func pageUpAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.performKeyEquivalent(NSEvent) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func performKeyEquivalent(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) -> Bool |
To | func performKeyEquivalent(_ theEvent: NSEvent) -> Bool |
Modified NSResponder.performTextFinderAction(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func performTextFinderAction(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func performTextFinderAction(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSResponder.presentError(NSError) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func presentError(_ error: NSError!) -> Bool |
To | func presentError(_ error: NSError) -> Bool |
Modified NSResponder.presentError(NSError, modalForWindow: NSWindow, delegate: AnyObject?, didPresentSelector: Selector, contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func presentError(_ error: NSError!, modalForWindow window: NSWindow!, delegate delegate: AnyObject!, didPresentSelector didPresentSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func presentError(_ error: NSError, modalForWindow window: NSWindow, delegate delegate: AnyObject?, didPresentSelector didPresentSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) |
Modified NSResponder.quickLookPreviewItems(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func quickLookPreviewItems(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func quickLookPreviewItems(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSResponder.quickLookWithEvent(NSEvent)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func quickLookWithEvent(_ event: NSEvent!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func quickLookWithEvent(_ event: NSEvent) | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSResponder.restorableStateKeyPaths() -> [AnyObject] [class]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class func restorableStateKeyPaths() -> [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 |
To | class func restorableStateKeyPaths() -> [AnyObject] | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSResponder.restoreStateWithCoder(NSCoder)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func restoreStateWithCoder(_ coder: NSCoder!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func restoreStateWithCoder(_ coder: NSCoder) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSResponder.restoreUserActivityState(NSUserActivity)
Declaration | |
From | func restoreUserActivityState(_ userActivity: NSUserActivity!) |
To | func restoreUserActivityState(_ userActivity: NSUserActivity) |
Modified NSResponder.rightMouseDown(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func rightMouseDown(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) |
To | func rightMouseDown(_ theEvent: NSEvent) |
Modified NSResponder.rightMouseDragged(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func rightMouseDragged(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) |
To | func rightMouseDragged(_ theEvent: NSEvent) |
Modified NSResponder.rightMouseUp(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func rightMouseUp(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) |
To | func rightMouseUp(_ theEvent: NSEvent) |
Modified NSResponder.rotateWithEvent(NSEvent)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func rotateWithEvent(_ event: NSEvent!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func rotateWithEvent(_ event: NSEvent) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSResponder.scrollLineDown(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func scrollLineDown(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func scrollLineDown(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.scrollLineUp(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func scrollLineUp(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func scrollLineUp(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.scrollPageDown(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func scrollPageDown(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func scrollPageDown(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.scrollPageUp(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func scrollPageUp(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func scrollPageUp(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.scrollToBeginningOfDocument(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func scrollToBeginningOfDocument(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func scrollToBeginningOfDocument(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.scrollToEndOfDocument(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func scrollToEndOfDocument(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func scrollToEndOfDocument(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.scrollWheel(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func scrollWheel(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) |
To | func scrollWheel(_ theEvent: NSEvent) |
Modified NSResponder.selectAll(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func selectAll(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func selectAll(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.selectLine(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func selectLine(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func selectLine(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.selectParagraph(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func selectParagraph(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func selectParagraph(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.selectToMark(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func selectToMark(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func selectToMark(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.selectWord(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func selectWord(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func selectWord(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.setMark(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func setMark(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func setMark(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.shouldBeTreatedAsInkEvent(NSEvent) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func shouldBeTreatedAsInkEvent(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) -> Bool |
To | func shouldBeTreatedAsInkEvent(_ theEvent: NSEvent) -> Bool |
Modified NSResponder.showContextHelp(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func showContextHelp(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func showContextHelp(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.smartMagnifyWithEvent(NSEvent)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func smartMagnifyWithEvent(_ event: NSEvent!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func smartMagnifyWithEvent(_ event: NSEvent) | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSResponder.supplementalTargetForAction(Selector, sender: AnyObject?) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func supplementalTargetForAction(_ action: Selector, sender sender: AnyObject!) -> AnyObject! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func supplementalTargetForAction(_ action: Selector, sender sender: AnyObject?) -> AnyObject? | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSResponder.swapWithMark(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func swapWithMark(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func swapWithMark(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.swipeWithEvent(NSEvent)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func swipeWithEvent(_ event: NSEvent!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func swipeWithEvent(_ event: NSEvent) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSResponder.tabletPoint(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func tabletPoint(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) |
To | func tabletPoint(_ theEvent: NSEvent) |
Modified NSResponder.tabletProximity(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func tabletProximity(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) |
To | func tabletProximity(_ theEvent: NSEvent) |
Modified NSResponder.touchesBeganWithEvent(NSEvent)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func touchesBeganWithEvent(_ event: NSEvent!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func touchesBeganWithEvent(_ event: NSEvent) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSResponder.touchesCancelledWithEvent(NSEvent)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func touchesCancelledWithEvent(_ event: NSEvent!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func touchesCancelledWithEvent(_ event: NSEvent) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSResponder.touchesEndedWithEvent(NSEvent)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func touchesEndedWithEvent(_ event: NSEvent!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func touchesEndedWithEvent(_ event: NSEvent) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSResponder.touchesMovedWithEvent(NSEvent)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func touchesMovedWithEvent(_ event: NSEvent!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func touchesMovedWithEvent(_ event: NSEvent) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSResponder.transpose(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func transpose(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func transpose(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.transposeWords(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func transposeWords(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func transposeWords(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.tryToPerform(Selector, with: AnyObject?) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func tryToPerform(_ anAction: Selector, with anObject: AnyObject!) -> Bool |
To | func tryToPerform(_ anAction: Selector, with anObject: AnyObject?) -> Bool |
Modified NSResponder.undoManager
Declaration | |
From | var undoManager: NSUndoManager! { get } |
To | var undoManager: NSUndoManager? { get } |
Modified NSResponder.updateUserActivityState(NSUserActivity)
Declaration | |
From | func updateUserActivityState(_ userActivity: NSUserActivity!) |
To | func updateUserActivityState(_ userActivity: NSUserActivity) |
Modified NSResponder.uppercaseWord(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func uppercaseWord(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func uppercaseWord(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSResponder.userActivity
Declaration | |
From | var userActivity: NSUserActivity! |
To | var userActivity: NSUserActivity? |
Modified NSResponder.validRequestorForSendType(String, returnType: String) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func validRequestorForSendType(_ sendType: String!, returnType returnType: String!) -> AnyObject! |
To | func validRequestorForSendType(_ sendType: String, returnType returnType: String) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSResponder.validateProposedFirstResponder(NSResponder, forEvent: NSEvent?) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func validateProposedFirstResponder(_ responder: NSResponder!, forEvent event: NSEvent!) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 |
To | func validateProposedFirstResponder(_ responder: NSResponder, forEvent event: NSEvent?) -> Bool | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSResponder.wantsForwardedScrollEventsForAxis(NSEventGestureAxis) -> Bool
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSResponder.wantsScrollEventsForSwipeTrackingOnAxis(NSEventGestureAxis) -> Bool
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSResponder.willPresentError(NSError) -> NSError
Declaration | |
From | func willPresentError(_ error: NSError!) -> NSError! |
To | func willPresentError(_ error: NSError) -> NSError |
Modified NSResponder.yank(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func yank(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func yank(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSRuleEditor.addRow(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func addRow(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func addRow(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSRuleEditor.criteriaForRow(Int) -> [AnyObject]
Declaration | |
From | func criteriaForRow(_ row: Int) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | func criteriaForRow(_ row: Int) -> [AnyObject] |
Modified NSRuleEditor.criteriaKeyPath
Declaration | |
From | var criteriaKeyPath: String! |
To | var criteriaKeyPath: String |
Modified NSRuleEditor.delegate
Declaration | |
From | var delegate: NSRuleEditorDelegate! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSRuleEditorDelegate? |
Modified NSRuleEditor.displayValuesForRow(Int) -> [AnyObject]
Declaration | |
From | func displayValuesForRow(_ row: Int) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | func displayValuesForRow(_ row: Int) -> [AnyObject] |
Modified NSRuleEditor.displayValuesKeyPath
Declaration | |
From | var displayValuesKeyPath: String! |
To | var displayValuesKeyPath: String |
Modified NSRuleEditor.formattingDictionary
Declaration | |
From | var formattingDictionary: [NSObject : AnyObject]! |
To | var formattingDictionary: [NSObject : AnyObject]? |
Modified NSRuleEditor.formattingStringsFilename
Declaration | |
From | var formattingStringsFilename: String! |
To | var formattingStringsFilename: String? |
Modified NSRuleEditor.predicate
Declaration | |
From | var predicate: NSPredicate! { get } |
To | var predicate: NSPredicate? { get } |
Modified NSRuleEditor.predicateForRow(Int) -> NSPredicate?
Declaration | |
From | func predicateForRow(_ row: Int) -> NSPredicate! |
To | func predicateForRow(_ row: Int) -> NSPredicate? |
Modified NSRuleEditor.removeRowsAtIndexes(NSIndexSet, includeSubrows: Bool)
Declaration | |
From | func removeRowsAtIndexes(_ rowIndexes: NSIndexSet!, includeSubrows includeSubrows: Bool) |
To | func removeRowsAtIndexes(_ rowIndexes: NSIndexSet, includeSubrows includeSubrows: Bool) |
Modified NSRuleEditor.rowClass
Declaration | |
From | var rowClass: AnyClass! |
To | var rowClass: AnyClass |
Modified NSRuleEditor.rowForDisplayValue(AnyObject) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func rowForDisplayValue(_ displayValue: AnyObject!) -> Int |
To | func rowForDisplayValue(_ displayValue: AnyObject) -> Int |
Modified NSRuleEditor.rowTypeKeyPath
Declaration | |
From | var rowTypeKeyPath: String! |
To | var rowTypeKeyPath: String |
Modified NSRuleEditor.selectRowIndexes(NSIndexSet, byExtendingSelection: Bool)
Declaration | |
From | func selectRowIndexes(_ indexes: NSIndexSet!, byExtendingSelection extend: Bool) |
To | func selectRowIndexes(_ indexes: NSIndexSet, byExtendingSelection extend: Bool) |
Modified NSRuleEditor.selectedRowIndexes
Declaration | |
From | var selectedRowIndexes: NSIndexSet! { get } |
To | @NSCopying var selectedRowIndexes: NSIndexSet { get } |
Modified NSRuleEditor.setCriteria([AnyObject], andDisplayValues:[AnyObject], forRowAtIndex: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func setCriteria(_ criteria: [AnyObject]!, andDisplayValues values: [AnyObject]!, forRowAtIndex rowIndex: Int) |
To | func setCriteria(_ criteria: [AnyObject], andDisplayValues values: [AnyObject], forRowAtIndex rowIndex: Int) |
Modified NSRuleEditor.subrowIndexesForRow(Int) -> NSIndexSet
Declaration | |
From | func subrowIndexesForRow(_ rowIndex: Int) -> NSIndexSet! |
To | func subrowIndexesForRow(_ rowIndex: Int) -> NSIndexSet |
Modified NSRuleEditor.subrowsKeyPath
Declaration | |
From | var subrowsKeyPath: String! |
To | var subrowsKeyPath: String |
Modified NSRuleEditorDelegate.ruleEditor(NSRuleEditor, child: Int, forCriterion: AnyObject?, withRowType: NSRuleEditorRowType) -> AnyObject!
Declaration | |
From | func ruleEditor(_ editor: NSRuleEditor!, child index: Int, forCriterion criterion: AnyObject!, withRowType rowType: NSRuleEditorRowType) -> AnyObject! |
To | func ruleEditor(_ editor: NSRuleEditor, child index: Int, forCriterion criterion: AnyObject?, withRowType rowType: NSRuleEditorRowType) -> AnyObject! |
Modified NSRuleEditorDelegate.ruleEditor(NSRuleEditor, displayValueForCriterion: AnyObject!, inRow: Int) -> AnyObject!
Declaration | |
From | func ruleEditor(_ editor: NSRuleEditor!, displayValueForCriterion criterion: AnyObject!, inRow row: Int) -> AnyObject! |
To | func ruleEditor(_ editor: NSRuleEditor, displayValueForCriterion criterion: AnyObject!, inRow row: Int) -> AnyObject! |
Modified NSRuleEditorDelegate.ruleEditor(NSRuleEditor, numberOfChildrenForCriterion: AnyObject!, withRowType: NSRuleEditorRowType) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func ruleEditor(_ editor: NSRuleEditor!, numberOfChildrenForCriterion criterion: AnyObject!, withRowType rowType: NSRuleEditorRowType) -> Int |
To | func ruleEditor(_ editor: NSRuleEditor, numberOfChildrenForCriterion criterion: AnyObject!, withRowType rowType: NSRuleEditorRowType) -> Int |
Modified NSRuleEditorDelegate.ruleEditor(NSRuleEditor, predicatePartsForCriterion: AnyObject!, withDisplayValue: AnyObject!, inRow: Int) -> [NSObject: AnyObject]!
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func ruleEditor(_ editor: NSRuleEditor!, predicatePartsForCriterion criterion: AnyObject!, withDisplayValue value: AnyObject!, inRow row: Int) -> [NSObject : AnyObject]! | -- |
To | optional func ruleEditor(_ editor: NSRuleEditor, predicatePartsForCriterion criterion: AnyObject!, withDisplayValue value: AnyObject!, inRow row: Int) -> [NSObject : AnyObject]! | yes |
Modified NSRuleEditorDelegate.ruleEditorRowsDidChange(NSNotification!)
Optional | |
From | -- |
To | yes |
Modified NSRulerMarker.image
Declaration | |
From | var image: NSImage! |
To | var image: NSImage |
Modified NSRulerMarker.representedObject
Declaration | |
From | var representedObject: NSCopying! |
To | var representedObject: NSCopying? |
Modified NSRulerMarker.ruler
Declaration | |
From | var ruler: NSRulerView! { get } |
To | unowned(unsafe) var ruler: NSRulerView { get } |
Modified NSRulerMarker.init(rulerView: NSRulerView, markerLocation: CGFloat, image: NSImage, imageOrigin: NSPoint)
Declaration | |
From | init(rulerView ruler: NSRulerView!, markerLocation location: CGFloat, image image: NSImage!, imageOrigin imageOrigin: NSPoint) |
To | init(rulerView ruler: NSRulerView, markerLocation location: CGFloat, image image: NSImage, imageOrigin imageOrigin: NSPoint) |
Modified NSRulerMarker.trackMouse(NSEvent, adding: Bool) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func trackMouse(_ mouseDownEvent: NSEvent!, adding isAdding: Bool) -> Bool |
To | func trackMouse(_ mouseDownEvent: NSEvent, adding isAdding: Bool) -> Bool |
Modified NSRulerView.accessoryView
Declaration | |
From | var accessoryView: NSView! |
To | var accessoryView: NSView? |
Modified NSRulerView.addMarker(NSRulerMarker)
Declaration | |
From | func addMarker(_ marker: NSRulerMarker!) |
To | func addMarker(_ marker: NSRulerMarker) |
Modified NSRulerView.clientView
Declaration | |
From | var clientView: NSView! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var clientView: NSView? |
Modified NSRulerView.markers
Declaration | |
From | var markers: [AnyObject]! |
To | var markers: [AnyObject]? |
Modified NSRulerView.measurementUnits
Declaration | |
From | var measurementUnits: String! |
To | var measurementUnits: String |
Modified NSRulerView.registerUnitWithName(String, abbreviation: String, unitToPointsConversionFactor: CGFloat, stepUpCycle:[AnyObject], stepDownCycle:[AnyObject]) [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func registerUnitWithName(_ unitName: String!, abbreviation abbreviation: String!, unitToPointsConversionFactor conversionFactor: CGFloat, stepUpCycle stepUpCycle: [AnyObject]!, stepDownCycle stepDownCycle: [AnyObject]!) |
To | class func registerUnitWithName(_ unitName: String, abbreviation abbreviation: String, unitToPointsConversionFactor conversionFactor: CGFloat, stepUpCycle stepUpCycle: [AnyObject], stepDownCycle stepDownCycle: [AnyObject]) |
Modified NSRulerView.removeMarker(NSRulerMarker)
Declaration | |
From | func removeMarker(_ marker: NSRulerMarker!) |
To | func removeMarker(_ marker: NSRulerMarker) |
Modified NSRulerView.scrollView
Declaration | |
From | var scrollView: NSScrollView! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var scrollView: NSScrollView? |
Modified NSRulerView.init(scrollView: NSScrollView?, orientation: NSRulerOrientation)
Declaration | |
From | init(scrollView scrollView: NSScrollView!, orientation orientation: NSRulerOrientation) |
To | init(scrollView scrollView: NSScrollView?, orientation orientation: NSRulerOrientation) |
Modified NSRulerView.trackMarker(NSRulerMarker, withMouseEvent: NSEvent) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func trackMarker(_ marker: NSRulerMarker!, withMouseEvent event: NSEvent!) -> Bool |
To | func trackMarker(_ marker: NSRulerMarker, withMouseEvent event: NSEvent) -> Bool |
Modified NSRunningApplication
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSRunningApplication.bundleIdentifier
Declaration | |
From | var bundleIdentifier: String! { get } |
To | var bundleIdentifier: String? { get } |
Modified NSRunningApplication.bundleURL
Declaration | |
From | var bundleURL: NSURL! { get } |
To | @NSCopying var bundleURL: NSURL? { get } |
Modified NSRunningApplication.currentApplication() -> Self [class]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class func currentApplication() -> Self! | OS X 10.10 |
To | class func currentApplication() -> Self | OS X 10.10.3 |
Modified NSRunningApplication.executableURL
Declaration | |
From | var executableURL: NSURL! { get } |
To | @NSCopying var executableURL: NSURL? { get } |
Modified NSRunningApplication.icon
Declaration | |
From | var icon: NSImage! { get } |
To | var icon: NSImage? { get } |
Modified NSRunningApplication.launchDate
Declaration | |
From | var launchDate: NSDate! { get } |
To | @NSCopying var launchDate: NSDate? { get } |
Modified NSRunningApplication.localizedName
Declaration | |
From | var localizedName: String! { get } |
To | var localizedName: String? { get } |
Modified NSRunningApplication.ownsMenuBar
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSRunningApplication.init(processIdentifier: pid_t)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(processIdentifier pid: pid_t) |
To | convenience init?(processIdentifier pid: pid_t) |
Modified NSRunningApplication.runningApplicationsWithBundleIdentifier(String) -> [AnyObject] [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func runningApplicationsWithBundleIdentifier(_ bundleIdentifier: String!) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | class func runningApplicationsWithBundleIdentifier(_ bundleIdentifier: String) -> [AnyObject] |
Modified NSSaveOperationType.AutosaveAsOperation
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSSaveOperationType.AutosaveElsewhereOperation
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSSaveOperationType.AutosaveInPlaceOperation
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSSavePanel.URL
Declaration | |
From | var URL: NSURL! { get } |
To | @NSCopying var URL: NSURL? { get } |
Modified NSSavePanel.accessoryView
Declaration | |
From | var accessoryView: NSView! |
To | var accessoryView: NSView? |
Modified NSSavePanel.allowedFileTypes
Declaration | |
From | var allowedFileTypes: [AnyObject]! |
To | var allowedFileTypes: [AnyObject]? |
Modified NSSavePanel.beginSheetModalForWindow(NSWindow, completionHandler:(Int) -> Void)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func beginSheetModalForWindow(_ window: NSWindow!, completionHandler handler: ((Int) -> Void)!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func beginSheetModalForWindow(_ window: NSWindow, completionHandler handler: (Int) -> Void) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSSavePanel.beginWithCompletionHandler((Int) -> Void)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func beginWithCompletionHandler(_ handler: ((Int) -> Void)!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func beginWithCompletionHandler(_ handler: (Int) -> Void) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSSavePanel.cancel(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | @IBAction func cancel(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | @IBAction func cancel(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSSavePanel.delegate
Declaration | |
From | var delegate: NSOpenSavePanelDelegate! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSOpenSavePanelDelegate? |
Modified NSSavePanel.directoryURL
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var directoryURL: NSURL! | OS X 10.10 |
To | @NSCopying var directoryURL: NSURL? | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSSavePanel.message
Declaration | |
From | var message: String! |
To | var message: String? |
Modified NSSavePanel.nameFieldLabel
Declaration | |
From | var nameFieldLabel: String! |
To | var nameFieldLabel: String? |
Modified NSSavePanel.nameFieldStringValue
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var nameFieldStringValue: String! | OS X 10.10 |
To | var nameFieldStringValue: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSSavePanel.ok(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | @IBAction func ok(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | @IBAction func ok(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSSavePanel.prompt
Declaration | |
From | var prompt: String! |
To | var prompt: String? |
Modified NSSavePanel.showsTagField
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSSavePanel.tagNames
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var tagNames: [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 |
To | var tagNames: [AnyObject]? | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSSavePanel.title
Declaration | |
From | var title: String! |
To | var title: String? |
Modified NSScreen.backingAlignedRect(NSRect, options: NSAlignmentOptions) -> NSRect
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSScreen.backingScaleFactor
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSScreen.colorSpace
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var colorSpace: NSColorSpace! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var colorSpace: NSColorSpace? { get } | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSScreen.convertRectFromBacking(NSRect) -> NSRect
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSScreen.convertRectToBacking(NSRect) -> NSRect
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSScreen.deepestScreen() -> NSScreen? [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func deepestScreen() -> NSScreen! |
To | class func deepestScreen() -> NSScreen? |
Modified NSScreen.deviceDescription
Declaration | |
From | var deviceDescription: [NSObject : AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var deviceDescription: [NSObject : AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSScreen.mainScreen() -> NSScreen? [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func mainScreen() -> NSScreen! |
To | class func mainScreen() -> NSScreen? |
Modified NSScreen.screens() -> [AnyObject]? [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func screens() -> [AnyObject]! |
To | class func screens() -> [AnyObject]? |
Modified NSScreen.screensHaveSeparateSpaces() -> Bool [class]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSScreen.supportedWindowDepths
Declaration | |
From | var supportedWindowDepths: ConstUnsafePointer<NSWindowDepth> { get } |
To | var supportedWindowDepths: UnsafePointer<NSWindowDepth> { get } |
Modified NSScrollElasticity [enum]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSScrollView.addFloatingSubview(NSView, forAxis: NSEventGestureAxis)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func addFloatingSubview(_ view: NSView!, forAxis axis: NSEventGestureAxis) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func addFloatingSubview(_ view: NSView, forAxis axis: NSEventGestureAxis) | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSScrollView.allowsMagnification
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSScrollView.backgroundColor
Declaration | |
From | var backgroundColor: NSColor! |
To | @NSCopying var backgroundColor: NSColor |
Modified NSScrollView.init(coder: NSCoder)
Declaration | |
From | init(coder coder: NSCoder!) |
To | init?(coder coder: NSCoder) |
Modified NSScrollView.contentSizeForFrameSize(NSSize, horizontalScrollerClass: AnyClass?, verticalScrollerClass: AnyClass?, borderType: NSBorderType, controlSize: NSControlSize, scrollerStyle: NSScrollerStyle) -> NSSize [class]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class func contentSizeForFrameSize(_ fSize: NSSize, horizontalScrollerClass horizontalScrollerClass: AnyClass!, verticalScrollerClass verticalScrollerClass: AnyClass!, borderType aType: NSBorderType, controlSize controlSize: NSControlSize, scrollerStyle scrollerStyle: NSScrollerStyle) -> NSSize | OS X 10.10 |
To | class func contentSizeForFrameSize(_ fSize: NSSize, horizontalScrollerClass horizontalScrollerClass: AnyClass?, verticalScrollerClass verticalScrollerClass: AnyClass?, borderType aType: NSBorderType, controlSize controlSize: NSControlSize, scrollerStyle scrollerStyle: NSScrollerStyle) -> NSSize | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSScrollView.contentView
Declaration | |
From | var contentView: NSClipView! |
To | var contentView: NSClipView |
Modified NSScrollView.documentCursor
Declaration | |
From | var documentCursor: NSCursor! |
To | var documentCursor: NSCursor? |
Modified NSScrollView.documentView
Declaration | |
From | var documentView: AnyObject! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var documentView: AnyObject? |
Modified NSScrollView.findBarPosition
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSScrollView.flashScrollers()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSScrollView.frameSizeForContentSize(NSSize, horizontalScrollerClass: AnyClass?, verticalScrollerClass: AnyClass?, borderType: NSBorderType, controlSize: NSControlSize, scrollerStyle: NSScrollerStyle) -> NSSize [class]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class func frameSizeForContentSize(_ cSize: NSSize, horizontalScrollerClass horizontalScrollerClass: AnyClass!, verticalScrollerClass verticalScrollerClass: AnyClass!, borderType aType: NSBorderType, controlSize controlSize: NSControlSize, scrollerStyle scrollerStyle: NSScrollerStyle) -> NSSize | OS X 10.10 |
To | class func frameSizeForContentSize(_ cSize: NSSize, horizontalScrollerClass horizontalScrollerClass: AnyClass?, verticalScrollerClass verticalScrollerClass: AnyClass?, borderType aType: NSBorderType, controlSize controlSize: NSControlSize, scrollerStyle scrollerStyle: NSScrollerStyle) -> NSSize | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSScrollView.horizontalRulerView
Declaration | |
From | var horizontalRulerView: NSRulerView! |
To | var horizontalRulerView: NSRulerView? |
Modified NSScrollView.horizontalScrollElasticity
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSScrollView.horizontalScroller
Declaration | |
From | var horizontalScroller: NSScroller! |
To | var horizontalScroller: NSScroller? |
Modified NSScrollView.magnification
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSScrollView.magnifyToFitRect(NSRect)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSScrollView.maxMagnification
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSScrollView.minMagnification
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSScrollView.reflectScrolledClipView(NSClipView)
Declaration | |
From | func reflectScrolledClipView(_ cView: NSClipView!) |
To | func reflectScrolledClipView(_ cView: NSClipView) |
Modified NSScrollView.rulerViewClass() -> AnyClass [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func rulerViewClass() -> AnyClass! |
To | class func rulerViewClass() -> AnyClass |
Modified NSScrollView.scrollWheel(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func scrollWheel(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) |
To | func scrollWheel(_ theEvent: NSEvent) |
Modified NSScrollView.scrollerKnobStyle
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSScrollView.scrollerStyle
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSScrollView.setMagnification(CGFloat, centeredAtPoint: NSPoint)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSScrollView.setRulerViewClass(AnyClass?) [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func setRulerViewClass(_ rulerViewClass: AnyClass!) |
To | class func setRulerViewClass(_ rulerViewClass: AnyClass?) |
Modified NSScrollView.usesPredominantAxisScrolling
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSScrollView.verticalRulerView
Declaration | |
From | var verticalRulerView: NSRulerView! |
To | var verticalRulerView: NSRulerView? |
Modified NSScrollView.verticalScrollElasticity
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSScrollView.verticalScroller
Declaration | |
From | var verticalScroller: NSScroller! |
To | var verticalScroller: NSScroller? |
Modified NSScrollViewFindBarPosition [enum]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSScroller.isCompatibleWithOverlayScrollers() -> Bool [class]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSScroller.knobStyle
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSScroller.preferredScrollerStyle() -> NSScrollerStyle [class]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSScroller.scrollerStyle
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSScroller.scrollerWidthForControlSize(NSControlSize, scrollerStyle: NSScrollerStyle) -> CGFloat [class]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSScroller.trackKnob(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func trackKnob(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) |
To | func trackKnob(_ theEvent: NSEvent) |
Modified NSScroller.trackScrollButtons(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func trackScrollButtons(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) |
To | func trackScrollButtons(_ theEvent: NSEvent) |
Modified NSScrollerKnobStyle [enum]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSScrollerStyle [enum]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSSearchField.recentSearches
Declaration | |
From | var recentSearches: [AnyObject]! |
To | var recentSearches: [AnyObject] |
Modified NSSearchField.recentsAutosaveName
Declaration | |
From | var recentsAutosaveName: String! |
To | var recentsAutosaveName: String? |
Modified NSSearchField.searchMenuTemplate
Declaration | |
From | var searchMenuTemplate: NSMenu! |
To | var searchMenuTemplate: NSMenu? |
Modified NSSearchFieldCell.cancelButtonCell
Declaration | |
From | var cancelButtonCell: NSButtonCell! |
To | var cancelButtonCell: NSButtonCell? |
Modified NSSearchFieldCell.recentsAutosaveName
Declaration | |
From | var recentsAutosaveName: String! |
To | var recentsAutosaveName: String? |
Modified NSSearchFieldCell.searchButtonCell
Declaration | |
From | var searchButtonCell: NSButtonCell! |
To | var searchButtonCell: NSButtonCell? |
Modified NSSearchFieldCell.searchMenuTemplate
Declaration | |
From | var searchMenuTemplate: NSMenu! |
To | var searchMenuTemplate: NSMenu? |
Modified NSSegmentStyle [enum]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSegmentStyle.Capsule
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSegmentStyle.TexturedRounded
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSegmentSwitchTracking [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum NSSegmentSwitchTracking : UInt { case SelectOne case SelectAny case Momentary } |
To | enum NSSegmentSwitchTracking : UInt { case SelectOne case SelectAny case Momentary case MomentaryAccelerator } |
Modified NSSegmentedCell.drawSegment(Int, inFrame: NSRect, withView: NSView)
Declaration | |
From | func drawSegment(_ segment: Int, inFrame frame: NSRect, withView controlView: NSView!) |
To | func drawSegment(_ segment: Int, inFrame frame: NSRect, withView controlView: NSView) |
Modified NSSegmentedCell.imageForSegment(Int) -> NSImage?
Declaration | |
From | func imageForSegment(_ segment: Int) -> NSImage! |
To | func imageForSegment(_ segment: Int) -> NSImage? |
Modified NSSegmentedCell.imageScalingForSegment(Int) -> NSImageScaling
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSegmentedCell.interiorBackgroundStyleForSegment(Int) -> NSBackgroundStyle
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSegmentedCell.labelForSegment(Int) -> String?
Declaration | |
From | func labelForSegment(_ segment: Int) -> String! |
To | func labelForSegment(_ segment: Int) -> String? |
Modified NSSegmentedCell.menuForSegment(Int) -> NSMenu?
Declaration | |
From | func menuForSegment(_ segment: Int) -> NSMenu! |
To | func menuForSegment(_ segment: Int) -> NSMenu? |
Modified NSSegmentedCell.segmentStyle
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSegmentedCell.setImage(NSImage?, forSegment: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func setImage(_ image: NSImage!, forSegment segment: Int) |
To | func setImage(_ image: NSImage?, forSegment segment: Int) |
Modified NSSegmentedCell.setImageScaling(NSImageScaling, forSegment: Int)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSegmentedCell.setLabel(String, forSegment: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func setLabel(_ label: String!, forSegment segment: Int) |
To | func setLabel(_ label: String, forSegment segment: Int) |
Modified NSSegmentedCell.setMenu(NSMenu?, forSegment: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func setMenu(_ menu: NSMenu!, forSegment segment: Int) |
To | func setMenu(_ menu: NSMenu?, forSegment segment: Int) |
Modified NSSegmentedCell.setToolTip(String?, forSegment: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func setToolTip(_ toolTip: String!, forSegment segment: Int) |
To | func setToolTip(_ toolTip: String?, forSegment segment: Int) |
Modified NSSegmentedCell.toolTipForSegment(Int) -> String?
Declaration | |
From | func toolTipForSegment(_ segment: Int) -> String! |
To | func toolTipForSegment(_ segment: Int) -> String? |
Modified NSSegmentedControl.imageForSegment(Int) -> NSImage?
Declaration | |
From | func imageForSegment(_ segment: Int) -> NSImage! |
To | func imageForSegment(_ segment: Int) -> NSImage? |
Modified NSSegmentedControl.imageScalingForSegment(Int) -> NSImageScaling
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSegmentedControl.labelForSegment(Int) -> String?
Declaration | |
From | func labelForSegment(_ segment: Int) -> String! |
To | func labelForSegment(_ segment: Int) -> String? |
Modified NSSegmentedControl.menuForSegment(Int) -> NSMenu?
Declaration | |
From | func menuForSegment(_ segment: Int) -> NSMenu! |
To | func menuForSegment(_ segment: Int) -> NSMenu? |
Modified NSSegmentedControl.segmentStyle
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSegmentedControl.setImage(NSImage?, forSegment: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func setImage(_ image: NSImage!, forSegment segment: Int) |
To | func setImage(_ image: NSImage?, forSegment segment: Int) |
Modified NSSegmentedControl.setImageScaling(NSImageScaling, forSegment: Int)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSegmentedControl.setLabel(String, forSegment: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func setLabel(_ label: String!, forSegment segment: Int) |
To | func setLabel(_ label: String, forSegment segment: Int) |
Modified NSSegmentedControl.setMenu(NSMenu?, forSegment: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func setMenu(_ menu: NSMenu!, forSegment segment: Int) |
To | func setMenu(_ menu: NSMenu?, forSegment segment: Int) |
Modified NSSeguePerforming.performSegueWithIdentifier(String, sender: AnyObject?)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func performSegueWithIdentifier(_ identifier: String!, sender sender: AnyObject!) | -- |
To | optional func performSegueWithIdentifier(_ identifier: String, sender sender: AnyObject?) | yes |
Modified NSSeguePerforming.prepareForSegue(NSStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func prepareForSegue(_ segue: NSStoryboardSegue!, sender sender: AnyObject!) | -- |
To | optional func prepareForSegue(_ segue: NSStoryboardSegue, sender sender: AnyObject?) | yes |
Modified NSSeguePerforming.shouldPerformSegueWithIdentifier(String, sender: AnyObject?) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func shouldPerformSegueWithIdentifier(_ identifier: String!, sender sender: AnyObject!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func shouldPerformSegueWithIdentifier(_ identifier: String, sender sender: AnyObject?) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSServicesMenuRequestor.readSelectionFromPasteboard(NSPasteboard) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func readSelectionFromPasteboard(_ pboard: NSPasteboard!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func readSelectionFromPasteboard(_ pboard: NSPasteboard) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSServicesMenuRequestor.writeSelectionToPasteboard(NSPasteboard, types:[AnyObject]) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func writeSelectionToPasteboard(_ pboard: NSPasteboard!, types types: [AnyObject]!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func writeSelectionToPasteboard(_ pboard: NSPasteboard, types types: [AnyObject]) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSShadow.shadowColor
Declaration | |
From | var shadowColor: NSColor! |
To | @NSCopying var shadowColor: NSColor? |
Modified NSSharingContentScope [enum]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSSharingService
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSSharingService.accountName
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var accountName: String! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var accountName: String? { get } | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSSharingService.alternateImage
Declaration | |
From | var alternateImage: NSImage! { get } |
To | var alternateImage: NSImage? { get } |
Modified NSSharingService.attachmentFileURLs
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var attachmentFileURLs: [AnyObject]! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var attachmentFileURLs: [AnyObject]? { get } | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSSharingService.canPerformWithItems([AnyObject]?) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func canPerformWithItems(_ items: [AnyObject]!) -> Bool |
To | func canPerformWithItems(_ items: [AnyObject]?) -> Bool |
Modified NSSharingService.delegate
Declaration | |
From | var delegate: NSSharingServiceDelegate! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSSharingServiceDelegate? |
Modified NSSharingService.image
Declaration | |
From | var image: NSImage! { get } |
To | var image: NSImage { get } |
Modified NSSharingService.menuItemTitle
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var menuItemTitle: String! | OS X 10.10 |
To | var menuItemTitle: String? | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSSharingService.messageBody
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var messageBody: String! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var messageBody: String? { get } | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSSharingService.init(named: String)
Declaration | |
From | init(named serviceName: String!) -> NSSharingService |
To | init?(named serviceName: String) -> NSSharingService |
Modified NSSharingService.performWithItems([AnyObject])
Declaration | |
From | func performWithItems(_ items: [AnyObject]!) |
To | func performWithItems(_ items: [AnyObject]) |
Modified NSSharingService.permanentLink
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var permanentLink: NSURL! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | @NSCopying var permanentLink: NSURL? { get } | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSSharingService.recipients
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var recipients: [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 |
To | var recipients: [AnyObject]? | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSSharingService.sharingServicesForItems([AnyObject]) -> [AnyObject]? [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func sharingServicesForItems(_ items: [AnyObject]!) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | class func sharingServicesForItems(_ items: [AnyObject]) -> [AnyObject]? |
Modified NSSharingService.subject
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var subject: String! | OS X 10.10 |
To | var subject: String? | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSSharingService.title
Declaration | |
From | var title: String! { get } |
To | var title: String? { get } |
Modified NSSharingService.init(title: String, image: NSImage, alternateImage: NSImage?, handler:() -> Void)
Declaration | |
From | init(title title: String!, image image: NSImage!, alternateImage alternateImage: NSImage!, handler block: (() -> Void)!) |
To | init(title title: String, image image: NSImage, alternateImage alternateImage: NSImage?, handler block: () -> Void) |
Modified NSSharingServiceDelegate.sharingService(NSSharingService, didFailToShareItems:[AnyObject], error: NSError)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func sharingService(_ sharingService: NSSharingService!, didFailToShareItems items: [AnyObject]!, error error: NSError!) | -- |
To | optional func sharingService(_ sharingService: NSSharingService, didFailToShareItems items: [AnyObject], error error: NSError) | yes |
Modified NSSharingServiceDelegate.sharingService(NSSharingService, didShareItems:[AnyObject])
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func sharingService(_ sharingService: NSSharingService!, didShareItems items: [AnyObject]!) | -- |
To | optional func sharingService(_ sharingService: NSSharingService, didShareItems items: [AnyObject]) | yes |
Modified NSSharingServiceDelegate.sharingService(NSSharingService, sourceFrameOnScreenForShareItem: NSPasteboardWriting) -> NSRect
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func sharingService(_ sharingService: NSSharingService!, sourceFrameOnScreenForShareItem item: NSPasteboardWriting!) -> NSRect | -- |
To | optional func sharingService(_ sharingService: NSSharingService, sourceFrameOnScreenForShareItem item: NSPasteboardWriting) -> NSRect | yes |
Modified NSSharingServiceDelegate.sharingService(NSSharingService, sourceWindowForShareItems:[AnyObject], sharingContentScope: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSSharingContentScope>) -> NSWindow?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func sharingService(_ sharingService: NSSharingService!, sourceWindowForShareItems items: [AnyObject]!, sharingContentScope sharingContentScope: UnsafePointer<NSSharingContentScope>) -> NSWindow! | -- |
To | optional func sharingService(_ sharingService: NSSharingService, sourceWindowForShareItems items: [AnyObject], sharingContentScope sharingContentScope: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSSharingContentScope>) -> NSWindow? | yes |
Modified NSSharingServiceDelegate.sharingService(NSSharingService, transitionImageForShareItem: NSPasteboardWriting, contentRect: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSRect>) -> NSImage?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func sharingService(_ sharingService: NSSharingService!, transitionImageForShareItem item: NSPasteboardWriting!, contentRect contentRect: UnsafePointer<NSRect>) -> NSImage! | -- |
To | optional func sharingService(_ sharingService: NSSharingService, transitionImageForShareItem item: NSPasteboardWriting, contentRect contentRect: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSRect>) -> NSImage? | yes |
Modified NSSharingServiceDelegate.sharingService(NSSharingService, willShareItems:[AnyObject])
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func sharingService(_ sharingService: NSSharingService!, willShareItems items: [AnyObject]!) | -- |
To | optional func sharingService(_ sharingService: NSSharingService, willShareItems items: [AnyObject]) | yes |
Modified NSSharingServicePicker
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSSharingServicePicker.delegate
Declaration | |
From | var delegate: NSSharingServicePickerDelegate! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSSharingServicePickerDelegate? |
Modified NSSharingServicePicker.init(items: [AnyObject])
Declaration | |
From | init(items items: [AnyObject]!) |
To | init(items items: [AnyObject]) |
Modified NSSharingServicePicker.showRelativeToRect(NSRect, ofView: NSView, preferredEdge: NSRectEdge)
Declaration | |
From | func showRelativeToRect(_ rect: NSRect, ofView view: NSView!, preferredEdge preferredEdge: NSRectEdge) |
To | func showRelativeToRect(_ rect: NSRect, ofView view: NSView, preferredEdge preferredEdge: NSRectEdge) |
Modified NSSharingServicePickerDelegate.sharingServicePicker(NSSharingServicePicker, delegateForSharingService: NSSharingService) -> NSSharingServiceDelegate?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func sharingServicePicker(_ sharingServicePicker: NSSharingServicePicker!, delegateForSharingService sharingService: NSSharingService!) -> NSSharingServiceDelegate! | -- |
To | optional func sharingServicePicker(_ sharingServicePicker: NSSharingServicePicker, delegateForSharingService sharingService: NSSharingService) -> NSSharingServiceDelegate? | yes |
Modified NSSharingServicePickerDelegate.sharingServicePicker(NSSharingServicePicker, didChooseSharingService: NSSharingService)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func sharingServicePicker(_ sharingServicePicker: NSSharingServicePicker!, didChooseSharingService service: NSSharingService!) | -- |
To | optional func sharingServicePicker(_ sharingServicePicker: NSSharingServicePicker, didChooseSharingService service: NSSharingService) | yes |
Modified NSSharingServicePickerDelegate.sharingServicePicker(NSSharingServicePicker, sharingServicesForItems:[AnyObject], proposedSharingServices:[AnyObject]) -> [AnyObject]
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func sharingServicePicker(_ sharingServicePicker: NSSharingServicePicker!, sharingServicesForItems items: [AnyObject]!, proposedSharingServices proposedServices: [AnyObject]!) -> [AnyObject]! | -- |
To | optional func sharingServicePicker(_ sharingServicePicker: NSSharingServicePicker, sharingServicesForItems items: [AnyObject], proposedSharingServices proposedServices: [AnyObject]) -> [AnyObject] | yes |
Modified NSSlider.acceptsFirstMouse(NSEvent) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func acceptsFirstMouse(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) -> Bool |
To | func acceptsFirstMouse(_ theEvent: NSEvent) -> Bool |
Modified NSSliderCell.barRectFlipped(Bool) -> NSRect
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSSliderCell.drawTickMarks()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSSound.canInitWithPasteboard(NSPasteboard) -> Bool [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func canInitWithPasteboard(_ pasteboard: NSPasteboard!) -> Bool |
To | class func canInitWithPasteboard(_ pasteboard: NSPasteboard) -> Bool |
Modified NSSound.init(contentsOfFile: String, byReference: Bool)
Declaration | |
From | init(contentsOfFile path: String!, byReference byRef: Bool) |
To | init?(contentsOfFile path: String, byReference byRef: Bool) |
Modified NSSound.init(contentsOfURL: NSURL, byReference: Bool)
Declaration | |
From | init(contentsOfURL url: NSURL!, byReference byRef: Bool) |
To | init?(contentsOfURL url: NSURL, byReference byRef: Bool) |
Modified NSSound.currentTime
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSound.init(data: NSData)
Declaration | |
From | init(data data: NSData!) |
To | init?(data data: NSData) |
Modified NSSound.delegate
Declaration | |
From | var delegate: NSSoundDelegate! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSSoundDelegate? |
Modified NSSound.duration
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSound.loops
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Declaration | |
From | var name: String! { get } |
To | var name: String? { get } |
Modified NSSound.init(named: String)
Declaration | |
From | init(named name: String!) -> NSSound |
To | init?(named name: String) -> NSSound |
Modified NSSound.init(pasteboard: NSPasteboard)
Declaration | |
From | init(pasteboard pasteboard: NSPasteboard!) |
To | init?(pasteboard pasteboard: NSPasteboard) |
Modified NSSound.playbackDeviceIdentifier
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var playbackDeviceIdentifier: String! | OS X 10.10 |
To | var playbackDeviceIdentifier: String? | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSound.setName(String?) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func setName(_ string: String!) -> Bool |
To | func setName(_ string: String?) -> Bool |
Modified NSSound.soundUnfilteredTypes() -> [AnyObject] [class]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class func soundUnfilteredTypes() -> [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 |
To | class func soundUnfilteredTypes() -> [AnyObject] | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSound.volume
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSound.writeToPasteboard(NSPasteboard)
Declaration | |
From | func writeToPasteboard(_ pasteboard: NSPasteboard!) |
To | func writeToPasteboard(_ pasteboard: NSPasteboard) |
Modified NSSoundDelegate.sound(NSSound, didFinishPlaying: Bool)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func sound(_ sound: NSSound!, didFinishPlaying aBool: Bool) | -- |
To | optional func sound(_ sound: NSSound, didFinishPlaying aBool: Bool) | yes |
Modified NSSpeechBoundary [enum]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechRecognizer.commands
Declaration | |
From | var commands: [AnyObject]! |
To | var commands: [AnyObject]? |
Modified NSSpeechRecognizer.delegate
Declaration | |
From | var delegate: NSSpeechRecognizerDelegate! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSSpeechRecognizerDelegate? |
Modified NSSpeechRecognizer.displayedCommandsTitle
Declaration | |
From | var displayedCommandsTitle: String! |
To | var displayedCommandsTitle: String? |
Modified NSSpeechRecognizerDelegate.speechRecognizer(NSSpeechRecognizer, didRecognizeCommand: AnyObject?)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func speechRecognizer(_ sender: NSSpeechRecognizer!, didRecognizeCommand command: AnyObject!) | -- |
To | optional func speechRecognizer(_ sender: NSSpeechRecognizer, didRecognizeCommand command: AnyObject?) | yes |
Modified NSSpeechSynthesizer.addSpeechDictionary([NSObject: AnyObject])
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func addSpeechDictionary(_ speechDictionary: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func addSpeechDictionary(_ speechDictionary: [NSObject : AnyObject]) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechSynthesizer.attributesForVoice(String) -> [NSObject: AnyObject]? [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func attributesForVoice(_ voice: String!) -> [NSObject : AnyObject]! |
To | class func attributesForVoice(_ voice: String) -> [NSObject : AnyObject]? |
Modified NSSpeechSynthesizer.availableVoices() -> [AnyObject]? [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func availableVoices() -> [AnyObject]! |
To | class func availableVoices() -> [AnyObject]? |
Modified NSSpeechSynthesizer.continueSpeaking()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechSynthesizer.delegate
Declaration | |
From | var delegate: NSSpeechSynthesizerDelegate! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSSpeechSynthesizerDelegate? |
Modified NSSpeechSynthesizer.objectForProperty(String, error: NSErrorPointer) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func objectForProperty(_ property: String!, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> AnyObject! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func objectForProperty(_ property: String, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> AnyObject? | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechSynthesizer.pauseSpeakingAtBoundary(NSSpeechBoundary)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechSynthesizer.phonemesFromText(String) -> String!
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func phonemesFromText(_ text: String!) -> String! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func phonemesFromText(_ text: String) -> String! | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechSynthesizer.rate
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechSynthesizer.setObject(AnyObject?, forProperty: String, error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func setObject(_ object: AnyObject!, forProperty property: String!, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 |
To | func setObject(_ object: AnyObject?, forProperty property: String, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechSynthesizer.setVoice(String?) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func setVoice(_ voice: String!) -> Bool |
To | func setVoice(_ voice: String?) -> Bool |
Modified NSSpeechSynthesizer.stopSpeakingAtBoundary(NSSpeechBoundary)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechSynthesizer.voice() -> String?
Declaration | |
From | func voice() -> String! |
To | func voice() -> String? |
Modified NSSpeechSynthesizer.init(voice: String?)
