CoreVideo Changes
Added CVFillExtendedPixelsCallBackData.init()
Added CVFillExtendedPixelsCallBackData.init(version: CFIndex, fillCallBack: CVFillExtendedPixelsCallBack, refCon: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Added CVPlanarComponentInfo.init()
Added CVPlanarComponentInfo.init(offset: Int32, rowBytes: UInt32)
Added CVPlanarPixelBufferInfo.init()
Added CVPlanarPixelBufferInfo.init(componentInfo: (CVPlanarComponentInfo))
Added CVPlanarPixelBufferInfo_YCbCrBiPlanar.init()
Added CVPlanarPixelBufferInfo_YCbCrBiPlanar.init(componentInfoY: CVPlanarComponentInfo, componentInfoCbCr: CVPlanarComponentInfo)
Added CVPlanarPixelBufferInfo_YCbCrPlanar.init()
Added CVPlanarPixelBufferInfo_YCbCrPlanar.init(componentInfoY: CVPlanarComponentInfo, componentInfoCb: CVPlanarComponentInfo, componentInfoCr: CVPlanarComponentInfo)
Added CVSMPTETime.init()
Added CVSMPTETime.init(subframes: Int16, subframeDivisor: Int16, counter: UInt32, type: UInt32, flags: UInt32, hours: Int16, minutes: Int16, seconds: Int16, frames: Int16)
Added CVTime.init()
Added CVTime.init(timeValue: Int64, timeScale: Int32, flags: Int32)
Added CVTimeStamp.init()
Added CVTimeStamp.init(version: UInt32, videoTimeScale: Int32, videoTime: Int64, hostTime: UInt64, rateScalar: Double, videoRefreshPeriod: Int64, smpteTime: CVSMPTETime, flags: UInt64, reserved: UInt64)
Modified CVFillExtendedPixelsCallBackData [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CVFillExtendedPixelsCallBackData { var version: CFIndex var fillCallBack: CVFillExtendedPixelsCallBack var refCon: UnsafePointer<()> } |
To | struct CVFillExtendedPixelsCallBackData { var version: CFIndex var fillCallBack: CVFillExtendedPixelsCallBack var refCon: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> init() init(version version: CFIndex, fillCallBack fillCallBack: CVFillExtendedPixelsCallBack, refCon refCon: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) } |
Modified CVFillExtendedPixelsCallBackData.refCon
Declaration | |
From | var refCon: UnsafePointer<()> |
To | var refCon: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> |
Modified CVPlanarComponentInfo [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CVPlanarComponentInfo { var offset: Int32 var rowBytes: UInt32 } |
To | struct CVPlanarComponentInfo { var offset: Int32 var rowBytes: UInt32 init() init(offset offset: Int32, rowBytes rowBytes: UInt32) } |
Modified CVPlanarPixelBufferInfo [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CVPlanarPixelBufferInfo { var componentInfo: (CVPlanarComponentInfo) } |
To | struct CVPlanarPixelBufferInfo { var componentInfo: (CVPlanarComponentInfo) init() init(componentInfo componentInfo: (CVPlanarComponentInfo)) } |
Modified CVPlanarPixelBufferInfo_YCbCrBiPlanar [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CVPlanarPixelBufferInfo_YCbCrBiPlanar { var componentInfoY: CVPlanarComponentInfo var componentInfoCbCr: CVPlanarComponentInfo } |
To | struct CVPlanarPixelBufferInfo_YCbCrBiPlanar { var componentInfoY: CVPlanarComponentInfo var componentInfoCbCr: CVPlanarComponentInfo init() init(componentInfoY componentInfoY: CVPlanarComponentInfo, componentInfoCbCr componentInfoCbCr: CVPlanarComponentInfo) } |
Modified CVPlanarPixelBufferInfo_YCbCrPlanar [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CVPlanarPixelBufferInfo_YCbCrPlanar { var componentInfoY: CVPlanarComponentInfo var componentInfoCb: CVPlanarComponentInfo var componentInfoCr: CVPlanarComponentInfo } |
To | struct CVPlanarPixelBufferInfo_YCbCrPlanar { var componentInfoY: CVPlanarComponentInfo var componentInfoCb: CVPlanarComponentInfo var componentInfoCr: CVPlanarComponentInfo init() init(componentInfoY componentInfoY: CVPlanarComponentInfo, componentInfoCb componentInfoCb: CVPlanarComponentInfo, componentInfoCr componentInfoCr: CVPlanarComponentInfo) } |
Modified CVSMPTETime [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CVSMPTETime { var subframes: Int16 var subframeDivisor: Int16 var counter: UInt32 var type: UInt32 var flags: UInt32 var hours: Int16 var minutes: Int16 var seconds: Int16 var frames: Int16 } |
To | struct CVSMPTETime { var subframes: Int16 var subframeDivisor: Int16 var counter: UInt32 var type: UInt32 var flags: UInt32 var hours: Int16 var minutes: Int16 var seconds: Int16 var frames: Int16 init() init(subframes subframes: Int16, subframeDivisor subframeDivisor: Int16, counter counter: UInt32, type type: UInt32, flags flags: UInt32, hours hours: Int16, minutes minutes: Int16, seconds seconds: Int16, frames frames: Int16) } |
Modified CVTime [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CVTime { var timeValue: Int64 var timeScale: Int32 var flags: Int32 } |
To | struct CVTime { var timeValue: Int64 var timeScale: Int32 var flags: Int32 init() init(timeValue timeValue: Int64, timeScale timeScale: Int32, flags flags: Int32) } |
Modified CVTimeStamp [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CVTimeStamp { var version: UInt32 var videoTimeScale: Int32 var videoTime: Int64 var hostTime: UInt64 var rateScalar: Double var videoRefreshPeriod: Int64 var smpteTime: CVSMPTETime var flags: UInt64 var reserved: UInt64 } |
To | struct CVTimeStamp { var version: UInt32 var videoTimeScale: Int32 var videoTime: Int64 var hostTime: UInt64 var rateScalar: Double var videoRefreshPeriod: Int64 var smpteTime: CVSMPTETime var flags: UInt64 var reserved: UInt64 init() init(version version: UInt32, videoTimeScale videoTimeScale: Int32, videoTime videoTime: Int64, hostTime hostTime: UInt64, rateScalar rateScalar: Double, videoRefreshPeriod videoRefreshPeriod: Int64, smpteTime smpteTime: CVSMPTETime, flags flags: UInt64, reserved reserved: UInt64) } |
