Carbon Changes for Swift
Removed ICACloseSessionPB.init()
Removed ICACloseSessionPB.init(header: ICAHeader, sessionID: ICASessionID)
Removed ICACopyObjectDataPB.init()
Removed ICACopyObjectDataPB.init(header: ICAHeader, object: ICAObject, startByte: Int, requestedSize: Int, data: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFData>?>)
Removed ICACopyObjectPropertyDictionaryPB.init()
Removed ICACopyObjectPropertyDictionaryPB.init(header: ICAHeader, object: ICAObject, theDict: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFDictionary>?>)
Removed ICACopyObjectThumbnailPB.init()
Removed ICACopyObjectThumbnailPB.init(header: ICAHeader, object: ICAObject, thumbnailFormat: OSType, thumbnailData: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFData>?>)
Removed ICADownloadFilePB.init()
Removed ICADownloadFilePB.init(header: ICAHeader, object: ICAObject, dirFSRef: UnsafeMutablePointer<FSRef>, flags: UInt32, fileType: OSType, fileCreator: OSType, rotationAngle: Fixed, fileFSRef: UnsafeMutablePointer<FSRef>)
Removed ICAGetDeviceListPB.init()
Removed ICAGetDeviceListPB.init(header: ICAHeader, object: ICAObject)
Removed ICAHeader.init()
Removed ICAHeader.init(err: ICAError, refcon: UInt)
Removed ICAImportImagePB.init()
Removed ICAImportImagePB.init(header: ICAHeader, deviceObject: ICAObject, flags: UInt32, supportedFileTypes: Unmanaged<CFArray>!, filterProc: ICAImportFilterProc!, importedImages: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFArray>?>)
Removed ICALoadDeviceModulePB.init()
Removed ICALoadDeviceModulePB.init(header: ICAHeader, paramDictionary: Unmanaged<CFDictionary>!)
Removed ICAMessage.init()
Removed ICAMessage.init(messageType: OSType, startByte: UInt32, dataPtr: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, dataSize: UInt32, dataType: OSType)
Removed ICAObjectInfo.init()
Removed ICAObjectInfo.init(objectType: OSType, objectSubtype: OSType)
Removed ICAObjectSendMessagePB.init()
Removed ICAObjectSendMessagePB.init(header: ICAHeader, object: ICAObject, message: ICAMessage, result: UInt32)
Removed ICAOpenSessionPB.init()
Removed ICAOpenSessionPB.init(header: ICAHeader, deviceObject: ICAObject, sessionID: ICASessionID)
Removed ICAPTPEventDataset.init()
Removed ICAPTPEventDataset.init(dataLength: UInt32, containerType: UInt16, eventCode: UInt16, transactionID: UInt32, params: (UInt32, UInt32, UInt32))
Removed ICAPTPPassThroughPB.init()
Removed ICAPTPPassThroughPB.init(commandCode: UInt32, resultCode: UInt32, numOfInputParams: UInt32, numOfOutputParams: UInt32, params: (UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32), dataUsageMode: UInt32, flags: UInt32, dataSize: UInt32, data: (UInt8))
Removed ICARegisterForEventNotificationPB.init()
Removed ICARegisterForEventNotificationPB.init(header: ICAHeader, objectOfInterest: ICAObject, eventsOfInterest: Unmanaged<CFArray>!, notificationProc: ICANotification!, options: Unmanaged<CFDictionary>!)
Removed ICAScannerCloseSessionPB.init()
Removed ICAScannerCloseSessionPB.init(header: ICAHeader, sessionID: ICAScannerSessionID)
Removed ICAScannerGetParametersPB.init()
Removed ICAScannerGetParametersPB.init(header: ICAHeader, sessionID: ICAScannerSessionID, theDict: Unmanaged<CFMutableDictionary>!)