Declaration | |
From | init(voice voice: String!) |
To | init!(voice voice: String?) |
Modified NSSpeechSynthesizer.volume
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechSynthesizerDelegate.speechSynthesizer(NSSpeechSynthesizer, didEncounterErrorAtIndex: Int, ofString: String, message: String)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func speechSynthesizer(_ sender: NSSpeechSynthesizer!, didEncounterErrorAtIndex characterIndex: Int, ofString string: String!, message message: String!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func speechSynthesizer(_ sender: NSSpeechSynthesizer, didEncounterErrorAtIndex characterIndex: Int, ofString string: String, message message: String) | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSSpeechSynthesizerDelegate.speechSynthesizer(NSSpeechSynthesizer, didEncounterSyncMessage: String)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func speechSynthesizer(_ sender: NSSpeechSynthesizer!, didEncounterSyncMessage message: String!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func speechSynthesizer(_ sender: NSSpeechSynthesizer, didEncounterSyncMessage message: String) | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSSpeechSynthesizerDelegate.speechSynthesizer(NSSpeechSynthesizer, didFinishSpeaking: Bool)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func speechSynthesizer(_ sender: NSSpeechSynthesizer!, didFinishSpeaking finishedSpeaking: Bool) | -- |
To | optional func speechSynthesizer(_ sender: NSSpeechSynthesizer, didFinishSpeaking finishedSpeaking: Bool) | yes |
Modified NSSpeechSynthesizerDelegate.speechSynthesizer(NSSpeechSynthesizer, willSpeakPhoneme: Int16)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func speechSynthesizer(_ sender: NSSpeechSynthesizer!, willSpeakPhoneme phonemeOpcode: Int16) | -- |
To | optional func speechSynthesizer(_ sender: NSSpeechSynthesizer, willSpeakPhoneme phonemeOpcode: Int16) | yes |
Modified NSSpeechSynthesizerDelegate.speechSynthesizer(NSSpeechSynthesizer, willSpeakWord: NSRange, ofString: String)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func speechSynthesizer(_ sender: NSSpeechSynthesizer!, willSpeakWord characterRange: NSRange, ofString string: String!) | -- |
To | optional func speechSynthesizer(_ sender: NSSpeechSynthesizer, willSpeakWord characterRange: NSRange, ofString string: String) | yes |
Modified NSSpellChecker.accessoryView
Declaration | |
From | var accessoryView: NSView! |
To | var accessoryView: NSView? |
Modified NSSpellChecker.automaticallyIdentifiesLanguages
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSSpellChecker.availableLanguages
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var availableLanguages: [AnyObject]! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var availableLanguages: [AnyObject] { get } | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpellChecker.checkGrammarOfString(String, startingAt: Int, language: String?, wrap: Bool, inSpellDocumentWithTag: Int, details: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSArray?>) -> NSRange
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func checkGrammarOfString(_ stringToCheck: String!, startingAt startingOffset: Int, language language: String!, wrap wrapFlag: Bool, inSpellDocumentWithTag tag: Int, details details: AutoreleasingUnsafePointer<NSArray?>) -> NSRange | OS X 10.10 |
To | func checkGrammarOfString(_ stringToCheck: String, startingAt startingOffset: Int, language language: String?, wrap wrapFlag: Bool, inSpellDocumentWithTag tag: Int, details details: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSArray?>) -> NSRange | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpellChecker.checkSpellingOfString(String, startingAt: Int) -> NSRange
Declaration | |
From | func checkSpellingOfString(_ stringToCheck: String!, startingAt startingOffset: Int) -> NSRange |
To | func checkSpellingOfString(_ stringToCheck: String, startingAt startingOffset: Int) -> NSRange |
Modified NSSpellChecker.checkSpellingOfString(String, startingAt: Int, language: String?, wrap: Bool, inSpellDocumentWithTag: Int, wordCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) -> NSRange
Declaration | |
From | func checkSpellingOfString(_ stringToCheck: String!, startingAt startingOffset: Int, language language: String!, wrap wrapFlag: Bool, inSpellDocumentWithTag tag: Int, wordCount wordCount: UnsafePointer<Int>) -> NSRange |
To | func checkSpellingOfString(_ stringToCheck: String, startingAt startingOffset: Int, language language: String?, wrap wrapFlag: Bool, inSpellDocumentWithTag tag: Int, wordCount wordCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) -> NSRange |
Modified NSSpellChecker.checkString(String, range: NSRange, types: NSTextCheckingTypes, options:[NSObject: AnyObject]?, inSpellDocumentWithTag: Int, orthography: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSOrthography?>, wordCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) -> [AnyObject]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func checkString(_ stringToCheck: String!, range range: NSRange, types checkingTypes: NSTextCheckingTypes, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, inSpellDocumentWithTag tag: Int, orthography orthography: AutoreleasingUnsafePointer<NSOrthography?>, wordCount wordCount: UnsafePointer<Int>) -> [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func checkString(_ stringToCheck: String, range range: NSRange, types checkingTypes: NSTextCheckingTypes, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]?, inSpellDocumentWithTag tag: Int, orthography orthography: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSOrthography?>, wordCount wordCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) -> [AnyObject] | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSSpellChecker.completionsForPartialWordRange(NSRange, inString: String, language: String?, inSpellDocumentWithTag: Int) -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | |
From | func completionsForPartialWordRange(_ range: NSRange, inString string: String!, language language: String!, inSpellDocumentWithTag tag: Int) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | func completionsForPartialWordRange(_ range: NSRange, inString string: String, language language: String?, inSpellDocumentWithTag tag: Int) -> [AnyObject]? |
Modified NSSpellChecker.correctionForWordRange(NSRange, inString: String, language: String, inSpellDocumentWithTag: Int) -> String?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func correctionForWordRange(_ range: NSRange, inString string: String!, language language: String!, inSpellDocumentWithTag tag: Int) -> String! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func correctionForWordRange(_ range: NSRange, inString string: String, language language: String, inSpellDocumentWithTag tag: Int) -> String? | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSSpellChecker.countWordsInString(String, language: String!) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func countWordsInString(_ stringToCount: String!, language language: String!) -> Int |
To | func countWordsInString(_ stringToCount: String, language language: String!) -> Int |
Modified NSSpellChecker.dismissCorrectionIndicatorForView(NSView)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func dismissCorrectionIndicatorForView(_ view: NSView!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func dismissCorrectionIndicatorForView(_ view: NSView) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSSpellChecker.guessesForWordRange(NSRange, inString: String, language: String!, inSpellDocumentWithTag: Int) -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func guessesForWordRange(_ range: NSRange, inString string: String!, language language: String!, inSpellDocumentWithTag tag: Int) -> [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func guessesForWordRange(_ range: NSRange, inString string: String, language language: String!, inSpellDocumentWithTag tag: Int) -> [AnyObject]? | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSSpellChecker.hasLearnedWord(String) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func hasLearnedWord(_ word: String!) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 |
To | func hasLearnedWord(_ word: String) -> Bool | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpellChecker.ignoreWord(String, inSpellDocumentWithTag: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func ignoreWord(_ wordToIgnore: String!, inSpellDocumentWithTag tag: Int) |
To | func ignoreWord(_ wordToIgnore: String, inSpellDocumentWithTag tag: Int) |
Modified NSSpellChecker.ignoredWordsInSpellDocumentWithTag(Int) -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | |
From | func ignoredWordsInSpellDocumentWithTag(_ tag: Int) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | func ignoredWordsInSpellDocumentWithTag(_ tag: Int) -> [AnyObject]? |
Modified NSSpellChecker.isAutomaticDashSubstitutionEnabled() -> Bool [class]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSSpellChecker.isAutomaticQuoteSubstitutionEnabled() -> Bool [class]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSSpellChecker.isAutomaticSpellingCorrectionEnabled() -> Bool [class]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSSpellChecker.isAutomaticTextReplacementEnabled() -> Bool [class]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSSpellChecker.language() -> String
Declaration | |
From | func language() -> String! |
To | func language() -> String |
Modified NSSpellChecker.languageForWordRange(NSRange, inString: String, orthography: NSOrthography?) -> String?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func languageForWordRange(_ range: NSRange, inString string: String!, orthography orthography: NSOrthography!) -> String! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func languageForWordRange(_ range: NSRange, inString string: String, orthography orthography: NSOrthography?) -> String? | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSSpellChecker.learnWord(String)
Declaration | |
From | func learnWord(_ word: String!) |
To | func learnWord(_ word: String) |
Modified NSSpellChecker.menuForResult(NSTextCheckingResult, string: String, options:[NSObject: AnyObject]?, atLocation: NSPoint, inView: NSView) -> NSMenu?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func menuForResult(_ result: NSTextCheckingResult!, string checkedString: String!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, atLocation location: NSPoint, inView view: NSView!) -> NSMenu! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func menuForResult(_ result: NSTextCheckingResult, string checkedString: String, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]?, atLocation location: NSPoint, inView view: NSView) -> NSMenu? | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSSpellChecker.recordResponse(NSCorrectionResponse, toCorrection: String, forWord: String, language: String!, inSpellDocumentWithTag: Int)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func recordResponse(_ response: NSCorrectionResponse, toCorrection correction: String!, forWord word: String!, language language: String!, inSpellDocumentWithTag tag: Int) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func recordResponse(_ response: NSCorrectionResponse, toCorrection correction: String, forWord word: String, language language: String!, inSpellDocumentWithTag tag: Int) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSSpellChecker.requestCheckingOfString(String, range: NSRange, types: NSTextCheckingTypes, options:[NSObject: AnyObject]?, inSpellDocumentWithTag: Int, completionHandler:((Int,[AnyObject]!, NSOrthography!, Int) -> Void)!) -> Int
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func requestCheckingOfString(_ stringToCheck: String!, range range: NSRange, types checkingTypes: NSTextCheckingTypes, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, inSpellDocumentWithTag tag: Int, completionHandler completionHandler: ((Int, [AnyObject]!, NSOrthography!, Int) -> Void)!) -> Int | OS X 10.10 |
To | func requestCheckingOfString(_ stringToCheck: String, range range: NSRange, types checkingTypes: NSTextCheckingTypes, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]?, inSpellDocumentWithTag tag: Int, completionHandler completionHandler: ((Int, [AnyObject]!, NSOrthography!, Int) -> Void)!) -> Int | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSSpellChecker.setIgnoredWords([AnyObject], inSpellDocumentWithTag: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func setIgnoredWords(_ words: [AnyObject]!, inSpellDocumentWithTag tag: Int) |
To | func setIgnoredWords(_ words: [AnyObject], inSpellDocumentWithTag tag: Int) |
Modified NSSpellChecker.setLanguage(String) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func setLanguage(_ language: String!) -> Bool |
To | func setLanguage(_ language: String) -> Bool |
Modified NSSpellChecker.setWordFieldStringValue(String)
Declaration | |
From | func setWordFieldStringValue(_ aString: String!) |
To | func setWordFieldStringValue(_ aString: String) |
Modified NSSpellChecker.sharedSpellChecker() -> NSSpellChecker [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func sharedSpellChecker() -> NSSpellChecker! |
To | class func sharedSpellChecker() -> NSSpellChecker |
Modified NSSpellChecker.showCorrectionIndicatorOfType(NSCorrectionIndicatorType, primaryString: String, alternativeStrings:[AnyObject]!, forStringInRect: NSRect, view: NSView, completionHandler:((String!) -> Void)?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func showCorrectionIndicatorOfType(_ type: NSCorrectionIndicatorType, primaryString primaryString: String!, alternativeStrings alternativeStrings: [AnyObject]!, forStringInRect rectOfTypedString: NSRect, view view: NSView!, completionHandler completionBlock: ((String!) -> Void)!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func showCorrectionIndicatorOfType(_ type: NSCorrectionIndicatorType, primaryString primaryString: String, alternativeStrings alternativeStrings: [AnyObject]!, forStringInRect rectOfTypedString: NSRect, view view: NSView, completionHandler completionBlock: ((String!) -> Void)?) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSSpellChecker.spellingPanel
Declaration | |
From | var spellingPanel: NSPanel! { get } |
To | var spellingPanel: NSPanel { get } |
Modified NSSpellChecker.substitutionsPanel
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var substitutionsPanel: NSPanel! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var substitutionsPanel: NSPanel { get } | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSSpellChecker.substitutionsPanelAccessoryViewController
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSSpellChecker.unlearnWord(String)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func unlearnWord(_ word: String!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func unlearnWord(_ word: String) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpellChecker.updatePanels()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSSpellChecker.updateSpellingPanelWithGrammarString(String, detail:[NSObject: AnyObject]!)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func updateSpellingPanelWithGrammarString(_ string: String!, detail detail: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func updateSpellingPanelWithGrammarString(_ string: String, detail detail: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpellChecker.updateSpellingPanelWithMisspelledWord(String)
Declaration | |
From | func updateSpellingPanelWithMisspelledWord(_ word: String!) |
To | func updateSpellingPanelWithMisspelledWord(_ word: String) |
Modified NSSpellChecker.userPreferredLanguages
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var userPreferredLanguages: [AnyObject]! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var userPreferredLanguages: [AnyObject] { get } | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSSpellChecker.userQuotesArrayForLanguage(String) -> [AnyObject]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func userQuotesArrayForLanguage(_ language: String!) -> [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func userQuotesArrayForLanguage(_ language: String) -> [AnyObject] | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSSpellChecker.userReplacementsDictionary
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var userReplacementsDictionary: [NSObject : AnyObject]! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var userReplacementsDictionary: [NSObject : AnyObject] { get } | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSSplitView.autosaveName
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var autosaveName: String! | OS X 10.10 |
To | var autosaveName: String? | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSplitView.delegate
Declaration | |
From | var delegate: NSSplitViewDelegate! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSSplitViewDelegate? |
Modified NSSplitView.dividerColor
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var dividerColor: NSColor! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | @NSCopying var dividerColor: NSColor { get } | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSplitView.dividerStyle
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSplitView.holdingPriorityForSubviewAtIndex(Int) -> NSLayoutPriority
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSSplitView.isSubviewCollapsed(NSView) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func isSubviewCollapsed(_ subview: NSView!) -> Bool |
To | func isSubviewCollapsed(_ subview: NSView) -> Bool |
Modified NSSplitView.maxPossiblePositionOfDividerAtIndex(Int) -> CGFloat
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSplitView.minPossiblePositionOfDividerAtIndex(Int) -> CGFloat
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSplitView.setHoldingPriority(NSLayoutPriority, forSubviewAtIndex: Int)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSSplitView.setPosition(CGFloat, ofDividerAtIndex: Int)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSplitViewController.addSplitViewItem(NSSplitViewItem)
Declaration | |
From | func addSplitViewItem(_ splitViewItem: NSSplitViewItem!) |
To | func addSplitViewItem(_ splitViewItem: NSSplitViewItem) |
Modified NSSplitViewController.insertSplitViewItem(NSSplitViewItem, atIndex: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func insertSplitViewItem(_ splitViewItem: NSSplitViewItem!, atIndex index: Int) |
To | func insertSplitViewItem(_ splitViewItem: NSSplitViewItem, atIndex index: Int) |
Modified NSSplitViewController.removeSplitViewItem(NSSplitViewItem)
Declaration | |
From | func removeSplitViewItem(_ splitViewItem: NSSplitViewItem!) |
To | func removeSplitViewItem(_ splitViewItem: NSSplitViewItem) |
Modified NSSplitViewController.splitView
Declaration | |
From | var splitView: NSSplitView! |
To | var splitView: NSSplitView |
Modified NSSplitViewController.splitView(NSSplitView, additionalEffectiveRectOfDividerAtIndex: Int) -> NSRect
Declaration | |
From | func splitView(_ splitView: NSSplitView!, additionalEffectiveRectOfDividerAtIndex dividerIndex: Int) -> NSRect |
To | func splitView(_ splitView: NSSplitView, additionalEffectiveRectOfDividerAtIndex dividerIndex: Int) -> NSRect |
Modified NSSplitViewController.splitView(NSSplitView, canCollapseSubview: NSView) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func splitView(_ splitView: NSSplitView!, canCollapseSubview subview: NSView!) -> Bool |
To | func splitView(_ splitView: NSSplitView, canCollapseSubview subview: NSView) -> Bool |
Modified NSSplitViewController.splitView(NSSplitView, effectiveRect: NSRect, forDrawnRect: NSRect, ofDividerAtIndex: Int) -> NSRect
Declaration | |
From | func splitView(_ splitView: NSSplitView!, effectiveRect proposedEffectiveRect: NSRect, forDrawnRect drawnRect: NSRect, ofDividerAtIndex dividerIndex: Int) -> NSRect |
To | func splitView(_ splitView: NSSplitView, effectiveRect proposedEffectiveRect: NSRect, forDrawnRect drawnRect: NSRect, ofDividerAtIndex dividerIndex: Int) -> NSRect |
Modified NSSplitViewController.splitView(NSSplitView, shouldCollapseSubview: NSView, forDoubleClickOnDividerAtIndex: Int) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func splitView(_ splitView: NSSplitView!, shouldCollapseSubview subview: NSView!, forDoubleClickOnDividerAtIndex dividerIndex: Int) -> Bool |
To | func splitView(_ splitView: NSSplitView, shouldCollapseSubview subview: NSView, forDoubleClickOnDividerAtIndex dividerIndex: Int) -> Bool |
Modified NSSplitViewController.splitView(NSSplitView, shouldHideDividerAtIndex: Int) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func splitView(_ splitView: NSSplitView!, shouldHideDividerAtIndex dividerIndex: Int) -> Bool |
To | func splitView(_ splitView: NSSplitView, shouldHideDividerAtIndex dividerIndex: Int) -> Bool |
Modified NSSplitViewController.splitViewItemForViewController(NSViewController) -> NSSplitViewItem?
Declaration | |
From | func splitViewItemForViewController(_ viewController: NSViewController!) -> NSSplitViewItem! |
To | func splitViewItemForViewController(_ viewController: NSViewController) -> NSSplitViewItem? |
Modified NSSplitViewController.splitViewItems
Declaration | |
From | var splitViewItems: [AnyObject]! |
To | var splitViewItems: [AnyObject] |
Modified NSSplitViewDelegate.splitView(NSSplitView, additionalEffectiveRectOfDividerAtIndex: Int) -> NSRect
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func splitView(_ splitView: NSSplitView!, additionalEffectiveRectOfDividerAtIndex dividerIndex: Int) -> NSRect | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func splitView(_ splitView: NSSplitView, additionalEffectiveRectOfDividerAtIndex dividerIndex: Int) -> NSRect | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSSplitViewDelegate.splitView(NSSplitView, canCollapseSubview: NSView) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func splitView(_ splitView: NSSplitView!, canCollapseSubview subview: NSView!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func splitView(_ splitView: NSSplitView, canCollapseSubview subview: NSView) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSSplitViewDelegate.splitView(NSSplitView, constrainMaxCoordinate: CGFloat, ofSubviewAt: Int) -> CGFloat
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func splitView(_ splitView: NSSplitView!, constrainMaxCoordinate proposedMaximumPosition: CGFloat, ofSubviewAt dividerIndex: Int) -> CGFloat | -- |
To | optional func splitView(_ splitView: NSSplitView, constrainMaxCoordinate proposedMaximumPosition: CGFloat, ofSubviewAt dividerIndex: Int) -> CGFloat | yes |
Modified NSSplitViewDelegate.splitView(NSSplitView, constrainMinCoordinate: CGFloat, ofSubviewAt: Int) -> CGFloat
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func splitView(_ splitView: NSSplitView!, constrainMinCoordinate proposedMinimumPosition: CGFloat, ofSubviewAt dividerIndex: Int) -> CGFloat | -- |
To | optional func splitView(_ splitView: NSSplitView, constrainMinCoordinate proposedMinimumPosition: CGFloat, ofSubviewAt dividerIndex: Int) -> CGFloat | yes |
Modified NSSplitViewDelegate.splitView(NSSplitView, constrainSplitPosition: CGFloat, ofSubviewAt: Int) -> CGFloat
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func splitView(_ splitView: NSSplitView!, constrainSplitPosition proposedPosition: CGFloat, ofSubviewAt dividerIndex: Int) -> CGFloat | -- |
To | optional func splitView(_ splitView: NSSplitView, constrainSplitPosition proposedPosition: CGFloat, ofSubviewAt dividerIndex: Int) -> CGFloat | yes |
Modified NSSplitViewDelegate.splitView(NSSplitView, effectiveRect: NSRect, forDrawnRect: NSRect, ofDividerAtIndex: Int) -> NSRect
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func splitView(_ splitView: NSSplitView!, effectiveRect proposedEffectiveRect: NSRect, forDrawnRect drawnRect: NSRect, ofDividerAtIndex dividerIndex: Int) -> NSRect | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func splitView(_ splitView: NSSplitView, effectiveRect proposedEffectiveRect: NSRect, forDrawnRect drawnRect: NSRect, ofDividerAtIndex dividerIndex: Int) -> NSRect | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSSplitViewDelegate.splitView(NSSplitView, resizeSubviewsWithOldSize: NSSize)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func splitView(_ splitView: NSSplitView!, resizeSubviewsWithOldSize oldSize: NSSize) | -- |
To | optional func splitView(_ splitView: NSSplitView, resizeSubviewsWithOldSize oldSize: NSSize) | yes |
Modified NSSplitViewDelegate.splitView(NSSplitView, shouldAdjustSizeOfSubview: NSView) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func splitView(_ splitView: NSSplitView!, shouldAdjustSizeOfSubview view: NSView!) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func splitView(_ splitView: NSSplitView, shouldAdjustSizeOfSubview view: NSView) -> Bool | OS X 10.6 | yes |
Modified NSSplitViewDelegate.splitView(NSSplitView, shouldCollapseSubview: NSView, forDoubleClickOnDividerAtIndex: Int) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func splitView(_ splitView: NSSplitView!, shouldCollapseSubview subview: NSView!, forDoubleClickOnDividerAtIndex dividerIndex: Int) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func splitView(_ splitView: NSSplitView, shouldCollapseSubview subview: NSView, forDoubleClickOnDividerAtIndex dividerIndex: Int) -> Bool | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSSplitViewDelegate.splitView(NSSplitView, shouldHideDividerAtIndex: Int) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func splitView(_ splitView: NSSplitView!, shouldHideDividerAtIndex dividerIndex: Int) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func splitView(_ splitView: NSSplitView, shouldHideDividerAtIndex dividerIndex: Int) -> Bool | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSSplitViewDelegate.splitViewDidResizeSubviews(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func splitViewDidResizeSubviews(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func splitViewDidResizeSubviews(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSSplitViewDelegate.splitViewWillResizeSubviews(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func splitViewWillResizeSubviews(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func splitViewWillResizeSubviews(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSSplitViewDividerStyle [enum]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSplitViewDividerStyle.PaneSplitter
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSSplitViewItem.viewController
Declaration | |
From | var viewController: NSViewController! |
To | var viewController: NSViewController |
Modified NSSplitViewItem.init(viewController: NSViewController)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(viewController viewController: NSViewController!) |
To | convenience init(viewController viewController: NSViewController) |
Modified NSStackView
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSStackView.addView(NSView, inGravity: NSStackViewGravity)
Declaration | |
From | func addView(_ aView: NSView!, inGravity gravity: NSStackViewGravity) |
To | func addView(_ aView: NSView, inGravity gravity: NSStackViewGravity) |
Modified NSStackView.customSpacingAfterView(NSView) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | func customSpacingAfterView(_ aView: NSView!) -> CGFloat |
To | func customSpacingAfterView(_ aView: NSView) -> CGFloat |
Modified NSStackView.delegate
Declaration | |
From | var delegate: NSStackViewDelegate! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSStackViewDelegate? |
Modified NSStackView.detachedViews
Declaration | |
From | var detachedViews: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var detachedViews: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSStackView.insertView(NSView, atIndex: Int, inGravity: NSStackViewGravity)
Declaration | |
From | func insertView(_ aView: NSView!, atIndex index: Int, inGravity gravity: NSStackViewGravity) |
To | func insertView(_ aView: NSView, atIndex index: Int, inGravity gravity: NSStackViewGravity) |
Modified NSStackView.removeView(NSView)
Declaration | |
From | func removeView(_ aView: NSView!) |
To | func removeView(_ aView: NSView) |
Modified NSStackView.setCustomSpacing(CGFloat, afterView: NSView)
Declaration | |
From | func setCustomSpacing(_ spacing: CGFloat, afterView aView: NSView!) |
To | func setCustomSpacing(_ spacing: CGFloat, afterView aView: NSView) |
Modified NSStackView.setViews([AnyObject], inGravity: NSStackViewGravity)
Declaration | |
From | func setViews(_ views: [AnyObject]!, inGravity gravity: NSStackViewGravity) |
To | func setViews(_ views: [AnyObject], inGravity gravity: NSStackViewGravity) |
Modified NSStackView.setVisibilityPriority(NSStackViewVisibilityPriority, forView: NSView)
Declaration | |
From | func setVisibilityPriority(_ priority: NSStackViewVisibilityPriority, forView aView: NSView!) |
To | func setVisibilityPriority(_ priority: NSStackViewVisibilityPriority, forView aView: NSView) |
Modified NSStackView.views
Declaration | |
From | var views: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var views: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSStackView.init(views: [AnyObject])
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(views views: [AnyObject]!) |
To | convenience init(views views: [AnyObject]) |
Modified NSStackView.viewsInGravity(NSStackViewGravity) -> [AnyObject]
Declaration | |
From | func viewsInGravity(_ gravity: NSStackViewGravity) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | func viewsInGravity(_ gravity: NSStackViewGravity) -> [AnyObject] |
Modified NSStackView.visibilityPriorityForView(NSView) -> NSStackViewVisibilityPriority
Declaration | |
From | func visibilityPriorityForView(_ aView: NSView!) -> NSStackViewVisibilityPriority |
To | func visibilityPriorityForView(_ aView: NSView) -> NSStackViewVisibilityPriority |
Modified NSStackViewDelegate.stackView(NSStackView, didReattachViews:[AnyObject])
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func stackView(_ stackView: NSStackView!, didReattachViews views: [AnyObject]!) | -- |
To | optional func stackView(_ stackView: NSStackView, didReattachViews views: [AnyObject]) | yes |
Modified NSStackViewDelegate.stackView(NSStackView, willDetachViews:[AnyObject])
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func stackView(_ stackView: NSStackView!, willDetachViews views: [AnyObject]!) | -- |
To | optional func stackView(_ stackView: NSStackView, willDetachViews views: [AnyObject]) | yes |
Modified NSStackViewGravity [enum]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSStatusBar.removeStatusItem(NSStatusItem)
Declaration | |
From | func removeStatusItem(_ item: NSStatusItem!) |
To | func removeStatusItem(_ item: NSStatusItem) |
Modified NSStatusBar.statusItemWithLength(CGFloat) -> NSStatusItem
Declaration | |
From | func statusItemWithLength(_ length: CGFloat) -> NSStatusItem! |
To | func statusItemWithLength(_ length: CGFloat) -> NSStatusItem |
Modified NSStatusBar.systemStatusBar() -> NSStatusBar [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func systemStatusBar() -> NSStatusBar! |
To | class func systemStatusBar() -> NSStatusBar |
Modified NSStatusItem.alternateImage
Declaration | |
From | var alternateImage: NSImage! |
To | var alternateImage: NSImage? |
Modified NSStatusItem.attributedTitle
Declaration | |
From | var attributedTitle: NSAttributedString! |
To | @NSCopying var attributedTitle: NSAttributedString? |
Modified NSStatusItem.button
Declaration | |
From | var button: NSStatusBarButton! { get } |
To | var button: NSStatusBarButton? { get } |
Modified NSStatusItem.image
Declaration | |
From | var image: NSImage! |
To | var image: NSImage? |
Declaration | |
From | var menu: NSMenu! |
To | var menu: NSMenu? |
Modified NSStatusItem.popUpStatusItemMenu(NSMenu)
Declaration | |
From | func popUpStatusItemMenu(_ menu: NSMenu!) |
To | func popUpStatusItemMenu(_ menu: NSMenu) |
Modified NSStatusItem.statusBar
Declaration | |
From | var statusBar: NSStatusBar! { get } |
To | unowned(unsafe) var statusBar: NSStatusBar { get } |
Declaration | |
From | var target: AnyObject! |
To | weak var target: AnyObject? |
Modified NSStatusItem.title
Declaration | |
From | var title: String! |
To | var title: String? |
Modified NSStatusItem.toolTip
Declaration | |
From | var toolTip: String! |
To | var toolTip: String? |
Modified NSStatusItem.view
Declaration | |
From | var view: NSView! |
To | var view: NSView? |
Modified NSStoryboard.instantiateControllerWithIdentifier(String) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func instantiateControllerWithIdentifier(_ identifier: String!) -> AnyObject! |
To | func instantiateControllerWithIdentifier(_ identifier: String) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSStoryboard.instantiateInitialController() -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func instantiateInitialController() -> AnyObject! |
To | func instantiateInitialController() -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSStoryboard.init(name: String, bundle: NSBundle?)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(name name: String!, bundle storyboardBundleOrNil: NSBundle!) |
To | convenience init?(name name: String, bundle storyboardBundleOrNil: NSBundle?) |
Modified NSStoryboardSegue.destinationController
Declaration | |
From | var destinationController: AnyObject! { get } |
To | var destinationController: AnyObject { get } |
Modified NSStoryboardSegue.identifier
Declaration | |
From | var identifier: String! { get } |
To | var identifier: String? { get } |
Modified NSStoryboardSegue.init(identifier: String, source: AnyObject, destination: AnyObject)
Declaration | |
From | init(identifier identifier: String!, source sourceController: AnyObject!, destination destinationController: AnyObject!) |
To | init(identifier identifier: String, source sourceController: AnyObject, destination destinationController: AnyObject) |
Modified NSStoryboardSegue.init(identifier: String, source: AnyObject, destination: AnyObject, performHandler:() -> Void)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(identifier identifier: String!, source sourceController: AnyObject!, destination destinationController: AnyObject!, performHandler performHandler: (() -> Void)!) |
To | convenience init(identifier identifier: String, source sourceController: AnyObject, destination destinationController: AnyObject, performHandler performHandler: () -> Void) |
Modified NSStoryboardSegue.sourceController
Declaration | |
From | var sourceController: AnyObject! { get } |
To | var sourceController: AnyObject { get } |
Modified NSStringDrawingOptions [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct NSStringDrawingOptions : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var TruncatesLastVisibleLine: NSStringDrawingOptions { get } static var UsesLineFragmentOrigin: NSStringDrawingOptions { get } static var UsesFontLeading: NSStringDrawingOptions { get } static var DisableScreenFontSubstitution: NSStringDrawingOptions { get } static var UsesDeviceMetrics: NSStringDrawingOptions { get } static var OneShot: NSStringDrawingOptions { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct NSStringDrawingOptions : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var TruncatesLastVisibleLine: NSStringDrawingOptions { get } static var UsesLineFragmentOrigin: NSStringDrawingOptions { get } static var UsesFontLeading: NSStringDrawingOptions { get } static var DisableScreenFontSubstitution: NSStringDrawingOptions { get } static var UsesDeviceMetrics: NSStringDrawingOptions { get } static var OneShot: NSStringDrawingOptions { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified NSStringDrawingOptions.TruncatesLastVisibleLine
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSStringDrawingOptions.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSTabView.addTabViewItem(NSTabViewItem)
Declaration | |
From | func addTabViewItem(_ tabViewItem: NSTabViewItem!) |
To | func addTabViewItem(_ tabViewItem: NSTabViewItem) |
Modified NSTabView.delegate
Declaration | |
From | var delegate: NSTabViewDelegate! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSTabViewDelegate? |
Modified NSTabView.font
Declaration | |
From | var font: NSFont! |
To | var font: NSFont |
Modified NSTabView.indexOfTabViewItem(NSTabViewItem) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func indexOfTabViewItem(_ tabViewItem: NSTabViewItem!) -> Int |
To | func indexOfTabViewItem(_ tabViewItem: NSTabViewItem) -> Int |
Modified NSTabView.indexOfTabViewItemWithIdentifier(AnyObject) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func indexOfTabViewItemWithIdentifier(_ identifier: AnyObject!) -> Int |
To | func indexOfTabViewItemWithIdentifier(_ identifier: AnyObject) -> Int |
Modified NSTabView.insertTabViewItem(NSTabViewItem, atIndex: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func insertTabViewItem(_ tabViewItem: NSTabViewItem!, atIndex index: Int) |
To | func insertTabViewItem(_ tabViewItem: NSTabViewItem, atIndex index: Int) |
Modified NSTabView.removeTabViewItem(NSTabViewItem)
Declaration | |
From | func removeTabViewItem(_ tabViewItem: NSTabViewItem!) |
To | func removeTabViewItem(_ tabViewItem: NSTabViewItem) |
Modified NSTabView.selectFirstTabViewItem(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func selectFirstTabViewItem(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func selectFirstTabViewItem(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTabView.selectLastTabViewItem(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func selectLastTabViewItem(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func selectLastTabViewItem(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTabView.selectNextTabViewItem(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func selectNextTabViewItem(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func selectNextTabViewItem(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTabView.selectPreviousTabViewItem(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func selectPreviousTabViewItem(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func selectPreviousTabViewItem(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTabView.selectTabViewItem(NSTabViewItem?)
Declaration | |
From | func selectTabViewItem(_ tabViewItem: NSTabViewItem!) |
To | func selectTabViewItem(_ tabViewItem: NSTabViewItem?) |
Modified NSTabView.selectTabViewItemWithIdentifier(AnyObject)
Declaration | |
From | func selectTabViewItemWithIdentifier(_ identifier: AnyObject!) |
To | func selectTabViewItemWithIdentifier(_ identifier: AnyObject) |
Modified NSTabView.selectedTabViewItem
Declaration | |
From | var selectedTabViewItem: NSTabViewItem! { get } |
To | var selectedTabViewItem: NSTabViewItem? { get } |
Modified NSTabView.tabViewItemAtIndex(Int) -> NSTabViewItem
Declaration | |
From | func tabViewItemAtIndex(_ index: Int) -> NSTabViewItem! |
To | func tabViewItemAtIndex(_ index: Int) -> NSTabViewItem |
Modified NSTabView.tabViewItemAtPoint(NSPoint) -> NSTabViewItem?
Declaration | |
From | func tabViewItemAtPoint(_ point: NSPoint) -> NSTabViewItem! |
To | func tabViewItemAtPoint(_ point: NSPoint) -> NSTabViewItem? |
Modified NSTabView.tabViewItems
Declaration | |
From | var tabViewItems: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var tabViewItems: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSTabView.takeSelectedTabViewItemFromSender(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func takeSelectedTabViewItemFromSender(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func takeSelectedTabViewItemFromSender(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTabViewController.addTabViewItem(NSTabViewItem)
Declaration | |
From | func addTabViewItem(_ tabViewItem: NSTabViewItem!) |
To | func addTabViewItem(_ tabViewItem: NSTabViewItem) |
Modified NSTabViewController.insertTabViewItem(NSTabViewItem, atIndex: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func insertTabViewItem(_ tabViewItem: NSTabViewItem!, atIndex index: Int) |
To | func insertTabViewItem(_ tabViewItem: NSTabViewItem, atIndex index: Int) |
Modified NSTabViewController.removeTabViewItem(NSTabViewItem)
Declaration | |
From | func removeTabViewItem(_ tabViewItem: NSTabViewItem!) |
To | func removeTabViewItem(_ tabViewItem: NSTabViewItem) |
Modified NSTabViewController.tabView
Declaration | |
From | var tabView: NSTabView! |
To | var tabView: NSTabView |
Modified NSTabViewController.tabView(NSTabView, didSelectTabViewItem: NSTabViewItem)
Declaration | |
From | func tabView(_ tabView: NSTabView!, didSelectTabViewItem tabViewItem: NSTabViewItem!) |
To | func tabView(_ tabView: NSTabView, didSelectTabViewItem tabViewItem: NSTabViewItem) |
Modified NSTabViewController.tabView(NSTabView, shouldSelectTabViewItem: NSTabViewItem) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func tabView(_ tabView: NSTabView!, shouldSelectTabViewItem tabViewItem: NSTabViewItem!) -> Bool |
To | func tabView(_ tabView: NSTabView, shouldSelectTabViewItem tabViewItem: NSTabViewItem) -> Bool |
Modified NSTabViewController.tabView(NSTabView, willSelectTabViewItem: NSTabViewItem)
Declaration | |
From | func tabView(_ tabView: NSTabView!, willSelectTabViewItem tabViewItem: NSTabViewItem!) |
To | func tabView(_ tabView: NSTabView, willSelectTabViewItem tabViewItem: NSTabViewItem) |
Modified NSTabViewController.tabViewItemForViewController(NSViewController) -> NSTabViewItem?
Declaration | |
From | func tabViewItemForViewController(_ viewController: NSViewController!) -> NSTabViewItem! |
To | func tabViewItemForViewController(_ viewController: NSViewController) -> NSTabViewItem? |
Modified NSTabViewController.tabViewItems
Declaration | |
From | var tabViewItems: [AnyObject]! |
To | var tabViewItems: [AnyObject] |
Modified NSTabViewController.toolbar(NSToolbar, itemForItemIdentifier: String, willBeInsertedIntoToolbar: Bool) -> NSToolbarItem?
Declaration | |
From | func toolbar(_ toolbar: NSToolbar!, itemForItemIdentifier itemIdentifier: String!, willBeInsertedIntoToolbar flag: Bool) -> NSToolbarItem! |
To | func toolbar(_ toolbar: NSToolbar, itemForItemIdentifier itemIdentifier: String, willBeInsertedIntoToolbar flag: Bool) -> NSToolbarItem? |
Modified NSTabViewController.toolbarAllowedItemIdentifiers(NSToolbar) -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | |
From | func toolbarAllowedItemIdentifiers(_ toolbar: NSToolbar!) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | func toolbarAllowedItemIdentifiers(_ toolbar: NSToolbar) -> [AnyObject]? |
Modified NSTabViewController.toolbarDefaultItemIdentifiers(NSToolbar) -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | |
From | func toolbarDefaultItemIdentifiers(_ toolbar: NSToolbar!) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | func toolbarDefaultItemIdentifiers(_ toolbar: NSToolbar) -> [AnyObject]? |
Modified NSTabViewController.toolbarSelectableItemIdentifiers(NSToolbar) -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | |
From | func toolbarSelectableItemIdentifiers(_ toolbar: NSToolbar!) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | func toolbarSelectableItemIdentifiers(_ toolbar: NSToolbar) -> [AnyObject]? |
Modified NSTabViewDelegate.tabView(NSTabView, didSelectTabViewItem: NSTabViewItem?)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tabView(_ tabView: NSTabView!, didSelectTabViewItem tabViewItem: NSTabViewItem!) | -- |
To | optional func tabView(_ tabView: NSTabView, didSelectTabViewItem tabViewItem: NSTabViewItem?) | yes |
Modified NSTabViewDelegate.tabView(NSTabView, shouldSelectTabViewItem: NSTabViewItem?) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tabView(_ tabView: NSTabView!, shouldSelectTabViewItem tabViewItem: NSTabViewItem!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func tabView(_ tabView: NSTabView, shouldSelectTabViewItem tabViewItem: NSTabViewItem?) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSTabViewDelegate.tabView(NSTabView, willSelectTabViewItem: NSTabViewItem?)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tabView(_ tabView: NSTabView!, willSelectTabViewItem tabViewItem: NSTabViewItem!) | -- |
To | optional func tabView(_ tabView: NSTabView, willSelectTabViewItem tabViewItem: NSTabViewItem?) | yes |
Modified NSTabViewDelegate.tabViewDidChangeNumberOfTabViewItems(NSTabView)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tabViewDidChangeNumberOfTabViewItems(_ tabView: NSTabView!) | -- |
To | optional func tabViewDidChangeNumberOfTabViewItems(_ tabView: NSTabView) | yes |
Modified NSTabViewItem.color
Declaration | |
From | var color: NSColor! |
To | @NSCopying var color: NSColor |
Modified NSTabViewItem.identifier
Declaration | |
From | var identifier: AnyObject! |
To | var identifier: AnyObject |
Modified NSTabViewItem.init(identifier: AnyObject)
Declaration | |
From | init(identifier identifier: AnyObject!) |
To | init(identifier identifier: AnyObject) |
Modified NSTabViewItem.image
Declaration | |
From | var image: NSImage! |
To | var image: NSImage? |
Modified NSTabViewItem.initialFirstResponder
Declaration | |
From | var initialFirstResponder: NSView! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var initialFirstResponder: NSView? |
Modified NSTabViewItem.label
Declaration | |
From | var label: String! |
To | var label: String |
Modified NSTabViewItem.tabView
Declaration | |
From | var tabView: NSTabView! { get } |
To | var tabView: NSTabView? { get } |
Modified NSTabViewItem.toolTip
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var toolTip: String! | OS X 10.10 |
To | var toolTip: String? | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSTabViewItem.view
Declaration | |
From | var view: NSView! |
To | var view: NSView? |
Modified NSTabViewItem.viewController
Declaration | |
From | var viewController: NSViewController! |
To | var viewController: NSViewController? |
Modified NSTabViewItem.init(viewController: NSViewController)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(viewController viewController: NSViewController!) |
To | convenience init(viewController viewController: NSViewController) |
Modified NSTableCellView
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTableCellView.draggingImageComponents
Declaration | |
From | var draggingImageComponents: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var draggingImageComponents: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSTableCellView.imageView
Declaration | |
From | @IBOutlet var imageView: NSImageView! |
To | @IBOutlet unowned(unsafe) var imageView: NSImageView? |
Modified NSTableCellView.objectValue
Declaration | |
From | var objectValue: AnyObject! |
To | var objectValue: AnyObject? |
Modified NSTableCellView.textField
Declaration | |
From | @IBOutlet var textField: NSTextField! |
To | @IBOutlet unowned(unsafe) var textField: NSTextField? |
Modified NSTableColumn.dataCell
Declaration | |
From | var dataCell: AnyObject! |
To | var dataCell: AnyObject |
Modified NSTableColumn.dataCellForRow(Int) -> AnyObject
Declaration | |
From | func dataCellForRow(_ row: Int) -> AnyObject! |
To | func dataCellForRow(_ row: Int) -> AnyObject |
Modified NSTableColumn.headerCell
Declaration | |
From | var headerCell: AnyObject! |
To | var headerCell: AnyObject |
Modified NSTableColumn.headerToolTip
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var headerToolTip: String! | OS X 10.10 |
To | var headerToolTip: String? | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSTableColumn.hidden
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSTableColumn.sortDescriptorPrototype
Declaration | |
From | var sortDescriptorPrototype: NSSortDescriptor! |
To | @NSCopying var sortDescriptorPrototype: NSSortDescriptor? |
Modified NSTableColumn.tableView
Declaration | |
From | var tableView: NSTableView! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var tableView: NSTableView? |
Modified NSTableColumn.title
Declaration | |
From | var title: String! |
To | var title: String |
Modified NSTableColumnResizingOptions [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct NSTableColumnResizingOptions : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var NoResizing: NSTableColumnResizingOptions { get } static var AutoresizingMask: NSTableColumnResizingOptions { get } static var UserResizingMask: NSTableColumnResizingOptions { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct NSTableColumnResizingOptions : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var NoResizing: NSTableColumnResizingOptions { get } static var AutoresizingMask: NSTableColumnResizingOptions { get } static var UserResizingMask: NSTableColumnResizingOptions { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified NSTableColumnResizingOptions.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSTableHeaderCell.drawSortIndicatorWithFrame(NSRect, inView: NSView, ascending: Bool, priority: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func drawSortIndicatorWithFrame(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView!, ascending ascending: Bool, priority priority: Int) |
To | func drawSortIndicatorWithFrame(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView, ascending ascending: Bool, priority priority: Int) |
Modified NSTableHeaderView.tableView
Declaration | |
From | var tableView: NSTableView! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var tableView: NSTableView? |
Modified NSTableRowView
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTableRowView.backgroundColor
Declaration | |
From | var backgroundColor: NSColor! |
To | @NSCopying var backgroundColor: NSColor |
Modified NSTableRowView.viewAtColumn(Int) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func viewAtColumn(_ column: Int) -> AnyObject! |
To | func viewAtColumn(_ column: Int) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSTableView.addTableColumn(NSTableColumn)
Declaration | |
From | func addTableColumn(_ tableColumn: NSTableColumn!) |
To | func addTableColumn(_ tableColumn: NSTableColumn) |
Modified NSTableView.allowsTypeSelect
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSTableView.autosaveName
Declaration | |
From | var autosaveName: String! |
To | var autosaveName: String? |
Modified NSTableView.backgroundColor
Declaration | |
From | var backgroundColor: NSColor! |
To | @NSCopying var backgroundColor: NSColor |
Modified NSTableView.beginUpdates()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTableView.canDragRowsWithIndexes(NSIndexSet, atPoint: NSPoint) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func canDragRowsWithIndexes(_ rowIndexes: NSIndexSet!, atPoint mouseDownPoint: NSPoint) -> Bool |
To | func canDragRowsWithIndexes(_ rowIndexes: NSIndexSet, atPoint mouseDownPoint: NSPoint) -> Bool |
Modified NSTableView.init(coder: NSCoder)
Declaration | |
From | init(coder coder: NSCoder!) |
To | init?(coder coder: NSCoder) |
Modified NSTableView.columnForView(NSView) -> Int
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func columnForView(_ view: NSView!) -> Int | OS X 10.10 |
To | func columnForView(_ view: NSView) -> Int | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTableView.columnIndexesInRect(NSRect) -> NSIndexSet
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func columnIndexesInRect(_ rect: NSRect) -> NSIndexSet! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func columnIndexesInRect(_ rect: NSRect) -> NSIndexSet | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSTableView.columnWithIdentifier(String?) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func columnWithIdentifier(_ identifier: String!) -> Int |
To | func columnWithIdentifier(_ identifier: String?) -> Int |
Modified NSTableView.cornerView
Declaration | |
From | var cornerView: NSView! |
To | var cornerView: NSView? |
Modified NSTableView.dataSource() -> NSTableViewDataSource?
Declaration | |
From | func dataSource() -> NSTableViewDataSource! |
To | func dataSource() -> NSTableViewDataSource? |
Modified NSTableView.delegate() -> NSTableViewDelegate?
Declaration | |
From | func delegate() -> NSTableViewDelegate! |
To | func delegate() -> NSTableViewDelegate? |
Modified NSTableView.deselectAll(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func deselectAll(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func deselectAll(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTableView.didAddRowView(NSTableRowView, forRow: Int)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func didAddRowView(_ rowView: NSTableRowView!, forRow row: Int) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func didAddRowView(_ rowView: NSTableRowView, forRow row: Int) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTableView.didRemoveRowView(NSTableRowView, forRow: Int)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func didRemoveRowView(_ rowView: NSTableRowView!, forRow row: Int) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func didRemoveRowView(_ rowView: NSTableRowView, forRow row: Int) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTableView.dragImageForRowsWithIndexes(NSIndexSet, tableColumns:[AnyObject], event: NSEvent, offset: NSPointPointer) -> NSImage
Declaration | |
From | func dragImageForRowsWithIndexes(_ dragRows: NSIndexSet!, tableColumns tableColumns: [AnyObject]!, event dragEvent: NSEvent!, offset dragImageOffset: NSPointPointer) -> NSImage! |
To | func dragImageForRowsWithIndexes(_ dragRows: NSIndexSet, tableColumns tableColumns: [AnyObject], event dragEvent: NSEvent, offset dragImageOffset: NSPointPointer) -> NSImage |
Modified NSTableView.draggingDestinationFeedbackStyle
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSTableView.editColumn(Int, row: Int, withEvent: NSEvent?, select: Bool)
Declaration | |
From | func editColumn(_ column: Int, row row: Int, withEvent theEvent: NSEvent!, select select: Bool) |
To | func editColumn(_ column: Int, row row: Int, withEvent theEvent: NSEvent?, select select: Bool) |
Modified NSTableView.effectiveRowSizeStyle
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTableView.endUpdates()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTableView.enumerateAvailableRowViewsUsingBlock((NSTableRowView!, Int) -> Void)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func enumerateAvailableRowViewsUsingBlock(_ handler: ((NSTableRowView!, Int) -> Void)!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func enumerateAvailableRowViewsUsingBlock(_ handler: (NSTableRowView!, Int) -> Void) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTableView.floatsGroupRows
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTableView.focusedColumn() -> Int
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.5 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSTableView.gridColor
Declaration | |
From | var gridColor: NSColor! |
To | @NSCopying var gridColor: NSColor |
Modified NSTableView.headerView
Declaration | |
From | var headerView: NSTableHeaderView! |
To | var headerView: NSTableHeaderView? |
Modified NSTableView.highlightedTableColumn
Declaration | |
From | var highlightedTableColumn: NSTableColumn! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var highlightedTableColumn: NSTableColumn? |
Modified NSTableView.indicatorImageInTableColumn(NSTableColumn) -> NSImage?
Declaration | |
From | func indicatorImageInTableColumn(_ tableColumn: NSTableColumn!) -> NSImage! |
To | func indicatorImageInTableColumn(_ tableColumn: NSTableColumn) -> NSImage? |
Modified NSTableView.insertRowsAtIndexes(NSIndexSet, withAnimation: NSTableViewAnimationOptions)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func insertRowsAtIndexes(_ indexes: NSIndexSet!, withAnimation animationOptions: NSTableViewAnimationOptions) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func insertRowsAtIndexes(_ indexes: NSIndexSet, withAnimation animationOptions: NSTableViewAnimationOptions) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTableView.makeViewWithIdentifier(String, owner: AnyObject?) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func makeViewWithIdentifier(_ identifier: String!, owner owner: AnyObject!) -> AnyObject! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func makeViewWithIdentifier(_ identifier: String, owner owner: AnyObject?) -> AnyObject? | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTableView.moveRowAtIndex(Int, toIndex: Int)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTableView.noteHeightOfRowsWithIndexesChanged(NSIndexSet)
Declaration | |
From | func noteHeightOfRowsWithIndexesChanged(_ indexSet: NSIndexSet!) |
To | func noteHeightOfRowsWithIndexesChanged(_ indexSet: NSIndexSet) |
Modified NSTableView.performClickOnCellAtColumn(Int, row: Int)
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.6 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSTableView.preparedCellAtColumn(Int, row: Int) -> NSCell?
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | func preparedCellAtColumn(_ column: Int, row row: Int) -> NSCell! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | func preparedCellAtColumn(_ column: Int, row row: Int) -> NSCell? | OS X 10.5 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSTableView.registerNib(NSNib, forIdentifier: String)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func registerNib(_ nib: NSNib!, forIdentifier identifier: String!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func registerNib(_ nib: NSNib, forIdentifier identifier: String) | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSTableView.registeredNibsByIdentifier
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var registeredNibsByIdentifier: [NSObject : AnyObject]! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var registeredNibsByIdentifier: [NSObject : AnyObject]? { get } | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSTableView.reloadDataForRowIndexes(NSIndexSet, columnIndexes: NSIndexSet)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func reloadDataForRowIndexes(_ rowIndexes: NSIndexSet!, columnIndexes columnIndexes: NSIndexSet!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func reloadDataForRowIndexes(_ rowIndexes: NSIndexSet, columnIndexes columnIndexes: NSIndexSet) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSTableView.removeRowsAtIndexes(NSIndexSet, withAnimation: NSTableViewAnimationOptions)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func removeRowsAtIndexes(_ indexes: NSIndexSet!, withAnimation animationOptions: NSTableViewAnimationOptions) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func removeRowsAtIndexes(_ indexes: NSIndexSet, withAnimation animationOptions: NSTableViewAnimationOptions) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTableView.removeTableColumn(NSTableColumn)
Declaration | |
From | func removeTableColumn(_ tableColumn: NSTableColumn!) |
To | func removeTableColumn(_ tableColumn: NSTableColumn) |
Modified NSTableView.rowForView(NSView) -> Int
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func rowForView(_ view: NSView!) -> Int | OS X 10.10 |
To | func rowForView(_ view: NSView) -> Int | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTableView.rowSizeStyle
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTableView.rowViewAtRow(Int, makeIfNecessary: Bool) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func rowViewAtRow(_ row: Int, makeIfNecessary makeIfNecessary: Bool) -> AnyObject! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func rowViewAtRow(_ row: Int, makeIfNecessary makeIfNecessary: Bool) -> AnyObject? | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTableView.selectAll(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func selectAll(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func selectAll(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTableView.selectColumnIndexes(NSIndexSet, byExtendingSelection: Bool)
Declaration | |
From | func selectColumnIndexes(_ indexes: NSIndexSet!, byExtendingSelection extend: Bool) |
To | func selectColumnIndexes(_ indexes: NSIndexSet, byExtendingSelection extend: Bool) |
Modified NSTableView.selectRowIndexes(NSIndexSet, byExtendingSelection: Bool)
Declaration | |
From | func selectRowIndexes(_ indexes: NSIndexSet!, byExtendingSelection extend: Bool) |
To | func selectRowIndexes(_ indexes: NSIndexSet, byExtendingSelection extend: Bool) |
Modified NSTableView.selectedColumnIndexes
Declaration | |
From | var selectedColumnIndexes: NSIndexSet! { get } |
To | @NSCopying var selectedColumnIndexes: NSIndexSet { get } |
Modified NSTableView.selectedRowIndexes
Declaration | |
From | var selectedRowIndexes: NSIndexSet! { get } |
To | @NSCopying var selectedRowIndexes: NSIndexSet { get } |
Modified NSTableView.selectionHighlightStyle
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSTableView.setDataSource(NSTableViewDataSource?)
Declaration | |
From | func setDataSource(_ aSource: NSTableViewDataSource!) |
To | func setDataSource(_ aSource: NSTableViewDataSource?) |
Modified NSTableView.setDelegate(NSTableViewDelegate?)
Declaration | |
From | func setDelegate(_ delegate: NSTableViewDelegate!) |
To | func setDelegate(_ delegate: NSTableViewDelegate?) |
Modified NSTableView.setFocusedColumn(Int)
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.6 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSTableView.setIndicatorImage(NSImage?, inTableColumn: NSTableColumn)
Declaration | |
From | func setIndicatorImage(_ anImage: NSImage!, inTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn!) |
To | func setIndicatorImage(_ anImage: NSImage?, inTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn) |
Modified NSTableView.shouldFocusCell(NSCell, atColumn: Int, row: Int) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | func shouldFocusCell(_ cell: NSCell!, atColumn column: Int, row row: Int) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | func shouldFocusCell(_ cell: NSCell, atColumn column: Int, row row: Int) -> Bool | OS X 10.6 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSTableView.sortDescriptors
Declaration | |
From | var sortDescriptors: [AnyObject]! |
To | var sortDescriptors: [AnyObject] |
Modified NSTableView.tableColumnWithIdentifier(String?) -> NSTableColumn?
Declaration | |
From | func tableColumnWithIdentifier(_ identifier: String!) -> NSTableColumn! |
To | func tableColumnWithIdentifier(_ identifier: String?) -> NSTableColumn? |
Modified NSTableView.tableColumns
Declaration | |
From | var tableColumns: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var tableColumns: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSTableView.textDidBeginEditing(NSNotification)
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | func textDidBeginEditing(_ notification: NSNotification!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | func textDidBeginEditing(_ notification: NSNotification) | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSTableView.textDidChange(NSNotification)
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | func textDidChange(_ notification: NSNotification!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | func textDidChange(_ notification: NSNotification) | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSTableView.textDidEndEditing(NSNotification)
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | func textDidEndEditing(_ notification: NSNotification!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | func textDidEndEditing(_ notification: NSNotification) | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSTableView.textShouldBeginEditing(NSText) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | func textShouldBeginEditing(_ textObject: NSText!) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | func textShouldBeginEditing(_ textObject: NSText) -> Bool | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSTableView.textShouldEndEditing(NSText) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | func textShouldEndEditing(_ textObject: NSText!) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | func textShouldEndEditing(_ textObject: NSText) -> Bool | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSTableView.viewAtColumn(Int, row: Int, makeIfNecessary: Bool) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func viewAtColumn(_ column: Int, row row: Int, makeIfNecessary makeIfNecessary: Bool) -> AnyObject! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func viewAtColumn(_ column: Int, row row: Int, makeIfNecessary makeIfNecessary: Bool) -> AnyObject? | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTableViewAnimationOptions [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | Introduction | |
From | struct NSTableViewAnimationOptions : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var EffectNone: NSTableViewAnimationOptions { get } static var EffectFade: NSTableViewAnimationOptions { get } static var EffectGap: NSTableViewAnimationOptions { get } static var SlideUp: NSTableViewAnimationOptions { get } static var SlideDown: NSTableViewAnimationOptions { get } static var SlideLeft: NSTableViewAnimationOptions { get } static var SlideRight: NSTableViewAnimationOptions { get } } | RawOptionSet | OS X 10.10 |
To | struct NSTableViewAnimationOptions : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var EffectNone: NSTableViewAnimationOptions { get } static var EffectFade: NSTableViewAnimationOptions { get } static var EffectGap: NSTableViewAnimationOptions { get } static var SlideUp: NSTableViewAnimationOptions { get } static var SlideDown: NSTableViewAnimationOptions { get } static var SlideLeft: NSTableViewAnimationOptions { get } static var SlideRight: NSTableViewAnimationOptions { get } } | RawOptionSetType | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTableViewAnimationOptions.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSTableViewDataSource.numberOfRowsInTableView(NSTableView) -> Int
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func numberOfRowsInTableView(_ tableView: NSTableView!) -> Int | -- |
To | optional func numberOfRowsInTableView(_ tableView: NSTableView) -> Int | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDataSource.tableView(NSTableView, acceptDrop: NSDraggingInfo, row: Int, dropOperation: NSTableViewDropOperation) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView!, acceptDrop info: NSDraggingInfo!, row row: Int, dropOperation dropOperation: NSTableViewDropOperation) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, acceptDrop info: NSDraggingInfo, row row: Int, dropOperation dropOperation: NSTableViewDropOperation) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDataSource.tableView(NSTableView, draggingSession: NSDraggingSession, endedAtPoint: NSPoint, operation: NSDragOperation)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView!, draggingSession session: NSDraggingSession!, endedAtPoint screenPoint: NSPoint, operation operation: NSDragOperation) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, draggingSession session: NSDraggingSession, endedAtPoint screenPoint: NSPoint, operation operation: NSDragOperation) | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDataSource.tableView(NSTableView, draggingSession: NSDraggingSession, willBeginAtPoint: NSPoint, forRowIndexes: NSIndexSet)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView!, draggingSession session: NSDraggingSession!, willBeginAtPoint screenPoint: NSPoint, forRowIndexes rowIndexes: NSIndexSet!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, draggingSession session: NSDraggingSession, willBeginAtPoint screenPoint: NSPoint, forRowIndexes rowIndexes: NSIndexSet) | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDataSource.tableView(NSTableView, namesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestination: NSURL, forDraggedRowsWithIndexes: NSIndexSet) -> [AnyObject]
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView!, namesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestination dropDestination: NSURL!, forDraggedRowsWithIndexes indexSet: NSIndexSet!) -> [AnyObject]! | -- |
To | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, namesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestination dropDestination: NSURL, forDraggedRowsWithIndexes indexSet: NSIndexSet) -> [AnyObject] | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDataSource.tableView(NSTableView, objectValueForTableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row: Int) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView!, objectValueForTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn!, row row: Int) -> AnyObject! | -- |
To | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, objectValueForTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row row: Int) -> AnyObject? | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDataSource.tableView(NSTableView, pasteboardWriterForRow: Int) -> NSPasteboardWriting?
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView!, pasteboardWriterForRow row: Int) -> NSPasteboardWriting! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, pasteboardWriterForRow row: Int) -> NSPasteboardWriting? | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDataSource.tableView(NSTableView, setObjectValue: AnyObject?, forTableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row: Int)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView!, setObjectValue object: AnyObject!, forTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn!, row row: Int) | -- |
To | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, setObjectValue object: AnyObject?, forTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row row: Int) | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDataSource.tableView(NSTableView, sortDescriptorsDidChange:[AnyObject])
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView!, sortDescriptorsDidChange oldDescriptors: [AnyObject]!) | -- |
To | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, sortDescriptorsDidChange oldDescriptors: [AnyObject]) | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDataSource.tableView(NSTableView, updateDraggingItemsForDrag: NSDraggingInfo)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView!, updateDraggingItemsForDrag draggingInfo: NSDraggingInfo!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, updateDraggingItemsForDrag draggingInfo: NSDraggingInfo) | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDataSource.tableView(NSTableView, validateDrop: NSDraggingInfo, proposedRow: Int, proposedDropOperation: NSTableViewDropOperation) -> NSDragOperation
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView!, validateDrop info: NSDraggingInfo!, proposedRow row: Int, proposedDropOperation dropOperation: NSTableViewDropOperation) -> NSDragOperation | -- |
To | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, validateDrop info: NSDraggingInfo, proposedRow row: Int, proposedDropOperation dropOperation: NSTableViewDropOperation) -> NSDragOperation | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDataSource.tableView(NSTableView, writeRowsWithIndexes: NSIndexSet, toPasteboard: NSPasteboard) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView!, writeRowsWithIndexes rowIndexes: NSIndexSet!, toPasteboard pboard: NSPasteboard!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, writeRowsWithIndexes rowIndexes: NSIndexSet, toPasteboard pboard: NSPasteboard) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDelegate.selectionShouldChangeInTableView(NSTableView) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func selectionShouldChangeInTableView(_ tableView: NSTableView!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func selectionShouldChangeInTableView(_ tableView: NSTableView) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDelegate.tableView(NSTableView, dataCellForTableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row: Int) -> NSCell?