Modified CVBufferGetAttachment(CVBuffer!, CFString!, UnsafeMutablePointer<CVAttachmentMode>) -> Unmanaged<AnyObject>!
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CVBufferGetAttachment(_ buffer: CVBuffer!, _ key: CFString!, _ attachmentMode: UnsafePointer<CVAttachmentMode>) -> Unmanaged<AnyObject>! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CVBufferGetAttachment(_ buffer: CVBuffer!, _ key: CFString!, _ attachmentMode: UnsafeMutablePointer<CVAttachmentMode>) -> Unmanaged<AnyObject>! | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVBufferGetAttachments(CVBuffer!, CVAttachmentMode) -> Unmanaged<CFDictionary>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVBufferPropagateAttachments(CVBuffer!, CVBuffer!)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVBufferRemoveAllAttachments(CVBuffer!)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVBufferRemoveAttachment(CVBuffer!, CFString!)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVBufferSetAttachment(CVBuffer!, CFString!, AnyObject!, CVAttachmentMode)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVBufferSetAttachments(CVBuffer!, CFDictionary!, CVAttachmentMode)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVDisplayLinkCreateWithActiveCGDisplays(UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CVDisplayLink>?>) -> CVReturn
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CVDisplayLinkCreateWithActiveCGDisplays(_ displayLinkOut: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CVDisplayLink>?>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CVDisplayLinkCreateWithActiveCGDisplays(_ displayLinkOut: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CVDisplayLink>?>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVDisplayLinkCreateWithCGDisplay(CGDirectDisplayID, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CVDisplayLink>?>) -> CVReturn
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CVDisplayLinkCreateWithCGDisplay(_ displayID: CGDirectDisplayID, _ displayLinkOut: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CVDisplayLink>?>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CVDisplayLinkCreateWithCGDisplay(_ displayID: CGDirectDisplayID, _ displayLinkOut: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CVDisplayLink>?>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVDisplayLinkCreateWithCGDisplays(UnsafeMutablePointer<CGDirectDisplayID>, CFIndex, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CVDisplayLink>?>) -> CVReturn
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CVDisplayLinkCreateWithCGDisplays(_ displayArray: UnsafePointer<CGDirectDisplayID>, _ count: CFIndex, _ displayLinkOut: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CVDisplayLink>?>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CVDisplayLinkCreateWithCGDisplays(_ displayArray: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGDirectDisplayID>, _ count: CFIndex, _ displayLinkOut: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CVDisplayLink>?>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVDisplayLinkCreateWithOpenGLDisplayMask(CGOpenGLDisplayMask, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CVDisplayLink>?>) -> CVReturn
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CVDisplayLinkCreateWithOpenGLDisplayMask(_ mask: CGOpenGLDisplayMask, _ displayLinkOut: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CVDisplayLink>?>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CVDisplayLinkCreateWithOpenGLDisplayMask(_ mask: CGOpenGLDisplayMask, _ displayLinkOut: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CVDisplayLink>?>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVDisplayLinkGetActualOutputVideoRefreshPeriod(CVDisplayLink!) -> Double
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVDisplayLinkGetCurrentCGDisplay(CVDisplayLink!) -> CGDirectDisplayID
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVDisplayLinkGetCurrentTime(CVDisplayLink!, UnsafeMutablePointer<CVTimeStamp>) -> CVReturn
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CVDisplayLinkGetCurrentTime(_ displayLink: CVDisplayLink!, _ outTime: UnsafePointer<CVTimeStamp>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CVDisplayLinkGetCurrentTime(_ displayLink: CVDisplayLink!, _ outTime: UnsafeMutablePointer<CVTimeStamp>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVDisplayLinkGetNominalOutputVideoRefreshPeriod(CVDisplayLink!) -> CVTime
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVDisplayLinkGetOutputVideoLatency(CVDisplayLink!) -> CVTime
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVDisplayLinkGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVDisplayLinkIsRunning(CVDisplayLink!) -> Boolean
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVDisplayLinkOutputCallback
Declaration | |
From | typealias CVDisplayLinkOutputCallback = CFunctionPointer<((CVDisplayLink!, ConstUnsafePointer<CVTimeStamp>, ConstUnsafePointer<CVTimeStamp>, CVOptionFlags, UnsafePointer<CVOptionFlags>, UnsafePointer<()>) -> CVReturn)> |
To | typealias CVDisplayLinkOutputCallback = CFunctionPointer<((CVDisplayLink!, UnsafePointer<CVTimeStamp>, UnsafePointer<CVTimeStamp>, CVOptionFlags, UnsafeMutablePointer<CVOptionFlags>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> CVReturn)> |
