CoreFoundation Changes
Removed CFCalendarUnit.value
Removed CFDataSearchFlags.value
Removed CFFileSecurityClearOptions.value
Removed CFGregorianUnitFlags.value
Removed CFNumberFormatterOptionFlags.value
Removed CFPropertyListMutabilityOptions.value
Removed CFRunLoopActivity.value
Removed CFSocketCallBackType.value
Removed CFStreamEventType.value
Removed CFStringCompareFlags.value
Removed CFStringTokenizerTokenType.value
Removed CFURLBookmarkCreationOptions.PreferFileIDResolutionMask
Removed CFURLBookmarkCreationOptions.value
Removed CFURLBookmarkResolutionOptions.value
Removed CFURLEnumeratorOptions.value
Removed CFURLPathStyle.CFURLHFSPathStyle
Removed CFXMLParserOptions.value
Removed CFXMLParserStatusCode.value
Added CFAllocatorContext.init()
Added CFAllocatorContext.init(version: CFIndex, info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, retain: CFAllocatorRetainCallBack, release: CFAllocatorReleaseCallBack, copyDescription: CFAllocatorCopyDescriptionCallBack, allocate: CFAllocatorAllocateCallBack, reallocate: CFAllocatorReallocateCallBack, deallocate: CFAllocatorDeallocateCallBack, preferredSize: CFAllocatorPreferredSizeCallBack)
Added CFArrayCallBacks.init()
Added CFArrayCallBacks.init(version: CFIndex, retain: CFArrayRetainCallBack, release: CFArrayReleaseCallBack, copyDescription: CFArrayCopyDescriptionCallBack, equal: CFArrayEqualCallBack)
Added CFBagCallBacks.init()
Added CFBagCallBacks.init(version: CFIndex, retain: CFBagRetainCallBack, release: CFBagReleaseCallBack, copyDescription: CFBagCopyDescriptionCallBack, equal: CFBagEqualCallBack, hash: CFBagHashCallBack)
Added CFBinaryHeapCallBacks.init()
Added CFBinaryHeapCallBacks.init(version: CFIndex, retain: CFunctionPointer<((CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)>, release: CFunctionPointer<((CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)>, copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)>, compare: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>, UnsafePointer<Void>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> CFComparisonResult)>)
Added CFBinaryHeapCompareContext.init()
Added CFBinaryHeapCompareContext.init(version: CFIndex, info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)>, release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)>, copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)>)
Added CFCalendarUnit.init(rawValue: CFOptionFlags)
Added CFDataSearchFlags.init(rawValue: CFOptionFlags)
Added CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks.init()
Added CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks.init(version: CFIndex, retain: CFDictionaryRetainCallBack, release: CFDictionaryReleaseCallBack, copyDescription: CFDictionaryCopyDescriptionCallBack, equal: CFDictionaryEqualCallBack, hash: CFDictionaryHashCallBack)
Added CFDictionaryValueCallBacks.init()
Added CFDictionaryValueCallBacks.init(version: CFIndex, retain: CFDictionaryRetainCallBack, release: CFDictionaryReleaseCallBack, copyDescription: CFDictionaryCopyDescriptionCallBack, equal: CFDictionaryEqualCallBack)
Added CFFileDescriptorContext.init()
Added CFFileDescriptorContext.init(version: CFIndex, info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)>, release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void)>, copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)>)
Added CFFileSecurityClearOptions.init(rawValue: CFOptionFlags)
Added CFGregorianDate.init()
Added CFGregorianDate.init(year: Int32, month: Int8, day: Int8, hour: Int8, minute: Int8, second: Double)
Added CFGregorianUnitFlags.init(rawValue: CFOptionFlags)
Added CFGregorianUnits.init()
Added CFGregorianUnits.init(years: Int32, months: Int32, days: Int32, hours: Int32, minutes: Int32, seconds: Double)
Added CFMachPortContext.init()
Added CFMachPortContext.init(version: CFIndex, info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)>, release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)>, copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)>)
Added CFMessagePortContext.init()
Added CFMessagePortContext.init(version: CFIndex, info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)>, release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)>, copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)>)
Added CFNumberFormatterOptionFlags.init(rawValue: CFOptionFlags)
Added CFPropertyListMutabilityOptions.init(rawValue: CFOptionFlags)
Added CFRange.init()
Added CFRange.init(location: CFIndex, length: CFIndex)
Added CFRunLoopActivity.init(rawValue: CFOptionFlags)
Added CFRunLoopObserverContext.init()
Added CFRunLoopObserverContext.init(version: CFIndex, info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)>, release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)>, copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)>)
Added CFRunLoopSourceContext.init()
Added CFRunLoopSourceContext.init(version: CFIndex, info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)>, release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)>, copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)>, equal: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Boolean)>, hash: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> CFHashCode)>, schedule: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, CFRunLoop!, CFString!) -> Void)>, cancel: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, CFRunLoop!, CFString!) -> Void)>, perform: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void)>)
Added CFRunLoopSourceContext1.init()
Added CFRunLoopSourceContext1.init(version: CFIndex, info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)>, release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)>, copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)>, equal: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Boolean)>, hash: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> CFHashCode)>, getPort: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> mach_port_t)>, perform: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, CFIndex, CFAllocator!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)>)
Added CFRunLoopTimerContext.init()
Added CFRunLoopTimerContext.init(version: CFIndex, info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)>, release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)>, copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)>)
Added CFSetCallBacks.init()
Added CFSetCallBacks.init(version: CFIndex, retain: CFSetRetainCallBack, release: CFSetReleaseCallBack, copyDescription: CFSetCopyDescriptionCallBack, equal: CFSetEqualCallBack, hash: CFSetHashCallBack)
Added CFSocketCallBackType.init(rawValue: CFOptionFlags)
Added CFSocketContext.init()
Added CFSocketContext.init(version: CFIndex, info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)>, release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)>, copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)>)
Added CFSocketSignature.init()
Added CFSocketSignature.init(protocolFamily: Int32, socketType: Int32, protocol: Int32, address: Unmanaged<CFData>!)
Added CFStreamClientContext.init()
Added CFStreamClientContext.init(version: CFIndex, info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)>, release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void)>, copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)>)
Added CFStreamError.init()
Added CFStreamError.init(domain: CFIndex, error: Int32)
Added CFStreamEventType.init(rawValue: CFOptionFlags)
Added CFStringCompareFlags.init(rawValue: CFOptionFlags)
Added CFStringInlineBuffer.init()
Added CFStringInlineBuffer.init(buffer: (UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar), theString: Unmanaged<CFString>!, directUniCharBuffer: UnsafePointer<UniChar>, directCStringBuffer: UnsafePointer<Int8>, rangeToBuffer: CFRange, bufferedRangeStart: CFIndex, bufferedRangeEnd: CFIndex)
Added CFStringTokenizerTokenType.init(rawValue: CFOptionFlags)
Added CFSwappedFloat32.init()
Added CFSwappedFloat32.init(v: UInt32)
Added CFSwappedFloat64.init()
Added CFSwappedFloat64.init(v: UInt64)
Added CFTreeContext.init()
Added CFTreeContext.init(version: CFIndex, info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, retain: CFTreeRetainCallBack, release: CFTreeReleaseCallBack, copyDescription: CFTreeCopyDescriptionCallBack)
Added CFURLBookmarkCreationOptions.init(rawValue: CFOptionFlags)
Added CFURLBookmarkResolutionOptions.init(rawValue: CFOptionFlags)
Added CFURLEnumeratorOptions.init(rawValue: CFOptionFlags)
Added CFUUIDBytes.init()
Added CFUUIDBytes.init(byte0: UInt8, byte1: UInt8, byte2: UInt8, byte3: UInt8, byte4: UInt8, byte5: UInt8, byte6: UInt8, byte7: UInt8, byte8: UInt8, byte9: UInt8, byte10: UInt8, byte11: UInt8, byte12: UInt8, byte13: UInt8, byte14: UInt8, byte15: UInt8)
Added CFXMLAttributeDeclarationInfo.init()
Added CFXMLAttributeDeclarationInfo.init(attributeName: Unmanaged<CFString>!, typeString: Unmanaged<CFString>!, defaultString: Unmanaged<CFString>!)
Added CFXMLAttributeListDeclarationInfo.init()
Added CFXMLAttributeListDeclarationInfo.init(numberOfAttributes: CFIndex, attributes: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFXMLAttributeDeclarationInfo>)
Added CFXMLDocumentInfo.init()
Added CFXMLDocumentInfo.init(sourceURL: Unmanaged<CFURL>!, encoding: CFStringEncoding)
Added CFXMLDocumentTypeInfo.init()
Added CFXMLDocumentTypeInfo.init(externalID: CFXMLExternalID)
Added CFXMLElementInfo.init()
Added CFXMLElementInfo.init(attributes: Unmanaged<CFDictionary>!, attributeOrder: Unmanaged<CFArray>!, isEmpty: Boolean, _reserved:(Int8, Int8, Int8))
Added CFXMLElementTypeDeclarationInfo.init()
Added CFXMLElementTypeDeclarationInfo.init(contentDescription: Unmanaged<CFString>!)
Added CFXMLEntityInfo.init()
Added CFXMLEntityInfo.init(entityType: CFXMLEntityTypeCode, replacementText: Unmanaged<CFString>!, entityID: CFXMLExternalID, notationName: Unmanaged<CFString>!)
Added CFXMLEntityReferenceInfo.init()
Added CFXMLEntityReferenceInfo.init(entityType: CFXMLEntityTypeCode)
Added CFXMLExternalID.init()
Added CFXMLExternalID.init(systemID: Unmanaged<CFURL>!, publicID: Unmanaged<CFString>!)
Added CFXMLNotationInfo.init()
Added CFXMLNotationInfo.init(externalID: CFXMLExternalID)
Added CFXMLParserCallBacks.init()
Added CFXMLParserCallBacks.init(version: CFIndex, createXMLStructure: CFXMLParserCreateXMLStructureCallBack, addChild: CFXMLParserAddChildCallBack, endXMLStructure: CFXMLParserEndXMLStructureCallBack, resolveExternalEntity: CFXMLParserResolveExternalEntityCallBack, handleError: CFXMLParserHandleErrorCallBack)
Added CFXMLParserContext.init()
Added CFXMLParserContext.init(version: CFIndex, info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, retain: CFXMLParserRetainCallBack, release: CFXMLParserReleaseCallBack, copyDescription: CFXMLParserCopyDescriptionCallBack)
Added CFXMLParserOptions.init(rawValue: CFOptionFlags)
Added CFXMLParserStatusCode.init(rawValue: CFIndex)
Added CFXMLProcessingInstructionInfo.init()
Added CFXMLProcessingInstructionInfo.init(dataString: Unmanaged<CFString>!)
Modified CFAllocatorContext [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFAllocatorContext { var version: CFIndex var info: UnsafePointer<()> var retain: CFAllocatorRetainCallBack var release: CFAllocatorReleaseCallBack var copyDescription: CFAllocatorCopyDescriptionCallBack var allocate: CFAllocatorAllocateCallBack var reallocate: CFAllocatorReallocateCallBack var deallocate: CFAllocatorDeallocateCallBack var preferredSize: CFAllocatorPreferredSizeCallBack } |
To | struct CFAllocatorContext { var version: CFIndex var info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> var retain: CFAllocatorRetainCallBack var release: CFAllocatorReleaseCallBack var copyDescription: CFAllocatorCopyDescriptionCallBack var allocate: CFAllocatorAllocateCallBack var reallocate: CFAllocatorReallocateCallBack var deallocate: CFAllocatorDeallocateCallBack var preferredSize: CFAllocatorPreferredSizeCallBack init() init(version version: CFIndex, info info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, retain retain: CFAllocatorRetainCallBack, release release: CFAllocatorReleaseCallBack, copyDescription copyDescription: CFAllocatorCopyDescriptionCallBack, allocate allocate: CFAllocatorAllocateCallBack, reallocate reallocate: CFAllocatorReallocateCallBack, deallocate deallocate: CFAllocatorDeallocateCallBack, preferredSize preferredSize: CFAllocatorPreferredSizeCallBack) } |
Declaration | |
From | var info: UnsafePointer<()> |
To | var info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> |
Modified CFArrayCallBacks [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFArrayCallBacks { var version: CFIndex var retain: CFArrayRetainCallBack var release: CFArrayReleaseCallBack var copyDescription: CFArrayCopyDescriptionCallBack var equal: CFArrayEqualCallBack } |
To | struct CFArrayCallBacks { var version: CFIndex var retain: CFArrayRetainCallBack var release: CFArrayReleaseCallBack var copyDescription: CFArrayCopyDescriptionCallBack var equal: CFArrayEqualCallBack init() init(version version: CFIndex, retain retain: CFArrayRetainCallBack, release release: CFArrayReleaseCallBack, copyDescription copyDescription: CFArrayCopyDescriptionCallBack, equal equal: CFArrayEqualCallBack) } |
Modified CFBagCallBacks [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFBagCallBacks { var version: CFIndex var retain: CFBagRetainCallBack var release: CFBagReleaseCallBack var copyDescription: CFBagCopyDescriptionCallBack var equal: CFBagEqualCallBack var hash: CFBagHashCallBack } |
To | struct CFBagCallBacks { var version: CFIndex var retain: CFBagRetainCallBack var release: CFBagReleaseCallBack var copyDescription: CFBagCopyDescriptionCallBack var equal: CFBagEqualCallBack var hash: CFBagHashCallBack init() init(version version: CFIndex, retain retain: CFBagRetainCallBack, release release: CFBagReleaseCallBack, copyDescription copyDescription: CFBagCopyDescriptionCallBack, equal equal: CFBagEqualCallBack, hash hash: CFBagHashCallBack) } |
Modified CFBinaryHeapCallBacks [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFBinaryHeapCallBacks { var version: CFIndex var retain: CFunctionPointer<((CFAllocator!, ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> ConstUnsafePointer<()>)> var release: CFunctionPointer<((CFAllocator!, ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> var compare: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>, ConstUnsafePointer<()>, UnsafePointer<()>) -> CFComparisonResult)> } |
To | struct CFBinaryHeapCallBacks { var version: CFIndex var retain: CFunctionPointer<((CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)> var release: CFunctionPointer<((CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)> var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> var compare: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>, UnsafePointer<Void>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> CFComparisonResult)> init() init(version version: CFIndex, retain retain: CFunctionPointer<((CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)>, release release: CFunctionPointer<((CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)>, copyDescription copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)>, compare compare: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>, UnsafePointer<Void>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> CFComparisonResult)>) } |
Declaration | |
From | var compare: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>, ConstUnsafePointer<()>, UnsafePointer<()>) -> CFComparisonResult)> |
To | var compare: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>, UnsafePointer<Void>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> CFComparisonResult)> |
Modified CFBinaryHeapCallBacks.copyDescription
Declaration | |
From | var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> |
To | var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> |
Modified CFBinaryHeapCallBacks.release
Declaration | |
From | var release: CFunctionPointer<((CFAllocator!, ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | var release: CFunctionPointer<((CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFBinaryHeapCallBacks.retain
Declaration | |
From | var retain: CFunctionPointer<((CFAllocator!, ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> ConstUnsafePointer<()>)> |
To | var retain: CFunctionPointer<((CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)> |
Modified CFBinaryHeapCompareContext [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFBinaryHeapCompareContext { var version: CFIndex var info: UnsafePointer<()> var retain: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> ConstUnsafePointer<()>)> var release: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> } |
To | struct CFBinaryHeapCompareContext { var version: CFIndex var info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> var retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)> var release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)> var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> init() init(version version: CFIndex, info info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, retain retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)>, release release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)>, copyDescription copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)>) } |
Modified CFBinaryHeapCompareContext.copyDescription
Declaration | |
From | var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> |
To | var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> |
Declaration | |
From | var info: UnsafePointer<()> |
To | var info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> |
Modified CFBinaryHeapCompareContext.release
Declaration | |
From | var release: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | var release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFBinaryHeapCompareContext.retain
Declaration | |
From | var retain: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> ConstUnsafePointer<()>)> |
To | var retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)> |
Modified CFCalendarUnit [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct CFCalendarUnit : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: CFOptionFlags) var value: CFOptionFlags static var Era: CFCalendarUnit { get } static var Year: CFCalendarUnit { get } static var Month: CFCalendarUnit { get } static var Day: CFCalendarUnit { get } static var Hour: CFCalendarUnit { get } static var Minute: CFCalendarUnit { get } static var Second: CFCalendarUnit { get } static var Week: CFCalendarUnit { get } static var Weekday: CFCalendarUnit { get } static var WeekdayOrdinal: CFCalendarUnit { get } static var Quarter: CFCalendarUnit { get } static var WeekOfMonth: CFCalendarUnit { get } static var WeekOfYear: CFCalendarUnit { get } static var YearForWeekOfYear: CFCalendarUnit { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct CFCalendarUnit : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: CFOptionFlags) init(rawValue rawValue: CFOptionFlags) static var Era: CFCalendarUnit { get } static var Year: CFCalendarUnit { get } static var Month: CFCalendarUnit { get } static var Day: CFCalendarUnit { get } static var Hour: CFCalendarUnit { get } static var Minute: CFCalendarUnit { get } static var Second: CFCalendarUnit { get } static var Week: CFCalendarUnit { get } static var Weekday: CFCalendarUnit { get } static var WeekdayOrdinal: CFCalendarUnit { get } static var Quarter: CFCalendarUnit { get } static var WeekOfMonth: CFCalendarUnit { get } static var WeekOfYear: CFCalendarUnit { get } static var YearForWeekOfYear: CFCalendarUnit { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified CFCalendarUnit.Quarter
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFCalendarUnit.Week
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.4 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified CFCalendarUnit.WeekOfMonth
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified CFCalendarUnit.WeekOfYear
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified CFCalendarUnit.YearForWeekOfYear
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified CFCalendarUnit.init(_: CFOptionFlags)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: CFOptionFlags) |
To | init(_ rawValue: CFOptionFlags) |
Modified CFCharacterSetPredefinedSet.Newline
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFDataSearchFlags [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | Introduction | |
From | struct CFDataSearchFlags : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: CFOptionFlags) var value: CFOptionFlags static var Backwards: CFDataSearchFlags { get } static var Anchored: CFDataSearchFlags { get } } | RawOptionSet | OS X 10.10 |
To | struct CFDataSearchFlags : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: CFOptionFlags) init(rawValue rawValue: CFOptionFlags) static var Backwards: CFDataSearchFlags { get } static var Anchored: CFDataSearchFlags { get } } | RawOptionSetType | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFDataSearchFlags.init(_: CFOptionFlags)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: CFOptionFlags) |
To | init(_ rawValue: CFOptionFlags) |
Modified CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks { var version: CFIndex var retain: CFDictionaryRetainCallBack var release: CFDictionaryReleaseCallBack var copyDescription: CFDictionaryCopyDescriptionCallBack var equal: CFDictionaryEqualCallBack var hash: CFDictionaryHashCallBack } |
To | struct CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks { var version: CFIndex var retain: CFDictionaryRetainCallBack var release: CFDictionaryReleaseCallBack var copyDescription: CFDictionaryCopyDescriptionCallBack var equal: CFDictionaryEqualCallBack var hash: CFDictionaryHashCallBack init() init(version version: CFIndex, retain retain: CFDictionaryRetainCallBack, release release: CFDictionaryReleaseCallBack, copyDescription copyDescription: CFDictionaryCopyDescriptionCallBack, equal equal: CFDictionaryEqualCallBack, hash hash: CFDictionaryHashCallBack) } |
Modified CFDictionaryValueCallBacks [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFDictionaryValueCallBacks { var version: CFIndex var retain: CFDictionaryRetainCallBack var release: CFDictionaryReleaseCallBack var copyDescription: CFDictionaryCopyDescriptionCallBack var equal: CFDictionaryEqualCallBack } |
To | struct CFDictionaryValueCallBacks { var version: CFIndex var retain: CFDictionaryRetainCallBack var release: CFDictionaryReleaseCallBack var copyDescription: CFDictionaryCopyDescriptionCallBack var equal: CFDictionaryEqualCallBack init() init(version version: CFIndex, retain retain: CFDictionaryRetainCallBack, release release: CFDictionaryReleaseCallBack, copyDescription copyDescription: CFDictionaryCopyDescriptionCallBack, equal equal: CFDictionaryEqualCallBack) } |
Modified CFFileDescriptorContext [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFFileDescriptorContext { var version: CFIndex var info: UnsafePointer<()> var retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<()>) -> UnsafePointer<()>)> var release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<()>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> } |
To | struct CFFileDescriptorContext { var version: CFIndex var info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> var retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)> var release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void)> var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> init() init(version version: CFIndex, info info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, retain retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)>, release release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void)>, copyDescription copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)>) } |
Modified CFFileDescriptorContext.copyDescription
Declaration | |
From | var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<()>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> |
To | var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> |
Declaration | |
From | var info: UnsafePointer<()> |
To | var info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> |
Modified CFFileDescriptorContext.release
Declaration | |
From | var release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | var release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFFileDescriptorContext.retain
Declaration | |
From | var retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<()>) -> UnsafePointer<()>)> |
To | var retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)> |
Modified CFFileSecurityClearOptions [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | Introduction | |
From | struct CFFileSecurityClearOptions : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: CFOptionFlags) var value: CFOptionFlags static var Owner: CFFileSecurityClearOptions { get } static var Group: CFFileSecurityClearOptions { get } static var Mode: CFFileSecurityClearOptions { get } static var OwnerUUID: CFFileSecurityClearOptions { get } static var GroupUUID: CFFileSecurityClearOptions { get } static var AccessControlList: CFFileSecurityClearOptions { get } } | RawOptionSet | OS X 10.10 |
To | struct CFFileSecurityClearOptions : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: CFOptionFlags) init(rawValue rawValue: CFOptionFlags) static var Owner: CFFileSecurityClearOptions { get } static var Group: CFFileSecurityClearOptions { get } static var Mode: CFFileSecurityClearOptions { get } static var OwnerUUID: CFFileSecurityClearOptions { get } static var GroupUUID: CFFileSecurityClearOptions { get } static var AccessControlList: CFFileSecurityClearOptions { get } } | RawOptionSetType | OS X 10.8 |
Modified CFFileSecurityClearOptions.init(_: CFOptionFlags)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: CFOptionFlags) |
To | init(_ rawValue: CFOptionFlags) |
Modified CFGregorianDate [struct]
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | struct CFGregorianDate { var year: Int32 var month: Int8 var day: Int8 var hour: Int8 var minute: Int8 var second: Double } | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | struct CFGregorianDate { var year: Int32 var month: Int8 var day: Int8 var hour: Int8 var minute: Int8 var second: Double init() init(year year: Int32, month month: Int8, day day: Int8, hour hour: Int8, minute minute: Int8, second second: Double) } | OS X 10.4 | OS X 10.10 |
Deprecation | |
From | -- |
To | OS X 10.10 |
Modified CFGregorianDate.hour
Deprecation | |
From | -- |
To | OS X 10.10 |
Modified CFGregorianDate.minute
Deprecation | |
From | -- |
To | OS X 10.10 |
Modified CFGregorianDate.month
Deprecation | |
From | -- |
To | OS X 10.10 |
Modified CFGregorianDate.second
Deprecation | |
From | -- |
To | OS X 10.10 |
Modified CFGregorianDate.year
Deprecation | |
From | -- |
To | OS X 10.10 |
Modified CFGregorianUnitFlags [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct CFGregorianUnitFlags : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: CFOptionFlags) var value: CFOptionFlags static var UnitsYears: CFGregorianUnitFlags { get } static var UnitsMonths: CFGregorianUnitFlags { get } static var UnitsDays: CFGregorianUnitFlags { get } static var UnitsHours: CFGregorianUnitFlags { get } static var UnitsMinutes: CFGregorianUnitFlags { get } static var UnitsSeconds: CFGregorianUnitFlags { get } static var AllUnits: CFGregorianUnitFlags { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct CFGregorianUnitFlags : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: CFOptionFlags) init(rawValue rawValue: CFOptionFlags) static var UnitsYears: CFGregorianUnitFlags { get } static var UnitsMonths: CFGregorianUnitFlags { get } static var UnitsDays: CFGregorianUnitFlags { get } static var UnitsHours: CFGregorianUnitFlags { get } static var UnitsMinutes: CFGregorianUnitFlags { get } static var UnitsSeconds: CFGregorianUnitFlags { get } static var AllUnits: CFGregorianUnitFlags { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified CFGregorianUnitFlags.AllUnits
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.4 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified CFGregorianUnitFlags.UnitsDays
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.4 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified CFGregorianUnitFlags.UnitsHours
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.4 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified CFGregorianUnitFlags.UnitsMinutes
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.4 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified CFGregorianUnitFlags.UnitsMonths
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.4 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified CFGregorianUnitFlags.UnitsSeconds
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.4 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified CFGregorianUnitFlags.UnitsYears
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.4 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified CFGregorianUnitFlags.init(_: CFOptionFlags)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: CFOptionFlags) |
To | init(_ rawValue: CFOptionFlags) |
Modified CFGregorianUnits [struct]