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView!, dataCellForTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn!, row row: Int) -> NSCell! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, dataCellForTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row row: Int) -> NSCell? | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDelegate.tableView(NSTableView, didAddRowView: NSTableRowView, forRow: Int)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView!, didAddRowView rowView: NSTableRowView!, forRow row: Int) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, didAddRowView rowView: NSTableRowView, forRow row: Int) | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDelegate.tableView(NSTableView, didClickTableColumn: NSTableColumn)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView!, didClickTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn!) | -- |
To | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, didClickTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn) | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDelegate.tableView(NSTableView, didDragTableColumn: NSTableColumn)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView!, didDragTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn!) | -- |
To | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, didDragTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn) | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDelegate.tableView(NSTableView, didRemoveRowView: NSTableRowView, forRow: Int)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView!, didRemoveRowView rowView: NSTableRowView!, forRow row: Int) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, didRemoveRowView rowView: NSTableRowView, forRow row: Int) | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDelegate.tableView(NSTableView, heightOfRow: Int) -> CGFloat
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView!, heightOfRow row: Int) -> CGFloat | -- |
To | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, heightOfRow row: Int) -> CGFloat | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDelegate.tableView(NSTableView, isGroupRow: Int) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView!, isGroupRow row: Int) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, isGroupRow row: Int) -> Bool | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDelegate.tableView(NSTableView, mouseDownInHeaderOfTableColumn: NSTableColumn)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView!, mouseDownInHeaderOfTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn!) | -- |
To | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, mouseDownInHeaderOfTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn) | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDelegate.tableView(NSTableView, nextTypeSelectMatchFromRow: Int, toRow: Int, forString: String) -> Int
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView!, nextTypeSelectMatchFromRow startRow: Int, toRow endRow: Int, forString searchString: String!) -> Int | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, nextTypeSelectMatchFromRow startRow: Int, toRow endRow: Int, forString searchString: String) -> Int | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDelegate.tableView(NSTableView, rowViewForRow: Int) -> NSTableRowView?
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView!, rowViewForRow row: Int) -> NSTableRowView! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, rowViewForRow row: Int) -> NSTableRowView? | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDelegate.tableView(NSTableView, selectionIndexesForProposedSelection: NSIndexSet) -> NSIndexSet
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView!, selectionIndexesForProposedSelection proposedSelectionIndexes: NSIndexSet!) -> NSIndexSet! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, selectionIndexesForProposedSelection proposedSelectionIndexes: NSIndexSet) -> NSIndexSet | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDelegate.tableView(NSTableView, shouldEditTableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row: Int) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView!, shouldEditTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn!, row row: Int) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, shouldEditTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row row: Int) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDelegate.tableView(NSTableView, shouldReorderColumn: Int, toColumn: Int) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView!, shouldReorderColumn columnIndex: Int, toColumn newColumnIndex: Int) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, shouldReorderColumn columnIndex: Int, toColumn newColumnIndex: Int) -> Bool | OS X 10.6 | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDelegate.tableView(NSTableView, shouldSelectRow: Int) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView!, shouldSelectRow row: Int) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, shouldSelectRow row: Int) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDelegate.tableView(NSTableView, shouldSelectTableColumn: NSTableColumn?) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView!, shouldSelectTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, shouldSelectTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn?) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDelegate.tableView(NSTableView, shouldShowCellExpansionForTableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row: Int) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView!, shouldShowCellExpansionForTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn!, row row: Int) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, shouldShowCellExpansionForTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row row: Int) -> Bool | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDelegate.tableView(NSTableView, shouldTrackCell: NSCell, forTableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row: Int) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView!, shouldTrackCell cell: NSCell!, forTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn!, row row: Int) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, shouldTrackCell cell: NSCell, forTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row row: Int) -> Bool | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDelegate.tableView(NSTableView, shouldTypeSelectForEvent: NSEvent, withCurrentSearchString: String?) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView!, shouldTypeSelectForEvent event: NSEvent!, withCurrentSearchString searchString: String!) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, shouldTypeSelectForEvent event: NSEvent, withCurrentSearchString searchString: String?) -> Bool | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDelegate.tableView(NSTableView, sizeToFitWidthOfColumn: Int) -> CGFloat
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView!, sizeToFitWidthOfColumn column: Int) -> CGFloat | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, sizeToFitWidthOfColumn column: Int) -> CGFloat | OS X 10.6 | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDelegate.tableView(NSTableView, toolTipForCell: NSCell, rect: NSRectPointer, tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row: Int, mouseLocation: NSPoint) -> String
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView!, toolTipForCell cell: NSCell!, rect rect: NSRectPointer, tableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn!, row row: Int, mouseLocation mouseLocation: NSPoint) -> String! | -- |
To | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, toolTipForCell cell: NSCell, rect rect: NSRectPointer, tableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row row: Int, mouseLocation mouseLocation: NSPoint) -> String | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDelegate.tableView(NSTableView, typeSelectStringForTableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row: Int) -> String?
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView!, typeSelectStringForTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn!, row row: Int) -> String! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, typeSelectStringForTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row row: Int) -> String? | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDelegate.tableView(NSTableView, viewForTableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row: Int) -> NSView?
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView!, viewForTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn!, row row: Int) -> NSView! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, viewForTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row row: Int) -> NSView? | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDelegate.tableView(NSTableView, willDisplayCell: AnyObject, forTableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row: Int)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView!, willDisplayCell cell: AnyObject!, forTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn!, row row: Int) | -- |
To | optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, willDisplayCell cell: AnyObject, forTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row row: Int) | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDelegate.tableViewColumnDidMove(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tableViewColumnDidMove(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func tableViewColumnDidMove(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDelegate.tableViewColumnDidResize(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tableViewColumnDidResize(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func tableViewColumnDidResize(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDelegate.tableViewSelectionDidChange(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tableViewSelectionDidChange(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func tableViewSelectionDidChange(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDelegate.tableViewSelectionIsChanging(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tableViewSelectionIsChanging(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func tableViewSelectionIsChanging(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSTableViewDraggingDestinationFeedbackStyle [enum]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSTableViewDraggingDestinationFeedbackStyle.Gap
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSTableViewGridLineStyle [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct NSTableViewGridLineStyle : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var GridNone: NSTableViewGridLineStyle { get } static var SolidVerticalGridLineMask: NSTableViewGridLineStyle { get } static var SolidHorizontalGridLineMask: NSTableViewGridLineStyle { get } static var DashedHorizontalGridLineMask: NSTableViewGridLineStyle { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct NSTableViewGridLineStyle : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var GridNone: NSTableViewGridLineStyle { get } static var SolidVerticalGridLineMask: NSTableViewGridLineStyle { get } static var SolidHorizontalGridLineMask: NSTableViewGridLineStyle { get } static var DashedHorizontalGridLineMask: NSTableViewGridLineStyle { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified NSTableViewGridLineStyle.DashedHorizontalGridLineMask
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTableViewGridLineStyle.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSTableViewRowSizeStyle [enum]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTableViewSelectionHighlightStyle.None
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSText.RTFDFromRange(NSRange) -> NSData?
Declaration | |
From | func RTFDFromRange(_ range: NSRange) -> NSData! |
To | func RTFDFromRange(_ range: NSRange) -> NSData? |
Modified NSText.RTFFromRange(NSRange) -> NSData?
Declaration | |
From | func RTFFromRange(_ range: NSRange) -> NSData! |
To | func RTFFromRange(_ range: NSRange) -> NSData? |
Modified NSText.alignCenter(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func alignCenter(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func alignCenter(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSText.alignLeft(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func alignLeft(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func alignLeft(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSText.alignRight(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func alignRight(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func alignRight(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSText.backgroundColor
Declaration | |
From | var backgroundColor: NSColor! |
To | @NSCopying var backgroundColor: NSColor? |
Modified NSText.changeFont(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func changeFont(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func changeFont(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSText.checkSpelling(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func checkSpelling(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func checkSpelling(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSText.init(coder: NSCoder)
Declaration | |
From | init(coder coder: NSCoder!) |
To | init?(coder coder: NSCoder) |
Modified NSText.copy(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func copy(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func copy(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSText.copyFont(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func copyFont(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func copyFont(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSText.copyRuler(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func copyRuler(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func copyRuler(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSText.cut(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func cut(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func cut(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSText.delegate
Declaration | |
From | var delegate: NSTextDelegate! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSTextDelegate? |
Modified NSText.delete(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func delete(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func delete(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSText.font
Declaration | |
From | var font: NSFont! |
To | var font: NSFont? |
Modified NSText.paste(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func paste(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func paste(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSText.pasteFont(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func pasteFont(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func pasteFont(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSText.pasteRuler(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func pasteRuler(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func pasteRuler(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSText.readRTFDFromFile(String) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func readRTFDFromFile(_ path: String!) -> Bool |
To | func readRTFDFromFile(_ path: String) -> Bool |
Modified NSText.replaceCharactersInRange(NSRange, withRTF: NSData)
Declaration | |
From | func replaceCharactersInRange(_ range: NSRange, withRTF rtfData: NSData!) |
To | func replaceCharactersInRange(_ range: NSRange, withRTF rtfData: NSData) |
Modified NSText.replaceCharactersInRange(NSRange, withRTFD: NSData)
Declaration | |
From | func replaceCharactersInRange(_ range: NSRange, withRTFD rtfdData: NSData!) |
To | func replaceCharactersInRange(_ range: NSRange, withRTFD rtfdData: NSData) |
Modified NSText.replaceCharactersInRange(NSRange, withString: String)
Declaration | |
From | func replaceCharactersInRange(_ range: NSRange, withString aString: String!) |
To | func replaceCharactersInRange(_ range: NSRange, withString aString: String) |
Modified NSText.selectAll(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func selectAll(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func selectAll(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSText.setFont(NSFont, range: NSRange)
Declaration | |
From | func setFont(_ font: NSFont!, range range: NSRange) |
To | func setFont(_ font: NSFont, range range: NSRange) |
Modified NSText.setTextColor(NSColor?, range: NSRange)
Declaration | |
From | func setTextColor(_ color: NSColor!, range range: NSRange) |
To | func setTextColor(_ color: NSColor?, range range: NSRange) |
Modified NSText.showGuessPanel(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func showGuessPanel(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func showGuessPanel(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSText.string
Declaration | |
From | var string: String! |
To | var string: String? |
Modified NSText.subscript()
Declaration | |
From | func `subscript`(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func `subscript`(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSText.superscript(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func superscript(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func superscript(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSText.textColor
Declaration | |
From | var textColor: NSColor! |
To | @NSCopying var textColor: NSColor? |
Modified NSText.toggleRuler(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func toggleRuler(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func toggleRuler(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSText.underline(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func underline(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func underline(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSText.unscript(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func unscript(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func unscript(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSText.writeRTFDToFile(String, atomically: Bool) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func writeRTFDToFile(_ path: String!, atomically flag: Bool) -> Bool |
To | func writeRTFDToFile(_ path: String, atomically flag: Bool) -> Bool |
Modified NSTextAlternatives
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSTextAlternatives.alternativeStrings
Declaration | |
From | var alternativeStrings: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var alternativeStrings: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSTextAlternatives.noteSelectedAlternativeString(String)
Declaration | |
From | func noteSelectedAlternativeString(_ alternativeString: String!) |
To | func noteSelectedAlternativeString(_ alternativeString: String) |
Modified NSTextAlternatives.primaryString
Declaration | |
From | var primaryString: String! { get } |
To | var primaryString: String { get } |
Modified NSTextAlternatives.init(primaryString: String, alternativeStrings:[AnyObject])
Declaration | |
From | init(primaryString primaryString: String!, alternativeStrings alternativeStrings: [AnyObject]!) |
To | init(primaryString primaryString: String, alternativeStrings alternativeStrings: [AnyObject]) |
Modified NSTextAttachment.fileWrapper
Declaration | |
From | var fileWrapper: NSFileWrapper! |
To | var fileWrapper: NSFileWrapper? |
Modified NSTextAttachment.init(fileWrapper: NSFileWrapper?)
Declaration | |
From | init(fileWrapper fileWrapper: NSFileWrapper!) |
To | init(fileWrapper fileWrapper: NSFileWrapper?) |
Modified NSTextAttachmentCellProtocol.attachment() -> NSTextAttachment?
Declaration | |
From | func attachment() -> NSTextAttachment! |
To | func attachment() -> NSTextAttachment? |
Modified NSTextAttachmentCellProtocol.cellFrameForTextContainer(NSTextContainer, proposedLineFragment: NSRect, glyphPosition: NSPoint, characterIndex: Int) -> NSRect
Declaration | |
From | func cellFrameForTextContainer(_ textContainer: NSTextContainer!, proposedLineFragment lineFrag: NSRect, glyphPosition position: NSPoint, characterIndex charIndex: Int) -> NSRect |
To | func cellFrameForTextContainer(_ textContainer: NSTextContainer, proposedLineFragment lineFrag: NSRect, glyphPosition position: NSPoint, characterIndex charIndex: Int) -> NSRect |
Modified NSTextAttachmentCellProtocol.drawWithFrame(NSRect, inView: NSView)
Declaration | |
From | func drawWithFrame(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView!) |
To | func drawWithFrame(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView) |
Modified NSTextAttachmentCellProtocol.drawWithFrame(NSRect, inView: NSView, characterIndex: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func drawWithFrame(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView!, characterIndex charIndex: Int) |
To | func drawWithFrame(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView, characterIndex charIndex: Int) |
Modified NSTextAttachmentCellProtocol.drawWithFrame(NSRect, inView: NSView, characterIndex: Int, layoutManager: NSLayoutManager)
Declaration | |
From | func drawWithFrame(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView!, characterIndex charIndex: Int, layoutManager layoutManager: NSLayoutManager!) |
To | func drawWithFrame(_ cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView, characterIndex charIndex: Int, layoutManager layoutManager: NSLayoutManager) |
Modified NSTextAttachmentCellProtocol.highlight(Bool, withFrame: NSRect, inView: NSView)
Declaration | |
From | func highlight(_ flag: Bool, withFrame cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView!) |
To | func highlight(_ flag: Bool, withFrame cellFrame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView) |
Modified NSTextAttachmentCellProtocol.setAttachment(NSTextAttachment?)
Declaration | |
From | func setAttachment(_ anObject: NSTextAttachment!) |
To | func setAttachment(_ anObject: NSTextAttachment?) |
Modified NSTextAttachmentCellProtocol.trackMouse(NSEvent, inRect: NSRect, ofView: NSView, atCharacterIndex: Int, untilMouseUp: Bool) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func trackMouse(_ theEvent: NSEvent!, inRect cellFrame: NSRect, ofView controlView: NSView!, atCharacterIndex charIndex: Int, untilMouseUp flag: Bool) -> Bool |
To | func trackMouse(_ theEvent: NSEvent, inRect cellFrame: NSRect, ofView controlView: NSView, atCharacterIndex charIndex: Int, untilMouseUp flag: Bool) -> Bool |
Modified NSTextAttachmentCellProtocol.trackMouse(NSEvent, inRect: NSRect, ofView: NSView, untilMouseUp: Bool) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func trackMouse(_ theEvent: NSEvent!, inRect cellFrame: NSRect, ofView controlView: NSView!, untilMouseUp flag: Bool) -> Bool |
To | func trackMouse(_ theEvent: NSEvent, inRect cellFrame: NSRect, ofView controlView: NSView, untilMouseUp flag: Bool) -> Bool |
Modified NSTextAttachmentCellProtocol.wantsToTrackMouseForEvent(NSEvent, inRect: NSRect, ofView: NSView, atCharacterIndex: Int) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func wantsToTrackMouseForEvent(_ theEvent: NSEvent!, inRect cellFrame: NSRect, ofView controlView: NSView!, atCharacterIndex charIndex: Int) -> Bool |
To | func wantsToTrackMouseForEvent(_ theEvent: NSEvent, inRect cellFrame: NSRect, ofView controlView: NSView, atCharacterIndex charIndex: Int) -> Bool |
Modified NSTextBlock.backgroundColor
Declaration | |
From | var backgroundColor: NSColor! |
To | @NSCopying var backgroundColor: NSColor? |
Modified NSTextBlock.borderColorForEdge(NSRectEdge) -> NSColor?
Declaration | |
From | func borderColorForEdge(_ edge: NSRectEdge) -> NSColor! |
To | func borderColorForEdge(_ edge: NSRectEdge) -> NSColor? |
Modified NSTextBlock.boundsRectForContentRect(NSRect, inRect: NSRect, textContainer: NSTextContainer, characterRange: NSRange) -> NSRect
Declaration | |
From | func boundsRectForContentRect(_ contentRect: NSRect, inRect rect: NSRect, textContainer textContainer: NSTextContainer!, characterRange charRange: NSRange) -> NSRect |
To | func boundsRectForContentRect(_ contentRect: NSRect, inRect rect: NSRect, textContainer textContainer: NSTextContainer, characterRange charRange: NSRange) -> NSRect |
Modified NSTextBlock.drawBackgroundWithFrame(NSRect, inView: NSView, characterRange: NSRange, layoutManager: NSLayoutManager)
Declaration | |
From | func drawBackgroundWithFrame(_ frameRect: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView!, characterRange charRange: NSRange, layoutManager layoutManager: NSLayoutManager!) |
To | func drawBackgroundWithFrame(_ frameRect: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView, characterRange charRange: NSRange, layoutManager layoutManager: NSLayoutManager) |
Modified NSTextBlock.rectForLayoutAtPoint(NSPoint, inRect: NSRect, textContainer: NSTextContainer, characterRange: NSRange) -> NSRect
Declaration | |
From | func rectForLayoutAtPoint(_ startingPoint: NSPoint, inRect rect: NSRect, textContainer textContainer: NSTextContainer!, characterRange charRange: NSRange) -> NSRect |
To | func rectForLayoutAtPoint(_ startingPoint: NSPoint, inRect rect: NSRect, textContainer textContainer: NSTextContainer, characterRange charRange: NSRange) -> NSRect |
Modified NSTextBlock.setBorderColor(NSColor?)
Declaration | |
From | func setBorderColor(_ color: NSColor!) |
To | func setBorderColor(_ color: NSColor?) |
Modified NSTextBlock.setBorderColor(NSColor?, forEdge: NSRectEdge)
Declaration | |
From | func setBorderColor(_ color: NSColor!, forEdge edge: NSRectEdge) |
To | func setBorderColor(_ color: NSColor?, forEdge edge: NSRectEdge) |
Modified NSTextContainer.init(containerSize: NSSize)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(containerSize size: NSSize) |
To | init(containerSize size: NSSize) |
Modified NSTextContainer.layoutManager
Declaration | |
From | var layoutManager: NSLayoutManager! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var layoutManager: NSLayoutManager? |
Modified NSTextContainer.replaceLayoutManager(NSLayoutManager?)
Declaration | |
From | func replaceLayoutManager(_ newLayoutManager: NSLayoutManager!) |
To | func replaceLayoutManager(_ newLayoutManager: NSLayoutManager?) |
Modified NSTextContainer.textView
Declaration | |
From | var textView: NSTextView! |
To | var textView: NSTextView? |
Modified NSTextDelegate.textDidBeginEditing(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func textDidBeginEditing(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func textDidBeginEditing(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSTextDelegate.textDidChange(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func textDidChange(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func textDidChange(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSTextDelegate.textDidEndEditing(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func textDidEndEditing(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func textDidEndEditing(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSTextDelegate.textShouldBeginEditing(NSText) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func textShouldBeginEditing(_ textObject: NSText!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func textShouldBeginEditing(_ textObject: NSText) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSTextDelegate.textShouldEndEditing(NSText) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func textShouldEndEditing(_ textObject: NSText!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func textShouldEndEditing(_ textObject: NSText) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSTextField.backgroundColor
Declaration | |
From | var backgroundColor: NSColor! |
To | @NSCopying var backgroundColor: NSColor? |
Modified NSTextField.delegate
Declaration | |
From | var delegate: NSTextFieldDelegate! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSTextFieldDelegate? |
Modified NSTextField.placeholderAttributedString
Declaration | |
From | var placeholderAttributedString: NSAttributedString! |
To | @NSCopying var placeholderAttributedString: NSAttributedString? |
Modified NSTextField.placeholderString
Declaration | |
From | var placeholderString: String! |
To | var placeholderString: String? |
Modified NSTextField.preferredMaxLayoutWidth
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSTextField.selectText(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func selectText(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func selectText(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTextField.textColor
Declaration | |
From | var textColor: NSColor! |
To | @NSCopying var textColor: NSColor? |
Modified NSTextField.textDidBeginEditing(NSNotification)
Declaration | |
From | func textDidBeginEditing(_ notification: NSNotification!) |
To | func textDidBeginEditing(_ notification: NSNotification) |
Modified NSTextField.textDidChange(NSNotification)
Declaration | |
From | func textDidChange(_ notification: NSNotification!) |
To | func textDidChange(_ notification: NSNotification) |
Modified NSTextField.textDidEndEditing(NSNotification)
Declaration | |
From | func textDidEndEditing(_ notification: NSNotification!) |
To | func textDidEndEditing(_ notification: NSNotification) |
Modified NSTextField.textShouldBeginEditing(NSText) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func textShouldBeginEditing(_ textObject: NSText!) -> Bool |
To | func textShouldBeginEditing(_ textObject: NSText) -> Bool |
Modified NSTextField.textShouldEndEditing(NSText) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func textShouldEndEditing(_ textObject: NSText!) -> Bool |
To | func textShouldEndEditing(_ textObject: NSText) -> Bool |
Modified NSTextFieldCell.allowedInputSourceLocales
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var allowedInputSourceLocales: [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 |
To | var allowedInputSourceLocales: [AnyObject]? | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSTextFieldCell.backgroundColor
Declaration | |
From | var backgroundColor: NSColor! |
To | @NSCopying var backgroundColor: NSColor? |
Modified NSTextFieldCell.placeholderAttributedString
Declaration | |
From | var placeholderAttributedString: NSAttributedString! |
To | @NSCopying var placeholderAttributedString: NSAttributedString? |
Modified NSTextFieldCell.placeholderString
Declaration | |
From | var placeholderString: String! |
To | var placeholderString: String? |
Modified NSTextFieldCell.setUpFieldEditorAttributes(NSText) -> NSText
Declaration | |
From | func setUpFieldEditorAttributes(_ textObj: NSText!) -> NSText! |
To | func setUpFieldEditorAttributes(_ textObj: NSText) -> NSText |
Modified NSTextFieldCell.setWantsNotificationForMarkedText(Bool)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSTextFieldCell.textColor
Declaration | |
From | var textColor: NSColor! |
To | @NSCopying var textColor: NSColor? |
Modified NSTextFinder
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTextFinder.client
Declaration | |
From | @IBOutlet var client: NSTextFinderClient! |
To | @IBOutlet unowned(unsafe) var client: NSTextFinderClient? |
Modified NSTextFinder.findBarContainer
Declaration | |
From | @IBOutlet var findBarContainer: NSTextFinderBarContainer! |
To | @IBOutlet unowned(unsafe) var findBarContainer: NSTextFinderBarContainer? |
Modified NSTextFinder.incrementalMatchRanges
Declaration | |
From | var incrementalMatchRanges: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var incrementalMatchRanges: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSTextFinderAction [enum]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTextFinderBarContainer.contentView() -> NSView
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func contentView() -> NSView! | -- |
To | optional func contentView() -> NSView | yes |
Modified NSTextFinderBarContainer.findBarView
Declaration | |
From | var findBarView: NSView! { get set } |
To | var findBarView: NSView { get set } |
Modified NSTextFinderClient.allowsMultipleSelection
Optional | |
From | -- |
To | yes |
Modified NSTextFinderClient.contentViewAtIndex(Int, effectiveCharacterRange: NSRangePointer) -> NSView
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func contentViewAtIndex(_ index: Int, effectiveCharacterRange outRange: NSRangePointer) -> NSView! | -- |
To | optional func contentViewAtIndex(_ index: Int, effectiveCharacterRange outRange: NSRangePointer) -> NSView | yes |
Modified NSTextFinderClient.didReplaceCharacters()
Optional | |
From | -- |
To | yes |
Modified NSTextFinderClient.drawCharactersInRange(NSRange, forContentView: NSView)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func drawCharactersInRange(_ range: NSRange, forContentView view: NSView!) | -- |
To | optional func drawCharactersInRange(_ range: NSRange, forContentView view: NSView) | yes |
Modified NSTextFinderClient.editable
Optional | |
From | -- |
To | yes |
Modified NSTextFinderClient.firstSelectedRange
Optional | |
From | -- |
To | yes |
Modified NSTextFinderClient.rectsForCharacterRange(NSRange) -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func rectsForCharacterRange(_ range: NSRange) -> [AnyObject]! | -- |
To | optional func rectsForCharacterRange(_ range: NSRange) -> [AnyObject]? | yes |
Modified NSTextFinderClient.replaceCharactersInRange(NSRange, withString: String)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func replaceCharactersInRange(_ range: NSRange, withString string: String!) | -- |
To | optional func replaceCharactersInRange(_ range: NSRange, withString string: String) | yes |
Modified NSTextFinderClient.scrollRangeToVisible(NSRange)
Optional | |
From | -- |
To | yes |
Modified NSTextFinderClient.selectable
Optional | |
From | -- |
To | yes |
Modified NSTextFinderClient.selectedRanges
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional var selectedRanges: [AnyObject]! { get set } | -- |
To | optional var selectedRanges: [AnyObject] { get set } | yes |
Modified NSTextFinderClient.shouldReplaceCharactersInRanges([AnyObject], withStrings:[AnyObject]) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func shouldReplaceCharactersInRanges(_ ranges: [AnyObject]!, withStrings strings: [AnyObject]!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func shouldReplaceCharactersInRanges(_ ranges: [AnyObject], withStrings strings: [AnyObject]) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSTextFinderClient.string
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional var string: String! { get } | -- |
To | optional var string: String { get } | yes |
Modified NSTextFinderClient.stringAtIndex(Int, effectiveRange: NSRangePointer, endsWithSearchBoundary: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> String
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func stringAtIndex(_ characterIndex: Int, effectiveRange outRange: NSRangePointer, endsWithSearchBoundary outFlag: UnsafePointer<ObjCBool>) -> String! | -- |
To | optional func stringAtIndex(_ characterIndex: Int, effectiveRange outRange: NSRangePointer, endsWithSearchBoundary outFlag: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> String | yes |
Modified NSTextFinderClient.stringLength() -> Int
Optional | |
From | -- |
To | yes |
Modified NSTextFinderClient.visibleCharacterRanges
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional var visibleCharacterRanges: [AnyObject]! { get } | -- |
To | optional var visibleCharacterRanges: [AnyObject] { get } | yes |
Modified NSTextFinderMatchingType [enum]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTextInputClient.attributedString() -> NSAttributedString
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func attributedString() -> NSAttributedString! | -- |
To | optional func attributedString() -> NSAttributedString | yes |
Modified NSTextInputClient.attributedSubstringForProposedRange(NSRange, actualRange: NSRangePointer) -> NSAttributedString?
Declaration | |
From | func attributedSubstringForProposedRange(_ aRange: NSRange, actualRange actualRange: NSRangePointer) -> NSAttributedString! |
To | func attributedSubstringForProposedRange(_ aRange: NSRange, actualRange actualRange: NSRangePointer) -> NSAttributedString? |
Modified NSTextInputClient.baselineDeltaForCharacterAtIndex(Int) -> CGFloat
Optional | |
From | -- |
To | yes |
Modified NSTextInputClient.drawsVerticallyForCharacterAtIndex(Int) -> Bool
Introduction | Optional | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.6 | yes |
Modified NSTextInputClient.fractionOfDistanceThroughGlyphForPoint(NSPoint) -> CGFloat
Optional | |
From | -- |
To | yes |
Modified NSTextInputClient.insertText(AnyObject, replacementRange: NSRange)
Declaration | |
From | func insertText(_ aString: AnyObject!, replacementRange replacementRange: NSRange) |
To | func insertText(_ aString: AnyObject, replacementRange replacementRange: NSRange) |
Modified NSTextInputClient.setMarkedText(AnyObject, selectedRange: NSRange, replacementRange: NSRange)
Declaration | |
From | func setMarkedText(_ aString: AnyObject!, selectedRange selectedRange: NSRange, replacementRange replacementRange: NSRange) |
To | func setMarkedText(_ aString: AnyObject, selectedRange selectedRange: NSRange, replacementRange replacementRange: NSRange) |
Modified NSTextInputClient.validAttributesForMarkedText() -> [AnyObject]
Declaration | |
From | func validAttributesForMarkedText() -> [AnyObject]! |
To | func validAttributesForMarkedText() -> [AnyObject] |
Modified NSTextInputClient.windowLevel() -> Int
Optional | |
From | -- |
To | yes |
Modified NSTextInputContext
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSTextInputContext.allowedInputSourceLocales
Declaration | |
From | var allowedInputSourceLocales: [AnyObject]! |
To | var allowedInputSourceLocales: [AnyObject]? |
Modified NSTextInputContext.client
Declaration | |
From | var client: NSTextInputClient! { get } |
To | var client: NSTextInputClient { get } |
Modified NSTextInputContext.init(client: NSTextInputClient)
Declaration | |
From | init(client theClient: NSTextInputClient!) |
To | init(client theClient: NSTextInputClient) |
Modified NSTextInputContext.currentInputContext() -> NSTextInputContext? [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func currentInputContext() -> NSTextInputContext! |
To | class func currentInputContext() -> NSTextInputContext? |
Modified NSTextInputContext.handleEvent(NSEvent) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func handleEvent(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) -> Bool |
To | func handleEvent(_ theEvent: NSEvent) -> Bool |
Modified NSTextInputContext.keyboardInputSources
Declaration | |
From | var keyboardInputSources: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var keyboardInputSources: [AnyObject]? { get } |
Modified NSTextInputContext.localizedNameForInputSource(String) -> String? [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func localizedNameForInputSource(_ inputSourceIdentifier: String!) -> String! |
To | class func localizedNameForInputSource(_ inputSourceIdentifier: String) -> String? |
Modified NSTextInputContext.selectedKeyboardInputSource
Declaration | |
From | var selectedKeyboardInputSource: String! |
To | var selectedKeyboardInputSource: String? |
Modified NSTextLayoutOrientationProvider.layoutOrientation() -> NSTextLayoutOrientation
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTextList.markerForItemNumber(Int) -> String
Declaration | |
From | func markerForItemNumber(_ itemNum: Int) -> String! |
To | func markerForItemNumber(_ itemNum: Int) -> String |
Modified NSTextList.markerFormat
Declaration | |
From | var markerFormat: String! { get } |
To | var markerFormat: String { get } |
Modified NSTextList.init(markerFormat: String, options: Int)
Declaration | |
From | init(markerFormat format: String!, options mask: Int) |
To | init(markerFormat format: String, options mask: Int) |
Modified NSTextList.startingItemNumber
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSTextListOptions [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct NSTextListOptions : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var PrependEnclosingMarker: NSTextListOptions { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct NSTextListOptions : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var PrependEnclosingMarker: NSTextListOptions { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified NSTextListOptions.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSTextStorage.addLayoutManager(NSLayoutManager)
Declaration | |
From | func addLayoutManager(_ obj: NSLayoutManager!) |
To | func addLayoutManager(_ obj: NSLayoutManager) |
Modified NSTextStorage.attributeRuns
Declaration | |
From | var attributeRuns: [AnyObject]! |
To | var attributeRuns: [AnyObject] |
Modified NSTextStorage.characters
Declaration | |
From | var characters: [AnyObject]! |
To | var characters: [AnyObject] |
Modified NSTextStorage.delegate
Declaration | |
From | var delegate: NSTextStorageDelegate! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSTextStorageDelegate? |
Modified NSTextStorage.font
Declaration | |
From | var font: NSFont! |
To | var font: NSFont? |
Modified NSTextStorage.foregroundColor
Declaration | |
From | var foregroundColor: NSColor! |
To | var foregroundColor: NSColor? |
Modified NSTextStorage.layoutManagers
Declaration | |
From | var layoutManagers: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var layoutManagers: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSTextStorage.paragraphs
Declaration | |
From | var paragraphs: [AnyObject]! |
To | var paragraphs: [AnyObject] |
Modified NSTextStorage.removeLayoutManager(NSLayoutManager)
Declaration | |
From | func removeLayoutManager(_ obj: NSLayoutManager!) |
To | func removeLayoutManager(_ obj: NSLayoutManager) |
Modified NSTextStorage.words
Declaration | |
From | var words: [AnyObject]! |
To | var words: [AnyObject] |
Modified NSTextStorageDelegate.textStorageDidProcessEditing(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func textStorageDidProcessEditing(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func textStorageDidProcessEditing(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSTextStorageDelegate.textStorageWillProcessEditing(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func textStorageWillProcessEditing(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func textStorageWillProcessEditing(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSTextStorageEditedOptions [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct NSTextStorageEditedOptions : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var Attributes: NSTextStorageEditedOptions { get } static var Characters: NSTextStorageEditedOptions { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct NSTextStorageEditedOptions : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var Attributes: NSTextStorageEditedOptions { get } static var Characters: NSTextStorageEditedOptions { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified NSTextStorageEditedOptions.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSTextTab.options
Declaration | |
From | var options: [NSObject : AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var options: [NSObject : AnyObject]? { get } |
Modified NSTextTab.init(textAlignment: NSTextAlignment, location: CGFloat, options:[NSObject: AnyObject]?)
Declaration | |
From | init(textAlignment alignment: NSTextAlignment, location loc: CGFloat, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) |
To | init(textAlignment alignment: NSTextAlignment, location loc: CGFloat, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]?) |
Modified NSTextTable.boundsRectForBlock(NSTextTableBlock, contentRect: NSRect, inRect: NSRect, textContainer: NSTextContainer, characterRange: NSRange) -> NSRect
Declaration | |
From | func boundsRectForBlock(_ block: NSTextTableBlock!, contentRect contentRect: NSRect, inRect rect: NSRect, textContainer textContainer: NSTextContainer!, characterRange charRange: NSRange) -> NSRect |
To | func boundsRectForBlock(_ block: NSTextTableBlock, contentRect contentRect: NSRect, inRect rect: NSRect, textContainer textContainer: NSTextContainer, characterRange charRange: NSRange) -> NSRect |
Modified NSTextTable.drawBackgroundForBlock(NSTextTableBlock, withFrame: NSRect, inView: NSView, characterRange: NSRange, layoutManager: NSLayoutManager)
Declaration | |
From | func drawBackgroundForBlock(_ block: NSTextTableBlock!, withFrame frameRect: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView!, characterRange charRange: NSRange, layoutManager layoutManager: NSLayoutManager!) |
To | func drawBackgroundForBlock(_ block: NSTextTableBlock, withFrame frameRect: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView, characterRange charRange: NSRange, layoutManager layoutManager: NSLayoutManager) |
Modified NSTextTable.rectForBlock(NSTextTableBlock, layoutAtPoint: NSPoint, inRect: NSRect, textContainer: NSTextContainer, characterRange: NSRange) -> NSRect
Declaration | |
From | func rectForBlock(_ block: NSTextTableBlock!, layoutAtPoint startingPoint: NSPoint, inRect rect: NSRect, textContainer textContainer: NSTextContainer!, characterRange charRange: NSRange) -> NSRect |
To | func rectForBlock(_ block: NSTextTableBlock, layoutAtPoint startingPoint: NSPoint, inRect rect: NSRect, textContainer textContainer: NSTextContainer, characterRange charRange: NSRange) -> NSRect |
Modified NSTextTableBlock.table
Declaration | |
From | var table: NSTextTable! { get } |
To | var table: NSTextTable { get } |
Modified NSTextTableBlock.init(table: NSTextTable, startingRow: Int, rowSpan: Int, startingColumn: Int, columnSpan: Int)
Declaration | |
From | init(table table: NSTextTable!, startingRow row: Int, rowSpan rowSpan: Int, startingColumn col: Int, columnSpan colSpan: Int) |
To | init(table table: NSTextTable, startingRow row: Int, rowSpan rowSpan: Int, startingColumn col: Int, columnSpan colSpan: Int) |
Modified NSTextView.acceptableDragTypes
Declaration | |
From | var acceptableDragTypes: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var acceptableDragTypes: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSTextView.alignJustified(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func alignJustified(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func alignJustified(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTextView.allowedInputSourceLocales
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var allowedInputSourceLocales: [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 |
To | var allowedInputSourceLocales: [AnyObject]? | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSTextView.allowsImageEditing
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSTextView.automaticDashSubstitutionEnabled
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSTextView.automaticDataDetectionEnabled
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSTextView.automaticLinkDetectionEnabled
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSTextView.automaticQuoteSubstitutionEnabled
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSTextView.automaticSpellingCorrectionEnabled
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSTextView.automaticTextReplacementEnabled
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSTextView.backgroundColor
Declaration | |
From | var backgroundColor: NSColor! |
To | @NSCopying var backgroundColor: NSColor |
Modified NSTextView.changeAttributes(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func changeAttributes(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func changeAttributes(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTextView.changeColor(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func changeColor(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func changeColor(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTextView.changeDocumentBackgroundColor(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func changeDocumentBackgroundColor(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func changeDocumentBackgroundColor(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTextView.changeLayoutOrientation(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func changeLayoutOrientation(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func changeLayoutOrientation(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTextView.characterIndexForInsertionAtPoint(NSPoint) -> Int
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSTextView.checkTextInDocument(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func checkTextInDocument(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func checkTextInDocument(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSTextView.checkTextInRange(NSRange, types: NSTextCheckingTypes, options:[NSObject: AnyObject])
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func checkTextInRange(_ range: NSRange, types checkingTypes: NSTextCheckingTypes, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func checkTextInRange(_ range: NSRange, types checkingTypes: NSTextCheckingTypes, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSTextView.checkTextInSelection(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func checkTextInSelection(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func checkTextInSelection(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSTextView.clickedOnLink(AnyObject, atIndex: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func clickedOnLink(_ link: AnyObject!, atIndex charIndex: Int) |
To | func clickedOnLink(_ link: AnyObject, atIndex charIndex: Int) |
Modified NSTextView.coalescingUndo
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSTextView.init(coder: NSCoder)
Declaration | |
From | init(coder coder: NSCoder!) |
To | init?(coder coder: NSCoder) |
Modified NSTextView.complete(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func complete(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func complete(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTextView.completionsForPartialWordRange(NSRange, indexOfSelectedItem: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | |
From | func completionsForPartialWordRange(_ charRange: NSRange, indexOfSelectedItem index: UnsafePointer<Int>) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | func completionsForPartialWordRange(_ charRange: NSRange, indexOfSelectedItem index: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) -> [AnyObject]? |
Modified NSTextView.defaultParagraphStyle
Declaration | |
From | var defaultParagraphStyle: NSParagraphStyle! |
To | @NSCopying var defaultParagraphStyle: NSParagraphStyle? |
Modified NSTextView.delegate
Declaration | |
From | var delegate: NSTextViewDelegate! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSTextViewDelegate? |
Modified NSTextView.displaysLinkToolTips
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSTextView.dragImageForSelectionWithEvent(NSEvent, origin: NSPointPointer) -> NSImage?
Declaration | |
From | func dragImageForSelectionWithEvent(_ event: NSEvent!, origin origin: NSPointPointer) -> NSImage! |
To | func dragImageForSelectionWithEvent(_ event: NSEvent, origin origin: NSPointPointer) -> NSImage? |
Modified NSTextView.dragOperationForDraggingInfo(NSDraggingInfo, type: String) -> NSDragOperation
Declaration | |
From | func dragOperationForDraggingInfo(_ dragInfo: NSDraggingInfo!, type type: String!) -> NSDragOperation |
To | func dragOperationForDraggingInfo(_ dragInfo: NSDraggingInfo, type type: String) -> NSDragOperation |
Modified NSTextView.dragSelectionWithEvent(NSEvent, offset: NSSize, slideBack: Bool) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func dragSelectionWithEvent(_ event: NSEvent!, offset mouseOffset: NSSize, slideBack slideBack: Bool) -> Bool |
To | func dragSelectionWithEvent(_ event: NSEvent, offset mouseOffset: NSSize, slideBack slideBack: Bool) -> Bool |
Modified NSTextView.drawInsertionPointInRect(NSRect, color: NSColor, turnedOn: Bool)
Declaration | |
From | func drawInsertionPointInRect(_ rect: NSRect, color color: NSColor!, turnedOn flag: Bool) |
To | func drawInsertionPointInRect(_ rect: NSRect, color color: NSColor, turnedOn flag: Bool) |
Modified NSTextView.enabledTextCheckingTypes
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSTextView.init(frame: NSRect, textContainer: NSTextContainer?)
Declaration | |
From | init(frame frameRect: NSRect, textContainer container: NSTextContainer!) |
To | init(frame frameRect: NSRect, textContainer container: NSTextContainer?) |
Modified NSTextView.grammarCheckingEnabled
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSTextView.handleTextCheckingResults([AnyObject], forRange: NSRange, types: NSTextCheckingTypes, options:[NSObject: AnyObject], orthography: NSOrthography, wordCount: Int)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func handleTextCheckingResults(_ results: [AnyObject]!, forRange range: NSRange, types checkingTypes: NSTextCheckingTypes, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, orthography orthography: NSOrthography!, wordCount wordCount: Int) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func handleTextCheckingResults(_ results: [AnyObject], forRange range: NSRange, types checkingTypes: NSTextCheckingTypes, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject], orthography orthography: NSOrthography, wordCount wordCount: Int) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSTextView.incrementalSearchingEnabled
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTextView.insertCompletion(String, forPartialWordRange: NSRange, movement: Int, isFinal: Bool)
Declaration | |
From | func insertCompletion(_ word: String!, forPartialWordRange charRange: NSRange, movement movement: Int, isFinal flag: Bool) |
To | func insertCompletion(_ word: String, forPartialWordRange charRange: NSRange, movement movement: Int, isFinal flag: Bool) |
Modified NSTextView.insertText(AnyObject)
Declaration | |
From | func insertText(_ insertString: AnyObject!) |
To | func insertText(_ insertString: AnyObject) |
Modified NSTextView.insertionPointColor
Declaration | |
From | var insertionPointColor: NSColor! |
To | @NSCopying var insertionPointColor: NSColor |
Modified NSTextView.layoutManager
Declaration | |
From | var layoutManager: NSLayoutManager! { get } |
To | unowned(unsafe) var layoutManager: NSLayoutManager? { get } |
Modified NSTextView.linkTextAttributes
Declaration | |
From | var linkTextAttributes: [NSObject : AnyObject]! |
To | var linkTextAttributes: [NSObject : AnyObject]? |
Modified NSTextView.loosenKerning(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func loosenKerning(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func loosenKerning(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTextView.lowerBaseline(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func lowerBaseline(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func lowerBaseline(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTextView.markedTextAttributes
Declaration | |
From | var markedTextAttributes: [NSObject : AnyObject]! |
To | var markedTextAttributes: [NSObject : AnyObject]? |
Modified NSTextView.orderFrontLinkPanel(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func orderFrontLinkPanel(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func orderFrontLinkPanel(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTextView.orderFrontListPanel(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func orderFrontListPanel(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func orderFrontListPanel(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTextView.orderFrontSharingServicePicker(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | @IBAction func orderFrontSharingServicePicker(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | @IBAction func orderFrontSharingServicePicker(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSTextView.orderFrontSpacingPanel(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func orderFrontSpacingPanel(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func orderFrontSpacingPanel(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTextView.orderFrontSubstitutionsPanel(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func orderFrontSubstitutionsPanel(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func orderFrontSubstitutionsPanel(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSTextView.orderFrontTablePanel(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func orderFrontTablePanel(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func orderFrontTablePanel(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTextView.outline(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func outline(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func outline(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTextView.pasteAsPlainText(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func pasteAsPlainText(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func pasteAsPlainText(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTextView.pasteAsRichText(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func pasteAsRichText(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func pasteAsRichText(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTextView.performFindPanelAction(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func performFindPanelAction(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func performFindPanelAction(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTextView.preferredPasteboardTypeFromArray([AnyObject], restrictedToTypesFromArray:[AnyObject]?) -> String?
Declaration | |
From | func preferredPasteboardTypeFromArray(_ availableTypes: [AnyObject]!, restrictedToTypesFromArray allowedTypes: [AnyObject]!) -> String! |
To | func preferredPasteboardTypeFromArray(_ availableTypes: [AnyObject], restrictedToTypesFromArray allowedTypes: [AnyObject]?) -> String? |
Modified NSTextView.quickLookPreviewableItemsInRanges([AnyObject]) -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func quickLookPreviewableItemsInRanges(_ ranges: [AnyObject]!) -> [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func quickLookPreviewableItemsInRanges(_ ranges: [AnyObject]) -> [AnyObject]? | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTextView.raiseBaseline(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func raiseBaseline(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func raiseBaseline(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTextView.rangesForUserCharacterAttributeChange
Declaration | |
From | var rangesForUserCharacterAttributeChange: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var rangesForUserCharacterAttributeChange: [AnyObject]? { get } |
Modified NSTextView.rangesForUserParagraphAttributeChange
Declaration | |
From | var rangesForUserParagraphAttributeChange: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var rangesForUserParagraphAttributeChange: [AnyObject]? { get } |
Modified NSTextView.rangesForUserTextChange
Declaration | |
From | var rangesForUserTextChange: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var rangesForUserTextChange: [AnyObject]? { get } |
Modified NSTextView.readSelectionFromPasteboard(NSPasteboard) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func readSelectionFromPasteboard(_ pboard: NSPasteboard!) -> Bool |
To | func readSelectionFromPasteboard(_ pboard: NSPasteboard) -> Bool |
Modified NSTextView.readSelectionFromPasteboard(NSPasteboard, type: String) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func readSelectionFromPasteboard(_ pboard: NSPasteboard!, type type: String!) -> Bool |
To | func readSelectionFromPasteboard(_ pboard: NSPasteboard, type type: String) -> Bool |
Modified NSTextView.readablePasteboardTypes
Declaration | |
From | var readablePasteboardTypes: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var readablePasteboardTypes: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSTextView.replaceTextContainer(NSTextContainer)
Declaration | |
From | func replaceTextContainer(_ newContainer: NSTextContainer!) |
To | func replaceTextContainer(_ newContainer: NSTextContainer) |
Modified NSTextView.rulerView(NSRulerView, didAddMarker: NSRulerMarker)
Declaration | |
From | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView!, didAddMarker marker: NSRulerMarker!) |
To | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, didAddMarker marker: NSRulerMarker) |
Modified NSTextView.rulerView(NSRulerView, didMoveMarker: NSRulerMarker)
Declaration | |
From | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView!, didMoveMarker marker: NSRulerMarker!) |
To | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, didMoveMarker marker: NSRulerMarker) |
Modified NSTextView.rulerView(NSRulerView, didRemoveMarker: NSRulerMarker)
Declaration | |
From | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView!, didRemoveMarker marker: NSRulerMarker!) |
To | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, didRemoveMarker marker: NSRulerMarker) |
Modified NSTextView.rulerView(NSRulerView, handleMouseDown: NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView!, handleMouseDown event: NSEvent!) |
To | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, handleMouseDown event: NSEvent) |
Modified NSTextView.rulerView(NSRulerView, shouldAddMarker: NSRulerMarker) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView!, shouldAddMarker marker: NSRulerMarker!) -> Bool |
To | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, shouldAddMarker marker: NSRulerMarker) -> Bool |
Modified NSTextView.rulerView(NSRulerView, shouldMoveMarker: NSRulerMarker) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView!, shouldMoveMarker marker: NSRulerMarker!) -> Bool |
To | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, shouldMoveMarker marker: NSRulerMarker) -> Bool |
Modified NSTextView.rulerView(NSRulerView, shouldRemoveMarker: NSRulerMarker) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView!, shouldRemoveMarker marker: NSRulerMarker!) -> Bool |
To | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, shouldRemoveMarker marker: NSRulerMarker) -> Bool |
Modified NSTextView.rulerView(NSRulerView, willAddMarker: NSRulerMarker, atLocation: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView!, willAddMarker marker: NSRulerMarker!, atLocation location: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, willAddMarker marker: NSRulerMarker, atLocation location: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified NSTextView.rulerView(NSRulerView, willMoveMarker: NSRulerMarker, toLocation: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView!, willMoveMarker marker: NSRulerMarker!, toLocation location: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, willMoveMarker marker: NSRulerMarker, toLocation location: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified NSTextView.selectedRanges
Declaration | |
From | var selectedRanges: [AnyObject]! |
To | var selectedRanges: [AnyObject] |
Modified NSTextView.selectedTextAttributes
Declaration | |
From | var selectedTextAttributes: [NSObject : AnyObject]! |
To | var selectedTextAttributes: [NSObject : AnyObject] |
Modified NSTextView.setLayoutOrientation(NSTextLayoutOrientation)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTextView.setSelectedRanges([AnyObject], affinity: NSSelectionAffinity, stillSelecting: Bool)
Declaration | |
From | func setSelectedRanges(_ ranges: [AnyObject]!, affinity affinity: NSSelectionAffinity, stillSelecting stillSelectingFlag: Bool) |
To | func setSelectedRanges(_ ranges: [AnyObject], affinity affinity: NSSelectionAffinity, stillSelecting stillSelectingFlag: Bool) |
Modified NSTextView.setSpellingState(Int, range: NSRange)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSTextView.shouldChangeTextInRange(NSRange, replacementString: String?) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func shouldChangeTextInRange(_ affectedCharRange: NSRange, replacementString replacementString: String!) -> Bool |
To | func shouldChangeTextInRange(_ affectedCharRange: NSRange, replacementString replacementString: String?) -> Bool |
Modified NSTextView.shouldChangeTextInRanges([AnyObject], replacementStrings:[AnyObject]?) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func shouldChangeTextInRanges(_ affectedRanges: [AnyObject]!, replacementStrings replacementStrings: [AnyObject]!) -> Bool |
To | func shouldChangeTextInRanges(_ affectedRanges: [AnyObject], replacementStrings replacementStrings: [AnyObject]?) -> Bool |
Modified NSTextView.showFindIndicatorForRange(NSRange)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSTextView.smartInsertAfterStringForString(String, replacingRange: NSRange) -> String?
Declaration | |
From | func smartInsertAfterStringForString(_ pasteString: String!, replacingRange charRangeToReplace: NSRange) -> String! |
To | func smartInsertAfterStringForString(_ pasteString: String, replacingRange charRangeToReplace: NSRange) -> String? |
Modified NSTextView.smartInsertBeforeStringForString(String, replacingRange: NSRange) -> String?
Declaration | |
From | func smartInsertBeforeStringForString(_ pasteString: String!, replacingRange charRangeToReplace: NSRange) -> String! |
To | func smartInsertBeforeStringForString(_ pasteString: String, replacingRange charRangeToReplace: NSRange) -> String? |
Modified NSTextView.smartInsertForString(String, replacingRange: NSRange, beforeString: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSString?>, afterString: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSString?>)
Declaration | |
From | func smartInsertForString(_ pasteString: String!, replacingRange charRangeToReplace: NSRange, beforeString beforeString: AutoreleasingUnsafePointer<NSString?>, afterString afterString: AutoreleasingUnsafePointer<NSString?>) |
To | func smartInsertForString(_ pasteString: String, replacingRange charRangeToReplace: NSRange, beforeString beforeString: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSString?>, afterString afterString: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSString?>) |
Modified NSTextView.startSpeaking(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func startSpeaking(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func startSpeaking(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTextView.stopSpeaking(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func stopSpeaking(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func stopSpeaking(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTextView.textContainer
Declaration | |
From | var textContainer: NSTextContainer! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var textContainer: NSTextContainer? |
Modified NSTextView.textStorage
Declaration | |
From | var textStorage: NSTextStorage! { get } |
To | unowned(unsafe) var textStorage: NSTextStorage? { get } |
Modified NSTextView.tightenKerning(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func tightenKerning(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func tightenKerning(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTextView.toggleAutomaticDashSubstitution(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func toggleAutomaticDashSubstitution(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func toggleAutomaticDashSubstitution(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSTextView.toggleAutomaticDataDetection(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func toggleAutomaticDataDetection(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func toggleAutomaticDataDetection(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSTextView.toggleAutomaticLinkDetection(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func toggleAutomaticLinkDetection(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func toggleAutomaticLinkDetection(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSTextView.toggleAutomaticQuoteSubstitution(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func toggleAutomaticQuoteSubstitution(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func toggleAutomaticQuoteSubstitution(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSTextView.toggleAutomaticSpellingCorrection(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func toggleAutomaticSpellingCorrection(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func toggleAutomaticSpellingCorrection(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSTextView.toggleAutomaticTextReplacement(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func toggleAutomaticTextReplacement(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func toggleAutomaticTextReplacement(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSTextView.toggleContinuousSpellChecking(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func toggleContinuousSpellChecking(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func toggleContinuousSpellChecking(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTextView.toggleGrammarChecking(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func toggleGrammarChecking(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func toggleGrammarChecking(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSTextView.toggleQuickLookPreviewPanel(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | @IBAction func toggleQuickLookPreviewPanel(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | @IBAction func toggleQuickLookPreviewPanel(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTextView.toggleSmartInsertDelete(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func toggleSmartInsertDelete(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func toggleSmartInsertDelete(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTextView.toggleTraditionalCharacterShape(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func toggleTraditionalCharacterShape(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func toggleTraditionalCharacterShape(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTextView.turnOffKerning(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func turnOffKerning(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func turnOffKerning(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTextView.turnOffLigatures(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func turnOffLigatures(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func turnOffLigatures(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTextView.typingAttributes
Declaration | |
From | var typingAttributes: [NSObject : AnyObject]! |
To | var typingAttributes: [NSObject : AnyObject] |
Modified NSTextView.updateQuickLookPreviewPanel()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTextView.useAllLigatures(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func useAllLigatures(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func useAllLigatures(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTextView.useStandardKerning(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func useStandardKerning(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func useStandardKerning(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTextView.useStandardLigatures(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func useStandardLigatures(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func useStandardLigatures(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTextView.usesFindBar
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTextView.usesInspectorBar
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTextView.validRequestorForSendType(String, returnType: String) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func validRequestorForSendType(_ sendType: String!, returnType returnType: String!) -> AnyObject! |
To | func validRequestorForSendType(_ sendType: String, returnType returnType: String) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSTextView.writablePasteboardTypes
Declaration | |
From | var writablePasteboardTypes: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var writablePasteboardTypes: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSTextView.writeSelectionToPasteboard(NSPasteboard, type: String) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func writeSelectionToPasteboard(_ pboard: NSPasteboard!, type type: String!) -> Bool |
To | func writeSelectionToPasteboard(_ pboard: NSPasteboard, type type: String) -> Bool |
Modified NSTextView.writeSelectionToPasteboard(NSPasteboard, types:[AnyObject]) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func writeSelectionToPasteboard(_ pboard: NSPasteboard!, types types: [AnyObject]!) -> Bool |
To | func writeSelectionToPasteboard(_ pboard: NSPasteboard, types types: [AnyObject]) -> Bool |
Modified NSTextViewDelegate.textView(NSTextView, URLForContentsOfTextAttachment: NSTextAttachment, atIndex: Int) -> NSURL?