Modified CVDisplayLinkSetCurrentCGDisplay(CVDisplayLink!, CGDirectDisplayID) -> CVReturn
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVDisplayLinkSetCurrentCGDisplayFromOpenGLContext(CVDisplayLink!, CGLContextObj, CGLPixelFormatObj) -> CVReturn
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVDisplayLinkSetOutputCallback(CVDisplayLink!, CVDisplayLinkOutputCallback, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> CVReturn
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CVDisplayLinkSetOutputCallback(_ displayLink: CVDisplayLink!, _ callback: CVDisplayLinkOutputCallback, _ userInfo: UnsafePointer<()>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CVDisplayLinkSetOutputCallback(_ displayLink: CVDisplayLink!, _ callback: CVDisplayLinkOutputCallback, _ userInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVDisplayLinkStart(CVDisplayLink!) -> CVReturn
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVDisplayLinkStop(CVDisplayLink!) -> CVReturn
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVDisplayLinkTranslateTime(CVDisplayLink!, UnsafePointer<CVTimeStamp>, UnsafeMutablePointer<CVTimeStamp>) -> CVReturn
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CVDisplayLinkTranslateTime(_ displayLink: CVDisplayLink!, _ inTime: ConstUnsafePointer<CVTimeStamp>, _ outTime: UnsafePointer<CVTimeStamp>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CVDisplayLinkTranslateTime(_ displayLink: CVDisplayLink!, _ inTime: UnsafePointer<CVTimeStamp>, _ outTime: UnsafeMutablePointer<CVTimeStamp>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVFillExtendedPixelsCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CVFillExtendedPixelsCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CVPixelBuffer!, UnsafePointer<()>) -> Boolean)> |
To | typealias CVFillExtendedPixelsCallBack = CFunctionPointer<((CVPixelBuffer!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Boolean)> |
Modified CVGetCurrentHostTime() -> UInt64
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVGetHostClockFrequency() -> Double
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVGetHostClockMinimumTimeDelta() -> UInt32
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVImageBufferCreateColorSpaceFromAttachments(CFDictionary!) -> Unmanaged<CGColorSpace>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified CVImageBufferGetCleanRect(CVImageBuffer!) -> CGRect
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVImageBufferGetColorSpace(CVImageBuffer!) -> Unmanaged<CGColorSpace>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVImageBufferGetDisplaySize(CVImageBuffer!) -> CGSize
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVImageBufferGetEncodedSize(CVImageBuffer!) -> CGSize
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVImageBufferIsFlipped(CVImageBuffer!) -> Boolean
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVOpenGLBufferAttach(CVOpenGLBuffer!, CGLContextObj, GLenum, GLint, GLint) -> CVReturn
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVOpenGLBufferCreate(CFAllocator!, Int, Int, CFDictionary!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CVOpenGLBuffer>?>) -> CVReturn
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CVOpenGLBufferCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ width: UInt, _ height: UInt, _ attributes: CFDictionary!, _ bufferOut: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CVOpenGLBuffer>?>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CVOpenGLBufferCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ width: Int, _ height: Int, _ attributes: CFDictionary!, _ bufferOut: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CVOpenGLBuffer>?>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVOpenGLBufferGetAttributes(CVOpenGLBuffer!) -> Unmanaged<CFDictionary>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVOpenGLBufferGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVOpenGLBufferPoolCreate(CFAllocator!, CFDictionary!, CFDictionary!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CVOpenGLBufferPool>?>) -> CVReturn
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CVOpenGLBufferPoolCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ poolAttributes: CFDictionary!, _ openGLBufferAttributes: CFDictionary!, _ poolOut: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CVOpenGLBufferPool>?>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CVOpenGLBufferPoolCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ poolAttributes: CFDictionary!, _ openGLBufferAttributes: CFDictionary!, _ poolOut: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CVOpenGLBufferPool>?>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVOpenGLBufferPoolCreateOpenGLBuffer(CFAllocator!, CVOpenGLBufferPool!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CVOpenGLBuffer>?>) -> CVReturn
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CVOpenGLBufferPoolCreateOpenGLBuffer(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ openGLBufferPool: CVOpenGLBufferPool!, _ openGLBufferOut: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CVOpenGLBuffer>?>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CVOpenGLBufferPoolCreateOpenGLBuffer(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ openGLBufferPool: CVOpenGLBufferPool!, _ openGLBufferOut: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CVOpenGLBuffer>?>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVOpenGLBufferPoolGetAttributes(CVOpenGLBufferPool!) -> Unmanaged<CFDictionary>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVOpenGLBufferPoolGetOpenGLBufferAttributes(CVOpenGLBufferPool!) -> Unmanaged<CFDictionary>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVOpenGLBufferPoolGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVOpenGLTextureCacheCreate(CFAllocator!, CFDictionary!, CGLContextObj, CGLPixelFormatObj, CFDictionary!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CVOpenGLTextureCache>?>) -> CVReturn
