AppKit Changes for Swift
Modified NSColor
Declaration | |
From | class NSColor : NSObject, NSCopying, NSSecureCoding, NSPasteboardReading, NSPasteboardWriting { init() init?(coder coder: NSCoder) init(calibratedWhite white: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) class func colorWithCalibratedWhite(_ white: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) -> NSColor init(calibratedHue hue: CGFloat, saturation saturation: CGFloat, brightness brightness: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) class func colorWithCalibratedHue(_ hue: CGFloat, saturation saturation: CGFloat, brightness brightness: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) -> NSColor init(calibratedRed red: CGFloat, green green: CGFloat, blue blue: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) class func colorWithCalibratedRed(_ red: CGFloat, green green: CGFloat, blue blue: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) -> NSColor init(deviceWhite white: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) class func colorWithDeviceWhite(_ white: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) -> NSColor init(deviceHue hue: CGFloat, saturation saturation: CGFloat, brightness brightness: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) class func colorWithDeviceHue(_ hue: CGFloat, saturation saturation: CGFloat, brightness brightness: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) -> NSColor init(deviceRed red: CGFloat, green green: CGFloat, blue blue: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) class func colorWithDeviceRed(_ red: CGFloat, green green: CGFloat, blue blue: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) -> NSColor init(deviceCyan cyan: CGFloat, magenta magenta: CGFloat, yellow yellow: CGFloat, black black: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) class func colorWithDeviceCyan(_ cyan: CGFloat, magenta magenta: CGFloat, yellow yellow: CGFloat, black black: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) -> NSColor init?(catalogName listName: String, colorName colorName: String) class func colorWithCatalogName(_ listName: String, colorName colorName: String) -> NSColor? init(colorSpace space: NSColorSpace, components components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, count numberOfComponents: Int) class func colorWithColorSpace(_ space: NSColorSpace, components components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, count numberOfComponents: Int) -> NSColor init(genericGamma22White white: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) class func colorWithGenericGamma22White(_ white: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) -> NSColor init(SRGBRed red: CGFloat, green green: CGFloat, blue blue: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) class func colorWithSRGBRed(_ red: CGFloat, green green: CGFloat, blue blue: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) -> NSColor init(white white: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) class func colorWithWhite(_ white: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) -> NSColor init(red red: CGFloat, green green: CGFloat, blue blue: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) class func colorWithRed(_ red: CGFloat, green green: CGFloat, blue blue: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) -> NSColor init(hue hue: CGFloat, saturation saturation: CGFloat, brightness brightness: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) class func colorWithHue(_ hue: CGFloat, saturation saturation: CGFloat, brightness brightness: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) -> NSColor class func blackColor() -> NSColor class func darkGrayColor() -> NSColor class func lightGrayColor() -> NSColor class func whiteColor() -> NSColor class func grayColor() -> NSColor class func redColor() -> NSColor class func greenColor() -> NSColor class func blueColor() -> NSColor class func cyanColor() -> NSColor class func yellowColor() -> NSColor class func magentaColor() -> NSColor class func orangeColor() -> NSColor class func purpleColor() -> NSColor class func brownColor() -> NSColor class func clearColor() -> NSColor class func controlShadowColor() -> NSColor class func controlDarkShadowColor() -> NSColor class func controlColor() -> NSColor class func controlHighlightColor() -> NSColor class func controlLightHighlightColor() -> NSColor class func controlTextColor() -> NSColor class func controlBackgroundColor() -> NSColor class func selectedControlColor() -> NSColor class func secondarySelectedControlColor() -> NSColor class func selectedControlTextColor() -> NSColor class func disabledControlTextColor() -> NSColor class func textColor() -> NSColor class func textBackgroundColor() -> NSColor class func selectedTextColor() -> NSColor class func selectedTextBackgroundColor() -> NSColor class func gridColor() -> NSColor class func keyboardFocusIndicatorColor() -> NSColor class func windowBackgroundColor() -> NSColor class func underPageBackgroundColor() -> NSColor class func labelColor() -> NSColor class func secondaryLabelColor() -> NSColor class func tertiaryLabelColor() -> NSColor class func quaternaryLabelColor() -> NSColor class func scrollBarColor() -> NSColor class func knobColor() -> NSColor class func selectedKnobColor() -> NSColor class func windowFrameColor() -> NSColor class func windowFrameTextColor() -> NSColor class func selectedMenuItemColor() -> NSColor class func selectedMenuItemTextColor() -> NSColor class func highlightColor() -> NSColor class func shadowColor() -> NSColor class func headerColor() -> NSColor class func headerTextColor() -> NSColor class func alternateSelectedControlColor() -> NSColor class func alternateSelectedControlTextColor() -> NSColor class func controlAlternatingRowBackgroundColors() -> [NSColor] func highlightWithLevel(_ val: CGFloat) -> NSColor? func shadowWithLevel(_ val: CGFloat) -> NSColor? init(forControlTint controlTint: NSControlTint) class func colorForControlTint(_ controlTint: NSControlTint) -> NSColor class func currentControlTint() -> NSControlTint func set() func setFill() func setStroke() var colorSpaceName: String { get } func colorUsingColorSpaceName(_ colorSpace: String) -> NSColor? func colorUsingColorSpaceName(_ colorSpace: String?, device deviceDescription: [String : AnyObject]?) -> NSColor? func colorUsingColorSpace(_ space: NSColorSpace) -> NSColor? func blendedColorWithFraction(_ fraction: CGFloat, ofColor color: NSColor) -> NSColor? func colorWithAlphaComponent(_ alpha: CGFloat) -> NSColor var catalogNameComponent: String { get } var colorNameComponent: String { get } var localizedCatalogNameComponent: String { get } var localizedColorNameComponent: String { get } var redComponent: CGFloat { get } var greenComponent: CGFloat { get } var blueComponent: CGFloat { get } func getRed(_ red: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, green green: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, blue blue: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, alpha alpha: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>) var hueComponent: CGFloat { get } var saturationComponent: CGFloat { get } var brightnessComponent: CGFloat { get } func getHue(_ hue: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, saturation saturation: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, brightness brightness: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, alpha alpha: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>) var whiteComponent: CGFloat { get } func getWhite(_ white: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, alpha alpha: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>) var cyanComponent: CGFloat { get } var magentaComponent: CGFloat { get } var yellowComponent: CGFloat { get } var blackComponent: CGFloat { get } func getCyan(_ cyan: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, magenta magenta: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, yellow yellow: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, black black: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, alpha alpha: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>) var colorSpace: NSColorSpace { get } var numberOfComponents: Int { get } func getComponents(_ components: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>) var alphaComponent: CGFloat { get } init?(fromPasteboard pasteBoard: NSPasteboard) class func colorFromPasteboard(_ pasteBoard: NSPasteboard) -> NSColor? func writeToPasteboard(_ pasteBoard: NSPasteboard) init(patternImage image: NSImage) class func colorWithPatternImage(_ image: NSImage) -> NSColor var patternImage: NSImage { get } func drawSwatchInRect(_ rect: NSRect) init?(CGColor cgColor: CGColor) class func colorWithCGColor(_ cgColor: CGColor) -> NSColor? var CGColor: CGColor { get } class func setIgnoresAlpha(_ flag: Bool) class func ignoresAlpha() -> Bool } extension NSColor : _ColorLiteralConvertible { required convenience init(colorLiteralRed red: Float, green green: Float, blue blue: Float, alpha alpha: Float) } extension NSColor { init(CIColor color: CIColor) class func colorWithCIColor(_ color: CIColor) -> NSColor } extension NSColor : _ColorLiteralConvertible { required convenience init(colorLiteralRed red: Float, green green: Float, blue blue: Float, alpha alpha: Float) } |
To | class NSColor : NSObject, NSCopying, NSSecureCoding, NSPasteboardReading, NSPasteboardWriting { init() init?(coder coder: NSCoder) init(calibratedWhite white: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) class func colorWithCalibratedWhite(_ white: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) -> NSColor init(calibratedHue hue: CGFloat, saturation saturation: CGFloat, brightness brightness: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) class func colorWithCalibratedHue(_ hue: CGFloat, saturation saturation: CGFloat, brightness brightness: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) -> NSColor init(calibratedRed red: CGFloat, green green: CGFloat, blue blue: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) class func colorWithCalibratedRed(_ red: CGFloat, green green: CGFloat, blue blue: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) -> NSColor init(deviceWhite white: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) class func colorWithDeviceWhite(_ white: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) -> NSColor init(deviceHue hue: CGFloat, saturation saturation: CGFloat, brightness brightness: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) class func colorWithDeviceHue(_ hue: CGFloat, saturation saturation: CGFloat, brightness brightness: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) -> NSColor init(deviceRed red: CGFloat, green green: CGFloat, blue blue: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) class func colorWithDeviceRed(_ red: CGFloat, green green: CGFloat, blue blue: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) -> NSColor init(deviceCyan cyan: CGFloat, magenta magenta: CGFloat, yellow yellow: CGFloat, black black: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) class func colorWithDeviceCyan(_ cyan: CGFloat, magenta magenta: CGFloat, yellow yellow: CGFloat, black black: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) -> NSColor init?(catalogName listName: String, colorName colorName: String) class func colorWithCatalogName(_ listName: String, colorName colorName: String) -> NSColor? init(colorSpace space: NSColorSpace, components components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, count numberOfComponents: Int) class func colorWithColorSpace(_ space: NSColorSpace, components components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, count numberOfComponents: Int) -> NSColor init(genericGamma22White white: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) class func colorWithGenericGamma22White(_ white: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) -> NSColor init(SRGBRed red: CGFloat, green green: CGFloat, blue blue: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) class func colorWithSRGBRed(_ red: CGFloat, green green: CGFloat, blue blue: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) -> NSColor init(white white: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) class func colorWithWhite(_ white: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) -> NSColor init(red red: CGFloat, green green: CGFloat, blue blue: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) class func colorWithRed(_ red: CGFloat, green green: CGFloat, blue blue: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) -> NSColor init(hue hue: CGFloat, saturation saturation: CGFloat, brightness brightness: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) class func colorWithHue(_ hue: CGFloat, saturation saturation: CGFloat, brightness brightness: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) -> NSColor class func blackColor() -> NSColor class func darkGrayColor() -> NSColor class func lightGrayColor() -> NSColor class func whiteColor() -> NSColor class func grayColor() -> NSColor class func redColor() -> NSColor class func greenColor() -> NSColor class func blueColor() -> NSColor class func cyanColor() -> NSColor class func yellowColor() -> NSColor class func magentaColor() -> NSColor class func orangeColor() -> NSColor class func purpleColor() -> NSColor class func brownColor() -> NSColor class func clearColor() -> NSColor class func controlShadowColor() -> NSColor class func controlDarkShadowColor() -> NSColor class func controlColor() -> NSColor class func controlHighlightColor() -> NSColor class func controlLightHighlightColor() -> NSColor class func controlTextColor() -> NSColor class func controlBackgroundColor() -> NSColor class func selectedControlColor() -> NSColor class func secondarySelectedControlColor() -> NSColor class func selectedControlTextColor() -> NSColor class func disabledControlTextColor() -> NSColor class func textColor() -> NSColor class func textBackgroundColor() -> NSColor class func selectedTextColor() -> NSColor class func selectedTextBackgroundColor() -> NSColor class func gridColor() -> NSColor class func keyboardFocusIndicatorColor() -> NSColor class func windowBackgroundColor() -> NSColor class func underPageBackgroundColor() -> NSColor class func labelColor() -> NSColor class func secondaryLabelColor() -> NSColor class func tertiaryLabelColor() -> NSColor class func quaternaryLabelColor() -> NSColor class func scrollBarColor() -> NSColor class func knobColor() -> NSColor class func selectedKnobColor() -> NSColor class func windowFrameColor() -> NSColor class func windowFrameTextColor() -> NSColor class func selectedMenuItemColor() -> NSColor class func selectedMenuItemTextColor() -> NSColor class func highlightColor() -> NSColor class func shadowColor() -> NSColor class func headerColor() -> NSColor class func headerTextColor() -> NSColor class func alternateSelectedControlColor() -> NSColor class func alternateSelectedControlTextColor() -> NSColor class func controlAlternatingRowBackgroundColors() -> [NSColor] func highlightWithLevel(_ val: CGFloat) -> NSColor? func shadowWithLevel(_ val: CGFloat) -> NSColor? init(forControlTint controlTint: NSControlTint) class func colorForControlTint(_ controlTint: NSControlTint) -> NSColor class func currentControlTint() -> NSControlTint func set() func setFill() func setStroke() var colorSpaceName: String { get } func colorUsingColorSpaceName(_ colorSpace: String) -> NSColor? func colorUsingColorSpaceName(_ colorSpace: String?, device deviceDescription: [String : AnyObject]?) -> NSColor? func colorUsingColorSpace(_ space: NSColorSpace) -> NSColor? func blendedColorWithFraction(_ fraction: CGFloat, ofColor color: NSColor) -> NSColor? func colorWithAlphaComponent(_ alpha: CGFloat) -> NSColor var catalogNameComponent: String { get } var colorNameComponent: String { get } var localizedCatalogNameComponent: String { get } var localizedColorNameComponent: String { get } var redComponent: CGFloat { get } var greenComponent: CGFloat { get } var blueComponent: CGFloat { get } func getRed(_ red: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, green green: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, blue blue: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, alpha alpha: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>) var hueComponent: CGFloat { get } var saturationComponent: CGFloat { get } var brightnessComponent: CGFloat { get } func getHue(_ hue: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, saturation saturation: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, brightness brightness: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, alpha alpha: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>) var whiteComponent: CGFloat { get } func getWhite(_ white: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, alpha alpha: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>) var cyanComponent: CGFloat { get } var magentaComponent: CGFloat { get } var yellowComponent: CGFloat { get } var blackComponent: CGFloat { get } func getCyan(_ cyan: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, magenta magenta: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, yellow yellow: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, black black: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, alpha alpha: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>) var colorSpace: NSColorSpace { get } var numberOfComponents: Int { get } func getComponents(_ components: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>) var alphaComponent: CGFloat { get } init?