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func textView(_ textView: NSTextView!, URLForContentsOfTextAttachment textAttachment: NSTextAttachment!, atIndex charIndex: Int) -> NSURL! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func textView(_ textView: NSTextView, URLForContentsOfTextAttachment textAttachment: NSTextAttachment, atIndex charIndex: Int) -> NSURL? | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSTextViewDelegate.textView(NSTextView, clickedOnCell: NSTextAttachmentCellProtocol, inRect: NSRect, atIndex: Int)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func textView(_ textView: NSTextView!, clickedOnCell cell: NSTextAttachmentCellProtocol!, inRect cellFrame: NSRect, atIndex charIndex: Int) | -- |
To | optional func textView(_ textView: NSTextView, clickedOnCell cell: NSTextAttachmentCellProtocol, inRect cellFrame: NSRect, atIndex charIndex: Int) | yes |
Modified NSTextViewDelegate.textView(NSTextView, clickedOnLink: AnyObject, atIndex: Int) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func textView(_ textView: NSTextView!, clickedOnLink link: AnyObject!, atIndex charIndex: Int) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func textView(_ textView: NSTextView, clickedOnLink link: AnyObject, atIndex charIndex: Int) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSTextViewDelegate.textView(NSTextView, completions:[AnyObject], forPartialWordRange: NSRange, indexOfSelectedItem: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) -> [AnyObject]
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func textView(_ textView: NSTextView!, completions words: [AnyObject]!, forPartialWordRange charRange: NSRange, indexOfSelectedItem index: UnsafePointer<Int>) -> [AnyObject]! | -- |
To | optional func textView(_ textView: NSTextView, completions words: [AnyObject], forPartialWordRange charRange: NSRange, indexOfSelectedItem index: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) -> [AnyObject] | yes |
Modified NSTextViewDelegate.textView(NSTextView, didCheckTextInRange: NSRange, types: NSTextCheckingTypes, options:[NSObject: AnyObject], results:[AnyObject], orthography: NSOrthography, wordCount: Int) -> [AnyObject]
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func textView(_ view: NSTextView!, didCheckTextInRange range: NSRange, types checkingTypes: NSTextCheckingTypes, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, results results: [AnyObject]!, orthography orthography: NSOrthography!, wordCount wordCount: Int) -> [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func textView(_ view: NSTextView, didCheckTextInRange range: NSRange, types checkingTypes: NSTextCheckingTypes, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject], results results: [AnyObject], orthography orthography: NSOrthography, wordCount wordCount: Int) -> [AnyObject] | OS X 10.6 | yes |
Modified NSTextViewDelegate.textView(NSTextView, doCommandBySelector: Selector) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func textView(_ textView: NSTextView!, doCommandBySelector commandSelector: Selector) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func textView(_ textView: NSTextView, doCommandBySelector commandSelector: Selector) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSTextViewDelegate.textView(NSTextView, doubleClickedOnCell: NSTextAttachmentCellProtocol, inRect: NSRect, atIndex: Int)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func textView(_ textView: NSTextView!, doubleClickedOnCell cell: NSTextAttachmentCellProtocol!, inRect cellFrame: NSRect, atIndex charIndex: Int) | -- |
To | optional func textView(_ textView: NSTextView, doubleClickedOnCell cell: NSTextAttachmentCellProtocol, inRect cellFrame: NSRect, atIndex charIndex: Int) | yes |
Modified NSTextViewDelegate.textView(NSTextView, draggedCell: NSTextAttachmentCellProtocol, inRect: NSRect, event: NSEvent, atIndex: Int)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func textView(_ view: NSTextView!, draggedCell cell: NSTextAttachmentCellProtocol!, inRect rect: NSRect, event event: NSEvent!, atIndex charIndex: Int) | -- |
To | optional func textView(_ view: NSTextView, draggedCell cell: NSTextAttachmentCellProtocol, inRect rect: NSRect, event event: NSEvent, atIndex charIndex: Int) | yes |
Modified NSTextViewDelegate.textView(NSTextView, menu: NSMenu, forEvent: NSEvent, atIndex: Int) -> NSMenu?
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func textView(_ view: NSTextView!, menu menu: NSMenu!, forEvent event: NSEvent!, atIndex charIndex: Int) -> NSMenu! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func textView(_ view: NSTextView, menu menu: NSMenu, forEvent event: NSEvent, atIndex charIndex: Int) -> NSMenu? | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSTextViewDelegate.textView(NSTextView, shouldChangeTextInRange: NSRange, replacementString: String) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func textView(_ textView: NSTextView!, shouldChangeTextInRange affectedCharRange: NSRange, replacementString replacementString: String!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func textView(_ textView: NSTextView, shouldChangeTextInRange affectedCharRange: NSRange, replacementString replacementString: String) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSTextViewDelegate.textView(NSTextView, shouldChangeTextInRanges:[AnyObject], replacementStrings:[AnyObject]?) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func textView(_ textView: NSTextView!, shouldChangeTextInRanges affectedRanges: [AnyObject]!, replacementStrings replacementStrings: [AnyObject]!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func textView(_ textView: NSTextView, shouldChangeTextInRanges affectedRanges: [AnyObject], replacementStrings replacementStrings: [AnyObject]?) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSTextViewDelegate.textView(NSTextView, shouldChangeTypingAttributes:[NSObject: AnyObject], toAttributes:[NSObject: AnyObject]) -> [NSObject: AnyObject]
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func textView(_ textView: NSTextView!, shouldChangeTypingAttributes oldTypingAttributes: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, toAttributes newTypingAttributes: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> [NSObject : AnyObject]! | -- |
To | optional func textView(_ textView: NSTextView, shouldChangeTypingAttributes oldTypingAttributes: [NSObject : AnyObject], toAttributes newTypingAttributes: [NSObject : AnyObject]) -> [NSObject : AnyObject] | yes |
Modified NSTextViewDelegate.textView(NSTextView, shouldSetSpellingState: Int, range: NSRange) -> Int
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func textView(_ textView: NSTextView!, shouldSetSpellingState value: Int, range affectedCharRange: NSRange) -> Int | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func textView(_ textView: NSTextView, shouldSetSpellingState value: Int, range affectedCharRange: NSRange) -> Int | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSTextViewDelegate.textView(NSTextView, willChangeSelectionFromCharacterRange: NSRange, toCharacterRange: NSRange) -> NSRange
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func textView(_ textView: NSTextView!, willChangeSelectionFromCharacterRange oldSelectedCharRange: NSRange, toCharacterRange newSelectedCharRange: NSRange) -> NSRange | -- |
To | optional func textView(_ textView: NSTextView, willChangeSelectionFromCharacterRange oldSelectedCharRange: NSRange, toCharacterRange newSelectedCharRange: NSRange) -> NSRange | yes |
Modified NSTextViewDelegate.textView(NSTextView, willChangeSelectionFromCharacterRanges:[AnyObject], toCharacterRanges:[AnyObject]) -> [AnyObject]
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func textView(_ textView: NSTextView!, willChangeSelectionFromCharacterRanges oldSelectedCharRanges: [AnyObject]!, toCharacterRanges newSelectedCharRanges: [AnyObject]!) -> [AnyObject]! | -- |
To | optional func textView(_ textView: NSTextView, willChangeSelectionFromCharacterRanges oldSelectedCharRanges: [AnyObject], toCharacterRanges newSelectedCharRanges: [AnyObject]) -> [AnyObject] | yes |
Modified NSTextViewDelegate.textView(NSTextView, willCheckTextInRange: NSRange, options:[NSObject: AnyObject], types: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSTextCheckingTypes>) -> [NSObject: AnyObject]
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func textView(_ view: NSTextView!, willCheckTextInRange range: NSRange, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, types checkingTypes: UnsafePointer<NSTextCheckingTypes>) -> [NSObject : AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func textView(_ view: NSTextView, willCheckTextInRange range: NSRange, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject], types checkingTypes: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSTextCheckingTypes>) -> [NSObject : AnyObject] | OS X 10.6 | yes |
Modified NSTextViewDelegate.textView(NSTextView, willDisplayToolTip: String, forCharacterAtIndex: Int) -> String?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func textView(_ textView: NSTextView!, willDisplayToolTip tooltip: String!, forCharacterAtIndex characterIndex: Int) -> String! | -- |
To | optional func textView(_ textView: NSTextView, willDisplayToolTip tooltip: String, forCharacterAtIndex characterIndex: Int) -> String? | yes |
Modified NSTextViewDelegate.textView(NSTextView, willShowSharingServicePicker: NSSharingServicePicker, forItems:[AnyObject]) -> NSSharingServicePicker?
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func textView(_ textView: NSTextView!, willShowSharingServicePicker servicePicker: NSSharingServicePicker!, forItems items: [AnyObject]!) -> NSSharingServicePicker! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func textView(_ textView: NSTextView, willShowSharingServicePicker servicePicker: NSSharingServicePicker, forItems items: [AnyObject]) -> NSSharingServicePicker? | OS X 10.8 | yes |
Modified NSTextViewDelegate.textView(NSTextView, writablePasteboardTypesForCell: NSTextAttachmentCellProtocol, atIndex: Int) -> [AnyObject]
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func textView(_ view: NSTextView!, writablePasteboardTypesForCell cell: NSTextAttachmentCellProtocol!, atIndex charIndex: Int) -> [AnyObject]! | -- |
To | optional func textView(_ view: NSTextView, writablePasteboardTypesForCell cell: NSTextAttachmentCellProtocol, atIndex charIndex: Int) -> [AnyObject] | yes |
Modified NSTextViewDelegate.textView(NSTextView, writeCell: NSTextAttachmentCellProtocol, atIndex: Int, toPasteboard: NSPasteboard, type: String) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func textView(_ view: NSTextView!, writeCell cell: NSTextAttachmentCellProtocol!, atIndex charIndex: Int, toPasteboard pboard: NSPasteboard!, type type: String!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func textView(_ view: NSTextView, writeCell cell: NSTextAttachmentCellProtocol, atIndex charIndex: Int, toPasteboard pboard: NSPasteboard, type type: String) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSTextViewDelegate.textViewDidChangeSelection(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func textViewDidChangeSelection(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func textViewDidChangeSelection(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSTextViewDelegate.textViewDidChangeTypingAttributes(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func textViewDidChangeTypingAttributes(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func textViewDidChangeTypingAttributes(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSTextViewDelegate.undoManagerForTextView(NSTextView) -> NSUndoManager?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func undoManagerForTextView(_ view: NSTextView!) -> NSUndoManager! | -- |
To | optional func undoManagerForTextView(_ view: NSTextView) -> NSUndoManager? | yes |
Modified NSTokenField.defaultTokenizingCharacterSet() -> NSCharacterSet [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func defaultTokenizingCharacterSet() -> NSCharacterSet! |
To | class func defaultTokenizingCharacterSet() -> NSCharacterSet |
Modified NSTokenField.delegate() -> NSTokenFieldDelegate?
Declaration | |
From | func delegate() -> NSTokenFieldDelegate! |
To | func delegate() -> NSTokenFieldDelegate? |
Modified NSTokenField.setDelegate(NSTokenFieldDelegate?)
Declaration | |
From | func setDelegate(_ anObject: NSTokenFieldDelegate!) |
To | func setDelegate(_ anObject: NSTokenFieldDelegate?) |
Modified NSTokenField.tokenizingCharacterSet
Declaration | |
From | var tokenizingCharacterSet: NSCharacterSet! |
To | @NSCopying var tokenizingCharacterSet: NSCharacterSet! |
Modified NSTokenFieldCell.defaultTokenizingCharacterSet() -> NSCharacterSet [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func defaultTokenizingCharacterSet() -> NSCharacterSet! |
To | class func defaultTokenizingCharacterSet() -> NSCharacterSet |
Modified NSTokenFieldCell.delegate
Declaration | |
From | var delegate: NSTokenFieldCellDelegate! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSTokenFieldCellDelegate? |
Modified NSTokenFieldCell.tokenizingCharacterSet
Declaration | |
From | var tokenizingCharacterSet: NSCharacterSet! |
To | @NSCopying var tokenizingCharacterSet: NSCharacterSet! |
Modified NSTokenFieldCellDelegate.tokenFieldCell(NSTokenFieldCell, completionsForSubstring: String, indexOfToken: Int, indexOfSelectedItem: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) -> [AnyObject]
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tokenFieldCell(_ tokenFieldCell: NSTokenFieldCell!, completionsForSubstring substring: String!, indexOfToken tokenIndex: Int, indexOfSelectedItem selectedIndex: UnsafePointer<Int>) -> [AnyObject]! | -- |
To | optional func tokenFieldCell(_ tokenFieldCell: NSTokenFieldCell, completionsForSubstring substring: String, indexOfToken tokenIndex: Int, indexOfSelectedItem selectedIndex: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) -> [AnyObject] | yes |
Modified NSTokenFieldCellDelegate.tokenFieldCell(NSTokenFieldCell, displayStringForRepresentedObject: AnyObject) -> String?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tokenFieldCell(_ tokenFieldCell: NSTokenFieldCell!, displayStringForRepresentedObject representedObject: AnyObject!) -> String! | -- |
To | optional func tokenFieldCell(_ tokenFieldCell: NSTokenFieldCell, displayStringForRepresentedObject representedObject: AnyObject) -> String? | yes |
Modified NSTokenFieldCellDelegate.tokenFieldCell(NSTokenFieldCell, editingStringForRepresentedObject: AnyObject) -> String?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tokenFieldCell(_ tokenFieldCell: NSTokenFieldCell!, editingStringForRepresentedObject representedObject: AnyObject!) -> String! | -- |
To | optional func tokenFieldCell(_ tokenFieldCell: NSTokenFieldCell, editingStringForRepresentedObject representedObject: AnyObject) -> String? | yes |
Modified NSTokenFieldCellDelegate.tokenFieldCell(NSTokenFieldCell, hasMenuForRepresentedObject: AnyObject) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tokenFieldCell(_ tokenFieldCell: NSTokenFieldCell!, hasMenuForRepresentedObject representedObject: AnyObject!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func tokenFieldCell(_ tokenFieldCell: NSTokenFieldCell, hasMenuForRepresentedObject representedObject: AnyObject) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSTokenFieldCellDelegate.tokenFieldCell(NSTokenFieldCell, menuForRepresentedObject: AnyObject) -> NSMenu?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tokenFieldCell(_ tokenFieldCell: NSTokenFieldCell!, menuForRepresentedObject representedObject: AnyObject!) -> NSMenu! | -- |
To | optional func tokenFieldCell(_ tokenFieldCell: NSTokenFieldCell, menuForRepresentedObject representedObject: AnyObject) -> NSMenu? | yes |
Modified NSTokenFieldCellDelegate.tokenFieldCell(NSTokenFieldCell, readFromPasteboard: NSPasteboard) -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tokenFieldCell(_ tokenFieldCell: NSTokenFieldCell!, readFromPasteboard pboard: NSPasteboard!) -> [AnyObject]! | -- |
To | optional func tokenFieldCell(_ tokenFieldCell: NSTokenFieldCell, readFromPasteboard pboard: NSPasteboard) -> [AnyObject]? | yes |
Modified NSTokenFieldCellDelegate.tokenFieldCell(NSTokenFieldCell, representedObjectForEditingString: String) -> AnyObject
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tokenFieldCell(_ tokenFieldCell: NSTokenFieldCell!, representedObjectForEditingString editingString: String!) -> AnyObject! | -- |
To | optional func tokenFieldCell(_ tokenFieldCell: NSTokenFieldCell, representedObjectForEditingString editingString: String) -> AnyObject | yes |
Modified NSTokenFieldCellDelegate.tokenFieldCell(NSTokenFieldCell, shouldAddObjects:[AnyObject], atIndex: Int) -> [AnyObject]
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tokenFieldCell(_ tokenFieldCell: NSTokenFieldCell!, shouldAddObjects tokens: [AnyObject]!, atIndex index: Int) -> [AnyObject]! | -- |
To | optional func tokenFieldCell(_ tokenFieldCell: NSTokenFieldCell, shouldAddObjects tokens: [AnyObject], atIndex index: Int) -> [AnyObject] | yes |
Modified NSTokenFieldCellDelegate.tokenFieldCell(NSTokenFieldCell, styleForRepresentedObject: AnyObject) -> NSTokenStyle
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tokenFieldCell(_ tokenFieldCell: NSTokenFieldCell!, styleForRepresentedObject representedObject: AnyObject!) -> NSTokenStyle | -- |
To | optional func tokenFieldCell(_ tokenFieldCell: NSTokenFieldCell, styleForRepresentedObject representedObject: AnyObject) -> NSTokenStyle | yes |
Modified NSTokenFieldCellDelegate.tokenFieldCell(NSTokenFieldCell, writeRepresentedObjects:[AnyObject], toPasteboard: NSPasteboard) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tokenFieldCell(_ tokenFieldCell: NSTokenFieldCell!, writeRepresentedObjects objects: [AnyObject]!, toPasteboard pboard: NSPasteboard!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func tokenFieldCell(_ tokenFieldCell: NSTokenFieldCell, writeRepresentedObjects objects: [AnyObject], toPasteboard pboard: NSPasteboard) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSTokenFieldDelegate.tokenField(NSTokenField, completionsForSubstring: String, indexOfToken: Int, indexOfSelectedItem: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tokenField(_ tokenField: NSTokenField!, completionsForSubstring substring: String!, indexOfToken tokenIndex: Int, indexOfSelectedItem selectedIndex: UnsafePointer<Int>) -> [AnyObject]! | -- |
To | optional func tokenField(_ tokenField: NSTokenField, completionsForSubstring substring: String, indexOfToken tokenIndex: Int, indexOfSelectedItem selectedIndex: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) -> [AnyObject]? | yes |
Modified NSTokenFieldDelegate.tokenField(NSTokenField, displayStringForRepresentedObject: AnyObject) -> String?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tokenField(_ tokenField: NSTokenField!, displayStringForRepresentedObject representedObject: AnyObject!) -> String! | -- |
To | optional func tokenField(_ tokenField: NSTokenField, displayStringForRepresentedObject representedObject: AnyObject) -> String? | yes |
Modified NSTokenFieldDelegate.tokenField(NSTokenField, editingStringForRepresentedObject: AnyObject) -> String?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tokenField(_ tokenField: NSTokenField!, editingStringForRepresentedObject representedObject: AnyObject!) -> String! | -- |
To | optional func tokenField(_ tokenField: NSTokenField, editingStringForRepresentedObject representedObject: AnyObject) -> String? | yes |
Modified NSTokenFieldDelegate.tokenField(NSTokenField, hasMenuForRepresentedObject: AnyObject) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tokenField(_ tokenField: NSTokenField!, hasMenuForRepresentedObject representedObject: AnyObject!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func tokenField(_ tokenField: NSTokenField, hasMenuForRepresentedObject representedObject: AnyObject) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSTokenFieldDelegate.tokenField(NSTokenField, menuForRepresentedObject: AnyObject) -> NSMenu?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tokenField(_ tokenField: NSTokenField!, menuForRepresentedObject representedObject: AnyObject!) -> NSMenu! | -- |
To | optional func tokenField(_ tokenField: NSTokenField, menuForRepresentedObject representedObject: AnyObject) -> NSMenu? | yes |
Modified NSTokenFieldDelegate.tokenField(NSTokenField, readFromPasteboard: NSPasteboard) -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tokenField(_ tokenField: NSTokenField!, readFromPasteboard pboard: NSPasteboard!) -> [AnyObject]! | -- |
To | optional func tokenField(_ tokenField: NSTokenField, readFromPasteboard pboard: NSPasteboard) -> [AnyObject]? | yes |
Modified NSTokenFieldDelegate.tokenField(NSTokenField, representedObjectForEditingString: String) -> AnyObject
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tokenField(_ tokenField: NSTokenField!, representedObjectForEditingString editingString: String!) -> AnyObject! | -- |
To | optional func tokenField(_ tokenField: NSTokenField, representedObjectForEditingString editingString: String) -> AnyObject | yes |
Modified NSTokenFieldDelegate.tokenField(NSTokenField, shouldAddObjects:[AnyObject], atIndex: Int) -> [AnyObject]
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tokenField(_ tokenField: NSTokenField!, shouldAddObjects tokens: [AnyObject]!, atIndex index: Int) -> [AnyObject]! | -- |
To | optional func tokenField(_ tokenField: NSTokenField, shouldAddObjects tokens: [AnyObject], atIndex index: Int) -> [AnyObject] | yes |
Modified NSTokenFieldDelegate.tokenField(NSTokenField, styleForRepresentedObject: AnyObject) -> NSTokenStyle
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tokenField(_ tokenField: NSTokenField!, styleForRepresentedObject representedObject: AnyObject!) -> NSTokenStyle | -- |
To | optional func tokenField(_ tokenField: NSTokenField, styleForRepresentedObject representedObject: AnyObject) -> NSTokenStyle | yes |
Modified NSTokenFieldDelegate.tokenField(NSTokenField, writeRepresentedObjects:[AnyObject], toPasteboard: NSPasteboard) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func tokenField(_ tokenField: NSTokenField!, writeRepresentedObjects objects: [AnyObject]!, toPasteboard pboard: NSPasteboard!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func tokenField(_ tokenField: NSTokenField, writeRepresentedObjects objects: [AnyObject], toPasteboard pboard: NSPasteboard) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSTokenStyle [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum NSTokenStyle : UInt { case DefaultTokenStyle case PlainTextTokenStyle case RoundedTokenStyle } |
To | enum NSTokenStyle : UInt { case Default case None case Rounded case Squared case PlainSquared } |
Modified NSToolbar.configurationDictionary
Declaration | |
From | var configurationDictionary: [NSObject : AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var configurationDictionary: [NSObject : AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSToolbar.delegate
Declaration | |
From | var delegate: NSToolbarDelegate! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSToolbarDelegate? |
Modified NSToolbar.fullScreenAccessoryView
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var fullScreenAccessoryView: NSView! | OS X 10.10 |
To | var fullScreenAccessoryView: NSView? | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSToolbar.fullScreenAccessoryViewMaxHeight
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSToolbar.fullScreenAccessoryViewMinHeight
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSToolbar.identifier
Declaration | |
From | var identifier: String! { get } |
To | var identifier: String { get } |
Modified NSToolbar.init(identifier: String)
Declaration | |
From | init(identifier identifier: String!) |
To | init(identifier identifier: String) |
Modified NSToolbar.insertItemWithItemIdentifier(String, atIndex: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func insertItemWithItemIdentifier(_ itemIdentifier: String!, atIndex index: Int) |
To | func insertItemWithItemIdentifier(_ itemIdentifier: String, atIndex index: Int) |
Modified NSToolbar.items
Declaration | |
From | var items: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var items: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSToolbar.runCustomizationPalette(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func runCustomizationPalette(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func runCustomizationPalette(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSToolbar.selectedItemIdentifier
Declaration | |
From | var selectedItemIdentifier: String! |
To | var selectedItemIdentifier: String? |
Modified NSToolbar.setConfigurationFromDictionary([NSObject: AnyObject])
Declaration | |
From | func setConfigurationFromDictionary(_ configDict: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) |
To | func setConfigurationFromDictionary(_ configDict: [NSObject : AnyObject]) |
Modified NSToolbar.visibleItems
Declaration | |
From | var visibleItems: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var visibleItems: [AnyObject]? { get } |
Modified NSToolbarDelegate.toolbar(NSToolbar, itemForItemIdentifier: String, willBeInsertedIntoToolbar: Bool) -> NSToolbarItem?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func toolbar(_ toolbar: NSToolbar!, itemForItemIdentifier itemIdentifier: String!, willBeInsertedIntoToolbar flag: Bool) -> NSToolbarItem! | -- |
To | optional func toolbar(_ toolbar: NSToolbar, itemForItemIdentifier itemIdentifier: String, willBeInsertedIntoToolbar flag: Bool) -> NSToolbarItem? | yes |
Modified NSToolbarDelegate.toolbarAllowedItemIdentifiers(NSToolbar) -> [AnyObject]
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func toolbarAllowedItemIdentifiers(_ toolbar: NSToolbar!) -> [AnyObject]! | -- |
To | optional func toolbarAllowedItemIdentifiers(_ toolbar: NSToolbar) -> [AnyObject] | yes |
Modified NSToolbarDelegate.toolbarDefaultItemIdentifiers(NSToolbar) -> [AnyObject]
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func toolbarDefaultItemIdentifiers(_ toolbar: NSToolbar!) -> [AnyObject]! | -- |
To | optional func toolbarDefaultItemIdentifiers(_ toolbar: NSToolbar) -> [AnyObject] | yes |
Modified NSToolbarDelegate.toolbarDidRemoveItem(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func toolbarDidRemoveItem(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func toolbarDidRemoveItem(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSToolbarDelegate.toolbarSelectableItemIdentifiers(NSToolbar) -> [AnyObject]
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func toolbarSelectableItemIdentifiers(_ toolbar: NSToolbar!) -> [AnyObject]! | -- |
To | optional func toolbarSelectableItemIdentifiers(_ toolbar: NSToolbar) -> [AnyObject] | yes |
Modified NSToolbarDelegate.toolbarWillAddItem(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func toolbarWillAddItem(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func toolbarWillAddItem(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSToolbarItem.image
Declaration | |
From | var image: NSImage! |
To | var image: NSImage? |
Modified NSToolbarItem.itemIdentifier
Declaration | |
From | var itemIdentifier: String! { get } |
To | var itemIdentifier: String { get } |
Modified NSToolbarItem.init(itemIdentifier: String)
Declaration | |
From | init(itemIdentifier itemIdentifier: String!) |
To | init(itemIdentifier itemIdentifier: String) |
Modified NSToolbarItem.label
Declaration | |
From | var label: String! |
To | var label: String |
Modified NSToolbarItem.menuFormRepresentation
Declaration | |
From | var menuFormRepresentation: NSMenuItem! |
To | var menuFormRepresentation: NSMenuItem? |
Modified NSToolbarItem.paletteLabel
Declaration | |
From | var paletteLabel: String! |
To | var paletteLabel: String |
Declaration | |
From | var target: AnyObject! |
To | weak var target: AnyObject? |
Modified NSToolbarItem.toolTip
Declaration | |
From | var toolTip: String! |
To | var toolTip: String? |
Modified NSToolbarItem.toolbar
Declaration | |
From | var toolbar: NSToolbar! { get } |
To | unowned(unsafe) var toolbar: NSToolbar? { get } |
Modified NSToolbarItem.view
Declaration | |
From | var view: NSView! |
To | var view: NSView? |
Modified NSToolbarItemGroup
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSToolbarItemGroup.subitems
Declaration | |
From | var subitems: [AnyObject]! |
To | var subitems: [AnyObject] |
Modified NSTouch
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSTouch.device
Declaration | |
From | var device: AnyObject! { get } |
To | var device: AnyObject? { get } |
Modified NSTouch.identity
Declaration | |
From | var identity: protocol<NSCopying, NSObjectProtocol>! { get } |
To | var identity: protocol<NSCopying, NSObjectProtocol>? { get } |
Modified NSTouchPhase [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | Introduction | |
From | struct NSTouchPhase : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var Began: NSTouchPhase { get } static var Moved: NSTouchPhase { get } static var Stationary: NSTouchPhase { get } static var Ended: NSTouchPhase { get } static var Cancelled: NSTouchPhase { get } static var Touching: NSTouchPhase { get } static var Any: NSTouchPhase { get } } | RawOptionSet | OS X 10.10 |
To | struct NSTouchPhase : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var Began: NSTouchPhase { get } static var Moved: NSTouchPhase { get } static var Stationary: NSTouchPhase { get } static var Ended: NSTouchPhase { get } static var Cancelled: NSTouchPhase { get } static var Touching: NSTouchPhase { get } static var Any: NSTouchPhase { get } } | RawOptionSetType | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTouchPhase.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSTrackingArea
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSTrackingArea.owner
Declaration | |
From | var owner: AnyObject! { get } |
To | unowned(unsafe) var owner: AnyObject! { get } |
Modified NSTrackingArea.init(rect: NSRect, options: NSTrackingAreaOptions, owner: AnyObject!, userInfo:[NSObject: AnyObject]?)
Declaration | |
From | init(rect rect: NSRect, options options: NSTrackingAreaOptions, owner owner: AnyObject!, userInfo userInfo: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) |
To | init!(rect rect: NSRect, options options: NSTrackingAreaOptions, owner owner: AnyObject!, userInfo userInfo: [NSObject : AnyObject]?) |
Modified NSTrackingArea.userInfo
Declaration | |
From | var userInfo: [NSObject : AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var userInfo: [NSObject : AnyObject]? { get } |
Modified NSTrackingAreaOptions [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct NSTrackingAreaOptions : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var MouseEnteredAndExited: NSTrackingAreaOptions { get } static var MouseMoved: NSTrackingAreaOptions { get } static var CursorUpdate: NSTrackingAreaOptions { get } static var ActiveWhenFirstResponder: NSTrackingAreaOptions { get } static var ActiveInKeyWindow: NSTrackingAreaOptions { get } static var ActiveInActiveApp: NSTrackingAreaOptions { get } static var ActiveAlways: NSTrackingAreaOptions { get } static var AssumeInside: NSTrackingAreaOptions { get } static var InVisibleRect: NSTrackingAreaOptions { get } static var EnabledDuringMouseDrag: NSTrackingAreaOptions { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct NSTrackingAreaOptions : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var MouseEnteredAndExited: NSTrackingAreaOptions { get } static var MouseMoved: NSTrackingAreaOptions { get } static var CursorUpdate: NSTrackingAreaOptions { get } static var ActiveWhenFirstResponder: NSTrackingAreaOptions { get } static var ActiveInKeyWindow: NSTrackingAreaOptions { get } static var ActiveInActiveApp: NSTrackingAreaOptions { get } static var ActiveAlways: NSTrackingAreaOptions { get } static var AssumeInside: NSTrackingAreaOptions { get } static var InVisibleRect: NSTrackingAreaOptions { get } static var EnabledDuringMouseDrag: NSTrackingAreaOptions { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified NSTrackingAreaOptions.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSTreeController.add(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func add(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func add(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTreeController.addChild(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func addChild(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func addChild(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTreeController.addSelectionIndexPaths([AnyObject]) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func addSelectionIndexPaths(_ indexPaths: [AnyObject]!) -> Bool |
To | func addSelectionIndexPaths(_ indexPaths: [AnyObject]) -> Bool |
Modified NSTreeController.arrangedObjects
Declaration | |
From | var arrangedObjects: AnyObject! { get } |
To | var arrangedObjects: AnyObject { get } |
Modified NSTreeController.childrenKeyPathForNode(NSTreeNode) -> String?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func childrenKeyPathForNode(_ node: NSTreeNode!) -> String! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func childrenKeyPathForNode(_ node: NSTreeNode) -> String? | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSTreeController.countKeyPathForNode(NSTreeNode) -> String?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func countKeyPathForNode(_ node: NSTreeNode!) -> String! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func countKeyPathForNode(_ node: NSTreeNode) -> String? | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSTreeController.insert(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func insert(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func insert(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTreeController.insertChild(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func insertChild(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func insertChild(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTreeController.insertObject(AnyObject!, atArrangedObjectIndexPath: NSIndexPath)
Declaration | |
From | func insertObject(_ object: AnyObject!, atArrangedObjectIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath!) |
To | func insertObject(_ object: AnyObject!, atArrangedObjectIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) |
Modified NSTreeController.insertObjects([AnyObject], atArrangedObjectIndexPaths:[AnyObject])
Declaration | |
From | func insertObjects(_ objects: [AnyObject]!, atArrangedObjectIndexPaths indexPaths: [AnyObject]!) |
To | func insertObjects(_ objects: [AnyObject], atArrangedObjectIndexPaths indexPaths: [AnyObject]) |
Modified NSTreeController.leafKeyPath
Declaration | |
From | var leafKeyPath: String! |
To | var leafKeyPath: String? |
Modified NSTreeController.leafKeyPathForNode(NSTreeNode) -> String?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func leafKeyPathForNode(_ node: NSTreeNode!) -> String! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func leafKeyPathForNode(_ node: NSTreeNode) -> String? | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSTreeController.moveNode(NSTreeNode, toIndexPath: NSIndexPath)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func moveNode(_ node: NSTreeNode!, toIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func moveNode(_ node: NSTreeNode, toIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSTreeController.moveNodes([AnyObject], toIndexPath: NSIndexPath)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func moveNodes(_ nodes: [AnyObject]!, toIndexPath startingIndexPath: NSIndexPath!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func moveNodes(_ nodes: [AnyObject], toIndexPath startingIndexPath: NSIndexPath) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSTreeController.remove(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func remove(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func remove(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSTreeController.removeObjectAtArrangedObjectIndexPath(NSIndexPath)
Declaration | |
From | func removeObjectAtArrangedObjectIndexPath(_ indexPath: NSIndexPath!) |
To | func removeObjectAtArrangedObjectIndexPath(_ indexPath: NSIndexPath) |
Modified NSTreeController.removeObjectsAtArrangedObjectIndexPaths([AnyObject])
Declaration | |
From | func removeObjectsAtArrangedObjectIndexPaths(_ indexPaths: [AnyObject]!) |
To | func removeObjectsAtArrangedObjectIndexPaths(_ indexPaths: [AnyObject]) |
Modified NSTreeController.removeSelectionIndexPaths([AnyObject]) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func removeSelectionIndexPaths(_ indexPaths: [AnyObject]!) -> Bool |
To | func removeSelectionIndexPaths(_ indexPaths: [AnyObject]) -> Bool |
Modified NSTreeController.selectedNodes
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSTreeController.selectionIndexPath
Declaration | |
From | var selectionIndexPath: NSIndexPath! { get } |
To | @NSCopying var selectionIndexPath: NSIndexPath? { get } |
Modified NSTreeController.setSelectionIndexPath(NSIndexPath?) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func setSelectionIndexPath(_ indexPath: NSIndexPath!) -> Bool |
To | func setSelectionIndexPath(_ indexPath: NSIndexPath?) -> Bool |
Modified NSTreeNode
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSTreeNode.childNodes
Declaration | |
From | var childNodes: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var childNodes: [AnyObject]? { get } |
Modified NSTreeNode.descendantNodeAtIndexPath(NSIndexPath) -> NSTreeNode?
Declaration | |
From | func descendantNodeAtIndexPath(_ indexPath: NSIndexPath!) -> NSTreeNode! |
To | func descendantNodeAtIndexPath(_ indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> NSTreeNode? |
Modified NSTreeNode.indexPath
Declaration | |
From | var indexPath: NSIndexPath! { get } |
To | var indexPath: NSIndexPath { get } |
Modified NSTreeNode.parentNode
Declaration | |
From | var parentNode: NSTreeNode! { get } |
To | unowned(unsafe) var parentNode: NSTreeNode? { get } |
Modified NSTreeNode.sortWithSortDescriptors([AnyObject], recursively: Bool)
Declaration | |
From | func sortWithSortDescriptors(_ sortDescriptors: [AnyObject]!, recursively recursively: Bool) |
To | func sortWithSortDescriptors(_ sortDescriptors: [AnyObject], recursively recursively: Bool) |
Modified NSTypesetter.attributedString
Declaration | |
From | var attributedString: NSAttributedString! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var attributedString: NSAttributedString? |
Modified NSTypesetter.attributesForExtraLineFragment
Declaration | |
From | var attributesForExtraLineFragment: [NSObject : AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var attributesForExtraLineFragment: [NSObject : AnyObject]? { get } |
Modified NSTypesetter.baselineOffsetInLayoutManager(NSLayoutManager, glyphIndex: Int) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | func baselineOffsetInLayoutManager(_ layoutMgr: NSLayoutManager!, glyphIndex glyphIndex: Int) -> CGFloat |
To | func baselineOffsetInLayoutManager(_ layoutMgr: NSLayoutManager, glyphIndex glyphIndex: Int) -> CGFloat |
Modified NSTypesetter.boundingBoxForControlGlyphAtIndex(Int, forTextContainer: NSTextContainer, proposedLineFragment: NSRect, glyphPosition: NSPoint, characterIndex: Int) -> NSRect
Declaration | |
From | func boundingBoxForControlGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int, forTextContainer textContainer: NSTextContainer!, proposedLineFragment proposedRect: NSRect, glyphPosition glyphPosition: NSPoint, characterIndex charIndex: Int) -> NSRect |
To | func boundingBoxForControlGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int, forTextContainer textContainer: NSTextContainer, proposedLineFragment proposedRect: NSRect, glyphPosition glyphPosition: NSPoint, characterIndex charIndex: Int) -> NSRect |
Modified NSTypesetter.currentParagraphStyle
Declaration | |
From | var currentParagraphStyle: NSParagraphStyle! { get } |
To | @NSCopying var currentParagraphStyle: NSParagraphStyle? { get } |
Modified NSTypesetter.currentTextContainer
Declaration | |
From | var currentTextContainer: NSTextContainer! { get } |
To | unowned(unsafe) var currentTextContainer: NSTextContainer? { get } |
Modified NSTypesetter.getGlyphsInRange(NSRange, glyphs: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyph>, characterIndexes: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, glyphInscriptions: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyphInscription>, elasticBits: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>, bidiLevels: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func getGlyphsInRange(_ glyphsRange: NSRange, glyphs glyphBuffer: UnsafePointer<NSGlyph>, characterIndexes charIndexBuffer: UnsafePointer<Int>, glyphInscriptions inscribeBuffer: UnsafePointer<NSGlyphInscription>, elasticBits elasticBuffer: UnsafePointer<ObjCBool>, bidiLevels bidiLevelBuffer: UnsafePointer<UInt8>) -> Int |
To | func getGlyphsInRange(_ glyphsRange: NSRange, glyphs glyphBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyph>, characterIndexes charIndexBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, glyphInscriptions inscribeBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyphInscription>, elasticBits elasticBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>, bidiLevels bidiLevelBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>) -> Int |
Modified NSTypesetter.layoutCharactersInRange(NSRange, forLayoutManager: NSLayoutManager, maximumNumberOfLineFragments: Int) -> NSRange
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func layoutCharactersInRange(_ characterRange: NSRange, forLayoutManager layoutManager: NSLayoutManager!, maximumNumberOfLineFragments maxNumLines: Int) -> NSRange | OS X 10.10 |
To | func layoutCharactersInRange(_ characterRange: NSRange, forLayoutManager layoutManager: NSLayoutManager, maximumNumberOfLineFragments maxNumLines: Int) -> NSRange | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSTypesetter.layoutGlyphsInLayoutManager(NSLayoutManager, startingAtGlyphIndex: Int, maxNumberOfLineFragments: Int, nextGlyphIndex: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>)
Declaration | |
From | func layoutGlyphsInLayoutManager(_ layoutManager: NSLayoutManager!, startingAtGlyphIndex startGlyphIndex: Int, maxNumberOfLineFragments maxNumLines: Int, nextGlyphIndex nextGlyph: UnsafePointer<Int>) |
To | func layoutGlyphsInLayoutManager(_ layoutManager: NSLayoutManager, startingAtGlyphIndex startGlyphIndex: Int, maxNumberOfLineFragments maxNumLines: Int, nextGlyphIndex nextGlyph: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) |
Modified NSTypesetter.layoutManager
Declaration | |
From | var layoutManager: NSLayoutManager! { get } |
To | unowned(unsafe) var layoutManager: NSLayoutManager? { get } |
Modified NSTypesetter.printingAdjustmentInLayoutManager(NSLayoutManager, forNominallySpacedGlyphRange: NSRange, packedGlyphs: UnsafePointer<UInt8>, count: Int) -> NSSize [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func printingAdjustmentInLayoutManager(_ layoutMgr: NSLayoutManager!, forNominallySpacedGlyphRange nominallySpacedGlyphsRange: NSRange, packedGlyphs packedGlyphs: ConstUnsafePointer<UInt8>, count packedGlyphsCount: Int) -> NSSize |
To | class func printingAdjustmentInLayoutManager(_ layoutMgr: NSLayoutManager, forNominallySpacedGlyphRange nominallySpacedGlyphsRange: NSRange, packedGlyphs packedGlyphs: UnsafePointer<UInt8>, count packedGlyphsCount: Int) -> NSSize |
Modified NSTypesetter.setBidiLevels(UnsafePointer<UInt8>, forGlyphRange: NSRange)
Declaration | |
From | func setBidiLevels(_ levels: ConstUnsafePointer<UInt8>, forGlyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) |
To | func setBidiLevels(_ levels: UnsafePointer<UInt8>, forGlyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) |
Modified NSTypesetter.setLocation(NSPoint, withAdvancements: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, forStartOfGlyphRange: NSRange)
Declaration | |
From | func setLocation(_ location: NSPoint, withAdvancements advancements: ConstUnsafePointer<CGFloat>, forStartOfGlyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) |
To | func setLocation(_ location: NSPoint, withAdvancements advancements: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, forStartOfGlyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) |
Modified NSTypesetter.sharedSystemTypesetter() -> AnyObject [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func sharedSystemTypesetter() -> AnyObject! |
To | class func sharedSystemTypesetter() -> AnyObject |
Modified NSTypesetter.sharedSystemTypesetterForBehavior(NSTypesetterBehavior) -> AnyObject [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func sharedSystemTypesetterForBehavior(_ theBehavior: NSTypesetterBehavior) -> AnyObject! |
To | class func sharedSystemTypesetterForBehavior(_ theBehavior: NSTypesetterBehavior) -> AnyObject |
Modified NSTypesetter.substituteFontForFont(NSFont) -> NSFont
Declaration | |
From | func substituteFontForFont(_ originalFont: NSFont!) -> NSFont! |
To | func substituteFontForFont(_ originalFont: NSFont) -> NSFont |
Modified NSTypesetter.substituteGlyphsInRange(NSRange, withGlyphs: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyph>)
Declaration | |
From | func substituteGlyphsInRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange, withGlyphs glyphs: UnsafePointer<NSGlyph>) |
To | func substituteGlyphsInRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange, withGlyphs glyphs: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyph>) |
Modified NSTypesetter.textContainers
Declaration | |
From | var textContainers: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var textContainers: [AnyObject]? { get } |
Modified NSTypesetter.textTabForGlyphLocation(CGFloat, writingDirection: NSWritingDirection, maxLocation: CGFloat) -> NSTextTab?
Declaration | |
From | func textTabForGlyphLocation(_ glyphLocation: CGFloat, writingDirection direction: NSWritingDirection, maxLocation maxLocation: CGFloat) -> NSTextTab! |
To | func textTabForGlyphLocation(_ glyphLocation: CGFloat, writingDirection direction: NSWritingDirection, maxLocation maxLocation: CGFloat) -> NSTextTab? |
Modified NSTypesetter.willSetLineFragmentRect(NSRectPointer, forGlyphRange: NSRange, usedRect: NSRectPointer, baselineOffset: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>)
Declaration | |
From | func willSetLineFragmentRect(_ lineRect: NSRectPointer, forGlyphRange glyphRange: NSRange, usedRect usedRect: NSRectPointer, baselineOffset baselineOffset: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) |
To | func willSetLineFragmentRect(_ lineRect: NSRectPointer, forGlyphRange glyphRange: NSRange, usedRect usedRect: NSRectPointer, baselineOffset baselineOffset: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>) |
Modified NSTypesetterControlCharacterAction [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct NSTypesetterControlCharacterAction : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var ZeroAdvancementAction: NSTypesetterControlCharacterAction { get } static var WhitespaceAction: NSTypesetterControlCharacterAction { get } static var HorizontalTabAction: NSTypesetterControlCharacterAction { get } static var LineBreakAction: NSTypesetterControlCharacterAction { get } static var ParagraphBreakAction: NSTypesetterControlCharacterAction { get } static var ContainerBreakAction: NSTypesetterControlCharacterAction { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct NSTypesetterControlCharacterAction : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var ZeroAdvancementAction: NSTypesetterControlCharacterAction { get } static var WhitespaceAction: NSTypesetterControlCharacterAction { get } static var HorizontalTabAction: NSTypesetterControlCharacterAction { get } static var LineBreakAction: NSTypesetterControlCharacterAction { get } static var ParagraphBreakAction: NSTypesetterControlCharacterAction { get } static var ContainerBreakAction: NSTypesetterControlCharacterAction { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified NSTypesetterControlCharacterAction.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSUserDefaultsController.init(coder: NSCoder)
Declaration | |
From | init(coder coder: NSCoder!) |
To | init?(coder coder: NSCoder) |
Modified NSUserDefaultsController.defaults
Declaration | |
From | var defaults: NSUserDefaults! { get } |
To | var defaults: NSUserDefaults { get } |
Modified NSUserDefaultsController.init(defaults: NSUserDefaults?, initialValues:[NSObject: AnyObject]?)
Declaration | |
From | init(defaults defaults: NSUserDefaults!, initialValues initialValues: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) |
To | init(defaults defaults: NSUserDefaults?, initialValues initialValues: [NSObject : AnyObject]?) |
Modified NSUserDefaultsController.initialValues
Declaration | |
From | var initialValues: [NSObject : AnyObject]! |
To | var initialValues: [NSObject : AnyObject]? |
Modified NSUserDefaultsController.revert(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func revert(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func revert(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSUserDefaultsController.revertToInitialValues(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func revertToInitialValues(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func revertToInitialValues(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Declaration | |
From | func save(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func save(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSUserDefaultsController.sharedUserDefaultsController() -> NSUserDefaultsController [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func sharedUserDefaultsController() -> NSUserDefaultsController! |
To | class func sharedUserDefaultsController() -> NSUserDefaultsController |
Modified NSUserDefaultsController.values
Declaration | |
From | var values: AnyObject! { get } |
To | var values: AnyObject { get } |
Modified NSUserInterfaceItemIdentification.identifier
Declaration | |
From | var identifier: String! { get set } |
To | var identifier: String? { get set } |
Modified NSUserInterfaceItemSearching.localizedTitlesForItem(AnyObject) -> [AnyObject]
Declaration | |
From | func localizedTitlesForItem(_ item: AnyObject!) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | func localizedTitlesForItem(_ item: AnyObject) -> [AnyObject] |
Modified NSUserInterfaceItemSearching.performActionForItem(AnyObject)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func performActionForItem(_ item: AnyObject!) | -- |
To | optional func performActionForItem(_ item: AnyObject) | yes |
Modified NSUserInterfaceItemSearching.searchForItemsWithSearchString(String, resultLimit: Int, matchedItemHandler:([AnyObject]!) -> Void)
Declaration | |
From | func searchForItemsWithSearchString(_ searchString: String!, resultLimit resultLimit: Int, matchedItemHandler handleMatchedItems: (([AnyObject]!) -> Void)!) |
To | func searchForItemsWithSearchString(_ searchString: String, resultLimit resultLimit: Int, matchedItemHandler handleMatchedItems: ([AnyObject]!) -> Void) |
Modified NSUserInterfaceItemSearching.showAllHelpTopicsForSearchString(String)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func showAllHelpTopicsForSearchString(_ searchString: String!) | -- |
To | optional func showAllHelpTopicsForSearchString(_ searchString: String) | yes |
Modified NSUserInterfaceLayoutOrientation [enum]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSUserInterfaceValidations.validateUserInterfaceItem(NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func validateUserInterfaceItem(_ anItem: NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem!) -> Bool |
To | func validateUserInterfaceItem(_ anItem: NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem) -> Bool |
Modified NSView.acceptsFirstMouse(NSEvent) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func acceptsFirstMouse(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) -> Bool |
To | func acceptsFirstMouse(_ theEvent: NSEvent) -> Bool |
Modified NSView.acceptsTouchEvents
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSView.addConstraint(NSLayoutConstraint)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func addConstraint(_ constraint: NSLayoutConstraint!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func addConstraint(_ constraint: NSLayoutConstraint) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.addConstraints([AnyObject])
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func addConstraints(_ constraints: [AnyObject]!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func addConstraints(_ constraints: [AnyObject]) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.addCursorRect(NSRect, cursor: NSCursor)
Declaration | |
From | func addCursorRect(_ aRect: NSRect, cursor anObj: NSCursor!) |
To | func addCursorRect(_ aRect: NSRect, cursor anObj: NSCursor) |
Modified NSView.addGestureRecognizer(NSGestureRecognizer)
Declaration | |
From | func addGestureRecognizer(_ gestureRecognizer: NSGestureRecognizer!) |
To | func addGestureRecognizer(_ gestureRecognizer: NSGestureRecognizer) |
Modified NSView.addSubview(NSView)
Declaration | |
From | func addSubview(_ aView: NSView!) |
To | func addSubview(_ aView: NSView) |
Modified NSView.addSubview(NSView, positioned: NSWindowOrderingMode, relativeTo: NSView?)
Declaration | |
From | func addSubview(_ aView: NSView!, positioned place: NSWindowOrderingMode, relativeTo otherView: NSView!) |
To | func addSubview(_ aView: NSView, positioned place: NSWindowOrderingMode, relativeTo otherView: NSView?) |
Modified NSView.addToolTipRect(NSRect, owner: AnyObject, userData: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> NSToolTipTag
Declaration | |
From | func addToolTipRect(_ aRect: NSRect, owner anObject: AnyObject!, userData data: UnsafePointer<()>) -> NSToolTipTag |
To | func addToolTipRect(_ aRect: NSRect, owner anObject: AnyObject, userData data: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> NSToolTipTag |
Modified NSView.addTrackingArea(NSTrackingArea)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func addTrackingArea(_ trackingArea: NSTrackingArea!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func addTrackingArea(_ trackingArea: NSTrackingArea) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSView.addTrackingRect(NSRect, owner: AnyObject, userData: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, assumeInside: Bool) -> NSTrackingRectTag
Declaration | |
From | func addTrackingRect(_ aRect: NSRect, owner anObject: AnyObject!, userData data: UnsafePointer<()>, assumeInside flag: Bool) -> NSTrackingRectTag |
To | func addTrackingRect(_ aRect: NSRect, owner anObject: AnyObject, userData data: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, assumeInside flag: Bool) -> NSTrackingRectTag |
Modified NSView.adjustPageHeightNew(UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, top: CGFloat, bottom: CGFloat, limit: CGFloat)
Declaration | |
From | func adjustPageHeightNew(_ newBottom: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, top oldTop: CGFloat, bottom oldBottom: CGFloat, limit bottomLimit: CGFloat) |
To | func adjustPageHeightNew(_ newBottom: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, top oldTop: CGFloat, bottom oldBottom: CGFloat, limit bottomLimit: CGFloat) |
Modified NSView.adjustPageWidthNew(UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, left: CGFloat, right: CGFloat, limit: CGFloat)
Declaration | |
From | func adjustPageWidthNew(_ newRight: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, left oldLeft: CGFloat, right oldRight: CGFloat, limit rightLimit: CGFloat) |
To | func adjustPageWidthNew(_ newRight: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, left oldLeft: CGFloat, right oldRight: CGFloat, limit rightLimit: CGFloat) |
Modified NSView.alignmentRectForFrame(NSRect) -> NSRect
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.alignmentRectInsets
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.allocateGState()
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSView.alphaValue
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSView.ancestorSharedWithView(NSView) -> NSView?
Declaration | |
From | func ancestorSharedWithView(_ aView: NSView!) -> NSView! |
To | func ancestorSharedWithView(_ aView: NSView) -> NSView? |
Modified NSView.autoscroll(NSEvent) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func autoscroll(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) -> Bool |
To | func autoscroll(_ theEvent: NSEvent) -> Bool |
Modified NSView.backgroundFilters
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var backgroundFilters: [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 |
To | var backgroundFilters: [AnyObject] | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSView.backingAlignedRect(NSRect, options: NSAlignmentOptions) -> NSRect
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.baselineOffsetFromBottom
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.beginDraggingSessionWithItems([AnyObject], event: NSEvent, source: NSDraggingSource) -> NSDraggingSession
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func beginDraggingSessionWithItems(_ items: [AnyObject]!, event event: NSEvent!, source source: NSDraggingSource!) -> NSDraggingSession! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func beginDraggingSessionWithItems(_ items: [AnyObject], event event: NSEvent, source source: NSDraggingSource) -> NSDraggingSession | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.bitmapImageRepForCachingDisplayInRect(NSRect) -> NSBitmapImageRep?