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CVOpenGLTextureCacheCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ cacheAttributes: CFDictionary!, _ cglContext: CGLContextObj, _ cglPixelFormat: CGLPixelFormatObj, _ textureAttributes: CFDictionary!, _ cacheOut: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CVOpenGLTextureCache>?>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CVOpenGLTextureCacheCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ cacheAttributes: CFDictionary!, _ cglContext: CGLContextObj, _ cglPixelFormat: CGLPixelFormatObj, _ textureAttributes: CFDictionary!, _ cacheOut: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CVOpenGLTextureCache>?>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVOpenGLTextureCacheCreateTextureFromImage(CFAllocator!, CVOpenGLTextureCache!, CVImageBuffer!, CFDictionary!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CVOpenGLTexture>?>) -> CVReturn
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CVOpenGLTextureCacheCreateTextureFromImage(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ textureCache: CVOpenGLTextureCache!, _ sourceImage: CVImageBuffer!, _ attributes: CFDictionary!, _ textureOut: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CVOpenGLTexture>?>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CVOpenGLTextureCacheCreateTextureFromImage(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ textureCache: CVOpenGLTextureCache!, _ sourceImage: CVImageBuffer!, _ attributes: CFDictionary!, _ textureOut: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CVOpenGLTexture>?>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVOpenGLTextureCacheFlush(CVOpenGLTextureCache!, CVOptionFlags)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVOpenGLTextureCacheGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVOpenGLTextureGetCleanTexCoords(CVOpenGLTexture!, UnsafeMutablePointer<GLfloat>, UnsafeMutablePointer<GLfloat>, UnsafeMutablePointer<GLfloat>, UnsafeMutablePointer<GLfloat>)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CVOpenGLTextureGetCleanTexCoords(_ image: CVOpenGLTexture!, _ lowerLeft: UnsafePointer<GLfloat>, _ lowerRight: UnsafePointer<GLfloat>, _ upperRight: UnsafePointer<GLfloat>, _ upperLeft: UnsafePointer<GLfloat>) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CVOpenGLTextureGetCleanTexCoords(_ image: CVOpenGLTexture!, _ lowerLeft: UnsafeMutablePointer<GLfloat>, _ lowerRight: UnsafeMutablePointer<GLfloat>, _ upperRight: UnsafeMutablePointer<GLfloat>, _ upperLeft: UnsafeMutablePointer<GLfloat>) | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVOpenGLTextureGetName(CVOpenGLTexture!) -> GLuint
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVOpenGLTextureGetTarget(CVOpenGLTexture!) -> GLenum
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVOpenGLTextureGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVOpenGLTextureIsFlipped(CVOpenGLTexture!) -> Boolean
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVPixelBufferCreate(CFAllocator!, Int, Int, OSType, CFDictionary!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CVPixelBuffer>?>) -> CVReturn
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CVPixelBufferCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ width: UInt, _ height: UInt, _ pixelFormatType: OSType, _ pixelBufferAttributes: CFDictionary!, _ pixelBufferOut: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CVPixelBuffer>?>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CVPixelBufferCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ width: Int, _ height: Int, _ pixelFormatType: OSType, _ pixelBufferAttributes: CFDictionary!, _ pixelBufferOut: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CVPixelBuffer>?>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVPixelBufferCreateResolvedAttributesDictionary(CFAllocator!, CFArray!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFDictionary>?>) -> CVReturn
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CVPixelBufferCreateResolvedAttributesDictionary(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ attributes: CFArray!, _ resolvedDictionaryOut: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CFDictionary>?>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CVPixelBufferCreateResolvedAttributesDictionary(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ attributes: CFArray!, _ resolvedDictionaryOut: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFDictionary>?>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVPixelBufferCreateWithBytes(CFAllocator!, Int, Int, OSType, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, Int, CVPixelBufferReleaseBytesCallback, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, CFDictionary!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CVPixelBuffer>?>) -> CVReturn