(fromPasteboard pasteBoard: NSPasteboard) class func colorFromPasteboard(_ pasteBoard: NSPasteboard) -> NSColor? func writeToPasteboard(_ pasteBoard: NSPasteboard) init(patternImage image: NSImage) class func colorWithPatternImage(_ image: NSImage) -> NSColor var patternImage: NSImage { get } func drawSwatchInRect(_ rect: NSRect) init?(CGColor cgColor: CGColor) class func colorWithCGColor(_ cgColor: CGColor) -> NSColor? var CGColor: CGColor { get } class func setIgnoresAlpha(_ flag: Bool) class func ignoresAlpha() -> Bool } extension NSColor { required convenience init(colorLiteralRed red: Float, green green: Float, blue blue: Float, alpha alpha: Float) } extension NSColor { init(CIColor color: CIColor) class func colorWithCIColor(_ color: CIColor) -> NSColor } extension NSColor { required convenience init(colorLiteralRed red: Float, green green: Float, blue blue: Float, alpha alpha: Float) } |
Modified NSColorPicker
Declaration | |
From | class NSColorPicker : NSObject, NSColorPickingDefault { init?(pickerMask mask: Int, colorPanel owningColorPanel: NSColorPanel) var colorPanel: NSColorPanel { get } var provideNewButtonImage: NSImage { get } func insertNewButtonImage(_ newButtonImage: NSImage, `in` buttonCell: NSButtonCell) func viewSizeChanged(_ sender: AnyObject?) func attachColorList(_ colorList: NSColorList) func detachColorList(_ colorList: NSColorList) func setMode(_ mode: NSColorPanelMode) var buttonToolTip: String { get } var minContentSize: NSSize { get } } |
To | class NSColorPicker : NSObject, NSColorPickingDefault { init?(pickerMask mask: Int, colorPanel owningColorPanel: NSColorPanel) var colorPanel: NSColorPanel { get } var provideNewButtonImage: NSImage { get } func insertNewButtonImage(_ newButtonImage: NSImage, in buttonCell: NSButtonCell) func viewSizeChanged(_ sender: AnyObject?) func attachColorList(_ colorList: NSColorList) func detachColorList(_ colorList: NSColorList) func setMode(_ mode: NSColorPanelMode) var buttonToolTip: String { get } var minContentSize: NSSize { get } } |
Declaration | |
From | func insertNewButtonImage(_ newButtonImage: NSImage, `in` buttonCell: NSButtonCell) |
To | func insertNewButtonImage(_ newButtonImage: NSImage, in buttonCell: NSButtonCell) |
Modified NSColorPickingDefault
Declaration | |
From | protocol NSColorPickingDefault { init?(pickerMask mask: Int, colorPanel owningColorPanel: NSColorPanel) func provideNewButtonImage() -> NSImage func insertNewButtonImage(_ newButtonImage: NSImage, `in` buttonCell: NSButtonCell) func viewSizeChanged(_ sender: AnyObject?) func alphaControlAddedOrRemoved(_ sender: AnyObject?) func attachColorList(_ colorList: NSColorList) func detachColorList(_ colorList: NSColorList) func setMode(_ mode: NSColorPanelMode) func buttonToolTip() -> String func minContentSize() -> NSSize } |
To | protocol NSColorPickingDefault { init?(pickerMask mask: Int, colorPanel owningColorPanel: NSColorPanel) func provideNewButtonImage() -> NSImage func insertNewButtonImage(_ newButtonImage: NSImage, in buttonCell: NSButtonCell) func viewSizeChanged(_ sender: AnyObject?) func alphaControlAddedOrRemoved(_ sender: AnyObject?) func attachColorList(_ colorList: NSColorList) func detachColorList(_ colorList: NSColorList) func setMode(_ mode: NSColorPanelMode) func buttonToolTip() -> String func minContentSize() -> NSSize } |
Declaration | |
From | func insertNewButtonImage(_ newButtonImage: NSImage, `in` buttonCell: NSButtonCell) |
To | func insertNewButtonImage(_ newButtonImage: NSImage, in buttonCell: NSButtonCell) |
Modified NSImage
Declaration | |
From | class NSImage : NSObject, NSCopying, NSCoding, NSSecureCoding, NSPasteboardReading, NSPasteboardWriting { init?(named name: String) class func imageNamed(_ name: String) -> NSImage? init(size aSize: NSSize) init?(data data: NSData) init?(contentsOfFile fileName: String) init?(contentsOfURL url: NSURL) init?(byReferencingFile fileName: String) init(byReferencingURL url: NSURL) init(iconRef iconRef: IconRef) init?(pasteboard pasteboard: NSPasteboard) init?(dataIgnoringOrientation data: NSData) init(size size: NSSize, flipped drawingHandlerShouldBeCalledWithFlippedContext: Bool, drawingHandler drawingHandler: (NSRect) -> Bool) class func imageWithSize(_ size: NSSize, flipped drawingHandlerShouldBeCalledWithFlippedContext: Bool, drawingHandler drawingHandler: (NSRect) -> Bool) -> NSImage var size: NSSize func setName(_ string: String?) -> Bool func name() -> String? @NSCopying var backgroundColor: NSColor var usesEPSOnResolutionMismatch: Bool var prefersColorMatch: Bool var matchesOnMultipleResolution: Bool var matchesOnlyOnBestFittingAxis: Bool func drawAtPoint(_ point: NSPoint, fromRect fromRect: NSRect, operation op: NSCompositingOperation, fraction delta: CGFloat) func drawInRect(_ rect: NSRect, fromRect fromRect: NSRect, operation op: NSCompositingOperation, fraction delta: CGFloat) func drawInRect(_ dstSpacePortionRect: NSRect, fromRect srcSpacePortionRect: NSRect, operation op: NSCompositingOperation, fraction requestedAlpha: CGFloat, respectFlipped respectContextIsFlipped: Bool, hints hints: [String : AnyObject]?) func drawRepresentation(_ imageRep: NSImageRep, inRect rect: NSRect) -> Bool func drawInRect(_ rect: NSRect) func recache() var TIFFRepresentation: NSData? { get } func TIFFRepresentationUsingCompression(_ comp: NSTIFFCompression, factor aFloat: Float) -> NSData? var representations: [NSImageRep] { get } func addRepresentations(_ imageReps: [NSImageRep]) func addRepresentation(_ imageRep: NSImageRep) func removeRepresentation(_ imageRep: NSImageRep) var valid: Bool { get } func lockFocus() func lockFocusFlipped(_ flipped: Bool) func unlockFocus() func bestRepresentationForDevice(_ deviceDescription: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> NSImageRep! unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSImageDelegate? class func imageUnfilteredFileTypes() -> [String] class func imageUnfilteredPasteboardTypes() -> [String] class func imageFileTypes() -> [String] class func imagePasteboardTypes() -> [String] class func imageTypes() -> [String] class func imageUnfilteredTypes() -> [String] class func canInitWithPasteboard(_ pasteboard: NSPasteboard) -> Bool func cancelIncrementalLoad() var cacheMode: NSImageCacheMode var alignmentRect: NSRect var template: Bool var accessibilityDescription: String? init(CGImage cgImage: CGImage, size size: NSSize) func CGImageForProposedRect(_ proposedDestRect: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSRect>, context referenceContext: NSGraphicsContext?, hints hints: [String : AnyObject]?) -> CGImage? func bestRepresentationForRect(_ rect: NSRect, context referenceContext: NSGraphicsContext?, hints hints: [String : AnyObject]?) -> NSImageRep? func hitTestRect(_ testRectDestSpace: NSRect, withImageDestinationRect imageRectDestSpace: NSRect, context context: NSGraphicsContext?, hints hints: [String : AnyObject]?, flipped flipped: Bool) -> Bool func recommendedLayerContentsScale(_ preferredContentsScale: CGFloat) -> CGFloat func layerContentsForContentsScale(_ layerContentsScale: CGFloat) -> AnyObject var capInsets: NSEdgeInsets var resizingMode: NSImageResizingMode } extension NSImage : _ImageLiteralConvertible { required convenience init(imageLiteral name: String) } extension NSImage { func setFlipped(_ flag: Bool) func isFlipped() -> Bool func dissolveToPoint(_ point: NSPoint, fraction aFloat: CGFloat) func dissolveToPoint(_ point: NSPoint, fromRect rect: NSRect, fraction aFloat: CGFloat) func compositeToPoint(_ point: NSPoint, operation op: NSCompositingOperation) func compositeToPoint(_ point: NSPoint, fromRect rect: NSRect, operation op: NSCompositingOperation) func compositeToPoint(_ point: NSPoint, operation op: NSCompositingOperation, fraction delta: CGFloat) func compositeToPoint(_ point: NSPoint, fromRect rect: NSRect, operation op: NSCompositingOperation, fraction delta: CGFloat) func lockFocusOnRepresentation(_ imageRepresentation: NSImageRep!) func setScalesWhenResized(_ flag: Bool) func scalesWhenResized() -> Bool func setDataRetained(_ flag: Bool) func isDataRetained() -> Bool func setCachedSeparately(_ flag: Bool) func isCachedSeparately() -> Bool func setCacheDepthMatchesImageDepth(_ flag: Bool) func cacheDepthMatchesImageDepth() -> Bool } extension NSImage : _ImageLiteralConvertible { required convenience init(imageLiteral name: String) } |
To | class NSImage : NSObject, NSCopying, NSCoding, NSSecureCoding, NSPasteboardReading, NSPasteboardWriting { init?(named name: String) class func imageNamed(_ name: String) -> NSImage? init(size aSize: NSSize) init?(data data: NSData) init?(contentsOfFile fileName: String) init?(contentsOfURL url: NSURL) init?(byReferencingFile fileName: String) init(byReferencingURL url: NSURL) init(iconRef iconRef: IconRef) init?(pasteboard pasteboard: NSPasteboard) init?(dataIgnoringOrientation data: NSData) init(size size: NSSize, flipped drawingHandlerShouldBeCalledWithFlippedContext: Bool, drawingHandler drawingHandler: (NSRect) -> Bool) class func imageWithSize(_ size: NSSize, flipped drawingHandlerShouldBeCalledWithFlippedContext: Bool, drawingHandler drawingHandler: (NSRect) -> Bool) -> NSImage var size: NSSize func setName(_ string: String?) -> Bool func name() -> String? @NSCopying var backgroundColor: NSColor var usesEPSOnResolutionMismatch: Bool var prefersColorMatch: Bool var matchesOnMultipleResolution: Bool var matchesOnlyOnBestFittingAxis: Bool func drawAtPoint(_ point: NSPoint, fromRect fromRect: NSRect, operation op: NSCompositingOperation, fraction delta: CGFloat) func drawInRect(_ rect: NSRect, fromRect fromRect: NSRect, operation op: NSCompositingOperation, fraction delta: CGFloat) func drawInRect(_ dstSpacePortionRect: NSRect, fromRect srcSpacePortionRect: NSRect, operation op: NSCompositingOperation, fraction requestedAlpha: CGFloat, respectFlipped respectContextIsFlipped: Bool, hints hints: [String : AnyObject]?) func drawRepresentation(_ imageRep: NSImageRep, inRect rect: NSRect) -> Bool func drawInRect(_ rect: NSRect) func recache() var TIFFRepresentation: NSData? { get } func TIFFRepresentationUsingCompression(_ comp: NSTIFFCompression, factor aFloat: Float) -> NSData? var representations: [NSImageRep] { get } func addRepresentations(_ imageReps: [NSImageRep]) func addRepresentation(_ imageRep: NSImageRep) func removeRepresentation(_ imageRep: NSImageRep) var valid: Bool { get } func lockFocus() func lockFocusFlipped(_ flipped: Bool) func unlockFocus() func bestRepresentationForDevice(_ deviceDescription: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> NSImageRep! unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSImageDelegate? class func imageUnfilteredFileTypes() -> [String] class func imageUnfilteredPasteboardTypes() -> [String] class func imageFileTypes() -> [String] class func imagePasteboardTypes() -> [String] class func imageTypes() -> [String] class func imageUnfilteredTypes() -> [String] class func canInitWithPasteboard(_ pasteboard: NSPasteboard) -> Bool func cancelIncrementalLoad() var cacheMode: NSImageCacheMode var alignmentRect: NSRect var template: Bool var accessibilityDescription: String? init(CGImage cgImage: CGImage, size size: NSSize) func CGImageForProposedRect(_ proposedDestRect: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSRect>, context referenceContext: NSGraphicsContext?, hints hints: [String : AnyObject]?) -> CGImage? func bestRepresentationForRect(_ rect: NSRect, context referenceContext: NSGraphicsContext?, hints hints: [String : AnyObject]?) -> NSImageRep? func hitTestRect(_ testRectDestSpace: NSRect, withImageDestinationRect imageRectDestSpace: NSRect, context context: NSGraphicsContext?, hints hints: [String : AnyObject]?, flipped flipped: Bool) -> Bool func recommendedLayerContentsScale(_ preferredContentsScale: CGFloat) -> CGFloat func layerContentsForContentsScale(_ layerContentsScale: CGFloat) -> AnyObject var capInsets: NSEdgeInsets var resizingMode: NSImageResizingMode } extension NSImage { required convenience init(imageLiteral name: String) } extension NSImage { func setFlipped(_ flag: Bool) func isFlipped() -> Bool func dissolveToPoint(_ point: NSPoint, fraction aFloat: CGFloat) func dissolveToPoint(_ point: NSPoint, fromRect rect: NSRect, fraction aFloat: CGFloat) func compositeToPoint(_ point: NSPoint, operation op: NSCompositingOperation) func compositeToPoint(_ point: NSPoint, fromRect rect: NSRect, operation op: NSCompositingOperation) func compositeToPoint(_ point: NSPoint, operation op: NSCompositingOperation, fraction delta: CGFloat) func compositeToPoint(_ point: NSPoint, fromRect rect: NSRect, operation op: NSCompositingOperation, fraction delta: CGFloat) func lockFocusOnRepresentation(_ imageRepresentation: NSImageRep!) func setScalesWhenResized(_ flag: Bool) func scalesWhenResized() -> Bool func setDataRetained(_ flag: Bool) func isDataRetained() -> Bool func setCachedSeparately(_ flag: Bool) func isCachedSeparately() -> Bool func setCacheDepthMatchesImageDepth(_ flag: Bool) func cacheDepthMatchesImageDepth() -> Bool } extension NSImage { required convenience init(imageLiteral name: String) } |
Modified NSLayoutManager
Declaration | |