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | struct CFGregorianUnits { var years: Int32 var months: Int32 var days: Int32 var hours: Int32 var minutes: Int32 var seconds: Double } | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | struct CFGregorianUnits { var years: Int32 var months: Int32 var days: Int32 var hours: Int32 var minutes: Int32 var seconds: Double init() init(years years: Int32, months months: Int32, days days: Int32, hours hours: Int32, minutes minutes: Int32, seconds seconds: Double) } | OS X 10.4 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified CFGregorianUnits.days
Deprecation | |
From | -- |
To | OS X 10.10 |
Modified CFGregorianUnits.hours
Deprecation | |
From | -- |
To | OS X 10.10 |
Modified CFGregorianUnits.minutes
Deprecation | |
From | -- |
To | OS X 10.10 |
Modified CFGregorianUnits.months
Deprecation | |
From | -- |
To | OS X 10.10 |
Modified CFGregorianUnits.seconds
Deprecation | |
From | -- |
To | OS X 10.10 |
Modified CFGregorianUnits.years
Deprecation | |
From | -- |
To | OS X 10.10 |
Modified CFMachPortContext [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFMachPortContext { var version: CFIndex var info: UnsafePointer<()> var retain: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> ConstUnsafePointer<()>)> var release: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> } |
To | struct CFMachPortContext { var version: CFIndex var info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> var retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)> var release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)> var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> init() init(version version: CFIndex, info info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, retain retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)>, release release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)>, copyDescription copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)>) } |
Modified CFMachPortContext.copyDescription
Declaration | |
From | var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> |
To | var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> |
Declaration | |
From | var info: UnsafePointer<()> |
To | var info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> |
Modified CFMachPortContext.release
Declaration | |
From | var release: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | var release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFMachPortContext.retain
Declaration | |
From | var retain: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> ConstUnsafePointer<()>)> |
To | var retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)> |
Modified CFMessagePortContext [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFMessagePortContext { var version: CFIndex var info: UnsafePointer<()> var retain: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> ConstUnsafePointer<()>)> var release: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> } |
To | struct CFMessagePortContext { var version: CFIndex var info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> var retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)> var release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)> var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> init() init(version version: CFIndex, info info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, retain retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)>, release release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)>, copyDescription copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)>) } |
Modified CFMessagePortContext.copyDescription
Declaration | |
From | var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> |
To | var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> |
Declaration | |
From | var info: UnsafePointer<()> |
To | var info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> |
Modified CFMessagePortContext.release
Declaration | |
From | var release: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | var release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFMessagePortContext.retain
Declaration | |
From | var retain: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> ConstUnsafePointer<()>)> |
To | var retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)> |
Modified CFNumberFormatterOptionFlags [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct CFNumberFormatterOptionFlags : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: CFOptionFlags) var value: CFOptionFlags static var ParseIntegersOnly: CFNumberFormatterOptionFlags { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct CFNumberFormatterOptionFlags : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: CFOptionFlags) init(rawValue rawValue: CFOptionFlags) static var ParseIntegersOnly: CFNumberFormatterOptionFlags { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified CFNumberFormatterOptionFlags.init(_: CFOptionFlags)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: CFOptionFlags) |
To | init(_ rawValue: CFOptionFlags) |
Modified CFNumberType.CGFloatType
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFNumberType.NSIntegerType
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFPropertyListMutabilityOptions [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct CFPropertyListMutabilityOptions : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: CFOptionFlags) var value: CFOptionFlags static var Immutable: CFPropertyListMutabilityOptions { get } static var MutableContainers: CFPropertyListMutabilityOptions { get } static var MutableContainersAndLeaves: CFPropertyListMutabilityOptions { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct CFPropertyListMutabilityOptions : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: CFOptionFlags) init(rawValue rawValue: CFOptionFlags) static var Immutable: CFPropertyListMutabilityOptions { get } static var MutableContainers: CFPropertyListMutabilityOptions { get } static var MutableContainersAndLeaves: CFPropertyListMutabilityOptions { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified CFPropertyListMutabilityOptions.init(_: CFOptionFlags)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: CFOptionFlags) |
To | init(_ rawValue: CFOptionFlags) |
Modified CFRange [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFRange { var location: CFIndex var length: CFIndex } |
To | struct CFRange { var location: CFIndex var length: CFIndex init() init(location location: CFIndex, length length: CFIndex) } |
Modified CFRunLoopActivity [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct CFRunLoopActivity : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: CFOptionFlags) var value: CFOptionFlags static var Entry: CFRunLoopActivity { get } static var BeforeTimers: CFRunLoopActivity { get } static var BeforeSources: CFRunLoopActivity { get } static var BeforeWaiting: CFRunLoopActivity { get } static var AfterWaiting: CFRunLoopActivity { get } static var Exit: CFRunLoopActivity { get } static var AllActivities: CFRunLoopActivity { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct CFRunLoopActivity : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: CFOptionFlags) init(rawValue rawValue: CFOptionFlags) static var Entry: CFRunLoopActivity { get } static var BeforeTimers: CFRunLoopActivity { get } static var BeforeSources: CFRunLoopActivity { get } static var BeforeWaiting: CFRunLoopActivity { get } static var AfterWaiting: CFRunLoopActivity { get } static var Exit: CFRunLoopActivity { get } static var AllActivities: CFRunLoopActivity { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified CFRunLoopActivity.init(_: CFOptionFlags)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: CFOptionFlags) |
To | init(_ rawValue: CFOptionFlags) |
Modified CFRunLoopObserverContext [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFRunLoopObserverContext { var version: CFIndex var info: UnsafePointer<()> var retain: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> ConstUnsafePointer<()>)> var release: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> } |
To | struct CFRunLoopObserverContext { var version: CFIndex var info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> var retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)> var release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)> var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> init() init(version version: CFIndex, info info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, retain retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)>, release release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)>, copyDescription copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)>) } |
Modified CFRunLoopObserverContext.copyDescription
Declaration | |
From | var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> |
To | var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> |
Declaration | |
From | var info: UnsafePointer<()> |
To | var info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> |
Modified CFRunLoopObserverContext.release
Declaration | |
From | var release: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | var release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFRunLoopObserverContext.retain
Declaration | |
From | var retain: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> ConstUnsafePointer<()>)> |
To | var retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)> |
Modified CFRunLoopSourceContext [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFRunLoopSourceContext { var version: CFIndex var info: UnsafePointer<()> var retain: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> ConstUnsafePointer<()>)> var release: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> var equal: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>, ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Boolean)> var hash: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> CFHashCode)> var schedule: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<()>, CFRunLoop!, CFString!) -> Void)> var cancel: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<()>, CFRunLoop!, CFString!) -> Void)> var perform: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> } |
To | struct CFRunLoopSourceContext { var version: CFIndex var info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> var retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)> var release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)> var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> var equal: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Boolean)> var hash: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> CFHashCode)> var schedule: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, CFRunLoop!, CFString!) -> Void)> var cancel: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, CFRunLoop!, CFString!) -> Void)> var perform: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void)> init() init(version version: CFIndex, info info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, retain retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)>, release release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)>, copyDescription copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)>, equal equal: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Boolean)>, hash hash: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> CFHashCode)>, schedule schedule: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, CFRunLoop!, CFString!) -> Void)>, cancel cancel: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, CFRunLoop!, CFString!) -> Void)>, perform perform: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void)>) } |
Modified CFRunLoopSourceContext.cancel
Declaration | |
From | var cancel: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<()>, CFRunLoop!, CFString!) -> Void)> |
To | var cancel: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, CFRunLoop!, CFString!) -> Void)> |
Modified CFRunLoopSourceContext.copyDescription
Declaration | |
From | var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> |
To | var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> |
Modified CFRunLoopSourceContext.equal
Declaration | |
From | var equal: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>, ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Boolean)> |
To | var equal: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Boolean)> |
Modified CFRunLoopSourceContext.hash
Declaration | |
From | var hash: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> CFHashCode)> |
To | var hash: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> CFHashCode)> |
Declaration | |
From | var info: UnsafePointer<()> |
To | var info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> |
Modified CFRunLoopSourceContext.perform
Declaration | |
From | var perform: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | var perform: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFRunLoopSourceContext.release
Declaration | |
From | var release: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | var release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFRunLoopSourceContext.retain
Declaration | |
From | var retain: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> ConstUnsafePointer<()>)> |
To | var retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)> |
Modified CFRunLoopSourceContext.schedule
Declaration | |
From | var schedule: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<()>, CFRunLoop!, CFString!) -> Void)> |
To | var schedule: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, CFRunLoop!, CFString!) -> Void)> |
Modified CFRunLoopSourceContext1 [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFRunLoopSourceContext1 { var version: CFIndex var info: UnsafePointer<()> var retain: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> ConstUnsafePointer<()>)> var release: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> var equal: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>, ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Boolean)> var hash: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> CFHashCode)> var getPort: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<()>) -> mach_port_t)> var perform: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<()>, CFIndex, CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<()>) -> UnsafePointer<()>)> } |
To | struct CFRunLoopSourceContext1 { var version: CFIndex var info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> var retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)> var release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)> var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> var equal: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Boolean)> var hash: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> CFHashCode)> var getPort: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> mach_port_t)> var perform: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, CFIndex, CFAllocator!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)> init() init(version version: CFIndex, info info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, retain retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)>, release release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)>, copyDescription copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)>, equal equal: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Boolean)>, hash hash: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> CFHashCode)>, getPort getPort: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> mach_port_t)>, perform perform: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, CFIndex, CFAllocator!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)>) } |
Modified CFRunLoopSourceContext1.copyDescription
Declaration | |
From | var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> |
To | var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> |
Modified CFRunLoopSourceContext1.equal
Declaration | |
From | var equal: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>, ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Boolean)> |
To | var equal: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Boolean)> |
Modified CFRunLoopSourceContext1.getPort
Declaration | |
From | var getPort: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<()>) -> mach_port_t)> |
To | var getPort: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> mach_port_t)> |
Modified CFRunLoopSourceContext1.hash
Declaration | |
From | var hash: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> CFHashCode)> |
To | var hash: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> CFHashCode)> |
Declaration | |
From | var info: UnsafePointer<()> |
To | var info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> |
Modified CFRunLoopSourceContext1.perform
Declaration | |
From | var perform: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<()>, CFIndex, CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<()>) -> UnsafePointer<()>)> |
To | var perform: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, CFIndex, CFAllocator!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)> |
Modified CFRunLoopSourceContext1.release
Declaration | |
From | var release: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | var release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFRunLoopSourceContext1.retain
Declaration | |
From | var retain: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> ConstUnsafePointer<()>)> |
To | var retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)> |
Modified CFRunLoopTimerContext [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFRunLoopTimerContext { var version: CFIndex var info: UnsafePointer<()> var retain: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> ConstUnsafePointer<()>)> var release: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> } |
To | struct CFRunLoopTimerContext { var version: CFIndex var info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> var retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)> var release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)> var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> init() init(version version: CFIndex, info info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, retain retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)>, release release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)>, copyDescription copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)>) } |
Modified CFRunLoopTimerContext.copyDescription
Declaration | |
From | var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> |
To | var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> |
Declaration | |
From | var info: UnsafePointer<()> |
To | var info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> |
Modified CFRunLoopTimerContext.release
Declaration | |
From | var release: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | var release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFRunLoopTimerContext.retain
Declaration | |
From | var retain: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> ConstUnsafePointer<()>)> |
To | var retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)> |
Modified CFSetCallBacks [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFSetCallBacks { var version: CFIndex var retain: CFSetRetainCallBack var release: CFSetReleaseCallBack var copyDescription: CFSetCopyDescriptionCallBack var equal: CFSetEqualCallBack var hash: CFSetHashCallBack } |
To | struct CFSetCallBacks { var version: CFIndex var retain: CFSetRetainCallBack var release: CFSetReleaseCallBack var copyDescription: CFSetCopyDescriptionCallBack var equal: CFSetEqualCallBack var hash: CFSetHashCallBack init() init(version version: CFIndex, retain retain: CFSetRetainCallBack, release release: CFSetReleaseCallBack, copyDescription copyDescription: CFSetCopyDescriptionCallBack, equal equal: CFSetEqualCallBack, hash hash: CFSetHashCallBack) } |
Modified CFSocketCallBackType [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct CFSocketCallBackType : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: CFOptionFlags) var value: CFOptionFlags static var NoCallBack: CFSocketCallBackType { get } static var ReadCallBack: CFSocketCallBackType { get } static var AcceptCallBack: CFSocketCallBackType { get } static var DataCallBack: CFSocketCallBackType { get } static var ConnectCallBack: CFSocketCallBackType { get } static var WriteCallBack: CFSocketCallBackType { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct CFSocketCallBackType : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: CFOptionFlags) init(rawValue rawValue: CFOptionFlags) static var NoCallBack: CFSocketCallBackType { get } static var ReadCallBack: CFSocketCallBackType { get } static var AcceptCallBack: CFSocketCallBackType { get } static var DataCallBack: CFSocketCallBackType { get } static var ConnectCallBack: CFSocketCallBackType { get } static var WriteCallBack: CFSocketCallBackType { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified CFSocketCallBackType.init(_: CFOptionFlags)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: CFOptionFlags) |
To | init(_ rawValue: CFOptionFlags) |
Modified CFSocketContext [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFSocketContext { var version: CFIndex var info: UnsafePointer<()> var retain: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> ConstUnsafePointer<()>)> var release: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> } |
To | struct CFSocketContext { var version: CFIndex var info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> var retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)> var release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)> var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> init() init(version version: CFIndex, info info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, retain retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)>, release release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)>, copyDescription copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)>) } |
Modified CFSocketContext.copyDescription
Declaration | |
From | var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> |
To | var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> |
Declaration | |
From | var info: UnsafePointer<()> |
To | var info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> |
Modified CFSocketContext.release
Declaration | |
From | var release: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | var release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFSocketContext.retain
Declaration | |
From | var retain: CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> ConstUnsafePointer<()>)> |
To | var retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)> |
Modified CFSocketSignature [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFSocketSignature { var protocolFamily: Int32 var socketType: Int32 var `protocol`: Int32 var address: Unmanaged<CFData>! } |
To | struct CFSocketSignature { var protocolFamily: Int32 var socketType: Int32 var `protocol`: Int32 var address: Unmanaged<CFData>! init() init(protocolFamily protocolFamily: Int32, socketType socketType: Int32, `protocol` `protocol`: Int32, address address: Unmanaged<CFData>!) } |
Modified CFStreamClientContext [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFStreamClientContext { var version: CFIndex var info: UnsafePointer<()> var retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<()>) -> UnsafePointer<()>)> var release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<()>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> } |
To | struct CFStreamClientContext { var version: CFIndex var info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> var retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)> var release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void)> var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> init() init(version version: CFIndex, info info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, retain retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)>, release release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void)>, copyDescription copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)>) } |
Modified CFStreamClientContext.copyDescription
Declaration | |
From | var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<()>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> |
To | var copyDescription: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> |
Declaration | |
From | var info: UnsafePointer<()> |
To | var info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> |
Modified CFStreamClientContext.release
Declaration | |
From | var release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | var release: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFStreamClientContext.retain
Declaration | |
From | var retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<()>) -> UnsafePointer<()>)> |
To | var retain: CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)> |
Modified CFStreamError [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFStreamError { var domain: CFIndex var error: Int32 } |
To | struct CFStreamError { var domain: CFIndex var error: Int32 init() init(domain domain: CFIndex, error error: Int32) } |
Modified CFStreamEventType [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct CFStreamEventType : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: CFOptionFlags) var value: CFOptionFlags static var None: CFStreamEventType { get } static var OpenCompleted: CFStreamEventType { get } static var HasBytesAvailable: CFStreamEventType { get } static var CanAcceptBytes: CFStreamEventType { get } static var ErrorOccurred: CFStreamEventType { get } static var EndEncountered: CFStreamEventType { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct CFStreamEventType : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: CFOptionFlags) init(rawValue rawValue: CFOptionFlags) static var None: CFStreamEventType { get } static var OpenCompleted: CFStreamEventType { get } static var HasBytesAvailable: CFStreamEventType { get } static var CanAcceptBytes: CFStreamEventType { get } static var ErrorOccurred: CFStreamEventType { get } static var EndEncountered: CFStreamEventType { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified CFStreamEventType.init(_: CFOptionFlags)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: CFOptionFlags) |
To | init(_ rawValue: CFOptionFlags) |
Modified CFStringCompareFlags [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct CFStringCompareFlags : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: CFOptionFlags) var value: CFOptionFlags static var CompareCaseInsensitive: CFStringCompareFlags { get } static var CompareBackwards: CFStringCompareFlags { get } static var CompareAnchored: CFStringCompareFlags { get } static var CompareNonliteral: CFStringCompareFlags { get } static var CompareLocalized: CFStringCompareFlags { get } static var CompareNumerically: CFStringCompareFlags { get } static var CompareDiacriticInsensitive: CFStringCompareFlags { get } static var CompareWidthInsensitive: CFStringCompareFlags { get } static var CompareForcedOrdering: CFStringCompareFlags { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct CFStringCompareFlags : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: CFOptionFlags) init(rawValue rawValue: CFOptionFlags) static var CompareCaseInsensitive: CFStringCompareFlags { get } static var CompareBackwards: CFStringCompareFlags { get } static var CompareAnchored: CFStringCompareFlags { get } static var CompareNonliteral: CFStringCompareFlags { get } static var CompareLocalized: CFStringCompareFlags { get } static var CompareNumerically: CFStringCompareFlags { get } static var CompareDiacriticInsensitive: CFStringCompareFlags { get } static var CompareWidthInsensitive: CFStringCompareFlags { get } static var CompareForcedOrdering: CFStringCompareFlags { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified CFStringCompareFlags.CompareDiacriticInsensitive
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFStringCompareFlags.CompareForcedOrdering
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFStringCompareFlags.CompareWidthInsensitive
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFStringCompareFlags.init(_: CFOptionFlags)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: CFOptionFlags) |
To | init(_ rawValue: CFOptionFlags) |
Modified CFStringEncodings.ShiftJIS_X0213
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFStringEncodings.UTF7
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFStringEncodings.UTF7_IMAP
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFStringInlineBuffer [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFStringInlineBuffer { var buffer: (UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar) var theString: Unmanaged<CFString>! var directUniCharBuffer: ConstUnsafePointer<UniChar> var directCStringBuffer: ConstUnsafePointer<Int8> var rangeToBuffer: CFRange var bufferedRangeStart: CFIndex var bufferedRangeEnd: CFIndex } |
To | struct CFStringInlineBuffer { var buffer: (UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar) var theString: Unmanaged<CFString>! var directUniCharBuffer: UnsafePointer<UniChar> var directCStringBuffer: UnsafePointer<Int8> var rangeToBuffer: CFRange var bufferedRangeStart: CFIndex var bufferedRangeEnd: CFIndex init() init(buffer buffer: (UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar, UniChar), theString theString: Unmanaged<CFString>!, directUniCharBuffer directUniCharBuffer: UnsafePointer<UniChar>, directCStringBuffer directCStringBuffer: UnsafePointer<Int8>, rangeToBuffer rangeToBuffer: CFRange, bufferedRangeStart bufferedRangeStart: CFIndex, bufferedRangeEnd bufferedRangeEnd: CFIndex) } |
Modified CFStringInlineBuffer.directCStringBuffer
Declaration | |
From | var directCStringBuffer: ConstUnsafePointer<Int8> |
To | var directCStringBuffer: UnsafePointer<Int8> |
Modified CFStringInlineBuffer.directUniCharBuffer
Declaration | |
From | var directUniCharBuffer: ConstUnsafePointer<UniChar> |
To | var directUniCharBuffer: UnsafePointer<UniChar> |
Modified CFStringTokenizerTokenType [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct CFStringTokenizerTokenType : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: CFOptionFlags) var value: CFOptionFlags static var None: CFStringTokenizerTokenType { get } static var Normal: CFStringTokenizerTokenType { get } static var HasSubTokensMask: CFStringTokenizerTokenType { get } static var HasDerivedSubTokensMask: CFStringTokenizerTokenType { get } static var HasHasNumbersMask: CFStringTokenizerTokenType { get } static var HasNonLettersMask: CFStringTokenizerTokenType { get } static var IsCJWordMask: CFStringTokenizerTokenType { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct CFStringTokenizerTokenType : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: CFOptionFlags) init(rawValue rawValue: CFOptionFlags) static var None: CFStringTokenizerTokenType { get } static var Normal: CFStringTokenizerTokenType { get } static var HasSubTokensMask: CFStringTokenizerTokenType { get } static var HasDerivedSubTokensMask: CFStringTokenizerTokenType { get } static var HasHasNumbersMask: CFStringTokenizerTokenType { get } static var HasNonLettersMask: CFStringTokenizerTokenType { get } static var IsCJWordMask: CFStringTokenizerTokenType { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified CFStringTokenizerTokenType.init(_: CFOptionFlags)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: CFOptionFlags) |
To | init(_ rawValue: CFOptionFlags) |
Modified CFSwappedFloat32 [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFSwappedFloat32 { var v: UInt32 } |
To | struct CFSwappedFloat32 { var v: UInt32 init() init(v v: UInt32) } |
Modified CFSwappedFloat64 [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFSwappedFloat64 { var v: UInt64 } |
To | struct CFSwappedFloat64 { var v: UInt64 init() init(v v: UInt64) } |
Modified CFTimeZoneNameStyle [enum]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFTreeContext [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFTreeContext { var version: CFIndex var info: UnsafePointer<()> var retain: CFTreeRetainCallBack var release: CFTreeReleaseCallBack var copyDescription: CFTreeCopyDescriptionCallBack } |
To | struct CFTreeContext { var version: CFIndex var info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> var retain: CFTreeRetainCallBack var release: CFTreeReleaseCallBack var copyDescription: CFTreeCopyDescriptionCallBack init() init(version version: CFIndex, info info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, retain retain: CFTreeRetainCallBack, release release: CFTreeReleaseCallBack, copyDescription copyDescription: CFTreeCopyDescriptionCallBack) } |
Declaration | |
From | var info: UnsafePointer<()> |
To | var info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> |
Modified CFURLBookmarkCreationOptions [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | Introduction | |
From | struct CFURLBookmarkCreationOptions : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: CFOptionFlags) var value: CFOptionFlags static var MinimalBookmarkMask: CFURLBookmarkCreationOptions { get } static var SuitableForBookmarkFile: CFURLBookmarkCreationOptions { get } static var WithSecurityScope: CFURLBookmarkCreationOptions { get } static var SecurityScopeAllowOnlyReadAccess: CFURLBookmarkCreationOptions { get } static var PreferFileIDResolutionMask: CFURLBookmarkCreationOptions { get } } | RawOptionSet | OS X 10.10 |
To | struct CFURLBookmarkCreationOptions : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: CFOptionFlags) init(rawValue rawValue: CFOptionFlags) static var MinimalBookmarkMask: CFURLBookmarkCreationOptions { get } static var SuitableForBookmarkFile: CFURLBookmarkCreationOptions { get } static var WithSecurityScope: CFURLBookmarkCreationOptions { get } static var SecurityScopeAllowOnlyReadAccess: CFURLBookmarkCreationOptions { get } static var PreferFileIDResolutionMask: CFURLBookmarkCreationOptions { get } } | RawOptionSetType | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFURLBookmarkCreationOptions.SecurityScopeAllowOnlyReadAccess
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified CFURLBookmarkCreationOptions.WithSecurityScope
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified CFURLBookmarkCreationOptions.init(_: CFOptionFlags)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: CFOptionFlags) |
To | init(_ rawValue: CFOptionFlags) |
Modified CFURLBookmarkResolutionOptions [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | Introduction | |
From | struct CFURLBookmarkResolutionOptions : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: CFOptionFlags) var value: CFOptionFlags static var CFURLBookmarkResolutionWithoutUIMask: CFURLBookmarkResolutionOptions { get } static var CFURLBookmarkResolutionWithoutMountingMask: CFURLBookmarkResolutionOptions { get } static var CFURLBookmarkResolutionWithSecurityScope: CFURLBookmarkResolutionOptions { get } static var CFBookmarkResolutionWithoutUIMask: CFURLBookmarkResolutionOptions { get } static var CFBookmarkResolutionWithoutMountingMask: CFURLBookmarkResolutionOptions { get } } | RawOptionSet | OS X 10.10 |
To | struct CFURLBookmarkResolutionOptions : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: CFOptionFlags) init(rawValue rawValue: CFOptionFlags) static var CFURLBookmarkResolutionWithoutUIMask: CFURLBookmarkResolutionOptions { get } static var CFURLBookmarkResolutionWithoutMountingMask: CFURLBookmarkResolutionOptions { get } static var CFURLBookmarkResolutionWithSecurityScope: CFURLBookmarkResolutionOptions { get } static var CFBookmarkResolutionWithoutUIMask: CFURLBookmarkResolutionOptions { get } static var CFBookmarkResolutionWithoutMountingMask: CFURLBookmarkResolutionOptions { get } } | RawOptionSetType | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFURLBookmarkResolutionOptions.CFURLBookmarkResolutionWithSecurityScope
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified CFURLBookmarkResolutionOptions.init(_: CFOptionFlags)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: CFOptionFlags) |
To | init(_ rawValue: CFOptionFlags) |
Modified CFURLEnumeratorOptions [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct CFURLEnumeratorOptions : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: CFOptionFlags) var value: CFOptionFlags static var DefaultBehavior: CFURLEnumeratorOptions { get } static var DescendRecursively: CFURLEnumeratorOptions { get } static var SkipInvisibles: CFURLEnumeratorOptions { get } static var GenerateFileReferenceURLs: CFURLEnumeratorOptions { get } static var SkipPackageContents: CFURLEnumeratorOptions { get } static var IncludeDirectoriesPreOrder: CFURLEnumeratorOptions { get } static var IncludeDirectoriesPostOrder: CFURLEnumeratorOptions { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct CFURLEnumeratorOptions : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: CFOptionFlags) init(rawValue rawValue: CFOptionFlags) static var DefaultBehavior: CFURLEnumeratorOptions { get } static var DescendRecursively: CFURLEnumeratorOptions { get } static var SkipInvisibles: CFURLEnumeratorOptions { get } static var GenerateFileReferenceURLs: CFURLEnumeratorOptions { get } static var SkipPackageContents: CFURLEnumeratorOptions { get } static var IncludeDirectoriesPreOrder: CFURLEnumeratorOptions { get } static var IncludeDirectoriesPostOrder: CFURLEnumeratorOptions { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified CFURLEnumeratorOptions.init(_: CFOptionFlags)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: CFOptionFlags) |
To | init(_ rawValue: CFOptionFlags) |
Modified CFUUIDBytes [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFUUIDBytes { var byte0: UInt8 var byte1: UInt8 var byte2: UInt8 var byte3: UInt8 var byte4: UInt8 var byte5: UInt8 var byte6: UInt8 var byte7: UInt8 var byte8: UInt8 var byte9: UInt8 var byte10: UInt8 var byte11: UInt8 var byte12: UInt8 var byte13: UInt8 var byte14: UInt8 var byte15: UInt8 } |
To | struct CFUUIDBytes { var byte0: UInt8 var byte1: UInt8 var byte2: UInt8 var byte3: UInt8 var byte4: UInt8 var byte5: UInt8 var byte6: UInt8 var byte7: UInt8 var byte8: UInt8 var byte9: UInt8 var byte10: UInt8 var byte11: UInt8 var byte12: UInt8 var byte13: UInt8 var byte14: UInt8 var byte15: UInt8 init() init(byte0 byte0: UInt8, byte1 byte1: UInt8, byte2 byte2: UInt8, byte3 byte3: UInt8, byte4 byte4: UInt8, byte5 byte5: UInt8, byte6 byte6: UInt8, byte7 byte7: UInt8, byte8 byte8: UInt8, byte9 byte9: UInt8, byte10 byte10: UInt8, byte11 byte11: UInt8, byte12 byte12: UInt8, byte13 byte13: UInt8, byte14 byte14: UInt8, byte15 byte15: UInt8) } |
Modified CFXMLAttributeDeclarationInfo [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFXMLAttributeDeclarationInfo { var attributeName: Unmanaged<CFString>! var typeString: Unmanaged<CFString>! var defaultString: Unmanaged<CFString>! } |
To | struct CFXMLAttributeDeclarationInfo { var attributeName: Unmanaged<CFString>! var typeString: Unmanaged<CFString>! var defaultString: Unmanaged<CFString>! init() init(attributeName attributeName: Unmanaged<CFString>!, typeString typeString: Unmanaged<CFString>!, defaultString defaultString: Unmanaged<CFString>!) } |
Modified CFXMLAttributeListDeclarationInfo [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFXMLAttributeListDeclarationInfo { var numberOfAttributes: CFIndex var attributes: UnsafePointer<CFXMLAttributeDeclarationInfo> } |
To | struct CFXMLAttributeListDeclarationInfo { var numberOfAttributes: CFIndex var attributes: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFXMLAttributeDeclarationInfo> init() init(numberOfAttributes numberOfAttributes: CFIndex, attributes attributes: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFXMLAttributeDeclarationInfo>) } |
Modified CFXMLAttributeListDeclarationInfo.attributes
Declaration | |
From | var attributes: UnsafePointer<CFXMLAttributeDeclarationInfo> |
To | var attributes: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFXMLAttributeDeclarationInfo> |
Modified CFXMLDocumentInfo [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFXMLDocumentInfo { var sourceURL: Unmanaged<CFURL>! var encoding: CFStringEncoding } |
To | struct CFXMLDocumentInfo { var sourceURL: Unmanaged<CFURL>! var encoding: CFStringEncoding init() init(sourceURL sourceURL: Unmanaged<CFURL>!, encoding encoding: CFStringEncoding) } |
Modified CFXMLDocumentTypeInfo [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFXMLDocumentTypeInfo { var externalID: CFXMLExternalID } |
To | struct CFXMLDocumentTypeInfo { var externalID: CFXMLExternalID init() init(externalID externalID: CFXMLExternalID) } |
Modified CFXMLElementInfo [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFXMLElementInfo { var attributes: Unmanaged<CFDictionary>! var attributeOrder: Unmanaged<CFArray>! var isEmpty: Boolean var _reserved: (Int8, Int8, Int8) } |
To | struct CFXMLElementInfo { var attributes: Unmanaged<CFDictionary>! var attributeOrder: Unmanaged<CFArray>! var isEmpty: Boolean var _reserved: (Int8, Int8, Int8) init() init(attributes attributes: Unmanaged<CFDictionary>!, attributeOrder attributeOrder: Unmanaged<CFArray>!, isEmpty isEmpty: Boolean, _reserved _reserved: (Int8, Int8, Int8)) } |
Modified CFXMLElementTypeDeclarationInfo [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFXMLElementTypeDeclarationInfo { var contentDescription: Unmanaged<CFString>! } |
To | struct CFXMLElementTypeDeclarationInfo { var contentDescription: Unmanaged<CFString>! init() init(contentDescription contentDescription: Unmanaged<CFString>!) } |
Modified CFXMLEntityInfo [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFXMLEntityInfo { var entityType: CFXMLEntityTypeCode var replacementText: Unmanaged<CFString>! var entityID: CFXMLExternalID var notationName: Unmanaged<CFString>! } |
To | struct CFXMLEntityInfo { var entityType: CFXMLEntityTypeCode var replacementText: Unmanaged<CFString>! var entityID: CFXMLExternalID var notationName: Unmanaged<CFString>! init() init(entityType entityType: CFXMLEntityTypeCode, replacementText replacementText: Unmanaged<CFString>!, entityID entityID: CFXMLExternalID, notationName notationName: Unmanaged<CFString>!) } |
Modified CFXMLEntityReferenceInfo [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFXMLEntityReferenceInfo { var entityType: CFXMLEntityTypeCode } |
To | struct CFXMLEntityReferenceInfo { var entityType: CFXMLEntityTypeCode init() init(entityType entityType: CFXMLEntityTypeCode) } |
Modified CFXMLExternalID [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFXMLExternalID { var systemID: Unmanaged<CFURL>! var publicID: Unmanaged<CFString>! } |
To | struct CFXMLExternalID { var systemID: Unmanaged<CFURL>! var publicID: Unmanaged<CFString>! init() init(systemID systemID: Unmanaged<CFURL>!, publicID publicID: Unmanaged<CFString>!) } |
Modified CFXMLNotationInfo [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFXMLNotationInfo { var externalID: CFXMLExternalID } |
To | struct CFXMLNotationInfo { var externalID: CFXMLExternalID init() init(externalID externalID: CFXMLExternalID) } |
Modified CFXMLParserCallBacks [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFXMLParserCallBacks { var version: CFIndex var createXMLStructure: CFXMLParserCreateXMLStructureCallBack var addChild: CFXMLParserAddChildCallBack var endXMLStructure: CFXMLParserEndXMLStructureCallBack var resolveExternalEntity: CFXMLParserResolveExternalEntityCallBack var handleError: CFXMLParserHandleErrorCallBack } |
To | struct CFXMLParserCallBacks { var version: CFIndex var createXMLStructure: CFXMLParserCreateXMLStructureCallBack var addChild: CFXMLParserAddChildCallBack var endXMLStructure: CFXMLParserEndXMLStructureCallBack var resolveExternalEntity: CFXMLParserResolveExternalEntityCallBack var handleError: CFXMLParserHandleErrorCallBack init() init(version version: CFIndex, createXMLStructure createXMLStructure: CFXMLParserCreateXMLStructureCallBack, addChild addChild: CFXMLParserAddChildCallBack, endXMLStructure endXMLStructure: CFXMLParserEndXMLStructureCallBack, resolveExternalEntity resolveExternalEntity: CFXMLParserResolveExternalEntityCallBack, handleError handleError: CFXMLParserHandleErrorCallBack) } |
Modified CFXMLParserContext [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFXMLParserContext { var version: CFIndex var info: UnsafePointer<()> var retain: CFXMLParserRetainCallBack var release: CFXMLParserReleaseCallBack var copyDescription: CFXMLParserCopyDescriptionCallBack } |
To | struct CFXMLParserContext { var version: CFIndex var info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> var retain: CFXMLParserRetainCallBack var release: CFXMLParserReleaseCallBack var copyDescription: CFXMLParserCopyDescriptionCallBack init() init(version version: CFIndex, info info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, retain retain: CFXMLParserRetainCallBack, release release: CFXMLParserReleaseCallBack, copyDescription copyDescription: CFXMLParserCopyDescriptionCallBack) } |
Declaration | |
From | var info: UnsafePointer<()> |
To | var info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> |
Modified CFXMLParserOptions [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct CFXMLParserOptions : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: CFOptionFlags) var value: CFOptionFlags static var ValidateDocument: CFXMLParserOptions { get } static var SkipMetaData: CFXMLParserOptions { get } static var ReplacePhysicalEntities: CFXMLParserOptions { get } static var SkipWhitespace: CFXMLParserOptions { get } static var ResolveExternalEntities: CFXMLParserOptions { get } static var AddImpliedAttributes: CFXMLParserOptions { get } static var AllOptions: CFXMLParserOptions { get } static var NoOptions: CFXMLParserOptions { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct CFXMLParserOptions : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: CFOptionFlags) init(rawValue rawValue: CFOptionFlags) static var ValidateDocument: CFXMLParserOptions { get } static var SkipMetaData: CFXMLParserOptions { get } static var ReplacePhysicalEntities: CFXMLParserOptions { get } static var SkipWhitespace: CFXMLParserOptions { get } static var ResolveExternalEntities: CFXMLParserOptions { get } static var AddImpliedAttributes: CFXMLParserOptions { get } static var AllOptions: CFXMLParserOptions { get } static var NoOptions: CFXMLParserOptions { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified CFXMLParserOptions.init(_: CFOptionFlags)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: CFOptionFlags) |
To | init(_ rawValue: CFOptionFlags) |
Modified CFXMLParserStatusCode [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct CFXMLParserStatusCode : RawOptionSet { init(_ value: CFIndex) var value: CFIndex static var StatusParseNotBegun: CFXMLParserStatusCode { get } static var StatusParseInProgress: CFXMLParserStatusCode { get } static var StatusParseSuccessful: CFXMLParserStatusCode { get } static var ErrorUnexpectedEOF: CFXMLParserStatusCode { get } static var ErrorUnknownEncoding: CFXMLParserStatusCode { get } static var ErrorEncodingConversionFailure: CFXMLParserStatusCode { get } static var ErrorMalformedProcessingInstruction: CFXMLParserStatusCode { get } static var ErrorMalformedDTD: CFXMLParserStatusCode { get } static var ErrorMalformedName: CFXMLParserStatusCode { get } static var ErrorMalformedCDSect: CFXMLParserStatusCode { get } static var ErrorMalformedCloseTag: CFXMLParserStatusCode { get } static var ErrorMalformedStartTag: CFXMLParserStatusCode { get } static var ErrorMalformedDocument: CFXMLParserStatusCode { get } static var ErrorElementlessDocument: CFXMLParserStatusCode { get } static var ErrorMalformedComment: CFXMLParserStatusCode { get } static var ErrorMalformedCharacterReference: CFXMLParserStatusCode { get } static var ErrorMalformedParsedCharacterData: CFXMLParserStatusCode { get } static var ErrorNoData: CFXMLParserStatusCode { get } } | RawOptionSet |
To | struct CFXMLParserStatusCode : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: CFIndex) init(rawValue rawValue: CFIndex) static var StatusParseNotBegun: CFXMLParserStatusCode { get } static var StatusParseInProgress: CFXMLParserStatusCode { get } static var StatusParseSuccessful: CFXMLParserStatusCode { get } static var ErrorUnexpectedEOF: CFXMLParserStatusCode { get } static var ErrorUnknownEncoding: CFXMLParserStatusCode { get } static var ErrorEncodingConversionFailure: CFXMLParserStatusCode { get } static var ErrorMalformedProcessingInstruction: CFXMLParserStatusCode { get } static var ErrorMalformedDTD: CFXMLParserStatusCode { get } static var ErrorMalformedName: CFXMLParserStatusCode { get } static var ErrorMalformedCDSect: CFXMLParserStatusCode { get } static var ErrorMalformedCloseTag: CFXMLParserStatusCode { get } static var ErrorMalformedStartTag: CFXMLParserStatusCode { get } static var ErrorMalformedDocument: CFXMLParserStatusCode { get } static var ErrorElementlessDocument: CFXMLParserStatusCode { get } static var ErrorMalformedComment: CFXMLParserStatusCode { get } static var ErrorMalformedCharacterReference: CFXMLParserStatusCode { get } static var ErrorMalformedParsedCharacterData: CFXMLParserStatusCode { get } static var ErrorNoData: CFXMLParserStatusCode { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
Modified CFXMLParserStatusCode.init(_: CFIndex)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: CFIndex) |
To | init(_ rawValue: CFIndex) |
Modified CFXMLProcessingInstructionInfo [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CFXMLProcessingInstructionInfo { var dataString: Unmanaged<CFString>! } |
To | struct CFXMLProcessingInstructionInfo { var dataString: Unmanaged<CFString>! init() init(dataString dataString: Unmanaged<CFString>!) } |
Modified CFAbsoluteTimeAddGregorianUnits(CFAbsoluteTime, CFTimeZone!, CFGregorianUnits) -> CFAbsoluteTime
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.4 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified CFAbsoluteTimeGetDayOfWeek(CFAbsoluteTime, CFTimeZone!) -> Int32
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.4 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified CFAbsoluteTimeGetDayOfYear(CFAbsoluteTime, CFTimeZone!) -> Int32
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.4 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified CFAbsoluteTimeGetDifferenceAsGregorianUnits(CFAbsoluteTime, CFAbsoluteTime, CFTimeZone!, CFOptionFlags) -> CFGregorianUnits
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.4 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified CFAbsoluteTimeGetGregorianDate(CFAbsoluteTime, CFTimeZone!) -> CFGregorianDate
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.4 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified CFAbsoluteTimeGetWeekOfYear(CFAbsoluteTime, CFTimeZone!) -> Int32
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.4 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified CFAllocatorAllocate(CFAllocator!, CFIndex, CFOptionFlags) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>
Declaration | |
From | func CFAllocatorAllocate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ size: CFIndex, _ hint: CFOptionFlags) -> UnsafePointer<()> |
To | func CFAllocatorAllocate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ size: CFIndex, _ hint: CFOptionFlags) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> |
Modified CFAllocatorAllocateCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFAllocatorAllocateCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFIndex, CFOptionFlags, UnsafePointer<()>) -> UnsafePointer<()>)> |
To | typealias CFAllocatorAllocateCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFIndex, CFOptionFlags, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)> |
Modified CFAllocatorCopyDescriptionCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFAllocatorCopyDescriptionCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> |
To | typealias CFAllocatorCopyDescriptionCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> |
Modified CFAllocatorCreate(CFAllocator!, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFAllocatorContext>) -> Unmanaged<CFAllocator>!
Declaration | |
From | func CFAllocatorCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ context: UnsafePointer<CFAllocatorContext>) -> Unmanaged<CFAllocator>! |
To | func CFAllocatorCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ context: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFAllocatorContext>) -> Unmanaged<CFAllocator>! |
Modified CFAllocatorDeallocate(CFAllocator!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFAllocatorDeallocate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ ptr: UnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func CFAllocatorDeallocate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ ptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) |
Modified CFAllocatorDeallocateCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFAllocatorDeallocateCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<()>, UnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | typealias CFAllocatorDeallocateCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFAllocatorGetContext(CFAllocator!, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFAllocatorContext>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFAllocatorGetContext(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ context: UnsafePointer<CFAllocatorContext>) |
To | func CFAllocatorGetContext(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ context: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFAllocatorContext>) |
Modified CFAllocatorPreferredSizeCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFAllocatorPreferredSizeCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFIndex, CFOptionFlags, UnsafePointer<()>) -> CFIndex)> |
To | typealias CFAllocatorPreferredSizeCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFIndex, CFOptionFlags, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> CFIndex)> |
Modified CFAllocatorReallocate(CFAllocator!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, CFIndex, CFOptionFlags) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>
Declaration | |
From | func CFAllocatorReallocate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ ptr: UnsafePointer<()>, _ newsize: CFIndex, _ hint: CFOptionFlags) -> UnsafePointer<()> |
To | func CFAllocatorReallocate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ ptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, _ newsize: CFIndex, _ hint: CFOptionFlags) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> |
Modified CFAllocatorReallocateCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFAllocatorReallocateCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<()>, CFIndex, CFOptionFlags, UnsafePointer<()>) -> UnsafePointer<()>)> |
To | typealias CFAllocatorReallocateCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, CFIndex, CFOptionFlags, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)> |
Modified CFAllocatorReleaseCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFAllocatorReleaseCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | typealias CFAllocatorReleaseCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFAllocatorRetainCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFAllocatorRetainCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> ConstUnsafePointer<()>)> |
To | typealias CFAllocatorRetainCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)> |
Modified CFArrayAppendValue(CFMutableArray!, UnsafePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFArrayAppendValue(_ theArray: CFMutableArray!, _ value: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func CFArrayAppendValue(_ theArray: CFMutableArray!, _ value: UnsafePointer<Void>) |
Modified CFArrayApplierFunction
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFArrayApplierFunction = CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>, UnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | typealias CFArrayApplierFunction = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFArrayApplyFunction(CFArray!, CFRange, CFArrayApplierFunction, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFArrayApplyFunction(_ theArray: CFArray!, _ range: CFRange, _ applier: CFArrayApplierFunction, _ context: UnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func CFArrayApplyFunction(_ theArray: CFArray!, _ range: CFRange, _ applier: CFArrayApplierFunction, _ context: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) |
Modified CFArrayBSearchValues(CFArray!, CFRange, UnsafePointer<Void>, CFComparatorFunction, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> CFIndex
Declaration | |
From | func CFArrayBSearchValues(_ theArray: CFArray!, _ range: CFRange, _ value: ConstUnsafePointer<()>, _ comparator: CFComparatorFunction, _ context: UnsafePointer<()>) -> CFIndex |
To | func CFArrayBSearchValues(_ theArray: CFArray!, _ range: CFRange, _ value: UnsafePointer<Void>, _ comparator: CFComparatorFunction, _ context: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> CFIndex |
Modified CFArrayContainsValue(CFArray!, CFRange, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Boolean
Declaration | |
From | func CFArrayContainsValue(_ theArray: CFArray!, _ range: CFRange, _ value: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Boolean |
To | func CFArrayContainsValue(_ theArray: CFArray!, _ range: CFRange, _ value: UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Boolean |
Modified CFArrayCopyDescriptionCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFArrayCopyDescriptionCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> |
To | typealias CFArrayCopyDescriptionCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> |
Modified CFArrayCreate(CFAllocator!, UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>, CFIndex, UnsafePointer<CFArrayCallBacks>) -> CFArray!
Declaration | |
From | func CFArrayCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ values: UnsafePointer<ConstUnsafePointer<()>>, _ numValues: CFIndex, _ callBacks: ConstUnsafePointer<CFArrayCallBacks>) -> CFArray! |
To | func CFArrayCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ values: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>, _ numValues: CFIndex, _ callBacks: UnsafePointer<CFArrayCallBacks>) -> CFArray! |
Modified CFArrayCreateMutable(CFAllocator!, CFIndex, UnsafePointer<CFArrayCallBacks>) -> CFMutableArray!
Declaration | |
From | func CFArrayCreateMutable(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ capacity: CFIndex, _ callBacks: ConstUnsafePointer<CFArrayCallBacks>) -> CFMutableArray! |
To | func CFArrayCreateMutable(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ capacity: CFIndex, _ callBacks: UnsafePointer<CFArrayCallBacks>) -> CFMutableArray! |
Modified CFArrayEqualCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFArrayEqualCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>, ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Boolean)> |
To | typealias CFArrayEqualCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Boolean)> |
Modified CFArrayGetCountOfValue(CFArray!, CFRange, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> CFIndex
Declaration | |
From | func CFArrayGetCountOfValue(_ theArray: CFArray!, _ range: CFRange, _ value: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> CFIndex |
To | func CFArrayGetCountOfValue(_ theArray: CFArray!, _ range: CFRange, _ value: UnsafePointer<Void>) -> CFIndex |
Modified CFArrayGetFirstIndexOfValue(CFArray!, CFRange, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> CFIndex
Declaration | |
From | func CFArrayGetFirstIndexOfValue(_ theArray: CFArray!, _ range: CFRange, _ value: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> CFIndex |
To | func CFArrayGetFirstIndexOfValue(_ theArray: CFArray!, _ range: CFRange, _ value: UnsafePointer<Void>) -> CFIndex |
Modified CFArrayGetLastIndexOfValue(CFArray!, CFRange, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> CFIndex
Declaration | |
From | func CFArrayGetLastIndexOfValue(_ theArray: CFArray!, _ range: CFRange, _ value: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> CFIndex |
To | func CFArrayGetLastIndexOfValue(_ theArray: CFArray!, _ range: CFRange, _ value: UnsafePointer<Void>) -> CFIndex |
Modified CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(CFArray!, CFIndex) -> UnsafePointer<Void>
Declaration | |
From | func CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(_ theArray: CFArray!, _ idx: CFIndex) -> ConstUnsafePointer<()> |
To | func CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(_ theArray: CFArray!, _ idx: CFIndex) -> UnsafePointer<Void> |
Modified CFArrayGetValues(CFArray!, CFRange, UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFArrayGetValues(_ theArray: CFArray!, _ range: CFRange, _ values: UnsafePointer<ConstUnsafePointer<()>>) |
To | func CFArrayGetValues(_ theArray: CFArray!, _ range: CFRange, _ values: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>) |
Modified CFArrayInsertValueAtIndex(CFMutableArray!, CFIndex, UnsafePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFArrayInsertValueAtIndex(_ theArray: CFMutableArray!, _ idx: CFIndex, _ value: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func CFArrayInsertValueAtIndex(_ theArray: CFMutableArray!, _ idx: CFIndex, _ value: UnsafePointer<Void>) |
Modified CFArrayReleaseCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFArrayReleaseCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFAllocator!, ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | typealias CFArrayReleaseCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFArrayReplaceValues(CFMutableArray!, CFRange, UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>, CFIndex)
Declaration | |
From | func CFArrayReplaceValues(_ theArray: CFMutableArray!, _ range: CFRange, _ newValues: UnsafePointer<ConstUnsafePointer<()>>, _ newCount: CFIndex) |
To | func CFArrayReplaceValues(_ theArray: CFMutableArray!, _ range: CFRange, _ newValues: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>, _ newCount: CFIndex) |
Modified CFArrayRetainCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFArrayRetainCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFAllocator!, ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> ConstUnsafePointer<()>)> |
To | typealias CFArrayRetainCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)> |
Modified CFArraySetValueAtIndex(CFMutableArray!, CFIndex, UnsafePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFArraySetValueAtIndex(_ theArray: CFMutableArray!, _ idx: CFIndex, _ value: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func CFArraySetValueAtIndex(_ theArray: CFMutableArray!, _ idx: CFIndex, _ value: UnsafePointer<Void>) |
Modified CFArraySortValues(CFMutableArray!, CFRange, CFComparatorFunction, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFArraySortValues(_ theArray: CFMutableArray!, _ range: CFRange, _ comparator: CFComparatorFunction, _ context: UnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func CFArraySortValues(_ theArray: CFMutableArray!, _ range: CFRange, _ comparator: CFComparatorFunction, _ context: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) |
Modified CFAttributedStringGetAttribute(CFAttributedString!, CFIndex, CFString!, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRange>) -> AnyObject!
Declaration | |
From | func CFAttributedStringGetAttribute(_ aStr: CFAttributedString!, _ loc: CFIndex, _ attrName: CFString!, _ effectiveRange: UnsafePointer<CFRange>) -> AnyObject! |
To | func CFAttributedStringGetAttribute(_ aStr: CFAttributedString!, _ loc: CFIndex, _ attrName: CFString!, _ effectiveRange: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRange>) -> AnyObject! |
Modified CFAttributedStringGetAttributeAndLongestEffectiveRange(CFAttributedString!, CFIndex, CFString!, CFRange, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRange>) -> AnyObject!
Declaration | |
From | func CFAttributedStringGetAttributeAndLongestEffectiveRange(_ aStr: CFAttributedString!, _ loc: CFIndex, _ attrName: CFString!, _ inRange: CFRange, _ longestEffectiveRange: UnsafePointer<CFRange>) -> AnyObject! |
To | func CFAttributedStringGetAttributeAndLongestEffectiveRange(_ aStr: CFAttributedString!, _ loc: CFIndex, _ attrName: CFString!, _ inRange: CFRange, _ longestEffectiveRange: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRange>) -> AnyObject! |
Modified CFAttributedStringGetAttributes(CFAttributedString!, CFIndex, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRange>) -> CFDictionary!
Declaration | |
From | func CFAttributedStringGetAttributes(_ aStr: CFAttributedString!, _ loc: CFIndex, _ effectiveRange: UnsafePointer<CFRange>) -> CFDictionary! |
To | func CFAttributedStringGetAttributes(_ aStr: CFAttributedString!, _ loc: CFIndex, _ effectiveRange: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRange>) -> CFDictionary! |
Modified CFAttributedStringGetAttributesAndLongestEffectiveRange(CFAttributedString!, CFIndex, CFRange, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRange>) -> CFDictionary!
Declaration | |
From | func CFAttributedStringGetAttributesAndLongestEffectiveRange(_ aStr: CFAttributedString!, _ loc: CFIndex, _ inRange: CFRange, _ longestEffectiveRange: UnsafePointer<CFRange>) -> CFDictionary! |
To | func CFAttributedStringGetAttributesAndLongestEffectiveRange(_ aStr: CFAttributedString!, _ loc: CFIndex, _ inRange: CFRange, _ longestEffectiveRange: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRange>) -> CFDictionary! |
Modified CFBagAddValue(CFMutableBag!, UnsafePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFBagAddValue(_ theBag: CFMutableBag!, _ value: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func CFBagAddValue(_ theBag: CFMutableBag!, _ value: UnsafePointer<Void>) |
Modified CFBagApplierFunction
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFBagApplierFunction = CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>, UnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | typealias CFBagApplierFunction = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFBagApplyFunction(CFBag!, CFBagApplierFunction, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFBagApplyFunction(_ theBag: CFBag!, _ applier: CFBagApplierFunction, _ context: UnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func CFBagApplyFunction(_ theBag: CFBag!, _ applier: CFBagApplierFunction, _ context: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) |
Modified CFBagContainsValue(CFBag!, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Boolean
Declaration | |
From | func CFBagContainsValue(_ theBag: CFBag!, _ value: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Boolean |
To | func CFBagContainsValue(_ theBag: CFBag!, _ value: UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Boolean |
Modified CFBagCopyDescriptionCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFBagCopyDescriptionCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> |
To | typealias CFBagCopyDescriptionCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> |
Modified CFBagCreate(CFAllocator!, UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>, CFIndex, UnsafePointer<CFBagCallBacks>) -> CFBag!
Declaration | |
From | func CFBagCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ values: UnsafePointer<ConstUnsafePointer<()>>, _ numValues: CFIndex, _ callBacks: ConstUnsafePointer<CFBagCallBacks>) -> CFBag! |
To | func CFBagCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ values: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>, _ numValues: CFIndex, _ callBacks: UnsafePointer<CFBagCallBacks>) -> CFBag! |
Modified CFBagCreateMutable(CFAllocator!, CFIndex, UnsafePointer<CFBagCallBacks>) -> CFMutableBag!
Declaration | |
From | func CFBagCreateMutable(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ capacity: CFIndex, _ callBacks: ConstUnsafePointer<CFBagCallBacks>) -> CFMutableBag! |
To | func CFBagCreateMutable(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ capacity: CFIndex, _ callBacks: UnsafePointer<CFBagCallBacks>) -> CFMutableBag! |
Modified CFBagEqualCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFBagEqualCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>, ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Boolean)> |
To | typealias CFBagEqualCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Boolean)> |
Modified CFBagGetCountOfValue(CFBag!, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> CFIndex
Declaration | |
From | func CFBagGetCountOfValue(_ theBag: CFBag!, _ value: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> CFIndex |
To | func CFBagGetCountOfValue(_ theBag: CFBag!, _ value: UnsafePointer<Void>) -> CFIndex |
Modified CFBagGetValue(CFBag!, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>
Declaration | |
From | func CFBagGetValue(_ theBag: CFBag!, _ value: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> ConstUnsafePointer<()> |
To | func CFBagGetValue(_ theBag: CFBag!, _ value: UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void> |
Modified CFBagGetValueIfPresent(CFBag!, UnsafePointer<Void>, UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>) -> Boolean
Declaration | |
From | func CFBagGetValueIfPresent(_ theBag: CFBag!, _ candidate: ConstUnsafePointer<()>, _ value: UnsafePointer<ConstUnsafePointer<()>>) -> Boolean |
To | func CFBagGetValueIfPresent(_ theBag: CFBag!, _ candidate: UnsafePointer<Void>, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>) -> Boolean |
Modified CFBagGetValues(CFBag!, UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFBagGetValues(_ theBag: CFBag!, _ values: UnsafePointer<ConstUnsafePointer<()>>) |
To | func CFBagGetValues(_ theBag: CFBag!, _ values: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>) |
Modified CFBagHashCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFBagHashCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> CFHashCode)> |
To | typealias CFBagHashCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> CFHashCode)> |
Modified CFBagReleaseCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFBagReleaseCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFAllocator!, ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | typealias CFBagReleaseCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFBagRemoveValue(CFMutableBag!, UnsafePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFBagRemoveValue(_ theBag: CFMutableBag!, _ value: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func CFBagRemoveValue(_ theBag: CFMutableBag!, _ value: UnsafePointer<Void>) |
Modified CFBagReplaceValue(CFMutableBag!, UnsafePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFBagReplaceValue(_ theBag: CFMutableBag!, _ value: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func CFBagReplaceValue(_ theBag: CFMutableBag!, _ value: UnsafePointer<Void>) |
Modified CFBagRetainCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFBagRetainCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFAllocator!, ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> ConstUnsafePointer<()>)> |
To | typealias CFBagRetainCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)> |
Modified CFBagSetValue(CFMutableBag!, UnsafePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFBagSetValue(_ theBag: CFMutableBag!, _ value: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func CFBagSetValue(_ theBag: CFMutableBag!, _ value: UnsafePointer<Void>) |
Modified CFBinaryHeapAddValue(CFBinaryHeap!, UnsafePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFBinaryHeapAddValue(_ heap: CFBinaryHeap!, _ value: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func CFBinaryHeapAddValue(_ heap: CFBinaryHeap!, _ value: UnsafePointer<Void>) |
Modified CFBinaryHeapApplierFunction
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFBinaryHeapApplierFunction = CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>, UnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | typealias CFBinaryHeapApplierFunction = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFBinaryHeapApplyFunction(CFBinaryHeap!, CFBinaryHeapApplierFunction, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFBinaryHeapApplyFunction(_ heap: CFBinaryHeap!, _ applier: CFBinaryHeapApplierFunction, _ context: UnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func CFBinaryHeapApplyFunction(_ heap: CFBinaryHeap!, _ applier: CFBinaryHeapApplierFunction, _ context: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) |
Modified CFBinaryHeapContainsValue(CFBinaryHeap!, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Boolean
Declaration | |
From | func CFBinaryHeapContainsValue(_ heap: CFBinaryHeap!, _ value: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Boolean |
To | func CFBinaryHeapContainsValue(_ heap: CFBinaryHeap!, _ value: UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Boolean |
Modified CFBinaryHeapCreate(CFAllocator!, CFIndex, UnsafePointer<CFBinaryHeapCallBacks>, UnsafePointer<CFBinaryHeapCompareContext>) -> CFBinaryHeap!
Declaration | |
From | func CFBinaryHeapCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ capacity: CFIndex, _ callBacks: ConstUnsafePointer<CFBinaryHeapCallBacks>, _ compareContext: ConstUnsafePointer<CFBinaryHeapCompareContext>) -> CFBinaryHeap! |
To | func CFBinaryHeapCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ capacity: CFIndex, _ callBacks: UnsafePointer<CFBinaryHeapCallBacks>, _ compareContext: UnsafePointer<CFBinaryHeapCompareContext>) -> CFBinaryHeap! |
Modified CFBinaryHeapGetCountOfValue(CFBinaryHeap!, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> CFIndex
Declaration | |
From | func CFBinaryHeapGetCountOfValue(_ heap: CFBinaryHeap!, _ value: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> CFIndex |
To | func CFBinaryHeapGetCountOfValue(_ heap: CFBinaryHeap!, _ value: UnsafePointer<Void>) -> CFIndex |
Modified CFBinaryHeapGetMinimum(CFBinaryHeap!) -> UnsafePointer<Void>
Declaration | |
From | func CFBinaryHeapGetMinimum(_ heap: CFBinaryHeap!) -> ConstUnsafePointer<()> |
To | func CFBinaryHeapGetMinimum(_ heap: CFBinaryHeap!) -> UnsafePointer<Void> |
Modified CFBinaryHeapGetMinimumIfPresent(CFBinaryHeap!, UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>) -> Boolean
Declaration | |
From | func CFBinaryHeapGetMinimumIfPresent(_ heap: CFBinaryHeap!, _ value: UnsafePointer<ConstUnsafePointer<()>>) -> Boolean |
To | func CFBinaryHeapGetMinimumIfPresent(_ heap: CFBinaryHeap!, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>) -> Boolean |
Modified CFBinaryHeapGetValues(CFBinaryHeap!, UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFBinaryHeapGetValues(_ heap: CFBinaryHeap!, _ values: UnsafePointer<ConstUnsafePointer<()>>) |
To | func CFBinaryHeapGetValues(_ heap: CFBinaryHeap!, _ values: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>) |
Modified CFBitVectorCreate(CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<UInt8>, CFIndex) -> CFBitVector!
Declaration | |
From | func CFBitVectorCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ bytes: ConstUnsafePointer<UInt8>, _ numBits: CFIndex) -> CFBitVector! |
To | func CFBitVectorCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ bytes: UnsafePointer<UInt8>, _ numBits: CFIndex) -> CFBitVector! |
Modified CFBitVectorGetBits(CFBitVector!, CFRange, UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFBitVectorGetBits(_ bv: CFBitVector!, _ range: CFRange, _ bytes: UnsafePointer<UInt8>) |
To | func CFBitVectorGetBits(_ bv: CFBitVector!, _ range: CFRange, _ bytes: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>) |
Modified CFBundleCopyExecutableArchitectures(CFBundle!) -> CFArray!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFBundleCopyExecutableArchitecturesForURL(CFURL!) -> CFArray!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFBundleGetDataPointerForName(CFBundle!, CFString!) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>
Declaration | |
From | func CFBundleGetDataPointerForName(_ bundle: CFBundle!, _ symbolName: CFString!) -> UnsafePointer<()> |
To | func CFBundleGetDataPointerForName(_ bundle: CFBundle!, _ symbolName: CFString!) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> |
Modified CFBundleGetDataPointersForNames(CFBundle!, CFArray!, UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFBundleGetDataPointersForNames(_ bundle: CFBundle!, _ symbolNames: CFArray!, _ stbl: UnsafePointer<UnsafePointer<()>>) |
To | func CFBundleGetDataPointersForNames(_ bundle: CFBundle!, _ symbolNames: CFArray!, _ stbl: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>>) |
Modified CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName(CFBundle!, CFString!) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>
Declaration | |
From | func CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName(_ bundle: CFBundle!, _ functionName: CFString!) -> UnsafePointer<()> |
To | func CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName(_ bundle: CFBundle!, _ functionName: CFString!) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> |
Modified CFBundleGetFunctionPointersForNames(CFBundle!, CFArray!, UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFBundleGetFunctionPointersForNames(_ bundle: CFBundle!, _ functionNames: CFArray!, _ ftbl: UnsafePointer<UnsafePointer<()>>) |
To | func CFBundleGetFunctionPointersForNames(_ bundle: CFBundle!, _ functionNames: CFArray!, _ ftbl: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>>) |
Modified CFBundleGetPackageInfo(CFBundle!, UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>, UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFBundleGetPackageInfo(_ bundle: CFBundle!, _ packageType: UnsafePointer<UInt32>, _ packageCreator: UnsafePointer<UInt32>) |
To | func CFBundleGetPackageInfo(_ bundle: CFBundle!, _ packageType: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>, _ packageCreator: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>) |
Modified CFBundleGetPackageInfoInDirectory(CFURL!, UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>, UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>) -> Boolean
Declaration | |
From | func CFBundleGetPackageInfoInDirectory(_ url: CFURL!, _ packageType: UnsafePointer<UInt32>, _ packageCreator: UnsafePointer<UInt32>) -> Boolean |
To | func CFBundleGetPackageInfoInDirectory(_ url: CFURL!, _ packageType: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>, _ packageCreator: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>) -> Boolean |
Modified CFBundleLoadExecutableAndReturnError(CFBundle!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Boolean
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CFBundleLoadExecutableAndReturnError(_ bundle: CFBundle!, _ error: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Boolean | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CFBundleLoadExecutableAndReturnError(_ bundle: CFBundle!, _ error: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Boolean | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFBundleOpenBundleResourceFiles(CFBundle!, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFBundleRefNum>, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFBundleRefNum>) -> Int32
Declaration | |
From | func CFBundleOpenBundleResourceFiles(_ bundle: CFBundle!, _ refNum: UnsafePointer<CFBundleRefNum>, _ localizedRefNum: UnsafePointer<CFBundleRefNum>) -> Int32 |
To | func CFBundleOpenBundleResourceFiles(_ bundle: CFBundle!, _ refNum: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFBundleRefNum>, _ localizedRefNum: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFBundleRefNum>) -> Int32 |
Modified CFBundlePreflightExecutable(CFBundle!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Boolean
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CFBundlePreflightExecutable(_ bundle: CFBundle!, _ error: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Boolean | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CFBundlePreflightExecutable(_ bundle: CFBundle!, _ error: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Boolean | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFCalendarGetTimeRangeOfUnit(CFCalendar!, CFCalendarUnit, CFAbsoluteTime, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFAbsoluteTime>, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFTimeInterval>) -> Boolean
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CFCalendarGetTimeRangeOfUnit(_ calendar: CFCalendar!, _ unit: CFCalendarUnit, _ at: CFAbsoluteTime, _ startp: UnsafePointer<CFAbsoluteTime>, _ tip: UnsafePointer<CFTimeInterval>) -> Boolean | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CFCalendarGetTimeRangeOfUnit(_ calendar: CFCalendar!, _ unit: CFCalendarUnit, _ at: CFAbsoluteTime, _ startp: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFAbsoluteTime>, _ tip: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFTimeInterval>) -> Boolean | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFComparatorFunction
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFComparatorFunction = CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>, ConstUnsafePointer<()>, UnsafePointer<()>) -> CFComparisonResult)> |
To | typealias CFComparatorFunction = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>, UnsafePointer<Void>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> CFComparisonResult)> |
Modified CFDataAppendBytes(CFMutableData!, UnsafePointer<UInt8>, CFIndex)
Declaration | |
From | func CFDataAppendBytes(_ theData: CFMutableData!, _ bytes: ConstUnsafePointer<UInt8>, _ length: CFIndex) |
To | func CFDataAppendBytes(_ theData: CFMutableData!, _ bytes: UnsafePointer<UInt8>, _ length: CFIndex) |
Modified CFDataCreate(CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<UInt8>, CFIndex) -> CFData!
Declaration | |
From | func CFDataCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ bytes: ConstUnsafePointer<UInt8>, _ length: CFIndex) -> CFData! |
To | func CFDataCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ bytes: UnsafePointer<UInt8>, _ length: CFIndex) -> CFData! |
Modified CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy(CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<UInt8>, CFIndex, CFAllocator!) -> CFData!
Declaration | |
From | func CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ bytes: ConstUnsafePointer<UInt8>, _ length: CFIndex, _ bytesDeallocator: CFAllocator!) -> CFData! |
To | func CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ bytes: UnsafePointer<UInt8>, _ length: CFIndex, _ bytesDeallocator: CFAllocator!) -> CFData! |
Modified CFDataFind(CFData!, CFData!, CFRange, CFDataSearchFlags) -> CFRange
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFDataGetBytePtr(CFData!) -> UnsafePointer<UInt8>
Declaration | |
From | func CFDataGetBytePtr(_ theData: CFData!) -> ConstUnsafePointer<UInt8> |
To | func CFDataGetBytePtr(_ theData: CFData!) -> UnsafePointer<UInt8> |
Modified CFDataGetBytes(CFData!, CFRange, UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFDataGetBytes(_ theData: CFData!, _ range: CFRange, _ buffer: UnsafePointer<UInt8>) |
To | func CFDataGetBytes(_ theData: CFData!, _ range: CFRange, _ buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>) |
Modified CFDataGetMutableBytePtr(CFMutableData!) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>
Declaration | |
From | func CFDataGetMutableBytePtr(_ theData: CFMutableData!) -> UnsafePointer<UInt8> |
To | func CFDataGetMutableBytePtr(_ theData: CFMutableData!) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8> |
Modified CFDataReplaceBytes(CFMutableData!, CFRange, UnsafePointer<UInt8>, CFIndex)
Declaration | |
From | func CFDataReplaceBytes(_ theData: CFMutableData!, _ range: CFRange, _ newBytes: ConstUnsafePointer<UInt8>, _ newLength: CFIndex) |
To | func CFDataReplaceBytes(_ theData: CFMutableData!, _ range: CFRange, _ newBytes: UnsafePointer<UInt8>, _ newLength: CFIndex) |
Modified CFDateCompare(CFDate!, CFDate!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> CFComparisonResult
Declaration | |
From | func CFDateCompare(_ theDate: CFDate!, _ otherDate: CFDate!, _ context: UnsafePointer<()>) -> CFComparisonResult |
To | func CFDateCompare(_ theDate: CFDate!, _ otherDate: CFDate!, _ context: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> CFComparisonResult |
Modified CFDateFormatterCreateDateFormatFromTemplate(CFAllocator!, CFString!, CFOptionFlags, CFLocale!) -> CFString!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFDateFormatterCreateDateFromString(CFAllocator!, CFDateFormatter!, CFString!, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRange>) -> CFDate!
Declaration | |
From | func CFDateFormatterCreateDateFromString(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ formatter: CFDateFormatter!, _ string: CFString!, _ rangep: UnsafePointer<CFRange>) -> CFDate! |
To | func CFDateFormatterCreateDateFromString(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ formatter: CFDateFormatter!, _ string: CFString!, _ rangep: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRange>) -> CFDate! |
Modified CFDateFormatterGetAbsoluteTimeFromString(CFDateFormatter!, CFString!, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRange>, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFAbsoluteTime>) -> Boolean
Declaration | |
From | func CFDateFormatterGetAbsoluteTimeFromString(_ formatter: CFDateFormatter!, _ string: CFString!, _ rangep: UnsafePointer<CFRange>, _ atp: UnsafePointer<CFAbsoluteTime>) -> Boolean |
To | func CFDateFormatterGetAbsoluteTimeFromString(_ formatter: CFDateFormatter!, _ string: CFString!, _ rangep: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRange>, _ atp: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFAbsoluteTime>) -> Boolean |
Modified CFDictionaryAddValue(CFMutableDictionary!, UnsafePointer<Void>, UnsafePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFDictionaryAddValue(_ theDict: CFMutableDictionary!, _ key: ConstUnsafePointer<()>, _ value: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func CFDictionaryAddValue(_ theDict: CFMutableDictionary!, _ key: UnsafePointer<Void>, _ value: UnsafePointer<Void>) |
Modified CFDictionaryApplierFunction
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFDictionaryApplierFunction = CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>, ConstUnsafePointer<()>, UnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | typealias CFDictionaryApplierFunction = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>, UnsafePointer<Void>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFDictionaryApplyFunction(CFDictionary!, CFDictionaryApplierFunction, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFDictionaryApplyFunction(_ theDict: CFDictionary!, _ applier: CFDictionaryApplierFunction, _ context: UnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func CFDictionaryApplyFunction(_ theDict: CFDictionary!, _ applier: CFDictionaryApplierFunction, _ context: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) |
Modified CFDictionaryContainsKey(CFDictionary!, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Boolean
Declaration | |
From | func CFDictionaryContainsKey(_ theDict: CFDictionary!, _ key: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Boolean |
To | func CFDictionaryContainsKey(_ theDict: CFDictionary!, _ key: UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Boolean |
Modified CFDictionaryContainsValue(CFDictionary!, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Boolean
Declaration | |
From | func CFDictionaryContainsValue(_ theDict: CFDictionary!, _ value: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Boolean |
To | func CFDictionaryContainsValue(_ theDict: CFDictionary!, _ value: UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Boolean |
Modified CFDictionaryCopyDescriptionCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFDictionaryCopyDescriptionCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> |
To | typealias CFDictionaryCopyDescriptionCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> |
Modified CFDictionaryCreate(CFAllocator!, UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>, UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>, CFIndex, UnsafePointer<CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks>, UnsafePointer<CFDictionaryValueCallBacks>) -> CFDictionary!