Declaration | |
From | func bitmapImageRepForCachingDisplayInRect(_ rect: NSRect) -> NSBitmapImageRep! |
To | func bitmapImageRepForCachingDisplayInRect(_ rect: NSRect) -> NSBitmapImageRep? |
Modified NSView.cacheDisplayInRect(NSRect, toBitmapImageRep: NSBitmapImageRep)
Declaration | |
From | func cacheDisplayInRect(_ rect: NSRect, toBitmapImageRep bitmapImageRep: NSBitmapImageRep!) |
To | func cacheDisplayInRect(_ rect: NSRect, toBitmapImageRep bitmapImageRep: NSBitmapImageRep) |
Modified NSView.canDrawConcurrently
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSView.canDrawSubviewsIntoLayer
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSView.init(coder: NSCoder)
Declaration | |
From | init(coder coder: NSCoder!) |
To | init?(coder coder: NSCoder) |
Modified NSView.compositingFilter
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var compositingFilter: CIFilter! | OS X 10.10 |
To | var compositingFilter: CIFilter? | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSView.constraints
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var constraints: [AnyObject]! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var constraints: [AnyObject] { get } | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.constraintsAffectingLayoutForOrientation(NSLayoutConstraintOrientation) -> [AnyObject]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func constraintsAffectingLayoutForOrientation(_ orientation: NSLayoutConstraintOrientation) -> [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func constraintsAffectingLayoutForOrientation(_ orientation: NSLayoutConstraintOrientation) -> [AnyObject] | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.contentCompressionResistancePriorityForOrientation(NSLayoutConstraintOrientation) -> NSLayoutPriority
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.contentFilters
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var contentFilters: [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 |
To | var contentFilters: [AnyObject] | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSView.contentHuggingPriorityForOrientation(NSLayoutConstraintOrientation) -> NSLayoutPriority
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.convertPoint(NSPoint, fromView: NSView?) -> NSPoint
Declaration | |
From | func convertPoint(_ aPoint: NSPoint, fromView aView: NSView!) -> NSPoint |
To | func convertPoint(_ aPoint: NSPoint, fromView aView: NSView?) -> NSPoint |
Modified NSView.convertPoint(NSPoint, toView: NSView?) -> NSPoint
Declaration | |
From | func convertPoint(_ aPoint: NSPoint, toView aView: NSView!) -> NSPoint |
To | func convertPoint(_ aPoint: NSPoint, toView aView: NSView?) -> NSPoint |
Modified NSView.convertPointFromBacking(NSPoint) -> NSPoint
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.convertPointFromLayer(NSPoint) -> NSPoint
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.convertPointToBacking(NSPoint) -> NSPoint
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.convertPointToLayer(NSPoint) -> NSPoint
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.convertRect(NSRect, fromView: NSView?) -> NSRect
Declaration | |
From | func convertRect(_ aRect: NSRect, fromView aView: NSView!) -> NSRect |
To | func convertRect(_ aRect: NSRect, fromView aView: NSView?) -> NSRect |
Modified NSView.convertRect(NSRect, toView: NSView?) -> NSRect
Declaration | |
From | func convertRect(_ aRect: NSRect, toView aView: NSView!) -> NSRect |
To | func convertRect(_ aRect: NSRect, toView aView: NSView?) -> NSRect |
Modified NSView.convertRectFromBacking(NSRect) -> NSRect
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.convertRectFromLayer(NSRect) -> NSRect
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.convertRectToBacking(NSRect) -> NSRect
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.convertRectToLayer(NSRect) -> NSRect
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.convertSize(NSSize, fromView: NSView?) -> NSSize
Declaration | |
From | func convertSize(_ aSize: NSSize, fromView aView: NSView!) -> NSSize |
To | func convertSize(_ aSize: NSSize, fromView aView: NSView?) -> NSSize |
Modified NSView.convertSize(NSSize, toView: NSView?) -> NSSize
Declaration | |
From | func convertSize(_ aSize: NSSize, toView aView: NSView!) -> NSSize |
To | func convertSize(_ aSize: NSSize, toView aView: NSView?) -> NSSize |
Modified NSView.convertSizeFromBacking(NSSize) -> NSSize
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.convertSizeFromLayer(NSSize) -> NSSize
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.convertSizeToBacking(NSSize) -> NSSize
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.convertSizeToLayer(NSSize) -> NSSize
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.dataWithEPSInsideRect(NSRect) -> NSData
Declaration | |
From | func dataWithEPSInsideRect(_ rect: NSRect) -> NSData! |
To | func dataWithEPSInsideRect(_ rect: NSRect) -> NSData |
Modified NSView.dataWithPDFInsideRect(NSRect) -> NSData
Declaration | |
From | func dataWithPDFInsideRect(_ rect: NSRect) -> NSData! |
To | func dataWithPDFInsideRect(_ rect: NSRect) -> NSData |
Modified NSView.defaultMenu() -> NSMenu? [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func defaultMenu() -> NSMenu! |
To | class func defaultMenu() -> NSMenu? |
Modified NSView.didAddSubview(NSView)
Declaration | |
From | func didAddSubview(_ subview: NSView!) |
To | func didAddSubview(_ subview: NSView) |
Modified NSView.displayRectIgnoringOpacity(NSRect, inContext: NSGraphicsContext)
Declaration | |
From | func displayRectIgnoringOpacity(_ aRect: NSRect, inContext context: NSGraphicsContext!) |
To | func displayRectIgnoringOpacity(_ aRect: NSRect, inContext context: NSGraphicsContext) |
Modified NSView.dragFile(String, fromRect: NSRect, slideBack: Bool, event: NSEvent) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func dragFile(_ filename: String!, fromRect rect: NSRect, slideBack aFlag: Bool, event event: NSEvent!) -> Bool |
To | func dragFile(_ filename: String, fromRect rect: NSRect, slideBack aFlag: Bool, event event: NSEvent) -> Bool |
Modified NSView.dragPromisedFilesOfTypes([AnyObject], fromRect: NSRect, source: AnyObject, slideBack: Bool, event: NSEvent) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func dragPromisedFilesOfTypes(_ typeArray: [AnyObject]!, fromRect rect: NSRect, source sourceObject: AnyObject!, slideBack aFlag: Bool, event event: NSEvent!) -> Bool |
To | func dragPromisedFilesOfTypes(_ typeArray: [AnyObject], fromRect rect: NSRect, source sourceObject: AnyObject, slideBack aFlag: Bool, event event: NSEvent) -> Bool |
Modified NSView.drawFocusRingMask()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.drawingFindIndicator
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.enclosingMenuItem
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var enclosingMenuItem: NSMenuItem! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var enclosingMenuItem: NSMenuItem? { get } | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSView.enclosingScrollView
Declaration | |
From | var enclosingScrollView: NSScrollView! { get } |
To | var enclosingScrollView: NSScrollView? { get } |
Modified NSView.enterFullScreenMode(NSScreen, withOptions:[NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func enterFullScreenMode(_ screen: NSScreen!, withOptions options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 |
To | func enterFullScreenMode(_ screen: NSScreen, withOptions options: [NSObject : AnyObject]?) -> Bool | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSView.exerciseAmbiguityInLayout()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.exitFullScreenModeWithOptions([NSObject: AnyObject]?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func exitFullScreenModeWithOptions(_ options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func exitFullScreenModeWithOptions(_ options: [NSObject : AnyObject]?) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSView.fittingSize
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.focusRingMaskBounds
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.focusView() -> NSView? [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func focusView() -> NSView! |
To | class func focusView() -> NSView? |
Modified NSView.frameCenterRotation
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSView.frameForAlignmentRect(NSRect) -> NSRect
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.gState() -> Int
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSView.gestureRecognizers
Declaration | |
From | var gestureRecognizers: [AnyObject]! |
To | var gestureRecognizers: [AnyObject] |
Modified NSView.getRectsBeingDrawn(UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<NSRect>>, count: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>)
Declaration | |
From | func getRectsBeingDrawn(_ rects: UnsafePointer<ConstUnsafePointer<NSRect>>, count count: UnsafePointer<Int>) |
To | func getRectsBeingDrawn(_ rects: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<NSRect>>, count count: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) |
Modified NSView.getRectsExposedDuringLiveResize(UnsafeMutablePointer<NSRect>, count: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>)
Declaration | |
From | func getRectsExposedDuringLiveResize(_ exposedRects: UnsafePointer<NSRect>, count count: UnsafePointer<Int>) |
To | func getRectsExposedDuringLiveResize(_ exposedRects: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSRect>, count count: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) |
Modified NSView.hasAmbiguousLayout
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.hitTest(NSPoint) -> NSView?
Declaration | |
From | func hitTest(_ aPoint: NSPoint) -> NSView! |
To | func hitTest(_ aPoint: NSPoint) -> NSView? |
Modified NSView.inFullScreenMode
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSView.inputContext
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var inputContext: NSTextInputContext! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var inputContext: NSTextInputContext? { get } | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSView.intrinsicContentSize
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.invalidateIntrinsicContentSize()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.isCompatibleWithResponsiveScrolling() -> Bool [class]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSView.isDescendantOf(NSView) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func isDescendantOf(_ aView: NSView!) -> Bool |
To | func isDescendantOf(_ aView: NSView) -> Bool |
Modified NSView.layer
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var layer: CALayer! | OS X 10.10 |
To | var layer: CALayer? | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSView.layerContentsPlacement
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSView.layerContentsRedrawPolicy
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSView.layerUsesCoreImageFilters
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSView.layout()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.layoutSubtreeIfNeeded()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.lockFocusIfCanDrawInContext(NSGraphicsContext) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func lockFocusIfCanDrawInContext(_ context: NSGraphicsContext!) -> Bool |
To | func lockFocusIfCanDrawInContext(_ context: NSGraphicsContext) -> Bool |
Modified NSView.makeBackingLayer() -> CALayer
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func makeBackingLayer() -> CALayer! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func makeBackingLayer() -> CALayer | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSView.menuForEvent(NSEvent) -> NSMenu?
Declaration | |
From | func menuForEvent(_ event: NSEvent!) -> NSMenu! |
To | func menuForEvent(_ event: NSEvent) -> NSMenu? |
Modified NSView.needsLayout
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.needsUpdateConstraints
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.nextKeyView
Declaration | |
From | var nextKeyView: NSView! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var nextKeyView: NSView? |
Modified NSView.nextValidKeyView
Declaration | |
From | var nextValidKeyView: NSView! { get } |
To | unowned(unsafe) var nextValidKeyView: NSView? { get } |
Modified NSView.noteFocusRingMaskChanged()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.opaqueAncestor
Declaration | |
From | var opaqueAncestor: NSView! { get } |
To | unowned(unsafe) var opaqueAncestor: NSView? { get } |
Modified NSView.pageFooter
Declaration | |
From | var pageFooter: NSAttributedString! { get } |
To | @NSCopying var pageFooter: NSAttributedString { get } |
Modified NSView.pageHeader
Declaration | |
From | var pageHeader: NSAttributedString! { get } |
To | @NSCopying var pageHeader: NSAttributedString { get } |
Modified NSView.performKeyEquivalent(NSEvent) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func performKeyEquivalent(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) -> Bool |
To | func performKeyEquivalent(_ theEvent: NSEvent) -> Bool |
Modified NSView.prepareContentInRect(NSRect)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSView.prepareForReuse()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.preparedContentRect
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSView.previousKeyView
Declaration | |
From | var previousKeyView: NSView! { get } |
To | unowned(unsafe) var previousKeyView: NSView? { get } |
Modified NSView.previousValidKeyView
Declaration | |
From | var previousValidKeyView: NSView! { get } |
To | unowned(unsafe) var previousValidKeyView: NSView? { get } |
Modified NSView.print(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func print(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func print(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSView.printJobTitle
Declaration | |
From | var printJobTitle: String! { get } |
To | var printJobTitle: String { get } |
Modified NSView.rectForSmartMagnificationAtPoint(NSPoint, inRect: NSRect) -> NSRect
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSView.reflectScrolledClipView(NSClipView)
Declaration | |
From | func reflectScrolledClipView(_ aClipView: NSClipView!) |
To | func reflectScrolledClipView(_ aClipView: NSClipView) |
Modified NSView.registerForDraggedTypes([AnyObject])
Declaration | |
From | func registerForDraggedTypes(_ newTypes: [AnyObject]!) |
To | func registerForDraggedTypes(_ newTypes: [AnyObject]) |
Modified NSView.registeredDraggedTypes
Declaration | |
From | var registeredDraggedTypes: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var registeredDraggedTypes: [AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSView.releaseGState()
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSView.removeConstraint(NSLayoutConstraint)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func removeConstraint(_ constraint: NSLayoutConstraint!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func removeConstraint(_ constraint: NSLayoutConstraint) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.removeConstraints([AnyObject])
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func removeConstraints(_ constraints: [AnyObject]!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func removeConstraints(_ constraints: [AnyObject]) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.removeCursorRect(NSRect, cursor: NSCursor)
Declaration | |
From | func removeCursorRect(_ aRect: NSRect, cursor anObj: NSCursor!) |
To | func removeCursorRect(_ aRect: NSRect, cursor anObj: NSCursor) |
Modified NSView.removeGestureRecognizer(NSGestureRecognizer)
Declaration | |
From | func removeGestureRecognizer(_ gestureRecognizer: NSGestureRecognizer!) |
To | func removeGestureRecognizer(_ gestureRecognizer: NSGestureRecognizer) |
Modified NSView.removeTrackingArea(NSTrackingArea)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func removeTrackingArea(_ trackingArea: NSTrackingArea!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func removeTrackingArea(_ trackingArea: NSTrackingArea) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSView.renewGState()
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSView.replaceSubview(NSView, with: NSView)
Declaration | |
From | func replaceSubview(_ oldView: NSView!, with newView: NSView!) |
To | func replaceSubview(_ oldView: NSView, with newView: NSView) |
Modified NSView.requiresConstraintBasedLayout() -> Bool [class]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.rulerView(NSRulerView, didAddMarker: NSRulerMarker)
Declaration | |
From | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView!, didAddMarker marker: NSRulerMarker!) |
To | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, didAddMarker marker: NSRulerMarker) |
Modified NSView.rulerView(NSRulerView, didMoveMarker: NSRulerMarker)
Declaration | |
From | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView!, didMoveMarker marker: NSRulerMarker!) |
To | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, didMoveMarker marker: NSRulerMarker) |
Modified NSView.rulerView(NSRulerView, didRemoveMarker: NSRulerMarker)
Declaration | |
From | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView!, didRemoveMarker marker: NSRulerMarker!) |
To | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, didRemoveMarker marker: NSRulerMarker) |
Modified NSView.rulerView(NSRulerView, handleMouseDown: NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView!, handleMouseDown event: NSEvent!) |
To | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, handleMouseDown event: NSEvent) |
Modified NSView.rulerView(NSRulerView, locationForPoint: NSPoint) -> CGFloat
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView!, locationForPoint aPoint: NSPoint) -> CGFloat | OS X 10.10 |
To | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, locationForPoint aPoint: NSPoint) -> CGFloat | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.rulerView(NSRulerView, pointForLocation: CGFloat) -> NSPoint
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView!, pointForLocation aPoint: CGFloat) -> NSPoint | OS X 10.10 |
To | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, pointForLocation aPoint: CGFloat) -> NSPoint | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.rulerView(NSRulerView, shouldAddMarker: NSRulerMarker) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView!, shouldAddMarker marker: NSRulerMarker!) -> Bool |
To | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, shouldAddMarker marker: NSRulerMarker) -> Bool |
Modified NSView.rulerView(NSRulerView, shouldMoveMarker: NSRulerMarker) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView!, shouldMoveMarker marker: NSRulerMarker!) -> Bool |
To | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, shouldMoveMarker marker: NSRulerMarker) -> Bool |
Modified NSView.rulerView(NSRulerView, shouldRemoveMarker: NSRulerMarker) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView!, shouldRemoveMarker marker: NSRulerMarker!) -> Bool |
To | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, shouldRemoveMarker marker: NSRulerMarker) -> Bool |
Modified NSView.rulerView(NSRulerView, willAddMarker: NSRulerMarker, atLocation: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView!, willAddMarker marker: NSRulerMarker!, atLocation location: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, willAddMarker marker: NSRulerMarker, atLocation location: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified NSView.rulerView(NSRulerView, willMoveMarker: NSRulerMarker, toLocation: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView!, willMoveMarker marker: NSRulerMarker!, toLocation location: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, willMoveMarker marker: NSRulerMarker, toLocation location: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified NSView.rulerView(NSRulerView, willSetClientView: NSView)
Declaration | |
From | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView!, willSetClientView newClient: NSView!) |
To | func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, willSetClientView newClient: NSView) |
Modified NSView.scrollClipView(NSClipView, toPoint: NSPoint)
Declaration | |
From | func scrollClipView(_ aClipView: NSClipView!, toPoint aPoint: NSPoint) |
To | func scrollClipView(_ aClipView: NSClipView, toPoint aPoint: NSPoint) |
Modified NSView.setContentCompressionResistancePriority(NSLayoutPriority, forOrientation: NSLayoutConstraintOrientation)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.setContentHuggingPriority(NSLayoutPriority, forOrientation: NSLayoutConstraintOrientation)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.setUpGState()
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSView.shadow
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var shadow: NSShadow! | OS X 10.10 |
To | @NSCopying var shadow: NSShadow? | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSView.shouldDelayWindowOrderingForEvent(NSEvent) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func shouldDelayWindowOrderingForEvent(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) -> Bool |
To | func shouldDelayWindowOrderingForEvent(_ theEvent: NSEvent) -> Bool |
Modified NSView.shouldDrawColor() -> Bool
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSView.showDefinitionForAttributedString(NSAttributedString?, atPoint: NSPoint)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func showDefinitionForAttributedString(_ attrString: NSAttributedString!, atPoint textBaselineOrigin: NSPoint) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func showDefinitionForAttributedString(_ attrString: NSAttributedString?, atPoint textBaselineOrigin: NSPoint) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSView.showDefinitionForAttributedString(NSAttributedString?, range: NSRange, options:[NSObject: AnyObject]?, baselineOriginProvider:((NSRange) -> NSPoint)?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func showDefinitionForAttributedString(_ attrString: NSAttributedString!, range targetRange: NSRange, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, baselineOriginProvider originProvider: ((NSRange) -> NSPoint)!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func showDefinitionForAttributedString(_ attrString: NSAttributedString?, range targetRange: NSRange, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]?, baselineOriginProvider originProvider: ((NSRange) -> NSPoint)?) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSView.sortSubviewsUsingFunction(CFunctionPointer<((AnyObject!, AnyObject!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> NSComparisonResult)>, context: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func sortSubviewsUsingFunction(_ compare: CFunctionPointer<((AnyObject!, AnyObject!, UnsafePointer<()>) -> NSComparisonResult)>, context context: UnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func sortSubviewsUsingFunction(_ compare: CFunctionPointer<((AnyObject!, AnyObject!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> NSComparisonResult)>, context context: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) |
Modified NSView.subviews
Declaration | |
From | var subviews: [AnyObject]! |
To | var subviews: [AnyObject] |
Modified NSView.superview
Declaration | |
From | var superview: NSView! { get } |
To | unowned(unsafe) var superview: NSView? { get } |
Modified NSView.toolTip
Declaration | |
From | var toolTip: String! |
To | var toolTip: String? |
Modified NSView.trackingAreas
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var trackingAreas: [AnyObject]! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var trackingAreas: [AnyObject] { get } | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSView.translateRectsNeedingDisplayInRect(NSRect, by: NSSize)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.updateConstraints()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.updateConstraintsForSubtreeIfNeeded()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.updateLayer()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSView.updateTrackingAreas()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSView.userInterfaceLayoutDirection
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSView.viewDidChangeBackingProperties()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.viewDidHide()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSView.viewDidUnhide()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSView.viewWillDraw()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSView.viewWillMoveToSuperview(NSView?)
Declaration | |
From | func viewWillMoveToSuperview(_ newSuperview: NSView!) |
To | func viewWillMoveToSuperview(_ newSuperview: NSView?) |
Modified NSView.viewWillMoveToWindow(NSWindow?)
Declaration | |
From | func viewWillMoveToWindow(_ newWindow: NSWindow!) |
To | func viewWillMoveToWindow(_ newWindow: NSWindow?) |
Modified NSView.viewWithTag(Int) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func viewWithTag(_ aTag: Int) -> AnyObject! |
To | func viewWithTag(_ aTag: Int) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSView.wantsBestResolutionOpenGLSurface
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSView.wantsLayer
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSView.wantsRestingTouches
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSView.wantsUpdateLayer
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSView.willRemoveSubview(NSView)
Declaration | |
From | func willRemoveSubview(_ subview: NSView!) |
To | func willRemoveSubview(_ subview: NSView) |
Modified NSView.window
Declaration | |
From | var window: NSWindow! { get } |
To | unowned(unsafe) var window: NSWindow? { get } |
Modified NSView.writeEPSInsideRect(NSRect, toPasteboard: NSPasteboard)
Declaration | |
From | func writeEPSInsideRect(_ rect: NSRect, toPasteboard pasteboard: NSPasteboard!) |
To | func writeEPSInsideRect(_ rect: NSRect, toPasteboard pasteboard: NSPasteboard) |
Modified NSView.writePDFInsideRect(NSRect, toPasteboard: NSPasteboard)
Declaration | |
From | func writePDFInsideRect(_ rect: NSRect, toPasteboard pasteboard: NSPasteboard!) |
To | func writePDFInsideRect(_ rect: NSRect, toPasteboard pasteboard: NSPasteboard) |
Modified NSViewAnimation.viewAnimations
Declaration | |
From | var viewAnimations: [AnyObject]! |
To | var viewAnimations: [AnyObject]? |
Modified NSViewAnimation.init(viewAnimations: [AnyObject])
Declaration | |
From | init(viewAnimations viewAnimations: [AnyObject]!) |
To | init(viewAnimations viewAnimations: [AnyObject]) |
Modified NSViewController
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSViewController.addChildViewController(NSViewController)
Declaration | |
From | func addChildViewController(_ childViewController: NSViewController!) |
To | func addChildViewController(_ childViewController: NSViewController) |
Modified NSViewController.childViewControllers
Declaration | |
From | var childViewControllers: [AnyObject]! |
To | var childViewControllers: [AnyObject] |
Modified NSViewController.init(coder: NSCoder)
Declaration | |
From | init(coder coder: NSCoder!) |
To | init?(coder coder: NSCoder) |
Modified NSViewController.commitEditingWithDelegate(AnyObject?, didCommitSelector: Selector, contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func commitEditingWithDelegate(_ delegate: AnyObject!, didCommitSelector didCommitSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func commitEditingWithDelegate(_ delegate: AnyObject?, didCommitSelector didCommitSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) |
Modified NSViewController.dismissController(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | @IBAction func dismissController(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | @IBAction func dismissController(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSViewController.dismissViewController(NSViewController)
Declaration | |
From | func dismissViewController(_ viewController: NSViewController!) |
To | func dismissViewController(_ viewController: NSViewController) |
Modified NSViewController.extensionContext
Declaration | |
From | var extensionContext: NSExtensionContext! { get } |
To | var extensionContext: NSExtensionContext? { get } |
Modified NSViewController.insertChildViewController(NSViewController, atIndex: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func insertChildViewController(_ childViewController: NSViewController!, atIndex index: Int) |
To | func insertChildViewController(_ childViewController: NSViewController, atIndex index: Int) |
Modified NSViewController.nibBundle
Declaration | |
From | var nibBundle: NSBundle! { get } |
To | var nibBundle: NSBundle? { get } |
Modified NSViewController.nibName
Declaration | |
From | var nibName: String! { get } |
To | var nibName: String? { get } |
Modified NSViewController.init(nibName: String?, bundle: NSBundle?)
Declaration | |
From | init(nibName nibNameOrNil: String!, bundle nibBundleOrNil: NSBundle!) |
To | init?(nibName nibNameOrNil: String?, bundle nibBundleOrNil: NSBundle?) |
Modified NSViewController.parentViewController
Declaration | |
From | var parentViewController: NSViewController! { get } |
To | var parentViewController: NSViewController? { get } |
Modified NSViewController.preferredContentSizeDidChangeForViewController(NSViewController)
Declaration | |
From | func preferredContentSizeDidChangeForViewController(_ viewController: NSViewController!) |
To | func preferredContentSizeDidChangeForViewController(_ viewController: NSViewController) |
Modified NSViewController.presentViewController(NSViewController, animator: NSViewControllerPresentationAnimator)
Declaration | |
From | func presentViewController(_ viewController: NSViewController!, animator animator: NSViewControllerPresentationAnimator!) |
To | func presentViewController(_ viewController: NSViewController, animator animator: NSViewControllerPresentationAnimator) |
Modified NSViewController.presentViewController(NSViewController, asPopoverRelativeToRect: NSRect, ofView: NSView, preferredEdge: NSRectEdge, behavior: NSPopoverBehavior)
Declaration | |
From | func presentViewController(_ viewController: NSViewController!, asPopoverRelativeToRect positioningRect: NSRect, ofView positioningView: NSView!, preferredEdge preferredEdge: NSRectEdge, behavior behavior: NSPopoverBehavior) |
To | func presentViewController(_ viewController: NSViewController, asPopoverRelativeToRect positioningRect: NSRect, ofView positioningView: NSView, preferredEdge preferredEdge: NSRectEdge, behavior behavior: NSPopoverBehavior) |
Modified NSViewController.presentViewControllerAsModalWindow(NSViewController)
Declaration | |
From | func presentViewControllerAsModalWindow(_ viewController: NSViewController!) |
To | func presentViewControllerAsModalWindow(_ viewController: NSViewController) |
Modified NSViewController.presentViewControllerAsSheet(NSViewController)
Declaration | |
From | func presentViewControllerAsSheet(_ viewController: NSViewController!) |
To | func presentViewControllerAsSheet(_ viewController: NSViewController) |
Modified NSViewController.presentedViewControllers
Declaration | |
From | var presentedViewControllers: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var presentedViewControllers: [AnyObject]? { get } |
Modified NSViewController.presentingViewController
Declaration | |
From | var presentingViewController: NSViewController! { get } |
To | unowned(unsafe) var presentingViewController: NSViewController? { get } |
Modified NSViewController.representedObject
Declaration | |
From | var representedObject: AnyObject! |
To | var representedObject: AnyObject? |
Modified NSViewController.sourceItemView
Declaration | |
From | @IBOutlet var sourceItemView: NSView! |
To | @IBOutlet var sourceItemView: NSView? |
Modified NSViewController.storyboard
Declaration | |
From | var storyboard: NSStoryboard! { get } |
To | var storyboard: NSStoryboard? { get } |
Modified NSViewController.title
Declaration | |
From | var title: String! |
To | var title: String? |
Modified NSViewController.transitionFromViewController(NSViewController, toViewController: NSViewController, options: NSViewControllerTransitionOptions, completionHandler:(() -> Void)?)
Declaration | |
From | func transitionFromViewController(_ fromViewController: NSViewController!, toViewController toViewController: NSViewController!, options options: NSViewControllerTransitionOptions, completionHandler completion: (() -> Void)!) |
To | func transitionFromViewController(_ fromViewController: NSViewController, toViewController toViewController: NSViewController, options options: NSViewControllerTransitionOptions, completionHandler completion: (() -> Void)?) |
Modified NSViewController.view
Declaration | |
From | var view: NSView! |
To | var view: NSView |
Modified NSViewControllerPresentationAnimator.animateDismissalOfViewController(NSViewController, fromViewController: NSViewController)
Declaration | |
From | func animateDismissalOfViewController(_ viewController: NSViewController!, fromViewController fromViewController: NSViewController!) |
To | func animateDismissalOfViewController(_ viewController: NSViewController, fromViewController fromViewController: NSViewController) |
Modified NSViewControllerPresentationAnimator.animatePresentationOfViewController(NSViewController, fromViewController: NSViewController)
Declaration | |
From | func animatePresentationOfViewController(_ viewController: NSViewController!, fromViewController fromViewController: NSViewController!) |
To | func animatePresentationOfViewController(_ viewController: NSViewController, fromViewController fromViewController: NSViewController) |
Modified NSViewControllerTransitionOptions [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct NSViewControllerTransitionOptions : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var None: NSViewControllerTransitionOptions { get } static var Crossfade: NSViewControllerTransitionOptions { get } static var SlideUp: NSViewControllerTransitionOptions { get } static var SlideDown: NSViewControllerTransitionOptions { get } static var SlideLeft: NSViewControllerTransitionOptions { get } static var SlideRight: NSViewControllerTransitionOptions { get } static var SlideForward: NSViewControllerTransitionOptions { get } static var SlideBackward: NSViewControllerTransitionOptions { get } static var AllowUserInteraction: NSViewControllerTransitionOptions { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct NSViewControllerTransitionOptions : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var None: NSViewControllerTransitionOptions { get } static var Crossfade: NSViewControllerTransitionOptions { get } static var SlideUp: NSViewControllerTransitionOptions { get } static var SlideDown: NSViewControllerTransitionOptions { get } static var SlideLeft: NSViewControllerTransitionOptions { get } static var SlideRight: NSViewControllerTransitionOptions { get } static var SlideForward: NSViewControllerTransitionOptions { get } static var SlideBackward: NSViewControllerTransitionOptions { get } static var AllowUserInteraction: NSViewControllerTransitionOptions { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified NSViewControllerTransitionOptions.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSViewLayerContentsPlacement [enum]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSViewLayerContentsRedrawPolicy [enum]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSViewLayerContentsRedrawPolicy.Crossfade
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSVisualEffectView.maskImage
Declaration | |
From | var maskImage: NSImage! |
To | var maskImage: NSImage? |
Modified NSVisualEffectView.viewWillMoveToWindow(NSWindow?)
Declaration | |
From | func viewWillMoveToWindow(_ newWindow: NSWindow!) |
To | func viewWillMoveToWindow(_ newWindow: NSWindow?) |
Modified NSWindow.addChildWindow(NSWindow, ordered: NSWindowOrderingMode)
Declaration | |
From | func addChildWindow(_ childWin: NSWindow!, ordered place: NSWindowOrderingMode) |
To | func addChildWindow(_ childWin: NSWindow, ordered place: NSWindowOrderingMode) |
Modified NSWindow.addTitlebarAccessoryViewController(NSTitlebarAccessoryViewController)
Declaration | |
From | func addTitlebarAccessoryViewController(_ childViewController: NSTitlebarAccessoryViewController!) |
To | func addTitlebarAccessoryViewController(_ childViewController: NSTitlebarAccessoryViewController) |
Modified NSWindow.allowsConcurrentViewDrawing
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWindow.animationBehavior
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSWindow.attachedSheet
Declaration | |
From | var attachedSheet: NSWindow! { get } |
To | var attachedSheet: NSWindow? { get } |
Modified NSWindow.autorecalculatesContentBorderThicknessForEdge(NSRectEdge) -> Bool
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSWindow.backgroundColor
Declaration | |
From | var backgroundColor: NSColor! |
To | @NSCopying var backgroundColor: NSColor! |
Modified NSWindow.backingAlignedRect(NSRect, options: NSAlignmentOptions) -> NSRect
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSWindow.backingLocation
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSWindow.backingScaleFactor
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSWindow.beginCriticalSheet(NSWindow, completionHandler:((NSModalResponse) -> Void)?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func beginCriticalSheet(_ sheetWindow: NSWindow!, completionHandler handler: ((NSModalResponse) -> Void)!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func beginCriticalSheet(_ sheetWindow: NSWindow, completionHandler handler: ((NSModalResponse) -> Void)?) | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSWindow.beginSheet(NSWindow, completionHandler:((NSModalResponse) -> Void)?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func beginSheet(_ sheetWindow: NSWindow!, completionHandler handler: ((NSModalResponse) -> Void)!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func beginSheet(_ sheetWindow: NSWindow, completionHandler handler: ((NSModalResponse) -> Void)?) | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSWindow.canBecomeVisibleWithoutLogin
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSWindow.canStoreColor() -> Bool
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSWindow.childWindows
Declaration | |
From | var childWindows: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var childWindows: [AnyObject]? { get } |
Modified NSWindow.collectionBehavior
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSWindow.colorSpace
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var colorSpace: NSColorSpace! | OS X 10.10 |
To | var colorSpace: NSColorSpace? | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWindow.constrainFrameRect(NSRect, toScreen: NSScreen?) -> NSRect
Declaration | |
From | func constrainFrameRect(_ frameRect: NSRect, toScreen screen: NSScreen!) -> NSRect |
To | func constrainFrameRect(_ frameRect: NSRect, toScreen screen: NSScreen?) -> NSRect |
Modified NSWindow.contentBorderThicknessForEdge(NSRectEdge) -> CGFloat
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSWindow.contentLayoutGuide
Declaration | |
From | var contentLayoutGuide: AnyObject! { get } |
To | var contentLayoutGuide: AnyObject? { get } |
Modified NSWindow.init(contentRect: NSRect, styleMask: Int, backing: NSBackingStoreType, defer: Bool, screen: NSScreen?)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(contentRect contentRect: NSRect, styleMask aStyle: Int, backing bufferingType: NSBackingStoreType, defer flag: Bool, screen screen: NSScreen!) |
To | convenience init(contentRect contentRect: NSRect, styleMask aStyle: Int, backing bufferingType: NSBackingStoreType, defer flag: Bool, screen screen: NSScreen?) |
Modified NSWindow.contentView
Declaration | |
From | var contentView: AnyObject! |
To | var contentView: AnyObject |
Modified NSWindow.contentViewController
Declaration | |
From | var contentViewController: NSViewController! |
To | var contentViewController: NSViewController? |
Modified NSWindow.init(contentViewController: NSViewController)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(contentViewController contentViewController: NSViewController!) |
To | convenience init(contentViewController contentViewController: NSViewController) |
Modified NSWindow.convertRectFromBacking(NSRect) -> NSRect
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSWindow.convertRectFromScreen(NSRect) -> NSRect
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSWindow.convertRectToBacking(NSRect) -> NSRect
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSWindow.convertRectToScreen(NSRect) -> NSRect
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSWindow.currentEvent
Declaration | |
From | var currentEvent: NSEvent! { get } |
To | var currentEvent: NSEvent? { get } |
Modified NSWindow.dataWithEPSInsideRect(NSRect) -> NSData
Declaration | |
From | func dataWithEPSInsideRect(_ rect: NSRect) -> NSData! |
To | func dataWithEPSInsideRect(_ rect: NSRect) -> NSData |
Modified NSWindow.dataWithPDFInsideRect(NSRect) -> NSData
Declaration | |
From | func dataWithPDFInsideRect(_ rect: NSRect) -> NSData! |
To | func dataWithPDFInsideRect(_ rect: NSRect) -> NSData |
Modified NSWindow.deepestScreen
Declaration | |
From | var deepestScreen: NSScreen! { get } |
To | var deepestScreen: NSScreen? { get } |
Modified NSWindow.defaultButtonCell() -> NSButtonCell?
Declaration | |
From | func defaultButtonCell() -> NSButtonCell! |
To | func defaultButtonCell() -> NSButtonCell? |
Modified NSWindow.delegate
Declaration | |
From | var delegate: NSWindowDelegate! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSWindowDelegate? |
Modified NSWindow.deminiaturize(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func deminiaturize(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func deminiaturize(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSWindow.deviceDescription
Declaration | |
From | var deviceDescription: [NSObject : AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var deviceDescription: [NSObject : AnyObject] { get } |
Modified NSWindow.discardEventsMatchingMask(Int, beforeEvent: NSEvent?)
Declaration | |
From | func discardEventsMatchingMask(_ mask: Int, beforeEvent lastEvent: NSEvent!) |
To | func discardEventsMatchingMask(_ mask: Int, beforeEvent lastEvent: NSEvent?) |
Modified NSWindow.dockTile
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var dockTile: NSDockTile! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var dockTile: NSDockTile { get } | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSWindow.dragImage(NSImage, at: NSPoint, offset: NSSize, event: NSEvent, pasteboard: NSPasteboard, source: AnyObject, slideBack: Bool)
Declaration | |
From | func dragImage(_ anImage: NSImage!, at baseLocation: NSPoint, offset initialOffset: NSSize, event event: NSEvent!, pasteboard pboard: NSPasteboard!, source sourceObj: AnyObject!, slideBack slideFlag: Bool) |
To | func dragImage(_ anImage: NSImage, at baseLocation: NSPoint, offset initialOffset: NSSize, event event: NSEvent, pasteboard pboard: NSPasteboard, source sourceObj: AnyObject, slideBack slideFlag: Bool) |
Modified NSWindow.drawers
Declaration | |
From | var drawers: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var drawers: [AnyObject]? { get } |
Modified NSWindow.endEditingFor(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func endEditingFor(_ anObject: AnyObject!) |
To | func endEditingFor(_ anObject: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSWindow.endSheet(NSWindow)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func endSheet(_ sheetWindow: NSWindow!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func endSheet(_ sheetWindow: NSWindow) | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSWindow.endSheet(NSWindow, returnCode: NSModalResponse)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func endSheet(_ sheetWindow: NSWindow!, returnCode returnCode: NSModalResponse) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func endSheet(_ sheetWindow: NSWindow, returnCode returnCode: NSModalResponse) | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSWindow.fieldEditor(Bool, forObject: AnyObject?) -> NSText?
Declaration | |
From | func fieldEditor(_ createFlag: Bool, forObject anObject: AnyObject!) -> NSText! |
To | func fieldEditor(_ createFlag: Bool, forObject anObject: AnyObject?) -> NSText? |
Modified NSWindow.firstResponder
Declaration | |
From | var firstResponder: NSResponder! { get } |
To | var firstResponder: NSResponder { get } |
Modified NSWindow.frameAutosaveName() -> String?
Declaration | |
From | func frameAutosaveName() -> String! |
To | func frameAutosaveName() -> String? |
Modified NSWindow.gState() -> Int
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSWindow.graphicsContext
Declaration | |
From | var graphicsContext: NSGraphicsContext! { get } |
To | var graphicsContext: NSGraphicsContext? { get } |
Modified NSWindow.handleCloseScriptCommand(NSCloseCommand) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func handleCloseScriptCommand(_ command: NSCloseCommand!) -> AnyObject! |
To | func handleCloseScriptCommand(_ command: NSCloseCommand) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSWindow.handlePrintScriptCommand(NSScriptCommand) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func handlePrintScriptCommand(_ command: NSScriptCommand!) -> AnyObject! |
To | func handlePrintScriptCommand(_ command: NSScriptCommand) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSWindow.handleSaveScriptCommand(NSScriptCommand) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func handleSaveScriptCommand(_ command: NSScriptCommand!) -> AnyObject! |
To | func handleSaveScriptCommand(_ command: NSScriptCommand) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSWindow.inLiveResize
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWindow.initialFirstResponder
Declaration | |
From | var initialFirstResponder: NSView! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var initialFirstResponder: NSView? |
Modified NSWindow.insertTitlebarAccessoryViewController(NSTitlebarAccessoryViewController, atIndex: Int)
Declaration | |
From | func insertTitlebarAccessoryViewController(_ childViewController: NSTitlebarAccessoryViewController!, atIndex index: Int) |
To | func insertTitlebarAccessoryViewController(_ childViewController: NSTitlebarAccessoryViewController, atIndex index: Int) |
Modified NSWindow.invalidateCursorRectsForView(NSView)
Declaration | |
From | func invalidateCursorRectsForView(_ aView: NSView!) |
To | func invalidateCursorRectsForView(_ aView: NSView) |
Modified NSWindow.keyDown(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func keyDown(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) |
To | func keyDown(_ theEvent: NSEvent) |
Modified NSWindow.layoutIfNeeded()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSWindow.makeFirstResponder(NSResponder?) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func makeFirstResponder(_ aResponder: NSResponder!) -> Bool |
To | func makeFirstResponder(_ aResponder: NSResponder?) -> Bool |
Modified NSWindow.makeKeyAndOrderFront(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func makeKeyAndOrderFront(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func makeKeyAndOrderFront(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSWindow.menuChanged(NSMenu) [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func menuChanged(_ menu: NSMenu!) |
To | class func menuChanged(_ menu: NSMenu) |
Modified NSWindow.minFrameWidthWithTitle(String, styleMask: Int) -> CGFloat [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func minFrameWidthWithTitle(_ aTitle: String!, styleMask aStyle: Int) -> CGFloat |
To | class func minFrameWidthWithTitle(_ aTitle: String, styleMask aStyle: Int) -> CGFloat |
Modified NSWindow.miniaturize(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func miniaturize(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func miniaturize(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSWindow.miniwindowImage
Declaration | |
From | var miniwindowImage: NSImage! |
To | var miniwindowImage: NSImage? |
Modified NSWindow.movable
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWindow.nextEventMatchingMask(Int) -> NSEvent?
Declaration | |
From | func nextEventMatchingMask(_ mask: Int) -> NSEvent! |
To | func nextEventMatchingMask(_ mask: Int) -> NSEvent? |
Modified NSWindow.nextEventMatchingMask(Int, untilDate: NSDate?, inMode: String, dequeue: Bool) -> NSEvent?
Declaration | |
From | func nextEventMatchingMask(_ mask: Int, untilDate expiration: NSDate!, inMode mode: String!, dequeue deqFlag: Bool) -> NSEvent! |
To | func nextEventMatchingMask(_ mask: Int, untilDate expiration: NSDate?, inMode mode: String, dequeue deqFlag: Bool) -> NSEvent? |
Modified NSWindow.occlusionState
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSWindow.onActiveSpace
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWindow.orderBack(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func orderBack(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func orderBack(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSWindow.orderFront(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func orderFront(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func orderFront(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSWindow.orderOut(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func orderOut(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func orderOut(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSWindow.parentWindow
Declaration | |
From | var parentWindow: NSWindow! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var parentWindow: NSWindow? |
Modified NSWindow.performClose(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func performClose(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func performClose(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSWindow.performMiniaturize(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func performMiniaturize(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func performMiniaturize(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSWindow.performZoom(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func performZoom(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func performZoom(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSWindow.postEvent(NSEvent, atStart: Bool)
Declaration | |
From | func postEvent(_ event: NSEvent!, atStart flag: Bool) |
To | func postEvent(_ event: NSEvent, atStart flag: Bool) |
Modified NSWindow.preferredBackingLocation
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSWindow.preventsApplicationTerminationWhenModal
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWindow.print(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func print(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func print(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSWindow.registerForDraggedTypes([AnyObject])
Declaration | |
From | func registerForDraggedTypes(_ newTypes: [AnyObject]!) |
To | func registerForDraggedTypes(_ newTypes: [AnyObject]) |
Modified NSWindow.removeChildWindow(NSWindow)
Declaration | |
From | func removeChildWindow(_ childWin: NSWindow!) |
To | func removeChildWindow(_ childWin: NSWindow) |
Modified NSWindow.removeFrameUsingName(String) [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func removeFrameUsingName(_ name: String!) |
To | class func removeFrameUsingName(_ name: String) |
Modified NSWindow.representedFilename
Declaration | |
From | var representedFilename: String! |
To | var representedFilename: String |
Modified NSWindow.representedURL
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var representedURL: NSURL! | OS X 10.10 |
To | @NSCopying var representedURL: NSURL? | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSWindow.restorable
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSWindow.restorationClass
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var restorationClass: AnyObject.Type! | OS X 10.10 |
To | var restorationClass: AnyObject.Type? | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSWindow.runToolbarCustomizationPalette(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func runToolbarCustomizationPalette(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func runToolbarCustomizationPalette(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSWindow.saveFrameUsingName(String)
Declaration | |
From | func saveFrameUsingName(_ name: String!) |
To | func saveFrameUsingName(_ name: String) |
Modified NSWindow.screen
Declaration | |
From | var screen: NSScreen! { get } |
To | var screen: NSScreen? { get } |
Modified NSWindow.selectKeyViewFollowingView(NSView)
Declaration | |
From | func selectKeyViewFollowingView(_ aView: NSView!) |
To | func selectKeyViewFollowingView(_ aView: NSView) |
Modified NSWindow.selectKeyViewPrecedingView(NSView)
Declaration | |
From | func selectKeyViewPrecedingView(_ aView: NSView!) |
To | func selectKeyViewPrecedingView(_ aView: NSView) |
Modified NSWindow.selectNextKeyView(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func selectNextKeyView(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func selectNextKeyView(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSWindow.selectPreviousKeyView(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func selectPreviousKeyView(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func selectPreviousKeyView(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSWindow.sendEvent(NSEvent)
Declaration | |
From | func sendEvent(_ theEvent: NSEvent!) |
To | func sendEvent(_ theEvent: NSEvent) |
Modified NSWindow.setAutorecalculatesContentBorderThickness(Bool, forEdge: NSRectEdge)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSWindow.setContentBorderThickness(CGFloat, forEdge: NSRectEdge)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSWindow.setDefaultButtonCell(NSButtonCell?)
Declaration | |
From | func setDefaultButtonCell(_ defButt: NSButtonCell!) |
To | func setDefaultButtonCell(_ defButt: NSButtonCell?) |
Modified NSWindow.setFrameAutosaveName(String) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func setFrameAutosaveName(_ name: String!) -> Bool |
To | func setFrameAutosaveName(_ name: String) -> Bool |
Modified NSWindow.setFrameFromString(String)
Declaration | |
From | func setFrameFromString(_ string: String!) |
To | func setFrameFromString(_ string: String) |
Modified NSWindow.setFrameUsingName(String) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func setFrameUsingName(_ name: String!) -> Bool |
To | func setFrameUsingName(_ name: String) -> Bool |
Modified NSWindow.setFrameUsingName(String, force: Bool) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func setFrameUsingName(_ name: String!, force force: Bool) -> Bool |
To | func setFrameUsingName(_ name: String, force force: Bool) -> Bool |
Modified NSWindow.setTitleWithRepresentedFilename(String)
Declaration | |
From | func setTitleWithRepresentedFilename(_ filename: String!) |
To | func setTitleWithRepresentedFilename(_ filename: String) |
Modified NSWindow.setWindowController(NSWindowController?)
Declaration | |
From | func setWindowController(_ windowController: NSWindowController!) |
To | func setWindowController(_ windowController: NSWindowController?) |
Modified NSWindow.sharingType
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSWindow.sheetParent
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var sheetParent: NSWindow! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var sheetParent: NSWindow? { get } | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSWindow.sheets
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var sheets: [AnyObject]! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var sheets: [AnyObject] { get } | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSWindow.standardWindowButton(NSWindowButton) -> NSButton?
Declaration | |
From | func standardWindowButton(_ b: NSWindowButton) -> NSButton! |
To | func standardWindowButton(_ b: NSWindowButton) -> NSButton? |
Modified NSWindow.standardWindowButton(NSWindowButton, forStyleMask: Int) -> NSButton? [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func standardWindowButton(_ b: NSWindowButton, forStyleMask styleMask: Int) -> NSButton! |
To | class func standardWindowButton(_ b: NSWindowButton, forStyleMask styleMask: Int) -> NSButton? |
Modified NSWindow.stringWithSavedFrame
Declaration | |
From | var stringWithSavedFrame: String! { get } |
To | var stringWithSavedFrame: String { get } |
Modified NSWindow.title
Declaration | |
From | var title: String! |
To | var title: String? |
Modified NSWindow.titlebarAccessoryViewControllers
Declaration | |
From | var titlebarAccessoryViewControllers: [AnyObject]! |
To | var titlebarAccessoryViewControllers: [AnyObject] |
Modified NSWindow.toggleFullScreen(AnyObject?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func toggleFullScreen(_ sender: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func toggleFullScreen(_ sender: AnyObject?) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSWindow.toggleToolbarShown(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func toggleToolbarShown(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func toggleToolbarShown(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSWindow.toolbar
Declaration | |
From | var toolbar: NSToolbar! |
To | var toolbar: NSToolbar? |
Modified NSWindow.trackEventsMatchingMask(NSEventMask, timeout: NSTimeInterval, mode: String, handler:(NSEvent!, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void)
Declaration | |
From | func trackEventsMatchingMask(_ mask: NSEventMask, timeout timeout: NSTimeInterval, mode mode: String!, handler trackingHandler: ((NSEvent!, UnsafePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void)!) |
To | func trackEventsMatchingMask(_ mask: NSEventMask, timeout timeout: NSTimeInterval, mode mode: String, handler trackingHandler: (NSEvent!, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void) |
Modified NSWindow.tryToPerform(Selector, with: AnyObject?) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func tryToPerform(_ anAction: Selector, with anObject: AnyObject!) -> Bool |
To | func tryToPerform(_ anAction: Selector, with anObject: AnyObject?) -> Bool |
Modified NSWindow.updateConstraintsIfNeeded()
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSWindow.useOptimizedDrawing(Bool)
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSWindow.validRequestorForSendType(String, returnType: String) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func validRequestorForSendType(_ sendType: String!, returnType returnType: String!) -> AnyObject! |
To | func validRequestorForSendType(_ sendType: String, returnType returnType: String) -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSWindow.visualizeConstraints([AnyObject])
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func visualizeConstraints(_ constraints: [AnyObject]!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func visualizeConstraints(_ constraints: [AnyObject]) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSWindow.windowController() -> AnyObject?
Declaration | |
From | func windowController() -> AnyObject! |
To | func windowController() -> AnyObject? |
Modified NSWindow.windowNumberAtPoint(NSPoint, belowWindowWithWindowNumber: Int) -> Int [class]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWindow.windowNumbersWithOptions(NSWindowNumberListOptions) -> [AnyObject]? [class]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class func windowNumbersWithOptions(_ options: NSWindowNumberListOptions) -> [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 |
To | class func windowNumbersWithOptions(_ options: NSWindowNumberListOptions) -> [AnyObject]? | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWindow.windowRef
Declaration | |
From | var windowRef: UnsafePointer<()> { get } |
To | var windowRef: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> { get } |
Modified NSWindow.init(windowRef: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(windowRef windowRef: UnsafePointer<()>) |
To | convenience init?(windowRef windowRef: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) |
Modified NSWindow.zoom(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | func zoom(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | func zoom(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSWindowAnimationBehavior [enum]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSWindowBackingLocation [enum]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSWindowButton.DocumentVersionsButton
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSWindowButton.FullScreenButton
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSWindowCollectionBehavior [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | Introduction | |
From | struct NSWindowCollectionBehavior : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var Default: NSWindowCollectionBehavior { get } static var CanJoinAllSpaces: NSWindowCollectionBehavior { get } static var MoveToActiveSpace: NSWindowCollectionBehavior { get } static var Managed: NSWindowCollectionBehavior { get } static var Transient: NSWindowCollectionBehavior { get } static var Stationary: NSWindowCollectionBehavior { get } static var ParticipatesInCycle: NSWindowCollectionBehavior { get } static var IgnoresCycle: NSWindowCollectionBehavior { get } static var FullScreenPrimary: NSWindowCollectionBehavior { get } static var FullScreenAuxiliary: NSWindowCollectionBehavior { get } } | RawOptionSet | OS X 10.10 |
To | struct NSWindowCollectionBehavior : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var Default: NSWindowCollectionBehavior { get } static var CanJoinAllSpaces: NSWindowCollectionBehavior { get } static var MoveToActiveSpace: NSWindowCollectionBehavior { get } static var Managed: NSWindowCollectionBehavior { get } static var Transient: NSWindowCollectionBehavior { get } static var Stationary: NSWindowCollectionBehavior { get } static var ParticipatesInCycle: NSWindowCollectionBehavior { get } static var IgnoresCycle: NSWindowCollectionBehavior { get } static var FullScreenPrimary: NSWindowCollectionBehavior { get } static var FullScreenAuxiliary: NSWindowCollectionBehavior { get } } | RawOptionSetType | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSWindowCollectionBehavior.FullScreenAuxiliary
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSWindowCollectionBehavior.FullScreenPrimary
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSWindowCollectionBehavior.IgnoresCycle
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWindowCollectionBehavior.Managed
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWindowCollectionBehavior.ParticipatesInCycle
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWindowCollectionBehavior.Stationary
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWindowCollectionBehavior.Transient
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWindowCollectionBehavior.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSWindowController.init(coder: NSCoder)
Declaration | |
From | init(coder coder: NSCoder!) |
To | init?(coder coder: NSCoder) |
Modified NSWindowController.contentViewController
Declaration | |
From | var contentViewController: NSViewController! |
To | var contentViewController: NSViewController? |
Modified NSWindowController.dismissController(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | @IBAction func dismissController(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | @IBAction func dismissController(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSWindowController.document
Declaration | |
From | var document: AnyObject! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var document: AnyObject? |
Modified NSWindowController.owner
Declaration | |
From | var owner: AnyObject! { get } |
To | unowned(unsafe) var owner: AnyObject { get } |
Modified NSWindowController.showWindow(AnyObject?)
Declaration | |
From | @IBAction func showWindow(_ sender: AnyObject!) |
To | @IBAction func showWindow(_ sender: AnyObject?) |
Modified NSWindowController.storyboard
Declaration | |
From | var storyboard: NSStoryboard! { get } |
To | var storyboard: NSStoryboard? { get } |
Modified NSWindowController.window
Declaration | |
From | var window: NSWindow! |
To | var window: NSWindow? |
Modified NSWindowController.init(window: NSWindow?)