Removed ICAScannerInitializePB.init()
Removed ICAScannerInitializePB.init(header: ICAHeader, sessionID: ICAScannerSessionID)
Removed ICAScannerOpenSessionPB.init()
Removed ICAScannerOpenSessionPB.init(header: ICAHeader, object: ICAObject, sessionID: ICAScannerSessionID)
Removed ICAScannerSetParametersPB.init()
Removed ICAScannerSetParametersPB.init(header: ICAHeader, sessionID: ICAScannerSessionID, theDict: Unmanaged<CFMutableDictionary>!)
Removed ICAScannerStartPB.init()
Removed ICAScannerStartPB.init(header: ICAHeader, sessionID: ICAScannerSessionID)
Removed ICAScannerStatusPB.init()
Removed ICAScannerStatusPB.init(header: ICAHeader, sessionID: ICAScannerSessionID, status: UInt32)
Removed ICASendNotificationPB.init()
Removed ICASendNotificationPB.init(header: ICAHeader, notificationDictionary: Unmanaged<CFMutableDictionary>!, replyCode: UInt32)
Removed ICAUnloadDeviceModulePB.init()
Removed ICAUnloadDeviceModulePB.init(header: ICAHeader, deviceObject: ICAObject)
Removed ICAUploadFilePB.init()
Removed ICAUploadFilePB.init(header: ICAHeader, parentObject: ICAObject, fileFSRef: UnsafeMutablePointer<FSRef>, flags: UInt32)
Removed ICD_DisposeObjectPB.init()
Removed ICD_DisposeObjectPB.init(header: ICDHeader, object: ICAObject)
Removed ICD_NewObjectPB.init()
Removed ICD_NewObjectPB.init(header: ICDHeader, parentObject: ICAObject, objectInfo: ICAObjectInfo, object: ICAObject)
Removed ICDHeader.init()
Removed ICDHeader.init(err: ICAError, refcon: UInt)
Added BasicWindowDescription.init(descriptionSize: UInt32, windowContentRect: Rect, windowZoomRect: Rect, windowRefCon: URefCon, windowStateFlags: UInt32, windowPositionMethod: WindowPositionMethod, windowDefinitionVersion: UInt32, windowDefinition: BasicWindowDescription.__Unnamed_union_windowDefinition)
Added BasicWindowDescription.windowDefinition
Added ControlImageContentInfo.init(contentType: ControlContentType, u: ControlImageContentInfo.__Unnamed_union_u)
Added ControlImageContentInfo.u
Added DataBrowserAccessibilityItemInfo.init(version: UInt32, u: DataBrowserAccessibilityItemInfo.__Unnamed_union_u)
Added DataBrowserAccessibilityItemInfo.u
Added DataBrowserCallbacks.init(version: UInt32, u: DataBrowserCallbacks.__Unnamed_union_u)
Added DataBrowserCallbacks.u
Added DataBrowserCustomCallbacks.init(version: UInt32, u: DataBrowserCustomCallbacks.__Unnamed_union_u)
Added DataBrowserCustomCallbacks.u
Added HICommand.init(attributes: UInt32, commandID: UInt32, menu: HICommand.__Unnamed_struct_menu)
Added HICommandExtended.init(attributes: UInt32, commandID: UInt32, source: HICommandExtended.__Unnamed_union_source)
Added HICommandExtended.source
Added HIThemeButtonDrawInfo.animation
Added HIThemeButtonDrawInfo.init(version: UInt32, state: ThemeDrawState, kind: ThemeButtonKind, value: ThemeButtonValue, adornment: ThemeButtonAdornment, animation: HIThemeButtonDrawInfo.__Unnamed_union_animation)
Added HIThemeTrackDrawInfo.init(version: UInt32, kind: ThemeTrackKind, bounds: HIRect, min: Int32, max: Int32, value: Int32, reserved: UInt32, attributes: ThemeTrackAttributes, enableState: ThemeTrackEnableState, filler1: UInt8, trackInfo: HIThemeTrackDrawInfo.__Unnamed_union_trackInfo)
Added HIThemeTrackDrawInfo.trackInfo
Added HIViewContentInfo.init(contentType: HIViewContentType, u: HIViewContentInfo.__Unnamed_union_u)