From | class NSLayoutManager : NSObject, NSCoding { init() init?(coder coder: NSCoder) unowned(unsafe) var textStorage: NSTextStorage? func replaceTextStorage(_ newTextStorage: NSTextStorage) var textContainers: [NSTextContainer] { get } func addTextContainer(_ container: NSTextContainer) func insertTextContainer(_ container: NSTextContainer, atIndex index: Int) func removeTextContainerAtIndex(_ index: Int) func textContainerChangedGeometry(_ container: NSTextContainer) func textContainerChangedTextView(_ container: NSTextContainer) unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSLayoutManagerDelegate? var showsInvisibleCharacters: Bool var showsControlCharacters: Bool var hyphenationFactor: Float var usesFontLeading: Bool var allowsNonContiguousLayout: Bool var hasNonContiguousLayout: Bool { get } var backgroundLayoutEnabled: Bool var defaultAttachmentScaling: NSImageScaling var typesetter: NSTypesetter var typesetterBehavior: NSTypesetterBehavior func invalidateGlyphsForCharacterRange(_ charRange: NSRange, changeInLength delta: Int, actualCharacterRange actualCharRange: NSRangePointer) func invalidateLayoutForCharacterRange(_ charRange: NSRange, actualCharacterRange actualCharRange: NSRangePointer) func invalidateDisplayForCharacterRange(_ charRange: NSRange) func invalidateDisplayForGlyphRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange) func processEditingForTextStorage(_ textStorage: NSTextStorage, edited editMask: NSTextStorageEditActions, range newCharRange: NSRange, changeInLength delta: Int, invalidatedRange invalidatedCharRange: NSRange) func ensureGlyphsForCharacterRange(_ charRange: NSRange) func ensureGlyphsForGlyphRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange) func ensureLayoutForCharacterRange(_ charRange: NSRange) func ensureLayoutForGlyphRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange) func ensureLayoutForTextContainer(_ container: NSTextContainer) func ensureLayoutForBoundingRect(_ bounds: NSRect, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer) func setGlyphs(_ glyphs: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>, properties props: UnsafePointer<NSGlyphProperty>, characterIndexes charIndexes: UnsafePointer<Int>, font aFont: NSFont, forGlyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) var numberOfGlyphs: Int { get } func CGGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int, isValidIndex isValidIndex: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> CGGlyph func CGGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int) -> CGGlyph func isValidGlyphIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int) -> Bool func propertyForGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int) -> NSGlyphProperty func characterIndexForGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int) -> Int func glyphIndexForCharacterAtIndex(_ charIndex: Int) -> Int func getGlyphsInRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange, glyphs glyphBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGGlyph>, properties props: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyphProperty>, characterIndexes charIndexBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, bidiLevels bidiLevelBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>) -> Int func setTextContainer(_ container: NSTextContainer, forGlyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) func setLineFragmentRect(_ fragmentRect: NSRect, forGlyphRange glyphRange: NSRange, usedRect usedRect: NSRect) func setExtraLineFragmentRect(_ fragmentRect: NSRect, usedRect usedRect: NSRect, textContainer container: NSTextContainer) func setLocation(_ location: NSPoint, forStartOfGlyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) func setNotShownAttribute(_ flag: Bool, forGlyphAtIndex glyphIndex: Int) func setDrawsOutsideLineFragment(_ flag: Bool, forGlyphAtIndex glyphIndex: Int) func setAttachmentSize(_ attachmentSize: NSSize, forGlyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) func getFirstUnlaidCharacterIndex(_ charIndex: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, glyphIndex glyphIndex: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) func firstUnlaidCharacterIndex() -> Int func firstUnlaidGlyphIndex() -> Int func textContainerForGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int, effectiveRange effectiveGlyphRange: NSRangePointer) -> NSTextContainer? func textContainerForGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int, effectiveRange effectiveGlyphRange: NSRangePointer, withoutAdditionalLayout flag: Bool) -> NSTextContainer? func usedRectForTextContainer(_ container: NSTextContainer) -> NSRect func lineFragmentRectForGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int, effectiveRange effectiveGlyphRange: NSRangePointer) -> NSRect func lineFragmentRectForGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int, effectiveRange effectiveGlyphRange: NSRangePointer, withoutAdditionalLayout flag: Bool) -> NSRect func lineFragmentUsedRectForGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int, effectiveRange effectiveGlyphRange: NSRangePointer) -> NSRect func lineFragmentUsedRectForGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int, effectiveRange effectiveGlyphRange: NSRangePointer, withoutAdditionalLayout flag: Bool) -> NSRect var extraLineFragmentRect: NSRect { get } var extraLineFragmentUsedRect: NSRect { get } var extraLineFragmentTextContainer: NSTextContainer? { get } func locationForGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int) -> NSPoint func notShownAttributeForGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int) -> Bool func drawsOutsideLineFragmentForGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int) -> Bool func attachmentSizeForGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int) -> NSSize func truncatedGlyphRangeInLineFragmentForGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int) -> NSRange func glyphRangeForCharacterRange(_ charRange: NSRange, actualCharacterRange actualCharRange: NSRangePointer) -> NSRange func characterRangeForGlyphRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange, actualGlyphRange actualGlyphRange: NSRangePointer) -> NSRange func glyphRangeForTextContainer(_ container: NSTextContainer) -> NSRange func rangeOfNominallySpacedGlyphsContainingIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int) -> NSRange func boundingRectForGlyphRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer) -> NSRect func glyphRangeForBoundingRect(_ bounds: NSRect, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer) -> NSRange func glyphRangeForBoundingRectWithoutAdditionalLayout(_ bounds: NSRect, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer) -> NSRange func glyphIndexForPoint(_ point: NSPoint, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer, fractionOfDistanceThroughGlyph partialFraction: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>) -> Int func glyphIndexForPoint(_ point: NSPoint, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer) -> Int func fractionOfDistanceThroughGlyphForPoint(_ point: NSPoint, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer) -> CGFloat func characterIndexForPoint(_ point: NSPoint, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer, fractionOfDistanceBetweenInsertionPoints partialFraction: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>) -> Int func getLineFragmentInsertionPointsForCharacterAtIndex(_ charIndex: Int, alternatePositions aFlag: Bool, inDisplayOrder dFlag: Bool, positions positions: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, characterIndexes charIndexes: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) -> Int func enumerateLineFragmentsForGlyphRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange, usingBlock block: (NSRect, NSRect, NSTextContainer, NSRange, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void) func enumerateEnclosingRectsForGlyphRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange, withinSelectedGlyphRange selectedRange: NSRange, inTextContainer textContainer: NSTextContainer, usingBlock block: (NSRect, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void) func drawBackgroundForGlyphRange(_ glyphsToShow: NSRange, atPoint origin: NSPoint) func drawGlyphsForGlyphRange(_ glyphsToShow: NSRange, atPoint origin: NSPoint) func showCGGlyphs(_ glyphs: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>, positions positions: UnsafePointer<NSPoint>, count glyphCount: Int, font font: NSFont, matrix textMatrix: NSAffineTransform, attributes attributes: [String : AnyObject], inContext graphicsContext: NSGraphicsContext) func fillBackgroundRectArray(_ rectArray: UnsafePointer<NSRect>, count rectCount: Int, forCharacterRange charRange: NSRange, color color: NSColor) func drawUnderlineForGlyphRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange, underlineType underlineVal: NSUnderlineStyle, baselineOffset baselineOffset: CGFloat, lineFragmentRect lineRect: NSRect, lineFragmentGlyphRange lineGlyphRange: NSRange, containerOrigin containerOrigin: NSPoint) func underlineGlyphRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange, underlineType underlineVal: NSUnderlineStyle, lineFragmentRect lineRect: NSRect, lineFragmentGlyphRange lineGlyphRange: NSRange, containerOrigin containerOrigin: NSPoint) func drawStrikethroughForGlyphRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange, strikethroughType strikethroughVal: NSUnderlineStyle, baselineOffset baselineOffset: CGFloat, lineFragmentRect lineRect: NSRect, lineFragmentGlyphRange lineGlyphRange: NSRange, containerOrigin containerOrigin: NSPoint) func strikethroughGlyphRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange, strikethroughType strikethroughVal: NSUnderlineStyle, lineFragmentRect lineRect: NSRect, lineFragmentGlyphRange lineGlyphRange: NSRange, containerOrigin containerOrigin: NSPoint) func showAttachmentCell(_ cell: NSCell, inRect rect: NSRect, characterIndex attachmentIndex: Int) func setLayoutRect(_ rect: NSRect, forTextBlock block: NSTextBlock, glyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) func setBoundsRect(_ rect: NSRect, forTextBlock block: NSTextBlock, glyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) func layoutRectForTextBlock(_ block: NSTextBlock, glyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) -> NSRect func boundsRectForTextBlock(_ block: NSTextBlock, glyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) -> NSRect func layoutRectForTextBlock(_ block: NSTextBlock, atIndex glyphIndex: Int, effectiveRange effectiveGlyphRange: NSRangePointer) -> NSRect func boundsRectForTextBlock(_ block: NSTextBlock, atIndex glyphIndex: Int, effectiveRange effectiveGlyphRange: NSRangePointer) -> NSRect func temporaryAttributesAtCharacterIndex(_ charIndex: Int, effectiveRange effectiveCharRange: NSRangePointer) -> [String : AnyObject] func setTemporaryAttributes(_ attrs: [String : AnyObject], forCharacterRange charRange: NSRange) func addTemporaryAttributes(_ attrs: [String : AnyObject], forCharacterRange charRange: NSRange) func removeTemporaryAttribute(_ attrName: String, forCharacterRange charRange: NSRange) func temporaryAttribute(_ attrName: String, atCharacterIndex location: Int, effectiveRange range: NSRangePointer) -> AnyObject? func temporaryAttribute(_ attrName: String, atCharacterIndex location: Int, longestEffectiveRange range: NSRangePointer, inRange rangeLimit: NSRange) -> AnyObject? func temporaryAttributesAtCharacterIndex(_ location: Int, longestEffectiveRange range: NSRangePointer, inRange rangeLimit: NSRange) -> [String : AnyObject] func addTemporaryAttribute(_ attrName: String, value value: AnyObject, forCharacterRange charRange: NSRange) func defaultLineHeightForFont(_ theFont: NSFont) -> CGFloat func defaultBaselineOffsetForFont(_ theFont: NSFont) -> CGFloat } extension NSLayoutManager : NSGlyphStorage { var glyphGenerator: NSGlyphGenerator } extension NSLayoutManager { func rulerMarkersForTextView(_ view: NSTextView, paragraphStyle style: NSParagraphStyle, ruler ruler: NSRulerView) -> [NSRulerMarker] func rulerAccessoryViewForTextView(_ view: NSTextView, paragraphStyle style: NSParagraphStyle, ruler ruler: NSRulerView, enabled isEnabled: Bool) -> NSView? func layoutManagerOwnsFirstResponderInWindow(_ window: NSWindow) -> Bool unowned(unsafe) var firstTextView: NSTextView? { get } unowned(unsafe) var textViewForBeginningOfSelection: NSTextView? { get } } extension NSLayoutManager { func glyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int, isValidIndex isValidIndex: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> NSGlyph func glyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int) -> NSGlyph func rectArrayForCharacterRange(_ charRange: NSRange, withinSelectedCharacterRange selCharRange: NSRange, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer, rectCount rectCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) -> NSRectArray func rectArrayForGlyphRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange, withinSelectedGlyphRange selGlyphRange: NSRange, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer, rectCount rectCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) -> NSRectArray var usesScreenFonts: Bool func substituteFontForFont(_ originalFont: NSFont) -> NSFont func insertGlyph(_ glyph: NSGlyph, atGlyphIndex glyphIndex: Int, characterIndex charIndex: Int) func replaceGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int, withGlyph newGlyph: NSGlyph) func deleteGlyphsInRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange) func setCharacterIndex(_ charIndex: Int, forGlyphAtIndex glyphIndex: Int) func invalidateGlyphsOnLayoutInvalidationForGlyphRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange) func intAttribute(_ attributeTag: Int, forGlyphAtIndex glyphIndex: Int) -> Int func getGlyphsInRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange, glyphs glyphBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyph>, characterIndexes charIndexBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, glyphInscriptions inscribeBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyphInscription>, elasticBits elasticBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Int func getGlyphsInRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange, glyphs glyphBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyph>, characterIndexes charIndexBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, glyphInscriptions inscribeBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyphInscription>, elasticBits elasticBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>, bidiLevels bidiLevelBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>) -> Int func getGlyphs(_ glyphArray: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyph>, range glyphRange: NSRange) -> Int func invalidateLayoutForCharacterRange(_ charRange: NSRange, isSoft flag: Bool, actualCharacterRange actualCharRange: NSRangePointer) func textStorage(_ str: NSTextStorage, edited editedMask: NSTextStorageEditedOptions, range newCharRange: NSRange, changeInLength delta: Int, invalidatedRange invalidatedCharRange: NSRange) func setLocations(_ locations: NSPointArray, startingGlyphIndexes glyphIndexes: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, count count: Int, forGlyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) func showPackedGlyphs(_ glyphs: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>, length glyphLen: Int, glyphRange glyphRange: NSRange, atPoint point: NSPoint, font font: NSFont, color color: NSColor, printingAdjustment printingAdjustment: NSSize) } |
