DiscRecording Changes
Added DRFileForkSizeInfo.init()
Added DRFileForkSizeInfo.init(fork: DRFileForkIndex, query: DRFileForkSizeQuery, size: UInt64)
Added DRFileProductionInfo.init()
Added DRFileProductionInfo.init(requestedAddress: UInt64, buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, reqCount: UInt32, actCount: UInt32, blockSize: UInt32, fork: DRFileForkIndex)
Added DRRefConCallbacks.init()
Added DRRefConCallbacks.init(version: UInt, retain: DRRefConRetainCallback, release: DRRefConReleaseCallback)
Added DRTrackProductionInfo.init()
Added DRTrackProductionInfo.init(buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, reqCount: UInt32, actCount: UInt32, flags: UInt32, blockSize: UInt32, requestedAddress: UInt64)
Modified DRBurn.init(device: DRDevice!)
Declaration | |
From | init(device device: DRDevice!) |
To | init!(device device: DRDevice!) |
Modified DRBurn.init(forDevice: DRDevice!)
Declaration | |
From | init(forDevice device: DRDevice!) -> DRBurn |
To | init!(forDevice device: DRDevice!) -> DRBurn |
Modified DRCDTextBlock.init(language: String!, encoding: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(language lang: String!, encoding enc: UInt) |
To | init!(language lang: String!, encoding enc: UInt) |
Modified DRDevice.init(forBSDName: String!)
Declaration | |
From | init(forBSDName bsdName: String!) -> DRDevice |
To | init!(forBSDName bsdName: String!) -> DRDevice |
Modified DRDevice.init(forIORegistryEntryPath: String!)
Declaration | |
From | init(forIORegistryEntryPath path: String!) -> DRDevice |
To | init!(forIORegistryEntryPath path: String!) -> DRDevice |
Modified DRErase.init(device: DRDevice!)
Declaration | |
From | init(device device: DRDevice!) |
To | init!(device device: DRDevice!) |
Modified DRErase.init(forDevice: DRDevice!)
Declaration | |
From | init(forDevice device: DRDevice!) -> DRErase |
To | init!(forDevice device: DRDevice!) -> DRErase |
Modified DRFile.init(linkType: String!, pointingTo: DRFSObject!, inFilesystem: String!)
Declaration | |
From | init(linkType linkType: String!, pointingTo original: DRFSObject!, inFilesystem filesystem: String!) |
To | init!(linkType linkType: String!, pointingTo original: DRFSObject!, inFilesystem filesystem: String!) |
Modified DRFile.init(name: String!, data: NSData!)
Declaration | |
From | init(name name: String!, data data: NSData!) |
To | init!(name name: String!, data data: NSData!) |
Modified DRFile.init(name: String!, dataProducer: AnyObject!)
Declaration | |
From | init(name name: String!, dataProducer producer: AnyObject!) |
To | init!(name name: String!, dataProducer producer: AnyObject!) |
Modified DRFile.init(path: String!)
Declaration | |
From | init(path path: String!) |
To | init!(path path: String!) |
Modified DRFileDataProduction.produceFile(DRFile!, fork: DRFileFork, intoBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>, length: UInt32, atAddress: UInt64, blockSize: UInt32) -> UInt32
Declaration | |
From | func produceFile(_ file: DRFile!, fork fork: DRFileFork, intoBuffer buffer: UnsafePointer<Int8>, length bufferLength: UInt32, atAddress address: UInt64, blockSize blockSize: UInt32) -> UInt32 |
To | func produceFile(_ file: DRFile!, fork fork: DRFileFork, intoBuffer buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>, length bufferLength: UInt32, atAddress address: UInt64, blockSize blockSize: UInt32) -> UInt32 |
Modified DRFileForkSizeInfo [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct DRFileForkSizeInfo { var fork: DRFileForkIndex var query: DRFileForkSizeQuery var size: UInt64 } |
To | struct DRFileForkSizeInfo { var fork: DRFileForkIndex var query: DRFileForkSizeQuery var size: UInt64 init() init(fork fork: DRFileForkIndex, query query: DRFileForkSizeQuery, size size: UInt64) } |
Modified DRFileProductionInfo [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct DRFileProductionInfo { var requestedAddress: UInt64 var buffer: UnsafePointer<()> var reqCount: UInt32 var actCount: UInt32 var blockSize: UInt32 var fork: DRFileForkIndex } |
To | struct DRFileProductionInfo { var requestedAddress: UInt64 var buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> var reqCount: UInt32 var actCount: UInt32 var blockSize: UInt32 var fork: DRFileForkIndex init() init(requestedAddress requestedAddress: UInt64, buffer buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, reqCount reqCount: UInt32, actCount actCount: UInt32, blockSize blockSize: UInt32, fork fork: DRFileForkIndex) } |
Modified DRFileProductionInfo.buffer
Declaration | |
From | var buffer: UnsafePointer<()> |
To | var buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> |
Modified DRFolder.init(name: String!)
Declaration | |
From | init(name name: String!) |
To | init!(name name: String!) |
Modified DRFolder.init(path: String!)
Declaration | |
From | init(path path: String!) |
To | init!(path path: String!) |
Modified DRMSF.init(frames: UInt32)
Declaration | |
From | init(frames frames: UInt32) |
To | init!(frames frames: UInt32) |
Modified DRMSF.init(string: String!)
Declaration | |
From | init(string string: String!) |
To | init!(string string: String!) |
Modified DRMSFFormatter.init(format: String!)
Declaration | |
From | init(format format: String!) |
To | init!(format format: String!) |
Modified DRRefConCallbacks [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct DRRefConCallbacks { var version: UInt var retain: DRRefConRetainCallback var release: DRRefConReleaseCallback } |
To | struct DRRefConCallbacks { var version: UInt var retain: DRRefConRetainCallback var release: DRRefConReleaseCallback init() init(version version: UInt, retain retain: DRRefConRetainCallback, release release: DRRefConReleaseCallback) } |
Modified DRTrack.init(forAudioFile: String!)
Declaration | |
From | init(forAudioFile path: String!) -> DRTrack |
To | init!(forAudioFile path: String!) -> DRTrack |
Modified DRTrack.init(forAudioOfLength: DRMSF!, producer: AnyObject!)
Declaration | |
From | init(forAudioOfLength length: DRMSF!, producer producer: AnyObject!) -> DRTrack |
To | init!(forAudioOfLength length: DRMSF!, producer producer: AnyObject!) -> DRTrack |
Modified DRTrack.init(forRootFolder: DRFolder!)
Declaration | |
From | init(forRootFolder rootFolder: DRFolder!) -> DRTrack |
To | init!(forRootFolder rootFolder: DRFolder!) -> DRTrack |
Modified DRTrack.init(producer: AnyObject!)