Added HIViewContentInfo.u
Added HMHelpContent.init(contentType: HMContentType, u: HMHelpContent.__Unnamed_union_u)
Added HMHelpContent.u
Added ICACloseSessionPB.init()
Added ICACloseSessionPB.init(header: ICAHeader, sessionID: ICASessionID)
Added ICACopyObjectDataPB.init()
Added ICACopyObjectDataPB.init(header: ICAHeader, object: ICAObject, startByte: Int, requestedSize: Int, data: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFData>?>)
Added ICACopyObjectPropertyDictionaryPB.init()
Added ICACopyObjectPropertyDictionaryPB.init(header: ICAHeader, object: ICAObject, theDict: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFDictionary>?>)
Added ICACopyObjectThumbnailPB.init()
Added ICACopyObjectThumbnailPB.init(header: ICAHeader, object: ICAObject, thumbnailFormat: OSType, thumbnailData: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFData>?>)
Added ICADownloadFilePB.init()
Added ICADownloadFilePB.init(header: ICAHeader, object: ICAObject, dirFSRef: UnsafeMutablePointer<FSRef>, flags: UInt32, fileType: OSType, fileCreator: OSType, rotationAngle: Fixed, fileFSRef: UnsafeMutablePointer<FSRef>)
Added ICAGetDeviceListPB.init()
Added ICAGetDeviceListPB.init(header: ICAHeader, object: ICAObject)
Added ICAHeader.init()
Added ICAHeader.init(err: ICAError, refcon: UInt)
Added ICAImportImagePB.init()
Added ICAImportImagePB.init(header: ICAHeader, deviceObject: ICAObject, flags: UInt32, supportedFileTypes: Unmanaged<CFArray>!, filterProc: ICAImportFilterProc!, importedImages: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFArray>?>)
Added ICALoadDeviceModulePB.init()
Added ICALoadDeviceModulePB.init(header: ICAHeader, paramDictionary: Unmanaged<CFDictionary>!)
Added ICAMessage.init()
Added ICAMessage.init(messageType: OSType, startByte: UInt32, dataPtr: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, dataSize: UInt32, dataType: OSType)
Added ICAObjectInfo.init()
Added ICAObjectInfo.init(objectType: OSType, objectSubtype: OSType)
Added ICAObjectSendMessagePB.init()
Added ICAObjectSendMessagePB.init(header: ICAHeader, object: ICAObject, message: ICAMessage, result: UInt32)
Added ICAOpenSessionPB.init()
Added ICAOpenSessionPB.init(header: ICAHeader, deviceObject: ICAObject, sessionID: ICASessionID)
Added ICAPTPEventDataset.init()
Added ICAPTPEventDataset.init(dataLength: UInt32, containerType: UInt16, eventCode: UInt16, transactionID: UInt32, params: (UInt32, UInt32, UInt32))
Added ICAPTPPassThroughPB.init()
Added ICAPTPPassThroughPB.init(commandCode: UInt32, resultCode: UInt32, numOfInputParams: UInt32, numOfOutputParams: UInt32, params: (UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32), dataUsageMode: UInt32, flags: UInt32, dataSize: UInt32, data: (UInt8))
Added ICARegisterForEventNotificationPB.init()
Added ICARegisterForEventNotificationPB.init(header: ICAHeader, objectOfInterest: ICAObject, eventsOfInterest: Unmanaged<CFArray>!, notificationProc: ICANotification!, options: Unmanaged<CFDictionary>!)
Added ICAScannerCloseSessionPB.init()
Added ICAScannerCloseSessionPB.init(header: ICAHeader, sessionID: ICAScannerSessionID)
Added ICAScannerGetParametersPB.init()
Added ICAScannerGetParametersPB.init(header: ICAHeader, sessionID: ICAScannerSessionID, theDict: Unmanaged<CFMutableDictionary>!)