To | class NSLayoutManager : NSObject, NSCoding { init() init?(coder coder: NSCoder) unowned(unsafe) var textStorage: NSTextStorage? func replaceTextStorage(_ newTextStorage: NSTextStorage) var textContainers: [NSTextContainer] { get } func addTextContainer(_ container: NSTextContainer) func insertTextContainer(_ container: NSTextContainer, atIndex index: Int) func removeTextContainerAtIndex(_ index: Int) func textContainerChangedGeometry(_ container: NSTextContainer) func textContainerChangedTextView(_ container: NSTextContainer) unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSLayoutManagerDelegate? var showsInvisibleCharacters: Bool var showsControlCharacters: Bool var hyphenationFactor: Float var usesFontLeading: Bool var allowsNonContiguousLayout: Bool var hasNonContiguousLayout: Bool { get } var backgroundLayoutEnabled: Bool var defaultAttachmentScaling: NSImageScaling var typesetter: NSTypesetter var typesetterBehavior: NSTypesetterBehavior func invalidateGlyphsForCharacterRange(_ charRange: NSRange, changeInLength delta: Int, actualCharacterRange actualCharRange: NSRangePointer) func invalidateLayoutForCharacterRange(_ charRange: NSRange, actualCharacterRange actualCharRange: NSRangePointer) func invalidateDisplayForCharacterRange(_ charRange: NSRange) func invalidateDisplayForGlyphRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange) func processEditingForTextStorage(_ textStorage: NSTextStorage, edited editMask: NSTextStorageEditActions, range newCharRange: NSRange, changeInLength delta: Int, invalidatedRange invalidatedCharRange: NSRange) func ensureGlyphsForCharacterRange(_ charRange: NSRange) func ensureGlyphsForGlyphRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange) func ensureLayoutForCharacterRange(_ charRange: NSRange) func ensureLayoutForGlyphRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange) func ensureLayoutForTextContainer(_ container: NSTextContainer) func ensureLayoutForBoundingRect(_ bounds: NSRect, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer) func setGlyphs(_ glyphs: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>, properties props: UnsafePointer<NSGlyphProperty>, characterIndexes charIndexes: UnsafePointer<Int>, font aFont: NSFont, forGlyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) var numberOfGlyphs: Int { get } func CGGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int, isValidIndex isValidIndex: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> CGGlyph func CGGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int) -> CGGlyph func isValidGlyphIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int) -> Bool func propertyForGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int) -> NSGlyphProperty func characterIndexForGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int) -> Int func glyphIndexForCharacterAtIndex(_ charIndex: Int) -> Int func getGlyphsInRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange, glyphs glyphBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGGlyph>, properties props: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyphProperty>, characterIndexes charIndexBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, bidiLevels bidiLevelBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>) -> Int func setTextContainer(_ container: NSTextContainer, forGlyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) func setLineFragmentRect(_ fragmentRect: NSRect, forGlyphRange glyphRange: NSRange, usedRect usedRect: NSRect) func setExtraLineFragmentRect(_ fragmentRect: NSRect, usedRect usedRect: NSRect, textContainer container: NSTextContainer) func setLocation(_ location: NSPoint, forStartOfGlyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) func setNotShownAttribute(_ flag: Bool, forGlyphAtIndex glyphIndex: Int) func setDrawsOutsideLineFragment(_ flag: Bool, forGlyphAtIndex glyphIndex: Int) func setAttachmentSize(_ attachmentSize: NSSize, forGlyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) func getFirstUnlaidCharacterIndex(_ charIndex: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, glyphIndex glyphIndex: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) func firstUnlaidCharacterIndex() -> Int func firstUnlaidGlyphIndex() -> Int func textContainerForGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int, effectiveRange effectiveGlyphRange: NSRangePointer) -> NSTextContainer? func textContainerForGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int, effectiveRange effectiveGlyphRange: NSRangePointer, withoutAdditionalLayout flag: Bool) -> NSTextContainer? func usedRectForTextContainer(_ container: NSTextContainer) -> NSRect func lineFragmentRectForGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int, effectiveRange effectiveGlyphRange: NSRangePointer) -> NSRect func lineFragmentRectForGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int, effectiveRange effectiveGlyphRange: NSRangePointer, withoutAdditionalLayout flag: Bool) -> NSRect func lineFragmentUsedRectForGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int, effectiveRange effectiveGlyphRange: NSRangePointer) -> NSRect func lineFragmentUsedRectForGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int, effectiveRange effectiveGlyphRange: NSRangePointer, withoutAdditionalLayout flag: Bool) -> NSRect var extraLineFragmentRect: NSRect { get } var extraLineFragmentUsedRect: NSRect { get } var extraLineFragmentTextContainer: NSTextContainer? { get } func locationForGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int) -> NSPoint func notShownAttributeForGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int) -> Bool func drawsOutsideLineFragmentForGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int) -> Bool func attachmentSizeForGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int) -> NSSize func truncatedGlyphRangeInLineFragmentForGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int) -> NSRange func glyphRangeForCharacterRange(_ charRange: NSRange, actualCharacterRange actualCharRange: NSRangePointer) -> NSRange func characterRangeForGlyphRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange, actualGlyphRange actualGlyphRange: NSRangePointer) -> NSRange func glyphRangeForTextContainer(_ container: NSTextContainer) -> NSRange func rangeOfNominallySpacedGlyphsContainingIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int) -> NSRange func boundingRectForGlyphRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer) -> NSRect func glyphRangeForBoundingRect(_ bounds: NSRect, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer) -> NSRange func glyphRangeForBoundingRectWithoutAdditionalLayout(_ bounds: NSRect, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer) -> NSRange func glyphIndexForPoint(_ point: NSPoint, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer, fractionOfDistanceThroughGlyph partialFraction: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>) -> Int func glyphIndexForPoint(_ point: NSPoint, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer) -> Int func fractionOfDistanceThroughGlyphForPoint(_ point: NSPoint, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer) -> CGFloat func characterIndexForPoint(_ point: NSPoint, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer, fractionOfDistanceBetweenInsertionPoints partialFraction: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>) -> Int func getLineFragmentInsertionPointsForCharacterAtIndex(_ charIndex: Int, alternatePositions aFlag: Bool, inDisplayOrder dFlag: Bool, positions positions: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, characterIndexes charIndexes: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) -> Int func enumerateLineFragmentsForGlyphRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange, usingBlock block: (NSRect, NSRect, NSTextContainer, NSRange, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void) func enumerateEnclosingRectsForGlyphRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange, withinSelectedGlyphRange selectedRange: NSRange, inTextContainer textContainer: NSTextContainer, usingBlock block: (NSRect, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void) func drawBackgroundForGlyphRange(_ glyphsToShow: NSRange, atPoint origin: NSPoint) func drawGlyphsForGlyphRange(_ glyphsToShow: NSRange, atPoint origin: NSPoint) func showCGGlyphs(_ glyphs: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>, positions positions: UnsafePointer<NSPoint>, count glyphCount: Int, font font: NSFont, matrix textMatrix: NSAffineTransform, attributes attributes: [String : AnyObject], inContext graphicsContext: NSGraphicsContext) func fillBackgroundRectArray(_ rectArray: UnsafePointer<NSRect>, count rectCount: Int, forCharacterRange charRange: NSRange, color color: NSColor) func drawUnderlineForGlyphRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange, underlineType underlineVal: NSUnderlineStyle, baselineOffset baselineOffset: CGFloat, lineFragmentRect lineRect: NSRect, lineFragmentGlyphRange lineGlyphRange: NSRange, containerOrigin containerOrigin: NSPoint) func underlineGlyphRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange, underlineType underlineVal: NSUnderlineStyle, lineFragmentRect lineRect: NSRect, lineFragmentGlyphRange lineGlyphRange: NSRange, containerOrigin containerOrigin: NSPoint) func drawStrikethroughForGlyphRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange, strikethroughType strikethroughVal: NSUnderlineStyle, baselineOffset baselineOffset: CGFloat, lineFragmentRect lineRect: NSRect, lineFragmentGlyphRange lineGlyphRange: NSRange, containerOrigin containerOrigin: NSPoint) func strikethroughGlyphRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange, strikethroughType strikethroughVal: NSUnderlineStyle, lineFragmentRect lineRect: NSRect, lineFragmentGlyphRange lineGlyphRange: NSRange, containerOrigin containerOrigin: NSPoint) func showAttachmentCell(_ cell: NSCell, inRect rect: NSRect, characterIndex attachmentIndex: Int) func setLayoutRect(_ rect: NSRect, forTextBlock block: NSTextBlock, glyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) func setBoundsRect(_ rect: NSRect, forTextBlock block: NSTextBlock, glyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) func layoutRectForTextBlock(_ block: NSTextBlock, glyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) -> NSRect func boundsRectForTextBlock(_ block: NSTextBlock, glyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) -> NSRect func layoutRectForTextBlock(_ block: NSTextBlock, atIndex glyphIndex: Int, effectiveRange effectiveGlyphRange: NSRangePointer) -> NSRect func boundsRectForTextBlock(_ block: NSTextBlock, atIndex glyphIndex: Int, effectiveRange effectiveGlyphRange: NSRangePointer) -> NSRect func temporaryAttributesAtCharacterIndex(_ charIndex: Int, effectiveRange effectiveCharRange: NSRangePointer) -> [String : AnyObject] func setTemporaryAttributes(_ attrs: [String : AnyObject], forCharacterRange charRange: NSRange) func addTemporaryAttributes(_ attrs: [String : AnyObject], forCharacterRange charRange: NSRange) func removeTemporaryAttribute(_ attrName: String, forCharacterRange charRange: NSRange) func temporaryAttribute(_ attrName: String, atCharacterIndex location: Int, effectiveRange range: NSRangePointer) -> AnyObject? func temporaryAttribute(_ attrName: String, atCharacterIndex location: Int, longestEffectiveRange range: NSRangePointer, inRange rangeLimit: NSRange) -> AnyObject? func temporaryAttributesAtCharacterIndex(_ location: Int, longestEffectiveRange range: NSRangePointer, inRange rangeLimit: NSRange) -> [String : AnyObject] func addTemporaryAttribute(_ attrName: String, value value: AnyObject, forCharacterRange charRange: NSRange) func defaultLineHeightForFont(_ theFont: NSFont) -> CGFloat func defaultBaselineOffsetForFont(_ theFont: NSFont) -> CGFloat } extension NSLayoutManager : NSGlyphStorage { var glyphGenerator: NSGlyphGenerator } extension NSLayoutManager { func rulerMarkersForTextView(_ view: NSTextView, paragraphStyle style: NSParagraphStyle, ruler ruler: NSRulerView) -> [NSRulerMarker] func rulerAccessoryViewForTextView(_ view: NSTextView, paragraphStyle style: NSParagraphStyle, ruler ruler: NSRulerView, enabled isEnabled: Bool) -> NSView? func layoutManagerOwnsFirstResponderInWindow(_ window: NSWindow) -> Bool unowned(unsafe) var firstTextView: NSTextView? { get } unowned(unsafe) var textViewForBeginningOfSelection: NSTextView? { get } } extension NSLayoutManager { func glyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int, isValidIndex isValidIndex: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> NSGlyph func glyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int) -> NSGlyph func rectArrayForCharacterRange(_ charRange: NSRange, withinSelectedCharacterRange selCharRange: NSRange, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer, rectCount rectCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) -> NSRectArray func rectArrayForGlyphRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange, withinSelectedGlyphRange selGlyphRange: NSRange, inTextContainer container: NSTextContainer, rectCount rectCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) -> NSRectArray var usesScreenFonts: Bool func substituteFontForFont(_ originalFont: NSFont) -> NSFont func insertGlyphs(_ glyphs: UnsafePointer<NSGlyph>, length length: Int, forStartingGlyphAtIndex glyphIndex: Int, characterIndex charIndex: Int) func insertGlyph(_ glyph: NSGlyph, atGlyphIndex glyphIndex: Int, characterIndex charIndex: Int) func replaceGlyphAtIndex(_ glyphIndex: Int, withGlyph newGlyph: NSGlyph) func deleteGlyphsInRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange) func setCharacterIndex(_ charIndex: Int, forGlyphAtIndex glyphIndex: Int) func setIntAttribute(_ attributeTag: Int, value val: Int, forGlyphAtIndex glyphIndex: Int) func invalidateGlyphsOnLayoutInvalidationForGlyphRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange) func intAttribute(_ attributeTag: Int, forGlyphAtIndex glyphIndex: Int) -> Int func getGlyphsInRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange, glyphs glyphBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyph>, characterIndexes charIndexBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, glyphInscriptions inscribeBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyphInscription>, elasticBits elasticBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Int func getGlyphsInRange(_ glyphRange: NSRange, glyphs glyphBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyph>, characterIndexes charIndexBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, glyphInscriptions inscribeBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyphInscription>, elasticBits elasticBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>, bidiLevels bidiLevelBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>) -> Int func getGlyphs(_ glyphArray: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSGlyph>, range glyphRange: NSRange) -> Int func invalidateLayoutForCharacterRange(_ charRange: NSRange, isSoft flag: Bool, actualCharacterRange actualCharRange: NSRangePointer) func textStorage(_ str: NSTextStorage, edited editedMask: NSTextStorageEditedOptions, range newCharRange: NSRange, changeInLength delta: Int, invalidatedRange invalidatedCharRange: NSRange) func setLocations(_ locations: NSPointArray, startingGlyphIndexes glyphIndexes: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, count count: Int, forGlyphRange glyphRange: NSRange) func showPackedGlyphs(_ glyphs: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>, length glyphLen: Int, glyphRange glyphRange: NSRange, atPoint point: NSPoint, font font: NSFont, color color: NSColor, printingAdjustment printingAdjustment: NSSize) } |
Modified NSView
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | class NSView : NSResponder, NSAnimatablePropertyContainer, NSUserInterfaceItemIdentification, NSDraggingDestination, NSAppearanceCustomization, NSAccessibilityElementProtocol, NSAccessibility { init(frame frameRect: NSRect) init?(coder coder: NSCoder) unowned(unsafe) var window: NSWindow? { get } unowned(unsafe) var superview: NSView? { get } var subviews: [NSView] func isDescendantOf(_ aView: NSView) -> Bool func ancestorSharedWithView(_ aView: NSView) -> NSView? unowned(unsafe) var opaqueAncestor: NSView? { get } var hidden: Bool var hiddenOrHasHiddenAncestor: Bool { get } func getRectsBeingDrawn(_ rects: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<NSRect>>, count count: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) func needsToDrawRect(_ aRect: NSRect) -> Bool var wantsDefaultClipping: Bool { get } func viewDidHide() func viewDidUnhide() func addSubview(_ aView: NSView) func addSubview(_ aView: NSView, positioned place: NSWindowOrderingMode, relativeTo otherView: NSView?) func sortSubviewsUsingFunction(_ compare: (NSView, NSView, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> NSComparisonResult, context context: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) func viewWillMoveToWindow(_ newWindow: NSWindow?) func viewDidMoveToWindow() func viewWillMoveToSuperview(_ newSuperview: NSView?) func viewDidMoveToSuperview() func didAddSubview(_ subview: NSView) func willRemoveSubview(_ subview: NSView) func removeFromSuperview() func replaceSubview(_ oldView: NSView, with newView: NSView) func removeFromSuperviewWithoutNeedingDisplay() func viewDidChangeBackingProperties() var postsFrameChangedNotifications: Bool func resizeSubviewsWithOldSize(_ oldSize: NSSize) func resizeWithOldSuperviewSize(_ oldSize: NSSize) var autoresizesSubviews: Bool var autoresizingMask: NSAutoresizingMaskOptions func setFrameOrigin(_ newOrigin: NSPoint) func setFrameSize(_ newSize: NSSize) var frame: NSRect var frameRotation: CGFloat var frameCenterRotation: CGFloat func setBoundsOrigin(_ newOrigin: NSPoint) func setBoundsSize(_ newSize: NSSize) var boundsRotation: CGFloat func translateOriginToPoint(_ translation: NSPoint) func scaleUnitSquareToSize(_ newUnitSize: NSSize) func rotateByAngle(_ angle: CGFloat) var bounds: NSRect var flipped: Bool { get } var rotatedFromBase: Bool { get } var rotatedOrScaledFromBase: Bool { get } var opaque: Bool { get } func convertPoint(_ aPoint: NSPoint, fromView aView: NSView?) -> NSPoint func convertPoint(_ aPoint: NSPoint, toView aView: NSView?) -> NSPoint func convertSize(_ aSize: NSSize, fromView aView: NSView?) -> NSSize func convertSize(_ aSize: NSSize, toView aView: NSView?) -> NSSize func convertRect(_ aRect: NSRect, fromView aView: NSView?) -> NSRect func convertRect(_ aRect: NSRect, toView aView: NSView?) -> NSRect func backingAlignedRect(_ aRect: NSRect, options options: NSAlignmentOptions) -> NSRect func centerScanRect(_ aRect: NSRect) -> NSRect func convertPointToBacking(_ aPoint: NSPoint) -> NSPoint func convertPointFromBacking(_ aPoint: NSPoint) -> NSPoint func convertSizeToBacking(_ aSize: NSSize) -> NSSize func convertSizeFromBacking(_ aSize: NSSize) -> NSSize func convertRectToBacking(_ aRect: NSRect) -> NSRect func convertRectFromBacking(_ aRect: NSRect) -> NSRect func convertPointToLayer(_ aPoint: NSPoint) -> NSPoint func convertPointFromLayer(_ aPoint: NSPoint) -> NSPoint func convertSizeToLayer(_ aSize: NSSize) -> NSSize func convertSizeFromLayer(_ aSize: NSSize) -> NSSize func convertRectToLayer(_ aRect: NSRect) -> NSRect func convertRectFromLayer(_ aRect: NSRect) -> NSRect var canDrawConcurrently: Bool var canDraw: Bool { get } func setNeedsDisplayInRect(_ invalidRect: NSRect) var needsDisplay: Bool func lockFocus() func unlockFocus() func lockFocusIfCanDraw() -> Bool func lockFocusIfCanDrawInContext(_ context: NSGraphicsContext) -> Bool class func focusView() -> NSView? var visibleRect: NSRect { get } func display() func displayIfNeeded() func displayIfNeededIgnoringOpacity() func displayRect(_ rect: NSRect) func displayIfNeededInRect(_ rect: NSRect) func displayRectIgnoringOpacity(_ rect: NSRect) func displayIfNeededInRectIgnoringOpacity(_ rect: NSRect) func drawRect(_ dirtyRect: NSRect) func displayRectIgnoringOpacity(_ aRect: NSRect, inContext context: NSGraphicsContext) func bitmapImageRepForCachingDisplayInRect(_ rect: NSRect) -> NSBitmapImageRep? func cacheDisplayInRect(_ rect: NSRect, toBitmapImageRep bitmapImageRep: NSBitmapImageRep) func viewWillDraw() func scrollPoint(_ aPoint: NSPoint) func scrollRectToVisible(_ aRect: NSRect) -> Bool func autoscroll(_ theEvent: NSEvent) -> Bool func adjustScroll(_ newVisible: NSRect) -> NSRect func scrollRect(_ aRect: NSRect, by delta: NSSize) func translateRectsNeedingDisplayInRect(_ clipRect: NSRect, by delta: NSSize) func hitTest(_ aPoint: NSPoint) -> NSView? func mouse(_ aPoint: NSPoint, inRect aRect: NSRect) -> Bool func viewWithTag(_ aTag: Int) -> NSView? var tag: Int { get } func performKeyEquivalent(_ theEvent: NSEvent) -> Bool func acceptsFirstMouse(_ theEvent: NSEvent?) -> Bool func shouldDelayWindowOrderingForEvent(_ theEvent: NSEvent) -> Bool var needsPanelToBecomeKey: Bool { get } var mouseDownCanMoveWindow: Bool { get } var acceptsTouchEvents: Bool var wantsRestingTouches: Bool func addCursorRect(_ aRect: NSRect, cursor anObj: NSCursor) func removeCursorRect(_ aRect: NSRect, cursor anObj: NSCursor) func discardCursorRects() func resetCursorRects() func addTrackingRect(_ aRect: NSRect, owner anObject: AnyObject, userData data: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, assumeInside flag: Bool) -> NSTrackingRectTag func removeTrackingRect(_ tag: NSTrackingRectTag) func makeBackingLayer() -> CALayer var layerContentsRedrawPolicy: NSViewLayerContentsRedrawPolicy var layerContentsPlacement: NSViewLayerContentsPlacement var wantsLayer: Bool var layer: CALayer? var wantsUpdateLayer: Bool { get } func updateLayer() var canDrawSubviewsIntoLayer: Bool var alphaValue: CGFloat var layerUsesCoreImageFilters: Bool var backgroundFilters: [CIFilter] var compositingFilter: CIFilter? var contentFilters: [CIFilter] @NSCopying var shadow: NSShadow? func addTrackingArea(_ trackingArea: NSTrackingArea) func removeTrackingArea(_ trackingArea: NSTrackingArea) var trackingAreas: [NSTrackingArea] { get } func updateTrackingAreas() var postsBoundsChangedNotifications: Bool var enclosingScrollView: NSScrollView? { get } func menuForEvent(_ event: NSEvent) -> NSMenu? class func defaultMenu() -> NSMenu? func willOpenMenu(_ menu: NSMenu, withEvent event: NSEvent) func didCloseMenu(_ menu: NSMenu, withEvent event: NSEvent?) var toolTip: String? func addToolTipRect(_ aRect: NSRect, owner anObject: AnyObject, userData data: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> NSToolTipTag func removeToolTip(_ tag: NSToolTipTag) func removeAllToolTips() func viewWillStartLiveResize() func viewDidEndLiveResize() var inLiveResize: Bool { get } var preservesContentDuringLiveResize: Bool { get } var rectPreservedDuringLiveResize: NSRect { get } func getRectsExposedDuringLiveResize(_ exposedRects: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSRect>, count count: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) var inputContext: NSTextInputContext? { get } func rectForSmartMagnificationAtPoint(_ location: NSPoint, inRect visibleRect: NSRect) -> NSRect var userInterfaceLayoutDirection: NSUserInterfaceLayoutDirection func prepareForReuse() class func isCompatibleWithResponsiveScrolling() -> Bool func prepareContentInRect(_ rect: NSRect) var preparedContentRect: NSRect var allowsVibrancy: Bool { get } } extension NSView { func reflectScrolledClipView(_ aClipView: NSClipView) func scrollClipView(_ aClipView: NSClipView, toPoint aPoint: NSPoint) } extension NSView { var leadingAnchor: NSLayoutXAxisAnchor { get } var trailingAnchor: NSLayoutXAxisAnchor { get } var leftAnchor: NSLayoutXAxisAnchor { get } var rightAnchor: NSLayoutXAxisAnchor { get } var topAnchor: NSLayoutYAxisAnchor { get } var bottomAnchor: NSLayoutYAxisAnchor { get } var widthAnchor: NSLayoutDimension { get } var heightAnchor: NSLayoutDimension { get } var centerXAnchor: NSLayoutXAxisAnchor { get } var centerYAnchor: NSLayoutYAxisAnchor { get } var firstBaselineAnchor: NSLayoutYAxisAnchor { get } var lastBaselineAnchor: NSLayoutYAxisAnchor { get } var constraints: [NSLayoutConstraint] { get } func addConstraint(_ constraint: NSLayoutConstraint) func addConstraints(_ constraints: [NSLayoutConstraint]) func removeConstraint(_ constraint: NSLayoutConstraint) func removeConstraints(_ constraints: [NSLayoutConstraint]) } extension NSView { func updateConstraintsForSubtreeIfNeeded() func updateConstraints() var needsUpdateConstraints: Bool func layoutSubtreeIfNeeded() func layout() var needsLayout: Bool } extension NSView { var translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints: Bool class func requiresConstraintBasedLayout() -> Bool } extension NSView { func alignmentRectForFrame(_ frame: NSRect) -> NSRect func frameForAlignmentRect(_ alignmentRect: NSRect) -> NSRect var alignmentRectInsets: NSEdgeInsets { get } var firstBaselineOffsetFromTop: CGFloat { get } var lastBaselineOffsetFromBottom: CGFloat { get } var baselineOffsetFromBottom: CGFloat { get } var intrinsicContentSize: NSSize { get } func invalidateIntrinsicContentSize() func contentHuggingPriorityForOrientation(_ orientation: NSLayoutConstraintOrientation) -> NSLayoutPriority func setContentHuggingPriority(_ priority: NSLayoutPriority, forOrientation orientation: NSLayoutConstraintOrientation) func contentCompressionResistancePriorityForOrientation(_ orientation: NSLayoutConstraintOrientation) -> NSLayoutPriority func setContentCompressionResistancePriority(_ priority: NSLayoutPriority, forOrientation orientation: NSLayoutConstraintOrientation) } extension NSView { var fittingSize: NSSize { get } } extension NSView { func constraintsAffectingLayoutForOrientation(_ orientation: NSLayoutConstraintOrientation) -> [NSLayoutConstraint] var hasAmbiguousLayout: Bool { get } func exerciseAmbiguityInLayout() } extension NSView { func addLayoutGuide(_ guide: NSLayoutGuide) func removeLayoutGuide(_ guide: NSLayoutGuide) var layoutGuides: [NSLayoutGuide] { get } } extension NSView { var enclosingMenuItem: NSMenuItem? { get } } extension NSView { var wantsBestResolutionOpenGLSurface: Bool } extension NSView { var wantsExtendedDynamicRangeOpenGLSurface: Bool } extension NSView { var pressureConfiguration: NSPressureConfiguration? } extension NSView { func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, shouldMoveMarker marker: NSRulerMarker) -> Bool func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, willMoveMarker marker: NSRulerMarker, toLocation location: CGFloat) -> CGFloat func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, didMoveMarker marker: NSRulerMarker) func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, shouldRemoveMarker marker: NSRulerMarker) -> Bool func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, didRemoveMarker marker: NSRulerMarker) func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, shouldAddMarker marker: NSRulerMarker) -> Bool func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, willAddMarker marker: NSRulerMarker, atLocation location: CGFloat) -> CGFloat func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, didAddMarker marker: NSRulerMarker) func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, handleMouseDown event: NSEvent) func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, willSetClientView newClient: NSView) func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, locationForPoint aPoint: NSPoint) -> CGFloat func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, pointForLocation aPoint: CGFloat) -> NSPoint } extension NSView : _Reflectable { } extension NSView { unowned(unsafe) var nextKeyView: NSView? unowned(unsafe) var previousKeyView: NSView? { get } unowned(unsafe) var nextValidKeyView: NSView? { get } unowned(unsafe) var previousValidKeyView: NSView? { get } var canBecomeKeyView: Bool { get } func setKeyboardFocusRingNeedsDisplayInRect(_ rect: NSRect) var focusRingType: NSFocusRingType class func defaultFocusRingType() -> NSFocusRingType func drawFocusRingMask() var focusRingMaskBounds: NSRect { get } func noteFocusRingMaskChanged() } extension NSView { func writeEPSInsideRect(_ rect: NSRect, toPasteboard pasteboard: NSPasteboard) func dataWithEPSInsideRect(_ rect: NSRect) -> NSData func writePDFInsideRect(_ rect: NSRect, toPasteboard pasteboard: NSPasteboard) func dataWithPDFInsideRect(_ rect: NSRect) -> NSData @warn_unqualified_access func print(_ sender: AnyObject?) func knowsPageRange(_ range: NSRangePointer) -> Bool var heightAdjustLimit: CGFloat { get } var widthAdjustLimit: CGFloat { get } func adjustPageWidthNew(_ newRight: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, left oldLeft: CGFloat, right oldRight: CGFloat, limit rightLimit: CGFloat) func adjustPageHeightNew(_ newBottom: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, top oldTop: CGFloat, bottom oldBottom: CGFloat, limit bottomLimit: CGFloat) func rectForPage(_ page: Int) -> NSRect func locationOfPrintRect(_ aRect: NSRect) -> NSPoint func drawPageBorderWithSize(_ borderSize: NSSize) @NSCopying var pageHeader: NSAttributedString { get } @NSCopying var pageFooter: NSAttributedString { get } func drawSheetBorderWithSize(_ borderSize: NSSize) var printJobTitle: String { get } func beginDocument() func endDocument() func beginPageInRect(_ aRect: NSRect, atPlacement location: NSPoint) func endPage() } extension NSView { func beginDraggingSessionWithItems(_ items: [NSDraggingItem], event event: NSEvent, source source: NSDraggingSource) -> NSDraggingSession var registeredDraggedTypes: [String] { get } func registerForDraggedTypes(_ newTypes: [String]) func unregisterDraggedTypes() func dragFile(_ filename: String, fromRect rect: NSRect, slideBack aFlag: Bool, event event: NSEvent) -> Bool func dragPromisedFilesOfTypes(_ typeArray: [String], fromRect rect: NSRect, source sourceObject: AnyObject, slideBack aFlag: Bool, event event: NSEvent) -> Bool } extension NSView { func enterFullScreenMode(_ screen: NSScreen, withOptions options: [String : AnyObject]?) -> Bool func exitFullScreenModeWithOptions(_ options: [String : AnyObject]?) var inFullScreenMode: Bool { get } } extension NSView { func showDefinitionForAttributedString(_ attrString: NSAttributedString?, atPoint textBaselineOrigin: NSPoint) func showDefinitionForAttributedString(_ attrString: NSAttributedString?, range targetRange: NSRange, options options: [String : AnyObject]?, baselineOriginProvider originProvider: ((NSRange) -> NSPoint)?) } extension NSView { var drawingFindIndicator: Bool { get } } extension NSView { var gestureRecognizers: [NSGestureRecognizer] func addGestureRecognizer(_ gestureRecognizer: NSGestureRecognizer) func removeGestureRecognizer(_ gestureRecognizer: NSGestureRecognizer) } extension NSView { func dragImage(_ anImage: NSImage, at viewLocation: NSPoint, offset initialOffset: NSSize, event event: NSEvent, pasteboard pboard: NSPasteboard, source sourceObj: AnyObject, slideBack slideFlag: Bool) func convertPointToBase(_ aPoint: NSPoint) -> NSPoint func convertPointFromBase(_ aPoint: NSPoint) -> NSPoint func convertSizeToBase(_ aSize: NSSize) -> NSSize func convertSizeFromBase(_ aSize: NSSize) -> NSSize func convertRectToBase(_ aRect: NSRect) -> NSRect func convertRectFromBase(_ aRect: NSRect) -> NSRect func performMnemonic(_ theString: String) -> Bool func shouldDrawColor() -> Bool func gState() -> Int func allocateGState() func releaseGState() func setUpGState() func renewGState() } extension NSView : _Reflectable { } | NSAccessibility, NSAccessibilityElementProtocol, NSAnimatablePropertyContainer, NSAppearanceCustomization, NSDraggingDestination, NSUserInterfaceItemIdentification |
To | class NSView : NSResponder, NSAnimatablePropertyContainer, NSUserInterfaceItemIdentification, NSDraggingDestination, NSAppearanceCustomization, NSAccessibilityElementProtocol, NSAccessibility { init(frame frameRect: NSRect) init?(coder coder: NSCoder) unowned(unsafe) var window: NSWindow? { get } unowned(unsafe) var superview: NSView? { get } var subviews: [NSView] func isDescendantOf(_ aView: NSView) -> Bool func ancestorSharedWithView(_ aView: NSView) -> NSView? unowned(unsafe) var opaqueAncestor: NSView? { get } var hidden: Bool var hiddenOrHasHiddenAncestor: Bool { get } func getRectsBeingDrawn(_ rects: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<NSRect>>, count count: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) func needsToDrawRect(_ aRect: NSRect) -> Bool var wantsDefaultClipping: Bool { get } func viewDidHide() func viewDidUnhide() func addSubview(_ aView: NSView) func addSubview(_ aView: NSView, positioned place: NSWindowOrderingMode, relativeTo otherView: NSView?) func sortSubviewsUsingFunction(_ compare: (NSView, NSView, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> NSComparisonResult, context context: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) func viewWillMoveToWindow(_ newWindow: NSWindow?) func viewDidMoveToWindow() func viewWillMoveToSuperview(_ newSuperview: NSView?) func viewDidMoveToSuperview() func didAddSubview(_ subview: NSView) func willRemoveSubview(_ subview: NSView) func removeFromSuperview() func replaceSubview(_ oldView: NSView, with newView: NSView) func removeFromSuperviewWithoutNeedingDisplay() func viewDidChangeBackingProperties() var postsFrameChangedNotifications: Bool func resizeSubviewsWithOldSize(_ oldSize: NSSize) func resizeWithOldSuperviewSize(_ oldSize: NSSize) var autoresizesSubviews: Bool var autoresizingMask: NSAutoresizingMaskOptions func setFrameOrigin(_ newOrigin: NSPoint) func setFrameSize(_ newSize: NSSize) var frame: NSRect var frameRotation: CGFloat var frameCenterRotation: CGFloat func setBoundsOrigin(_ newOrigin: NSPoint) func setBoundsSize(_ newSize: NSSize) var boundsRotation: CGFloat func translateOriginToPoint(_ translation: NSPoint) func scaleUnitSquareToSize(_ newUnitSize: NSSize) func rotateByAngle(_ angle: CGFloat) var bounds: NSRect var flipped: Bool { get } var rotatedFromBase: Bool { get } var rotatedOrScaledFromBase: Bool { get } var opaque: Bool { get } func convertPoint(_ aPoint: NSPoint, fromView aView: NSView?) -> NSPoint func convertPoint(_ aPoint: NSPoint, toView aView: NSView?) -> NSPoint func convertSize(_ aSize: NSSize, fromView aView: NSView?) -> NSSize func convertSize(_ aSize: NSSize, toView aView: NSView?) -> NSSize func convertRect(_ aRect: NSRect, fromView aView: NSView?) -> NSRect func convertRect(_ aRect: NSRect, toView aView: NSView?) -> NSRect func backingAlignedRect(_ aRect: NSRect, options options: NSAlignmentOptions) -> NSRect func centerScanRect(_ aRect: NSRect) -> NSRect func convertPointToBacking(_ aPoint: NSPoint) -> NSPoint func convertPointFromBacking(_ aPoint: NSPoint) -> NSPoint func convertSizeToBacking(_ aSize: NSSize) -> NSSize func convertSizeFromBacking(_ aSize: NSSize) -> NSSize func convertRectToBacking(_ aRect: NSRect) -> NSRect func convertRectFromBacking(_ aRect: NSRect) -> NSRect func convertPointToLayer(_ aPoint: NSPoint) -> NSPoint func convertPointFromLayer(_ aPoint: NSPoint) -> NSPoint func convertSizeToLayer(_ aSize: NSSize) -> NSSize func convertSizeFromLayer(_ aSize: NSSize) -> NSSize func convertRectToLayer(_ aRect: NSRect) -> NSRect func convertRectFromLayer(_ aRect: NSRect) -> NSRect var canDrawConcurrently: Bool var canDraw: Bool { get } func setNeedsDisplayInRect(_ invalidRect: NSRect) var needsDisplay: Bool func lockFocus() func unlockFocus() func lockFocusIfCanDraw() -> Bool func lockFocusIfCanDrawInContext(_ context: NSGraphicsContext) -> Bool class func focusView() -> NSView? var visibleRect: NSRect { get } func display() func displayIfNeeded() func displayIfNeededIgnoringOpacity() func displayRect(_ rect: NSRect) func displayIfNeededInRect(_ rect: NSRect) func displayRectIgnoringOpacity(_ rect: NSRect) func displayIfNeededInRectIgnoringOpacity(_ rect: NSRect) func drawRect(_ dirtyRect: NSRect) func displayRectIgnoringOpacity(_ aRect: NSRect, inContext context: NSGraphicsContext) func bitmapImageRepForCachingDisplayInRect(_ rect: NSRect) -> NSBitmapImageRep? func cacheDisplayInRect(_ rect: NSRect, toBitmapImageRep bitmapImageRep: NSBitmapImageRep) func viewWillDraw() func scrollPoint(_ aPoint: NSPoint) func scrollRectToVisible(_ aRect: NSRect) -> Bool func autoscroll(_ theEvent: NSEvent) -> Bool func adjustScroll(_ newVisible: NSRect) -> NSRect func scrollRect(_ aRect: NSRect, by delta: NSSize) func translateRectsNeedingDisplayInRect(_ clipRect: NSRect, by delta: NSSize) func hitTest(_ aPoint: NSPoint) -> NSView? func mouse(_ aPoint: NSPoint, inRect aRect: NSRect) -> Bool func viewWithTag(_ aTag: Int) -> NSView? var tag: Int { get } func performKeyEquivalent(_ theEvent: NSEvent) -> Bool func acceptsFirstMouse(_ theEvent: NSEvent?) -> Bool func shouldDelayWindowOrderingForEvent(_ theEvent: NSEvent) -> Bool var needsPanelToBecomeKey: Bool { get } var mouseDownCanMoveWindow: Bool { get } var acceptsTouchEvents: Bool var wantsRestingTouches: Bool func addCursorRect(_ aRect: NSRect, cursor anObj: NSCursor) func removeCursorRect(_ aRect: NSRect, cursor anObj: NSCursor) func discardCursorRects() func resetCursorRects() func addTrackingRect(_ aRect: NSRect, owner anObject: AnyObject, userData data: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, assumeInside flag: Bool) -> NSTrackingRectTag func removeTrackingRect(_ tag: NSTrackingRectTag) func makeBackingLayer() -> CALayer var layerContentsRedrawPolicy: NSViewLayerContentsRedrawPolicy var layerContentsPlacement: NSViewLayerContentsPlacement var wantsLayer: Bool var layer: CALayer? var wantsUpdateLayer: Bool { get } func updateLayer() var canDrawSubviewsIntoLayer: Bool var alphaValue: CGFloat var layerUsesCoreImageFilters: Bool var backgroundFilters: [CIFilter] var compositingFilter: CIFilter? var contentFilters: [CIFilter] @NSCopying var shadow: NSShadow? func addTrackingArea(_ trackingArea: NSTrackingArea) func removeTrackingArea(_ trackingArea: NSTrackingArea) var trackingAreas: [NSTrackingArea] { get } func updateTrackingAreas() var postsBoundsChangedNotifications: Bool var enclosingScrollView: NSScrollView? { get } func menuForEvent(_ event: NSEvent) -> NSMenu? class func defaultMenu() -> NSMenu? func willOpenMenu(_ menu: NSMenu, withEvent event: NSEvent) func didCloseMenu(_ menu: NSMenu, withEvent event: NSEvent?) var toolTip: String? func addToolTipRect(_ aRect: NSRect, owner anObject: AnyObject, userData data: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> NSToolTipTag func removeToolTip(_ tag: NSToolTipTag) func removeAllToolTips() func viewWillStartLiveResize() func viewDidEndLiveResize() var inLiveResize: Bool { get } var preservesContentDuringLiveResize: Bool { get } var rectPreservedDuringLiveResize: NSRect { get } func getRectsExposedDuringLiveResize(_ exposedRects: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSRect>, count count: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) var inputContext: NSTextInputContext? { get } func rectForSmartMagnificationAtPoint(_ location: NSPoint, inRect visibleRect: NSRect) -> NSRect var userInterfaceLayoutDirection: NSUserInterfaceLayoutDirection func prepareForReuse() class func isCompatibleWithResponsiveScrolling() -> Bool func prepareContentInRect(_ rect: NSRect) var preparedContentRect: NSRect var allowsVibrancy: Bool { get } } extension NSView { func reflectScrolledClipView(_ aClipView: NSClipView) func scrollClipView(_ aClipView: NSClipView, toPoint aPoint: NSPoint) } extension NSView { var leadingAnchor: NSLayoutXAxisAnchor { get } var trailingAnchor: NSLayoutXAxisAnchor { get } var leftAnchor: NSLayoutXAxisAnchor { get } var rightAnchor: NSLayoutXAxisAnchor { get } var topAnchor: NSLayoutYAxisAnchor { get } var bottomAnchor: NSLayoutYAxisAnchor { get } var widthAnchor: NSLayoutDimension { get } var heightAnchor: NSLayoutDimension { get } var centerXAnchor: NSLayoutXAxisAnchor { get } var centerYAnchor: NSLayoutYAxisAnchor { get } var firstBaselineAnchor: NSLayoutYAxisAnchor { get } var lastBaselineAnchor: NSLayoutYAxisAnchor { get } var constraints: [NSLayoutConstraint] { get } func addConstraint(_ constraint: NSLayoutConstraint) func addConstraints(_ constraints: [NSLayoutConstraint]) func removeConstraint(_ constraint: NSLayoutConstraint) func removeConstraints(_ constraints: [NSLayoutConstraint]) } extension NSView { func updateConstraintsForSubtreeIfNeeded() func updateConstraints() var needsUpdateConstraints: Bool func layoutSubtreeIfNeeded() func layout() var needsLayout: Bool } extension NSView { var translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints: Bool class func requiresConstraintBasedLayout() -> Bool } extension NSView { func alignmentRectForFrame(_ frame: NSRect) -> NSRect func frameForAlignmentRect(_ alignmentRect: NSRect) -> NSRect var alignmentRectInsets: NSEdgeInsets { get } var firstBaselineOffsetFromTop: CGFloat { get } var lastBaselineOffsetFromBottom: CGFloat { get } var baselineOffsetFromBottom: CGFloat { get } var intrinsicContentSize: NSSize { get } func invalidateIntrinsicContentSize() func contentHuggingPriorityForOrientation(_ orientation: NSLayoutConstraintOrientation) -> NSLayoutPriority func setContentHuggingPriority(_ priority: NSLayoutPriority, forOrientation orientation: NSLayoutConstraintOrientation) func contentCompressionResistancePriorityForOrientation(_ orientation: NSLayoutConstraintOrientation) -> NSLayoutPriority func setContentCompressionResistancePriority(_ priority: NSLayoutPriority, forOrientation orientation: NSLayoutConstraintOrientation) } extension NSView { var fittingSize: NSSize { get } } extension NSView { func constraintsAffectingLayoutForOrientation(_ orientation: NSLayoutConstraintOrientation) -> [NSLayoutConstraint] var hasAmbiguousLayout: Bool { get } func exerciseAmbiguityInLayout() } extension NSView { func addLayoutGuide(_ guide: NSLayoutGuide) func removeLayoutGuide(_ guide: NSLayoutGuide) var layoutGuides: [NSLayoutGuide] { get } } extension NSView { var enclosingMenuItem: NSMenuItem? { get } } extension NSView { var wantsBestResolutionOpenGLSurface: Bool } extension NSView { var wantsExtendedDynamicRangeOpenGLSurface: Bool } extension NSView { var pressureConfiguration: NSPressureConfiguration? } extension NSView { func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, shouldMoveMarker marker: NSRulerMarker) -> Bool func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, willMoveMarker marker: NSRulerMarker, toLocation location: CGFloat) -> CGFloat func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, didMoveMarker marker: NSRulerMarker) func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, shouldRemoveMarker marker: NSRulerMarker) -> Bool func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, didRemoveMarker marker: NSRulerMarker) func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, shouldAddMarker marker: NSRulerMarker) -> Bool func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, willAddMarker marker: NSRulerMarker, atLocation location: CGFloat) -> CGFloat func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, didAddMarker marker: NSRulerMarker) func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, handleMouseDown event: NSEvent) func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, willSetClientView newClient: NSView) func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, locationForPoint aPoint: NSPoint) -> CGFloat func rulerView(_ ruler: NSRulerView, pointForLocation aPoint: CGFloat) -> NSPoint } extension NSView : _Reflectable { } extension NSView { unowned(unsafe) var nextKeyView: NSView? unowned(unsafe) var previousKeyView: NSView? { get } unowned(unsafe) var nextValidKeyView: NSView? { get } unowned(unsafe) var previousValidKeyView: NSView? { get } var canBecomeKeyView: Bool { get } func setKeyboardFocusRingNeedsDisplayInRect(_ rect: NSRect) var focusRingType: NSFocusRingType class func defaultFocusRingType() -> NSFocusRingType func drawFocusRingMask() var focusRingMaskBounds: NSRect { get } func noteFocusRingMaskChanged() } extension NSView { func writeEPSInsideRect(_ rect: NSRect, toPasteboard pasteboard: NSPasteboard) func dataWithEPSInsideRect(_ rect: NSRect) -> NSData func writePDFInsideRect(_ rect: NSRect, toPasteboard pasteboard: NSPasteboard) func dataWithPDFInsideRect(_ rect: NSRect) -> NSData @warn_unqualified_access func print(_ sender: AnyObject?) func knowsPageRange(_ range: NSRangePointer) -> Bool var heightAdjustLimit: CGFloat { get } var widthAdjustLimit: CGFloat { get } func adjustPageWidthNew(_ newRight: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, left oldLeft: CGFloat, right oldRight: CGFloat, limit rightLimit: CGFloat) func adjustPageHeightNew(_ newBottom: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, top oldTop: CGFloat, bottom oldBottom: CGFloat, limit bottomLimit: CGFloat) func rectForPage(_ page: Int) -> NSRect func locationOfPrintRect(_ aRect: NSRect) -> NSPoint func drawPageBorderWithSize(_ borderSize: NSSize) @NSCopying var pageHeader: NSAttributedString { get } @NSCopying var pageFooter: NSAttributedString { get } func drawSheetBorderWithSize(_ borderSize: NSSize) var printJobTitle: String { get } func beginDocument() func endDocument() func beginPageInRect(_ aRect: NSRect, atPlacement location: NSPoint) func endPage() } extension NSView { func beginDraggingSessionWithItems(_ items: [NSDraggingItem], event event: NSEvent, source source: NSDraggingSource) -> NSDraggingSession var registeredDraggedTypes: [String] { get } func registerForDraggedTypes(_ newTypes: [String]) func unregisterDraggedTypes() func dragFile(_ filename: String, fromRect rect: NSRect, slideBack aFlag: Bool, event event: NSEvent) -> Bool func dragPromisedFilesOfTypes(_ typeArray: [String], fromRect rect: NSRect, source sourceObject: AnyObject, slideBack aFlag: Bool, event event: NSEvent) -> Bool } extension NSView { func enterFullScreenMode(_ screen: NSScreen, withOptions options: [String : AnyObject]?) -> Bool func exitFullScreenModeWithOptions(_ options: [String : AnyObject]?) var inFullScreenMode: Bool { get } } extension NSView { func showDefinitionForAttributedString(_ attrString: NSAttributedString?, atPoint textBaselineOrigin: NSPoint) func showDefinitionForAttributedString(_ attrString: NSAttributedString?, range targetRange: NSRange, options options: [String : AnyObject]?, baselineOriginProvider originProvider: ((NSRange) -> NSPoint)?) } extension NSView { var drawingFindIndicator: Bool { get } } extension NSView { var gestureRecognizers: [NSGestureRecognizer] func addGestureRecognizer(_ gestureRecognizer: NSGestureRecognizer) func removeGestureRecognizer(_ gestureRecognizer: NSGestureRecognizer) } extension NSView { func dragImage(_ anImage: NSImage, at viewLocation: NSPoint, offset initialOffset: NSSize, event event: NSEvent, pasteboard pboard: NSPasteboard, source sourceObj: AnyObject, slideBack slideFlag: Bool) func convertPointToBase(_ aPoint: NSPoint) -> NSPoint func convertPointFromBase(_ aPoint: NSPoint) -> NSPoint func convertSizeToBase(_ aSize: NSSize) -> NSSize func convertSizeFromBase(_ aSize: NSSize) -> NSSize func convertRectToBase(_ aRect: NSRect) -> NSRect func convertRectFromBase(_ aRect: NSRect) -> NSRect func performMnemonic(_ theString: String) -> Bool func shouldDrawColor() -> Bool func gState() -> Int func allocateGState() func releaseGState() func setUpGState() func renewGState() } extension NSView : _Reflectable { } extension NSView : XCPlaygroundLiveViewable { func playgroundLiveViewRepresentation() -> XCPlayground.XCPlaygroundLiveViewRepresentation } | NSAccessibility, NSAccessibilityElementProtocol, NSAnimatablePropertyContainer, NSAppearanceCustomization, NSDraggingDestination, NSUserInterfaceItemIdentification, XCPlaygroundLiveViewable |