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CVPixelBufferCreateWithBytes(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ width: UInt, _ height: UInt, _ pixelFormatType: OSType, _ baseAddress: UnsafePointer<()>, _ bytesPerRow: UInt, _ releaseCallback: CVPixelBufferReleaseBytesCallback, _ releaseRefCon: UnsafePointer<()>, _ pixelBufferAttributes: CFDictionary!, _ pixelBufferOut: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CVPixelBuffer>?>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CVPixelBufferCreateWithBytes(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ width: Int, _ height: Int, _ pixelFormatType: OSType, _ baseAddress: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, _ bytesPerRow: Int, _ releaseCallback: CVPixelBufferReleaseBytesCallback, _ releaseRefCon: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, _ pixelBufferAttributes: CFDictionary!, _ pixelBufferOut: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CVPixelBuffer>?>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVPixelBufferCreateWithIOSurface(CFAllocator!, IOSurface!, CFDictionary!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CVPixelBuffer>?>) -> CVReturn
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CVPixelBufferCreateWithIOSurface(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ surface: IOSurface!, _ pixelBufferAttributes: CFDictionary!, _ pixelBufferOut: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CVPixelBuffer>?>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CVPixelBufferCreateWithIOSurface(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ surface: IOSurface!, _ pixelBufferAttributes: CFDictionary!, _ pixelBufferOut: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CVPixelBuffer>?>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CVPixelBufferCreateWithPlanarBytes(CFAllocator!, Int, Int, OSType, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, Int, Int, UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, CVPixelBufferReleasePlanarBytesCallback, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, CFDictionary!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CVPixelBuffer>?>) -> CVReturn
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CVPixelBufferCreateWithPlanarBytes(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ width: UInt, _ height: UInt, _ pixelFormatType: OSType, _ dataPtr: UnsafePointer<()>, _ dataSize: UInt, _ numberOfPlanes: UInt, _ planeBaseAddress: UnsafePointer<UnsafePointer<()>>, _ planeWidth: UnsafePointer<UInt>, _ planeHeight: UnsafePointer<UInt>, _ planeBytesPerRow: UnsafePointer<UInt>, _ releaseCallback: CVPixelBufferReleasePlanarBytesCallback, _ releaseRefCon: UnsafePointer<()>, _ pixelBufferAttributes: CFDictionary!, _ pixelBufferOut: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CVPixelBuffer>?>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CVPixelBufferCreateWithPlanarBytes(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ width: Int, _ height: Int, _ pixelFormatType: OSType, _ dataPtr: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, _ dataSize: Int, _ numberOfPlanes: Int, _ planeBaseAddress: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>>, _ planeWidth: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, _ planeHeight: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, _ planeBytesPerRow: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, _ releaseCallback: CVPixelBufferReleasePlanarBytesCallback, _ releaseRefCon: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, _ pixelBufferAttributes: CFDictionary!, _ pixelBufferOut: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CVPixelBuffer>?>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVPixelBufferFillExtendedPixels(CVPixelBuffer!) -> CVReturn
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress(CVPixelBuffer!) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress(_ pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer!) -> UnsafePointer<()> | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress(_ pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer!) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddressOfPlane(CVPixelBuffer!, Int) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddressOfPlane(_ pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer!, _ planeIndex: UInt) -> UnsafePointer<()> | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddressOfPlane(_ pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer!, _ planeIndex: Int) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVPixelBufferGetBytesPerRow(CVPixelBuffer!) -> Int
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CVPixelBufferGetBytesPerRow(_ pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer!) -> UInt | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CVPixelBufferGetBytesPerRow(_ pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer!) -> Int | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVPixelBufferGetBytesPerRowOfPlane(CVPixelBuffer!, Int) -> Int
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CVPixelBufferGetBytesPerRowOfPlane(_ pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer!, _ planeIndex: UInt) -> UInt | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CVPixelBufferGetBytesPerRowOfPlane(_ pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer!, _ planeIndex: Int) -> Int | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVPixelBufferGetDataSize(CVPixelBuffer!) -> Int