Declaration | |
From | func CFDictionaryCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ keys: UnsafePointer<ConstUnsafePointer<()>>, _ values: UnsafePointer<ConstUnsafePointer<()>>, _ numValues: CFIndex, _ keyCallBacks: ConstUnsafePointer<CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks>, _ valueCallBacks: ConstUnsafePointer<CFDictionaryValueCallBacks>) -> CFDictionary! |
To | func CFDictionaryCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ keys: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>, _ values: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>, _ numValues: CFIndex, _ keyCallBacks: UnsafePointer<CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks>, _ valueCallBacks: UnsafePointer<CFDictionaryValueCallBacks>) -> CFDictionary! |
Modified CFDictionaryCreateMutable(CFAllocator!, CFIndex, UnsafePointer<CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks>, UnsafePointer<CFDictionaryValueCallBacks>) -> CFMutableDictionary!
Declaration | |
From | func CFDictionaryCreateMutable(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ capacity: CFIndex, _ keyCallBacks: ConstUnsafePointer<CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks>, _ valueCallBacks: ConstUnsafePointer<CFDictionaryValueCallBacks>) -> CFMutableDictionary! |
To | func CFDictionaryCreateMutable(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ capacity: CFIndex, _ keyCallBacks: UnsafePointer<CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks>, _ valueCallBacks: UnsafePointer<CFDictionaryValueCallBacks>) -> CFMutableDictionary! |
Modified CFDictionaryEqualCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFDictionaryEqualCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>, ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Boolean)> |
To | typealias CFDictionaryEqualCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Boolean)> |
Modified CFDictionaryGetCountOfKey(CFDictionary!, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> CFIndex
Declaration | |
From | func CFDictionaryGetCountOfKey(_ theDict: CFDictionary!, _ key: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> CFIndex |
To | func CFDictionaryGetCountOfKey(_ theDict: CFDictionary!, _ key: UnsafePointer<Void>) -> CFIndex |
Modified CFDictionaryGetCountOfValue(CFDictionary!, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> CFIndex
Declaration | |
From | func CFDictionaryGetCountOfValue(_ theDict: CFDictionary!, _ value: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> CFIndex |
To | func CFDictionaryGetCountOfValue(_ theDict: CFDictionary!, _ value: UnsafePointer<Void>) -> CFIndex |
Modified CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(CFDictionary!, UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>, UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(_ theDict: CFDictionary!, _ keys: UnsafePointer<ConstUnsafePointer<()>>, _ values: UnsafePointer<ConstUnsafePointer<()>>) |
To | func CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(_ theDict: CFDictionary!, _ keys: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>, _ values: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>) |
Modified CFDictionaryGetValue(CFDictionary!, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>
Declaration | |
From | func CFDictionaryGetValue(_ theDict: CFDictionary!, _ key: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> ConstUnsafePointer<()> |
To | func CFDictionaryGetValue(_ theDict: CFDictionary!, _ key: UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void> |
Modified CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(CFDictionary!, UnsafePointer<Void>, UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>) -> Boolean
Declaration | |
From | func CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(_ theDict: CFDictionary!, _ key: ConstUnsafePointer<()>, _ value: UnsafePointer<ConstUnsafePointer<()>>) -> Boolean |
To | func CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(_ theDict: CFDictionary!, _ key: UnsafePointer<Void>, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>) -> Boolean |
Modified CFDictionaryHashCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFDictionaryHashCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> CFHashCode)> |
To | typealias CFDictionaryHashCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> CFHashCode)> |
Modified CFDictionaryReleaseCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFDictionaryReleaseCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFAllocator!, ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | typealias CFDictionaryReleaseCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFDictionaryRemoveValue(CFMutableDictionary!, UnsafePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFDictionaryRemoveValue(_ theDict: CFMutableDictionary!, _ key: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func CFDictionaryRemoveValue(_ theDict: CFMutableDictionary!, _ key: UnsafePointer<Void>) |
Modified CFDictionaryReplaceValue(CFMutableDictionary!, UnsafePointer<Void>, UnsafePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFDictionaryReplaceValue(_ theDict: CFMutableDictionary!, _ key: ConstUnsafePointer<()>, _ value: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func CFDictionaryReplaceValue(_ theDict: CFMutableDictionary!, _ key: UnsafePointer<Void>, _ value: UnsafePointer<Void>) |
Modified CFDictionaryRetainCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFDictionaryRetainCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFAllocator!, ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> ConstUnsafePointer<()>)> |
To | typealias CFDictionaryRetainCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)> |
Modified CFDictionarySetValue(CFMutableDictionary!, UnsafePointer<Void>, UnsafePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFDictionarySetValue(_ theDict: CFMutableDictionary!, _ key: ConstUnsafePointer<()>, _ value: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func CFDictionarySetValue(_ theDict: CFMutableDictionary!, _ key: UnsafePointer<Void>, _ value: UnsafePointer<Void>) |
Modified CFErrorCopyDescription(CFError!) -> CFString!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFErrorCopyFailureReason(CFError!) -> CFString!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFErrorCopyRecoverySuggestion(CFError!) -> CFString!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFErrorCopyUserInfo(CFError!) -> CFDictionary!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFErrorCreate(CFAllocator!, CFString!, CFIndex, CFDictionary!) -> CFError!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFErrorCreateWithUserInfoKeysAndValues(CFAllocator!, CFString!, CFIndex, UnsafePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>, UnsafePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>, CFIndex) -> CFError!
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CFErrorCreateWithUserInfoKeysAndValues(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ domain: CFString!, _ code: CFIndex, _ userInfoKeys: ConstUnsafePointer<ConstUnsafePointer<()>>, _ userInfoValues: ConstUnsafePointer<ConstUnsafePointer<()>>, _ numUserInfoValues: CFIndex) -> CFError! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CFErrorCreateWithUserInfoKeysAndValues(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ domain: CFString!, _ code: CFIndex, _ userInfoKeys: UnsafePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>, _ userInfoValues: UnsafePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>, _ numUserInfoValues: CFIndex) -> CFError! | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFErrorGetCode(CFError!) -> CFIndex
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFErrorGetDomain(CFError!) -> CFString!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFErrorGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFFileDescriptorCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFFileDescriptorCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFFileDescriptor!, CFOptionFlags, UnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | typealias CFFileDescriptorCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFFileDescriptor!, CFOptionFlags, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFFileDescriptorCreate(CFAllocator!, CFFileDescriptorNativeDescriptor, Boolean, CFFileDescriptorCallBack, UnsafePointer<CFFileDescriptorContext>) -> CFFileDescriptor!
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CFFileDescriptorCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ fd: CFFileDescriptorNativeDescriptor, _ closeOnInvalidate: Boolean, _ callout: CFFileDescriptorCallBack, _ context: ConstUnsafePointer<CFFileDescriptorContext>) -> CFFileDescriptor! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CFFileDescriptorCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ fd: CFFileDescriptorNativeDescriptor, _ closeOnInvalidate: Boolean, _ callout: CFFileDescriptorCallBack, _ context: UnsafePointer<CFFileDescriptorContext>) -> CFFileDescriptor! | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFFileDescriptorCreateRunLoopSource(CFAllocator!, CFFileDescriptor!, CFIndex) -> CFRunLoopSource!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFFileDescriptorDisableCallBacks(CFFileDescriptor!, CFOptionFlags)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFFileDescriptorEnableCallBacks(CFFileDescriptor!, CFOptionFlags)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFFileDescriptorGetContext(CFFileDescriptor!, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFFileDescriptorContext>)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CFFileDescriptorGetContext(_ f: CFFileDescriptor!, _ context: UnsafePointer<CFFileDescriptorContext>) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CFFileDescriptorGetContext(_ f: CFFileDescriptor!, _ context: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFFileDescriptorContext>) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFFileDescriptorGetNativeDescriptor(CFFileDescriptor!) -> CFFileDescriptorNativeDescriptor
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFFileDescriptorGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFFileDescriptorInvalidate(CFFileDescriptor!)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFFileDescriptorIsValid(CFFileDescriptor!) -> Boolean
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFFileSecurityClearProperties(CFFileSecurity!, CFFileSecurityClearOptions) -> Boolean
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified CFFileSecurityCopyAccessControlList(CFFileSecurity!, UnsafeMutablePointer<acl_t>) -> Boolean
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CFFileSecurityCopyAccessControlList(_ fileSec: CFFileSecurity!, _ accessControlList: UnsafePointer<acl_t>) -> Boolean | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CFFileSecurityCopyAccessControlList(_ fileSec: CFFileSecurity!, _ accessControlList: UnsafeMutablePointer<acl_t>) -> Boolean | OS X 10.7 |
Modified CFFileSecurityCopyGroupUUID(CFFileSecurity!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFUUID>?>) -> Boolean
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CFFileSecurityCopyGroupUUID(_ fileSec: CFFileSecurity!, _ groupUUID: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFUUID>?>) -> Boolean | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CFFileSecurityCopyGroupUUID(_ fileSec: CFFileSecurity!, _ groupUUID: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFUUID>?>) -> Boolean | OS X 10.7 |
Modified CFFileSecurityCopyOwnerUUID(CFFileSecurity!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFUUID>?>) -> Boolean
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CFFileSecurityCopyOwnerUUID(_ fileSec: CFFileSecurity!, _ ownerUUID: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFUUID>?>) -> Boolean | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CFFileSecurityCopyOwnerUUID(_ fileSec: CFFileSecurity!, _ ownerUUID: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFUUID>?>) -> Boolean | OS X 10.7 |
Modified CFFileSecurityCreate(CFAllocator!) -> CFFileSecurity!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified CFFileSecurityCreateCopy(CFAllocator!, CFFileSecurity!) -> CFFileSecurity!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified CFFileSecurityGetGroup(CFFileSecurity!, UnsafeMutablePointer<gid_t>) -> Boolean
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CFFileSecurityGetGroup(_ fileSec: CFFileSecurity!, _ group: UnsafePointer<gid_t>) -> Boolean | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CFFileSecurityGetGroup(_ fileSec: CFFileSecurity!, _ group: UnsafeMutablePointer<gid_t>) -> Boolean | OS X 10.7 |
Modified CFFileSecurityGetMode(CFFileSecurity!, UnsafeMutablePointer<mode_t>) -> Boolean
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CFFileSecurityGetMode(_ fileSec: CFFileSecurity!, _ mode: UnsafePointer<mode_t>) -> Boolean | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CFFileSecurityGetMode(_ fileSec: CFFileSecurity!, _ mode: UnsafeMutablePointer<mode_t>) -> Boolean | OS X 10.7 |
Modified CFFileSecurityGetOwner(CFFileSecurity!, UnsafeMutablePointer<uid_t>) -> Boolean
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CFFileSecurityGetOwner(_ fileSec: CFFileSecurity!, _ owner: UnsafePointer<uid_t>) -> Boolean | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CFFileSecurityGetOwner(_ fileSec: CFFileSecurity!, _ owner: UnsafeMutablePointer<uid_t>) -> Boolean | OS X 10.7 |
Modified CFFileSecurityGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified CFFileSecuritySetAccessControlList(CFFileSecurity!, acl_t) -> Boolean
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified CFFileSecuritySetGroup(CFFileSecurity!, gid_t) -> Boolean
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified CFFileSecuritySetGroupUUID(CFFileSecurity!, CFUUID!) -> Boolean
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified CFFileSecuritySetMode(CFFileSecurity!, mode_t) -> Boolean
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified CFFileSecuritySetOwner(CFFileSecurity!, uid_t) -> Boolean
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified CFFileSecuritySetOwnerUUID(CFFileSecurity!, CFUUID!) -> Boolean
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified CFGregorianDateGetAbsoluteTime(CFGregorianDate, CFTimeZone!) -> CFAbsoluteTime
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.4 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified CFGregorianDateIsValid(CFGregorianDate, CFOptionFlags) -> Boolean
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.4 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified CFLocaleCopyCommonISOCurrencyCodes() -> CFArray!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFLocaleCopyPreferredLanguages() -> CFArray!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFLocaleCreateLocaleIdentifierFromWindowsLocaleCode(CFAllocator!, UInt32) -> CFString!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFLocaleGetLanguageCharacterDirection(CFString!) -> CFLocaleLanguageDirection
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFLocaleGetLanguageLineDirection(CFString!) -> CFLocaleLanguageDirection
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFLocaleGetWindowsLocaleCodeFromLocaleIdentifier(CFString!) -> UInt32
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFMachPortCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFMachPortCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFMachPort!, UnsafePointer<()>, CFIndex, UnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | typealias CFMachPortCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFMachPort!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, CFIndex, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFMachPortCreate(CFAllocator!, CFMachPortCallBack, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFMachPortContext>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Boolean>) -> CFMachPort!
Declaration | |
From | func CFMachPortCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ callout: CFMachPortCallBack, _ context: UnsafePointer<CFMachPortContext>, _ shouldFreeInfo: UnsafePointer<Boolean>) -> CFMachPort! |
To | func CFMachPortCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ callout: CFMachPortCallBack, _ context: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFMachPortContext>, _ shouldFreeInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Boolean>) -> CFMachPort! |
Modified CFMachPortCreateWithPort(CFAllocator!, mach_port_t, CFMachPortCallBack, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFMachPortContext>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Boolean>) -> CFMachPort!
Declaration | |
From | func CFMachPortCreateWithPort(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ portNum: mach_port_t, _ callout: CFMachPortCallBack, _ context: UnsafePointer<CFMachPortContext>, _ shouldFreeInfo: UnsafePointer<Boolean>) -> CFMachPort! |
To | func CFMachPortCreateWithPort(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ portNum: mach_port_t, _ callout: CFMachPortCallBack, _ context: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFMachPortContext>, _ shouldFreeInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Boolean>) -> CFMachPort! |
Modified CFMachPortGetContext(CFMachPort!, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFMachPortContext>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFMachPortGetContext(_ port: CFMachPort!, _ context: UnsafePointer<CFMachPortContext>) |
To | func CFMachPortGetContext(_ port: CFMachPort!, _ context: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFMachPortContext>) |
Modified CFMachPortInvalidationCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFMachPortInvalidationCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFMachPort!, UnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | typealias CFMachPortInvalidationCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFMachPort!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFMessagePortCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFMessagePortCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFMessagePort!, Int32, CFData!, UnsafePointer<()>) -> Unmanaged<CFData>!)> |
To | typealias CFMessagePortCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFMessagePort!, Int32, CFData!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFData>!)> |
Modified CFMessagePortCreateLocal(CFAllocator!, CFString!, CFMessagePortCallBack, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFMessagePortContext>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Boolean>) -> CFMessagePort!
Declaration | |
From | func CFMessagePortCreateLocal(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ name: CFString!, _ callout: CFMessagePortCallBack, _ context: UnsafePointer<CFMessagePortContext>, _ shouldFreeInfo: UnsafePointer<Boolean>) -> CFMessagePort! |
To | func CFMessagePortCreateLocal(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ name: CFString!, _ callout: CFMessagePortCallBack, _ context: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFMessagePortContext>, _ shouldFreeInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Boolean>) -> CFMessagePort! |
Modified CFMessagePortGetContext(CFMessagePort!, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFMessagePortContext>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFMessagePortGetContext(_ ms: CFMessagePort!, _ context: UnsafePointer<CFMessagePortContext>) |
To | func CFMessagePortGetContext(_ ms: CFMessagePort!, _ context: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFMessagePortContext>) |
Modified CFMessagePortInvalidationCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFMessagePortInvalidationCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFMessagePort!, UnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | typealias CFMessagePortInvalidationCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFMessagePort!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFMessagePortSendRequest(CFMessagePort!, Int32, CFData!, CFTimeInterval, CFTimeInterval, CFString!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFData>?>) -> Int32
Declaration | |
From | func CFMessagePortSendRequest(_ remote: CFMessagePort!, _ msgid: Int32, _ data: CFData!, _ sendTimeout: CFTimeInterval, _ rcvTimeout: CFTimeInterval, _ replyMode: CFString!, _ returnData: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFData>?>) -> Int32 |
To | func CFMessagePortSendRequest(_ remote: CFMessagePort!, _ msgid: Int32, _ data: CFData!, _ sendTimeout: CFTimeInterval, _ rcvTimeout: CFTimeInterval, _ replyMode: CFString!, _ returnData: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFData>?>) -> Int32 |
Modified CFMessagePortSetDispatchQueue(CFMessagePort!, dispatch_queue_t!)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFNotificationCallback
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFNotificationCallback = CFunctionPointer<((CFNotificationCenter!, UnsafePointer<()>, CFString!, ConstUnsafePointer<()>, CFDictionary!) -> Void)> |
To | typealias CFNotificationCallback = CFunctionPointer<((CFNotificationCenter!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, CFString!, UnsafePointer<Void>, CFDictionary!) -> Void)> |
Modified CFNotificationCenterAddObserver(CFNotificationCenter!, UnsafePointer<Void>, CFNotificationCallback, CFString!, UnsafePointer<Void>, CFNotificationSuspensionBehavior)
Declaration | |
From | func CFNotificationCenterAddObserver(_ center: CFNotificationCenter!, _ observer: ConstUnsafePointer<()>, _ callBack: CFNotificationCallback, _ name: CFString!, _ object: ConstUnsafePointer<()>, _ suspensionBehavior: CFNotificationSuspensionBehavior) |
To | func CFNotificationCenterAddObserver(_ center: CFNotificationCenter!, _ observer: UnsafePointer<Void>, _ callBack: CFNotificationCallback, _ name: CFString!, _ object: UnsafePointer<Void>, _ suspensionBehavior: CFNotificationSuspensionBehavior) |
Modified CFNotificationCenterPostNotification(CFNotificationCenter!, CFString!, UnsafePointer<Void>, CFDictionary!, Boolean)
Declaration | |
From | func CFNotificationCenterPostNotification(_ center: CFNotificationCenter!, _ name: CFString!, _ object: ConstUnsafePointer<()>, _ userInfo: CFDictionary!, _ deliverImmediately: Boolean) |
To | func CFNotificationCenterPostNotification(_ center: CFNotificationCenter!, _ name: CFString!, _ object: UnsafePointer<Void>, _ userInfo: CFDictionary!, _ deliverImmediately: Boolean) |
Modified CFNotificationCenterPostNotificationWithOptions(CFNotificationCenter!, CFString!, UnsafePointer<Void>, CFDictionary!, CFOptionFlags)
Declaration | |
From | func CFNotificationCenterPostNotificationWithOptions(_ center: CFNotificationCenter!, _ name: CFString!, _ object: ConstUnsafePointer<()>, _ userInfo: CFDictionary!, _ options: CFOptionFlags) |
To | func CFNotificationCenterPostNotificationWithOptions(_ center: CFNotificationCenter!, _ name: CFString!, _ object: UnsafePointer<Void>, _ userInfo: CFDictionary!, _ options: CFOptionFlags) |
Modified CFNotificationCenterRemoveEveryObserver(CFNotificationCenter!, UnsafePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFNotificationCenterRemoveEveryObserver(_ center: CFNotificationCenter!, _ observer: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func CFNotificationCenterRemoveEveryObserver(_ center: CFNotificationCenter!, _ observer: UnsafePointer<Void>) |
Modified CFNotificationCenterRemoveObserver(CFNotificationCenter!, UnsafePointer<Void>, CFString!, UnsafePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFNotificationCenterRemoveObserver(_ center: CFNotificationCenter!, _ observer: ConstUnsafePointer<()>, _ name: CFString!, _ object: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func CFNotificationCenterRemoveObserver(_ center: CFNotificationCenter!, _ observer: UnsafePointer<Void>, _ name: CFString!, _ object: UnsafePointer<Void>) |
Modified CFNumberCompare(CFNumber!, CFNumber!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> CFComparisonResult
Declaration | |
From | func CFNumberCompare(_ number: CFNumber!, _ otherNumber: CFNumber!, _ context: UnsafePointer<()>) -> CFComparisonResult |
To | func CFNumberCompare(_ number: CFNumber!, _ otherNumber: CFNumber!, _ context: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> CFComparisonResult |
Modified CFNumberCreate(CFAllocator!, CFNumberType, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> CFNumber!
Declaration | |
From | func CFNumberCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ theType: CFNumberType, _ valuePtr: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> CFNumber! |
To | func CFNumberCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ theType: CFNumberType, _ valuePtr: UnsafePointer<Void>) -> CFNumber! |
Modified CFNumberFormatterCreateNumberFromString(CFAllocator!, CFNumberFormatter!, CFString!, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRange>, CFOptionFlags) -> CFNumber!
Declaration | |
From | func CFNumberFormatterCreateNumberFromString(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ formatter: CFNumberFormatter!, _ string: CFString!, _ rangep: UnsafePointer<CFRange>, _ options: CFOptionFlags) -> CFNumber! |
To | func CFNumberFormatterCreateNumberFromString(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ formatter: CFNumberFormatter!, _ string: CFString!, _ rangep: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRange>, _ options: CFOptionFlags) -> CFNumber! |
Modified CFNumberFormatterCreateStringWithValue(CFAllocator!, CFNumberFormatter!, CFNumberType, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> CFString!
Declaration | |
From | func CFNumberFormatterCreateStringWithValue(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ formatter: CFNumberFormatter!, _ numberType: CFNumberType, _ valuePtr: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> CFString! |
To | func CFNumberFormatterCreateStringWithValue(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ formatter: CFNumberFormatter!, _ numberType: CFNumberType, _ valuePtr: UnsafePointer<Void>) -> CFString! |
Modified CFNumberFormatterGetDecimalInfoForCurrencyCode(CFString!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Int32>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Double>) -> Boolean
Declaration | |
From | func CFNumberFormatterGetDecimalInfoForCurrencyCode(_ currencyCode: CFString!, _ defaultFractionDigits: UnsafePointer<Int32>, _ roundingIncrement: UnsafePointer<Double>) -> Boolean |
To | func CFNumberFormatterGetDecimalInfoForCurrencyCode(_ currencyCode: CFString!, _ defaultFractionDigits: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int32>, _ roundingIncrement: UnsafeMutablePointer<Double>) -> Boolean |
Modified CFNumberFormatterGetValueFromString(CFNumberFormatter!, CFString!, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRange>, CFNumberType, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Boolean
Declaration | |
From | func CFNumberFormatterGetValueFromString(_ formatter: CFNumberFormatter!, _ string: CFString!, _ rangep: UnsafePointer<CFRange>, _ numberType: CFNumberType, _ valuePtr: UnsafePointer<()>) -> Boolean |
To | func CFNumberFormatterGetValueFromString(_ formatter: CFNumberFormatter!, _ string: CFString!, _ rangep: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRange>, _ numberType: CFNumberType, _ valuePtr: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Boolean |
Modified CFNumberGetValue(CFNumber!, CFNumberType, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Boolean
Declaration | |
From | func CFNumberGetValue(_ number: CFNumber!, _ theType: CFNumberType, _ valuePtr: UnsafePointer<()>) -> Boolean |
To | func CFNumberGetValue(_ number: CFNumber!, _ theType: CFNumberType, _ valuePtr: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Boolean |
Modified CFPlugInFactoryFunction
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFPlugInFactoryFunction = CFunctionPointer<((CFAllocator!, CFUUID!) -> UnsafePointer<()>)> |
To | typealias CFPlugInFactoryFunction = CFunctionPointer<((CFAllocator!, CFUUID!) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)> |
Modified CFPlugInInstanceCreate(CFAllocator!, CFUUID!, CFUUID!) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>
Declaration | |
From | func CFPlugInInstanceCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ factoryUUID: CFUUID!, _ typeUUID: CFUUID!) -> UnsafePointer<()> |
To | func CFPlugInInstanceCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ factoryUUID: CFUUID!, _ typeUUID: CFUUID!) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> |
Modified CFPlugInInstanceDeallocateInstanceDataFunction
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFPlugInInstanceDeallocateInstanceDataFunction = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | typealias CFPlugInInstanceDeallocateInstanceDataFunction = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFPlugInInstanceGetInstanceData(CFPlugInInstance!) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>
Declaration | |
From | func CFPlugInInstanceGetInstanceData(_ instance: CFPlugInInstance!) -> UnsafePointer<()> |
To | func CFPlugInInstanceGetInstanceData(_ instance: CFPlugInInstance!) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> |
Modified CFPlugInInstanceGetInterfaceFunction
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFPlugInInstanceGetInterfaceFunction = CFunctionPointer<((CFPlugInInstance!, CFString!, UnsafePointer<UnsafePointer<()>>) -> Boolean)> |
To | typealias CFPlugInInstanceGetInterfaceFunction = CFunctionPointer<((CFPlugInInstance!, CFString!, UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>>) -> Boolean)> |
Modified CFPlugInInstanceGetInterfaceFunctionTable(CFPlugInInstance!, CFString!, UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>>) -> Boolean
Declaration | |
From | func CFPlugInInstanceGetInterfaceFunctionTable(_ instance: CFPlugInInstance!, _ interfaceName: CFString!, _ ftbl: UnsafePointer<UnsafePointer<()>>) -> Boolean |
To | func CFPlugInInstanceGetInterfaceFunctionTable(_ instance: CFPlugInInstance!, _ interfaceName: CFString!, _ ftbl: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>>) -> Boolean |
Modified CFPreferencesCopyAppValue(CFString!, CFString!) -> CFPropertyList!