Modified NSViewController
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | class NSViewController : NSResponder, NSCoding, NSSeguePerforming, NSUserInterfaceItemIdentification { init?(nibName nibNameOrNil: String?, bundle nibBundleOrNil: NSBundle?) init?(coder coder: NSCoder) var nibName: String? { get } var nibBundle: NSBundle? { get } var representedObject: AnyObject? var title: String? var view: NSView func loadView() func commitEditingWithDelegate(_ delegate: AnyObject?, didCommitSelector didCommitSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) func commitEditing() -> Bool func discardEditing() func viewDidLoad() var viewLoaded: Bool { get } func viewWillAppear() func viewDidAppear() func viewWillDisappear() func viewDidDisappear() var preferredContentSize: NSSize func updateViewConstraints() func viewWillLayout() func viewDidLayout() } extension NSViewController { func presentViewController(_ viewController: NSViewController, animator animator: NSViewControllerPresentationAnimator) func dismissViewController(_ viewController: NSViewController) @IBAction func dismissController(_ sender: AnyObject?) var presentedViewControllers: [NSViewController]? { get } unowned(unsafe) var presentingViewController: NSViewController? { get } } extension NSViewController { func presentViewControllerAsSheet(_ viewController: NSViewController) func presentViewControllerAsModalWindow(_ viewController: NSViewController) func presentViewController(_ viewController: NSViewController, asPopoverRelativeToRect positioningRect: NSRect, ofView positioningView: NSView, preferredEdge preferredEdge: NSRectEdge, behavior behavior: NSPopoverBehavior) func transitionFromViewController(_ fromViewController: NSViewController, toViewController toViewController: NSViewController, options options: NSViewControllerTransitionOptions, completionHandler completion: (() -> Void)?) } extension NSViewController { var parentViewController: NSViewController? { get } var childViewControllers: [NSViewController] func addChildViewController(_ childViewController: NSViewController) func removeFromParentViewController() func insertChildViewController(_ childViewController: NSViewController, atIndex index: Int) func removeChildViewControllerAtIndex(_ index: Int) func preferredContentSizeDidChangeForViewController(_ viewController: NSViewController) func viewWillTransitionToSize(_ newSize: NSSize) } extension NSViewController { var storyboard: NSStoryboard? { get } } extension NSViewController : NSExtensionRequestHandling { var extensionContext: NSExtensionContext? { get } @IBOutlet var sourceItemView: NSView? var preferredScreenOrigin: NSPoint var preferredMinimumSize: NSSize { get } var preferredMaximumSize: NSSize { get } } extension NSViewController { func presentViewControllerInWidget(_ viewController: NSViewController!) } | NSCoding, NSExtensionRequestHandling, NSSeguePerforming, NSUserInterfaceItemIdentification |
To | class NSViewController : NSResponder, NSCoding, NSSeguePerforming, NSUserInterfaceItemIdentification { init?(nibName nibNameOrNil: String?, bundle nibBundleOrNil: NSBundle?) init?(coder coder: NSCoder) var nibName: String? { get } var nibBundle: NSBundle? { get } var representedObject: AnyObject? var title: String? var view: NSView func loadView() func commitEditingWithDelegate(_ delegate: AnyObject?, didCommitSelector didCommitSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) func commitEditing() -> Bool func discardEditing() func viewDidLoad() var viewLoaded: Bool { get } func viewWillAppear() func viewDidAppear() func viewWillDisappear() func viewDidDisappear() var preferredContentSize: NSSize func updateViewConstraints() func viewWillLayout() func viewDidLayout() } extension NSViewController { func presentViewController(_ viewController: NSViewController, animator animator: NSViewControllerPresentationAnimator) func dismissViewController(_ viewController: NSViewController) @IBAction func dismissController(_ sender: AnyObject?) var presentedViewControllers: [NSViewController]? { get } unowned(unsafe) var presentingViewController: NSViewController? { get } } extension NSViewController { func presentViewControllerAsSheet(_ viewController: NSViewController) func presentViewControllerAsModalWindow(_ viewController: NSViewController) func presentViewController(_ viewController: NSViewController, asPopoverRelativeToRect positioningRect: NSRect, ofView positioningView: NSView, preferredEdge preferredEdge: NSRectEdge, behavior behavior: NSPopoverBehavior) func transitionFromViewController(_ fromViewController: NSViewController, toViewController toViewController: NSViewController, options options: NSViewControllerTransitionOptions, completionHandler completion: (() -> Void)?) } extension NSViewController { var parentViewController: NSViewController? { get } var childViewControllers: [NSViewController] func addChildViewController(_ childViewController: NSViewController) func removeFromParentViewController() func insertChildViewController(_ childViewController: NSViewController, atIndex index: Int) func removeChildViewControllerAtIndex(_ index: Int) func preferredContentSizeDidChangeForViewController(_ viewController: NSViewController) func viewWillTransitionToSize(_ newSize: NSSize) } extension NSViewController { var storyboard: NSStoryboard? { get } } extension NSViewController : NSExtensionRequestHandling { var extensionContext: NSExtensionContext? { get } @IBOutlet var sourceItemView: NSView? var preferredScreenOrigin: NSPoint var preferredMinimumSize: NSSize { get } var preferredMaximumSize: NSSize { get } } extension NSViewController { func presentViewControllerInWidget(_ viewController: NSViewController!) } extension NSViewController : XCPlaygroundLiveViewable { func playgroundLiveViewRepresentation() -> XCPlayground.XCPlaygroundLiveViewRepresentation } | NSCoding, NSExtensionRequestHandling, NSSeguePerforming, NSUserInterfaceItemIdentification, XCPlaygroundLiveViewable |
Modified NSWindow
Declaration | |
From | class NSWindow : NSResponder, NSAnimatablePropertyContainer, NSUserInterfaceValidations, NSUserInterfaceItemIdentification, NSAppearanceCustomization, NSAccessibilityElementProtocol, NSAccessibility { class func frameRectForContentRect(_ cRect: NSRect, styleMask aStyle: Int) -> NSRect class func contentRectForFrameRect(_ fRect: NSRect, styleMask aStyle: Int) -> NSRect class func minFrameWidthWithTitle(_ aTitle: String, styleMask aStyle: Int) -> CGFloat class func defaultDepthLimit() -> NSWindowDepth func frameRectForContentRect(_ contentRect: NSRect) -> NSRect func contentRectForFrameRect(_ frameRect: NSRect) -> NSRect init(contentRect contentRect: NSRect, styleMask aStyle: Int, backing bufferingType: NSBackingStoreType, `defer` flag: Bool) convenience init(contentRect contentRect: NSRect, styleMask aStyle: Int, backing bufferingType: NSBackingStoreType, `defer` flag: Bool, screen screen: NSScreen?) var title: String var titleVisibility: NSWindowTitleVisibility var titlebarAppearsTransparent: Bool var contentLayoutRect: NSRect { get } var contentLayoutGuide: AnyObject? { get } var titlebarAccessoryViewControllers: [NSTitlebarAccessoryViewController] func addTitlebarAccessoryViewController(_ childViewController: NSTitlebarAccessoryViewController) func insertTitlebarAccessoryViewController(_ childViewController: NSTitlebarAccessoryViewController, atIndex index: Int) func removeTitlebarAccessoryViewControllerAtIndex(_ index: Int) @NSCopying var representedURL: NSURL? var representedFilename: String func setTitleWithRepresentedFilename(_ filename: String) var excludedFromWindowsMenu: Bool var contentView: NSView? unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSWindowDelegate? var windowNumber: Int { get } var styleMask: Int func fieldEditor(_ createFlag: Bool, forObject anObject: AnyObject?) -> NSText? func endEditingFor(_ anObject: AnyObject?) func constrainFrameRect(_ frameRect: NSRect, toScreen screen: NSScreen?) -> NSRect func setFrame(_ frameRect: NSRect, display flag: Bool) func setContentSize(_ aSize: NSSize) func setFrameOrigin(_ aPoint: NSPoint) func setFrameTopLeftPoint(_ aPoint: NSPoint) func cascadeTopLeftFromPoint(_ topLeftPoint: NSPoint) -> NSPoint var frame: NSRect { get } func animationResizeTime(_ newFrame: NSRect) -> NSTimeInterval func setFrame(_ frameRect: NSRect, display displayFlag: Bool, animate animateFlag: Bool) var inLiveResize: Bool { get } var showsResizeIndicator: Bool var resizeIncrements: NSSize var aspectRatio: NSSize var contentResizeIncrements: NSSize var contentAspectRatio: NSSize func disableFlushWindow() func enableFlushWindow() var flushWindowDisabled: Bool { get } func flushWindow() func flushWindowIfNeeded() var viewsNeedDisplay: Bool func displayIfNeeded() func display() var autodisplay: Bool var preservesContentDuringLiveResize: Bool func update() func makeFirstResponder(_ aResponder: NSResponder?) -> Bool unowned(unsafe) var firstResponder: NSResponder { get } var resizeFlags: Int { get } func keyDown(_ theEvent: NSEvent) func close() var releasedWhenClosed: Bool func miniaturize(_ sender: AnyObject?) func deminiaturize(_ sender: AnyObject?) var zoomed: Bool { get } func zoom(_ sender: AnyObject?) var miniaturized: Bool { get } func tryToPerform(_ anAction: Selector, with anObject: AnyObject?) -> Bool func validRequestorForSendType(_ sendType: String, returnType returnType: String) -> AnyObject? @NSCopying var backgroundColor: NSColor! func setContentBorderThickness(_ thickness: CGFloat, forEdge edge: NSRectEdge) func contentBorderThicknessForEdge(_ edge: NSRectEdge) -> CGFloat func setAutorecalculatesContentBorderThickness(_ flag: Bool, forEdge edge: NSRectEdge) func autorecalculatesContentBorderThicknessForEdge(_ edge: NSRectEdge) -> Bool var movable: Bool var movableByWindowBackground: Bool var hidesOnDeactivate: Bool var canHide: Bool func center() func makeKeyAndOrderFront(_ sender: AnyObject?) func orderFront(_ sender: AnyObject?) func orderBack(_ sender: AnyObject?) func orderOut(_ sender: AnyObject?) func orderWindow(_ place: NSWindowOrderingMode, relativeTo otherWin: Int) func orderFrontRegardless() var miniwindowImage: NSImage? var miniwindowTitle: String! var dockTile: NSDockTile { get } var documentEdited: Bool var visible: Bool { get } var keyWindow: Bool { get } var mainWindow: Bool { get } var canBecomeKeyWindow: Bool { get } var canBecomeMainWindow: Bool { get } func makeKeyWindow() func makeMainWindow() func becomeKeyWindow() func resignKeyWindow() func becomeMainWindow() func resignMainWindow() var worksWhenModal: Bool { get } var preventsApplicationTerminationWhenModal: Bool func convertRectToScreen(_ aRect: NSRect) -> NSRect func convertRectFromScreen(_ aRect: NSRect) -> NSRect func convertRectToBacking(_ aRect: NSRect) -> NSRect func convertRectFromBacking(_ aRect: NSRect) -> NSRect func backingAlignedRect(_ aRect: NSRect, options options: NSAlignmentOptions) -> NSRect var backingScaleFactor: CGFloat { get } func performClose(_ sender: AnyObject?) func performMiniaturize(_ sender: AnyObject?) func performZoom(_ sender: AnyObject?) var oneShot: Bool func dataWithEPSInsideRect(_ rect: NSRect) -> NSData func dataWithPDFInsideRect(_ rect: NSRect) -> NSData @warn_unqualified_access func print(_ sender: AnyObject?) func disableCursorRects() func enableCursorRects() func discardCursorRects() var areCursorRectsEnabled: Bool { get } func invalidateCursorRectsForView(_ aView: NSView) func resetCursorRects() var allowsToolTipsWhenApplicationIsInactive: Bool var backingType: NSBackingStoreType var level: Int var depthLimit: NSWindowDepth func setDynamicDepthLimit(_ flag: Bool) var hasDynamicDepthLimit: Bool { get } var screen: NSScreen? { get } var deepestScreen: NSScreen? { get } var hasShadow: Bool func invalidateShadow() var alphaValue: CGFloat var opaque: Bool var sharingType: NSWindowSharingType var preferredBackingLocation: NSWindowBackingLocation var backingLocation: NSWindowBackingLocation { get } var allowsConcurrentViewDrawing: Bool var displaysWhenScreenProfileChanges: Bool func disableScreenUpdatesUntilFlush() var canBecomeVisibleWithoutLogin: Bool var collectionBehavior: NSWindowCollectionBehavior var animationBehavior: NSWindowAnimationBehavior var onActiveSpace: Bool { get } func toggleFullScreen(_ sender: AnyObject?) var stringWithSavedFrame: String { get } func setFrameFromString(_ string: String) func saveFrameUsingName(_ name: String) func setFrameUsingName(_ name: String, force force: Bool) -> Bool func setFrameUsingName(_ name: String) -> Bool func setFrameAutosaveName(_ name: String) -> Bool var frameAutosaveName: String { get } class func removeFrameUsingName(_ name: String) func cacheImageInRect(_ aRect: NSRect) func restoreCachedImage() func discardCachedImage() var minSize: NSSize var maxSize: NSSize var contentMinSize: NSSize var contentMaxSize: NSSize var minFullScreenContentSize: NSSize var maxFullScreenContentSize: NSSize func trackEventsMatchingMask(_ mask: NSEventMask, timeout timeout: NSTimeInterval, mode mode: String, handler trackingHandler: (NSEvent, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void) func nextEventMatchingMask(_ mask: Int) -> NSEvent? func nextEventMatchingMask(_ mask: Int, untilDate expiration: NSDate?, inMode mode: String, dequeue deqFlag: Bool) -> NSEvent? func discardEventsMatchingMask(_ mask: Int, beforeEvent lastEvent: NSEvent?) func postEvent(_ event: NSEvent, atStart flag: Bool) var currentEvent: NSEvent? { get } var acceptsMouseMovedEvents: Bool var ignoresMouseEvents: Bool var deviceDescription: [String : AnyObject] { get } func sendEvent(_ theEvent: NSEvent) var mouseLocationOutsideOfEventStream: NSPoint { get } unowned(unsafe) var windowController: NSWindowController? func beginSheet(_ sheetWindow: NSWindow, completionHandler handler: ((NSModalResponse) -> Void)?) func beginCriticalSheet(_ sheetWindow: NSWindow, completionHandler handler: ((NSModalResponse) -> Void)?) func endSheet(_ sheetWindow: NSWindow) func endSheet(_ sheetWindow: NSWindow, returnCode returnCode: NSModalResponse) var sheets: [NSWindow] { get } var attachedSheet: NSWindow? { get } var sheet: Bool { get } var sheetParent: NSWindow? { get } class func standardWindowButton(_ b: NSWindowButton, forStyleMask styleMask: Int) -> NSButton? func standardWindowButton(_ b: NSWindowButton) -> NSButton? func addChildWindow(_ childWin: NSWindow, ordered place: NSWindowOrderingMode) func removeChildWindow(_ childWin: NSWindow) var childWindows: [NSWindow]? { get } unowned(unsafe) var parentWindow: NSWindow? var graphicsContext: NSGraphicsContext? { get } var colorSpace: NSColorSpace? class func windowNumbersWithOptions(_ options: NSWindowNumberListOptions) -> [NSNumber]? class func windowNumberAtPoint(_ point: NSPoint, belowWindowWithWindowNumber windowNumber: Int) -> Int var occlusionState: NSWindowOcclusionState { get } var contentViewController: NSViewController? convenience init(contentViewController contentViewController: NSViewController) class func windowWithContentViewController(_ contentViewController: NSViewController) -> Self func performWindowDragWithEvent(_ event: NSEvent) } extension NSWindow { var drawers: [NSDrawer]? { get } } extension NSWindow { func updateConstraintsIfNeeded() func layoutIfNeeded() } extension NSWindow { func anchorAttributeForOrientation(_ orientation: NSLayoutConstraintOrientation) -> NSLayoutAttribute func setAnchorAttribute(_ attr: NSLayoutAttribute, forOrientation orientation: NSLayoutConstraintOrientation) } extension NSWindow { func visualizeConstraints(_ constraints: [NSLayoutConstraint]) } extension NSWindow { unowned(unsafe) var initialFirstResponder: NSView? func selectNextKeyView(_ sender: AnyObject?) func selectPreviousKeyView(_ sender: AnyObject?) func selectKeyViewFollowingView(_ aView: NSView) func selectKeyViewPrecedingView(_ aView: NSView) var keyViewSelectionDirection: NSSelectionDirection { get } var defaultButtonCell: NSButtonCell? func disableKeyEquivalentForDefaultButtonCell() func enableKeyEquivalentForDefaultButtonCell() var autorecalculatesKeyViewLoop: Bool func recalculateKeyViewLoop() } extension NSWindow { var toolbar: NSToolbar? func toggleToolbarShown(_ sender: AnyObject?) func runToolbarCustomizationPalette(_ sender: AnyObject?) var showsToolbarButton: Bool } extension NSWindow { func dragImage(_ anImage: NSImage, at baseLocation: NSPoint, offset initialOffset: NSSize, event event: NSEvent, pasteboard pboard: NSPasteboard, source sourceObj: AnyObject, slideBack slideFlag: Bool) func registerForDraggedTypes(_ newTypes: [String]) func unregisterDraggedTypes() } extension NSWindow { convenience init?(windowRef windowRef: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) var windowRef: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> { get } } extension NSWindow { class func menuChanged(_ menu: NSMenu) func gState() -> Int func convertBaseToScreen(_ aPoint: NSPoint) -> NSPoint func convertScreenToBase(_ aPoint: NSPoint) -> NSPoint func canBeVisibleOnAllSpaces() -> Bool func setCanBeVisibleOnAllSpaces(_ flag: Bool) func userSpaceScaleFactor() -> CGFloat func useOptimizedDrawing(_ flag: Bool) func canStoreColor() -> Bool } extension NSWindow { var restorable: Bool var restorationClass: AnyObject.Type? func disableSnapshotRestoration() func enableSnapshotRestoration() } extension NSWindow { var hasCloseBox: Bool { get } var hasTitleBar: Bool { get } var floatingPanel: Bool { get } var miniaturizable: Bool { get } var modalPanel: Bool { get } var resizable: Bool { get } var zoomable: Bool { get } var orderedIndex: Int func setIsMiniaturized(_ flag: Bool) func setIsVisible(_ flag: Bool) func setIsZoomed(_ flag: Bool) func handleCloseScriptCommand(_ command: NSCloseCommand) -> AnyObject? func handlePrintScriptCommand(_ command: NSScriptCommand) -> AnyObject? func handleSaveScriptCommand(_ command: NSScriptCommand) -> AnyObject? } |
To | class NSWindow : NSResponder, NSAnimatablePropertyContainer, NSUserInterfaceValidations, NSUserInterfaceItemIdentification, NSAppearanceCustomization, NSAccessibilityElementProtocol, NSAccessibility { class func frameRectForContentRect(_ cRect: NSRect, styleMask aStyle: Int) -> NSRect class func contentRectForFrameRect(_ fRect: NSRect, styleMask aStyle: Int) -> NSRect class func minFrameWidthWithTitle(_ aTitle: String, styleMask aStyle: Int) -> CGFloat class func defaultDepthLimit() -> NSWindowDepth func frameRectForContentRect(_ contentRect: NSRect) -> NSRect func contentRectForFrameRect(_ frameRect: NSRect) -> NSRect init(contentRect contentRect: NSRect, styleMask aStyle: Int, backing bufferingType: NSBackingStoreType, defer flag: Bool) convenience init(contentRect contentRect: NSRect, styleMask aStyle: Int, backing bufferingType: NSBackingStoreType, defer flag: Bool, screen screen: NSScreen?) var title: String var titleVisibility: NSWindowTitleVisibility var titlebarAppearsTransparent: Bool var contentLayoutRect: NSRect { get } var contentLayoutGuide: AnyObject? { get } var titlebarAccessoryViewControllers: [NSTitlebarAccessoryViewController] func addTitlebarAccessoryViewController(_ childViewController: NSTitlebarAccessoryViewController) func insertTitlebarAccessoryViewController(_ childViewController: NSTitlebarAccessoryViewController, atIndex index: Int) func removeTitlebarAccessoryViewControllerAtIndex(_ index: Int) @NSCopying var representedURL: NSURL? var representedFilename: String func setTitleWithRepresentedFilename(_ filename: String) var excludedFromWindowsMenu: Bool var contentView: NSView? unowned(unsafe) var delegate: NSWindowDelegate? var windowNumber: Int { get } var styleMask: Int func fieldEditor(_ createFlag: Bool, forObject anObject: AnyObject?) -> NSText? func endEditingFor(_ anObject: AnyObject?) func constrainFrameRect(_ frameRect: NSRect, toScreen screen: NSScreen?) -> NSRect func setFrame(_ frameRect: NSRect, display flag: Bool) func setContentSize(_ aSize: NSSize) func setFrameOrigin(_ aPoint: NSPoint) func setFrameTopLeftPoint(_ aPoint: NSPoint) func cascadeTopLeftFromPoint(_ topLeftPoint: NSPoint) -> NSPoint var frame: NSRect { get } func animationResizeTime(_ newFrame: NSRect) -> NSTimeInterval func setFrame(_ frameRect: NSRect, display displayFlag: Bool, animate animateFlag: Bool) var inLiveResize: Bool { get } var showsResizeIndicator: Bool var resizeIncrements: NSSize var aspectRatio: NSSize var contentResizeIncrements: NSSize var contentAspectRatio: NSSize func disableFlushWindow() func enableFlushWindow() var flushWindowDisabled: Bool { get } func flushWindow() func flushWindowIfNeeded() var viewsNeedDisplay: Bool func displayIfNeeded() func display() var autodisplay: Bool var preservesContentDuringLiveResize: Bool func update() func makeFirstResponder(_ aResponder: NSResponder?) -> Bool unowned(unsafe) var firstResponder: NSResponder { get } var resizeFlags: Int { get } func keyDown(_ theEvent: NSEvent) func close() var releasedWhenClosed: Bool func miniaturize(_ sender: AnyObject?) func deminiaturize(_ sender: AnyObject?) var zoomed: Bool { get } func zoom(_ sender: AnyObject?) var miniaturized: Bool { get } func tryToPerform(_ anAction: Selector, with anObject: AnyObject?) -> Bool func validRequestorForSendType(_ sendType: String, returnType returnType: String) -> AnyObject? @NSCopying var backgroundColor: NSColor! func setContentBorderThickness(_ thickness: CGFloat, forEdge edge: NSRectEdge) func contentBorderThicknessForEdge(_ edge: NSRectEdge) -> CGFloat func setAutorecalculatesContentBorderThickness(_ flag: Bool, forEdge edge: NSRectEdge) func autorecalculatesContentBorderThicknessForEdge(_ edge: NSRectEdge) -> Bool var movable: Bool var movableByWindowBackground: Bool var hidesOnDeactivate: Bool var canHide: Bool func center() func makeKeyAndOrderFront(_ sender: AnyObject?) func orderFront(_ sender: AnyObject?) func orderBack(_ sender: AnyObject?) func orderOut(_ sender: AnyObject?) func orderWindow(_ place: NSWindowOrderingMode, relativeTo otherWin: Int) func orderFrontRegardless() var miniwindowImage: NSImage? var miniwindowTitle: String! var dockTile: NSDockTile { get } var documentEdited: Bool var visible: Bool { get } var keyWindow: Bool { get } var mainWindow: Bool { get } var canBecomeKeyWindow: Bool { get } var canBecomeMainWindow: Bool { get } func makeKeyWindow() func makeMainWindow() func becomeKeyWindow() func resignKeyWindow() func becomeMainWindow() func resignMainWindow() var worksWhenModal: Bool { get } var preventsApplicationTerminationWhenModal: Bool func convertRectToScreen(_ aRect: NSRect) -> NSRect func convertRectFromScreen(_ aRect: NSRect) -> NSRect func convertRectToBacking(_ aRect: NSRect) -> NSRect func convertRectFromBacking(_ aRect: NSRect) -> NSRect func backingAlignedRect(_ aRect: NSRect, options options: NSAlignmentOptions) -> NSRect var backingScaleFactor: CGFloat { get } func performClose(_ sender: AnyObject?) func performMiniaturize(_ sender: AnyObject?) func performZoom(_ sender: AnyObject?) var oneShot: Bool func dataWithEPSInsideRect(_ rect: NSRect) -> NSData func dataWithPDFInsideRect(_ rect: NSRect) -> NSData @warn_unqualified_access func print(_ sender: AnyObject?) func disableCursorRects() func enableCursorRects() func discardCursorRects() var areCursorRectsEnabled: Bool { get } func invalidateCursorRectsForView(_ aView: NSView) func resetCursorRects() var allowsToolTipsWhenApplicationIsInactive: Bool var backingType: NSBackingStoreType var level: Int var depthLimit: NSWindowDepth func setDynamicDepthLimit(_ flag: Bool) var hasDynamicDepthLimit: Bool { get } var screen: NSScreen? { get } var deepestScreen: NSScreen? { get } var hasShadow: Bool func invalidateShadow() var alphaValue: CGFloat var opaque: Bool var sharingType: NSWindowSharingType var preferredBackingLocation: NSWindowBackingLocation var backingLocation: NSWindowBackingLocation { get } var allowsConcurrentViewDrawing: Bool var displaysWhenScreenProfileChanges: Bool func disableScreenUpdatesUntilFlush() var canBecomeVisibleWithoutLogin: Bool var collectionBehavior: NSWindowCollectionBehavior var animationBehavior: NSWindowAnimationBehavior var onActiveSpace: Bool { get } func toggleFullScreen(_ sender: AnyObject?) var stringWithSavedFrame: String { get } func setFrameFromString(_ string: String) func saveFrameUsingName(_ name: String) func setFrameUsingName(_ name: String, force force: Bool) -> Bool func setFrameUsingName(_ name: String) -> Bool func setFrameAutosaveName(_ name: String) -> Bool var frameAutosaveName: String { get } class func removeFrameUsingName(_ name: String) func cacheImageInRect(_ aRect: NSRect) func restoreCachedImage() func discardCachedImage() var minSize: NSSize var maxSize: NSSize var contentMinSize: NSSize var contentMaxSize: NSSize var minFullScreenContentSize: NSSize var maxFullScreenContentSize: NSSize func trackEventsMatchingMask(_ mask: NSEventMask, timeout timeout: NSTimeInterval, mode mode: String, handler trackingHandler: (NSEvent, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void) func nextEventMatchingMask(_ mask: Int) -> NSEvent? func nextEventMatchingMask(_ mask: Int, untilDate expiration: NSDate?, inMode mode: String, dequeue deqFlag: Bool) -> NSEvent? func discardEventsMatchingMask(_ mask: Int, beforeEvent lastEvent: NSEvent?) func postEvent(_ event: NSEvent, atStart flag: Bool) var currentEvent: NSEvent? { get } var acceptsMouseMovedEvents: Bool var ignoresMouseEvents: Bool var deviceDescription: [String : AnyObject] { get } func sendEvent(_ theEvent: NSEvent) var mouseLocationOutsideOfEventStream: NSPoint { get } unowned(unsafe) var windowController: NSWindowController? func beginSheet(_ sheetWindow: NSWindow, completionHandler handler: ((NSModalResponse) -> Void)?) func beginCriticalSheet(_ sheetWindow: NSWindow, completionHandler handler: ((NSModalResponse) -> Void)?) func endSheet(_ sheetWindow: NSWindow) func endSheet(_ sheetWindow: NSWindow, returnCode returnCode: NSModalResponse) var sheets: [NSWindow] { get } var attachedSheet: NSWindow? { get } var sheet: Bool { get } var sheetParent: NSWindow? { get } class func standardWindowButton(_ b: NSWindowButton, forStyleMask styleMask: Int) -> NSButton? func standardWindowButton(_ b: NSWindowButton) -> NSButton? func addChildWindow(_ childWin: NSWindow, ordered place: NSWindowOrderingMode) func removeChildWindow(_ childWin: NSWindow) var childWindows: [NSWindow]? { get } unowned(unsafe) var parentWindow: NSWindow? var graphicsContext: NSGraphicsContext? { get } var colorSpace: NSColorSpace? class func windowNumbersWithOptions(_ options: NSWindowNumberListOptions) -> [NSNumber]? class func windowNumberAtPoint(_ point: NSPoint, belowWindowWithWindowNumber windowNumber: Int) -> Int var occlusionState: NSWindowOcclusionState { get } var contentViewController: NSViewController? convenience init(contentViewController contentViewController: NSViewController) class func windowWithContentViewController(_ contentViewController: NSViewController) -> Self func performWindowDragWithEvent(_ event: NSEvent) } extension NSWindow { var drawers: [NSDrawer]? { get } } extension NSWindow { func updateConstraintsIfNeeded() func layoutIfNeeded() } extension NSWindow { func anchorAttributeForOrientation(_ orientation: NSLayoutConstraintOrientation) -> NSLayoutAttribute func setAnchorAttribute(_ attr: NSLayoutAttribute, forOrientation orientation: NSLayoutConstraintOrientation) } extension NSWindow { func visualizeConstraints(_ constraints: [NSLayoutConstraint]) } extension NSWindow { unowned(unsafe) var initialFirstResponder: NSView? func selectNextKeyView(_ sender: AnyObject?) func selectPreviousKeyView(_ sender: AnyObject?) func selectKeyViewFollowingView(_ aView: NSView) func selectKeyViewPrecedingView(_ aView: NSView) var keyViewSelectionDirection: NSSelectionDirection { get } var defaultButtonCell: NSButtonCell? func disableKeyEquivalentForDefaultButtonCell() func enableKeyEquivalentForDefaultButtonCell() var autorecalculatesKeyViewLoop: Bool func recalculateKeyViewLoop() } extension NSWindow { var toolbar: NSToolbar? func toggleToolbarShown(_ sender: AnyObject?) func runToolbarCustomizationPalette(_ sender: AnyObject?) var showsToolbarButton: Bool } extension NSWindow { func dragImage(_ anImage: NSImage, at baseLocation: NSPoint, offset initialOffset: NSSize, event event: NSEvent, pasteboard pboard: NSPasteboard, source sourceObj: AnyObject, slideBack slideFlag: Bool) func registerForDraggedTypes(_ newTypes: [String]) func unregisterDraggedTypes() } extension NSWindow { convenience init?(windowRef windowRef: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) var windowRef: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> { get } } extension NSWindow { class func menuChanged(_ menu: NSMenu) func gState() -> Int func convertBaseToScreen(_ aPoint: NSPoint) -> NSPoint func convertScreenToBase(_ aPoint: NSPoint) -> NSPoint func canBeVisibleOnAllSpaces() -> Bool func setCanBeVisibleOnAllSpaces(_ flag: Bool) func userSpaceScaleFactor() -> CGFloat func useOptimizedDrawing(_ flag: Bool) func canStoreColor() -> Bool } extension NSWindow { var restorable: Bool var restorationClass: AnyObject.Type? func disableSnapshotRestoration() func enableSnapshotRestoration() } extension NSWindow { var hasCloseBox: Bool { get } var hasTitleBar: Bool { get } var floatingPanel: Bool { get } var miniaturizable: Bool { get } var modalPanel: Bool { get } var resizable: Bool { get } var zoomable: Bool { get } var orderedIndex: Int func setIsMiniaturized(_ flag: Bool) func setIsVisible(_ flag: Bool) func setIsZoomed(_ flag: Bool) func handleCloseScriptCommand(_ command: NSCloseCommand) -> AnyObject? func handlePrintScriptCommand(_ command: NSScriptCommand) -> AnyObject? func handleSaveScriptCommand(_ command: NSScriptCommand) -> AnyObject? } |
Modified NSWindow.init(contentRect: NSRect, styleMask: Int, backing: NSBackingStoreType, defer: Bool)
Declaration | |
From | init(contentRect contentRect: NSRect, styleMask aStyle: Int, backing bufferingType: NSBackingStoreType, `defer` flag: Bool) |
To | init(contentRect contentRect: NSRect, styleMask aStyle: Int, backing bufferingType: NSBackingStoreType, defer flag: Bool) |
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(contentRect contentRect: NSRect, styleMask aStyle: Int, backing bufferingType: NSBackingStoreType, `defer` flag: Bool, screen screen: NSScreen?) |
To | convenience init(contentRect contentRect: NSRect, styleMask aStyle: Int, backing bufferingType: NSBackingStoreType, defer flag: Bool, screen screen: NSScreen?) |