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CVPixelBufferGetDataSize(_ pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer!) -> UInt | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CVPixelBufferGetDataSize(_ pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer!) -> Int | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVPixelBufferGetExtendedPixels(CVPixelBuffer!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CVPixelBufferGetExtendedPixels(_ pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer!, _ extraColumnsOnLeft: UnsafePointer<UInt>, _ extraColumnsOnRight: UnsafePointer<UInt>, _ extraRowsOnTop: UnsafePointer<UInt>, _ extraRowsOnBottom: UnsafePointer<UInt>) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CVPixelBufferGetExtendedPixels(_ pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer!, _ extraColumnsOnLeft: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, _ extraColumnsOnRight: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, _ extraRowsOnTop: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, _ extraRowsOnBottom: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVPixelBufferGetHeight(CVPixelBuffer!) -> Int
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CVPixelBufferGetHeight(_ pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer!) -> UInt | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CVPixelBufferGetHeight(_ pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer!) -> Int | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVPixelBufferGetHeightOfPlane(CVPixelBuffer!, Int) -> Int
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CVPixelBufferGetHeightOfPlane(_ pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer!, _ planeIndex: UInt) -> UInt | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CVPixelBufferGetHeightOfPlane(_ pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer!, _ planeIndex: Int) -> Int | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVPixelBufferGetIOSurface(CVPixelBuffer!) -> Unmanaged<IOSurface>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified CVPixelBufferGetPixelFormatType(CVPixelBuffer!) -> OSType
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVPixelBufferGetPlaneCount(CVPixelBuffer!) -> Int
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CVPixelBufferGetPlaneCount(_ pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer!) -> UInt | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CVPixelBufferGetPlaneCount(_ pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer!) -> Int | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVPixelBufferGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVPixelBufferGetWidth(CVPixelBuffer!) -> Int
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CVPixelBufferGetWidth(_ pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer!) -> UInt | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CVPixelBufferGetWidth(_ pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer!) -> Int | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVPixelBufferGetWidthOfPlane(CVPixelBuffer!, Int) -> Int
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CVPixelBufferGetWidthOfPlane(_ pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer!, _ planeIndex: UInt) -> UInt | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CVPixelBufferGetWidthOfPlane(_ pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer!, _ planeIndex: Int) -> Int | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVPixelBufferIsPlanar(CVPixelBuffer!) -> Boolean
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress(CVPixelBuffer!, CVOptionFlags) -> CVReturn
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVPixelBufferPoolCreate(CFAllocator!, CFDictionary!, CFDictionary!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CVPixelBufferPool>?>) -> CVReturn
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CVPixelBufferPoolCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ poolAttributes: CFDictionary!, _ pixelBufferAttributes: CFDictionary!, _ poolOut: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CVPixelBufferPool>?>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CVPixelBufferPoolCreate(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ poolAttributes: CFDictionary!, _ pixelBufferAttributes: CFDictionary!, _ poolOut: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CVPixelBufferPool>?>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVPixelBufferPoolCreatePixelBuffer(CFAllocator!, CVPixelBufferPool!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CVPixelBuffer>?>) -> CVReturn
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CVPixelBufferPoolCreatePixelBuffer(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ pixelBufferPool: CVPixelBufferPool!, _ pixelBufferOut: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CVPixelBuffer>?>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CVPixelBufferPoolCreatePixelBuffer(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ pixelBufferPool: CVPixelBufferPool!, _ pixelBufferOut: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CVPixelBuffer>?>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVPixelBufferPoolCreatePixelBufferWithAuxAttributes(CFAllocator!, CVPixelBufferPool!, CFDictionary!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CVPixelBuffer>?>) -> CVReturn
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func CVPixelBufferPoolCreatePixelBufferWithAuxAttributes(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ pixelBufferPool: CVPixelBufferPool!, _ auxAttributes: CFDictionary!, _ pixelBufferOut: UnsafePointer<Unmanaged<CVPixelBuffer>?>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.10 |