Declaration | |
From | init(producer producer: AnyObject!) |
To | init!(producer producer: AnyObject!) |
Modified DRTrackDataProduction.produceDataForTrack(DRTrack!, intoBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>, length: UInt32, atAddress: UInt64, blockSize: UInt32, ioFlags: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>) -> UInt32
Declaration | |
From | func produceDataForTrack(_ track: DRTrack!, intoBuffer buffer: UnsafePointer<Int8>, length bufferLength: UInt32, atAddress address: UInt64, blockSize blockSize: UInt32, ioFlags flags: UnsafePointer<UInt32>) -> UInt32 |
To | func produceDataForTrack(_ track: DRTrack!, intoBuffer buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>, length bufferLength: UInt32, atAddress address: UInt64, blockSize blockSize: UInt32, ioFlags flags: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>) -> UInt32 |
Modified DRTrackDataProduction.producePreGapForTrack(DRTrack!, intoBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>, length: UInt32, atAddress: UInt64, blockSize: UInt32, ioFlags: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>) -> UInt32
Declaration | |
From | func producePreGapForTrack(_ track: DRTrack!, intoBuffer buffer: UnsafePointer<Int8>, length bufferLength: UInt32, atAddress address: UInt64, blockSize blockSize: UInt32, ioFlags flags: UnsafePointer<UInt32>) -> UInt32 |
To | func producePreGapForTrack(_ track: DRTrack!, intoBuffer buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>, length bufferLength: UInt32, atAddress address: UInt64, blockSize blockSize: UInt32, ioFlags flags: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>) -> UInt32 |
Modified DRTrackDataProduction.verifyDataForTrack(DRTrack!, inBuffer: UnsafePointer<Int8>, length: UInt32, atAddress: UInt64, blockSize: UInt32, ioFlags: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func verifyDataForTrack(_ track: DRTrack!, inBuffer buffer: ConstUnsafePointer<Int8>, length bufferLength: UInt32, atAddress address: UInt64, blockSize blockSize: UInt32, ioFlags flags: UnsafePointer<UInt32>) -> Bool |
To | func verifyDataForTrack(_ track: DRTrack!, inBuffer buffer: UnsafePointer<Int8>, length bufferLength: UInt32, atAddress address: UInt64, blockSize blockSize: UInt32, ioFlags flags: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>) -> Bool |
Modified DRTrackDataProduction.verifyPreGapForTrack(DRTrack!, inBuffer: UnsafePointer<Int8>, length: UInt32, atAddress: UInt64, blockSize: UInt32, ioFlags: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func verifyPreGapForTrack(_ track: DRTrack!, inBuffer buffer: ConstUnsafePointer<Int8>, length bufferLength: UInt32, atAddress address: UInt64, blockSize blockSize: UInt32, ioFlags flags: UnsafePointer<UInt32>) -> Bool |
To | func verifyPreGapForTrack(_ track: DRTrack!, inBuffer buffer: UnsafePointer<Int8>, length bufferLength: UInt32, atAddress address: UInt64, blockSize blockSize: UInt32, ioFlags flags: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>) -> Bool |
Modified DRTrackProductionInfo [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct DRTrackProductionInfo { var buffer: UnsafePointer<()> var reqCount: UInt32 var actCount: UInt32 var flags: UInt32 var blockSize: UInt32 var requestedAddress: UInt64 } |
To | struct DRTrackProductionInfo { var buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> var reqCount: UInt32 var actCount: UInt32 var flags: UInt32 var blockSize: UInt32 var requestedAddress: UInt64 init() init(buffer buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, reqCount reqCount: UInt32, actCount actCount: UInt32, flags flags: UInt32, blockSize blockSize: UInt32, requestedAddress requestedAddress: UInt64) } |
Modified DRTrackProductionInfo.buffer
Declaration | |
From | var buffer: UnsafePointer<()> |
To | var buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> |
Modified DRAbstractFile
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRAbstractFile: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRAbstractFile: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRAccessDate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRAccessDate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRAccessDate: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRAllFilesystems
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRAllFilesystems: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRAllFilesystems: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRApplicationIdentifier
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRApplicationIdentifier: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRApplicationIdentifier: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRAttributeModificationDate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRAttributeModificationDate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRAttributeModificationDate: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRAudioFourChannelKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRAudioFourChannelKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRAudioFourChannelKey: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRAudioPreEmphasisKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRAudioPreEmphasisKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRAudioPreEmphasisKey: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRAudioTrackCreate(UnsafePointer<FSRef>) -> Unmanaged<DRAudioTrack>!
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func DRAudioTrackCreate(_ audioFile: ConstUnsafePointer<FSRef>) -> Unmanaged<DRAudioTrack>! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func DRAudioTrackCreate(_ audioFile: UnsafePointer<FSRef>) -> Unmanaged<DRAudioTrack>! | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRAudioTrackCreateWithURL(CFURL!) -> Unmanaged<DRAudioTrack>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRBackupDate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRBackupDate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRBackupDate: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRBibliographicFile
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRBibliographicFile: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRBibliographicFile: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRBlockSize
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRBlockSize: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRBlockSize: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRBlockSizeKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRBlockSizeKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRBlockSizeKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRBlockTypeKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRBlockTypeKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRBlockTypeKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRBurnAbort(DRBurn!)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRBurnAppendableKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRBurnAppendableKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRBurnAppendableKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRBurnCompletionActionEject
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRBurnCompletionActionEject: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRBurnCompletionActionEject: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRBurnCompletionActionKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRBurnCompletionActionKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRBurnCompletionActionKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRBurnCompletionActionMount
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRBurnCompletionActionMount: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRBurnCompletionActionMount: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRBurnCopyStatus(DRBurn!) -> Unmanaged<CFDictionary>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRBurnCreate(DRDevice!) -> Unmanaged<DRBurn>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRBurnDoubleLayerL0DataZoneBlocksKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRBurnDoubleLayerL0DataZoneBlocksKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRBurnDoubleLayerL0DataZoneBlocksKey: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRBurnFailureActionEject
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRBurnFailureActionEject: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRBurnFailureActionEject: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRBurnFailureActionKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRBurnFailureActionKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRBurnFailureActionKey: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRBurnFailureActionNone
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRBurnFailureActionNone: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRBurnFailureActionNone: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRBurnGetDevice(DRBurn!) -> Unmanaged<DRDevice>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRBurnGetProperties(DRBurn!) -> Unmanaged<CFDictionary>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRBurnGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRBurnOverwriteDiscKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRBurnOverwriteDiscKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRBurnOverwriteDiscKey: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRBurnRequestedSpeedKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRBurnRequestedSpeedKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRBurnRequestedSpeedKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRBurnSetProperties(DRBurn!, CFDictionary!)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRBurnStatusChangedNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRBurnStatusChangedNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRBurnStatusChangedNotification: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRBurnStrategyBDDAO
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRBurnStrategyBDDAO: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRBurnStrategyBDDAO: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRBurnStrategyCDSAO
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRBurnStrategyCDSAO: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRBurnStrategyCDSAO: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRBurnStrategyCDTAO
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRBurnStrategyCDTAO: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRBurnStrategyCDTAO: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRBurnStrategyDVDDAO
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRBurnStrategyDVDDAO: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRBurnStrategyDVDDAO: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRBurnStrategyIsRequiredKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRBurnStrategyIsRequiredKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRBurnStrategyIsRequiredKey: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRBurnStrategyKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRBurnStrategyKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRBurnStrategyKey: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRBurnTestingKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRBurnTestingKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRBurnTestingKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRBurnUnderrunProtectionKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRBurnUnderrunProtectionKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRBurnUnderrunProtectionKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRBurnVerifyDiscKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRBurnVerifyDiscKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRBurnVerifyDiscKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRBurnWriteLayout(DRBurn!, AnyObject!) -> OSStatus
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRCDTextArrangerKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRCDTextArrangerKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRCDTextArrangerKey: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRCDTextBlockCreate(CFString!, CFStringEncoding) -> Unmanaged<DRCDTextBlock>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRCDTextBlockCreateArrayFromPackList(CFData!) -> Unmanaged<CFArray>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRCDTextBlockFlatten(DRCDTextBlock!) -> UInt32
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRCDTextBlockGetProperties(DRCDTextBlock!) -> Unmanaged<CFDictionary>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRCDTextBlockGetTrackDictionaries(DRCDTextBlock!) -> Unmanaged<CFArray>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRCDTextBlockGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRCDTextBlockGetValue(DRCDTextBlock!, CFIndex, CFString!) -> Unmanaged<AnyObject>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRCDTextBlockSetProperties(DRCDTextBlock!, CFDictionary!)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRCDTextBlockSetTrackDictionaries(DRCDTextBlock!, CFArray!)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRCDTextBlockSetValue(DRCDTextBlock!, CFIndex, CFString!, AnyObject!)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRCDTextCharacterCodeKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRCDTextCharacterCodeKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRCDTextCharacterCodeKey: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRCDTextClosedKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRCDTextClosedKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRCDTextClosedKey: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRCDTextComposerKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRCDTextComposerKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRCDTextComposerKey: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRCDTextCopyrightAssertedForNamesKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRCDTextCopyrightAssertedForNamesKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRCDTextCopyrightAssertedForNamesKey: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRCDTextCopyrightAssertedForSpecialMessagesKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRCDTextCopyrightAssertedForSpecialMessagesKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRCDTextCopyrightAssertedForSpecialMessagesKey: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRCDTextCopyrightAssertedForTitlesKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRCDTextCopyrightAssertedForTitlesKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRCDTextCopyrightAssertedForTitlesKey: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRCDTextDiscIdentKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRCDTextDiscIdentKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRCDTextDiscIdentKey: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRCDTextGenreCodeKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRCDTextGenreCodeKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRCDTextGenreCodeKey: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRCDTextGenreKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRCDTextGenreKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRCDTextGenreKey: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRCDTextKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRCDTextKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRCDTextKey: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRCDTextLanguageKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRCDTextLanguageKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRCDTextLanguageKey: String | OS X 10.4 |
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRCDTextMCNISRCKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRCDTextMCNISRCKey: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRCDTextNSStringEncodingKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRCDTextNSStringEncodingKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRCDTextNSStringEncodingKey: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRCDTextPerformerKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRCDTextPerformerKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRCDTextPerformerKey: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRCDTextSizeKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRCDTextSizeKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRCDTextSizeKey: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRCDTextSongwriterKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRCDTextSongwriterKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRCDTextSongwriterKey: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRCDTextSpecialMessageKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRCDTextSpecialMessageKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRCDTextSpecialMessageKey: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRCDTextTOC2Key