Declaration | |
From | init(window window: NSWindow!) |
To | init(window window: NSWindow?) |
Modified NSWindowController.windowFrameAutosaveName
Declaration | |
From | var windowFrameAutosaveName: String! |
To | var windowFrameAutosaveName: String? |
Modified NSWindowController.windowNibName
Declaration | |
From | var windowNibName: String! { get } |
To | var windowNibName: String? { get } |
Modified NSWindowController.init(windowNibName: String)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(windowNibName windowNibName: String!) |
To | convenience init(windowNibName windowNibName: String) |
Modified NSWindowController.init(windowNibName: String, owner: AnyObject)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(windowNibName windowNibName: String!, owner owner: AnyObject!) |
To | convenience init(windowNibName windowNibName: String, owner owner: AnyObject) |
Modified NSWindowController.windowNibPath
Declaration | |
From | var windowNibPath: String! { get } |
To | var windowNibPath: String? { get } |
Modified NSWindowController.init(windowNibPath: String, owner: AnyObject)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(windowNibPath windowNibPath: String!, owner owner: AnyObject!) |
To | convenience init(windowNibPath windowNibPath: String, owner owner: AnyObject) |
Modified NSWindowController.windowTitleForDocumentDisplayName(String) -> String
Declaration | |
From | func windowTitleForDocumentDisplayName(_ displayName: String!) -> String! |
To | func windowTitleForDocumentDisplayName(_ displayName: String) -> String |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.customWindowsToEnterFullScreenForWindow(NSWindow) -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func customWindowsToEnterFullScreenForWindow(_ window: NSWindow!) -> [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func customWindowsToEnterFullScreenForWindow(_ window: NSWindow) -> [AnyObject]? | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.customWindowsToEnterFullScreenForWindow(NSWindow, onScreen: NSScreen) -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func customWindowsToEnterFullScreenForWindow(_ window: NSWindow!, onScreen screen: NSScreen!) -> [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func customWindowsToEnterFullScreenForWindow(_ window: NSWindow, onScreen screen: NSScreen) -> [AnyObject]? | OS X 10.9 | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.customWindowsToExitFullScreenForWindow(NSWindow) -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func customWindowsToExitFullScreenForWindow(_ window: NSWindow!) -> [AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func customWindowsToExitFullScreenForWindow(_ window: NSWindow) -> [AnyObject]? | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.window(NSWindow, didDecodeRestorableState: NSCoder)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func window(_ window: NSWindow!, didDecodeRestorableState state: NSCoder!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func window(_ window: NSWindow, didDecodeRestorableState state: NSCoder) | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.window(NSWindow, shouldDragDocumentWithEvent: NSEvent, from: NSPoint, withPasteboard: NSPasteboard) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func window(_ window: NSWindow!, shouldDragDocumentWithEvent event: NSEvent!, from dragImageLocation: NSPoint, withPasteboard pasteboard: NSPasteboard!) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func window(_ window: NSWindow, shouldDragDocumentWithEvent event: NSEvent, from dragImageLocation: NSPoint, withPasteboard pasteboard: NSPasteboard) -> Bool | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.window(NSWindow, shouldPopUpDocumentPathMenu: NSMenu) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func window(_ window: NSWindow!, shouldPopUpDocumentPathMenu menu: NSMenu!) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func window(_ window: NSWindow, shouldPopUpDocumentPathMenu menu: NSMenu) -> Bool | OS X 10.5 | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.window(NSWindow, startCustomAnimationToEnterFullScreenOnScreen: NSScreen, withDuration: NSTimeInterval)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func window(_ window: NSWindow!, startCustomAnimationToEnterFullScreenOnScreen screen: NSScreen!, withDuration duration: NSTimeInterval) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func window(_ window: NSWindow, startCustomAnimationToEnterFullScreenOnScreen screen: NSScreen, withDuration duration: NSTimeInterval) | OS X 10.9 | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.window(NSWindow, startCustomAnimationToEnterFullScreenWithDuration: NSTimeInterval)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func window(_ window: NSWindow!, startCustomAnimationToEnterFullScreenWithDuration duration: NSTimeInterval) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func window(_ window: NSWindow, startCustomAnimationToEnterFullScreenWithDuration duration: NSTimeInterval) | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.window(NSWindow, startCustomAnimationToExitFullScreenWithDuration: NSTimeInterval)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func window(_ window: NSWindow!, startCustomAnimationToExitFullScreenWithDuration duration: NSTimeInterval) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func window(_ window: NSWindow, startCustomAnimationToExitFullScreenWithDuration duration: NSTimeInterval) | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.window(NSWindow, willEncodeRestorableState: NSCoder)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func window(_ window: NSWindow!, willEncodeRestorableState state: NSCoder!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func window(_ window: NSWindow, willEncodeRestorableState state: NSCoder) | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.window(NSWindow, willPositionSheet: NSWindow, usingRect: NSRect) -> NSRect
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func window(_ window: NSWindow!, willPositionSheet sheet: NSWindow!, usingRect rect: NSRect) -> NSRect | -- |
To | optional func window(_ window: NSWindow, willPositionSheet sheet: NSWindow, usingRect rect: NSRect) -> NSRect | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.window(NSWindow, willResizeForVersionBrowserWithMaxPreferredSize: NSSize, maxAllowedSize: NSSize) -> NSSize
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func window(_ window: NSWindow!, willResizeForVersionBrowserWithMaxPreferredSize maxPreferredFrameSize: NSSize, maxAllowedSize maxAllowedFrameSize: NSSize) -> NSSize | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func window(_ window: NSWindow, willResizeForVersionBrowserWithMaxPreferredSize maxPreferredFrameSize: NSSize, maxAllowedSize maxAllowedFrameSize: NSSize) -> NSSize | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.window(NSWindow, willUseFullScreenContentSize: NSSize) -> NSSize
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func window(_ window: NSWindow!, willUseFullScreenContentSize proposedSize: NSSize) -> NSSize | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func window(_ window: NSWindow, willUseFullScreenContentSize proposedSize: NSSize) -> NSSize | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.window(NSWindow, willUseFullScreenPresentationOptions: NSApplicationPresentationOptions) -> NSApplicationPresentationOptions
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func window(_ window: NSWindow!, willUseFullScreenPresentationOptions proposedOptions: NSApplicationPresentationOptions) -> NSApplicationPresentationOptions | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func window(_ window: NSWindow, willUseFullScreenPresentationOptions proposedOptions: NSApplicationPresentationOptions) -> NSApplicationPresentationOptions | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowDidBecomeKey(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func windowDidBecomeKey(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func windowDidBecomeKey(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowDidBecomeMain(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func windowDidBecomeMain(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func windowDidBecomeMain(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowDidChangeBackingProperties(NSNotification)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func windowDidChangeBackingProperties(_ notification: NSNotification!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func windowDidChangeBackingProperties(_ notification: NSNotification) | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowDidChangeOcclusionState(NSNotification)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func windowDidChangeOcclusionState(_ notification: NSNotification!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func windowDidChangeOcclusionState(_ notification: NSNotification) | OS X 10.9 | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowDidChangeScreen(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func windowDidChangeScreen(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func windowDidChangeScreen(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowDidChangeScreenProfile(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func windowDidChangeScreenProfile(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func windowDidChangeScreenProfile(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowDidDeminiaturize(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func windowDidDeminiaturize(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func windowDidDeminiaturize(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowDidEndLiveResize(NSNotification)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func windowDidEndLiveResize(_ notification: NSNotification!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func windowDidEndLiveResize(_ notification: NSNotification) | OS X 10.6 | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowDidEndSheet(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func windowDidEndSheet(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func windowDidEndSheet(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowDidEnterFullScreen(NSNotification)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func windowDidEnterFullScreen(_ notification: NSNotification!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func windowDidEnterFullScreen(_ notification: NSNotification) | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowDidEnterVersionBrowser(NSNotification)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func windowDidEnterVersionBrowser(_ notification: NSNotification!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func windowDidEnterVersionBrowser(_ notification: NSNotification) | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowDidExitFullScreen(NSNotification)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func windowDidExitFullScreen(_ notification: NSNotification!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func windowDidExitFullScreen(_ notification: NSNotification) | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowDidExitVersionBrowser(NSNotification)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func windowDidExitVersionBrowser(_ notification: NSNotification!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func windowDidExitVersionBrowser(_ notification: NSNotification) | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowDidExpose(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func windowDidExpose(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func windowDidExpose(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowDidFailToEnterFullScreen(NSWindow)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func windowDidFailToEnterFullScreen(_ window: NSWindow!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func windowDidFailToEnterFullScreen(_ window: NSWindow) | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowDidFailToExitFullScreen(NSWindow)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func windowDidFailToExitFullScreen(_ window: NSWindow!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func windowDidFailToExitFullScreen(_ window: NSWindow) | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowDidMiniaturize(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func windowDidMiniaturize(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func windowDidMiniaturize(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowDidMove(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func windowDidMove(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func windowDidMove(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowDidResignKey(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func windowDidResignKey(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func windowDidResignKey(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowDidResignMain(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func windowDidResignMain(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func windowDidResignMain(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowDidResize(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func windowDidResize(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func windowDidResize(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowDidUpdate(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func windowDidUpdate(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func windowDidUpdate(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowShouldClose(AnyObject) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func windowShouldClose(_ sender: AnyObject!) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func windowShouldClose(_ sender: AnyObject) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowShouldZoom(NSWindow, toFrame: NSRect) -> Bool
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func windowShouldZoom(_ window: NSWindow!, toFrame newFrame: NSRect) -> Bool | -- |
To | optional func windowShouldZoom(_ window: NSWindow, toFrame newFrame: NSRect) -> Bool | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowWillBeginSheet(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func windowWillBeginSheet(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func windowWillBeginSheet(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowWillClose(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func windowWillClose(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func windowWillClose(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowWillEnterFullScreen(NSNotification)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func windowWillEnterFullScreen(_ notification: NSNotification!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func windowWillEnterFullScreen(_ notification: NSNotification) | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowWillEnterVersionBrowser(NSNotification)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func windowWillEnterVersionBrowser(_ notification: NSNotification!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func windowWillEnterVersionBrowser(_ notification: NSNotification) | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowWillExitFullScreen(NSNotification)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func windowWillExitFullScreen(_ notification: NSNotification!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func windowWillExitFullScreen(_ notification: NSNotification) | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowWillExitVersionBrowser(NSNotification)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func windowWillExitVersionBrowser(_ notification: NSNotification!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func windowWillExitVersionBrowser(_ notification: NSNotification) | OS X 10.7 | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowWillMiniaturize(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func windowWillMiniaturize(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func windowWillMiniaturize(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowWillMove(NSNotification)
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func windowWillMove(_ notification: NSNotification!) | -- |
To | optional func windowWillMove(_ notification: NSNotification) | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowWillResize(NSWindow, toSize: NSSize) -> NSSize
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func windowWillResize(_ sender: NSWindow!, toSize frameSize: NSSize) -> NSSize | -- |
To | optional func windowWillResize(_ sender: NSWindow, toSize frameSize: NSSize) -> NSSize | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowWillReturnFieldEditor(NSWindow, toObject: AnyObject?) -> AnyObject?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func windowWillReturnFieldEditor(_ sender: NSWindow!, toObject client: AnyObject!) -> AnyObject! | -- |
To | optional func windowWillReturnFieldEditor(_ sender: NSWindow, toObject client: AnyObject?) -> AnyObject? | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowWillReturnUndoManager(NSWindow) -> NSUndoManager?
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func windowWillReturnUndoManager(_ window: NSWindow!) -> NSUndoManager! | -- |
To | optional func windowWillReturnUndoManager(_ window: NSWindow) -> NSUndoManager? | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowWillStartLiveResize(NSNotification)
Declaration | Introduction | Optional | |
From | optional func windowWillStartLiveResize(_ notification: NSNotification!) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | optional func windowWillStartLiveResize(_ notification: NSNotification) | OS X 10.6 | yes |
Modified NSWindowDelegate.windowWillUseStandardFrame(NSWindow, defaultFrame: NSRect) -> NSRect
Declaration | Optional | |
From | optional func windowWillUseStandardFrame(_ window: NSWindow!, defaultFrame newFrame: NSRect) -> NSRect | -- |
To | optional func windowWillUseStandardFrame(_ window: NSWindow, defaultFrame newFrame: NSRect) -> NSRect | yes |
Modified NSWindowOcclusionState [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | Introduction | |
From | struct NSWindowOcclusionState : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var Visible: NSWindowOcclusionState { get } } | RawOptionSet | OS X 10.10 |
To | struct NSWindowOcclusionState : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var Visible: NSWindowOcclusionState { get } } | RawOptionSetType | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSWindowOcclusionState.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSWindowRestoration.restoreWindowWithIdentifier(String, state: NSCoder, completionHandler:(NSWindow!, NSError!) -> Void) [class]
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class func restoreWindowWithIdentifier(_ identifier: String!, state state: NSCoder!, completionHandler completionHandler: ((NSWindow!, NSError!) -> Void)!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | static func restoreWindowWithIdentifier(_ identifier: String, state state: NSCoder, completionHandler completionHandler: (NSWindow!, NSError!) -> Void) | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSWindowSharingType [enum]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSWindowTitleVisibility [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum NSWindowTitleVisibility : Int { case Visible case Hidden case HiddenWhenActive } |
To | enum NSWindowTitleVisibility : Int { case Visible case Hidden } |
Modified NSWorkspace.URLForApplicationToOpenURL(NSURL) -> NSURL?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func URLForApplicationToOpenURL(_ url: NSURL!) -> NSURL! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func URLForApplicationToOpenURL(_ url: NSURL) -> NSURL? | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWorkspace.URLForApplicationWithBundleIdentifier(String) -> NSURL?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func URLForApplicationWithBundleIdentifier(_ bundleIdentifier: String!) -> NSURL! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func URLForApplicationWithBundleIdentifier(_ bundleIdentifier: String) -> NSURL? | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWorkspace.absolutePathForAppBundleWithIdentifier(String) -> String?
Declaration | |
From | func absolutePathForAppBundleWithIdentifier(_ bundleIdentifier: String!) -> String! |
To | func absolutePathForAppBundleWithIdentifier(_ bundleIdentifier: String) -> String? |
Modified NSWorkspace.activateFileViewerSelectingURLs([AnyObject])
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func activateFileViewerSelectingURLs(_ fileURLs: [AnyObject]!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func activateFileViewerSelectingURLs(_ fileURLs: [AnyObject]) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWorkspace.activeApplication() -> [NSObject: AnyObject]?
Declaration | |
From | func activeApplication() -> [NSObject : AnyObject]! |
To | func activeApplication() -> [NSObject : AnyObject]? |
Modified NSWorkspace.desktopImageOptionsForScreen(NSScreen) -> [NSObject: AnyObject]?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func desktopImageOptionsForScreen(_ screen: NSScreen!) -> [NSObject : AnyObject]! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func desktopImageOptionsForScreen(_ screen: NSScreen) -> [NSObject : AnyObject]? | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWorkspace.desktopImageURLForScreen(NSScreen) -> NSURL?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func desktopImageURLForScreen(_ screen: NSScreen!) -> NSURL! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func desktopImageURLForScreen(_ screen: NSScreen) -> NSURL? | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWorkspace.duplicateURLs([AnyObject], completionHandler:(([NSObject: AnyObject]!, NSError!) -> Void)?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func duplicateURLs(_ URLs: [AnyObject]!, completionHandler handler: (([NSObject : AnyObject]!, NSError!) -> Void)!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func duplicateURLs(_ URLs: [AnyObject], completionHandler handler: (([NSObject : AnyObject]!, NSError!) -> Void)?) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWorkspace.fileLabelColors
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var fileLabelColors: [AnyObject]! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var fileLabelColors: [AnyObject] { get } | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWorkspace.fileLabels
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var fileLabels: [AnyObject]! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var fileLabels: [AnyObject] { get } | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWorkspace.filenameExtension(String, isValidForType: String) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func filenameExtension(_ filenameExtension: String!, isValidForType typeName: String!) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 |
To | func filenameExtension(_ filenameExtension: String, isValidForType typeName: String) -> Bool | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSWorkspace.frontmostApplication
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var frontmostApplication: NSRunningApplication! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var frontmostApplication: NSRunningApplication? { get } | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSWorkspace.fullPathForApplication(String) -> String?
Declaration | |
From | func fullPathForApplication(_ appName: String!) -> String! |
To | func fullPathForApplication(_ appName: String) -> String? |
Modified NSWorkspace.getFileSystemInfoForPath(String, isRemovable: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>, isWritable: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>, isUnmountable: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>, description: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSString?>, type: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSString?>) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func getFileSystemInfoForPath(_ fullPath: String!, isRemovable removableFlag: UnsafePointer<ObjCBool>, isWritable writableFlag: UnsafePointer<ObjCBool>, isUnmountable unmountableFlag: UnsafePointer<ObjCBool>, description description: AutoreleasingUnsafePointer<NSString?>, type fileSystemType: AutoreleasingUnsafePointer<NSString?>) -> Bool |
To | func getFileSystemInfoForPath(_ fullPath: String, isRemovable removableFlag: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>, isWritable writableFlag: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>, isUnmountable unmountableFlag: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>, description description: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSString?>, type fileSystemType: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSString?>) -> Bool |
Modified NSWorkspace.getInfoForFile(String, application: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSString?>, type: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSString?>) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func getInfoForFile(_ fullPath: String!, application appName: AutoreleasingUnsafePointer<NSString?>, type type: AutoreleasingUnsafePointer<NSString?>) -> Bool |
To | func getInfoForFile(_ fullPath: String, application appName: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSString?>, type type: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSString?>) -> Bool |
Modified NSWorkspace.iconForFile(String) -> NSImage
Declaration | |
From | func iconForFile(_ fullPath: String!) -> NSImage! |
To | func iconForFile(_ fullPath: String) -> NSImage |
Modified NSWorkspace.iconForFileType(String) -> NSImage
Declaration | |
From | func iconForFileType(_ fileType: String!) -> NSImage! |
To | func iconForFileType(_ fileType: String) -> NSImage |
Modified NSWorkspace.iconForFiles([AnyObject]) -> NSImage?
Declaration | |
From | func iconForFiles(_ fullPaths: [AnyObject]!) -> NSImage! |
To | func iconForFiles(_ fullPaths: [AnyObject]) -> NSImage? |
Modified NSWorkspace.isFilePackageAtPath(String) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func isFilePackageAtPath(_ fullPath: String!) -> Bool |
To | func isFilePackageAtPath(_ fullPath: String) -> Bool |
Modified NSWorkspace.launchAppWithBundleIdentifier(String, options: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions, additionalEventParamDescriptor: NSAppleEventDescriptor?, launchIdentifier: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSNumber?>) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func launchAppWithBundleIdentifier(_ bundleIdentifier: String!, options options: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions, additionalEventParamDescriptor descriptor: NSAppleEventDescriptor!, launchIdentifier identifier: AutoreleasingUnsafePointer<NSNumber?>) -> Bool |
To | func launchAppWithBundleIdentifier(_ bundleIdentifier: String, options options: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions, additionalEventParamDescriptor descriptor: NSAppleEventDescriptor?, launchIdentifier identifier: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSNumber?>) -> Bool |
Modified NSWorkspace.launchApplication(String) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func launchApplication(_ appName: String!) -> Bool |
To | func launchApplication(_ appName: String) -> Bool |
Modified NSWorkspace.launchApplication(String, showIcon: Bool, autolaunch: Bool) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func launchApplication(_ appName: String!, showIcon showIcon: Bool, autolaunch autolaunch: Bool) -> Bool |
To | func launchApplication(_ appName: String, showIcon showIcon: Bool, autolaunch autolaunch: Bool) -> Bool |
Modified NSWorkspace.launchApplicationAtURL(NSURL, options: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions, configuration:[NSObject: AnyObject], error: NSErrorPointer) -> NSRunningApplication?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func launchApplicationAtURL(_ url: NSURL!, options options: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions, configuration configuration: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, error error: NSErrorPointer) -> NSRunningApplication! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func launchApplicationAtURL(_ url: NSURL, options options: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions, configuration configuration: [NSObject : AnyObject], error error: NSErrorPointer) -> NSRunningApplication? | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWorkspace.localizedDescriptionForType(String) -> String?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func localizedDescriptionForType(_ typeName: String!) -> String! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func localizedDescriptionForType(_ typeName: String) -> String? | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSWorkspace.menuBarOwningApplication
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var menuBarOwningApplication: NSRunningApplication! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var menuBarOwningApplication: NSRunningApplication? { get } | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSWorkspace.mountedLocalVolumePaths() -> [AnyObject]?
Declaration | |
From | func mountedLocalVolumePaths() -> [AnyObject]! |
To | func mountedLocalVolumePaths() -> [AnyObject]? |
Modified NSWorkspace.noteFileSystemChanged(String)
Declaration | |
From | func noteFileSystemChanged(_ path: String!) |
To | func noteFileSystemChanged(_ path: String) |
Modified NSWorkspace.notificationCenter
Declaration | |
From | var notificationCenter: NSNotificationCenter! { get } |
To | var notificationCenter: NSNotificationCenter { get } |
Modified NSWorkspace.openFile(String) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func openFile(_ fullPath: String!) -> Bool |
To | func openFile(_ fullPath: String) -> Bool |
Modified NSWorkspace.openFile(String, fromImage: NSImage!, at: NSPoint, inView: NSView!) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func openFile(_ fullPath: String!, fromImage anImage: NSImage!, at point: NSPoint, inView aView: NSView!) -> Bool |
To | func openFile(_ fullPath: String, fromImage anImage: NSImage!, at point: NSPoint, inView aView: NSView!) -> Bool |
Modified NSWorkspace.openFile(String, withApplication: String) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func openFile(_ fullPath: String!, withApplication appName: String!) -> Bool |
To | func openFile(_ fullPath: String, withApplication appName: String) -> Bool |
Modified NSWorkspace.openFile(String, withApplication: String, andDeactivate: Bool) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func openFile(_ fullPath: String!, withApplication appName: String!, andDeactivate flag: Bool) -> Bool |
To | func openFile(_ fullPath: String, withApplication appName: String, andDeactivate flag: Bool) -> Bool |
Modified NSWorkspace.openURL(NSURL) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func openURL(_ url: NSURL!) -> Bool |
To | func openURL(_ url: NSURL) -> Bool |
Modified NSWorkspace.openURL(NSURL, options: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions, configuration:[NSObject: AnyObject]!, error: NSErrorPointer) -> NSRunningApplication?
Declaration | |
From | func openURL(_ url: NSURL!, options options: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions, configuration configuration: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, error error: NSErrorPointer) -> NSRunningApplication! |
To | func openURL(_ url: NSURL, options options: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions, configuration configuration: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, error error: NSErrorPointer) -> NSRunningApplication? |
Modified NSWorkspace.openURLs([AnyObject], withAppBundleIdentifier: String?, options: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions, additionalEventParamDescriptor: NSAppleEventDescriptor?, launchIdentifiers: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSArray?>) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func openURLs(_ urls: [AnyObject]!, withAppBundleIdentifier bundleIdentifier: String!, options options: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions, additionalEventParamDescriptor descriptor: NSAppleEventDescriptor!, launchIdentifiers identifiers: AutoreleasingUnsafePointer<NSArray?>) -> Bool |
To | func openURLs(_ urls: [AnyObject], withAppBundleIdentifier bundleIdentifier: String?, options options: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions, additionalEventParamDescriptor descriptor: NSAppleEventDescriptor?, launchIdentifiers identifiers: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSArray?>) -> Bool |
Modified NSWorkspace.openURLs([AnyObject], withApplicationAtURL: NSURL, options: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions, configuration:[NSObject: AnyObject]!, error: NSErrorPointer) -> NSRunningApplication?
Declaration | |
From | func openURLs(_ urls: [AnyObject]!, withApplicationAtURL applicationURL: NSURL!, options options: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions, configuration configuration: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, error error: NSErrorPointer) -> NSRunningApplication! |
To | func openURLs(_ urls: [AnyObject], withApplicationAtURL applicationURL: NSURL, options options: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions, configuration configuration: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, error error: NSErrorPointer) -> NSRunningApplication? |
Modified NSWorkspace.performFileOperation(String, source: String, destination: String, files:[AnyObject], tag: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func performFileOperation(_ operation: String!, source source: String!, destination destination: String!, files files: [AnyObject]!, tag tag: UnsafePointer<Int>) -> Bool |
To | func performFileOperation(_ operation: String, source source: String, destination destination: String, files files: [AnyObject], tag tag: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) -> Bool |
Modified NSWorkspace.preferredFilenameExtensionForType(String) -> String?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func preferredFilenameExtensionForType(_ typeName: String!) -> String! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func preferredFilenameExtensionForType(_ typeName: String) -> String? | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSWorkspace.recycleURLs([AnyObject], completionHandler:(([NSObject: AnyObject]!, NSError!) -> Void)?)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func recycleURLs(_ URLs: [AnyObject]!, completionHandler handler: (([NSObject : AnyObject]!, NSError!) -> Void)!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func recycleURLs(_ URLs: [AnyObject], completionHandler handler: (([NSObject : AnyObject]!, NSError!) -> Void)?) | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWorkspace.runningApplications
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var runningApplications: [AnyObject]! { get } | OS X 10.10 |
To | var runningApplications: [AnyObject] { get } | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWorkspace.selectFile(String, inFileViewerRootedAtPath: String) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func selectFile(_ fullPath: String!, inFileViewerRootedAtPath rootFullPath: String!) -> Bool |
To | func selectFile(_ fullPath: String, inFileViewerRootedAtPath rootFullPath: String) -> Bool |
Modified NSWorkspace.setDesktopImageURL(NSURL, forScreen: NSScreen, options:[NSObject: AnyObject]!, error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func setDesktopImageURL(_ url: NSURL!, forScreen screen: NSScreen!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, error error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 |
To | func setDesktopImageURL(_ url: NSURL, forScreen screen: NSScreen, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, error error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWorkspace.setIcon(NSImage, forFile: String, options: NSWorkspaceIconCreationOptions) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func setIcon(_ image: NSImage!, forFile fullPath: String!, options options: NSWorkspaceIconCreationOptions) -> Bool |
To | func setIcon(_ image: NSImage, forFile fullPath: String, options options: NSWorkspaceIconCreationOptions) -> Bool |
Modified NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace() -> NSWorkspace [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func sharedWorkspace() -> NSWorkspace! |
To | class func sharedWorkspace() -> NSWorkspace |
Modified NSWorkspace.showSearchResultsForQueryString(String) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func showSearchResultsForQueryString(_ queryString: String!) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 |
To | func showSearchResultsForQueryString(_ queryString: String) -> Bool | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWorkspace.type(String, conformsToType: String) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func type(_ firstTypeName: String!, conformsToType secondTypeName: String!) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 |
To | func type(_ firstTypeName: String, conformsToType secondTypeName: String) -> Bool | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSWorkspace.typeOfFile(String, error: NSErrorPointer) -> String?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func typeOfFile(_ absoluteFilePath: String!, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> String! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func typeOfFile(_ absoluteFilePath: String, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> String? | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSWorkspace.unmountAndEjectDeviceAtPath(String) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func unmountAndEjectDeviceAtPath(_ path: String!) -> Bool |
To | func unmountAndEjectDeviceAtPath(_ path: String) -> Bool |
Modified NSWorkspace.unmountAndEjectDeviceAtURL(NSURL, error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func unmountAndEjectDeviceAtURL(_ url: NSURL!, error error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool | OS X 10.10 |
To | func unmountAndEjectDeviceAtURL(_ url: NSURL, error error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWorkspaceIconCreationOptions [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct NSWorkspaceIconCreationOptions : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var ExcludeQuickDrawElementsIconCreationOption: NSWorkspaceIconCreationOptions { get } static var Exclude10_4ElementsIconCreationOption: NSWorkspaceIconCreationOptions { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct NSWorkspaceIconCreationOptions : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var ExcludeQuickDrawElementsIconCreationOption: NSWorkspaceIconCreationOptions { get } static var Exclude10_4ElementsIconCreationOption: NSWorkspaceIconCreationOptions { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified NSWorkspaceIconCreationOptions.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var AndPrint: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions { get } static var WithErrorPresentation: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions { get } static var InhibitingBackgroundOnly: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions { get } static var WithoutAddingToRecents: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions { get } static var WithoutActivation: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions { get } static var Async: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions { get } static var AllowingClassicStartup: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions { get } static var PreferringClassic: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions { get } static var NewInstance: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions { get } static var AndHide: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions { get } static var AndHideOthers: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions { get } static var Default: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var AndPrint: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions { get } static var WithErrorPresentation: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions { get } static var InhibitingBackgroundOnly: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions { get } static var WithoutAddingToRecents: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions { get } static var WithoutActivation: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions { get } static var Async: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions { get } static var AllowingClassicStartup: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions { get } static var PreferringClassic: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions { get } static var NewInstance: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions { get } static var AndHide: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions { get } static var AndHideOthers: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions { get } static var Default: NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified NSWorkspaceLaunchOptions.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified NSAbortModalException
Declaration | |
From | var NSAbortModalException: NSString! |
To | let NSAbortModalException: String |
Modified NSAbortPrintingException
Declaration | |
From | var NSAbortPrintingException: NSString! |
To | let NSAbortPrintingException: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityActivationPointAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityActivationPointAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityActivationPointAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityAllowedValuesAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityAllowedValuesAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityAllowedValuesAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityAlternateUIVisibleAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityAlternateUIVisibleAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityAlternateUIVisibleAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityAnnouncementKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityAnnouncementKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityAnnouncementKey: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSAccessibilityAnnouncementRequestedNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityAnnouncementRequestedNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityAnnouncementRequestedNotification: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSAccessibilityApplicationActivatedNotification
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityApplicationActivatedNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityApplicationActivatedNotification: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityApplicationDeactivatedNotification
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityApplicationDeactivatedNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityApplicationDeactivatedNotification: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityApplicationHiddenNotification
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityApplicationHiddenNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityApplicationHiddenNotification: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityApplicationRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityApplicationRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityApplicationRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityApplicationShownNotification
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityApplicationShownNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityApplicationShownNotification: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityAscendingSortDirectionValue
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityAscendingSortDirectionValue: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityAscendingSortDirectionValue: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityAttachmentTextAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityAttachmentTextAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityAttachmentTextAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityAttributedStringForRangeParameterizedAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityAttributedStringForRangeParameterizedAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityAttributedStringForRangeParameterizedAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityAutocorrectedTextAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityAutocorrectedTextAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityAutocorrectedTextAttribute: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSAccessibilityBackgroundColorTextAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityBackgroundColorTextAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityBackgroundColorTextAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityBoundsForRangeParameterizedAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityBoundsForRangeParameterizedAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityBoundsForRangeParameterizedAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityBrowserRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityBrowserRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityBrowserRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityBusyIndicatorRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityBusyIndicatorRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityBusyIndicatorRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityButtonRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityButtonRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityButtonRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityCancelAction
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityCancelAction: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityCancelAction: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityCancelButtonAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityCancelButtonAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityCancelButtonAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityCellForColumnAndRowParameterizedAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityCellForColumnAndRowParameterizedAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityCellForColumnAndRowParameterizedAttribute: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSAccessibilityCellRole
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityCellRole: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityCellRole: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSAccessibilityCenterTabStopMarkerTypeValue
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityCenterTabStopMarkerTypeValue: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityCenterTabStopMarkerTypeValue: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityCentimetersUnitValue
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityCentimetersUnitValue: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityCentimetersUnitValue: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityCheckBoxRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityCheckBoxRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityCheckBoxRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityChildrenAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityChildrenAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityChildrenAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityClearButtonAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityClearButtonAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityClearButtonAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityCloseButtonAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityCloseButtonAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityCloseButtonAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityCloseButtonSubrole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityCloseButtonSubrole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityCloseButtonSubrole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityColorWellRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityColorWellRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityColorWellRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityColumnCountAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityColumnCountAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityColumnCountAttribute: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSAccessibilityColumnHeaderUIElementsAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityColumnHeaderUIElementsAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityColumnHeaderUIElementsAttribute: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSAccessibilityColumnIndexRangeAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityColumnIndexRangeAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityColumnIndexRangeAttribute: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSAccessibilityColumnRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityColumnRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityColumnRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityColumnTitlesAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityColumnTitlesAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityColumnTitlesAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityColumnsAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityColumnsAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityColumnsAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityComboBoxRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityComboBoxRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityComboBoxRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityConfirmAction
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityConfirmAction: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityConfirmAction: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityContainsProtectedContentAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityContainsProtectedContentAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityContainsProtectedContentAttribute: String | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSAccessibilityContentListSubrole
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityContentListSubrole: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityContentListSubrole: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSAccessibilityContentsAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityContentsAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityContentsAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityCreatedNotification
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityCreatedNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityCreatedNotification: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityCriticalValueAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityCriticalValueAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityCriticalValueAttribute: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSAccessibilityDecimalTabStopMarkerTypeValue
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityDecimalTabStopMarkerTypeValue: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityDecimalTabStopMarkerTypeValue: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityDecrementAction
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityDecrementAction: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityDecrementAction: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityDecrementArrowSubrole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityDecrementArrowSubrole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityDecrementArrowSubrole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityDecrementButtonAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityDecrementButtonAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityDecrementButtonAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityDecrementPageSubrole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityDecrementPageSubrole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityDecrementPageSubrole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityDefaultButtonAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityDefaultButtonAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityDefaultButtonAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityDefinitionListSubrole
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityDefinitionListSubrole: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityDefinitionListSubrole: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSAccessibilityDeleteAction
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityDeleteAction: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityDeleteAction: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityDescendingSortDirectionValue
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityDescendingSortDirectionValue: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityDescendingSortDirectionValue: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityDescriptionAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityDescriptionAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityDescriptionAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityDescriptionListSubrole
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityDescriptionListSubrole: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityDescriptionListSubrole: String | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSAccessibilityDialogSubrole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityDialogSubrole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityDialogSubrole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityDisclosedByRowAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityDisclosedByRowAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityDisclosedByRowAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityDisclosedRowsAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityDisclosedRowsAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityDisclosedRowsAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityDisclosingAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityDisclosingAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityDisclosingAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityDisclosureLevelAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityDisclosureLevelAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityDisclosureLevelAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityDisclosureTriangleRole
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityDisclosureTriangleRole: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityDisclosureTriangleRole: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSAccessibilityDocumentAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityDocumentAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityDocumentAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityDrawerCreatedNotification
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityDrawerCreatedNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityDrawerCreatedNotification: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityDrawerRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityDrawerRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityDrawerRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityEditedAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityEditedAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityEditedAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityEnabledAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityEnabledAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityEnabledAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityErrorCodeExceptionInfo
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityErrorCodeExceptionInfo: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityErrorCodeExceptionInfo: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityException
Declaration | |
From | var NSAccessibilityException: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityException: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityExpandedAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityExpandedAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityExpandedAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityExtrasMenuBarAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityExtrasMenuBarAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityExtrasMenuBarAttribute: String | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSAccessibilityFilenameAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityFilenameAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityFilenameAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityFirstLineIndentMarkerTypeValue
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityFirstLineIndentMarkerTypeValue: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityFirstLineIndentMarkerTypeValue: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityFloatingWindowSubrole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityFloatingWindowSubrole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityFloatingWindowSubrole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityFocusedAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityFocusedAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityFocusedAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityFocusedUIElementAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityFocusedUIElementAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityFocusedUIElementAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityFocusedUIElementChangedNotification
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityFocusedUIElementChangedNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityFocusedUIElementChangedNotification: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityFocusedWindowAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityFocusedWindowAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityFocusedWindowAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityFocusedWindowChangedNotification
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityFocusedWindowChangedNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityFocusedWindowChangedNotification: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityFontFamilyKey
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityFontFamilyKey: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityFontFamilyKey: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityFontNameKey
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityFontNameKey: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityFontNameKey: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityFontSizeKey
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityFontSizeKey: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityFontSizeKey: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityFontTextAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityFontTextAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityFontTextAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityForegroundColorTextAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityForegroundColorTextAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityForegroundColorTextAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityFrontmostAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityFrontmostAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityFrontmostAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityFullScreenButtonAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityFullScreenButtonAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityFullScreenButtonAttribute: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSAccessibilityFullScreenButtonSubrole
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityFullScreenButtonSubrole: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityFullScreenButtonSubrole: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSAccessibilityGridRole
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityGridRole: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityGridRole: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSAccessibilityGroupRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityGroupRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityGroupRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityGrowAreaAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityGrowAreaAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityGrowAreaAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityGrowAreaRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityGrowAreaRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityGrowAreaRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityHandleRole
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityHandleRole: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityHandleRole: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSAccessibilityHandlesAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityHandlesAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityHandlesAttribute: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSAccessibilityHeadIndentMarkerTypeValue
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityHeadIndentMarkerTypeValue: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityHeadIndentMarkerTypeValue: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityHeaderAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityHeaderAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityHeaderAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityHelpAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityHelpAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityHelpAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityHelpTagCreatedNotification
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityHelpTagCreatedNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityHelpTagCreatedNotification: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityHelpTagRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityHelpTagRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityHelpTagRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityHiddenAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityHiddenAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityHiddenAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityHorizontalOrientationValue
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityHorizontalOrientationValue: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityHorizontalOrientationValue: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityHorizontalScrollBarAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityHorizontalScrollBarAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityHorizontalScrollBarAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityHorizontalUnitDescriptionAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityHorizontalUnitDescriptionAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityHorizontalUnitDescriptionAttribute: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSAccessibilityHorizontalUnitsAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityHorizontalUnitsAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityHorizontalUnitsAttribute: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSAccessibilityIdentifierAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityIdentifierAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityIdentifierAttribute: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSAccessibilityImageRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityImageRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityImageRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityInchesUnitValue
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityInchesUnitValue: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityInchesUnitValue: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityIncrementAction
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityIncrementAction: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityIncrementAction: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityIncrementArrowSubrole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityIncrementArrowSubrole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityIncrementArrowSubrole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityIncrementButtonAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityIncrementButtonAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityIncrementButtonAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityIncrementPageSubrole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityIncrementPageSubrole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityIncrementPageSubrole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityIncrementorRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityIncrementorRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityIncrementorRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityIndexAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityIndexAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityIndexAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityInsertionPointLineNumberAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityInsertionPointLineNumberAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityInsertionPointLineNumberAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityLabelUIElementsAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityLabelUIElementsAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityLabelUIElementsAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityLabelValueAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityLabelValueAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityLabelValueAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityLayoutAreaRole
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityLayoutAreaRole: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityLayoutAreaRole: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSAccessibilityLayoutChangedNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityLayoutChangedNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityLayoutChangedNotification: String | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSAccessibilityLayoutItemRole
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityLayoutItemRole: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityLayoutItemRole: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSAccessibilityLayoutPointForScreenPointParameterizedAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityLayoutPointForScreenPointParameterizedAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityLayoutPointForScreenPointParameterizedAttribute: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSAccessibilityLayoutSizeForScreenSizeParameterizedAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityLayoutSizeForScreenSizeParameterizedAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityLayoutSizeForScreenSizeParameterizedAttribute: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSAccessibilityLeftTabStopMarkerTypeValue
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityLeftTabStopMarkerTypeValue: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityLeftTabStopMarkerTypeValue: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityLevelIndicatorRole
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityLevelIndicatorRole: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityLevelIndicatorRole: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSAccessibilityLineForIndexParameterizedAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityLineForIndexParameterizedAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityLineForIndexParameterizedAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityLinkRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityLinkRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityLinkRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityLinkTextAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityLinkTextAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityLinkTextAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityLinkedUIElementsAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityLinkedUIElementsAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityLinkedUIElementsAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityListRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityListRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityListRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityMainAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityMainAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityMainAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityMainWindowAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityMainWindowAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityMainWindowAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityMainWindowChangedNotification
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityMainWindowChangedNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityMainWindowChangedNotification: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityMarkedMisspelledTextAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityMarkedMisspelledTextAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityMarkedMisspelledTextAttribute: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified NSAccessibilityMarkerGroupUIElementAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityMarkerGroupUIElementAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityMarkerGroupUIElementAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityMarkerTypeAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityMarkerTypeAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityMarkerTypeAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityMarkerTypeDescriptionAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityMarkerTypeDescriptionAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityMarkerTypeDescriptionAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityMarkerUIElementsAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityMarkerUIElementsAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityMarkerUIElementsAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityMarkerValuesAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityMarkerValuesAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityMarkerValuesAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityMatteContentUIElementAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | let NSAccessibilityMatteContentUIElementAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | let NSAccessibilityMatteContentUIElementAttribute: String | OS X 10.1 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSAccessibilityMatteHoleAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | let NSAccessibilityMatteHoleAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | let NSAccessibilityMatteHoleAttribute: String | OS X 10.1 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSAccessibilityMatteRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityMatteRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityMatteRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityMaxValueAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityMaxValueAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityMaxValueAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityMenuBarAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityMenuBarAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityMenuBarAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityMenuBarRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityMenuBarRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityMenuBarRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityMenuButtonRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityMenuButtonRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityMenuButtonRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityMenuItemRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityMenuItemRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityMenuItemRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityMenuRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityMenuRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityMenuRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityMinValueAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityMinValueAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityMinValueAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityMinimizeButtonAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityMinimizeButtonAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityMinimizeButtonAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityMinimizeButtonSubrole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityMinimizeButtonSubrole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityMinimizeButtonSubrole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityMinimizedAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityMinimizedAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityMinimizedAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityMisspelledTextAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityMisspelledTextAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityMisspelledTextAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityModalAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityModalAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityModalAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityMovedNotification
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityMovedNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityMovedNotification: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityNextContentsAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityNextContentsAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityNextContentsAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityNumberOfCharactersAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityNumberOfCharactersAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityNumberOfCharactersAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityOrderedByRowAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityOrderedByRowAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityOrderedByRowAttribute: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSAccessibilityOrientationAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityOrientationAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityOrientationAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityOutlineRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityOutlineRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityOutlineRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityOutlineRowSubrole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityOutlineRowSubrole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityOutlineRowSubrole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityOverflowButtonAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityOverflowButtonAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityOverflowButtonAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityParentAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityParentAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityParentAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityPicasUnitValue
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityPicasUnitValue: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityPicasUnitValue: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityPickAction
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityPickAction: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityPickAction: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityPlaceholderValueAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityPlaceholderValueAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityPlaceholderValueAttribute: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSAccessibilityPointsUnitValue
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityPointsUnitValue: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityPointsUnitValue: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityPopUpButtonRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityPopUpButtonRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityPopUpButtonRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityPopoverRole
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityPopoverRole: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityPopoverRole: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSAccessibilityPositionAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityPositionAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityPositionAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityPostNotificationWithUserInfo(AnyObject!, String!,[NSObject: AnyObject]!)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSAccessibilityPressAction
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityPressAction: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityPressAction: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityPreviousContentsAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityPreviousContentsAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityPreviousContentsAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityPriorityKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityPriorityKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityPriorityKey: String | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSAccessibilityProgressIndicatorRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityProgressIndicatorRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityProgressIndicatorRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityProxyAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityProxyAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityProxyAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityRTFForRangeParameterizedAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityRTFForRangeParameterizedAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityRTFForRangeParameterizedAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityRadioButtonRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityRadioButtonRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityRadioButtonRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityRadioGroupRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityRadioGroupRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityRadioGroupRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityRaiseAction
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityRaiseAction: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityRaiseAction: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityRangeForIndexParameterizedAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityRangeForIndexParameterizedAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityRangeForIndexParameterizedAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityRangeForLineParameterizedAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityRangeForLineParameterizedAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityRangeForLineParameterizedAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityRangeForPositionParameterizedAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityRangeForPositionParameterizedAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityRangeForPositionParameterizedAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityRatingIndicatorSubrole
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityRatingIndicatorSubrole: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityRatingIndicatorSubrole: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSAccessibilityRelevanceIndicatorRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityRelevanceIndicatorRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityRelevanceIndicatorRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityResizedNotification
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityResizedNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityResizedNotification: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityRightTabStopMarkerTypeValue
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityRightTabStopMarkerTypeValue: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityRightTabStopMarkerTypeValue: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityRoleAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityRoleAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityRoleAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityRoleDescriptionAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityRoleDescriptionAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityRoleDescriptionAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityRowCollapsedNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityRowCollapsedNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityRowCollapsedNotification: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSAccessibilityRowCountAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityRowCountAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityRowCountAttribute: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSAccessibilityRowCountChangedNotification
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityRowCountChangedNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityRowCountChangedNotification: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityRowExpandedNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityRowExpandedNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityRowExpandedNotification: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSAccessibilityRowHeaderUIElementsAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityRowHeaderUIElementsAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityRowHeaderUIElementsAttribute: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSAccessibilityRowIndexRangeAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityRowIndexRangeAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityRowIndexRangeAttribute: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSAccessibilityRowRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityRowRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityRowRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityRowsAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityRowsAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityRowsAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityRulerMarkerRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityRulerMarkerRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityRulerMarkerRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityRulerRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityRulerRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityRulerRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityScreenPointForLayoutPointParameterizedAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityScreenPointForLayoutPointParameterizedAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityScreenPointForLayoutPointParameterizedAttribute: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSAccessibilityScreenSizeForLayoutSizeParameterizedAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityScreenSizeForLayoutSizeParameterizedAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityScreenSizeForLayoutSizeParameterizedAttribute: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSAccessibilityScrollAreaRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityScrollAreaRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityScrollAreaRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityScrollBarRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityScrollBarRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityScrollBarRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilitySearchButtonAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilitySearchButtonAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilitySearchButtonAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilitySearchFieldSubrole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilitySearchFieldSubrole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilitySearchFieldSubrole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilitySearchMenuAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilitySearchMenuAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilitySearchMenuAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilitySecureTextFieldSubrole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilitySecureTextFieldSubrole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilitySecureTextFieldSubrole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilitySelectedAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilitySelectedAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilitySelectedAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilitySelectedCellsAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilitySelectedCellsAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilitySelectedCellsAttribute: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSAccessibilitySelectedCellsChangedNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilitySelectedCellsChangedNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilitySelectedCellsChangedNotification: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSAccessibilitySelectedChildrenAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilitySelectedChildrenAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilitySelectedChildrenAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilitySelectedChildrenChangedNotification
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilitySelectedChildrenChangedNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilitySelectedChildrenChangedNotification: String |
Modified NSAccessibilitySelectedChildrenMovedNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilitySelectedChildrenMovedNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilitySelectedChildrenMovedNotification: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSAccessibilitySelectedColumnsAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilitySelectedColumnsAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilitySelectedColumnsAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilitySelectedColumnsChangedNotification
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilitySelectedColumnsChangedNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilitySelectedColumnsChangedNotification: String |
Modified NSAccessibilitySelectedRowsAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilitySelectedRowsAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilitySelectedRowsAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilitySelectedRowsChangedNotification
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilitySelectedRowsChangedNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilitySelectedRowsChangedNotification: String |
Modified NSAccessibilitySelectedTextAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilitySelectedTextAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilitySelectedTextAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilitySelectedTextChangedNotification
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilitySelectedTextChangedNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilitySelectedTextChangedNotification: String |
Modified NSAccessibilitySelectedTextRangeAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilitySelectedTextRangeAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilitySelectedTextRangeAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilitySelectedTextRangesAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilitySelectedTextRangesAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilitySelectedTextRangesAttribute: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSAccessibilityServesAsTitleForUIElementsAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityServesAsTitleForUIElementsAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityServesAsTitleForUIElementsAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityShadowTextAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityShadowTextAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityShadowTextAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilitySharedCharacterRangeAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilitySharedCharacterRangeAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilitySharedCharacterRangeAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilitySharedFocusElementsAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilitySharedFocusElementsAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilitySharedFocusElementsAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilitySharedTextUIElementsAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilitySharedTextUIElementsAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilitySharedTextUIElementsAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilitySheetCreatedNotification
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilitySheetCreatedNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilitySheetCreatedNotification: String |
Modified NSAccessibilitySheetRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilitySheetRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilitySheetRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityShowAlternateUIAction
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityShowAlternateUIAction: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityShowAlternateUIAction: String | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSAccessibilityShowDefaultUIAction
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityShowDefaultUIAction: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityShowDefaultUIAction: String | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSAccessibilityShowMenuAction
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityShowMenuAction: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityShowMenuAction: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityShownMenuAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityShownMenuAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityShownMenuAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilitySizeAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilitySizeAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilitySizeAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilitySliderRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilitySliderRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilitySliderRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilitySortButtonSubrole
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilitySortButtonSubrole: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilitySortButtonSubrole: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSAccessibilitySortDirectionAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilitySortDirectionAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilitySortDirectionAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilitySplitGroupRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilitySplitGroupRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilitySplitGroupRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilitySplitterRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilitySplitterRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilitySplitterRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilitySplittersAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilitySplittersAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilitySplittersAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityStandardWindowSubrole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityStandardWindowSubrole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityStandardWindowSubrole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityStaticTextRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityStaticTextRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityStaticTextRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityStrikethroughColorTextAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityStrikethroughColorTextAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityStrikethroughColorTextAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityStrikethroughTextAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityStrikethroughTextAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityStrikethroughTextAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityStringForRangeParameterizedAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityStringForRangeParameterizedAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityStringForRangeParameterizedAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityStyleRangeForIndexParameterizedAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityStyleRangeForIndexParameterizedAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityStyleRangeForIndexParameterizedAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilitySubroleAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilitySubroleAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilitySubroleAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilitySuperscriptTextAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilitySuperscriptTextAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilitySuperscriptTextAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilitySwitchSubrole
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilitySwitchSubrole: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilitySwitchSubrole: String | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSAccessibilitySystemDialogSubrole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilitySystemDialogSubrole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilitySystemDialogSubrole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilitySystemFloatingWindowSubrole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilitySystemFloatingWindowSubrole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilitySystemFloatingWindowSubrole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilitySystemWideRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilitySystemWideRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilitySystemWideRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityTabGroupRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityTabGroupRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityTabGroupRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityTableRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityTableRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityTableRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityTableRowSubrole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityTableRowSubrole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityTableRowSubrole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityTabsAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityTabsAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityTabsAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityTailIndentMarkerTypeValue
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityTailIndentMarkerTypeValue: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityTailIndentMarkerTypeValue: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityTextAreaRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityTextAreaRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityTextAreaRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityTextAttachmentSubrole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityTextAttachmentSubrole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityTextAttachmentSubrole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityTextFieldRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityTextFieldRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityTextFieldRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityTextLinkSubrole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityTextLinkSubrole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityTextLinkSubrole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityTimelineSubrole
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityTimelineSubrole: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityTimelineSubrole: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSAccessibilityTitleAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityTitleAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityTitleAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityTitleChangedNotification
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityTitleChangedNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityTitleChangedNotification: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityTitleUIElementAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityTitleUIElementAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityTitleUIElementAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityToggleSubrole
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityToggleSubrole: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityToggleSubrole: String | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSAccessibilityToolbarButtonAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityToolbarButtonAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityToolbarButtonAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityToolbarButtonSubrole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityToolbarButtonSubrole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityToolbarButtonSubrole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityToolbarRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityToolbarRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityToolbarRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityTopLevelUIElementAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityTopLevelUIElementAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityTopLevelUIElementAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityUIElementDestroyedNotification
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityUIElementDestroyedNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityUIElementDestroyedNotification: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityUIElementsKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityUIElementsKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityUIElementsKey: String | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSAccessibilityURLAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityURLAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityURLAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityUnderlineColorTextAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityUnderlineColorTextAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityUnderlineColorTextAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityUnderlineTextAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityUnderlineTextAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityUnderlineTextAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityUnitDescriptionAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityUnitDescriptionAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityUnitDescriptionAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityUnitsAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityUnitsAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityUnitsAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityUnitsChangedNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityUnitsChangedNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityUnitsChangedNotification: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSAccessibilityUnknownMarkerTypeValue
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityUnknownMarkerTypeValue: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityUnknownMarkerTypeValue: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityUnknownOrientationValue
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityUnknownOrientationValue: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityUnknownOrientationValue: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityUnknownRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityUnknownRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityUnknownRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityUnknownSortDirectionValue
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityUnknownSortDirectionValue: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityUnknownSortDirectionValue: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityUnknownSubrole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityUnknownSubrole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityUnknownSubrole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityUnknownUnitValue
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityUnknownUnitValue: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityUnknownUnitValue: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityValueAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityValueAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityValueAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityValueChangedNotification
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityValueChangedNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityValueChangedNotification: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityValueDescriptionAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityValueDescriptionAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityValueDescriptionAttribute: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSAccessibilityValueIndicatorRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityValueIndicatorRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityValueIndicatorRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityVerticalOrientationValue
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityVerticalOrientationValue: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityVerticalOrientationValue: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityVerticalScrollBarAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityVerticalScrollBarAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityVerticalScrollBarAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityVerticalUnitDescriptionAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityVerticalUnitDescriptionAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityVerticalUnitDescriptionAttribute: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSAccessibilityVerticalUnitsAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityVerticalUnitsAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityVerticalUnitsAttribute: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSAccessibilityVisibleCellsAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityVisibleCellsAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityVisibleCellsAttribute: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSAccessibilityVisibleCharacterRangeAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityVisibleCharacterRangeAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityVisibleCharacterRangeAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityVisibleChildrenAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityVisibleChildrenAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityVisibleChildrenAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityVisibleColumnsAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityVisibleColumnsAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityVisibleColumnsAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityVisibleNameKey
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityVisibleNameKey: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityVisibleNameKey: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityVisibleRowsAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityVisibleRowsAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityVisibleRowsAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityWarningValueAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAccessibilityWarningValueAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAccessibilityWarningValueAttribute: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSAccessibilityWindowAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityWindowAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityWindowAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityWindowCreatedNotification
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityWindowCreatedNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityWindowCreatedNotification: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityWindowDeminiaturizedNotification
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityWindowDeminiaturizedNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityWindowDeminiaturizedNotification: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityWindowMiniaturizedNotification
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityWindowMiniaturizedNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityWindowMiniaturizedNotification: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityWindowMovedNotification
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityWindowMovedNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityWindowMovedNotification: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityWindowResizedNotification
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityWindowResizedNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityWindowResizedNotification: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityWindowRole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityWindowRole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityWindowRole: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityWindowsAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityWindowsAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityWindowsAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityZoomButtonAttribute
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityZoomButtonAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityZoomButtonAttribute: String |
Modified NSAccessibilityZoomButtonSubrole
Declaration | |
From | let NSAccessibilityZoomButtonSubrole: NSString! |
To | let NSAccessibilityZoomButtonSubrole: String |
Modified NSAlertAlternateReturn
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSAlertDefaultReturn
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSAlertErrorReturn
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSAlertOtherReturn
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSAlignmentBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSAlignmentBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSAlignmentBinding: String |
Modified NSAllRomanInputSourcesLocaleIdentifier
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSAllRomanInputSourcesLocaleIdentifier: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAllRomanInputSourcesLocaleIdentifier: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSAllowsEditingMultipleValuesSelectionBindingOption
Declaration | |
From | var NSAllowsEditingMultipleValuesSelectionBindingOption: NSString! |
To | let NSAllowsEditingMultipleValuesSelectionBindingOption: String |
Modified NSAllowsNullArgumentBindingOption
Declaration | |
From | var NSAllowsNullArgumentBindingOption: NSString! |
To | let NSAllowsNullArgumentBindingOption: String |
Modified NSAlternateImageBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSAlternateImageBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSAlternateImageBinding: String |
Modified NSAlternateTitleBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSAlternateTitleBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSAlternateTitleBinding: String |
Modified NSAlwaysPresentsApplicationModalAlertsBindingOption
Declaration | |
From | var NSAlwaysPresentsApplicationModalAlertsBindingOption: NSString! |
To | let NSAlwaysPresentsApplicationModalAlertsBindingOption: String |
Modified NSAnimateBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSAnimateBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSAnimateBinding: String |
Modified NSAnimationDelayBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSAnimationDelayBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSAnimationDelayBinding: String |
Modified NSAnimationProgressMark
Declaration | |
From | var NSAnimationProgressMark: NSString! |
To | let NSAnimationProgressMark: String |
Modified NSAnimationProgressMarkNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSAnimationProgressMarkNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSAnimationProgressMarkNotification: String |
Modified NSAnimationTriggerOrderIn
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSAnimationTriggerOrderIn: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAnimationTriggerOrderIn: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSAnimationTriggerOrderOut
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSAnimationTriggerOrderOut: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAnimationTriggerOrderOut: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSAntialiasThresholdChangedNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSAntialiasThresholdChangedNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSAntialiasThresholdChangedNotification: String |
Modified NSAppKitIgnoredException
Declaration | |
From | var NSAppKitIgnoredException: NSString! |
To | let NSAppKitIgnoredException: String |
Modified NSAppKitVirtualMemoryException
Declaration | |
From | var NSAppKitVirtualMemoryException: NSString! |
To | let NSAppKitVirtualMemoryException: String |
Modified NSAppearanceNameAqua
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSAppearanceNameAqua: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSAppearanceNameAqua: String | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSAppearanceNameLightContent
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | let NSAppearanceNameLightContent: NSString! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | let NSAppearanceNameLightContent: String | OS X 10.9 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSAppearanceNameVibrantDark
Declaration | |
From | let NSAppearanceNameVibrantDark: NSString! |
To | let NSAppearanceNameVibrantDark: String |
Modified NSAppearanceNameVibrantLight
Declaration | |
From | let NSAppearanceNameVibrantLight: NSString! |
To | let NSAppearanceNameVibrantLight: String |
Modified NSApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification: String |
Modified NSApplicationDidChangeOcclusionStateNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSApplicationDidChangeOcclusionStateNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSApplicationDidChangeOcclusionStateNotification: String | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSApplicationDidChangeScreenParametersNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSApplicationDidChangeScreenParametersNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSApplicationDidChangeScreenParametersNotification: String |
Modified NSApplicationDidFinishLaunchingNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSApplicationDidFinishLaunchingNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSApplicationDidFinishLaunchingNotification: String |
Modified NSApplicationDidFinishRestoringWindowsNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSApplicationDidFinishRestoringWindowsNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSApplicationDidFinishRestoringWindowsNotification: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSApplicationDidHideNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSApplicationDidHideNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSApplicationDidHideNotification: String |
Modified NSApplicationDidResignActiveNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSApplicationDidResignActiveNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSApplicationDidResignActiveNotification: String |
Modified NSApplicationDidUnhideNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSApplicationDidUnhideNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSApplicationDidUnhideNotification: String |
Modified NSApplicationDidUpdateNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSApplicationDidUpdateNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSApplicationDidUpdateNotification: String |
Modified NSApplicationLaunchIsDefaultLaunchKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSApplicationLaunchIsDefaultLaunchKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSApplicationLaunchIsDefaultLaunchKey: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSApplicationLaunchUserNotificationKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSApplicationLaunchUserNotificationKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSApplicationLaunchUserNotificationKey: String | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSApplicationMain(Int32, UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Int8>>) -> Int32
Declaration | |
From | func NSApplicationMain(_ argc: Int32, _ argv: UnsafePointer<ConstUnsafePointer<Int8>>) -> Int32 |
To | func NSApplicationMain(_ argc: Int32, _ argv: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Int8>>) -> Int32 |
Modified NSApplicationWillBecomeActiveNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSApplicationWillBecomeActiveNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSApplicationWillBecomeActiveNotification: String |
Modified NSApplicationWillFinishLaunchingNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSApplicationWillFinishLaunchingNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSApplicationWillFinishLaunchingNotification: String |
Modified NSApplicationWillHideNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSApplicationWillHideNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSApplicationWillHideNotification: String |
Modified NSApplicationWillResignActiveNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSApplicationWillResignActiveNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSApplicationWillResignActiveNotification: String |
Modified NSApplicationWillTerminateNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSApplicationWillTerminateNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSApplicationWillTerminateNotification: String |
Modified NSApplicationWillUnhideNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSApplicationWillUnhideNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSApplicationWillUnhideNotification: String |
Modified NSApplicationWillUpdateNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSApplicationWillUpdateNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSApplicationWillUpdateNotification: String |
Modified NSArgumentBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSArgumentBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSArgumentBinding: String |
Modified NSAttachmentAttributeName
Declaration | |
From | var NSAttachmentAttributeName: NSString! |
To | let NSAttachmentAttributeName: String |
Modified NSAttributedStringBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSAttributedStringBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSAttributedStringBinding: String |
Modified NSAuthorDocumentAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSAuthorDocumentAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSAuthorDocumentAttribute: String |
Modified NSAvailableWindowDepths() -> UnsafePointer<NSWindowDepth>
Declaration | |
From | func NSAvailableWindowDepths() -> ConstUnsafePointer<NSWindowDepth> |
To | func NSAvailableWindowDepths() -> UnsafePointer<NSWindowDepth> |
Modified NSBackgroundColorAttributeName
Declaration | |
From | var NSBackgroundColorAttributeName: NSString! |
To | let NSBackgroundColorAttributeName: String |
Modified NSBackgroundColorDocumentAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSBackgroundColorDocumentAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSBackgroundColorDocumentAttribute: String |
Modified NSBackingPropertyOldColorSpaceKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSBackingPropertyOldColorSpaceKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSBackingPropertyOldColorSpaceKey: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSBackingPropertyOldScaleFactorKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSBackingPropertyOldScaleFactorKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSBackingPropertyOldScaleFactorKey: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSBadBitmapParametersException
Declaration | |
From | var NSBadBitmapParametersException: NSString! |
To | let NSBadBitmapParametersException: String |
Modified NSBadComparisonException
Declaration | |
From | var NSBadComparisonException: NSString! |
To | let NSBadComparisonException: String |
Modified NSBadRTFColorTableException
Declaration | |
From | var NSBadRTFColorTableException: NSString! |
To | let NSBadRTFColorTableException: String |
Modified NSBadRTFDirectiveException
Declaration | |
From | var NSBadRTFDirectiveException: NSString! |
To | let NSBadRTFDirectiveException: String |
Modified NSBadRTFFontTableException
Declaration | |
From | var NSBadRTFFontTableException: NSString! |
To | let NSBadRTFFontTableException: String |
Modified NSBadRTFStyleSheetException
Declaration | |
From | var NSBadRTFStyleSheetException: NSString! |
To | let NSBadRTFStyleSheetException: String |
Modified NSBaseURLDocumentOption
Declaration | |
From | var NSBaseURLDocumentOption: NSString! |
To | let NSBaseURLDocumentOption: String |
Modified NSBaselineOffsetAttributeName
Declaration | |
From | var NSBaselineOffsetAttributeName: NSString! |
To | let NSBaselineOffsetAttributeName: String |
Modified NSBestDepth(String!, Int, Int, Bool, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> NSWindowDepth
Declaration | |
From | func NSBestDepth(_ colorSpace: String!, _ bps: Int, _ bpp: Int, _ planar: Bool, _ exactMatch: UnsafePointer<ObjCBool>) -> NSWindowDepth |
To | func NSBestDepth(_ colorSpace: String!, _ bps: Int, _ bpp: Int, _ planar: Bool, _ exactMatch: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> NSWindowDepth |
Modified NSBottomMarginDocumentAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSBottomMarginDocumentAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSBottomMarginDocumentAttribute: String |
Modified NSBrowserColumnConfigurationDidChangeNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSBrowserColumnConfigurationDidChangeNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSBrowserColumnConfigurationDidChangeNotification: String |
Modified NSBrowserIllegalDelegateException
Declaration | |
From | var NSBrowserIllegalDelegateException: NSString! |
To | let NSBrowserIllegalDelegateException: String |
Modified NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace
Declaration | |
From | var NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace: NSString! |
To | let NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace: String |
Modified NSCalibratedWhiteColorSpace
Declaration | |
From | var NSCalibratedWhiteColorSpace: NSString! |
To | let NSCalibratedWhiteColorSpace: String |
Modified NSCancelButton
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSCategoryDocumentAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSCategoryDocumentAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSCategoryDocumentAttribute: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSCharacterEncodingDocumentAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSCharacterEncodingDocumentAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSCharacterEncodingDocumentAttribute: String |
Modified NSCharacterEncodingDocumentOption
Declaration | |
From | var NSCharacterEncodingDocumentOption: NSString! |
To | let NSCharacterEncodingDocumentOption: String |
Modified NSCharacterShapeAttributeName
Declaration | |
From | var NSCharacterShapeAttributeName: NSString! |
To | let NSCharacterShapeAttributeName: String |
Modified NSCocoaVersionDocumentAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSCocoaVersionDocumentAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSCocoaVersionDocumentAttribute: String |
Modified NSColorListDidChangeNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSColorListDidChangeNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSColorListDidChangeNotification: String |
Modified NSColorListIOException
Declaration | |
From | var NSColorListIOException: NSString! |
To | let NSColorListIOException: String |
Modified NSColorListNotEditableException
Declaration | |
From | var NSColorListNotEditableException: NSString! |
To | let NSColorListNotEditableException: String |
Modified NSColorPanelColorDidChangeNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSColorPanelColorDidChangeNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSColorPanelColorDidChangeNotification: String |
Modified NSColorPboardType
Declaration | |
From | var NSColorPboardType: NSString! |
To | let NSColorPboardType: String |
Modified NSComboBoxSelectionDidChangeNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSComboBoxSelectionDidChangeNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSComboBoxSelectionDidChangeNotification: String |
Modified NSComboBoxSelectionIsChangingNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSComboBoxSelectionIsChangingNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSComboBoxSelectionIsChangingNotification: String |
Modified NSComboBoxWillDismissNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSComboBoxWillDismissNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSComboBoxWillDismissNotification: String |
Modified NSComboBoxWillPopUpNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSComboBoxWillPopUpNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSComboBoxWillPopUpNotification: String |
Modified NSCommentDocumentAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSCommentDocumentAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSCommentDocumentAttribute: String |
Modified NSCompanyDocumentAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSCompanyDocumentAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSCompanyDocumentAttribute: String |
Modified NSConditionallySetsEditableBindingOption
Declaration | |
From | var NSConditionallySetsEditableBindingOption: NSString! |
To | let NSConditionallySetsEditableBindingOption: String |
Modified NSConditionallySetsEnabledBindingOption
Declaration | |
From | var NSConditionallySetsEnabledBindingOption: NSString! |
To | let NSConditionallySetsEnabledBindingOption: String |
Modified NSConditionallySetsHiddenBindingOption
Declaration | |
From | var NSConditionallySetsHiddenBindingOption: NSString! |
To | let NSConditionallySetsHiddenBindingOption: String |
Modified NSContentArrayBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSContentArrayBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSContentArrayBinding: String |
Modified NSContentArrayForMultipleSelectionBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSContentArrayForMultipleSelectionBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSContentArrayForMultipleSelectionBinding: String |
Modified NSContentBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSContentBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSContentBinding: String |
Modified NSContentDictionaryBinding
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSContentDictionaryBinding: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSContentDictionaryBinding: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSContentHeightBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSContentHeightBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSContentHeightBinding: String |
Modified NSContentObjectBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSContentObjectBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSContentObjectBinding: String |
Modified NSContentObjectsBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSContentObjectsBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSContentObjectsBinding: String |
Modified NSContentPlacementTagBindingOption
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSContentPlacementTagBindingOption: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSContentPlacementTagBindingOption: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSContentSetBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSContentSetBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSContentSetBinding: String |
Modified NSContentValuesBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSContentValuesBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSContentValuesBinding: String |
Modified NSContentWidthBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSContentWidthBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSContentWidthBinding: String |
Modified NSContextHelpModeDidActivateNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSContextHelpModeDidActivateNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSContextHelpModeDidActivateNotification: String |
Modified NSContextHelpModeDidDeactivateNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSContextHelpModeDidDeactivateNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSContextHelpModeDidDeactivateNotification: String |
Modified NSContinuouslyUpdatesValueBindingOption
Declaration | |
From | var NSContinuouslyUpdatesValueBindingOption: NSString! |
To | let NSContinuouslyUpdatesValueBindingOption: String |
Modified NSControlTextDidBeginEditingNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSControlTextDidBeginEditingNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSControlTextDidBeginEditingNotification: String |
Modified NSControlTextDidChangeNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSControlTextDidChangeNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSControlTextDidChangeNotification: String |
Modified NSControlTextDidEndEditingNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSControlTextDidEndEditingNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSControlTextDidEndEditingNotification: String |
Modified NSControlTintDidChangeNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSControlTintDidChangeNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSControlTintDidChangeNotification: String |
Modified NSConvertGlyphsToPackedGlyphs(UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyph>, Int, NSMultibyteGlyphPacking, UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func NSConvertGlyphsToPackedGlyphs(_ glBuf: UnsafePointer<NSGlyph>, _ count: Int, _ packing: NSMultibyteGlyphPacking, _ packedGlyphs: UnsafePointer<Int8>) -> Int |
To | func NSConvertGlyphsToPackedGlyphs(_ glBuf: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyph>, _ count: Int, _ packing: NSMultibyteGlyphPacking, _ packedGlyphs: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>) -> Int |
Modified NSConvertedDocumentAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSConvertedDocumentAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSConvertedDocumentAttribute: String |
Modified NSCopyBits(Int, NSRect, NSPoint)
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSCopyrightDocumentAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSCopyrightDocumentAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSCopyrightDocumentAttribute: String |
Modified NSCreatesSortDescriptorBindingOption
Declaration | |
From | var NSCreatesSortDescriptorBindingOption: NSString! |
To | let NSCreatesSortDescriptorBindingOption: String |
Modified NSCreationTimeDocumentAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSCreationTimeDocumentAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSCreationTimeDocumentAttribute: String |
Modified NSCriticalValueBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSCriticalValueBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSCriticalValueBinding: String |
Modified NSCursorAttributeName
Declaration | |
From | var NSCursorAttributeName: NSString! |
To | let NSCursorAttributeName: String |
Modified NSCustomColorSpace
Declaration | |
From | var NSCustomColorSpace: NSString! |
To | let NSCustomColorSpace: String |
Modified NSDataBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSDataBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSDataBinding: String |
Modified NSDefaultAttributesDocumentOption
Declaration | |
From | var NSDefaultAttributesDocumentOption: NSString! |
To | let NSDefaultAttributesDocumentOption: String |
Modified NSDefaultTabIntervalDocumentAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSDefaultTabIntervalDocumentAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSDefaultTabIntervalDocumentAttribute: String |
Modified NSDefinitionPresentationTypeDictionaryApplication
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSDefinitionPresentationTypeDictionaryApplication: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSDefinitionPresentationTypeDictionaryApplication: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSDefinitionPresentationTypeKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSDefinitionPresentationTypeKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSDefinitionPresentationTypeKey: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSDefinitionPresentationTypeOverlay
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSDefinitionPresentationTypeOverlay: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSDefinitionPresentationTypeOverlay: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSDeletesObjectsOnRemoveBindingsOption
Declaration | |
From | var NSDeletesObjectsOnRemoveBindingsOption: NSString! |
To | let NSDeletesObjectsOnRemoveBindingsOption: String |
Modified NSDeviceBitsPerSample
Declaration | |
From | var NSDeviceBitsPerSample: NSString! |
To | let NSDeviceBitsPerSample: String |
Modified NSDeviceCMYKColorSpace
Declaration | |
From | var NSDeviceCMYKColorSpace: NSString! |
To | let NSDeviceCMYKColorSpace: String |
Modified NSDeviceColorSpaceName
Declaration | |
From | var NSDeviceColorSpaceName: NSString! |
To | let NSDeviceColorSpaceName: String |
Modified NSDeviceIsPrinter
Declaration | |
From | var NSDeviceIsPrinter: NSString! |
To | let NSDeviceIsPrinter: String |
Modified NSDeviceIsScreen
Declaration | |
From | var NSDeviceIsScreen: NSString! |
To | let NSDeviceIsScreen: String |
Modified NSDeviceRGBColorSpace
Declaration | |
From | var NSDeviceRGBColorSpace: NSString! |
To | let NSDeviceRGBColorSpace: String |
Modified NSDeviceResolution
Declaration | |
From | var NSDeviceResolution: NSString! |
To | let NSDeviceResolution: String |
Modified NSDeviceSize
Declaration | |
From | var NSDeviceSize: NSString! |
To | let NSDeviceSize: String |
Modified NSDeviceWhiteColorSpace
Declaration | |
From | var NSDeviceWhiteColorSpace: NSString! |
To | let NSDeviceWhiteColorSpace: String |
Modified NSDisplayNameBindingOption
Declaration | |
From | var NSDisplayNameBindingOption: NSString! |
To | let NSDisplayNameBindingOption: String |
Modified NSDisplayPatternBindingOption
Declaration | |
From | var NSDisplayPatternBindingOption: NSString! |
To | let NSDisplayPatternBindingOption: String |
Modified NSDisplayPatternTitleBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSDisplayPatternTitleBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSDisplayPatternTitleBinding: String |
Modified NSDisplayPatternValueBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSDisplayPatternValueBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSDisplayPatternValueBinding: String |
Modified NSDocFormatTextDocumentType
Declaration | |
From | var NSDocFormatTextDocumentType: NSString! |
To | let NSDocFormatTextDocumentType: String |
Modified NSDocumentEditedBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSDocumentEditedBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSDocumentEditedBinding: String |
Modified NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute: String |
Modified NSDocumentTypeDocumentOption
Declaration | |
From | var NSDocumentTypeDocumentOption: NSString! |
To | let NSDocumentTypeDocumentOption: String |
Modified NSDoubleClickArgumentBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSDoubleClickArgumentBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSDoubleClickArgumentBinding: String |
Modified NSDoubleClickTargetBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSDoubleClickTargetBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSDoubleClickTargetBinding: String |
Modified NSDragPboard
Declaration | |
From | var NSDragPboard: NSString! |
To | let NSDragPboard: String |
Modified NSDraggingException
Declaration | |
From | var NSDraggingException: NSString! |
To | let NSDraggingException: String |
Modified NSDraggingImageComponentIconKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSDraggingImageComponentIconKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSDraggingImageComponentIconKey: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDraggingImageComponentLabelKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSDraggingImageComponentLabelKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSDraggingImageComponentLabelKey: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSDrawBitmap(NSRect, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Bool, Bool, String!, UnsafePointer<UnsafePointer<UInt8>>)
Declaration | |
From | func NSDrawBitmap(_ rect: NSRect, _ width: Int, _ height: Int, _ bps: Int, _ spp: Int, _ bpp: Int, _ bpr: Int, _ isPlanar: Bool, _ hasAlpha: Bool, _ colorSpaceName: String!, _ data: ConstUnsafePointer<ConstUnsafePointer<UInt8>>) |
To | func NSDrawBitmap(_ rect: NSRect, _ width: Int, _ height: Int, _ bps: Int, _ spp: Int, _ bpp: Int, _ bpr: Int, _ isPlanar: Bool, _ hasAlpha: Bool, _ colorSpaceName: String!, _ data: UnsafePointer<UnsafePointer<UInt8>>) |
Modified NSDrawColorTiledRects(NSRect, NSRect, UnsafePointer<NSRectEdge>, AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSColor?>, Int) -> NSRect
Declaration | |
From | func NSDrawColorTiledRects(_ boundsRect: NSRect, _ clipRect: NSRect, _ sides: ConstUnsafePointer<NSRectEdge>, _ colors: AutoreleasingUnsafePointer<NSColor?>, _ count: Int) -> NSRect |
To | func NSDrawColorTiledRects(_ boundsRect: NSRect, _ clipRect: NSRect, _ sides: UnsafePointer<NSRectEdge>, _ colors: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSColor?>, _ count: Int) -> NSRect |
Modified NSDrawNinePartImage(NSRect, NSImage!, NSImage!, NSImage!, NSImage!, NSImage!, NSImage!, NSImage!, NSImage!, NSImage!, NSCompositingOperation, CGFloat, Bool)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSDrawThreePartImage(NSRect, NSImage!, NSImage!, NSImage!, Bool, NSCompositingOperation, CGFloat, Bool)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSDrawTiledRects(NSRect, NSRect, UnsafePointer<NSRectEdge>, UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, Int) -> NSRect
Declaration | |
From | func NSDrawTiledRects(_ boundsRect: NSRect, _ clipRect: NSRect, _ sides: ConstUnsafePointer<NSRectEdge>, _ grays: ConstUnsafePointer<CGFloat>, _ count: Int) -> NSRect |
To | func NSDrawTiledRects(_ boundsRect: NSRect, _ clipRect: NSRect, _ sides: UnsafePointer<NSRectEdge>, _ grays: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, _ count: Int) -> NSRect |
Modified NSDrawerDidCloseNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSDrawerDidCloseNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSDrawerDidCloseNotification: String |
Modified NSDrawerDidOpenNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSDrawerDidOpenNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSDrawerDidOpenNotification: String |
Modified NSDrawerWillCloseNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSDrawerWillCloseNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSDrawerWillCloseNotification: String |
Modified NSDrawerWillOpenNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSDrawerWillOpenNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSDrawerWillOpenNotification: String |
Modified NSEdgeInsetsMake(CGFloat, CGFloat, CGFloat, CGFloat) -> NSEdgeInsets
Module | |
From | AppKit |
To | Foundation |
Modified NSEditableBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSEditableBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSEditableBinding: String |
Modified NSEditorDocumentAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSEditorDocumentAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSEditorDocumentAttribute: String |
Modified NSEnabledBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSEnabledBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSEnabledBinding: String |
Modified NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode
Declaration | |
From | var NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode: NSString! |
To | let NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode: String |
Modified NSExcludedElementsDocumentAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSExcludedElementsDocumentAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSExcludedElementsDocumentAttribute: String |
Modified NSExcludedKeysBinding
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSExcludedKeysBinding: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSExcludedKeysBinding: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSExpansionAttributeName
Declaration | |
From | var NSExpansionAttributeName: NSString! |
To | let NSExpansionAttributeName: String |
Modified NSFileContentsPboardType
Declaration | |
From | var NSFileContentsPboardType: NSString! |
To | let NSFileContentsPboardType: String |
Modified NSFileTypeDocumentAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSFileTypeDocumentAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSFileTypeDocumentAttribute: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSFileTypeDocumentOption
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSFileTypeDocumentOption: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSFileTypeDocumentOption: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSFilenamesPboardType
Declaration | |
From | var NSFilenamesPboardType: NSString! |
To | let NSFilenamesPboardType: String |
Modified NSFilesPromisePboardType
Declaration | |
From | var NSFilesPromisePboardType: NSString! |
To | let NSFilesPromisePboardType: String |
Modified NSFilterPredicateBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSFilterPredicateBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSFilterPredicateBinding: String |
Modified NSFindPanelCaseInsensitiveSearch
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSFindPanelCaseInsensitiveSearch: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSFindPanelCaseInsensitiveSearch: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSFindPanelSearchOptionsPboardType
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSFindPanelSearchOptionsPboardType: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSFindPanelSearchOptionsPboardType: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSFindPanelSubstringMatch
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSFindPanelSubstringMatch: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSFindPanelSubstringMatch: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSFindPboard
Declaration | |
From | var NSFindPboard: NSString! |
To | let NSFindPboard: String |
Modified NSFontAttributeName
Declaration | |
From | var NSFontAttributeName: NSString! |
To | let NSFontAttributeName: String |
Modified NSFontBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSFontBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSFontBinding: String |
Modified NSFontBoldBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSFontBoldBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSFontBoldBinding: String |
Modified NSFontCascadeListAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSFontCascadeListAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSFontCascadeListAttribute: String |
Modified NSFontCharacterSetAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSFontCharacterSetAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSFontCharacterSetAttribute: String |
Modified NSFontCollectionActionKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSFontCollectionActionKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSFontCollectionActionKey: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSFontCollectionAllFonts
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSFontCollectionAllFonts: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSFontCollectionAllFonts: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSFontCollectionDidChangeNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSFontCollectionDidChangeNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSFontCollectionDidChangeNotification: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSFontCollectionDisallowAutoActivationOption
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSFontCollectionDisallowAutoActivationOption: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSFontCollectionDisallowAutoActivationOption: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSFontCollectionFavorites
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSFontCollectionFavorites: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSFontCollectionFavorites: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSFontCollectionIncludeDisabledFontsOption
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSFontCollectionIncludeDisabledFontsOption: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSFontCollectionIncludeDisabledFontsOption: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSFontCollectionNameKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSFontCollectionNameKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSFontCollectionNameKey: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSFontCollectionOldNameKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSFontCollectionOldNameKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSFontCollectionOldNameKey: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSFontCollectionRecentlyUsed
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSFontCollectionRecentlyUsed: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSFontCollectionRecentlyUsed: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSFontCollectionRemoveDuplicatesOption
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSFontCollectionRemoveDuplicatesOption: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSFontCollectionRemoveDuplicatesOption: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSFontCollectionUser
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSFontCollectionUser: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSFontCollectionUser: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSFontCollectionVisibilityKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSFontCollectionVisibilityKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSFontCollectionVisibilityKey: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSFontCollectionWasHidden
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSFontCollectionWasHidden: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSFontCollectionWasHidden: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSFontCollectionWasRenamed
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSFontCollectionWasRenamed: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSFontCollectionWasRenamed: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSFontCollectionWasShown
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSFontCollectionWasShown: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSFontCollectionWasShown: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSFontFaceAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSFontFaceAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSFontFaceAttribute: String |
Modified NSFontFamilyAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSFontFamilyAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSFontFamilyAttribute: String |
Modified NSFontFamilyNameBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSFontFamilyNameBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSFontFamilyNameBinding: String |
Modified NSFontFeatureSelectorIdentifierKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSFontFeatureSelectorIdentifierKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSFontFeatureSelectorIdentifierKey: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSFontFeatureSettingsAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSFontFeatureSettingsAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSFontFeatureSettingsAttribute: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSFontFeatureTypeIdentifierKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSFontFeatureTypeIdentifierKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSFontFeatureTypeIdentifierKey: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSFontFixedAdvanceAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSFontFixedAdvanceAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSFontFixedAdvanceAttribute: String |
Modified NSFontIdentityMatrix
Declaration | |
From | var NSFontIdentityMatrix: ConstUnsafePointer<CGFloat> |
To | var NSFontIdentityMatrix: UnsafePointer<CGFloat> |
Modified NSFontItalicBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSFontItalicBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSFontItalicBinding: String |
Modified NSFontMatrixAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSFontMatrixAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSFontMatrixAttribute: String |
Modified NSFontNameAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSFontNameAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSFontNameAttribute: String |
Modified NSFontNameBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSFontNameBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSFontNameBinding: String |
Modified NSFontPboard
Declaration | |
From | var NSFontPboard: NSString! |
To | let NSFontPboard: String |
Modified NSFontPboardType
Declaration | |
From | var NSFontPboardType: NSString! |
To | let NSFontPboardType: String |
Modified NSFontSetChangedNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSFontSetChangedNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSFontSetChangedNotification: String |
Modified NSFontSizeAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSFontSizeAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSFontSizeAttribute: String |
Modified NSFontSizeBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSFontSizeBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSFontSizeBinding: String |
Modified NSFontSlantTrait
Declaration | |
From | var NSFontSlantTrait: NSString! |
To | let NSFontSlantTrait: String |
Modified NSFontSymbolicTrait
Declaration | |
From | var NSFontSymbolicTrait: NSString! |
To | let NSFontSymbolicTrait: String |
Modified NSFontTraitsAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSFontTraitsAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSFontTraitsAttribute: String |
Modified NSFontUnavailableException
Declaration | |
From | var NSFontUnavailableException: NSString! |
To | let NSFontUnavailableException: String |
Modified NSFontVariationAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSFontVariationAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSFontVariationAttribute: String |
Modified NSFontVariationAxisDefaultValueKey
Declaration | |
From | var NSFontVariationAxisDefaultValueKey: NSString! |
To | let NSFontVariationAxisDefaultValueKey: String |
Modified NSFontVariationAxisIdentifierKey
Declaration | |
From | var NSFontVariationAxisIdentifierKey: NSString! |
To | let NSFontVariationAxisIdentifierKey: String |
Modified NSFontVariationAxisMaximumValueKey
Declaration | |
From | var NSFontVariationAxisMaximumValueKey: NSString! |
To | let NSFontVariationAxisMaximumValueKey: String |
Modified NSFontVariationAxisMinimumValueKey
Declaration | |
From | var NSFontVariationAxisMinimumValueKey: NSString! |
To | let NSFontVariationAxisMinimumValueKey: String |
Modified NSFontVariationAxisNameKey
Declaration | |
From | var NSFontVariationAxisNameKey: NSString! |
To | let NSFontVariationAxisNameKey: String |
Modified NSFontVisibleNameAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSFontVisibleNameAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSFontVisibleNameAttribute: String |
Modified NSFontWeightTrait
Declaration | |
From | var NSFontWeightTrait: NSString! |
To | let NSFontWeightTrait: String |
Modified NSFontWidthTrait
Declaration | |
From | var NSFontWidthTrait: NSString! |
To | let NSFontWidthTrait: String |
Modified NSForegroundColorAttributeName
Declaration | |
From | var NSForegroundColorAttributeName: NSString! |
To | let NSForegroundColorAttributeName: String |
Modified NSFullScreenModeAllScreens
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSFullScreenModeAllScreens: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSFullScreenModeAllScreens: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSFullScreenModeApplicationPresentationOptions
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSFullScreenModeApplicationPresentationOptions: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSFullScreenModeApplicationPresentationOptions: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSFullScreenModeSetting
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSFullScreenModeSetting: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSFullScreenModeSetting: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSFullScreenModeWindowLevel
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSFullScreenModeWindowLevel: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSFullScreenModeWindowLevel: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSFullScreenWindowMask
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSGeneralPboard
Declaration | |
From | var NSGeneralPboard: NSString! |
To | let NSGeneralPboard: String |
Modified NSGetWindowServerMemory(Int, UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSString?>) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | func NSGetWindowServerMemory(_ context: Int, _ virtualMemory: UnsafePointer<Int>, _ windowBackingMemory: UnsafePointer<Int>, _ windowDumpString: AutoreleasingUnsafePointer<NSString?>) -> Int |
To | func NSGetWindowServerMemory(_ context: Int, _ virtualMemory: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, _ windowBackingMemory: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, _ windowDumpString: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSString?>) -> Int |
Modified NSGlyphInfoAttributeName
Declaration | |
From | var NSGlyphInfoAttributeName: NSString! |
To | let NSGlyphInfoAttributeName: String |
Modified NSGraphicsContextDestinationAttributeName
Declaration | |
From | var NSGraphicsContextDestinationAttributeName: NSString! |
To | let NSGraphicsContextDestinationAttributeName: String |
Modified NSGraphicsContextPDFFormat
Declaration | |
From | var NSGraphicsContextPDFFormat: NSString! |
To | let NSGraphicsContextPDFFormat: String |
Modified NSGraphicsContextPSFormat
Declaration | |
From | var NSGraphicsContextPSFormat: NSString! |
To | let NSGraphicsContextPSFormat: String |
Modified NSGraphicsContextRepresentationFormatAttributeName
Declaration | |
From | var NSGraphicsContextRepresentationFormatAttributeName: NSString! |
To | let NSGraphicsContextRepresentationFormatAttributeName: String |
Modified NSHTMLPboardType
Declaration | |
From | var NSHTMLPboardType: NSString! |
To | let NSHTMLPboardType: String |
Modified NSHTMLTextDocumentType
Declaration | |
From | var NSHTMLTextDocumentType: NSString! |
To | let NSHTMLTextDocumentType: String |
Modified NSHUDWindowMask
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSHandlesContentAsCompoundValueBindingOption
Declaration | |
From | var NSHandlesContentAsCompoundValueBindingOption: NSString! |
To | let NSHandlesContentAsCompoundValueBindingOption: String |
Modified NSHeaderTitleBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSHeaderTitleBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSHeaderTitleBinding: String |
Modified NSHiddenBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSHiddenBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSHiddenBinding: String |
Modified NSHyphenationFactorDocumentAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSHyphenationFactorDocumentAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSHyphenationFactorDocumentAttribute: String |
Modified NSIllegalSelectorException
Declaration | |
From | var NSIllegalSelectorException: NSString! |
To | let NSIllegalSelectorException: String |
Modified NSImageBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSImageBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSImageBinding: String |
Modified NSImageCacheException
Declaration | |
From | var NSImageCacheException: NSString! |
To | let NSImageCacheException: String |
Modified NSImageColorSyncProfileData
Declaration | |
From | var NSImageColorSyncProfileData: NSString! |
To | let NSImageColorSyncProfileData: String |
Modified NSImageCompressionFactor
Declaration | |
From | var NSImageCompressionFactor: NSString! |
To | let NSImageCompressionFactor: String |
Modified NSImageCompressionMethod
Declaration | |
From | var NSImageCompressionMethod: NSString! |
To | let NSImageCompressionMethod: String |
Modified NSImageCurrentFrame
Declaration | |
From | var NSImageCurrentFrame: NSString! |
To | let NSImageCurrentFrame: String |
Modified NSImageCurrentFrameDuration
Declaration | |
From | var NSImageCurrentFrameDuration: NSString! |
To | let NSImageCurrentFrameDuration: String |
Modified NSImageDitherTransparency
Declaration | |
From | var NSImageDitherTransparency: NSString! |
To | let NSImageDitherTransparency: String |
Modified NSImageEXIFData
Declaration | |
From | var NSImageEXIFData: NSString! |
To | let NSImageEXIFData: String |
Modified NSImageFallbackBackgroundColor
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSImageFallbackBackgroundColor: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageFallbackBackgroundColor: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageFrameCount
Declaration | |
From | var NSImageFrameCount: NSString! |
To | let NSImageFrameCount: String |
Modified NSImageGamma
Declaration | |
From | var NSImageGamma: NSString! |
To | let NSImageGamma: String |
Modified NSImageHintCTM
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageHintCTM: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageHintCTM: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSImageHintInterpolation
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageHintInterpolation: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageHintInterpolation: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSImageInterlaced
Declaration | |
From | var NSImageInterlaced: NSString! |
To | let NSImageInterlaced: String |
Modified NSImageLoopCount
Declaration | |
From | var NSImageLoopCount: NSString! |
To | let NSImageLoopCount: String |
Modified NSImageNameActionTemplate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameActionTemplate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameActionTemplate: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameAddTemplate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameAddTemplate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameAddTemplate: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameAdvanced
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameAdvanced: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameAdvanced: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameApplicationIcon
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameApplicationIcon: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameApplicationIcon: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSImageNameBluetoothTemplate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameBluetoothTemplate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameBluetoothTemplate: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameBonjour
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameBonjour: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameBonjour: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameBookmarksTemplate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameBookmarksTemplate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameBookmarksTemplate: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSImageNameCaution
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameCaution: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameCaution: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSImageNameColorPanel
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameColorPanel: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameColorPanel: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameColumnViewTemplate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameColumnViewTemplate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameColumnViewTemplate: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameComputer
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameComputer: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameComputer: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameEnterFullScreenTemplate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameEnterFullScreenTemplate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameEnterFullScreenTemplate: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameEveryone
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameEveryone: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameEveryone: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameExitFullScreenTemplate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameExitFullScreenTemplate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameExitFullScreenTemplate: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameFlowViewTemplate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameFlowViewTemplate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameFlowViewTemplate: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameFolder
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameFolder: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameFolder: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSImageNameFolderBurnable
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameFolderBurnable: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameFolderBurnable: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameFolderSmart
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameFolderSmart: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameFolderSmart: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameFollowLinkFreestandingTemplate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameFollowLinkFreestandingTemplate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameFollowLinkFreestandingTemplate: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameFontPanel
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameFontPanel: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameFontPanel: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameGoLeftTemplate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameGoLeftTemplate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameGoLeftTemplate: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameGoRightTemplate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameGoRightTemplate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameGoRightTemplate: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameHomeTemplate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameHomeTemplate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameHomeTemplate: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSImageNameIChatTheaterTemplate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameIChatTheaterTemplate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameIChatTheaterTemplate: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameIconViewTemplate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameIconViewTemplate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameIconViewTemplate: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameInfo
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameInfo: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameInfo: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameInvalidDataFreestandingTemplate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameInvalidDataFreestandingTemplate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameInvalidDataFreestandingTemplate: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameLeftFacingTriangleTemplate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameLeftFacingTriangleTemplate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameLeftFacingTriangleTemplate: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameListViewTemplate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameListViewTemplate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameListViewTemplate: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameLockLockedTemplate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameLockLockedTemplate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameLockLockedTemplate: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameLockUnlockedTemplate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameLockUnlockedTemplate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameLockUnlockedTemplate: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameMenuMixedStateTemplate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameMenuMixedStateTemplate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameMenuMixedStateTemplate: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSImageNameMenuOnStateTemplate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameMenuOnStateTemplate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameMenuOnStateTemplate: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSImageNameMobileMe
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameMobileMe: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameMobileMe: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSImageNameMultipleDocuments
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameMultipleDocuments: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameMultipleDocuments: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameNetwork
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameNetwork: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameNetwork: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNamePathTemplate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNamePathTemplate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNamePathTemplate: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNamePreferencesGeneral
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNamePreferencesGeneral: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNamePreferencesGeneral: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameQuickLookTemplate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameQuickLookTemplate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameQuickLookTemplate: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameRefreshFreestandingTemplate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameRefreshFreestandingTemplate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameRefreshFreestandingTemplate: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameRefreshTemplate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameRefreshTemplate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameRefreshTemplate: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameRemoveTemplate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameRemoveTemplate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameRemoveTemplate: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameRevealFreestandingTemplate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameRevealFreestandingTemplate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameRevealFreestandingTemplate: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameRightFacingTriangleTemplate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameRightFacingTriangleTemplate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameRightFacingTriangleTemplate: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameShareTemplate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameShareTemplate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameShareTemplate: String | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSImageNameSlideshowTemplate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameSlideshowTemplate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameSlideshowTemplate: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameSmartBadgeTemplate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameSmartBadgeTemplate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameSmartBadgeTemplate: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameStatusAvailable
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameStatusAvailable: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameStatusAvailable: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSImageNameStatusNone
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameStatusNone: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameStatusNone: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSImageNameStatusPartiallyAvailable
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameStatusPartiallyAvailable: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameStatusPartiallyAvailable: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSImageNameStatusUnavailable
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameStatusUnavailable: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameStatusUnavailable: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSImageNameStopProgressFreestandingTemplate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameStopProgressFreestandingTemplate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameStopProgressFreestandingTemplate: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameStopProgressTemplate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameStopProgressTemplate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameStopProgressTemplate: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameTrashEmpty
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameTrashEmpty: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameTrashEmpty: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSImageNameTrashFull
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameTrashFull: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameTrashFull: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSImageNameUser
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameUser: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameUser: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameUserAccounts
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameUserAccounts: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameUserAccounts: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameUserGroup
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameUserGroup: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameUserGroup: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSImageNameUserGuest
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSImageNameUserGuest: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSImageNameUserGuest: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSImageProgressive
Declaration | |
From | var NSImageProgressive: NSString! |
To | let NSImageProgressive: String |
Modified NSImageRGBColorTable
Declaration | |
From | var NSImageRGBColorTable: NSString! |
To | let NSImageRGBColorTable: String |
Modified NSImageRepRegistryDidChangeNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSImageRepRegistryDidChangeNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSImageRepRegistryDidChangeNotification: String |
Modified NSIncludedKeysBinding
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSIncludedKeysBinding: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSIncludedKeysBinding: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSInitialKeyBinding
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSInitialKeyBinding: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSInitialKeyBinding: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSInitialValueBinding
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSInitialValueBinding: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSInitialValueBinding: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSInkTextPboardType
Declaration | |
From | var NSInkTextPboardType: NSString! |
To | let NSInkTextPboardType: String |
Modified NSInsertsNullPlaceholderBindingOption
Declaration | |
From | var NSInsertsNullPlaceholderBindingOption: NSString! |
To | let NSInsertsNullPlaceholderBindingOption: String |
Modified NSInvokesSeparatelyWithArrayObjectsBindingOption
Declaration | |
From | var NSInvokesSeparatelyWithArrayObjectsBindingOption: NSString! |
To | let NSInvokesSeparatelyWithArrayObjectsBindingOption: String |
Modified NSIsIndeterminateBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSIsIndeterminateBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSIsIndeterminateBinding: String |
Modified NSKernAttributeName
Declaration | |
From | var NSKernAttributeName: NSString! |
To | let NSKernAttributeName: String |
Modified NSKeywordsDocumentAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSKeywordsDocumentAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSKeywordsDocumentAttribute: String |
Modified NSLabelBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSLabelBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSLabelBinding: String |
Modified NSLayoutPriority
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSLayoutPriorityDefaultHigh
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSLayoutPriorityDefaultLow
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSLayoutPriorityDragThatCanResizeWindow
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSLayoutPriorityDragThatCannotResizeWindow
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSLayoutPriorityFittingSizeCompression
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSLayoutPriorityRequired
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSLayoutPriorityWindowSizeStayPut
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSLeftMarginDocumentAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSLeftMarginDocumentAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSLeftMarginDocumentAttribute: String |
Modified NSLigatureAttributeName
Declaration | |
From | var NSLigatureAttributeName: NSString! |
To | let NSLigatureAttributeName: String |
Modified NSLinkAttributeName
Declaration | |
From | var NSLinkAttributeName: NSString! |
To | let NSLinkAttributeName: String |
Modified NSLocalizedKeyDictionaryBinding
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSLocalizedKeyDictionaryBinding: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSLocalizedKeyDictionaryBinding: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSMacSimpleTextDocumentType
Declaration | |
From | var NSMacSimpleTextDocumentType: NSString! |
To | let NSMacSimpleTextDocumentType: String |
Modified NSManagedObjectContextBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSManagedObjectContextBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSManagedObjectContextBinding: String |
Modified NSManagerDocumentAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSManagerDocumentAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSManagerDocumentAttribute: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSMarkedClauseSegmentAttributeName
Declaration | |
From | var NSMarkedClauseSegmentAttributeName: NSString! |
To | let NSMarkedClauseSegmentAttributeName: String |
Modified NSMaxValueBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSMaxValueBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSMaxValueBinding: String |
Modified NSMaxWidthBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSMaxWidthBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSMaxWidthBinding: String |
Modified NSMaximumRecentsBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSMaximumRecentsBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSMaximumRecentsBinding: String |
Modified NSMenuDidAddItemNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSMenuDidAddItemNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSMenuDidAddItemNotification: String |
Modified NSMenuDidBeginTrackingNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSMenuDidBeginTrackingNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSMenuDidBeginTrackingNotification: String |
Modified NSMenuDidChangeItemNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSMenuDidChangeItemNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSMenuDidChangeItemNotification: String |
Modified NSMenuDidEndTrackingNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSMenuDidEndTrackingNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSMenuDidEndTrackingNotification: String |
Modified NSMenuDidRemoveItemNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSMenuDidRemoveItemNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSMenuDidRemoveItemNotification: String |
Modified NSMenuDidSendActionNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSMenuDidSendActionNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSMenuDidSendActionNotification: String |
Modified NSMenuWillSendActionNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSMenuWillSendActionNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSMenuWillSendActionNotification: String |
Modified NSMinValueBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSMinValueBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSMinValueBinding: String |
Modified NSMinWidthBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSMinWidthBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSMinWidthBinding: String |
Modified NSMixedStateImageBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSMixedStateImageBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSMixedStateImageBinding: String |
Modified NSModalPanelRunLoopMode
Declaration | |
From | var NSModalPanelRunLoopMode: NSString! |
To | let NSModalPanelRunLoopMode: String |
Modified NSModalResponse
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSModificationTimeDocumentAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSModificationTimeDocumentAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSModificationTimeDocumentAttribute: String |
Modified NSMultipleTextSelectionPboardType
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSMultipleTextSelectionPboardType: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSMultipleTextSelectionPboardType: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSMultipleValuesPlaceholderBindingOption
Declaration | |
From | var NSMultipleValuesPlaceholderBindingOption: NSString! |
To | let NSMultipleValuesPlaceholderBindingOption: String |
Modified NSNamedColorSpace
Declaration | |
From | var NSNamedColorSpace: NSString! |
To | let NSNamedColorSpace: String |
Modified NSNibLoadingException
Declaration | |
From | var NSNibLoadingException: NSString! |
To | let NSNibLoadingException: String |
Modified NSNoSelectionPlaceholderBindingOption
Declaration | |
From | var NSNoSelectionPlaceholderBindingOption: NSString! |
To | let NSNoSelectionPlaceholderBindingOption: String |
Modified NSNotApplicablePlaceholderBindingOption
Declaration | |
From | var NSNotApplicablePlaceholderBindingOption: NSString! |
To | let NSNotApplicablePlaceholderBindingOption: String |
Modified NSNullPlaceholderBindingOption
Declaration | |
From | var NSNullPlaceholderBindingOption: NSString! |
To | let NSNullPlaceholderBindingOption: String |
Modified NSOKButton
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSObliquenessAttributeName
Declaration | |
From | var NSObliquenessAttributeName: NSString! |
To | let NSObliquenessAttributeName: String |
Modified NSObservedKeyPathKey
Declaration | |
From | var NSObservedKeyPathKey: NSString! |
To | let NSObservedKeyPathKey: String |
Modified NSObservedObjectKey
Declaration | |
From | var NSObservedObjectKey: NSString! |
To | let NSObservedObjectKey: String |
Modified NSOffStateImageBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSOffStateImageBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSOffStateImageBinding: String |
Modified NSOfficeOpenXMLTextDocumentType
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSOfficeOpenXMLTextDocumentType: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSOfficeOpenXMLTextDocumentType: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSOnStateImageBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSOnStateImageBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSOnStateImageBinding: String |
Modified NSOpenDocumentTextDocumentType
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSOpenDocumentTextDocumentType: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSOpenDocumentTextDocumentType: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSOpenGLGetOption(NSOpenGLGlobalOption, UnsafeMutablePointer<GLint>)
Declaration | |
From | func NSOpenGLGetOption(_ pname: NSOpenGLGlobalOption, _ param: UnsafePointer<GLint>) |
To | func NSOpenGLGetOption(_ pname: NSOpenGLGlobalOption, _ param: UnsafeMutablePointer<GLint>) |
Modified NSOpenGLGetVersion(UnsafeMutablePointer<GLint>, UnsafeMutablePointer<GLint>)
Declaration | |
From | func NSOpenGLGetVersion(_ major: UnsafePointer<GLint>, _ minor: UnsafePointer<GLint>) |
To | func NSOpenGLGetVersion(_ major: UnsafeMutablePointer<GLint>, _ minor: UnsafeMutablePointer<GLint>) |
Modified NSOpenGLPFAAllowOfflineRenderers
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSOpenGLPFAOpenGLProfile
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSOpenGLProfileVersion3_2Core
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSOpenGLProfileVersionLegacy
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSOptionsKey
Declaration | |
From | var NSOptionsKey: NSString! |
To | let NSOptionsKey: String |
Modified NSOutlineViewColumnDidMoveNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSOutlineViewColumnDidMoveNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSOutlineViewColumnDidMoveNotification: String |
Modified NSOutlineViewColumnDidResizeNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSOutlineViewColumnDidResizeNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSOutlineViewColumnDidResizeNotification: String |
Modified NSOutlineViewDisclosureButtonKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSOutlineViewDisclosureButtonKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSOutlineViewDisclosureButtonKey: String | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSOutlineViewItemDidCollapseNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSOutlineViewItemDidCollapseNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSOutlineViewItemDidCollapseNotification: String |
Modified NSOutlineViewItemDidExpandNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSOutlineViewItemDidExpandNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSOutlineViewItemDidExpandNotification: String |
Modified NSOutlineViewItemWillCollapseNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSOutlineViewItemWillCollapseNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSOutlineViewItemWillCollapseNotification: String |
Modified NSOutlineViewItemWillExpandNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSOutlineViewItemWillExpandNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSOutlineViewItemWillExpandNotification: String |
Modified NSOutlineViewSelectionDidChangeNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSOutlineViewSelectionDidChangeNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSOutlineViewSelectionDidChangeNotification: String |
Modified NSOutlineViewSelectionIsChangingNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSOutlineViewSelectionIsChangingNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSOutlineViewSelectionIsChangingNotification: String |
Modified NSOutlineViewShowHideButtonKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSOutlineViewShowHideButtonKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSOutlineViewShowHideButtonKey: String | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSPDFPboardType
Declaration | |
From | var NSPDFPboardType: NSString! |
To | let NSPDFPboardType: String |
Modified NSPPDIncludeNotFoundException
Declaration | |
From | var NSPPDIncludeNotFoundException: NSString! |
To | let NSPPDIncludeNotFoundException: String |
Modified NSPPDIncludeStackOverflowException
Declaration | |
From | var NSPPDIncludeStackOverflowException: NSString! |
To | let NSPPDIncludeStackOverflowException: String |
Modified NSPPDIncludeStackUnderflowException
Declaration | |
From | var NSPPDIncludeStackUnderflowException: NSString! |
To | let NSPPDIncludeStackUnderflowException: String |
Modified NSPPDParseException
Declaration | |
From | var NSPPDParseException: NSString! |
To | let NSPPDParseException: String |
Modified NSPaperSizeDocumentAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSPaperSizeDocumentAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSPaperSizeDocumentAttribute: String |
Modified NSParagraphStyleAttributeName
Declaration | |
From | var NSParagraphStyleAttributeName: NSString! |
To | let NSParagraphStyleAttributeName: String |
Modified NSPasteboardCommunicationException
Declaration | |
From | var NSPasteboardCommunicationException: NSString! |
To | let NSPasteboardCommunicationException: String |
Modified NSPasteboardTypeColor
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSPasteboardTypeColor: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSPasteboardTypeColor: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSPasteboardTypeFindPanelSearchOptions
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSPasteboardTypeFindPanelSearchOptions: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSPasteboardTypeFindPanelSearchOptions: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSPasteboardTypeFont
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSPasteboardTypeFont: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSPasteboardTypeFont: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSPasteboardTypeHTML
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSPasteboardTypeHTML: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSPasteboardTypeHTML: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSPasteboardTypeMultipleTextSelection
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSPasteboardTypeMultipleTextSelection: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSPasteboardTypeMultipleTextSelection: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSPasteboardTypePDF
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSPasteboardTypePDF: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSPasteboardTypePDF: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSPasteboardTypePNG
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSPasteboardTypePNG: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSPasteboardTypePNG: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSPasteboardTypeRTF
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSPasteboardTypeRTF: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSPasteboardTypeRTF: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSPasteboardTypeRTFD
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSPasteboardTypeRTFD: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSPasteboardTypeRTFD: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSPasteboardTypeRuler
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSPasteboardTypeRuler: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSPasteboardTypeRuler: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSPasteboardTypeSound
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSPasteboardTypeSound: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSPasteboardTypeSound: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSPasteboardTypeString
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSPasteboardTypeString: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSPasteboardTypeString: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSPasteboardTypeTIFF
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSPasteboardTypeTIFF: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSPasteboardTypeTIFF: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSPasteboardTypeTabularText
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSPasteboardTypeTabularText: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSPasteboardTypeTabularText: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSPasteboardTypeTextFinderOptions
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSPasteboardTypeTextFinderOptions: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSPasteboardTypeTextFinderOptions: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSPasteboardURLReadingContentsConformToTypesKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSPasteboardURLReadingContentsConformToTypesKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSPasteboardURLReadingContentsConformToTypesKey: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSPasteboardURLReadingFileURLsOnlyKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSPasteboardURLReadingFileURLsOnlyKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSPasteboardURLReadingFileURLsOnlyKey: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSPatternColorSpace
Declaration | |
From | var NSPatternColorSpace: NSString! |
To | let NSPatternColorSpace: String |
Modified NSPlainTextDocumentType
Declaration | |
From | var NSPlainTextDocumentType: NSString! |
To | let NSPlainTextDocumentType: String |
Modified NSPopUpButtonCellWillPopUpNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSPopUpButtonCellWillPopUpNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSPopUpButtonCellWillPopUpNotification: String |
Modified NSPopUpButtonWillPopUpNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSPopUpButtonWillPopUpNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSPopUpButtonWillPopUpNotification: String |
Modified NSPopoverCloseReasonDetachToWindow
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSPopoverCloseReasonDetachToWindow: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSPopoverCloseReasonDetachToWindow: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSPopoverCloseReasonKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSPopoverCloseReasonKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSPopoverCloseReasonKey: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSPopoverCloseReasonStandard
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSPopoverCloseReasonStandard: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSPopoverCloseReasonStandard: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSPopoverDidCloseNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSPopoverDidCloseNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSPopoverDidCloseNotification: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSPopoverDidShowNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSPopoverDidShowNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSPopoverDidShowNotification: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSPopoverWillCloseNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSPopoverWillCloseNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSPopoverWillCloseNotification: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSPopoverWillShowNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSPopoverWillShowNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSPopoverWillShowNotification: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSPositioningRectBinding
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSPositioningRectBinding: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSPositioningRectBinding: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSPostScriptPboardType
Declaration | |
From | var NSPostScriptPboardType: NSString! |
To | let NSPostScriptPboardType: String |
Modified NSPredicateBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSPredicateBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSPredicateBinding: String |
Modified NSPredicateFormatBindingOption
Declaration | |
From | var NSPredicateFormatBindingOption: NSString! |
To | let NSPredicateFormatBindingOption: String |
Modified NSPreferredScrollerStyleDidChangeNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSPreferredScrollerStyleDidChangeNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSPreferredScrollerStyleDidChangeNotification: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSPrefixSpacesDocumentAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSPrefixSpacesDocumentAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSPrefixSpacesDocumentAttribute: String |
Modified NSPrintAllPages
Declaration | |
From | let NSPrintAllPages: NSString! |
To | let NSPrintAllPages: String |
Modified NSPrintAllPresetsJobStyleHint
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSPrintAllPresetsJobStyleHint: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSPrintAllPresetsJobStyleHint: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSPrintBottomMargin
Declaration | |
From | let NSPrintBottomMargin: NSString! |
To | let NSPrintBottomMargin: String |
Modified NSPrintCancelJob
Declaration | |
From | let NSPrintCancelJob: NSString! |
To | let NSPrintCancelJob: String |
Modified NSPrintCopies
Declaration | |
From | let NSPrintCopies: NSString! |
To | let NSPrintCopies: String |
Modified NSPrintDetailedErrorReporting
Declaration | |
From | let NSPrintDetailedErrorReporting: NSString! |
To | let NSPrintDetailedErrorReporting: String |
Modified NSPrintFaxNumber
Declaration | |
From | let NSPrintFaxNumber: NSString! |
To | let NSPrintFaxNumber: String |
Modified NSPrintFirstPage
Declaration | |
From | let NSPrintFirstPage: NSString! |
To | let NSPrintFirstPage: String |
Modified NSPrintHeaderAndFooter
Declaration | |
From | let NSPrintHeaderAndFooter: NSString! |
To | let NSPrintHeaderAndFooter: String |
Modified NSPrintHorizontalPagination
Declaration | |
From | let NSPrintHorizontalPagination: NSString! |
To | let NSPrintHorizontalPagination: String |
Modified NSPrintHorizontallyCentered
Declaration | |
From | let NSPrintHorizontallyCentered: NSString! |
To | let NSPrintHorizontallyCentered: String |
Modified NSPrintJobDisposition
Declaration | |
From | let NSPrintJobDisposition: NSString! |
To | let NSPrintJobDisposition: String |
Modified NSPrintJobSavingFileNameExtensionHidden
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSPrintJobSavingFileNameExtensionHidden: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSPrintJobSavingFileNameExtensionHidden: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSPrintJobSavingURL
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSPrintJobSavingURL: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSPrintJobSavingURL: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSPrintLastPage
Declaration | |
From | let NSPrintLastPage: NSString! |
To | let NSPrintLastPage: String |
Modified NSPrintLeftMargin
Declaration | |
From | let NSPrintLeftMargin: NSString! |
To | let NSPrintLeftMargin: String |
Modified NSPrintMustCollate
Declaration | |
From | let NSPrintMustCollate: NSString! |
To | let NSPrintMustCollate: String |
Modified NSPrintNoPresetsJobStyleHint
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSPrintNoPresetsJobStyleHint: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSPrintNoPresetsJobStyleHint: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSPrintOperationExistsException
Declaration | |
From | var NSPrintOperationExistsException: NSString! |
To | let NSPrintOperationExistsException: String |
Modified NSPrintOrientation
Declaration | |
From | let NSPrintOrientation: NSString! |
To | let NSPrintOrientation: String |
Modified NSPrintPackageException
Declaration | |
From | var NSPrintPackageException: NSString! |
To | let NSPrintPackageException: String |
Modified NSPrintPagesAcross
Declaration | |
From | let NSPrintPagesAcross: NSString! |
To | let NSPrintPagesAcross: String |
Modified NSPrintPagesDown
Declaration | |
From | let NSPrintPagesDown: NSString! |
To | let NSPrintPagesDown: String |
Modified NSPrintPanelAccessorySummaryItemDescriptionKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSPrintPanelAccessorySummaryItemDescriptionKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSPrintPanelAccessorySummaryItemDescriptionKey: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSPrintPanelAccessorySummaryItemNameKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSPrintPanelAccessorySummaryItemNameKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSPrintPanelAccessorySummaryItemNameKey: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSPrintPaperName
Declaration | |
From | let NSPrintPaperName: NSString! |
To | let NSPrintPaperName: String |
Modified NSPrintPaperSize
Declaration | |
From | let NSPrintPaperSize: NSString! |
To | let NSPrintPaperSize: String |
Modified NSPrintPhotoJobStyleHint
Declaration | |
From | let NSPrintPhotoJobStyleHint: NSString! |
To | let NSPrintPhotoJobStyleHint: String |
Modified NSPrintPreviewJob
Declaration | |
From | let NSPrintPreviewJob: NSString! |
To | let NSPrintPreviewJob: String |
Modified NSPrintPrinter
Declaration | |
From | let NSPrintPrinter: NSString! |
To | let NSPrintPrinter: String |
Modified NSPrintPrinterName
Declaration | |
From | let NSPrintPrinterName: NSString! |
To | let NSPrintPrinterName: String |
Modified NSPrintReversePageOrder
Declaration | |
From | let NSPrintReversePageOrder: NSString! |
To | let NSPrintReversePageOrder: String |
Modified NSPrintRightMargin
Declaration | |
From | let NSPrintRightMargin: NSString! |
To | let NSPrintRightMargin: String |
Modified NSPrintSaveJob
Declaration | |
From | let NSPrintSaveJob: NSString! |
To | let NSPrintSaveJob: String |
Modified NSPrintScalingFactor
Declaration | |
From | let NSPrintScalingFactor: NSString! |
To | let NSPrintScalingFactor: String |
Modified NSPrintSelectionOnly
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSPrintSelectionOnly: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSPrintSelectionOnly: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSPrintSpoolJob
Declaration | |
From | let NSPrintSpoolJob: NSString! |
To | let NSPrintSpoolJob: String |
Modified NSPrintTime
Declaration | |
From | let NSPrintTime: NSString! |
To | let NSPrintTime: String |
Modified NSPrintTopMargin
Declaration | |
From | let NSPrintTopMargin: NSString! |
To | let NSPrintTopMargin: String |
Modified NSPrintVerticalPagination
Declaration | |
From | let NSPrintVerticalPagination: NSString! |
To | let NSPrintVerticalPagination: String |
Modified NSPrintVerticallyCentered
Declaration | |
From | let NSPrintVerticallyCentered: NSString! |
To | let NSPrintVerticallyCentered: String |
Modified NSPrintingCommunicationException
Declaration | |
From | var NSPrintingCommunicationException: NSString! |
To | let NSPrintingCommunicationException: String |
Modified NSRTFDPboardType
Declaration | |
From | var NSRTFDPboardType: NSString! |
To | let NSRTFDPboardType: String |
Modified NSRTFDTextDocumentType
Declaration | |
From | var NSRTFDTextDocumentType: NSString! |
To | let NSRTFDTextDocumentType: String |
Modified NSRTFPboardType
Declaration | |
From | var NSRTFPboardType: NSString! |
To | let NSRTFPboardType: String |
Modified NSRTFPropertyStackOverflowException
Declaration | |
From | var NSRTFPropertyStackOverflowException: NSString! |
To | let NSRTFPropertyStackOverflowException: String |
Modified NSRTFTextDocumentType
Declaration | |
From | var NSRTFTextDocumentType: NSString! |
To | let NSRTFTextDocumentType: String |
Modified NSRaisesForNotApplicableKeysBindingOption
Declaration | |
From | var NSRaisesForNotApplicableKeysBindingOption: NSString! |
To | let NSRaisesForNotApplicableKeysBindingOption: String |
Modified NSReadOnlyDocumentAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSReadOnlyDocumentAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSReadOnlyDocumentAttribute: String |
Modified NSRecentSearchesBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSRecentSearchesBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSRecentSearchesBinding: String |
Modified NSRectClipList(UnsafePointer<NSRect>, Int)
Declaration | |
From | func NSRectClipList(_ rects: ConstUnsafePointer<NSRect>, _ count: Int) |
To | func NSRectClipList(_ rects: UnsafePointer<NSRect>, _ count: Int) |
Modified NSRectFillList(UnsafePointer<NSRect>, Int)
Declaration | |
From | func NSRectFillList(_ rects: ConstUnsafePointer<NSRect>, _ count: Int) |
To | func NSRectFillList(_ rects: UnsafePointer<NSRect>, _ count: Int) |
Modified NSRectFillListUsingOperation(UnsafePointer<NSRect>, Int, NSCompositingOperation)
Declaration | |
From | func NSRectFillListUsingOperation(_ rects: ConstUnsafePointer<NSRect>, _ count: Int, _ op: NSCompositingOperation) |
To | func NSRectFillListUsingOperation(_ rects: UnsafePointer<NSRect>, _ count: Int, _ op: NSCompositingOperation) |
Modified NSRectFillListWithColors(UnsafePointer<NSRect>, UnsafePointer<NSColor?>, Int)
Declaration | |
From | func NSRectFillListWithColors(_ rects: ConstUnsafePointer<NSRect>, _ colors: ConstUnsafePointer<NSColor?>, _ num: Int) |
To | func NSRectFillListWithColors(_ rects: UnsafePointer<NSRect>, _ colors: UnsafePointer<NSColor?>, _ num: Int) |
Modified NSRectFillListWithColorsUsingOperation(UnsafePointer<NSRect>, UnsafePointer<NSColor?>, Int, NSCompositingOperation)
Declaration | |
From | func NSRectFillListWithColorsUsingOperation(_ rects: ConstUnsafePointer<NSRect>, _ colors: ConstUnsafePointer<NSColor?>, _ num: Int, _ op: NSCompositingOperation) |
To | func NSRectFillListWithColorsUsingOperation(_ rects: UnsafePointer<NSRect>, _ colors: UnsafePointer<NSColor?>, _ num: Int, _ op: NSCompositingOperation) |
Modified NSRectFillListWithGrays(UnsafePointer<NSRect>, UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, Int)
Declaration | |
From | func NSRectFillListWithGrays(_ rects: ConstUnsafePointer<NSRect>, _ grays: ConstUnsafePointer<CGFloat>, _ num: Int) |
To | func NSRectFillListWithGrays(_ rects: UnsafePointer<NSRect>, _ grays: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, _ num: Int) |
Modified NSReleaseAlertPanel(AnyObject!)