To | func CVPixelBufferPoolCreatePixelBufferWithAuxAttributes(_ allocator: CFAllocator!, _ pixelBufferPool: CVPixelBufferPool!, _ auxAttributes: CFDictionary!, _ pixelBufferOut: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CVPixelBuffer>?>) -> CVReturn | OS X 10.7 |
Modified CVPixelBufferPoolGetAttributes(CVPixelBufferPool!) -> Unmanaged<CFDictionary>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVPixelBufferPoolGetPixelBufferAttributes(CVPixelBufferPool!) -> Unmanaged<CFDictionary>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVPixelBufferPoolGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVPixelBufferReleaseBytesCallback
Declaration | |
From | typealias CVPixelBufferReleaseBytesCallback = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<()>, ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | typealias CVPixelBufferReleaseBytesCallback = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified CVPixelBufferReleasePlanarBytesCallback
Declaration | |
From | typealias CVPixelBufferReleasePlanarBytesCallback = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<()>, ConstUnsafePointer<()>, UInt, UInt, UnsafePointer<ConstUnsafePointer<()>>) -> Void)> |
To | typealias CVPixelBufferReleasePlanarBytesCallback = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, UnsafePointer<Void>, Int, Int, UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Void>>) -> Void)> |
Modified CVPixelBufferUnlockBaseAddress(CVPixelBuffer!, CVOptionFlags) -> CVReturn
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVPixelFormatDescriptionArrayCreateWithAllPixelFormatTypes(CFAllocator!) -> Unmanaged<CFArray>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVPixelFormatDescriptionCreateWithPixelFormatType(CFAllocator!, OSType) -> Unmanaged<CFDictionary>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified CVPixelFormatDescriptionRegisterDescriptionWithPixelFormatType(CFDictionary!, OSType)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVBufferMovieTimeKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVBufferNonPropagatedAttachmentsKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVBufferPropagatedAttachmentsKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVBufferTimeScaleKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVBufferTimeValueKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVImageBufferCGColorSpaceKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVImageBufferChromaLocationBottomFieldKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCVImageBufferChromaLocationTopFieldKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCVImageBufferChromaLocation_Bottom
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCVImageBufferChromaLocation_BottomLeft
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCVImageBufferChromaLocation_Center
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCVImageBufferChromaLocation_DV420
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCVImageBufferChromaLocation_Left
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCVImageBufferChromaLocation_Top
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCVImageBufferChromaLocation_TopLeft
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCVImageBufferChromaSubsamplingKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCVImageBufferChromaSubsampling_411
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCVImageBufferChromaSubsampling_420
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCVImageBufferChromaSubsampling_422
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCVImageBufferCleanApertureHeightKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVImageBufferCleanApertureHorizontalOffsetKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVImageBufferCleanApertureKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVImageBufferCleanApertureVerticalOffsetKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVImageBufferCleanApertureWidthKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVImageBufferColorPrimariesKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCVImageBufferColorPrimaries_EBU_3213
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCVImageBufferColorPrimaries_ITU_R_709_2
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCVImageBufferColorPrimaries_P22
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.8 |
Modified kCVImageBufferColorPrimaries_SMPTE_C
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCVImageBufferDisplayDimensionsKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVImageBufferDisplayHeightKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVImageBufferDisplayWidthKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVImageBufferFieldCountKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVImageBufferFieldDetailKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVImageBufferFieldDetailSpatialFirstLineEarly
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVImageBufferFieldDetailSpatialFirstLineLate
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVImageBufferFieldDetailTemporalBottomFirst
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVImageBufferFieldDetailTemporalTopFirst
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVImageBufferGammaLevelKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVImageBufferICCProfileKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCVImageBufferPixelAspectRatioHorizontalSpacingKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVImageBufferPixelAspectRatioKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVImageBufferPixelAspectRatioVerticalSpacingKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVImageBufferPreferredCleanApertureKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVImageBufferTransferFunctionKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCVImageBufferTransferFunction_ITU_R_709_2