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRCDTextTOC2Key: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRCDTextTOC2Key: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRCDTextTOCKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRCDTextTOCKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRCDTextTOCKey: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRCDTextTitleKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRCDTextTitleKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRCDTextTitleKey: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRContentModificationDate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRContentModificationDate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRContentModificationDate: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRCopyDeviceArray() -> Unmanaged<CFArray>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRCopyLocalizedStringForValue(CFString!) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRCopyrightFile
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRCopyrightFile: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRCopyrightFile: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRCreationDate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRCreationDate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRCreationDate: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDVDCopyrightInfoKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDVDCopyrightInfoKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDVDCopyrightInfoKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDVDTimestampKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDVDTimestampKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDVDTimestampKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDataFormKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDataFormKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDataFormKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDataPreparer
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDataPreparer: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDataPreparer: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDefaultDate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDefaultDate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDefaultDate: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceAcquireExclusiveAccess(DRDevice!) -> OSStatus
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceAcquireMediaReservation(DRDevice!)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceAppearedNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceAppearedNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceAppearedNotification: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceBurnSpeedBD1x
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRDeviceBurnSpeedCD1x
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceBurnSpeedDVD1x
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceBurnSpeedHDDVD1x
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRDeviceBurnSpeedMax
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceBurnSpeedsKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceBurnSpeedsKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceBurnSpeedsKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceCanTestWriteCDKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceCanTestWriteCDKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceCanTestWriteCDKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceCanTestWriteDVDKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceCanTestWriteDVDKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceCanTestWriteDVDKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceCanUnderrunProtectCDKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceCanUnderrunProtectCDKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceCanUnderrunProtectCDKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceCanUnderrunProtectDVDKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceCanUnderrunProtectDVDKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceCanUnderrunProtectDVDKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceCanWriteBDKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceCanWriteBDKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceCanWriteBDKey: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRDeviceCanWriteBDREKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceCanWriteBDREKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceCanWriteBDREKey: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRDeviceCanWriteBDRKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceCanWriteBDRKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceCanWriteBDRKey: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRDeviceCanWriteCDKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceCanWriteCDKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceCanWriteCDKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceCanWriteCDRKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceCanWriteCDRKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceCanWriteCDRKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceCanWriteCDRWKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceCanWriteCDRWKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceCanWriteCDRWKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceCanWriteCDRawKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceCanWriteCDRawKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceCanWriteCDRawKey: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRDeviceCanWriteCDSAOKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceCanWriteCDSAOKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceCanWriteCDSAOKey: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRDeviceCanWriteCDTAOKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceCanWriteCDTAOKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceCanWriteCDTAOKey: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRDeviceCanWriteCDTextKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceCanWriteCDTextKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceCanWriteCDTextKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceCanWriteDVDDAOKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceCanWriteDVDDAOKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceCanWriteDVDDAOKey: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRDeviceCanWriteDVDKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceCanWriteDVDKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceCanWriteDVDKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceCanWriteDVDPlusRDoubleLayerKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceCanWriteDVDPlusRDoubleLayerKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceCanWriteDVDPlusRDoubleLayerKey: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRDeviceCanWriteDVDPlusRKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceCanWriteDVDPlusRKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceCanWriteDVDPlusRKey: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRDeviceCanWriteDVDPlusRWDoubleLayerKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceCanWriteDVDPlusRWDoubleLayerKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceCanWriteDVDPlusRWDoubleLayerKey: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRDeviceCanWriteDVDPlusRWKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceCanWriteDVDPlusRWKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceCanWriteDVDPlusRWKey: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRDeviceCanWriteDVDRAMKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceCanWriteDVDRAMKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceCanWriteDVDRAMKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceCanWriteDVDRDualLayerKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceCanWriteDVDRDualLayerKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceCanWriteDVDRDualLayerKey: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRDeviceCanWriteDVDRKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceCanWriteDVDRKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceCanWriteDVDRKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceCanWriteDVDRWDualLayerKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceCanWriteDVDRWDualLayerKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceCanWriteDVDRWDualLayerKey: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRDeviceCanWriteDVDRWKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceCanWriteDVDRWKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceCanWriteDVDRWKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceCanWriteHDDVDKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceCanWriteHDDVDKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceCanWriteHDDVDKey: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRDeviceCanWriteHDDVDRAMKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceCanWriteHDDVDRAMKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceCanWriteHDDVDRAMKey: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRDeviceCanWriteHDDVDRDualLayerKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceCanWriteHDDVDRDualLayerKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceCanWriteHDDVDRDualLayerKey: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRDeviceCanWriteHDDVDRKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceCanWriteHDDVDRKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceCanWriteHDDVDRKey: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRDeviceCanWriteHDDVDRWDualLayerKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceCanWriteHDDVDRWDualLayerKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceCanWriteHDDVDRWDualLayerKey: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRDeviceCanWriteHDDVDRWKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceCanWriteHDDVDRWKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceCanWriteHDDVDRWKey: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRDeviceCanWriteISRCKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceCanWriteISRCKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceCanWriteISRCKey: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRDeviceCanWriteIndexPointsKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceCanWriteIndexPointsKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceCanWriteIndexPointsKey: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRDeviceCanWriteKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceCanWriteKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceCanWriteKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceCloseTray(DRDevice!) -> OSStatus
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceCopyDeviceForBSDName(CFString!) -> Unmanaged<DRDevice>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceCopyDeviceForIORegistryEntryPath(CFString!) -> Unmanaged<DRDevice>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceCopyInfo(DRDevice!) -> Unmanaged<CFDictionary>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceCopyStatus(DRDevice!) -> Unmanaged<CFDictionary>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceCurrentWriteSpeedKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceCurrentWriteSpeedKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceCurrentWriteSpeedKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceDisappearedNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceDisappearedNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceDisappearedNotification: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceEjectMedia(DRDevice!) -> OSStatus
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceFirmwareRevisionKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceFirmwareRevisionKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceFirmwareRevisionKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceIORegistryEntryPathKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceIORegistryEntryPathKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceIORegistryEntryPathKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceIsBusyKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceIsBusyKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceIsBusyKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceIsTrayOpenKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceIsTrayOpenKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceIsTrayOpenKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceIsValid(DRDevice!) -> Boolean
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceKPSForXFactor(DRType!, Float) -> Float
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func DRDeviceKPSForXFactor(_ deviceOrMediaType: DRTypeRef!, _ xfactor: Float) -> Float | OS X 10.10 |
To | func DRDeviceKPSForXFactor(_ deviceOrMediaType: DRType!, _ xfactor: Float) -> Float | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRDeviceLoadingMechanismCanEjectKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceLoadingMechanismCanEjectKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceLoadingMechanismCanEjectKey: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRDeviceLoadingMechanismCanInjectKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceLoadingMechanismCanInjectKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceLoadingMechanismCanInjectKey: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRDeviceLoadingMechanismCanOpenKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceLoadingMechanismCanOpenKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceLoadingMechanismCanOpenKey: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRDeviceMaximumWriteSpeedKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMaximumWriteSpeedKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMaximumWriteSpeedKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaBSDNameKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaBSDNameKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaBSDNameKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaBlocksFreeKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaBlocksFreeKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaBlocksFreeKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaBlocksOverwritableKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaBlocksOverwritableKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaBlocksOverwritableKey: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaBlocksUsedKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaBlocksUsedKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaBlocksUsedKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaClassBD
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaClassBD: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaClassBD: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaClassCD
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaClassCD: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaClassCD: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaClassDVD
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaClassDVD: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaClassDVD: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaClassHDDVD
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaClassHDDVD: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaClassHDDVD: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaClassKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaClassKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaClassKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaClassUnknown
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaClassUnknown: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaClassUnknown: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaDoubleLayerL0DataZoneBlocksKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaDoubleLayerL0DataZoneBlocksKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaDoubleLayerL0DataZoneBlocksKey: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaFreeSpaceKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaFreeSpaceKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaFreeSpaceKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaInfoKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaInfoKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaInfoKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaIsAppendableKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaIsAppendableKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaIsAppendableKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaIsBlankKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaIsBlankKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaIsBlankKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaIsErasableKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaIsErasableKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaIsErasableKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaIsOverwritableKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaIsOverwritableKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaIsOverwritableKey: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaIsReservedKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaIsReservedKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaIsReservedKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaOverwritableSpaceKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaOverwritableSpaceKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaOverwritableSpaceKey: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaSessionCountKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaSessionCountKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaSessionCountKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaStateInTransition
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaStateInTransition: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaStateInTransition: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaStateKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaStateKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaStateKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaStateMediaPresent
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaStateMediaPresent: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaStateMediaPresent: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaStateNone
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaStateNone: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaStateNone: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaTrackCountKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaTrackCountKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaTrackCountKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaTypeBDR
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaTypeBDR: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaTypeBDR: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaTypeBDRE
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaTypeBDRE: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaTypeBDRE: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaTypeBDROM
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaTypeBDROM: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaTypeBDROM: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaTypeCDR
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaTypeCDR: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaTypeCDR: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaTypeCDROM
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaTypeCDROM: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaTypeCDROM: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaTypeCDRW
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaTypeCDRW: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaTypeCDRW: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaTypeDVDPlusR
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaTypeDVDPlusR: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaTypeDVDPlusR: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaTypeDVDPlusRDoubleLayer
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaTypeDVDPlusRDoubleLayer: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaTypeDVDPlusRDoubleLayer: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaTypeDVDPlusRW
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaTypeDVDPlusRW: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaTypeDVDPlusRW: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaTypeDVDPlusRWDoubleLayer
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaTypeDVDPlusRWDoubleLayer: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaTypeDVDPlusRWDoubleLayer: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaTypeDVDR
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaTypeDVDR: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaTypeDVDR: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaTypeDVDRAM
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaTypeDVDRAM: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaTypeDVDRAM: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaTypeDVDRDualLayer
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaTypeDVDRDualLayer: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaTypeDVDRDualLayer: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaTypeDVDROM
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaTypeDVDROM: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaTypeDVDROM: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaTypeDVDRW
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaTypeDVDRW: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaTypeDVDRW: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaTypeDVDRWDualLayer
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaTypeDVDRWDualLayer: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaTypeDVDRWDualLayer: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaTypeHDDVDR
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaTypeHDDVDR: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaTypeHDDVDR: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaTypeHDDVDRAM
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaTypeHDDVDRAM: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaTypeHDDVDRAM: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaTypeHDDVDRDualLayer
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaTypeHDDVDRDualLayer: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaTypeHDDVDRDualLayer: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaTypeHDDVDROM
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaTypeHDDVDROM: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaTypeHDDVDROM: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaTypeHDDVDRW
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaTypeHDDVDRW: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaTypeHDDVDRW: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaTypeHDDVDRWDualLayer
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaTypeHDDVDRWDualLayer: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaTypeHDDVDRWDualLayer: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaTypeKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaTypeKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaTypeKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaTypeUnknown
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaTypeUnknown: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaTypeUnknown: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceMediaUsedSpaceKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceMediaUsedSpaceKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceMediaUsedSpaceKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceOpenTray(DRDevice!) -> OSStatus
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDevicePhysicalInterconnectATAPI
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDevicePhysicalInterconnectATAPI: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDevicePhysicalInterconnectATAPI: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDevicePhysicalInterconnectFibreChannel
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDevicePhysicalInterconnectFibreChannel: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDevicePhysicalInterconnectFibreChannel: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRDevicePhysicalInterconnectFireWire
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDevicePhysicalInterconnectFireWire: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDevicePhysicalInterconnectFireWire: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDevicePhysicalInterconnectKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDevicePhysicalInterconnectKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDevicePhysicalInterconnectKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDevicePhysicalInterconnectLocationExternal
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDevicePhysicalInterconnectLocationExternal: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDevicePhysicalInterconnectLocationExternal: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDevicePhysicalInterconnectLocationInternal
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDevicePhysicalInterconnectLocationInternal: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDevicePhysicalInterconnectLocationInternal: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDevicePhysicalInterconnectLocationKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDevicePhysicalInterconnectLocationKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDevicePhysicalInterconnectLocationKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDevicePhysicalInterconnectLocationUnknown
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDevicePhysicalInterconnectLocationUnknown: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDevicePhysicalInterconnectLocationUnknown: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDevicePhysicalInterconnectSCSI
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDevicePhysicalInterconnectSCSI: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDevicePhysicalInterconnectSCSI: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDevicePhysicalInterconnectUSB
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDevicePhysicalInterconnectUSB: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDevicePhysicalInterconnectUSB: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceProductNameKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceProductNameKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceProductNameKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceReleaseExclusiveAccess(DRDevice!)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceReleaseMediaReservation(DRDevice!)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceStatusChangedNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceStatusChangedNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceStatusChangedNotification: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceSupportLevelAppleShipping
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceSupportLevelAppleShipping: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceSupportLevelAppleShipping: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceSupportLevelAppleSupported
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceSupportLevelAppleSupported: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceSupportLevelAppleSupported: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceSupportLevelKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceSupportLevelKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceSupportLevelKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceSupportLevelNone
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceSupportLevelNone: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceSupportLevelNone: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceSupportLevelUnsupported
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceSupportLevelUnsupported: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceSupportLevelUnsupported: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRDeviceSupportLevelVendorSupported
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceSupportLevelVendorSupported: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceSupportLevelVendorSupported: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceTrackInfoKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceTrackInfoKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceTrackInfoKey: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRDeviceTrackRefsKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceTrackRefsKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceTrackRefsKey: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRDeviceVendorNameKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceVendorNameKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceVendorNameKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceWriteBufferSizeKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceWriteBufferSizeKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceWriteBufferSizeKey: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRDeviceWriteCapabilitiesKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRDeviceWriteCapabilitiesKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRDeviceWriteCapabilitiesKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRDeviceXFactorForKPS(DRType!, Float) -> Float
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func DRDeviceXFactorForKPS(_ deviceOrMediaType: DRTypeRef!, _ kps: Float) -> Float | OS X 10.10 |
To | func DRDeviceXFactorForKPS(_ deviceOrMediaType: DRType!, _ kps: Float) -> Float | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DREffectiveDate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DREffectiveDate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DREffectiveDate: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DREraseCopyStatus(DRErase!) -> Unmanaged<CFDictionary>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DREraseCreate(DRDevice!) -> Unmanaged<DRErase>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DREraseGetDevice(DRErase!) -> Unmanaged<DRDevice>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DREraseGetProperties(DRErase!) -> Unmanaged<CFDictionary>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DREraseGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DREraseSetProperties(DRErase!, CFDictionary!)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DREraseStart(DRErase!) -> OSStatus
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DREraseStatusChangedNotification
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DREraseStatusChangedNotification: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DREraseStatusChangedNotification: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DREraseTypeComplete
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DREraseTypeComplete: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DREraseTypeComplete: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DREraseTypeKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DREraseTypeKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DREraseTypeKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DREraseTypeQuick
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DREraseTypeQuick: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DREraseTypeQuick: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRErrorStatusAdditionalSenseStringKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRErrorStatusAdditionalSenseStringKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRErrorStatusAdditionalSenseStringKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRErrorStatusErrorInfoStringKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRErrorStatusErrorInfoStringKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRErrorStatusErrorInfoStringKey: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRErrorStatusErrorKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRErrorStatusErrorKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRErrorStatusErrorKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRErrorStatusErrorStringKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRErrorStatusErrorStringKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRErrorStatusErrorStringKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRErrorStatusKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRErrorStatusKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRErrorStatusKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRErrorStatusSenseCodeStringKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRErrorStatusSenseCodeStringKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRErrorStatusSenseCodeStringKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRErrorStatusSenseKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRErrorStatusSenseKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRErrorStatusSenseKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRExpirationDate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRExpirationDate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRExpirationDate: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRFSObjectCopyBaseName(DRFSObject!) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func DRFSObjectCopyBaseName(_ object: DRFSObjectRef!) -> Unmanaged<CFString>! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func DRFSObjectCopyBaseName(_ object: DRFSObject!) -> Unmanaged<CFString>! | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRFSObjectCopyFilesystemProperties(DRFSObject!, CFString!, Boolean) -> Unmanaged<CFDictionary>!
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func DRFSObjectCopyFilesystemProperties(_ object: DRFSObjectRef!, _ fsKey: CFString!, _ coalesce: Boolean) -> Unmanaged<CFDictionary>! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func DRFSObjectCopyFilesystemProperties(_ object: DRFSObject!, _ fsKey: CFString!, _ coalesce: Boolean) -> Unmanaged<CFDictionary>! | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRFSObjectCopyFilesystemProperty(DRFSObject!, CFString!, CFString!, Boolean) -> Unmanaged<AnyObject>!
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func DRFSObjectCopyFilesystemProperty(_ object: DRFSObjectRef!, _ fsKey: CFString!, _ propertyKey: CFString!, _ coalesce: Boolean) -> Unmanaged<AnyObject>! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func DRFSObjectCopyFilesystemProperty(_ object: DRFSObject!, _ fsKey: CFString!, _ propertyKey: CFString!, _ coalesce: Boolean) -> Unmanaged<AnyObject>! | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRFSObjectCopyMangledName(DRFSObject!, CFString!) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func DRFSObjectCopyMangledName(_ object: DRFSObjectRef!, _ fsKey: CFString!) -> Unmanaged<CFString>! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func DRFSObjectCopyMangledName(_ object: DRFSObject!, _ fsKey: CFString!) -> Unmanaged<CFString>! | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRFSObjectCopyMangledNames(DRFSObject!) -> Unmanaged<CFDictionary>!
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func DRFSObjectCopyMangledNames(_ object: DRFSObjectRef!) -> Unmanaged<CFDictionary>! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func DRFSObjectCopyMangledNames(_ object: DRFSObject!) -> Unmanaged<CFDictionary>! | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRFSObjectCopyRealURL(DRFSObject!) -> Unmanaged<CFURL>!
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func DRFSObjectCopyRealURL(_ object: DRFSObjectRef!) -> Unmanaged<CFURL>! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func DRFSObjectCopyRealURL(_ object: DRFSObject!) -> Unmanaged<CFURL>! | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRFSObjectCopySpecificName(DRFSObject!, CFString!) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func DRFSObjectCopySpecificName(_ object: DRFSObjectRef!, _ fsKey: CFString!) -> Unmanaged<CFString>! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func DRFSObjectCopySpecificName(_ object: DRFSObject!, _ fsKey: CFString!) -> Unmanaged<CFString>! | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRFSObjectCopySpecificNames(DRFSObject!) -> Unmanaged<CFDictionary>!
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func DRFSObjectCopySpecificNames(_ object: DRFSObjectRef!) -> Unmanaged<CFDictionary>! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func DRFSObjectCopySpecificNames(_ object: DRFSObject!) -> Unmanaged<CFDictionary>! | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRFSObjectGetFilesystemMask(DRFSObject!, UnsafeMutablePointer<DRFilesystemMask>, UnsafeMutablePointer<DRFilesystemMask>) -> DRFilesystemMask
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func DRFSObjectGetFilesystemMask(_ object: DRFSObjectRef!, _ explicitMask: UnsafePointer<DRFilesystemMask>, _ effectiveMask: UnsafePointer<DRFilesystemMask>) -> DRFilesystemMask | OS X 10.10 |
To | func DRFSObjectGetFilesystemMask(_ object: DRFSObject!, _ explicitMask: UnsafeMutablePointer<DRFilesystemMask>, _ effectiveMask: UnsafeMutablePointer<DRFilesystemMask>) -> DRFilesystemMask | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRFSObjectGetParent(DRFSObject!) -> Unmanaged<DRFolder>!
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func DRFSObjectGetParent(_ object: DRFSObjectRef!) -> Unmanaged<DRFolder>! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func DRFSObjectGetParent(_ object: DRFSObject!) -> Unmanaged<DRFolder>! | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRFSObjectGetRealFSRef(DRFSObject!, UnsafeMutablePointer<FSRef>)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func DRFSObjectGetRealFSRef(_ object: DRFSObjectRef!, _ fsRef: UnsafePointer<FSRef>) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func DRFSObjectGetRealFSRef(_ object: DRFSObject!, _ fsRef: UnsafeMutablePointer<FSRef>) | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRFSObjectIsVirtual(DRFSObject!) -> Boolean
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func DRFSObjectIsVirtual(_ object: DRFSObjectRef!) -> Boolean | OS X 10.10 |
To | func DRFSObjectIsVirtual(_ object: DRFSObject!) -> Boolean | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRFSObjectRef
Declaration | |
From | typealias DRFSObjectRef = DRTypeRef |
To | typealias DRFSObjectRef = DRFSObject |
Modified DRFSObjectSetBaseName(DRFSObject!, CFString!)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func DRFSObjectSetBaseName(_ object: DRFSObjectRef!, _ baseName: CFString!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func DRFSObjectSetBaseName(_ object: DRFSObject!, _ baseName: CFString!) | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRFSObjectSetFilesystemMask(DRFSObject!, DRFilesystemMask)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func DRFSObjectSetFilesystemMask(_ object: DRFSObjectRef!, _ newMask: DRFilesystemMask) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func DRFSObjectSetFilesystemMask(_ object: DRFSObject!, _ newMask: DRFilesystemMask) | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRFSObjectSetFilesystemProperties(DRFSObject!, CFString!, CFDictionary!)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func DRFSObjectSetFilesystemProperties(_ object: DRFSObjectRef!, _ fsKey: CFString!, _ properties: CFDictionary!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func DRFSObjectSetFilesystemProperties(_ object: DRFSObject!, _ fsKey: CFString!, _ properties: CFDictionary!) | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRFSObjectSetFilesystemProperty(DRFSObject!, CFString!, CFString!, AnyObject!)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func DRFSObjectSetFilesystemProperty(_ object: DRFSObjectRef!, _ fsKey: CFString!, _ propertyKey: CFString!, _ value: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func DRFSObjectSetFilesystemProperty(_ object: DRFSObject!, _ fsKey: CFString!, _ propertyKey: CFString!, _ value: AnyObject!) | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRFSObjectSetSpecificName(DRFSObject!, CFString!, CFString!)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func DRFSObjectSetSpecificName(_ object: DRFSObjectRef!, _ fsKey: CFString!, _ specificName: CFString!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func DRFSObjectSetSpecificName(_ object: DRFSObject!, _ fsKey: CFString!, _ specificName: CFString!) | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRFSObjectSetSpecificNames(DRFSObject!, CFDictionary!)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func DRFSObjectSetSpecificNames(_ object: DRFSObjectRef!, _ specificNames: CFDictionary!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func DRFSObjectSetSpecificNames(_ object: DRFSObject!, _ specificNames: CFDictionary!) | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRFileCreateReal(UnsafePointer<FSRef>) -> Unmanaged<DRFile>!
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func DRFileCreateReal(_ fsRef: ConstUnsafePointer<FSRef>) -> Unmanaged<DRFile>! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func DRFileCreateReal(_ fsRef: UnsafePointer<FSRef>) -> Unmanaged<DRFile>! | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRFileCreateRealWithURL(CFURL!) -> Unmanaged<DRFile>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRFileCreateVirtualLink(DRFSObject!, DRLinkType, CFString!) -> Unmanaged<DRFile>!
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func DRFileCreateVirtualLink(_ original: DRFSObjectRef!, _ linkType: DRLinkType, _ fsKey: CFString!) -> Unmanaged<DRFile>! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func DRFileCreateVirtualLink(_ original: DRFSObject!, _ linkType: DRLinkType, _ fsKey: CFString!) -> Unmanaged<DRFile>! | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRFileCreateVirtualWithCallback(CFString!, DRFileProc, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<DRFile>!
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func DRFileCreateVirtualWithCallback(_ baseName: CFString!, _ fileProc: DRFileProc, _ fileProcRefCon: UnsafePointer<()>) -> Unmanaged<DRFile>! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func DRFileCreateVirtualWithCallback(_ baseName: CFString!, _ fileProc: DRFileProc, _ fileProcRefCon: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<DRFile>! | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRFileCreateVirtualWithData(CFString!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, UInt32) -> Unmanaged<DRFile>!
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func DRFileCreateVirtualWithData(_ baseName: CFString!, _ fileData: UnsafePointer<()>, _ fileDataLength: UInt32) -> Unmanaged<DRFile>! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func DRFileCreateVirtualWithData(_ baseName: CFString!, _ fileData: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, _ fileDataLength: UInt32) -> Unmanaged<DRFile>! | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRFileGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRFileProc
Declaration | |
From | typealias DRFileProc = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<()>, DRFile!, DRFileMessage, UnsafePointer<()>) -> OSStatus)> |
To | typealias DRFileProc = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, DRFile!, DRFileMessage, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> OSStatus)> |
Modified DRFilesystemTrackCreate(DRFolder!) -> Unmanaged<DRFilesystemTrack>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRFilesystemTrackEstimateOverhead(UInt64, UInt32, DRFilesystemMask) -> UInt64
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRFolderAddChild(DRFolder!, DRFSObject!)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func DRFolderAddChild(_ parent: DRFolder!, _ newChild: DRFSObjectRef!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func DRFolderAddChild(_ parent: DRFolder!, _ newChild: DRFSObject!) | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRFolderConvertRealToVirtual(DRFolder!)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRFolderCopyChildren(DRFolder!) -> Unmanaged<CFArray>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRFolderCountChildren(DRFolder!) -> UInt32
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRFolderCreateReal(UnsafePointer<FSRef>) -> Unmanaged<DRFolder>!
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func DRFolderCreateReal(_ fsRef: ConstUnsafePointer<FSRef>) -> Unmanaged<DRFolder>! | OS X 10.10 |
To | func DRFolderCreateReal(_ fsRef: UnsafePointer<FSRef>) -> Unmanaged<DRFolder>! | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRFolderCreateRealWithURL(CFURL!) -> Unmanaged<DRFolder>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRFolderCreateVirtual(CFString!) -> Unmanaged<DRFolder>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRFolderGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRFolderRemoveChild(DRFolder!, DRFSObject!)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func DRFolderRemoveChild(_ parent: DRFolder!, _ child: DRFSObjectRef!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func DRFolderRemoveChild(_ parent: DRFolder!, _ child: DRFSObject!) | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRFreeBlocksKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRFreeBlocksKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRFreeBlocksKey: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRGetRefCon(DRType!) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func DRGetRefCon(_ ref: DRTypeRef!) -> UnsafePointer<()> | OS X 10.10 |
To | func DRGetRefCon(_ ref: DRType!) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRHFSPlus
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRHFSPlus: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRHFSPlus: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRHFSPlusCatalogNodeID
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRHFSPlusCatalogNodeID: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRHFSPlusCatalogNodeID: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRHFSPlusTextEncodingHint
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRHFSPlusTextEncodingHint: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRHFSPlusTextEncodingHint: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRISO9660
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRISO9660: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRISO9660: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRISO9660LevelOne
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRISO9660LevelOne: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRISO9660LevelOne: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRISO9660LevelTwo
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRISO9660LevelTwo: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRISO9660LevelTwo: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRISO9660VersionNumber
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRISO9660VersionNumber: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRISO9660VersionNumber: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRISOLevel
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRISOLevel: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRISOLevel: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRISOMacExtensions
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRISOMacExtensions: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRISOMacExtensions: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRISORockRidgeExtensions
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRISORockRidgeExtensions: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRISORockRidgeExtensions: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRIndexPointsKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRIndexPointsKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRIndexPointsKey: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRInvisible
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRInvisible: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRInvisible: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRJoliet
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRJoliet: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRJoliet: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRLinkTypeFinderAlias
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRLinkTypeFinderAlias: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRLinkTypeFinderAlias: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRLinkTypeHardLink
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRLinkTypeHardLink: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRLinkTypeHardLink: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRLinkTypeSymbolicLink
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRLinkTypeSymbolicLink: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRLinkTypeSymbolicLink: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRMacExtendedFinderFlags
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRMacExtendedFinderFlags: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRMacExtendedFinderFlags: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRMacFileCreator
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRMacFileCreator: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRMacFileCreator: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRMacFileType
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRMacFileType: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRMacFileType: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRMacFinderFlags
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRMacFinderFlags: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRMacFinderFlags: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRMacFinderHideExtension
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRMacFinderHideExtension: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRMacFinderHideExtension: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRMacIconLocation
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRMacIconLocation: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRMacIconLocation: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRMacScrollPosition
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRMacScrollPosition: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRMacScrollPosition: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRMacWindowBounds
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRMacWindowBounds: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRMacWindowBounds: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRMacWindowView
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRMacWindowView: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRMacWindowView: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRMaxBurnSpeedKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRMaxBurnSpeedKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRMaxBurnSpeedKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRMediaCatalogNumberKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRMediaCatalogNumberKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRMediaCatalogNumberKey: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRNextWritableAddressKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRNextWritableAddressKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRNextWritableAddressKey: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRNotificationCallback
Declaration | |
From | typealias DRNotificationCallback = CFunctionPointer<((DRNotificationCenter!, UnsafePointer<()>, CFString!, DRTypeRef!, CFDictionary!) -> Void)> |
To | typealias DRNotificationCallback = CFunctionPointer<((DRNotificationCenter!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, CFString!, DRType!, CFDictionary!) -> Void)> |
Modified DRNotificationCenterAddObserver(DRNotificationCenter!, UnsafePointer<Void>, DRNotificationCallback, CFString!, DRType!)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func DRNotificationCenterAddObserver(_ center: DRNotificationCenter!, _ observer: ConstUnsafePointer<()>, _ callback: DRNotificationCallback, _ name: CFString!, _ object: DRTypeRef!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func DRNotificationCenterAddObserver(_ center: DRNotificationCenter!, _ observer: UnsafePointer<Void>, _ callback: DRNotificationCallback, _ name: CFString!, _ object: DRType!) | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRNotificationCenterCreate() -> Unmanaged<DRNotificationCenter>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRNotificationCenterCreateRunLoopSource(DRNotificationCenter!) -> Unmanaged<CFRunLoopSource>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRNotificationCenterGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRNotificationCenterRemoveObserver(DRNotificationCenter!, UnsafePointer<Void>, CFString!, DRType!)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func DRNotificationCenterRemoveObserver(_ center: DRNotificationCenter!, _ observer: ConstUnsafePointer<()>, _ name: CFString!, _ object: DRTypeRef!) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func DRNotificationCenterRemoveObserver(_ center: DRNotificationCenter!, _ observer: UnsafePointer<Void>, _ name: CFString!, _ object: DRType!) | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRPosixFileMode
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRPosixFileMode: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRPosixFileMode: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRPosixGID
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRPosixGID: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRPosixGID: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRPosixUID
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRPosixUID: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRPosixUID: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRPreGapIsRequiredKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRPreGapIsRequiredKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRPreGapIsRequiredKey: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRPreGapLengthKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRPreGapLengthKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRPreGapLengthKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRPublisher
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRPublisher: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRPublisher: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRRecordingDate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRRecordingDate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRRecordingDate: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRRefConReleaseCallback
Declaration | |
From | typealias DRRefConReleaseCallback = CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> Void)> |
To | typealias DRRefConReleaseCallback = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void)> |
Modified DRRefConRetainCallback
Declaration | |
From | typealias DRRefConRetainCallback = CFunctionPointer<((ConstUnsafePointer<()>) -> ConstUnsafePointer<()>)> |
To | typealias DRRefConRetainCallback = CFunctionPointer<((UnsafePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void>)> |
Modified DRSCMSCopyrightFree
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRSCMSCopyrightFree: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRSCMSCopyrightFree: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRSCMSCopyrightProtectedCopy
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRSCMSCopyrightProtectedCopy: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRSCMSCopyrightProtectedCopy: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRSCMSCopyrightProtectedOriginal
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRSCMSCopyrightProtectedOriginal: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRSCMSCopyrightProtectedOriginal: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRSerialCopyManagementStateKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRSerialCopyManagementStateKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRSerialCopyManagementStateKey: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRSessionFormatKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRSessionFormatKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRSessionFormatKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRSessionNumberKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRSessionNumberKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRSessionNumberKey: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRSetRefCon(DRType!, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, UnsafePointer<DRRefConCallbacks>)
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | func DRSetRefCon(_ ref: DRTypeRef!, _ refCon: UnsafePointer<()>, _ callbacks: ConstUnsafePointer<DRRefConCallbacks>) | OS X 10.10 |
To | func DRSetRefCon(_ ref: DRType!, _ refCon: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, _ callbacks: UnsafePointer<DRRefConCallbacks>) | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRStatusCurrentSessionKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRStatusCurrentSessionKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRStatusCurrentSessionKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRStatusCurrentSpeedKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRStatusCurrentSpeedKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRStatusCurrentSpeedKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRStatusCurrentTrackKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRStatusCurrentTrackKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRStatusCurrentTrackKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRStatusEraseTypeKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRStatusEraseTypeKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRStatusEraseTypeKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRStatusPercentCompleteKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRStatusPercentCompleteKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRStatusPercentCompleteKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRStatusProgressCurrentKPS
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRStatusProgressCurrentKPS: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRStatusProgressCurrentKPS: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRStatusProgressCurrentXFactor
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRStatusProgressCurrentXFactor: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRStatusProgressCurrentXFactor: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRStatusProgressInfoKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRStatusProgressInfoKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRStatusProgressInfoKey: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRStatusStateDone
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRStatusStateDone: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRStatusStateDone: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRStatusStateErasing
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRStatusStateErasing: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRStatusStateErasing: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRStatusStateFailed
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRStatusStateFailed: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRStatusStateFailed: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRStatusStateFinishing
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRStatusStateFinishing: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRStatusStateFinishing: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRStatusStateKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRStatusStateKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRStatusStateKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRStatusStateNone
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRStatusStateNone: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRStatusStateNone: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRStatusStatePreparing
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRStatusStatePreparing: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRStatusStatePreparing: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRStatusStateSessionClose
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRStatusStateSessionClose: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRStatusStateSessionClose: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRStatusStateSessionOpen
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRStatusStateSessionOpen: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRStatusStateSessionOpen: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRStatusStateTrackClose
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRStatusStateTrackClose: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRStatusStateTrackClose: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRStatusStateTrackOpen
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRStatusStateTrackOpen: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRStatusStateTrackOpen: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRStatusStateTrackWrite
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRStatusStateTrackWrite: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRStatusStateTrackWrite: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRStatusStateVerifying
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRStatusStateVerifying: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRStatusStateVerifying: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRStatusTotalSessionsKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRStatusTotalSessionsKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRStatusTotalSessionsKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRStatusTotalTracksKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRStatusTotalTracksKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRStatusTotalTracksKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRSubchannelDataFormKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRSubchannelDataFormKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRSubchannelDataFormKey: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRSubchannelDataFormNone
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRSubchannelDataFormNone: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRSubchannelDataFormNone: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRSubchannelDataFormPack
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRSubchannelDataFormPack: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRSubchannelDataFormPack: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRSubchannelDataFormRaw
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRSubchannelDataFormRaw: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRSubchannelDataFormRaw: String | OS X 10.5 |
Modified DRSuppressMacSpecificFiles
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRSuppressMacSpecificFiles: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRSuppressMacSpecificFiles: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRSynchronousBehaviorKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRSynchronousBehaviorKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRSynchronousBehaviorKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRSystemIdentifier
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRSystemIdentifier: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRSystemIdentifier: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRTrackCallbackProc
Declaration | |
From | typealias DRTrackCallbackProc = CFunctionPointer<((DRTrack!, DRTrackMessage, UnsafePointer<()>) -> OSStatus)> |
To | typealias DRTrackCallbackProc = CFunctionPointer<((DRTrack!, DRTrackMessage, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> OSStatus)> |
Modified DRTrackCreate(CFDictionary!, DRTrackCallbackProc) -> Unmanaged<DRTrack>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRTrackEstimateLength(DRTrack!) -> UInt64
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRTrackGetProperties(DRTrack!) -> Unmanaged<CFDictionary>!
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRTrackGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRTrackISRCKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRTrackISRCKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRTrackISRCKey: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRTrackIsEmptyKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRTrackIsEmptyKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRTrackIsEmptyKey: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRTrackLengthKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRTrackLengthKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRTrackLengthKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRTrackModeKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRTrackModeKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRTrackModeKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRTrackNumberKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRTrackNumberKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRTrackNumberKey: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRTrackPacketSizeKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRTrackPacketSizeKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRTrackPacketSizeKey: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRTrackPacketTypeFixed
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRTrackPacketTypeFixed: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRTrackPacketTypeFixed: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRTrackPacketTypeKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRTrackPacketTypeKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRTrackPacketTypeKey: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRTrackPacketTypeVariable
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRTrackPacketTypeVariable: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRTrackPacketTypeVariable: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRTrackSetProperties(DRTrack!, CFDictionary!)
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRTrackSpeedTest(DRTrack!, UInt32, UInt32) -> Float
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRTrackStartAddressKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRTrackStartAddressKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRTrackStartAddressKey: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRTrackTypeClosed
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRTrackTypeClosed: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRTrackTypeClosed: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRTrackTypeIncomplete
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRTrackTypeIncomplete: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRTrackTypeIncomplete: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRTrackTypeInvisible
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRTrackTypeInvisible: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRTrackTypeInvisible: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRTrackTypeKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRTrackTypeKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRTrackTypeKey: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRTrackTypeReserved
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRTrackTypeReserved: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRTrackTypeReserved: String | OS X 10.3 |
Modified DRTypeRef
Declaration | |
From | typealias DRTypeRef = AnyObject |
To | typealias DRTypeRef = DRType |
Modified DRUDF
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRUDF: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRUDF: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRUDFApplicationIdentifierSuffix
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRUDFApplicationIdentifierSuffix: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRUDFApplicationIdentifierSuffix: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRUDFExtendedFilePermissions
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRUDFExtendedFilePermissions: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRUDFExtendedFilePermissions: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRUDFInterchangeLevel
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRUDFInterchangeLevel: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRUDFInterchangeLevel: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRUDFMaxInterchangeLevel
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRUDFMaxInterchangeLevel: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRUDFMaxInterchangeLevel: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRUDFMaxVolumeSequenceNumber
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRUDFMaxVolumeSequenceNumber: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRUDFMaxVolumeSequenceNumber: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRUDFPrimaryVolumeDescriptorNumber
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRUDFPrimaryVolumeDescriptorNumber: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRUDFPrimaryVolumeDescriptorNumber: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRUDFRealTimeFile
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRUDFRealTimeFile: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRUDFRealTimeFile: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRUDFVersion102
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRUDFVersion102: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRUDFVersion102: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRUDFVersion150
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRUDFVersion150: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRUDFVersion150: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRUDFVolumeSequenceNumber
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRUDFVolumeSequenceNumber: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRUDFVolumeSequenceNumber: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRUDFVolumeSetIdentifier
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRUDFVolumeSetIdentifier: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRUDFVolumeSetIdentifier: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRUDFVolumeSetImplementationUse
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRUDFVolumeSetImplementationUse: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRUDFVolumeSetImplementationUse: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRUDFVolumeSetTimestamp
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRUDFVolumeSetTimestamp: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRUDFVolumeSetTimestamp: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRUDFWriteVersion
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRUDFWriteVersion: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRUDFWriteVersion: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRVerificationTypeChecksum
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRVerificationTypeChecksum: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRVerificationTypeChecksum: String | OS X 10.4 |
Modified DRVerificationTypeKey
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRVerificationTypeKey: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRVerificationTypeKey: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRVerificationTypeNone
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRVerificationTypeNone: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRVerificationTypeNone: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRVerificationTypeProduceAgain
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRVerificationTypeProduceAgain: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRVerificationTypeProduceAgain: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRVerificationTypeReceiveData
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRVerificationTypeReceiveData: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRVerificationTypeReceiveData: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRVolumeCheckedDate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRVolumeCheckedDate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRVolumeCheckedDate: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRVolumeCreationDate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRVolumeCreationDate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRVolumeCreationDate: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRVolumeEffectiveDate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRVolumeEffectiveDate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRVolumeEffectiveDate: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRVolumeExpirationDate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRVolumeExpirationDate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRVolumeExpirationDate: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRVolumeModificationDate
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRVolumeModificationDate: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRVolumeModificationDate: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified DRVolumeSet
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | let DRVolumeSet: NSString! | OS X 10.10 |
To | let DRVolumeSet: String | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRAbstractFile
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRAccessDate
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRAllFilesystems
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRApplicationIdentifier
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRAttributeModificationDate
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRAudioFourChannelKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRAudioPreEmphasisKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRBackupDate
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRBibliographicFile
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRBlockSize
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRBlockSizeKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRBlockTypeKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRBufferZone1DataKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRBurnAppendableKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRBurnCompletionActionEject
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRBurnCompletionActionKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRBurnCompletionActionMount
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRBurnDoubleLayerL0DataZoneBlocksKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRBurnFailureActionEject
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRBurnFailureActionKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRBurnFailureActionNone
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRBurnKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRBurnOverwriteDiscKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRBurnRequestedSpeedKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRBurnStatusChangedNotification
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRBurnStrategyBDDAO
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kDRBurnStrategyCDSAO
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRBurnStrategyCDTAO
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRBurnStrategyDVDDAO
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRBurnStrategyIsRequiredKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRBurnStrategyKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRBurnTestingKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRBurnUnderrunProtectionKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRBurnVerifyDiscKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRCDTextArrangerKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRCDTextCFStringEncodingKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRCDTextCharacterCodeKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRCDTextClosedKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRCDTextComposerKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRCDTextCopyrightAssertedForNamesKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRCDTextCopyrightAssertedForSpecialMessagesKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRCDTextCopyrightAssertedForTitlesKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRCDTextDiscIdentKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRCDTextGenreCodeKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRCDTextGenreKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRCDTextKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRCDTextLanguageKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRCDTextMCNISRCKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRCDTextPerformerKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRCDTextSizeKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRCDTextSongwriterKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRCDTextSpecialMessageKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRCDTextTOC2Key
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRCDTextTOCKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRCDTextTitleKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRContentModificationDate
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRCopyrightFile
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRCreationDate
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDVDCopyrightInfoKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDVDTimestampKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDataFormKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDataPreparer
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDefaultDate
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceAppearedNotification
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceBurnSpeedBD1x
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kDRDeviceBurnSpeedCD1x
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceBurnSpeedDVD1x
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceBurnSpeedHDDVD1x
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kDRDeviceBurnSpeedMax
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceBurnSpeedsKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceCanTestWriteCDKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceCanTestWriteDVDKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceCanUnderrunProtectCDKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceCanUnderrunProtectDVDKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceCanWriteBDKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kDRDeviceCanWriteBDREKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kDRDeviceCanWriteBDRKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kDRDeviceCanWriteCDKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceCanWriteCDRKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceCanWriteCDRWKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceCanWriteCDRawKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRDeviceCanWriteCDSAOKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRDeviceCanWriteCDTAOKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRDeviceCanWriteCDTextKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceCanWriteDVDDAOKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRDeviceCanWriteDVDKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceCanWriteDVDPlusRDoubleLayerKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRDeviceCanWriteDVDPlusRKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRDeviceCanWriteDVDPlusRWDoubleLayerKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kDRDeviceCanWriteDVDPlusRWKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRDeviceCanWriteDVDRAMKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceCanWriteDVDRDualLayerKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kDRDeviceCanWriteDVDRKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceCanWriteDVDRWDualLayerKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kDRDeviceCanWriteDVDRWKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceCanWriteHDDVDKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kDRDeviceCanWriteHDDVDRAMKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kDRDeviceCanWriteHDDVDRDualLayerKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kDRDeviceCanWriteHDDVDRKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kDRDeviceCanWriteHDDVDRWDualLayerKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kDRDeviceCanWriteHDDVDRWKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kDRDeviceCanWriteISRCKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRDeviceCanWriteIndexPointsKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRDeviceCanWriteKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceCurrentWriteSpeedKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceDisappearedNotification
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceFirmwareRevisionKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceIORegistryEntryPathKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceIsBusyKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceIsTrayOpenKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceLoadingMechanismCanEjectKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRDeviceLoadingMechanismCanInjectKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRDeviceLoadingMechanismCanOpenKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRDeviceMaximumWriteSpeedKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaBSDNameKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaBlocksFreeKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaBlocksOverwritableKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaBlocksUsedKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaClassBD
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaClassCD
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaClassDVD
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaClassHDDVD
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaClassKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaClassUnknown
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaDoubleLayerL0DataZoneBlocksKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaInfoKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaIsAppendableKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaIsBlankKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaIsErasableKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaIsOverwritableKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaIsReservedKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaSessionCountKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaStateInTransition
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaStateKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaStateMediaPresent
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaStateNone
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaTrackCountKey
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaTypeBDR
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaTypeBDRE
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaTypeBDROM
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaTypeCDR
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaTypeCDROM
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaTypeCDRW
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaTypeDVDPlusR
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaTypeDVDPlusRDoubleLayer
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaTypeDVDPlusRW
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaTypeDVDPlusRWDoubleLayer
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaTypeDVDR
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaTypeDVDRAM
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaTypeDVDRDualLayer
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaTypeDVDROM
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaTypeDVDRW
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaTypeDVDRWDualLayer
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaTypeHDDVDR
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaTypeHDDVDRAM
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaTypeHDDVDRDualLayer
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaTypeHDDVDROM
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaTypeHDDVDRW
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaTypeHDDVDRWDualLayer
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaTypeKey
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceMediaTypeUnknown
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDevicePhysicalInterconnectATAPI
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDevicePhysicalInterconnectFibreChannel
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRDevicePhysicalInterconnectFireWire
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDevicePhysicalInterconnectKey
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDevicePhysicalInterconnectLocationExternal
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRDevicePhysicalInterconnectLocationInternal
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDevicePhysicalInterconnectLocationKey
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRDevicePhysicalInterconnectLocationUnknown
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDevicePhysicalInterconnectSCSI
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRDevicePhysicalInterconnectUSB
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceProductNameKey
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRDeviceStatusChangedNotification
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceSupportLevelAppleShipping
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRDeviceSupportLevelAppleSupported
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRDeviceSupportLevelKey
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRDeviceSupportLevelNone
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRDeviceSupportLevelUnsupported
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRDeviceSupportLevelVendorSupported
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceTrackInfoKey
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRDeviceTrackRefsKey
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRDeviceVendorNameKey
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRDeviceWriteBufferSizeKey
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRDeviceWriteCapabilitiesKey
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDREffectiveDate
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDREraseStatusChangedNotification
Introduction | |
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Modified kDREraseTypeComplete
Introduction | |
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Modified kDREraseTypeKey
Introduction | |
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Modified kDREraseTypeQuick
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRErrorStatusAdditionalSenseStringKey
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRErrorStatusErrorInfoStringKey
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRErrorStatusErrorKey
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRErrorStatusErrorStringKey
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRErrorStatusKey
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRErrorStatusSenseCodeStringKey
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRErrorStatusSenseKey
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRExpirationDate
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRFreeBlocksKey
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRHFSPlus
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRHFSPlusCatalogNodeID
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRHFSPlusTextEncodingHint
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRISO9660
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRISO9660LevelOne
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRISO9660LevelTwo
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRISO9660VersionNumber
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRISOLevel
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRISOMacExtensions
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRISORockRidgeExtensions
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRIndexPointsKey
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRInvisible
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRJoliet
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRMacExtendedFinderFlags
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRMacFileCreator
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRMacFileType
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRMacFinderFlags
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRMacFinderHideExtension
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kDRMacIconLocation
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRMacScrollPosition
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRMacWindowBounds
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRMacWindowView
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRMaxBurnSpeedKey
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRMediaCatalogNumberKey
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRNextWritableAddressKey
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRPosixFileMode
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRPosixGID
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRPosixUID
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRPreGapIsRequiredKey
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRPreGapLengthKey
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRPublisher
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRRecordingDate
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRSCMSCopyrightFree
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRSCMSCopyrightProtectedCopy
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRSCMSCopyrightProtectedOriginal
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRSerialCopyManagementStateKey
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRSessionFormatKey
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRSessionNumberKey
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRStatusCurrentSessionKey
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRStatusCurrentSpeedKey
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRStatusCurrentTrackKey
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRStatusEraseTypeKey
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRStatusPercentCompleteKey
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRStatusProgressCurrentKPS
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRStatusProgressCurrentXFactor
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRStatusProgressInfoKey
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRStatusStateDone
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRStatusStateErasing
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRStatusStateFailed
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRStatusStateFinishing
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRStatusStateKey
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRStatusStateNone
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRStatusStatePreparing
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRStatusStateSessionClose
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRStatusStateSessionOpen
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRStatusStateTrackClose
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRStatusStateTrackOpen
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRStatusStateTrackWrite
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRStatusStateVerifying
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRStatusTotalSessionsKey
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRStatusTotalTracksKey
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRSubchannelDataFormKey
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kDRSubchannelDataFormNone
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kDRSubchannelDataFormPack
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kDRSubchannelDataFormRaw
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.5 |
Modified kDRSuppressMacSpecificFiles
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRSynchronousBehaviorKey
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRSystemIdentifier
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRTrackISRCKey
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRTrackIsEmptyKey
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRTrackLengthKey
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRTrackModeKey
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRTrackNumberKey
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRTrackPacketSizeKey
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRTrackPacketTypeFixed
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRTrackPacketTypeKey
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRTrackPacketTypeVariable
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRTrackStartAddressKey
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRTrackTypeClosed
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRTrackTypeIncomplete
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRTrackTypeInvisible
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRTrackTypeKey
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRTrackTypeReserved
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.3 |
Modified kDRUDF
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRUDFApplicationIdentifierSuffix
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRUDFExtendedFilePermissions
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRUDFInterchangeLevel
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRUDFMaxInterchangeLevel
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRUDFMaxVolumeSequenceNumber
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRUDFPrimaryVolumeDescriptorNumber
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRUDFRealTimeFile
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRUDFVersion102
Introduction | |
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Modified kDRUDFVersion150
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRUDFVolumeSequenceNumber
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRUDFVolumeSetIdentifier
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRUDFVolumeSetImplementationUse
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRUDFVolumeSetTimestamp
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRUDFWriteVersion
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRVerificationTypeChecksum
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.4 |
Modified kDRVerificationTypeKey
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRVerificationTypeNone
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRVerificationTypeProduceAgain
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRVerificationTypeReceiveData
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRVolumeCheckedDate
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRVolumeCreationDate
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRVolumeEffectiveDate
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRVolumeExpirationDate
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRVolumeModificationDate
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |
Modified kDRVolumeSet
Introduction | |
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To | OS X 10.2 |