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSRepresentedFilenameBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSRepresentedFilenameBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSRepresentedFilenameBinding: String |
Modified NSRightMarginDocumentAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSRightMarginDocumentAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSRightMarginDocumentAttribute: String |
Modified NSRowHeightBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSRowHeightBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSRowHeightBinding: String |
Modified NSRuleEditorPredicateComparisonModifier
Declaration | |
From | let NSRuleEditorPredicateComparisonModifier: NSString! |
To | let NSRuleEditorPredicateComparisonModifier: String |
Modified NSRuleEditorPredicateCompoundType
Declaration | |
From | let NSRuleEditorPredicateCompoundType: NSString! |
To | let NSRuleEditorPredicateCompoundType: String |
Modified NSRuleEditorPredicateCustomSelector
Declaration | |
From | let NSRuleEditorPredicateCustomSelector: NSString! |
To | let NSRuleEditorPredicateCustomSelector: String |
Modified NSRuleEditorPredicateLeftExpression
Declaration | |
From | let NSRuleEditorPredicateLeftExpression: NSString! |
To | let NSRuleEditorPredicateLeftExpression: String |
Modified NSRuleEditorPredicateOperatorType
Declaration | |
From | let NSRuleEditorPredicateOperatorType: NSString! |
To | let NSRuleEditorPredicateOperatorType: String |
Modified NSRuleEditorPredicateOptions
Declaration | |
From | let NSRuleEditorPredicateOptions: NSString! |
To | let NSRuleEditorPredicateOptions: String |
Modified NSRuleEditorPredicateRightExpression
Declaration | |
From | let NSRuleEditorPredicateRightExpression: NSString! |
To | let NSRuleEditorPredicateRightExpression: String |
Modified NSRuleEditorRowsDidChangeNotification
Declaration | |
From | let NSRuleEditorRowsDidChangeNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSRuleEditorRowsDidChangeNotification: String |
Modified NSRulerPboard
Declaration | |
From | var NSRulerPboard: NSString! |
To | let NSRulerPboard: String |
Modified NSRulerPboardType
Declaration | |
From | var NSRulerPboardType: NSString! |
To | let NSRulerPboardType: String |
Modified NSRunAbortedResponse
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSRunContinuesResponse
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSRunStoppedResponse
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified NSScreenColorSpaceDidChangeNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSScreenColorSpaceDidChangeNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSScreenColorSpaceDidChangeNotification: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSScrollViewDidEndLiveMagnifyNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSScrollViewDidEndLiveMagnifyNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSScrollViewDidEndLiveMagnifyNotification: String | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSScrollViewDidEndLiveScrollNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSScrollViewDidEndLiveScrollNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSScrollViewDidEndLiveScrollNotification: String | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSScrollViewDidLiveScrollNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSScrollViewDidLiveScrollNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSScrollViewDidLiveScrollNotification: String | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSScrollViewWillStartLiveMagnifyNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSScrollViewWillStartLiveMagnifyNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSScrollViewWillStartLiveMagnifyNotification: String | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSScrollViewWillStartLiveScrollNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSScrollViewWillStartLiveScrollNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSScrollViewWillStartLiveScrollNotification: String | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSSelectedIdentifierBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSSelectedIdentifierBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSSelectedIdentifierBinding: String |
Modified NSSelectedIndexBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSSelectedIndexBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSSelectedIndexBinding: String |
Modified NSSelectedLabelBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSSelectedLabelBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSSelectedLabelBinding: String |
Modified NSSelectedObjectBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSSelectedObjectBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSSelectedObjectBinding: String |
Modified NSSelectedObjectsBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSSelectedObjectsBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSSelectedObjectsBinding: String |
Modified NSSelectedTagBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSSelectedTagBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSSelectedTagBinding: String |
Modified NSSelectedValueBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSSelectedValueBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSSelectedValueBinding: String |
Modified NSSelectedValuesBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSSelectedValuesBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSSelectedValuesBinding: String |
Modified NSSelectionIndexPathsBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSSelectionIndexPathsBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSSelectionIndexPathsBinding: String |
Modified NSSelectionIndexesBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSSelectionIndexesBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSSelectionIndexesBinding: String |
Modified NSSelectorNameBindingOption
Declaration | |
From | var NSSelectorNameBindingOption: NSString! |
To | let NSSelectorNameBindingOption: String |
Modified NSSelectsAllWhenSettingContentBindingOption
Declaration | |
From | var NSSelectsAllWhenSettingContentBindingOption: NSString! |
To | let NSSelectsAllWhenSettingContentBindingOption: String |
Modified NSShadowAttributeName
Declaration | |
From | var NSShadowAttributeName: NSString! |
To | let NSShadowAttributeName: String |
Modified NSSharingServiceNameAddToAperture
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSharingServiceNameAddToAperture: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSharingServiceNameAddToAperture: String | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSSharingServiceNameAddToIPhoto
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSharingServiceNameAddToIPhoto: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSharingServiceNameAddToIPhoto: String | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSSharingServiceNameAddToSafariReadingList
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSharingServiceNameAddToSafariReadingList: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSharingServiceNameAddToSafariReadingList: String | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSSharingServiceNameComposeEmail
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSharingServiceNameComposeEmail: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSharingServiceNameComposeEmail: String | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSSharingServiceNameComposeMessage
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSharingServiceNameComposeMessage: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSharingServiceNameComposeMessage: String | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSSharingServiceNamePostImageOnFlickr
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSharingServiceNamePostImageOnFlickr: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSharingServiceNamePostImageOnFlickr: String | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSSharingServiceNamePostOnFacebook
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSharingServiceNamePostOnFacebook: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSharingServiceNamePostOnFacebook: String | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSSharingServiceNamePostOnLinkedIn
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSharingServiceNamePostOnLinkedIn: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSharingServiceNamePostOnLinkedIn: String | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSSharingServiceNamePostOnSinaWeibo
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSharingServiceNamePostOnSinaWeibo: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSharingServiceNamePostOnSinaWeibo: String | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSSharingServiceNamePostOnTencentWeibo
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSharingServiceNamePostOnTencentWeibo: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSharingServiceNamePostOnTencentWeibo: String | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSSharingServiceNamePostOnTwitter
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSharingServiceNamePostOnTwitter: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSharingServiceNamePostOnTwitter: String | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSSharingServiceNamePostVideoOnTudou
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSharingServiceNamePostVideoOnTudou: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSharingServiceNamePostVideoOnTudou: String | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSSharingServiceNamePostVideoOnVimeo
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSharingServiceNamePostVideoOnVimeo: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSharingServiceNamePostVideoOnVimeo: String | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSSharingServiceNamePostVideoOnYouku
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSharingServiceNamePostVideoOnYouku: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSharingServiceNamePostVideoOnYouku: String | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSSharingServiceNameSendViaAirDrop
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSharingServiceNameSendViaAirDrop: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSharingServiceNameSendViaAirDrop: String | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSSharingServiceNameUseAsDesktopPicture
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSharingServiceNameUseAsDesktopPicture: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSharingServiceNameUseAsDesktopPicture: String | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSSharingServiceNameUseAsFacebookProfileImage
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSharingServiceNameUseAsFacebookProfileImage: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSharingServiceNameUseAsFacebookProfileImage: String | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSSharingServiceNameUseAsLinkedInProfileImage
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSharingServiceNameUseAsLinkedInProfileImage: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSharingServiceNameUseAsLinkedInProfileImage: String | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSSharingServiceNameUseAsTwitterProfileImage
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSharingServiceNameUseAsTwitterProfileImage: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSharingServiceNameUseAsTwitterProfileImage: String | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSShowAnimationEffect(NSAnimationEffect, NSPoint, NSSize, AnyObject!, Selector, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func NSShowAnimationEffect(_ animationEffect: NSAnimationEffect, _ centerLocation: NSPoint, _ size: NSSize, _ animationDelegate: AnyObject!, _ didEndSelector: Selector, _ contextInfo: UnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func NSShowAnimationEffect(_ animationEffect: NSAnimationEffect, _ centerLocation: NSPoint, _ size: NSSize, _ animationDelegate: AnyObject!, _ didEndSelector: Selector, _ contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) |
Modified NSSortDescriptorsBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSSortDescriptorsBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSSortDescriptorsBinding: String |
Modified NSSoundPboardType
Declaration | |
From | let NSSoundPboardType: NSString! |
To | let NSSoundPboardType: String |
Modified NSSpeechCharacterModeProperty
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechCharacterModeProperty: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechCharacterModeProperty: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechCommandDelimiterProperty
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechCommandDelimiterProperty: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechCommandDelimiterProperty: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechCommandPrefix
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechCommandPrefix: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechCommandPrefix: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechCommandSuffix
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechCommandSuffix: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechCommandSuffix: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechCurrentVoiceProperty
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechCurrentVoiceProperty: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechCurrentVoiceProperty: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechDictionaryAbbreviations
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechDictionaryAbbreviations: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechDictionaryAbbreviations: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechDictionaryEntryPhonemes
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechDictionaryEntryPhonemes: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechDictionaryEntryPhonemes: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechDictionaryEntrySpelling
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechDictionaryEntrySpelling: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechDictionaryEntrySpelling: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechDictionaryLocaleIdentifier
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechDictionaryLocaleIdentifier: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechDictionaryLocaleIdentifier: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechDictionaryModificationDate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechDictionaryModificationDate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechDictionaryModificationDate: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechDictionaryPronunciations
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechDictionaryPronunciations: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechDictionaryPronunciations: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechErrorCount
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechErrorCount: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechErrorCount: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechErrorNewestCharacterOffset
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechErrorNewestCharacterOffset: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechErrorNewestCharacterOffset: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechErrorNewestCode
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechErrorNewestCode: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechErrorNewestCode: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechErrorOldestCharacterOffset
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechErrorOldestCharacterOffset: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechErrorOldestCharacterOffset: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechErrorOldestCode
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechErrorOldestCode: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechErrorOldestCode: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechErrorsProperty
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechErrorsProperty: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechErrorsProperty: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechInputModeProperty
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechInputModeProperty: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechInputModeProperty: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechModeLiteral
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechModeLiteral: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechModeLiteral: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechModeNormal
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechModeNormal: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechModeNormal: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechModePhoneme
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechModePhoneme: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechModePhoneme: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechModeText
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechModeText: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechModeText: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechNumberModeProperty
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechNumberModeProperty: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechNumberModeProperty: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechOutputToFileURLProperty
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechOutputToFileURLProperty: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechOutputToFileURLProperty: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechPhonemeInfoExample
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechPhonemeInfoExample: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechPhonemeInfoExample: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechPhonemeInfoHiliteEnd
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechPhonemeInfoHiliteEnd: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechPhonemeInfoHiliteEnd: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechPhonemeInfoHiliteStart
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechPhonemeInfoHiliteStart: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechPhonemeInfoHiliteStart: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechPhonemeInfoOpcode
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechPhonemeInfoOpcode: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechPhonemeInfoOpcode: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechPhonemeInfoSymbol
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechPhonemeInfoSymbol: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechPhonemeInfoSymbol: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechPhonemeSymbolsProperty
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechPhonemeSymbolsProperty: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechPhonemeSymbolsProperty: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechPitchBaseProperty
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechPitchBaseProperty: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechPitchBaseProperty: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechPitchModProperty
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechPitchModProperty: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechPitchModProperty: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechRateProperty
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechRateProperty: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechRateProperty: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechRecentSyncProperty
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechRecentSyncProperty: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechRecentSyncProperty: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechResetProperty
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechResetProperty: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechResetProperty: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechStatusNumberOfCharactersLeft
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechStatusNumberOfCharactersLeft: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechStatusNumberOfCharactersLeft: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechStatusOutputBusy
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechStatusOutputBusy: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechStatusOutputBusy: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechStatusOutputPaused
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechStatusOutputPaused: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechStatusOutputPaused: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechStatusPhonemeCode
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechStatusPhonemeCode: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechStatusPhonemeCode: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechStatusProperty
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechStatusProperty: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechStatusProperty: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechSynthesizerInfoIdentifier
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechSynthesizerInfoIdentifier: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechSynthesizerInfoIdentifier: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechSynthesizerInfoProperty
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechSynthesizerInfoProperty: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechSynthesizerInfoProperty: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechSynthesizerInfoVersion
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechSynthesizerInfoVersion: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechSynthesizerInfoVersion: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpeechVolumeProperty
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpeechVolumeProperty: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpeechVolumeProperty: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpellCheckerDidChangeAutomaticDashSubstitutionNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpellCheckerDidChangeAutomaticDashSubstitutionNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpellCheckerDidChangeAutomaticDashSubstitutionNotification: String | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSSpellCheckerDidChangeAutomaticQuoteSubstitutionNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpellCheckerDidChangeAutomaticQuoteSubstitutionNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpellCheckerDidChangeAutomaticQuoteSubstitutionNotification: String | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSSpellCheckerDidChangeAutomaticSpellingCorrectionNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpellCheckerDidChangeAutomaticSpellingCorrectionNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpellCheckerDidChangeAutomaticSpellingCorrectionNotification: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSSpellCheckerDidChangeAutomaticTextReplacementNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSSpellCheckerDidChangeAutomaticTextReplacementNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSSpellCheckerDidChangeAutomaticTextReplacementNotification: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSSpellingStateAttributeName
Declaration | |
From | var NSSpellingStateAttributeName: NSString! |
To | let NSSpellingStateAttributeName: String |
Modified NSSpellingStateGrammarFlag
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSpellingStateSpellingFlag
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSSplitViewDidResizeSubviewsNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSSplitViewDidResizeSubviewsNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSSplitViewDidResizeSubviewsNotification: String |
Modified NSSplitViewWillResizeSubviewsNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSSplitViewWillResizeSubviewsNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSSplitViewWillResizeSubviewsNotification: String |
Modified NSStackViewSpacingUseDefault
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSStackViewVisibilityPriority
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSStackViewVisibilityPriorityDetachOnlyIfNecessary
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSStackViewVisibilityPriorityMustHold
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSStackViewVisibilityPriorityNotVisible
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSStrikethroughColorAttributeName
Declaration | |
From | var NSStrikethroughColorAttributeName: NSString! |
To | let NSStrikethroughColorAttributeName: String |
Modified NSStrikethroughStyleAttributeName
Declaration | |
From | var NSStrikethroughStyleAttributeName: NSString! |
To | let NSStrikethroughStyleAttributeName: String |
Modified NSStringPboardType
Declaration | |
From | var NSStringPboardType: NSString! |
To | let NSStringPboardType: String |
Modified NSStrokeColorAttributeName
Declaration | |
From | var NSStrokeColorAttributeName: NSString! |
To | let NSStrokeColorAttributeName: String |
Modified NSStrokeWidthAttributeName
Declaration | |
From | var NSStrokeWidthAttributeName: NSString! |
To | let NSStrokeWidthAttributeName: String |
Modified NSSubjectDocumentAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSSubjectDocumentAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSSubjectDocumentAttribute: String |
Modified NSSuperscriptAttributeName
Declaration | |
From | var NSSuperscriptAttributeName: NSString! |
To | let NSSuperscriptAttributeName: String |
Modified NSSystemColorsDidChangeNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSSystemColorsDidChangeNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSSystemColorsDidChangeNotification: String |
Modified NSTIFFException
Declaration | |
From | var NSTIFFException: NSString! |
To | let NSTIFFException: String |
Modified NSTIFFPboardType
Declaration | |
From | var NSTIFFPboardType: NSString! |
To | let NSTIFFPboardType: String |
Modified NSTabColumnTerminatorsAttributeName
Declaration | |
From | var NSTabColumnTerminatorsAttributeName: NSString! |
To | let NSTabColumnTerminatorsAttributeName: String |
Modified NSTableViewColumnDidMoveNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSTableViewColumnDidMoveNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSTableViewColumnDidMoveNotification: String |
Modified NSTableViewColumnDidResizeNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSTableViewColumnDidResizeNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSTableViewColumnDidResizeNotification: String |
Modified NSTableViewRowViewKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSTableViewRowViewKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSTableViewRowViewKey: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTableViewSelectionDidChangeNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSTableViewSelectionDidChangeNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSTableViewSelectionDidChangeNotification: String |
Modified NSTableViewSelectionIsChangingNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSTableViewSelectionIsChangingNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSTableViewSelectionIsChangingNotification: String |
Modified NSTabularTextPboardType
Declaration | |
From | var NSTabularTextPboardType: NSString! |
To | let NSTabularTextPboardType: String |
Modified NSTargetBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSTargetBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSTargetBinding: String |
Modified NSTextAlternativesAttributeName
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSTextAlternativesAttributeName: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSTextAlternativesAttributeName: String | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSTextAlternativesSelectedAlternativeStringNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSTextAlternativesSelectedAlternativeStringNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSTextAlternativesSelectedAlternativeStringNotification: String | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSTextCheckingDocumentAuthorKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSTextCheckingDocumentAuthorKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSTextCheckingDocumentAuthorKey: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSTextCheckingDocumentTitleKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSTextCheckingDocumentTitleKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSTextCheckingDocumentTitleKey: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSTextCheckingDocumentURLKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSTextCheckingDocumentURLKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSTextCheckingDocumentURLKey: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSTextCheckingOrthographyKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSTextCheckingOrthographyKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSTextCheckingOrthographyKey: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSTextCheckingQuotesKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSTextCheckingQuotesKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSTextCheckingQuotesKey: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSTextCheckingReferenceDateKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSTextCheckingReferenceDateKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSTextCheckingReferenceDateKey: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSTextCheckingReferenceTimeZoneKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSTextCheckingReferenceTimeZoneKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSTextCheckingReferenceTimeZoneKey: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSTextCheckingRegularExpressionsKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSTextCheckingRegularExpressionsKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSTextCheckingRegularExpressionsKey: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTextCheckingReplacementsKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSTextCheckingReplacementsKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSTextCheckingReplacementsKey: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSTextColorBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSTextColorBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSTextColorBinding: String |
Modified NSTextDidBeginEditingNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSTextDidBeginEditingNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSTextDidBeginEditingNotification: String |
Modified NSTextDidChangeNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSTextDidChangeNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSTextDidChangeNotification: String |
Modified NSTextDidEndEditingNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSTextDidEndEditingNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSTextDidEndEditingNotification: String |
Modified NSTextEffectAttributeName
Declaration | |
From | let NSTextEffectAttributeName: NSString! |
To | let NSTextEffectAttributeName: String |
Modified NSTextEffectLetterpressStyle
Declaration | |
From | let NSTextEffectLetterpressStyle: NSString! |
To | let NSTextEffectLetterpressStyle: String |
Modified NSTextEncodingNameDocumentAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSTextEncodingNameDocumentAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSTextEncodingNameDocumentAttribute: String |
Modified NSTextEncodingNameDocumentOption
Declaration | |
From | var NSTextEncodingNameDocumentOption: NSString! |
To | let NSTextEncodingNameDocumentOption: String |
Modified NSTextFinderCaseInsensitiveKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSTextFinderCaseInsensitiveKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSTextFinderCaseInsensitiveKey: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTextFinderMatchingTypeKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSTextFinderMatchingTypeKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSTextFinderMatchingTypeKey: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTextInputContextKeyboardSelectionDidChangeNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSTextInputContextKeyboardSelectionDidChangeNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSTextInputContextKeyboardSelectionDidChangeNotification: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSTextLayoutSectionOrientation
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSTextLayoutSectionOrientation: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSTextLayoutSectionOrientation: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTextLayoutSectionRange
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSTextLayoutSectionRange: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSTextLayoutSectionRange: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTextLayoutSectionsAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSTextLayoutSectionsAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSTextLayoutSectionsAttribute: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSTextLineTooLongException
Declaration | |
From | var NSTextLineTooLongException: NSString! |
To | let NSTextLineTooLongException: String |
Modified NSTextNoSelectionException
Declaration | |
From | var NSTextNoSelectionException: NSString! |
To | let NSTextNoSelectionException: String |
Modified NSTextReadException
Declaration | |
From | var NSTextReadException: NSString! |
To | let NSTextReadException: String |
Modified NSTextSizeMultiplierDocumentOption
Declaration | |
From | var NSTextSizeMultiplierDocumentOption: NSString! |
To | let NSTextSizeMultiplierDocumentOption: String |
Modified NSTextStorageDidProcessEditingNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSTextStorageDidProcessEditingNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSTextStorageDidProcessEditingNotification: String |
Modified NSTextStorageWillProcessEditingNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSTextStorageWillProcessEditingNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSTextStorageWillProcessEditingNotification: String |
Modified NSTextViewDidChangeSelectionNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSTextViewDidChangeSelectionNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSTextViewDidChangeSelectionNotification: String |
Modified NSTextViewDidChangeTypingAttributesNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSTextViewDidChangeTypingAttributesNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSTextViewDidChangeTypingAttributesNotification: String |
Modified NSTextViewWillChangeNotifyingTextViewNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSTextViewWillChangeNotifyingTextViewNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSTextViewWillChangeNotifyingTextViewNotification: String |
Modified NSTextWriteException
Declaration | |
From | var NSTextWriteException: NSString! |
To | let NSTextWriteException: String |
Modified NSTimeoutDocumentOption
Declaration | |
From | var NSTimeoutDocumentOption: NSString! |
To | let NSTimeoutDocumentOption: String |
Modified NSTitleBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSTitleBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSTitleBinding: String |
Modified NSTitleDocumentAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSTitleDocumentAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSTitleDocumentAttribute: String |
Modified NSToolTipAttributeName
Declaration | |
From | var NSToolTipAttributeName: NSString! |
To | let NSToolTipAttributeName: String |
Modified NSToolTipBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSToolTipBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSToolTipBinding: String |
Modified NSToolbarCustomizeToolbarItemIdentifier
Declaration | |
From | var NSToolbarCustomizeToolbarItemIdentifier: NSString! |
To | let NSToolbarCustomizeToolbarItemIdentifier: String |
Modified NSToolbarDidRemoveItemNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSToolbarDidRemoveItemNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSToolbarDidRemoveItemNotification: String |
Modified NSToolbarFlexibleSpaceItemIdentifier
Declaration | |
From | var NSToolbarFlexibleSpaceItemIdentifier: NSString! |
To | let NSToolbarFlexibleSpaceItemIdentifier: String |
Modified NSToolbarPrintItemIdentifier
Declaration | |
From | var NSToolbarPrintItemIdentifier: NSString! |
To | let NSToolbarPrintItemIdentifier: String |
Modified NSToolbarSeparatorItemIdentifier
Declaration | |
From | var NSToolbarSeparatorItemIdentifier: NSString! |
To | let NSToolbarSeparatorItemIdentifier: String |
Modified NSToolbarShowColorsItemIdentifier
Declaration | |
From | var NSToolbarShowColorsItemIdentifier: NSString! |
To | let NSToolbarShowColorsItemIdentifier: String |
Modified NSToolbarShowFontsItemIdentifier
Declaration | |
From | var NSToolbarShowFontsItemIdentifier: NSString! |
To | let NSToolbarShowFontsItemIdentifier: String |
Modified NSToolbarSpaceItemIdentifier
Declaration | |
From | var NSToolbarSpaceItemIdentifier: NSString! |
To | let NSToolbarSpaceItemIdentifier: String |
Modified NSToolbarWillAddItemNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSToolbarWillAddItemNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSToolbarWillAddItemNotification: String |
Modified NSTopMarginDocumentAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSTopMarginDocumentAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSTopMarginDocumentAttribute: String |
Modified NSTransparentBinding
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSTransparentBinding: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSTransparentBinding: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSTypeIdentifierAddressText
Declaration | |
From | let NSTypeIdentifierAddressText: NSString! |
To | let NSTypeIdentifierAddressText: String |
Modified NSTypeIdentifierDateText
Declaration | |
From | let NSTypeIdentifierDateText: NSString! |
To | let NSTypeIdentifierDateText: String |
Modified NSTypeIdentifierPhoneNumberText
Declaration | |
From | let NSTypeIdentifierPhoneNumberText: NSString! |
To | let NSTypeIdentifierPhoneNumberText: String |
Modified NSTypeIdentifierTransitInformationText
Declaration | |
From | let NSTypeIdentifierTransitInformationText: NSString! |
To | let NSTypeIdentifierTransitInformationText: String |
Modified NSTypedStreamVersionException
Declaration | |
From | var NSTypedStreamVersionException: NSString! |
To | let NSTypedStreamVersionException: String |
Modified NSURLPboardType
Declaration | |
From | var NSURLPboardType: NSString! |
To | let NSURLPboardType: String |
Modified NSUnderlineColorAttributeName
Declaration | |
From | var NSUnderlineColorAttributeName: NSString! |
To | let NSUnderlineColorAttributeName: String |
Modified NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName
Declaration | |
From | var NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName: NSString! |
To | let NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName: String |
Modified NSUserActivityDocumentURLKey
Declaration | |
From | let NSUserActivityDocumentURLKey: NSString! |
To | let NSUserActivityDocumentURLKey: String |
Modified NSUsesScreenFontsDocumentAttribute
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSUsesScreenFontsDocumentAttribute: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSUsesScreenFontsDocumentAttribute: String | OS X 10.8 |
Modified NSVCardPboardType
Declaration | |
From | var NSVCardPboardType: NSString! |
To | let NSVCardPboardType: String |
Modified NSValidatesImmediatelyBindingOption
Declaration | |
From | var NSValidatesImmediatelyBindingOption: NSString! |
To | let NSValidatesImmediatelyBindingOption: String |
Modified NSValueBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSValueBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSValueBinding: String |
Modified NSValuePathBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSValuePathBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSValuePathBinding: String |
Modified NSValueTransformerBindingOption
Declaration | |
From | var NSValueTransformerBindingOption: NSString! |
To | let NSValueTransformerBindingOption: String |
Modified NSValueTransformerNameBindingOption
Declaration | |
From | var NSValueTransformerNameBindingOption: NSString! |
To | let NSValueTransformerNameBindingOption: String |
Modified NSValueURLBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSValueURLBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSValueURLBinding: String |
Modified NSVerticalGlyphFormAttributeName
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSVerticalGlyphFormAttributeName: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSVerticalGlyphFormAttributeName: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSViewAnimationEffectKey
Declaration | |
From | var NSViewAnimationEffectKey: NSString! |
To | let NSViewAnimationEffectKey: String |
Modified NSViewAnimationEndFrameKey
Declaration | |
From | var NSViewAnimationEndFrameKey: NSString! |
To | let NSViewAnimationEndFrameKey: String |
Modified NSViewAnimationFadeInEffect
Declaration | |
From | var NSViewAnimationFadeInEffect: NSString! |
To | let NSViewAnimationFadeInEffect: String |
Modified NSViewAnimationFadeOutEffect
Declaration | |
From | var NSViewAnimationFadeOutEffect: NSString! |
To | let NSViewAnimationFadeOutEffect: String |
Modified NSViewAnimationStartFrameKey
Declaration | |
From | var NSViewAnimationStartFrameKey: NSString! |
To | let NSViewAnimationStartFrameKey: String |
Modified NSViewAnimationTargetKey
Declaration | |
From | var NSViewAnimationTargetKey: NSString! |
To | let NSViewAnimationTargetKey: String |
Modified NSViewBoundsDidChangeNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSViewBoundsDidChangeNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSViewBoundsDidChangeNotification: String |
Modified NSViewDidUpdateTrackingAreasNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSViewDidUpdateTrackingAreasNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSViewDidUpdateTrackingAreasNotification: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSViewFocusDidChangeNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSViewFocusDidChangeNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSViewFocusDidChangeNotification: String |
Modified NSViewFrameDidChangeNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSViewFrameDidChangeNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSViewFrameDidChangeNotification: String |
Modified NSViewGlobalFrameDidChangeNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSViewGlobalFrameDidChangeNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSViewGlobalFrameDidChangeNotification: String |
Modified NSViewModeDocumentAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSViewModeDocumentAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSViewModeDocumentAttribute: String |
Modified NSViewSizeDocumentAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSViewSizeDocumentAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSViewSizeDocumentAttribute: String |
Modified NSViewZoomDocumentAttribute
Declaration | |
From | var NSViewZoomDocumentAttribute: NSString! |
To | let NSViewZoomDocumentAttribute: String |
Modified NSVisibleBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSVisibleBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSVisibleBinding: String |
Modified NSVoiceAge
Declaration | |
From | let NSVoiceAge: NSString! |
To | let NSVoiceAge: String |
Modified NSVoiceDemoText
Declaration | |
From | let NSVoiceDemoText: NSString! |
To | let NSVoiceDemoText: String |
Modified NSVoiceGender
Declaration | |
From | let NSVoiceGender: NSString! |
To | let NSVoiceGender: String |
Modified NSVoiceGenderFemale
Declaration | |
From | let NSVoiceGenderFemale: NSString! |
To | let NSVoiceGenderFemale: String |
Modified NSVoiceGenderMale
Declaration | |
From | let NSVoiceGenderMale: NSString! |
To | let NSVoiceGenderMale: String |
Modified NSVoiceGenderNeuter
Declaration | |
From | let NSVoiceGenderNeuter: NSString! |
To | let NSVoiceGenderNeuter: String |
Modified NSVoiceIdentifier
Declaration | |
From | let NSVoiceIdentifier: NSString! |
To | let NSVoiceIdentifier: String |
Modified NSVoiceIndividuallySpokenCharacters
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSVoiceIndividuallySpokenCharacters: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSVoiceIndividuallySpokenCharacters: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSVoiceLocaleIdentifier
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSVoiceLocaleIdentifier: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSVoiceLocaleIdentifier: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSVoiceName
Declaration | |
From | let NSVoiceName: NSString! |
To | let NSVoiceName: String |
Modified NSVoiceSupportedCharacters
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSVoiceSupportedCharacters: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSVoiceSupportedCharacters: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified NSWarningValueBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSWarningValueBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSWarningValueBinding: String |
Modified NSWebArchiveTextDocumentType
Declaration | |
From | var NSWebArchiveTextDocumentType: NSString! |
To | let NSWebArchiveTextDocumentType: String |
Modified NSWebPreferencesDocumentOption
Declaration | |
From | var NSWebPreferencesDocumentOption: NSString! |
To | let NSWebPreferencesDocumentOption: String |
Modified NSWebResourceLoadDelegateDocumentOption
Declaration | |
From | var NSWebResourceLoadDelegateDocumentOption: NSString! |
To | let NSWebResourceLoadDelegateDocumentOption: String |
Modified NSWidthBinding
Declaration | |
From | var NSWidthBinding: NSString! |
To | let NSWidthBinding: String |
Modified NSWindowDidBecomeKeyNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSWindowDidBecomeKeyNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSWindowDidBecomeKeyNotification: String |
Modified NSWindowDidBecomeMainNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSWindowDidBecomeMainNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSWindowDidBecomeMainNotification: String |
Modified NSWindowDidChangeBackingPropertiesNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSWindowDidChangeBackingPropertiesNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSWindowDidChangeBackingPropertiesNotification: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSWindowDidChangeOcclusionStateNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSWindowDidChangeOcclusionStateNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSWindowDidChangeOcclusionStateNotification: String | OS X 10.9 |
Modified NSWindowDidChangeScreenNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSWindowDidChangeScreenNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSWindowDidChangeScreenNotification: String |
Modified NSWindowDidChangeScreenProfileNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSWindowDidChangeScreenProfileNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSWindowDidChangeScreenProfileNotification: String |
Modified NSWindowDidDeminiaturizeNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSWindowDidDeminiaturizeNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSWindowDidDeminiaturizeNotification: String |
Modified NSWindowDidEndLiveResizeNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSWindowDidEndLiveResizeNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSWindowDidEndLiveResizeNotification: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWindowDidEndSheetNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSWindowDidEndSheetNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSWindowDidEndSheetNotification: String |
Modified NSWindowDidEnterFullScreenNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSWindowDidEnterFullScreenNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSWindowDidEnterFullScreenNotification: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSWindowDidEnterVersionBrowserNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSWindowDidEnterVersionBrowserNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSWindowDidEnterVersionBrowserNotification: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSWindowDidExitFullScreenNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSWindowDidExitFullScreenNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSWindowDidExitFullScreenNotification: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSWindowDidExitVersionBrowserNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSWindowDidExitVersionBrowserNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSWindowDidExitVersionBrowserNotification: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSWindowDidExposeNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSWindowDidExposeNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSWindowDidExposeNotification: String |
Modified NSWindowDidMiniaturizeNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSWindowDidMiniaturizeNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSWindowDidMiniaturizeNotification: String |
Modified NSWindowDidMoveNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSWindowDidMoveNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSWindowDidMoveNotification: String |
Modified NSWindowDidResignKeyNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSWindowDidResignKeyNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSWindowDidResignKeyNotification: String |
Modified NSWindowDidResignMainNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSWindowDidResignMainNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSWindowDidResignMainNotification: String |
Modified NSWindowDidResizeNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSWindowDidResizeNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSWindowDidResizeNotification: String |
Modified NSWindowDidUpdateNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSWindowDidUpdateNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSWindowDidUpdateNotification: String |
Modified NSWindowServerCommunicationException
Declaration | |
From | var NSWindowServerCommunicationException: NSString! |
To | let NSWindowServerCommunicationException: String |
Modified NSWindowWillBeginSheetNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSWindowWillBeginSheetNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSWindowWillBeginSheetNotification: String |
Modified NSWindowWillCloseNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSWindowWillCloseNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSWindowWillCloseNotification: String |
Modified NSWindowWillEnterFullScreenNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSWindowWillEnterFullScreenNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSWindowWillEnterFullScreenNotification: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSWindowWillEnterVersionBrowserNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSWindowWillEnterVersionBrowserNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSWindowWillEnterVersionBrowserNotification: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSWindowWillExitFullScreenNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSWindowWillExitFullScreenNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSWindowWillExitFullScreenNotification: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSWindowWillExitVersionBrowserNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSWindowWillExitVersionBrowserNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSWindowWillExitVersionBrowserNotification: String | OS X 10.7 |
Modified NSWindowWillMiniaturizeNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSWindowWillMiniaturizeNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSWindowWillMiniaturizeNotification: String |
Modified NSWindowWillMoveNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSWindowWillMoveNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSWindowWillMoveNotification: String |
Modified NSWindowWillStartLiveResizeNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSWindowWillStartLiveResizeNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSWindowWillStartLiveResizeNotification: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWordMLTextDocumentType
Declaration | |
From | var NSWordMLTextDocumentType: NSString! |
To | let NSWordMLTextDocumentType: String |
Modified NSWordTablesReadException
Declaration | |
From | var NSWordTablesReadException: NSString! |
To | let NSWordTablesReadException: String |
Modified NSWordTablesWriteException
Declaration | |
From | var NSWordTablesWriteException: NSString! |
To | let NSWordTablesWriteException: String |
Modified NSWorkspaceActiveSpaceDidChangeNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSWorkspaceActiveSpaceDidChangeNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSWorkspaceActiveSpaceDidChangeNotification: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWorkspaceApplicationKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSWorkspaceApplicationKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSWorkspaceApplicationKey: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWorkspaceCompressOperation
Declaration | |
From | var NSWorkspaceCompressOperation: NSString! |
To | let NSWorkspaceCompressOperation: String |
Modified NSWorkspaceCopyOperation
Declaration | |
From | var NSWorkspaceCopyOperation: NSString! |
To | let NSWorkspaceCopyOperation: String |
Modified NSWorkspaceDecompressOperation
Declaration | |
From | var NSWorkspaceDecompressOperation: NSString! |
To | let NSWorkspaceDecompressOperation: String |
Modified NSWorkspaceDecryptOperation
Declaration | |
From | var NSWorkspaceDecryptOperation: NSString! |
To | let NSWorkspaceDecryptOperation: String |
Modified NSWorkspaceDesktopImageAllowClippingKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSWorkspaceDesktopImageAllowClippingKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSWorkspaceDesktopImageAllowClippingKey: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWorkspaceDesktopImageFillColorKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSWorkspaceDesktopImageFillColorKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSWorkspaceDesktopImageFillColorKey: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWorkspaceDesktopImageScalingKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSWorkspaceDesktopImageScalingKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSWorkspaceDesktopImageScalingKey: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWorkspaceDestroyOperation
Declaration | |
From | var NSWorkspaceDestroyOperation: NSString! |
To | let NSWorkspaceDestroyOperation: String |
Modified NSWorkspaceDidActivateApplicationNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSWorkspaceDidActivateApplicationNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSWorkspaceDidActivateApplicationNotification: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWorkspaceDidChangeFileLabelsNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSWorkspaceDidChangeFileLabelsNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSWorkspaceDidChangeFileLabelsNotification: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWorkspaceDidDeactivateApplicationNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSWorkspaceDidDeactivateApplicationNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSWorkspaceDidDeactivateApplicationNotification: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWorkspaceDidHideApplicationNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSWorkspaceDidHideApplicationNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSWorkspaceDidHideApplicationNotification: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWorkspaceDidLaunchApplicationNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSWorkspaceDidLaunchApplicationNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSWorkspaceDidLaunchApplicationNotification: String |
Modified NSWorkspaceDidMountNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSWorkspaceDidMountNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSWorkspaceDidMountNotification: String |
Modified NSWorkspaceDidPerformFileOperationNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSWorkspaceDidPerformFileOperationNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSWorkspaceDidPerformFileOperationNotification: String |
Modified NSWorkspaceDidRenameVolumeNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSWorkspaceDidRenameVolumeNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSWorkspaceDidRenameVolumeNotification: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWorkspaceDidTerminateApplicationNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSWorkspaceDidTerminateApplicationNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSWorkspaceDidTerminateApplicationNotification: String |
Modified NSWorkspaceDidUnhideApplicationNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSWorkspaceDidUnhideApplicationNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSWorkspaceDidUnhideApplicationNotification: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWorkspaceDidUnmountNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSWorkspaceDidUnmountNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSWorkspaceDidUnmountNotification: String |
Modified NSWorkspaceDidWakeNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSWorkspaceDidWakeNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSWorkspaceDidWakeNotification: String |
Modified NSWorkspaceDuplicateOperation
Declaration | |
From | var NSWorkspaceDuplicateOperation: NSString! |
To | let NSWorkspaceDuplicateOperation: String |
Modified NSWorkspaceEncryptOperation
Declaration | |
From | var NSWorkspaceEncryptOperation: NSString! |
To | let NSWorkspaceEncryptOperation: String |
Modified NSWorkspaceLaunchConfigurationAppleEvent
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSWorkspaceLaunchConfigurationAppleEvent: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSWorkspaceLaunchConfigurationAppleEvent: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWorkspaceLaunchConfigurationArchitecture
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSWorkspaceLaunchConfigurationArchitecture: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSWorkspaceLaunchConfigurationArchitecture: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWorkspaceLaunchConfigurationArguments
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSWorkspaceLaunchConfigurationArguments: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSWorkspaceLaunchConfigurationArguments: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWorkspaceLaunchConfigurationEnvironment
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSWorkspaceLaunchConfigurationEnvironment: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSWorkspaceLaunchConfigurationEnvironment: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWorkspaceLinkOperation
Declaration | |
From | var NSWorkspaceLinkOperation: NSString! |
To | let NSWorkspaceLinkOperation: String |
Modified NSWorkspaceMoveOperation
Declaration | |
From | var NSWorkspaceMoveOperation: NSString! |
To | let NSWorkspaceMoveOperation: String |
Modified NSWorkspaceRecycleOperation
Declaration | |
From | var NSWorkspaceRecycleOperation: NSString! |
To | let NSWorkspaceRecycleOperation: String |
Modified NSWorkspaceScreensDidSleepNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSWorkspaceScreensDidSleepNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSWorkspaceScreensDidSleepNotification: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWorkspaceScreensDidWakeNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSWorkspaceScreensDidWakeNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSWorkspaceScreensDidWakeNotification: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWorkspaceSessionDidBecomeActiveNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSWorkspaceSessionDidBecomeActiveNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSWorkspaceSessionDidBecomeActiveNotification: String |
Modified NSWorkspaceSessionDidResignActiveNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSWorkspaceSessionDidResignActiveNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSWorkspaceSessionDidResignActiveNotification: String |
Modified NSWorkspaceVolumeLocalizedNameKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSWorkspaceVolumeLocalizedNameKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSWorkspaceVolumeLocalizedNameKey: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWorkspaceVolumeOldLocalizedNameKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSWorkspaceVolumeOldLocalizedNameKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSWorkspaceVolumeOldLocalizedNameKey: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWorkspaceVolumeOldURLKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSWorkspaceVolumeOldURLKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSWorkspaceVolumeOldURLKey: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWorkspaceVolumeURLKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let NSWorkspaceVolumeURLKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSWorkspaceVolumeURLKey: String | OS X 10.6 |
Modified NSWorkspaceWillLaunchApplicationNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSWorkspaceWillLaunchApplicationNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSWorkspaceWillLaunchApplicationNotification: String |
Modified NSWorkspaceWillPowerOffNotification
Declaration | |
From | let NSWorkspaceWillPowerOffNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSWorkspaceWillPowerOffNotification: String |
Modified NSWorkspaceWillSleepNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSWorkspaceWillSleepNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSWorkspaceWillSleepNotification: String |
Modified NSWorkspaceWillUnmountNotification
Declaration | |
From | var NSWorkspaceWillUnmountNotification: NSString! |
To | let NSWorkspaceWillUnmountNotification: String |
Modified NSWritingDirectionAttributeName
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var NSWritingDirectionAttributeName: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let NSWritingDirectionAttributeName: String | OS X 10.6 |