ApplicationServices Changes for Swift
Added ATSFontFilter.filter
Added FMFilter.filter
Added FMFilter.init(format: UInt32, selector: FMFilterSelector, filter: FMFilter.__Unnamed_union_filter)
Added ATSFontRef
Modified AppParameters [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct AppParameters { var eventRefCon: UInt32 var messageLength: UInt32 init() } |
To | struct AppParameters { struct __Unnamed_struct_theMsgEvent { var what: UInt16 var message: UInt32 var when: UInt32 var `where`: Point var modifiers: UInt16 init() init(what what: UInt16, message message: UInt32, when when: UInt32, where where: Point, modifiers modifiers: UInt16) } var theMsgEvent: AppParameters.__Unnamed_struct_theMsgEvent var eventRefCon: UInt32 var messageLength: UInt32 init() init(theMsgEvent theMsgEvent: AppParameters.__Unnamed_struct_theMsgEvent, eventRefCon eventRefCon: UInt32, messageLength messageLength: UInt32) } |
Modified ATSFontFilter [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct ATSFontFilter { var version: UInt32 var filterSelector: ATSFontFilterSelector init() } |
To | struct ATSFontFilter { struct __Unnamed_union_filter { var generationFilter: ATSGeneration var fontFamilyFilter: ATSFontFamilyRef var fontFamilyApplierFunctionFilter: ATSFontFamilyApplierFunction! var fontApplierFunctionFilter: ATSFontApplierFunction! var fontFileRefFilter: UnsafePointer<FSRef> init(generationFilter generationFilter: ATSGeneration) init(fontFamilyFilter fontFamilyFilter: ATSFontFamilyRef) init(fontFamilyApplierFunctionFilter fontFamilyApplierFunctionFilter: ATSFontFamilyApplierFunction!) init(fontApplierFunctionFilter fontApplierFunctionFilter: ATSFontApplierFunction!) init(fontFileRefFilter fontFileRefFilter: UnsafePointer<FSRef>) init() } var version: UInt32 var filterSelector: ATSFontFilterSelector var filter: ATSFontFilter.__Unnamed_union_filter init() init(version version: UInt32, filterSelector filterSelector: ATSFontFilterSelector, filter filter: ATSFontFilter.__Unnamed_union_filter) } |
Modified AXObserver
Name | Declaration | |
From | AXObserverRef | typealias AXObserverRef = AXObserver |
To | AXObserver | class AXObserver { } |
Modified AXUIElement
Name | Declaration | |
From | AXUIElementRef | typealias AXUIElementRef = AXUIElement |
To | AXUIElement | class AXUIElement { } |
Modified AXValue
Name | Declaration | |
From | AXValueRef | typealias AXValueRef = AXValue |
To | AXValue | class AXValue { } |
Modified ColorSyncCMM
Name | Declaration | |
From | ColorSyncCMMRef | typealias ColorSyncCMMRef = ColorSyncCMM |
To | ColorSyncCMM | class ColorSyncCMM { } |
Modified ColorSyncMutableProfile
Name | Declaration | |
From | ColorSyncMutableProfileRef | typealias ColorSyncMutableProfileRef = ColorSyncMutableProfile |
To | ColorSyncMutableProfile | class ColorSyncMutableProfile { } |
Modified ColorSyncProfile
Name | Declaration | |
From | ColorSyncProfileRef | typealias ColorSyncProfileRef = ColorSyncProfile |
To | ColorSyncProfile | class ColorSyncProfile { } |
Modified ColorSyncTransform
Name | Declaration | |
From | ColorSyncTransformRef | typealias ColorSyncTransformRef = ColorSyncTransform |
To | ColorSyncTransform | class ColorSyncTransform { } |
Modified FMFilter [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct FMFilter { var format: UInt32 var selector: FMFilterSelector init() } |