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kCVImageBufferTransferFunction_SMPTE_240M_1995
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCVImageBufferTransferFunction_UseGamma
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCVImageBufferYCbCrMatrixKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVImageBufferYCbCrMatrix_ITU_R_601_4
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVImageBufferYCbCrMatrix_ITU_R_709_2
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVImageBufferYCbCrMatrix_SMPTE_240M_1995
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVOpenGLBufferHeight
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVOpenGLBufferInternalFormat
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVOpenGLBufferMaximumMipmapLevel
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVOpenGLBufferPoolMaximumBufferAgeKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVOpenGLBufferPoolMinimumBufferCountKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVOpenGLBufferTarget
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVOpenGLBufferWidth
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVOpenGLTextureCacheChromaSamplingModeAutomatic
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVOpenGLTextureCacheChromaSamplingModeBestPerformance
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVOpenGLTextureCacheChromaSamplingModeHighestQuality
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVOpenGLTextureCacheChromaSamplingModeKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVPixelBufferBytesPerRowAlignmentKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVPixelBufferCGBitmapContextCompatibilityKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVPixelBufferCGImageCompatibilityKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVPixelBufferExtendedPixelsBottomKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVPixelBufferExtendedPixelsLeftKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVPixelBufferExtendedPixelsRightKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVPixelBufferExtendedPixelsTopKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVPixelBufferHeightKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVPixelBufferIOSurfaceCoreAnimationCompatibilityKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCVPixelBufferIOSurfaceOpenGLFBOCompatibilityKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCVPixelBufferIOSurfaceOpenGLTextureCompatibilityKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCVPixelBufferIOSurfacePropertiesKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCVPixelBufferMemoryAllocatorKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVPixelBufferOpenGLCompatibilityKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVPixelBufferPlaneAlignmentKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCVPixelBufferPoolAllocationThresholdKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCVPixelBufferPoolFreeBufferNotification
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCVPixelBufferPoolMaximumBufferAgeKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVPixelBufferPoolMinimumBufferCountKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVPixelBufferWidthKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVPixelFormatBitsPerBlock
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVPixelFormatBlackBlock
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.6 |
Modified kCVPixelFormatBlockHeight
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVPixelFormatBlockHorizontalAlignment
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVPixelFormatBlockVerticalAlignment
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVPixelFormatBlockWidth
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVPixelFormatCGBitmapContextCompatibility
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVPixelFormatCGBitmapInfo
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVPixelFormatCGImageCompatibility
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVPixelFormatCodecType
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVPixelFormatConstant
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVPixelFormatContainsAlpha
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.7 |
Modified kCVPixelFormatFillExtendedPixelsCallback
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVPixelFormatFourCC
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVPixelFormatHorizontalSubsampling
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVPixelFormatName
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVPixelFormatOpenGLCompatibility
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVPixelFormatOpenGLFormat
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVPixelFormatOpenGLInternalFormat
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVPixelFormatOpenGLType
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVPixelFormatPlanes
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVPixelFormatQDCompatibility
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kCVPixelFormatVerticalSubsampling
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |