OpenGL Changes for Swift
Removed CGLCPContextPriorityRequest.value
Added CGLCPContextPriorityRequest.init(rawValue: UInt32)
Added CGLCPContextPriorityRequest.rawValue
Modified CGLCPContextPriorityRequest [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct CGLCPContextPriorityRequest { init(_ value: UInt32) var value: UInt32 } | -- |
To | struct CGLCPContextPriorityRequest : RawRepresentable { init(_ rawValue: UInt32) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32) var rawValue: UInt32 } | RawRepresentable |
Modified CGLTexImageIOSurface2D(_: CGLContextObj, _: GLenum, _: GLenum, _: GLsizei, _: GLsizei, _: GLenum, _: GLenum, _: IOSurface, _: GLuint) -> CGLError
Declaration | |
From | func CGLTexImageIOSurface2D(_ ctx: CGLContextObj, _ target: GLenum, _ internal_format: GLenum, _ width: GLsizei, _ height: GLsizei, _ format: GLenum, _ type: GLenum, _ ioSurface: IOSurface!, _ plane: GLuint) -> CGLError |
To | func CGLTexImageIOSurface2D(_ ctx: CGLContextObj, _ target: GLenum, _ internal_format: GLenum, _ width: GLsizei, _ height: GLsizei, _ format: GLenum, _ type: GLenum, _ ioSurface: IOSurface, _ plane: GLuint) -> CGLError |
Modified kCGLPFAStereo
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | OS X 10.0 | OS X 10.11 |