To | struct FMFilter { struct __Unnamed_union_filter { var fontTechnologyFilter: FourCharCode var fontContainerFilter: ATSFSSpec var generationFilter: FMGeneration var fontFamilyCallbackFilter: FMFontFamilyCallbackFilterUPP! var fontCallbackFilter: FMFontCallbackFilterUPP! var fontDirectoryFilter: FMFontDirectoryFilter var fontFileRefFilter: UnsafePointer<FSRef> init(fontTechnologyFilter fontTechnologyFilter: FourCharCode) init(fontContainerFilter fontContainerFilter: ATSFSSpec) init(generationFilter generationFilter: FMGeneration) init(fontFamilyCallbackFilter fontFamilyCallbackFilter: FMFontFamilyCallbackFilterUPP!) init(fontCallbackFilter fontCallbackFilter: FMFontCallbackFilterUPP!) init(fontDirectoryFilter fontDirectoryFilter: FMFontDirectoryFilter) init(fontFileRefFilter fontFileRefFilter: UnsafePointer<FSRef>) init() } var format: UInt32 var selector: FMFilterSelector var filter: FMFilter.__Unnamed_union_filter init() init(format format: UInt32, selector selector: FMFilterSelector, filter filter: FMFilter.__Unnamed_union_filter) } |
Modified HIMutableShape
Name | Declaration | |
From | HIMutableShapeRef | typealias HIMutableShapeRef = HIMutableShape |
To | HIMutableShape | class HIMutableShape { } |
Modified HIShape
Name | Declaration | |
From | HIShapeRef | typealias HIShapeRef = HIShape |
To | HIShape | class HIShape { } |
Modified ICMapEntry [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct ICMapEntry { var totalLength: Int16 var fixedLength: ICFixedLength var version: Int16 var fileType: OSType var fileCreator: OSType var postCreator: OSType var flags: ICMapEntryFlags var `extension`: Str255 var creatorAppName: Str255 var postAppName: Str255 var MIMEType: Str255 var entryName: Str255 init() init(totalLength totalLength: Int16, fixedLength fixedLength: ICFixedLength, version version: Int16, fileType fileType: OSType, fileCreator fileCreator: OSType, postCreator postCreator: OSType, flags flags: ICMapEntryFlags, `extension` `extension`: Str255, creatorAppName creatorAppName: Str255, postAppName postAppName: Str255, MIMEType MIMEType: Str255, entryName entryName: Str255) } |
To | struct ICMapEntry { var totalLength: Int16 var fixedLength: ICFixedLength var version: Int16 var fileType: OSType var fileCreator: OSType var postCreator: OSType var flags: ICMapEntryFlags var `extension`: Str255 var creatorAppName: Str255 var postAppName: Str255 var MIMEType: Str255 var entryName: Str255 init() init(totalLength totalLength: Int16, fixedLength fixedLength: ICFixedLength, version version: Int16, fileType fileType: OSType, fileCreator fileCreator: OSType, postCreator postCreator: OSType, flags flags: ICMapEntryFlags, extension extension: Str255, creatorAppName creatorAppName: Str255, postAppName postAppName: Str255, MIMEType MIMEType: Str255, entryName entryName: Str255) } |
Declaration | |
From | init(totalLength totalLength: Int16, fixedLength fixedLength: ICFixedLength, version version: Int16, fileType fileType: OSType, fileCreator fileCreator: OSType, postCreator postCreator: OSType, flags flags: ICMapEntryFlags, `extension` `extension`: Str255, creatorAppName creatorAppName: Str255, postAppName postAppName: Str255, MIMEType MIMEType: Str255, entryName entryName: Str255) |
To | init(totalLength totalLength: Int16, fixedLength fixedLength: ICFixedLength, version version: Int16, fileType fileType: OSType, fileCreator fileCreator: OSType, postCreator postCreator: OSType, flags flags: ICMapEntryFlags, extension extension: Str255, creatorAppName creatorAppName: Str255, postAppName postAppName: Str255, MIMEType MIMEType: Str255, entryName entryName: Str255) |
Modified Pasteboard
Name | Declaration | |
From | PasteboardRef | typealias PasteboardRef = Pasteboard |
To | Pasteboard | class Pasteboard { } |
Modified Translation
Name | Declaration | |
From | TranslationRef | typealias TranslationRef = Translation |
To | Translation | class Translation { } |