Declaration | |
From | func CFPreferencesCopyAppValue(_ key: CFString!, _ applicationID: CFString!) -> CFPropertyListRef! |
To | func CFPreferencesCopyAppValue(_ key: CFString!, _ applicationID: CFString!) -> CFPropertyList! |
Modified CFPreferencesCopyValue(CFString!, CFString!, CFString!, CFString!) -> CFPropertyList!
Declaration | |
From | func CFPreferencesCopyValue(_ key: CFString!, _ applicationID: CFString!, _ userName: CFString!, _ hostName: CFString!) -> CFPropertyListRef! |
To | func CFPreferencesCopyValue(_ key: CFString!, _ applicationID: CFString!, _ userName: CFString!, _ hostName: CFString!) -> CFPropertyList! |
Modified CFPreferencesGetAppBooleanValue(CFString!, CFString!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Boolean>) -> Boolean
Declaration | |
From | func CFPreferencesGetAppBooleanValue(_ key: CFString!, _ applicationID: CFString!, _ keyExistsAndHasValidFormat: UnsafePointer<Boolean>) -> Boolean |
To | func CFPreferencesGetAppBooleanValue(_ key: CFString!, _ applicationID: CFString!, _ keyExistsAndHasValidFormat: UnsafeMutablePointer<Boolean>) -> Boolean |
Modified CFPreferencesGetAppIntegerValue(CFString!, CFString!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Boolean>) -> CFIndex
Declaration | |
From | func CFPreferencesGetAppIntegerValue(_ key: CFString!, _ applicationID: CFString!, _ keyExistsAndHasValidFormat: UnsafePointer<Boolean>) -> CFIndex |
To | func CFPreferencesGetAppIntegerValue(_ key: CFString!, _ applicationID: CFString!, _ keyExistsAndHasValidFormat: UnsafeMutablePointer<Boolean>) -> CFIndex |
Modified CFPreferencesSetAppValue(CFString!, CFPropertyList!, CFString!)
Declaration | |
From | func CFPreferencesSetAppValue(_ key: CFString!, _ value: CFPropertyListRef!, _ applicationID: CFString!) |
To | func CFPreferencesSetAppValue(_ key: CFString!, _ value: CFPropertyList!, _ applicationID: CFString!) |
Modified CFPreferencesSetValue(CFString!, CFPropertyList!, CFString!, CFString!, CFString!)
Declaration | |
From | func CFPreferencesSetValue(_ key: CFString!, _ value: CFPropertyListRef!, _ applicationID: CFString!, _ userName: CFString!, _ hostName: CFString!) |
To | func CFPreferencesSetValue(_ key: CFString!, _ value: CFPropertyList!, _ applicationID: CFString!, _ userName: CFString!, _ hostName: CFString!) |
Modified CFPropertyListCreateData(CFAllocator!, CFPropertyList!, CFPropertyListFormat, CFOptionFlags, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Unmanaged<CFData>!
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CFPropertyListCreateData(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ propertyList: CFPropertyListRef!, _ format: CFPropertyListFormat, _ options: CFOptionFlags, _ error: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Unmanaged<CFData>! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CFPropertyListCreateData(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ propertyList: CFPropertyList!, _ format: CFPropertyListFormat, _ options: CFOptionFlags, _ error: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Unmanaged<CFData>! | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFPropertyListCreateDeepCopy(CFAllocator!, CFPropertyList!, CFOptionFlags) -> CFPropertyList!
Declaration | |
From | func CFPropertyListCreateDeepCopy(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ propertyList: CFPropertyListRef!, _ mutabilityOption: CFOptionFlags) -> CFPropertyListRef! |
To | func CFPropertyListCreateDeepCopy(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ propertyList: CFPropertyList!, _ mutabilityOption: CFOptionFlags) -> CFPropertyList! |
Modified CFPropertyListCreateFromStream(CFAllocator!, CFReadStream!, CFIndex, CFOptionFlags, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFPropertyListFormat>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFString>?>) -> Unmanaged<CFPropertyList>!
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | func CFPropertyListCreateFromStream(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ stream: CFReadStream!, _ streamLength: CFIndex, _ mutabilityOption: CFOptionFlags, _ format: UnsafePointer<CFPropertyListFormat>, _ errorString: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFString>?>) -> Unmanaged<CFPropertyListRef>! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | func CFPropertyListCreateFromStream(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ stream: CFReadStream!, _ streamLength: CFIndex, _ mutabilityOption: CFOptionFlags, _ format: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFPropertyListFormat>, _ errorString: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFString>?>) -> Unmanaged<CFPropertyList>! | OS X 10.2 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(CFAllocator!, CFData!, CFOptionFlags, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFString>?>) -> Unmanaged<CFPropertyList>!
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | func CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ xmlData: CFData!, _ mutabilityOption: CFOptionFlags, _ errorString: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFString>?>) -> Unmanaged<CFPropertyListRef>! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | func CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ xmlData: CFData!, _ mutabilityOption: CFOptionFlags, _ errorString: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFString>?>) -> Unmanaged<CFPropertyList>! | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified CFPropertyListCreateWithData(CFAllocator!, CFData!, CFOptionFlags, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFPropertyListFormat>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Unmanaged<CFPropertyList>!
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CFPropertyListCreateWithData(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ data: CFData!, _ options: CFOptionFlags, _ format: UnsafePointer<CFPropertyListFormat>, _ error: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Unmanaged<CFPropertyListRef>! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CFPropertyListCreateWithData(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ data: CFData!, _ options: CFOptionFlags, _ format: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFPropertyListFormat>, _ error: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Unmanaged<CFPropertyList>! | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFPropertyListCreateWithStream(CFAllocator!, CFReadStream!, CFIndex, CFOptionFlags, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFPropertyListFormat>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Unmanaged<CFPropertyList>!
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CFPropertyListCreateWithStream(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ stream: CFReadStream!, _ streamLength: CFIndex, _ options: CFOptionFlags, _ format: UnsafePointer<CFPropertyListFormat>, _ error: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Unmanaged<CFPropertyListRef>! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CFPropertyListCreateWithStream(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ stream: CFReadStream!, _ streamLength: CFIndex, _ options: CFOptionFlags, _ format: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFPropertyListFormat>, _ error: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Unmanaged<CFPropertyList>! | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFPropertyListCreateXMLData(CFAllocator!, CFPropertyList!) -> Unmanaged<CFData>!
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | func CFPropertyListCreateXMLData(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ propertyList: CFPropertyListRef!) -> Unmanaged<CFData>! | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | func CFPropertyListCreateXMLData(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ propertyList: CFPropertyList!) -> Unmanaged<CFData>! | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified CFPropertyListIsValid(CFPropertyList!, CFPropertyListFormat) -> Boolean
Declaration | |
From | func CFPropertyListIsValid(_ plist: CFPropertyListRef!, _ format: CFPropertyListFormat) -> Boolean |
To | func CFPropertyListIsValid(_ plist: CFPropertyList!, _ format: CFPropertyListFormat) -> Boolean |
Modified CFPropertyListRef
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFPropertyListRef = AnyObject |
To | typealias CFPropertyListRef = CFPropertyList |
Modified CFPropertyListWrite(CFPropertyList!, CFWriteStream!, CFPropertyListFormat, CFOptionFlags, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> CFIndex
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CFPropertyListWrite(_ propertyList: CFPropertyListRef!, _ stream: CFWriteStream!, _ format: CFPropertyListFormat, _ options: CFOptionFlags, _ error: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> CFIndex | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CFPropertyListWrite(_ propertyList: CFPropertyList!, _ stream: CFWriteStream!, _ format: CFPropertyListFormat, _ options: CFOptionFlags, _ error: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> CFIndex | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFPropertyListWriteToStream(CFPropertyList!, CFWriteStream!, CFPropertyListFormat, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFString>?>) -> CFIndex
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | func CFPropertyListWriteToStream(_ propertyList: CFPropertyListRef!, _ stream: CFWriteStream!, _ format: CFPropertyListFormat, _ errorString: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFString>?>) -> CFIndex | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | func CFPropertyListWriteToStream(_ propertyList: CFPropertyList!, _ stream: CFWriteStream!, _ format: CFPropertyListFormat, _ errorString: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFString>?>) -> CFIndex | OS X 10.2 | OS X 10.10 |
Modified CFReadStreamClientCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFReadStreamClientCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFReadStream!, CFStreamEventType, UnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | typealias CFReadStreamClientCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFReadStream!, CFStreamEventType, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFReadStreamCopyDispatchQueue(CFReadStream!) -> dispatch_queue_t!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified CFReadStreamCopyError(CFReadStream!) -> CFError!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFReadStreamCreateWithBytesNoCopy(CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<UInt8>, CFIndex, CFAllocator!) -> CFReadStream!
Declaration | |
From | func CFReadStreamCreateWithBytesNoCopy(_ alloc: CFAllocator!, _ bytes: ConstUnsafePointer<UInt8>, _ length: CFIndex, _ bytesDeallocator: CFAllocator!) -> CFReadStream! |
To | func CFReadStreamCreateWithBytesNoCopy(_ alloc: CFAllocator!, _ bytes: UnsafePointer<UInt8>, _ length: CFIndex, _ bytesDeallocator: CFAllocator!) -> CFReadStream! |
Modified CFReadStreamGetBuffer(CFReadStream!, CFIndex, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFIndex>) -> UnsafePointer<UInt8>
Declaration | |
From | func CFReadStreamGetBuffer(_ stream: CFReadStream!, _ maxBytesToRead: CFIndex, _ numBytesRead: UnsafePointer<CFIndex>) -> ConstUnsafePointer<UInt8> |
To | func CFReadStreamGetBuffer(_ stream: CFReadStream!, _ maxBytesToRead: CFIndex, _ numBytesRead: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFIndex>) -> UnsafePointer<UInt8> |
Modified CFReadStreamRead(CFReadStream!, UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>, CFIndex) -> CFIndex
Declaration | |
From | func CFReadStreamRead(_ stream: CFReadStream!, _ buffer: UnsafePointer<UInt8>, _ bufferLength: CFIndex) -> CFIndex |
To | func CFReadStreamRead(_ stream: CFReadStream!, _ buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>, _ bufferLength: CFIndex) -> CFIndex |
Modified CFReadStreamSetClient(CFReadStream!, CFOptionFlags, CFReadStreamClientCallBack, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFStreamClientContext>) -> Boolean
Declaration | |
From | func CFReadStreamSetClient(_ stream: CFReadStream!, _ streamEvents: CFOptionFlags, _ clientCB: CFReadStreamClientCallBack, _ clientContext: UnsafePointer<CFStreamClientContext>) -> Boolean |
To | func CFReadStreamSetClient(_ stream: CFReadStream!, _ streamEvents: CFOptionFlags, _ clientCB: CFReadStreamClientCallBack, _ clientContext: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFStreamClientContext>) -> Boolean |
Modified CFReadStreamSetDispatchQueue(CFReadStream!, dispatch_queue_t!)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified CFRunLoopObserverCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFRunLoopObserverCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFRunLoopObserver!, CFRunLoopActivity, UnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | typealias CFRunLoopObserverCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFRunLoopObserver!, CFRunLoopActivity, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFRunLoopObserverCreate(CFAllocator!, CFOptionFlags, Boolean, CFIndex, CFRunLoopObserverCallBack, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRunLoopObserverContext>) -> CFRunLoopObserver!
Declaration | |
From | func CFRunLoopObserverCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ activities: CFOptionFlags, _ repeats: Boolean, _ order: CFIndex, _ callout: CFRunLoopObserverCallBack, _ context: UnsafePointer<CFRunLoopObserverContext>) -> CFRunLoopObserver! |
To | func CFRunLoopObserverCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ activities: CFOptionFlags, _ repeats: Boolean, _ order: CFIndex, _ callout: CFRunLoopObserverCallBack, _ context: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRunLoopObserverContext>) -> CFRunLoopObserver! |
Modified CFRunLoopObserverCreateWithHandler(CFAllocator!, CFOptionFlags, Boolean, CFIndex,((CFRunLoopObserver!, CFRunLoopActivity) -> Void)!) -> CFRunLoopObserver!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified CFRunLoopObserverGetContext(CFRunLoopObserver!, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRunLoopObserverContext>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFRunLoopObserverGetContext(_ observer: CFRunLoopObserver!, _ context: UnsafePointer<CFRunLoopObserverContext>) |
To | func CFRunLoopObserverGetContext(_ observer: CFRunLoopObserver!, _ context: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRunLoopObserverContext>) |
Modified CFRunLoopPerformBlock(CFRunLoop!, AnyObject!,(() -> Void)!)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFRunLoopSourceCreate(CFAllocator!, CFIndex, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRunLoopSourceContext>) -> CFRunLoopSource!
Declaration | |
From | func CFRunLoopSourceCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ order: CFIndex, _ context: UnsafePointer<CFRunLoopSourceContext>) -> CFRunLoopSource! |
To | func CFRunLoopSourceCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ order: CFIndex, _ context: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRunLoopSourceContext>) -> CFRunLoopSource! |
Modified CFRunLoopSourceGetContext(CFRunLoopSource!, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRunLoopSourceContext>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFRunLoopSourceGetContext(_ source: CFRunLoopSource!, _ context: UnsafePointer<CFRunLoopSourceContext>) |
To | func CFRunLoopSourceGetContext(_ source: CFRunLoopSource!, _ context: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRunLoopSourceContext>) |
Modified CFRunLoopTimerCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFRunLoopTimerCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFRunLoopTimer!, UnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | typealias CFRunLoopTimerCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFRunLoopTimer!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFRunLoopTimerCreate(CFAllocator!, CFAbsoluteTime, CFTimeInterval, CFOptionFlags, CFIndex, CFRunLoopTimerCallBack, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRunLoopTimerContext>) -> CFRunLoopTimer!
Declaration | |
From | func CFRunLoopTimerCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ fireDate: CFAbsoluteTime, _ interval: CFTimeInterval, _ flags: CFOptionFlags, _ order: CFIndex, _ callout: CFRunLoopTimerCallBack, _ context: UnsafePointer<CFRunLoopTimerContext>) -> CFRunLoopTimer! |
To | func CFRunLoopTimerCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ fireDate: CFAbsoluteTime, _ interval: CFTimeInterval, _ flags: CFOptionFlags, _ order: CFIndex, _ callout: CFRunLoopTimerCallBack, _ context: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRunLoopTimerContext>) -> CFRunLoopTimer! |
Modified CFRunLoopTimerCreateWithHandler(CFAllocator!, CFAbsoluteTime, CFTimeInterval, CFOptionFlags, CFIndex,((CFRunLoopTimer!) -> Void)!) -> CFRunLoopTimer!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified CFRunLoopTimerGetContext(CFRunLoopTimer!, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRunLoopTimerContext>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFRunLoopTimerGetContext(_ timer: CFRunLoopTimer!, _ context: UnsafePointer<CFRunLoopTimerContext>) |
To | func CFRunLoopTimerGetContext(_ timer: CFRunLoopTimer!, _ context: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRunLoopTimerContext>) |
Modified CFRunLoopTimerGetTolerance(CFRunLoopTimer!) -> CFTimeInterval
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified CFRunLoopTimerSetTolerance(CFRunLoopTimer!, CFTimeInterval)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified CFSetAddValue(CFMutableSet!, UnsafePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFSetAddValue(_ theSet: CFMutableSet!, _ value: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func CFSetAddValue(_ theSet: CFMutableSet!, _ value: UnsafePointer<Void>) |
Modified CFSetApplierFunction
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFSetApplierFunction = CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>, UnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | typealias CFSetApplierFunction = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFSetApplyFunction(CFSet!, CFSetApplierFunction, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFSetApplyFunction(_ theSet: CFSet!, _ applier: CFSetApplierFunction, _ context: UnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func CFSetApplyFunction(_ theSet: CFSet!, _ applier: CFSetApplierFunction, _ context: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) |
Modified CFSetContainsValue(CFSet!, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Boolean
Declaration | |
From | func CFSetContainsValue(_ theSet: CFSet!, _ value: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Boolean |
To | func CFSetContainsValue(_ theSet: CFSet!, _ value: UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Boolean |
Modified CFSetCopyDescriptionCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFSetCopyDescriptionCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> |
To | typealias CFSetCopyDescriptionCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> |
Modified CFSetCreate(CFAllocator!, UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>, CFIndex, UnsafePointer<CFSetCallBacks>) -> CFSet!
Declaration | |
From | func CFSetCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ values: UnsafePointer<ConstUnsafePointer<()>>, _ numValues: CFIndex, _ callBacks: ConstUnsafePointer<CFSetCallBacks>) -> CFSet! |
To | func CFSetCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ values: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>, _ numValues: CFIndex, _ callBacks: UnsafePointer<CFSetCallBacks>) -> CFSet! |
Modified CFSetCreateMutable(CFAllocator!, CFIndex, UnsafePointer<CFSetCallBacks>) -> CFMutableSet!
Declaration | |
From | func CFSetCreateMutable(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ capacity: CFIndex, _ callBacks: ConstUnsafePointer<CFSetCallBacks>) -> CFMutableSet! |
To | func CFSetCreateMutable(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ capacity: CFIndex, _ callBacks: UnsafePointer<CFSetCallBacks>) -> CFMutableSet! |
Modified CFSetEqualCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFSetEqualCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>, ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Boolean)> |
To | typealias CFSetEqualCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Boolean)> |
Modified CFSetGetCountOfValue(CFSet!, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> CFIndex
Declaration | |
From | func CFSetGetCountOfValue(_ theSet: CFSet!, _ value: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> CFIndex |
To | func CFSetGetCountOfValue(_ theSet: CFSet!, _ value: UnsafePointer<Void>) -> CFIndex |
Modified CFSetGetValue(CFSet!, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>
Declaration | |
From | func CFSetGetValue(_ theSet: CFSet!, _ value: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> ConstUnsafePointer<()> |
To | func CFSetGetValue(_ theSet: CFSet!, _ value: UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void> |
Modified CFSetGetValueIfPresent(CFSet!, UnsafePointer<Void>, UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>) -> Boolean
Declaration | |
From | func CFSetGetValueIfPresent(_ theSet: CFSet!, _ candidate: ConstUnsafePointer<()>, _ value: UnsafePointer<ConstUnsafePointer<()>>) -> Boolean |
To | func CFSetGetValueIfPresent(_ theSet: CFSet!, _ candidate: UnsafePointer<Void>, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>) -> Boolean |
Modified CFSetGetValues(CFSet!, UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFSetGetValues(_ theSet: CFSet!, _ values: UnsafePointer<ConstUnsafePointer<()>>) |
To | func CFSetGetValues(_ theSet: CFSet!, _ values: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>) |
Modified CFSetHashCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFSetHashCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> CFHashCode)> |
To | typealias CFSetHashCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> CFHashCode)> |
Modified CFSetReleaseCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFSetReleaseCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFAllocator!, ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | typealias CFSetReleaseCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFSetRemoveValue(CFMutableSet!, UnsafePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFSetRemoveValue(_ theSet: CFMutableSet!, _ value: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func CFSetRemoveValue(_ theSet: CFMutableSet!, _ value: UnsafePointer<Void>) |
Modified CFSetReplaceValue(CFMutableSet!, UnsafePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFSetReplaceValue(_ theSet: CFMutableSet!, _ value: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func CFSetReplaceValue(_ theSet: CFMutableSet!, _ value: UnsafePointer<Void>) |
Modified CFSetRetainCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFSetRetainCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFAllocator!, ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> ConstUnsafePointer<()>)> |
To | typealias CFSetRetainCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)> |
Modified CFSetSetValue(CFMutableSet!, UnsafePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFSetSetValue(_ theSet: CFMutableSet!, _ value: ConstUnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func CFSetSetValue(_ theSet: CFMutableSet!, _ value: UnsafePointer<Void>) |
Modified CFSocketCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFSocketCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFSocket!, CFSocketCallBackType, CFData!, ConstUnsafePointer<()>, UnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | typealias CFSocketCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFSocket!, CFSocketCallBackType, CFData!, UnsafePointer<Void>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFSocketCopyRegisteredSocketSignature(UnsafePointer<CFSocketSignature>, CFTimeInterval, CFString!, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFSocketSignature>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFData>?>) -> CFSocketError
Declaration | |
From | func CFSocketCopyRegisteredSocketSignature(_ nameServerSignature: ConstUnsafePointer<CFSocketSignature>, _ timeout: CFTimeInterval, _ name: CFString!, _ signature: UnsafePointer<CFSocketSignature>, _ nameServerAddress: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFData>?>) -> CFSocketError |
To | func CFSocketCopyRegisteredSocketSignature(_ nameServerSignature: UnsafePointer<CFSocketSignature>, _ timeout: CFTimeInterval, _ name: CFString!, _ signature: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFSocketSignature>, _ nameServerAddress: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFData>?>) -> CFSocketError |
Modified CFSocketCopyRegisteredValue(UnsafePointer<CFSocketSignature>, CFTimeInterval, CFString!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFPropertyList>?>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFData>?>) -> CFSocketError
Declaration | |
From | func CFSocketCopyRegisteredValue(_ nameServerSignature: ConstUnsafePointer<CFSocketSignature>, _ timeout: CFTimeInterval, _ name: CFString!, _ value: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFPropertyListRef>?>, _ nameServerAddress: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFData>?>) -> CFSocketError |
To | func CFSocketCopyRegisteredValue(_ nameServerSignature: UnsafePointer<CFSocketSignature>, _ timeout: CFTimeInterval, _ name: CFString!, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFPropertyList>?>, _ nameServerAddress: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFData>?>) -> CFSocketError |
Modified CFSocketCreate(CFAllocator!, Int32, Int32, Int32, CFOptionFlags, CFSocketCallBack, UnsafePointer<CFSocketContext>) -> CFSocket!
Declaration | |
From | func CFSocketCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ protocolFamily: Int32, _ socketType: Int32, _ `protocol`: Int32, _ callBackTypes: CFOptionFlags, _ callout: CFSocketCallBack, _ context: ConstUnsafePointer<CFSocketContext>) -> CFSocket! |
To | func CFSocketCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ protocolFamily: Int32, _ socketType: Int32, _ `protocol`: Int32, _ callBackTypes: CFOptionFlags, _ callout: CFSocketCallBack, _ context: UnsafePointer<CFSocketContext>) -> CFSocket! |
Modified CFSocketCreateConnectedToSocketSignature(CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<CFSocketSignature>, CFOptionFlags, CFSocketCallBack, UnsafePointer<CFSocketContext>, CFTimeInterval) -> CFSocket!
Declaration | |
From | func CFSocketCreateConnectedToSocketSignature(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ signature: ConstUnsafePointer<CFSocketSignature>, _ callBackTypes: CFOptionFlags, _ callout: CFSocketCallBack, _ context: ConstUnsafePointer<CFSocketContext>, _ timeout: CFTimeInterval) -> CFSocket! |
To | func CFSocketCreateConnectedToSocketSignature(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ signature: UnsafePointer<CFSocketSignature>, _ callBackTypes: CFOptionFlags, _ callout: CFSocketCallBack, _ context: UnsafePointer<CFSocketContext>, _ timeout: CFTimeInterval) -> CFSocket! |
Modified CFSocketCreateWithNative(CFAllocator!, CFSocketNativeHandle, CFOptionFlags, CFSocketCallBack, UnsafePointer<CFSocketContext>) -> CFSocket!
Declaration | |
From | func CFSocketCreateWithNative(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ sock: CFSocketNativeHandle, _ callBackTypes: CFOptionFlags, _ callout: CFSocketCallBack, _ context: ConstUnsafePointer<CFSocketContext>) -> CFSocket! |
To | func CFSocketCreateWithNative(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ sock: CFSocketNativeHandle, _ callBackTypes: CFOptionFlags, _ callout: CFSocketCallBack, _ context: UnsafePointer<CFSocketContext>) -> CFSocket! |
Modified CFSocketCreateWithSocketSignature(CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<CFSocketSignature>, CFOptionFlags, CFSocketCallBack, UnsafePointer<CFSocketContext>) -> CFSocket!
Declaration | |
From | func CFSocketCreateWithSocketSignature(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ signature: ConstUnsafePointer<CFSocketSignature>, _ callBackTypes: CFOptionFlags, _ callout: CFSocketCallBack, _ context: ConstUnsafePointer<CFSocketContext>) -> CFSocket! |
To | func CFSocketCreateWithSocketSignature(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ signature: UnsafePointer<CFSocketSignature>, _ callBackTypes: CFOptionFlags, _ callout: CFSocketCallBack, _ context: UnsafePointer<CFSocketContext>) -> CFSocket! |
Modified CFSocketGetContext(CFSocket!, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFSocketContext>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFSocketGetContext(_ s: CFSocket!, _ context: UnsafePointer<CFSocketContext>) |
To | func CFSocketGetContext(_ s: CFSocket!, _ context: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFSocketContext>) |
Modified CFSocketRegisterSocketSignature(UnsafePointer<CFSocketSignature>, CFTimeInterval, CFString!, UnsafePointer<CFSocketSignature>) -> CFSocketError
Declaration | |
From | func CFSocketRegisterSocketSignature(_ nameServerSignature: ConstUnsafePointer<CFSocketSignature>, _ timeout: CFTimeInterval, _ name: CFString!, _ signature: ConstUnsafePointer<CFSocketSignature>) -> CFSocketError |
To | func CFSocketRegisterSocketSignature(_ nameServerSignature: UnsafePointer<CFSocketSignature>, _ timeout: CFTimeInterval, _ name: CFString!, _ signature: UnsafePointer<CFSocketSignature>) -> CFSocketError |
Modified CFSocketRegisterValue(UnsafePointer<CFSocketSignature>, CFTimeInterval, CFString!, CFPropertyList!) -> CFSocketError
Declaration | |
From | func CFSocketRegisterValue(_ nameServerSignature: ConstUnsafePointer<CFSocketSignature>, _ timeout: CFTimeInterval, _ name: CFString!, _ value: CFPropertyListRef!) -> CFSocketError |
To | func CFSocketRegisterValue(_ nameServerSignature: UnsafePointer<CFSocketSignature>, _ timeout: CFTimeInterval, _ name: CFString!, _ value: CFPropertyList!) -> CFSocketError |
Modified CFSocketUnregister(UnsafePointer<CFSocketSignature>, CFTimeInterval, CFString!) -> CFSocketError
Declaration | |
From | func CFSocketUnregister(_ nameServerSignature: ConstUnsafePointer<CFSocketSignature>, _ timeout: CFTimeInterval, _ name: CFString!) -> CFSocketError |
To | func CFSocketUnregister(_ nameServerSignature: UnsafePointer<CFSocketSignature>, _ timeout: CFTimeInterval, _ name: CFString!) -> CFSocketError |
Modified CFStreamCreateBoundPair(CFAllocator!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFReadStream>?>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFWriteStream>?>, CFIndex)
Declaration | |
From | func CFStreamCreateBoundPair(_ alloc: CFAllocator!, _ readStream: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFReadStream>?>, _ writeStream: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFWriteStream>?>, _ transferBufferSize: CFIndex) |
To | func CFStreamCreateBoundPair(_ alloc: CFAllocator!, _ readStream: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFReadStream>?>, _ writeStream: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFWriteStream>?>, _ transferBufferSize: CFIndex) |
Modified CFStreamCreatePairWithPeerSocketSignature(CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<CFSocketSignature>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFReadStream>?>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFWriteStream>?>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFStreamCreatePairWithPeerSocketSignature(_ alloc: CFAllocator!, _ signature: ConstUnsafePointer<CFSocketSignature>, _ readStream: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFReadStream>?>, _ writeStream: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFWriteStream>?>) |
To | func CFStreamCreatePairWithPeerSocketSignature(_ alloc: CFAllocator!, _ signature: UnsafePointer<CFSocketSignature>, _ readStream: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFReadStream>?>, _ writeStream: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFWriteStream>?>) |
Modified CFStreamCreatePairWithSocket(CFAllocator!, CFSocketNativeHandle, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFReadStream>?>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFWriteStream>?>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFStreamCreatePairWithSocket(_ alloc: CFAllocator!, _ sock: CFSocketNativeHandle, _ readStream: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFReadStream>?>, _ writeStream: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFWriteStream>?>) |
To | func CFStreamCreatePairWithSocket(_ alloc: CFAllocator!, _ sock: CFSocketNativeHandle, _ readStream: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFReadStream>?>, _ writeStream: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFWriteStream>?>) |
Modified CFStreamCreatePairWithSocketToHost(CFAllocator!, CFString!, UInt32, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFReadStream>?>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFWriteStream>?>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFStreamCreatePairWithSocketToHost(_ alloc: CFAllocator!, _ host: CFString!, _ port: UInt32, _ readStream: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFReadStream>?>, _ writeStream: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFWriteStream>?>) |
To | func CFStreamCreatePairWithSocketToHost(_ alloc: CFAllocator!, _ host: CFString!, _ port: UInt32, _ readStream: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFReadStream>?>, _ writeStream: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFWriteStream>?>) |
Modified CFStringAppendCString(CFMutableString!, UnsafePointer<Int8>, CFStringEncoding)
Declaration | |
From | func CFStringAppendCString(_ theString: CFMutableString!, _ cStr: ConstUnsafePointer<Int8>, _ encoding: CFStringEncoding) |
To | func CFStringAppendCString(_ theString: CFMutableString!, _ cStr: UnsafePointer<Int8>, _ encoding: CFStringEncoding) |
Modified CFStringAppendCharacters(CFMutableString!, UnsafePointer<UniChar>, CFIndex)
Declaration | |
From | func CFStringAppendCharacters(_ theString: CFMutableString!, _ chars: ConstUnsafePointer<UniChar>, _ numChars: CFIndex) |
To | func CFStringAppendCharacters(_ theString: CFMutableString!, _ chars: UnsafePointer<UniChar>, _ numChars: CFIndex) |
Modified CFStringCompareWithOptionsAndLocale(CFString!, CFString!, CFRange, CFStringCompareFlags, CFLocale!) -> CFComparisonResult
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFStringCreateMutableWithExternalCharactersNoCopy(CFAllocator!, UnsafeMutablePointer<UniChar>, CFIndex, CFIndex, CFAllocator!) -> CFMutableString!
Declaration | |
From | func CFStringCreateMutableWithExternalCharactersNoCopy(_ alloc: CFAllocator!, _ chars: UnsafePointer<UniChar>, _ numChars: CFIndex, _ capacity: CFIndex, _ externalCharactersAllocator: CFAllocator!) -> CFMutableString! |
To | func CFStringCreateMutableWithExternalCharactersNoCopy(_ alloc: CFAllocator!, _ chars: UnsafeMutablePointer<UniChar>, _ numChars: CFIndex, _ capacity: CFIndex, _ externalCharactersAllocator: CFAllocator!) -> CFMutableString! |
Modified CFStringCreateWithBytes(CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<UInt8>, CFIndex, CFStringEncoding, Boolean) -> CFString!
Declaration | |
From | func CFStringCreateWithBytes(_ alloc: CFAllocator!, _ bytes: ConstUnsafePointer<UInt8>, _ numBytes: CFIndex, _ encoding: CFStringEncoding, _ isExternalRepresentation: Boolean) -> CFString! |
To | func CFStringCreateWithBytes(_ alloc: CFAllocator!, _ bytes: UnsafePointer<UInt8>, _ numBytes: CFIndex, _ encoding: CFStringEncoding, _ isExternalRepresentation: Boolean) -> CFString! |
Modified CFStringCreateWithBytesNoCopy(CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<UInt8>, CFIndex, CFStringEncoding, Boolean, CFAllocator!) -> CFString!
Declaration | |
From | func CFStringCreateWithBytesNoCopy(_ alloc: CFAllocator!, _ bytes: ConstUnsafePointer<UInt8>, _ numBytes: CFIndex, _ encoding: CFStringEncoding, _ isExternalRepresentation: Boolean, _ contentsDeallocator: CFAllocator!) -> CFString! |
To | func CFStringCreateWithBytesNoCopy(_ alloc: CFAllocator!, _ bytes: UnsafePointer<UInt8>, _ numBytes: CFIndex, _ encoding: CFStringEncoding, _ isExternalRepresentation: Boolean, _ contentsDeallocator: CFAllocator!) -> CFString! |
Modified CFStringCreateWithCString(CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<Int8>, CFStringEncoding) -> CFString!
Declaration | |
From | func CFStringCreateWithCString(_ alloc: CFAllocator!, _ cStr: ConstUnsafePointer<Int8>, _ encoding: CFStringEncoding) -> CFString! |
To | func CFStringCreateWithCString(_ alloc: CFAllocator!, _ cStr: UnsafePointer<Int8>, _ encoding: CFStringEncoding) -> CFString! |
Modified CFStringCreateWithCStringNoCopy(CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<Int8>, CFStringEncoding, CFAllocator!) -> CFString!
Declaration | |
From | func CFStringCreateWithCStringNoCopy(_ alloc: CFAllocator!, _ cStr: ConstUnsafePointer<Int8>, _ encoding: CFStringEncoding, _ contentsDeallocator: CFAllocator!) -> CFString! |
To | func CFStringCreateWithCStringNoCopy(_ alloc: CFAllocator!, _ cStr: UnsafePointer<Int8>, _ encoding: CFStringEncoding, _ contentsDeallocator: CFAllocator!) -> CFString! |
Modified CFStringCreateWithCharacters(CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<UniChar>, CFIndex) -> CFString!
Declaration | |
From | func CFStringCreateWithCharacters(_ alloc: CFAllocator!, _ chars: ConstUnsafePointer<UniChar>, _ numChars: CFIndex) -> CFString! |
To | func CFStringCreateWithCharacters(_ alloc: CFAllocator!, _ chars: UnsafePointer<UniChar>, _ numChars: CFIndex) -> CFString! |
Modified CFStringCreateWithCharactersNoCopy(CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<UniChar>, CFIndex, CFAllocator!) -> CFString!
Declaration | |
From | func CFStringCreateWithCharactersNoCopy(_ alloc: CFAllocator!, _ chars: ConstUnsafePointer<UniChar>, _ numChars: CFIndex, _ contentsDeallocator: CFAllocator!) -> CFString! |
To | func CFStringCreateWithCharactersNoCopy(_ alloc: CFAllocator!, _ chars: UnsafePointer<UniChar>, _ numChars: CFIndex, _ contentsDeallocator: CFAllocator!) -> CFString! |
Modified CFStringCreateWithFileSystemRepresentation(CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<Int8>) -> CFString!
Declaration | |
From | func CFStringCreateWithFileSystemRepresentation(_ alloc: CFAllocator!, _ buffer: ConstUnsafePointer<Int8>) -> CFString! |
To | func CFStringCreateWithFileSystemRepresentation(_ alloc: CFAllocator!, _ buffer: UnsafePointer<Int8>) -> CFString! |
Modified CFStringFindCharacterFromSet(CFString!, CFCharacterSet!, CFRange, CFStringCompareFlags, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRange>) -> Boolean
Declaration | |
From | func CFStringFindCharacterFromSet(_ theString: CFString!, _ theSet: CFCharacterSet!, _ rangeToSearch: CFRange, _ searchOptions: CFStringCompareFlags, _ result: UnsafePointer<CFRange>) -> Boolean |
To | func CFStringFindCharacterFromSet(_ theString: CFString!, _ theSet: CFCharacterSet!, _ rangeToSearch: CFRange, _ searchOptions: CFStringCompareFlags, _ result: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRange>) -> Boolean |
Modified CFStringFindWithOptions(CFString!, CFString!, CFRange, CFStringCompareFlags, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRange>) -> Boolean
Declaration | |
From | func CFStringFindWithOptions(_ theString: CFString!, _ stringToFind: CFString!, _ rangeToSearch: CFRange, _ searchOptions: CFStringCompareFlags, _ result: UnsafePointer<CFRange>) -> Boolean |
To | func CFStringFindWithOptions(_ theString: CFString!, _ stringToFind: CFString!, _ rangeToSearch: CFRange, _ searchOptions: CFStringCompareFlags, _ result: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRange>) -> Boolean |
Modified CFStringFindWithOptionsAndLocale(CFString!, CFString!, CFRange, CFStringCompareFlags, CFLocale!, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRange>) -> Boolean
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CFStringFindWithOptionsAndLocale(_ theString: CFString!, _ stringToFind: CFString!, _ rangeToSearch: CFRange, _ searchOptions: CFStringCompareFlags, _ locale: CFLocale!, _ result: UnsafePointer<CFRange>) -> Boolean | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CFStringFindWithOptionsAndLocale(_ theString: CFString!, _ stringToFind: CFString!, _ rangeToSearch: CFRange, _ searchOptions: CFStringCompareFlags, _ locale: CFLocale!, _ result: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRange>) -> Boolean | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFStringFold(CFMutableString!, CFStringCompareFlags, CFLocale!)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFStringGetBytes(CFString!, CFRange, CFStringEncoding, UInt8, Boolean, UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>, CFIndex, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFIndex>) -> CFIndex
Declaration | |
From | func CFStringGetBytes(_ theString: CFString!, _ range: CFRange, _ encoding: CFStringEncoding, _ lossByte: UInt8, _ isExternalRepresentation: Boolean, _ buffer: UnsafePointer<UInt8>, _ maxBufLen: CFIndex, _ usedBufLen: UnsafePointer<CFIndex>) -> CFIndex |
To | func CFStringGetBytes(_ theString: CFString!, _ range: CFRange, _ encoding: CFStringEncoding, _ lossByte: UInt8, _ isExternalRepresentation: Boolean, _ buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>, _ maxBufLen: CFIndex, _ usedBufLen: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFIndex>) -> CFIndex |
Modified CFStringGetCString(CFString!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>, CFIndex, CFStringEncoding) -> Boolean
Declaration | |
From | func CFStringGetCString(_ theString: CFString!, _ buffer: UnsafePointer<Int8>, _ bufferSize: CFIndex, _ encoding: CFStringEncoding) -> Boolean |
To | func CFStringGetCString(_ theString: CFString!, _ buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>, _ bufferSize: CFIndex, _ encoding: CFStringEncoding) -> Boolean |
Modified CFStringGetCStringPtr(CFString!, CFStringEncoding) -> UnsafePointer<Int8>
Declaration | |
From | func CFStringGetCStringPtr(_ theString: CFString!, _ encoding: CFStringEncoding) -> ConstUnsafePointer<Int8> |
To | func CFStringGetCStringPtr(_ theString: CFString!, _ encoding: CFStringEncoding) -> UnsafePointer<Int8> |
Modified CFStringGetCharacterFromInlineBuffer(UnsafeMutablePointer<CFStringInlineBuffer>, CFIndex) -> UniChar
Declaration | |
From | func CFStringGetCharacterFromInlineBuffer(_ buf: UnsafePointer<CFStringInlineBuffer>, _ idx: CFIndex) -> UniChar |
To | func CFStringGetCharacterFromInlineBuffer(_ buf: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFStringInlineBuffer>, _ idx: CFIndex) -> UniChar |
Modified CFStringGetCharacters(CFString!, CFRange, UnsafeMutablePointer<UniChar>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFStringGetCharacters(_ theString: CFString!, _ range: CFRange, _ buffer: UnsafePointer<UniChar>) |
To | func CFStringGetCharacters(_ theString: CFString!, _ range: CFRange, _ buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<UniChar>) |
Modified CFStringGetCharactersPtr(CFString!) -> UnsafePointer<UniChar>
Declaration | |
From | func CFStringGetCharactersPtr(_ theString: CFString!) -> ConstUnsafePointer<UniChar> |
To | func CFStringGetCharactersPtr(_ theString: CFString!) -> UnsafePointer<UniChar> |
Modified CFStringGetFileSystemRepresentation(CFString!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>, CFIndex) -> Boolean
Declaration | |
From | func CFStringGetFileSystemRepresentation(_ string: CFString!, _ buffer: UnsafePointer<Int8>, _ maxBufLen: CFIndex) -> Boolean |
To | func CFStringGetFileSystemRepresentation(_ string: CFString!, _ buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>, _ maxBufLen: CFIndex) -> Boolean |
Modified CFStringGetHyphenationLocationBeforeIndex(CFString!, CFIndex, CFRange, CFOptionFlags, CFLocale!, UnsafeMutablePointer<UTF32Char>) -> CFIndex
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CFStringGetHyphenationLocationBeforeIndex(_ string: CFString!, _ location: CFIndex, _ limitRange: CFRange, _ options: CFOptionFlags, _ locale: CFLocale!, _ character: UnsafePointer<UTF32Char>) -> CFIndex | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CFStringGetHyphenationLocationBeforeIndex(_ string: CFString!, _ location: CFIndex, _ limitRange: CFRange, _ options: CFOptionFlags, _ locale: CFLocale!, _ character: UnsafeMutablePointer<UTF32Char>) -> CFIndex | OS X 10.7 |
Modified CFStringGetLineBounds(CFString!, CFRange, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFIndex>, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFIndex>, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFIndex>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFStringGetLineBounds(_ theString: CFString!, _ range: CFRange, _ lineBeginIndex: UnsafePointer<CFIndex>, _ lineEndIndex: UnsafePointer<CFIndex>, _ contentsEndIndex: UnsafePointer<CFIndex>) |
To | func CFStringGetLineBounds(_ theString: CFString!, _ range: CFRange, _ lineBeginIndex: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFIndex>, _ lineEndIndex: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFIndex>, _ contentsEndIndex: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFIndex>) |
Modified CFStringGetListOfAvailableEncodings() -> UnsafePointer<CFStringEncoding>
Declaration | |
From | func CFStringGetListOfAvailableEncodings() -> ConstUnsafePointer<CFStringEncoding> |
To | func CFStringGetListOfAvailableEncodings() -> UnsafePointer<CFStringEncoding> |
Modified CFStringGetParagraphBounds(CFString!, CFRange, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFIndex>, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFIndex>, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFIndex>)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CFStringGetParagraphBounds(_ string: CFString!, _ range: CFRange, _ parBeginIndex: UnsafePointer<CFIndex>, _ parEndIndex: UnsafePointer<CFIndex>, _ contentsEndIndex: UnsafePointer<CFIndex>) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CFStringGetParagraphBounds(_ string: CFString!, _ range: CFRange, _ parBeginIndex: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFIndex>, _ parEndIndex: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFIndex>, _ contentsEndIndex: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFIndex>) | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFStringGetSurrogatePairForLongCharacter(UTF32Char, UnsafeMutablePointer<UniChar>) -> Boolean
Declaration | |
From | func CFStringGetSurrogatePairForLongCharacter(_ character: UTF32Char, _ surrogates: UnsafePointer<UniChar>) -> Boolean |
To | func CFStringGetSurrogatePairForLongCharacter(_ character: UTF32Char, _ surrogates: UnsafeMutablePointer<UniChar>) -> Boolean |
Modified CFStringInitInlineBuffer(CFString!, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFStringInlineBuffer>, CFRange)
Declaration | |
From | func CFStringInitInlineBuffer(_ str: CFString!, _ buf: UnsafePointer<CFStringInlineBuffer>, _ range: CFRange) |
To | func CFStringInitInlineBuffer(_ str: CFString!, _ buf: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFStringInlineBuffer>, _ range: CFRange) |
Modified CFStringIsHyphenationAvailableForLocale(CFLocale!) -> Boolean
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified CFStringSetExternalCharactersNoCopy(CFMutableString!, UnsafeMutablePointer<UniChar>, CFIndex, CFIndex)
Declaration | |
From | func CFStringSetExternalCharactersNoCopy(_ theString: CFMutableString!, _ chars: UnsafePointer<UniChar>, _ length: CFIndex, _ capacity: CFIndex) |
To | func CFStringSetExternalCharactersNoCopy(_ theString: CFMutableString!, _ chars: UnsafeMutablePointer<UniChar>, _ length: CFIndex, _ capacity: CFIndex) |
Modified CFStringTokenizerAdvanceToNextToken(CFStringTokenizer!) -> CFStringTokenizerTokenType
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFStringTokenizerCopyBestStringLanguage(CFString!, CFRange) -> CFString!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFStringTokenizerCopyCurrentTokenAttribute(CFStringTokenizer!, CFOptionFlags) -> AnyObject!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFStringTokenizerCreate(CFAllocator!, CFString!, CFRange, CFOptionFlags, CFLocale!) -> CFStringTokenizer!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFStringTokenizerGetCurrentSubTokens(CFStringTokenizer!, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRange>, CFIndex, CFMutableArray!) -> CFIndex
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CFStringTokenizerGetCurrentSubTokens(_ tokenizer: CFStringTokenizer!, _ ranges: UnsafePointer<CFRange>, _ maxRangeLength: CFIndex, _ derivedSubTokens: CFMutableArray!) -> CFIndex | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CFStringTokenizerGetCurrentSubTokens(_ tokenizer: CFStringTokenizer!, _ ranges: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRange>, _ maxRangeLength: CFIndex, _ derivedSubTokens: CFMutableArray!) -> CFIndex | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFStringTokenizerGetCurrentTokenRange(CFStringTokenizer!) -> CFRange
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFStringTokenizerGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFStringTokenizerGoToTokenAtIndex(CFStringTokenizer!, CFIndex) -> CFStringTokenizerTokenType
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFStringTokenizerSetString(CFStringTokenizer!, CFString!, CFRange)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFStringTransform(CFMutableString!, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRange>, CFString!, Boolean) -> Boolean
Declaration | |
From | func CFStringTransform(_ string: CFMutableString!, _ range: UnsafePointer<CFRange>, _ transform: CFString!, _ reverse: Boolean) -> Boolean |
To | func CFStringTransform(_ string: CFMutableString!, _ range: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRange>, _ transform: CFString!, _ reverse: Boolean) -> Boolean |
Modified CFTimeZoneCopyLocalizedName(CFTimeZone!, CFTimeZoneNameStyle, CFLocale!) -> CFString!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFTimeZoneGetDaylightSavingTimeOffset(CFTimeZone!, CFAbsoluteTime) -> CFTimeInterval
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFTimeZoneGetNextDaylightSavingTimeTransition(CFTimeZone!, CFAbsoluteTime) -> CFAbsoluteTime
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFTreeApplierFunction
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFTreeApplierFunction = CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>, UnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | typealias CFTreeApplierFunction = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFTreeApplyFunctionToChildren(CFTree!, CFTreeApplierFunction, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFTreeApplyFunctionToChildren(_ tree: CFTree!, _ applier: CFTreeApplierFunction, _ context: UnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func CFTreeApplyFunctionToChildren(_ tree: CFTree!, _ applier: CFTreeApplierFunction, _ context: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) |
Modified CFTreeCopyDescriptionCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFTreeCopyDescriptionCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> |
To | typealias CFTreeCopyDescriptionCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> |
Modified CFTreeCreate(CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<CFTreeContext>) -> CFTree!
Declaration | |
From | func CFTreeCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ context: ConstUnsafePointer<CFTreeContext>) -> CFTree! |
To | func CFTreeCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ context: UnsafePointer<CFTreeContext>) -> CFTree! |
Modified CFTreeGetChildren(CFTree!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFTree>?>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFTreeGetChildren(_ tree: CFTree!, _ children: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFTree>?>) |
To | func CFTreeGetChildren(_ tree: CFTree!, _ children: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFTree>?>) |
Modified CFTreeGetContext(CFTree!, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFTreeContext>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFTreeGetContext(_ tree: CFTree!, _ context: UnsafePointer<CFTreeContext>) |
To | func CFTreeGetContext(_ tree: CFTree!, _ context: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFTreeContext>) |
Modified CFTreeReleaseCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFTreeReleaseCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | typealias CFTreeReleaseCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFTreeRetainCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFTreeRetainCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> ConstUnsafePointer<()>)> |
To | typealias CFTreeRetainCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)> |
Modified CFTreeSetContext(CFTree!, UnsafePointer<CFTreeContext>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFTreeSetContext(_ tree: CFTree!, _ context: ConstUnsafePointer<CFTreeContext>) |
To | func CFTreeSetContext(_ tree: CFTree!, _ context: UnsafePointer<CFTreeContext>) |
Modified CFTreeSortChildren(CFTree!, CFComparatorFunction, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Declaration | |
From | func CFTreeSortChildren(_ tree: CFTree!, _ comparator: CFComparatorFunction, _ context: UnsafePointer<()>) |
To | func CFTreeSortChildren(_ tree: CFTree!, _ comparator: CFComparatorFunction, _ context: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) |
Modified CFURLClearResourcePropertyCache(CFURL!)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFURLClearResourcePropertyCacheForKey(CFURL!, CFString!)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFURLCopyResourcePropertiesForKeys(CFURL!, CFArray!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Unmanaged<CFDictionary>!
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CFURLCopyResourcePropertiesForKeys(_ url: CFURL!, _ keys: CFArray!, _ error: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Unmanaged<CFDictionary>! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CFURLCopyResourcePropertiesForKeys(_ url: CFURL!, _ keys: CFArray!, _ error: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Unmanaged<CFDictionary>! | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey(CFURL!, CFString!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Boolean
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey(_ url: CFURL!, _ key: CFString!, _ propertyValueTypeRefPtr: UnsafePointer<()>, _ error: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Boolean | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey(_ url: CFURL!, _ key: CFString!, _ propertyValueTypeRefPtr: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, _ error: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Boolean | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFURLCopyStrictPath(CFURL!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Boolean>) -> CFString!
Declaration | |
From | func CFURLCopyStrictPath(_ anURL: CFURL!, _ isAbsolute: UnsafePointer<Boolean>) -> CFString! |
To | func CFURLCopyStrictPath(_ anURL: CFURL!, _ isAbsolute: UnsafeMutablePointer<Boolean>) -> CFString! |
Modified CFURLCreateAbsoluteURLWithBytes(CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<UInt8>, CFIndex, CFStringEncoding, CFURL!, Boolean) -> CFURL!
Declaration | |
From | func CFURLCreateAbsoluteURLWithBytes(_ alloc: CFAllocator!, _ relativeURLBytes: ConstUnsafePointer<UInt8>, _ length: CFIndex, _ encoding: CFStringEncoding, _ baseURL: CFURL!, _ useCompatibilityMode: Boolean) -> CFURL! |
To | func CFURLCreateAbsoluteURLWithBytes(_ alloc: CFAllocator!, _ relativeURLBytes: UnsafePointer<UInt8>, _ length: CFIndex, _ encoding: CFStringEncoding, _ baseURL: CFURL!, _ useCompatibilityMode: Boolean) -> CFURL! |
Modified CFURLCreateBookmarkData(CFAllocator!, CFURL!, CFURLBookmarkCreationOptions, CFArray!, CFURL!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Unmanaged<CFData>!
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CFURLCreateBookmarkData(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ url: CFURL!, _ options: CFURLBookmarkCreationOptions, _ resourcePropertiesToInclude: CFArray!, _ relativeToURL: CFURL!, _ error: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Unmanaged<CFData>! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CFURLCreateBookmarkData(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ url: CFURL!, _ options: CFURLBookmarkCreationOptions, _ resourcePropertiesToInclude: CFArray!, _ relativeToURL: CFURL!, _ error: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Unmanaged<CFData>! | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFURLCreateBookmarkDataFromAliasRecord(CFAllocator!, CFData!) -> Unmanaged<CFData>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFURLCreateBookmarkDataFromFile(CFAllocator!, CFURL!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Unmanaged<CFData>!
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CFURLCreateBookmarkDataFromFile(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ fileURL: CFURL!, _ errorRef: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Unmanaged<CFData>! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CFURLCreateBookmarkDataFromFile(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ fileURL: CFURL!, _ errorRef: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Unmanaged<CFData>! | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFURLCreateByResolvingBookmarkData(CFAllocator!, CFData!, CFURLBookmarkResolutionOptions, CFURL!, CFArray!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Boolean>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Unmanaged<CFURL>!
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CFURLCreateByResolvingBookmarkData(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ bookmark: CFData!, _ options: CFURLBookmarkResolutionOptions, _ relativeToURL: CFURL!, _ resourcePropertiesToInclude: CFArray!, _ isStale: UnsafePointer<Boolean>, _ error: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Unmanaged<CFURL>! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CFURLCreateByResolvingBookmarkData(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ bookmark: CFData!, _ options: CFURLBookmarkResolutionOptions, _ relativeToURL: CFURL!, _ resourcePropertiesToInclude: CFArray!, _ isStale: UnsafeMutablePointer<Boolean>, _ error: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Unmanaged<CFURL>! | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFURLCreateFilePathURL(CFAllocator!, CFURL!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Unmanaged<CFURL>!
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CFURLCreateFilePathURL(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ url: CFURL!, _ error: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Unmanaged<CFURL>! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CFURLCreateFilePathURL(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ url: CFURL!, _ error: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Unmanaged<CFURL>! | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFURLCreateFileReferenceURL(CFAllocator!, CFURL!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Unmanaged<CFURL>!
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CFURLCreateFileReferenceURL(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ url: CFURL!, _ error: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Unmanaged<CFURL>! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CFURLCreateFileReferenceURL(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ url: CFURL!, _ error: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Unmanaged<CFURL>! | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation(CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<UInt8>, CFIndex, Boolean) -> CFURL!
Declaration | |
From | func CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ buffer: ConstUnsafePointer<UInt8>, _ bufLen: CFIndex, _ isDirectory: Boolean) -> CFURL! |
To | func CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ buffer: UnsafePointer<UInt8>, _ bufLen: CFIndex, _ isDirectory: Boolean) -> CFURL! |
Modified CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentationRelativeToBase(CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<UInt8>, CFIndex, Boolean, CFURL!) -> CFURL!
Declaration | |
From | func CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentationRelativeToBase(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ buffer: ConstUnsafePointer<UInt8>, _ bufLen: CFIndex, _ isDirectory: Boolean, _ baseURL: CFURL!) -> CFURL! |
To | func CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentationRelativeToBase(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ buffer: UnsafePointer<UInt8>, _ bufLen: CFIndex, _ isDirectory: Boolean, _ baseURL: CFURL!) -> CFURL! |
Modified CFURLCreateResourcePropertiesForKeysFromBookmarkData(CFAllocator!, CFArray!, CFData!) -> Unmanaged<CFDictionary>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFURLCreateResourcePropertyForKeyFromBookmarkData(CFAllocator!, CFString!, CFData!) -> Unmanaged<AnyObject>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFURLCreateWithBytes(CFAllocator!, UnsafePointer<UInt8>, CFIndex, CFStringEncoding, CFURL!) -> CFURL!
Declaration | |
From | func CFURLCreateWithBytes(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ URLBytes: ConstUnsafePointer<UInt8>, _ length: CFIndex, _ encoding: CFStringEncoding, _ baseURL: CFURL!) -> CFURL! |
To | func CFURLCreateWithBytes(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ URLBytes: UnsafePointer<UInt8>, _ length: CFIndex, _ encoding: CFStringEncoding, _ baseURL: CFURL!) -> CFURL! |
Modified CFURLEnumeratorCreateForDirectoryURL(CFAllocator!, CFURL!, CFURLEnumeratorOptions, CFArray!) -> CFURLEnumerator!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFURLEnumeratorCreateForMountedVolumes(CFAllocator!, CFURLEnumeratorOptions, CFArray!) -> CFURLEnumerator!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFURLEnumeratorGetDescendentLevel(CFURLEnumerator!) -> CFIndex
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFURLEnumeratorGetNextURL(CFURLEnumerator!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFURL>?>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> CFURLEnumeratorResult
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CFURLEnumeratorGetNextURL(_ enumerator: CFURLEnumerator!, _ url: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFURL>?>, _ error: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> CFURLEnumeratorResult | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CFURLEnumeratorGetNextURL(_ enumerator: CFURLEnumerator!, _ url: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFURL>?>, _ error: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> CFURLEnumeratorResult | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFURLEnumeratorGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFURLEnumeratorSkipDescendents(CFURLEnumerator!)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFURLGetByteRangeForComponent(CFURL!, CFURLComponentType, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRange>) -> CFRange
Declaration | |
From | func CFURLGetByteRangeForComponent(_ url: CFURL!, _ component: CFURLComponentType, _ rangeIncludingSeparators: UnsafePointer<CFRange>) -> CFRange |
To | func CFURLGetByteRangeForComponent(_ url: CFURL!, _ component: CFURLComponentType, _ rangeIncludingSeparators: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRange>) -> CFRange |
Modified CFURLGetBytes(CFURL!, UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>, CFIndex) -> CFIndex
Declaration | |
From | func CFURLGetBytes(_ url: CFURL!, _ buffer: UnsafePointer<UInt8>, _ bufferLength: CFIndex) -> CFIndex |
To | func CFURLGetBytes(_ url: CFURL!, _ buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>, _ bufferLength: CFIndex) -> CFIndex |
Modified CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation(CFURL!, Boolean, UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>, CFIndex) -> Boolean
Declaration | |
From | func CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation(_ url: CFURL!, _ resolveAgainstBase: Boolean, _ buffer: UnsafePointer<UInt8>, _ maxBufLen: CFIndex) -> Boolean |
To | func CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation(_ url: CFURL!, _ resolveAgainstBase: Boolean, _ buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>, _ maxBufLen: CFIndex) -> Boolean |
Modified CFURLIsFileReferenceURL(CFURL!) -> Boolean
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified CFURLResourceIsReachable(CFURL!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Boolean
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CFURLResourceIsReachable(_ url: CFURL!, _ error: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Boolean | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CFURLResourceIsReachable(_ url: CFURL!, _ error: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Boolean | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFURLSetResourcePropertiesForKeys(CFURL!, CFDictionary!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Boolean
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CFURLSetResourcePropertiesForKeys(_ url: CFURL!, _ keyedPropertyValues: CFDictionary!, _ error: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Boolean | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CFURLSetResourcePropertiesForKeys(_ url: CFURL!, _ keyedPropertyValues: CFDictionary!, _ error: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Boolean | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFURLSetResourcePropertyForKey(CFURL!, CFString!, AnyObject!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Boolean
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CFURLSetResourcePropertyForKey(_ url: CFURL!, _ key: CFString!, _ propertyValue: AnyObject!, _ error: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Boolean | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CFURLSetResourcePropertyForKey(_ url: CFURL!, _ key: CFString!, _ propertyValue: AnyObject!, _ error: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Boolean | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFURLSetTemporaryResourcePropertyForKey(CFURL!, CFString!, AnyObject!)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFURLStartAccessingSecurityScopedResource(CFURL!) -> Boolean
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified CFURLStopAccessingSecurityScopedResource(CFURL!)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified CFURLWriteBookmarkDataToFile(CFData!, CFURL!, CFURLBookmarkFileCreationOptions, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Boolean
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CFURLWriteBookmarkDataToFile(_ bookmarkRef: CFData!, _ fileURL: CFURL!, _ options: CFURLBookmarkFileCreationOptions, _ errorRef: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Boolean | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CFURLWriteBookmarkDataToFile(_ bookmarkRef: CFData!, _ fileURL: CFURL!, _ options: CFURLBookmarkFileCreationOptions, _ errorRef: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Boolean | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CFUserNotificationCreate(CFAllocator!, CFTimeInterval, CFOptionFlags, UnsafeMutablePointer<Int32>, CFDictionary!) -> CFUserNotification!
Declaration | |
From | func CFUserNotificationCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ timeout: CFTimeInterval, _ flags: CFOptionFlags, _ error: UnsafePointer<Int32>, _ dictionary: CFDictionary!) -> CFUserNotification! |
To | func CFUserNotificationCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ timeout: CFTimeInterval, _ flags: CFOptionFlags, _ error: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int32>, _ dictionary: CFDictionary!) -> CFUserNotification! |
Modified CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert(CFTimeInterval, CFOptionFlags, CFURL!, CFURL!, CFURL!, CFString!, CFString!, CFString!, CFString!, CFString!, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFOptionFlags>) -> Int32
Declaration | |
From | func CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert(_ timeout: CFTimeInterval, _ flags: CFOptionFlags, _ iconURL: CFURL!, _ soundURL: CFURL!, _ localizationURL: CFURL!, _ alertHeader: CFString!, _ alertMessage: CFString!, _ defaultButtonTitle: CFString!, _ alternateButtonTitle: CFString!, _ otherButtonTitle: CFString!, _ responseFlags: UnsafePointer<CFOptionFlags>) -> Int32 |
To | func CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert(_ timeout: CFTimeInterval, _ flags: CFOptionFlags, _ iconURL: CFURL!, _ soundURL: CFURL!, _ localizationURL: CFURL!, _ alertHeader: CFString!, _ alertMessage: CFString!, _ defaultButtonTitle: CFString!, _ alternateButtonTitle: CFString!, _ otherButtonTitle: CFString!, _ responseFlags: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFOptionFlags>) -> Int32 |
Modified CFUserNotificationReceiveResponse(CFUserNotification!, CFTimeInterval, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFOptionFlags>) -> Int32
Declaration | |
From | func CFUserNotificationReceiveResponse(_ userNotification: CFUserNotification!, _ timeout: CFTimeInterval, _ responseFlags: UnsafePointer<CFOptionFlags>) -> Int32 |
To | func CFUserNotificationReceiveResponse(_ userNotification: CFUserNotification!, _ timeout: CFTimeInterval, _ responseFlags: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFOptionFlags>) -> Int32 |
Modified CFWriteStreamClientCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFWriteStreamClientCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFWriteStream!, CFStreamEventType, UnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | typealias CFWriteStreamClientCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFWriteStream!, CFStreamEventType, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFWriteStreamCopyDispatchQueue(CFWriteStream!) -> dispatch_queue_t!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified CFWriteStreamCopyError(CFWriteStream!) -> CFError!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified CFWriteStreamCreateWithBuffer(CFAllocator!, UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>, CFIndex) -> CFWriteStream!
Declaration | |
From | func CFWriteStreamCreateWithBuffer(_ alloc: CFAllocator!, _ buffer: UnsafePointer<UInt8>, _ bufferCapacity: CFIndex) -> CFWriteStream! |
To | func CFWriteStreamCreateWithBuffer(_ alloc: CFAllocator!, _ buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>, _ bufferCapacity: CFIndex) -> CFWriteStream! |
Modified CFWriteStreamSetClient(CFWriteStream!, CFOptionFlags, CFWriteStreamClientCallBack, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFStreamClientContext>) -> Boolean
Declaration | |
From | func CFWriteStreamSetClient(_ stream: CFWriteStream!, _ streamEvents: CFOptionFlags, _ clientCB: CFWriteStreamClientCallBack, _ clientContext: UnsafePointer<CFStreamClientContext>) -> Boolean |
To | func CFWriteStreamSetClient(_ stream: CFWriteStream!, _ streamEvents: CFOptionFlags, _ clientCB: CFWriteStreamClientCallBack, _ clientContext: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFStreamClientContext>) -> Boolean |
Modified CFWriteStreamSetDispatchQueue(CFWriteStream!, dispatch_queue_t!)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified CFWriteStreamWrite(CFWriteStream!, UnsafePointer<UInt8>, CFIndex) -> CFIndex
Declaration | |
From | func CFWriteStreamWrite(_ stream: CFWriteStream!, _ buffer: ConstUnsafePointer<UInt8>, _ bufferLength: CFIndex) -> CFIndex |
To | func CFWriteStreamWrite(_ stream: CFWriteStream!, _ buffer: UnsafePointer<UInt8>, _ bufferLength: CFIndex) -> CFIndex |
Modified CFXMLParserAddChildCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFXMLParserAddChildCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFXMLParser!, UnsafePointer<()>, UnsafePointer<()>, UnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | typealias CFXMLParserAddChildCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFXMLParser!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFXMLParserCopyDescriptionCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFXMLParserCopyDescriptionCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> |
To | typealias CFXMLParserCopyDescriptionCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!)> |
Modified CFXMLParserCreateXMLStructureCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFXMLParserCreateXMLStructureCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFXMLParser!, CFXMLNode!, UnsafePointer<()>) -> UnsafePointer<()>)> |
To | typealias CFXMLParserCreateXMLStructureCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFXMLParser!, CFXMLNode!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)> |
Modified CFXMLParserEndXMLStructureCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFXMLParserEndXMLStructureCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFXMLParser!, UnsafePointer<()>, UnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | typealias CFXMLParserEndXMLStructureCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFXMLParser!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFXMLParserHandleErrorCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFXMLParserHandleErrorCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFXMLParser!, CFXMLParserStatusCode, UnsafePointer<()>) -> Boolean)> |
To | typealias CFXMLParserHandleErrorCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFXMLParser!, CFXMLParserStatusCode, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Boolean)> |
Modified CFXMLParserReleaseCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFXMLParserReleaseCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | typealias CFXMLParserReleaseCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CFXMLParserResolveExternalEntityCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFXMLParserResolveExternalEntityCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFXMLParser!, UnsafePointer<CFXMLExternalID>, UnsafePointer<()>) -> Unmanaged<CFData>!)> |
To | typealias CFXMLParserResolveExternalEntityCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CFXMLParser!, UnsafeMutablePointer<CFXMLExternalID>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CFData>!)> |
Modified CFXMLParserRetainCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CFXMLParserRetainCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> ConstUnsafePointer<()>)> |
To | typealias CFXMLParserRetainCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)> |
Modified kCFDateFormatterDoesRelativeDateFormattingKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFDateFormatterGregorianStartDate
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCFDateFormatterLongEraSymbols
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCFDateFormatterQuarterSymbols
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCFDateFormatterShortQuarterSymbols
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCFDateFormatterShortStandaloneMonthSymbols
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCFDateFormatterShortStandaloneQuarterSymbols
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCFDateFormatterShortStandaloneWeekdaySymbols
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCFDateFormatterStandaloneMonthSymbols
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCFDateFormatterStandaloneQuarterSymbols
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCFDateFormatterStandaloneWeekdaySymbols
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCFDateFormatterVeryShortMonthSymbols
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCFDateFormatterVeryShortStandaloneMonthSymbols
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCFDateFormatterVeryShortStandaloneWeekdaySymbols
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCFDateFormatterVeryShortWeekdaySymbols
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCFErrorDescriptionKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCFErrorDomainCocoa
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCFErrorDomainMach
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCFErrorDomainOSStatus
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCFErrorDomainPOSIX
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCFErrorFilePathKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFErrorLocalizedDescriptionKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCFErrorLocalizedFailureReasonKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCFErrorLocalizedRecoverySuggestionKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCFErrorURLKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFErrorUnderlyingErrorKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCFISO8601Calendar
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFIndianCalendar
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFLocaleAlternateQuotationBeginDelimiterKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFLocaleAlternateQuotationEndDelimiterKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFLocaleCollatorIdentifier
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFLocaleCurrentLocaleDidChangeNotification
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCFLocaleQuotationBeginDelimiterKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFLocaleQuotationEndDelimiterKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFNumberFormatterCurrencyGroupingSeparator
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCFNumberFormatterIsLenient
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCFNumberFormatterMaxSignificantDigits
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCFNumberFormatterMinSignificantDigits
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCFNumberFormatterUseSignificantDigits
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCFPersianCalendar
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFRepublicOfChinaCalendar
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFSocketLeaveErrors
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCFStringTransformStripDiacritics
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCFTimeZoneSystemTimeZoneDidChangeNotification
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCFURLAttributeModificationDateKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLContentAccessDateKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLContentModificationDateKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLCreationDateKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLCustomIconKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLEffectiveIconKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLFileAllocatedSizeKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLFileResourceIdentifierKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLFileResourceTypeBlockSpecial
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLFileResourceTypeCharacterSpecial
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLFileResourceTypeDirectory
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLFileResourceTypeKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLFileResourceTypeNamedPipe
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLFileResourceTypeRegular
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLFileResourceTypeSocket
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLFileResourceTypeSymbolicLink
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLFileResourceTypeUnknown
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLFileSecurityKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLFileSizeKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLHasHiddenExtensionKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLIsAliasFileKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLIsDirectoryKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLIsExcludedFromBackupKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified kCFURLIsExecutableKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLIsHiddenKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLIsMountTriggerKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLIsPackageKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLIsReadableKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLIsRegularFileKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLIsSymbolicLinkKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLIsSystemImmutableKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLIsUbiquitousItemKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLIsUserImmutableKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLIsVolumeKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLIsWritableKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLKeysOfUnsetValuesKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLLabelColorKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLLabelNumberKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLLinkCountKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLLocalizedLabelKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLLocalizedNameKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLLocalizedTypeDescriptionKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLNameKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLParentDirectoryURLKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLPathKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified kCFURLPreferredIOBlockSizeKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLTagNamesKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified kCFURLTotalFileAllocatedSizeKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLTotalFileSizeKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLTypeIdentifierKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLUbiquitousItemDownloadingErrorKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified kCFURLUbiquitousItemDownloadingStatusCurrent
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified kCFURLUbiquitousItemDownloadingStatusDownloaded
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified kCFURLUbiquitousItemDownloadingStatusKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified kCFURLUbiquitousItemDownloadingStatusNotDownloaded
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified kCFURLUbiquitousItemHasUnresolvedConflictsKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLUbiquitousItemIsDownloadingKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLUbiquitousItemIsUploadedKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLUbiquitousItemIsUploadingKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLUbiquitousItemUploadingErrorKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.9 |
Modified kCFURLVolumeAvailableCapacityKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLVolumeCreationDateKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLVolumeIdentifierKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLVolumeIsAutomountedKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLVolumeIsBrowsableKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLVolumeIsEjectableKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLVolumeIsInternalKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLVolumeIsJournalingKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLVolumeIsLocalKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLVolumeIsReadOnlyKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLVolumeIsRemovableKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLVolumeLocalizedFormatDescriptionKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLVolumeLocalizedNameKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLVolumeMaximumFileSizeKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLVolumeNameKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLVolumeResourceCountKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLVolumeSupportsAdvisoryFileLockingKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLVolumeSupportsCasePreservedNamesKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLVolumeSupportsCaseSensitiveNamesKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLVolumeSupportsExtendedSecurityKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLVolumeSupportsHardLinksKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLVolumeSupportsJournalingKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLVolumeSupportsPersistentIDsKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLVolumeSupportsRenamingKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLVolumeSupportsRootDirectoryDatesKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLVolumeSupportsSparseFilesKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLVolumeSupportsSymbolicLinksKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLVolumeSupportsVolumeSizesKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLVolumeSupportsZeroRunsKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLVolumeTotalCapacityKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLVolumeURLForRemountingKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFURLVolumeURLKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCFURLVolumeUUIDStringKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCFUserNotificationPopUpSelectionKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.3 |