Added ICAScannerInitializePB.init()
Added ICAScannerInitializePB.init(header: ICAHeader, sessionID: ICAScannerSessionID)
Added ICAScannerOpenSessionPB.init()
Added ICAScannerOpenSessionPB.init(header: ICAHeader, object: ICAObject, sessionID: ICAScannerSessionID)
Added ICAScannerSetParametersPB.init()
Added ICAScannerSetParametersPB.init(header: ICAHeader, sessionID: ICAScannerSessionID, theDict: Unmanaged<CFMutableDictionary>!)
Added ICAScannerStartPB.init()
Added ICAScannerStartPB.init(header: ICAHeader, sessionID: ICAScannerSessionID)
Added ICAScannerStatusPB.init()
Added ICAScannerStatusPB.init(header: ICAHeader, sessionID: ICAScannerSessionID, status: UInt32)
Added ICASendNotificationPB.init()
Added ICASendNotificationPB.init(header: ICAHeader, notificationDictionary: Unmanaged<CFMutableDictionary>!, replyCode: UInt32)
Added ICAUnloadDeviceModulePB.init()
Added ICAUnloadDeviceModulePB.init(header: ICAHeader, deviceObject: ICAObject)
Added ICAUploadFilePB.init()
Added ICAUploadFilePB.init(header: ICAHeader, parentObject: ICAObject, fileFSRef: UnsafeMutablePointer<FSRef>, flags: UInt32)
Added ICD_DisposeObjectPB.init()
Added ICD_DisposeObjectPB.init(header: ICDHeader, object: ICAObject)
Added ICD_NewObjectPB.init()
Added ICD_NewObjectPB.init(header: ICDHeader, parentObject: ICAObject, objectInfo: ICAObjectInfo, object: ICAObject)
Added ICDHeader.init()
Added ICDHeader.init(err: ICAError, refcon: UInt)
Added ListDefSpec.init(defType: ListDefType, u: ListDefSpec.__Unnamed_union_u)
Added ListDefSpec.u
Added MenuDefSpec.init(defType: MenuDefType, u: MenuDefSpec.__Unnamed_union_u)
Added MenuDefSpec.u
Added NavFileOrFolderInfo.fileAndFolder
Added NavFileOrFolderInfo.init(version: UInt16, isFolder: DarwinBoolean, visible: DarwinBoolean, creationDate: UInt32, modificationDate: UInt32, fileAndFolder: NavFileOrFolderInfo.__Unnamed_union_fileAndFolder)
Added ThemeTrackDrawInfo.init(kind: ThemeTrackKind, bounds: Rect, min: Int32, max: Int32, value: Int32, reserved: UInt32, attributes: ThemeTrackAttributes, enableState: ThemeTrackEnableState, filler1: UInt8, trackInfo: ThemeTrackDrawInfo.__Unnamed_union_trackInfo)
Added ThemeTrackDrawInfo.trackInfo
Added WindowDefSpec.init(defType: WindowDefType, u: WindowDefSpec.__Unnamed_union_u)
Added WindowDefSpec.u
Modified BasicWindowDescription [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct BasicWindowDescription { var descriptionSize: UInt32 var windowContentRect: Rect var windowZoomRect: Rect var windowRefCon: URefCon var windowStateFlags: UInt32 var windowPositionMethod: WindowPositionMethod var windowDefinitionVersion: UInt32 init() } |
To | struct BasicWindowDescription { struct __Unnamed_union_windowDefinition { struct __Unnamed_struct_versionOne { var windowDefProc: Int16 var windowHasCloseBox: DarwinBoolean init() init(windowDefProc windowDefProc: Int16, windowHasCloseBox windowHasCloseBox: DarwinBoolean) } struct __Unnamed_struct_versionTwo { var windowClass: WindowClass var windowAttributes: WindowAttributes init() init(windowClass windowClass: WindowClass, windowAttributes windowAttributes: WindowAttributes) } var versionOne: BasicWindowDescription.__Unnamed_union_windowDefinition.__Unnamed_struct_versionOne var versionTwo: BasicWindowDescription.__Unnamed_union_windowDefinition.__Unnamed_struct_versionTwo init(versionOne versionOne: BasicWindowDescription.__Unnamed_union_windowDefinition.__Unnamed_struct_versionOne) init(versionTwo versionTwo: BasicWindowDescription.__Unnamed_union_windowDefinition.__Unnamed_struct_versionTwo) init() } var descriptionSize: UInt32 var windowContentRect: Rect var windowZoomRect: Rect var windowRefCon: URefCon var windowStateFlags: UInt32 var windowPositionMethod: WindowPositionMethod var windowDefinitionVersion: UInt32 var windowDefinition: BasicWindowDescription.__Unnamed_union_windowDefinition init() init(descriptionSize descriptionSize: UInt32, windowContentRect windowContentRect: Rect, windowZoomRect windowZoomRect: Rect, windowRefCon windowRefCon: URefCon, windowStateFlags windowStateFlags: UInt32, windowPositionMethod windowPositionMethod: WindowPositionMethod, windowDefinitionVersion windowDefinitionVersion: UInt32, windowDefinition windowDefinition: BasicWindowDescription.__Unnamed_union_windowDefinition) } |
Modified Control
Name | Declaration | |
From | ControlRef | typealias ControlRef = Control |
To | Control | class Control { } |
Modified ControlImageContentInfo [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct ControlImageContentInfo { var contentType: ControlContentType init() } |
To | struct ControlImageContentInfo { struct __Unnamed_union_u { var resID: Int16 var iconRef: IconRef var imageRef: Unmanaged<CGImage>! init(resID resID: Int16) init(iconRef iconRef: IconRef) init(imageRef imageRef: Unmanaged<CGImage>!) init() } var contentType: ControlContentType var u: ControlImageContentInfo.__Unnamed_union_u init() init(contentType contentType: ControlContentType, u u: ControlImageContentInfo.__Unnamed_union_u) } |
Modified DataBrowserAccessibilityItemInfo [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct DataBrowserAccessibilityItemInfo { var version: UInt32 init() } |
To | struct DataBrowserAccessibilityItemInfo { struct __Unnamed_union_u { var v0: DataBrowserAccessibilityItemInfoV0 var v1: DataBrowserAccessibilityItemInfoV1 init(v0 v0: DataBrowserAccessibilityItemInfoV0) init(v1 v1: DataBrowserAccessibilityItemInfoV1) init() } var version: UInt32 var u: DataBrowserAccessibilityItemInfo.__Unnamed_union_u init() init(version version: UInt32, u u: DataBrowserAccessibilityItemInfo.__Unnamed_union_u) } |
Modified DataBrowserCallbacks [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct DataBrowserCallbacks { var version: UInt32 init() } |
To | struct DataBrowserCallbacks { struct __Unnamed_union_u { struct __Unnamed_struct_v1 { var itemDataCallback: DataBrowserItemDataUPP! var itemCompareCallback: DataBrowserItemCompareUPP! var itemNotificationCallback: DataBrowserItemNotificationUPP! var addDragItemCallback: DataBrowserAddDragItemUPP! var acceptDragCallback: DataBrowserAcceptDragUPP! var receiveDragCallback: DataBrowserReceiveDragUPP! var postProcessDragCallback: DataBrowserPostProcessDragUPP! var itemHelpContentCallback: DataBrowserItemHelpContentUPP! var getContextualMenuCallback: DataBrowserGetContextualMenuUPP! var selectContextualMenuCallback: DataBrowserSelectContextualMenuUPP! init() init(itemDataCallback itemDataCallback: DataBrowserItemDataUPP!, itemCompareCallback itemCompareCallback: DataBrowserItemCompareUPP!, itemNotificationCallback itemNotificationCallback: DataBrowserItemNotificationUPP!, addDragItemCallback addDragItemCallback: DataBrowserAddDragItemUPP!, acceptDragCallback acceptDragCallback: DataBrowserAcceptDragUPP!, receiveDragCallback receiveDragCallback: DataBrowserReceiveDragUPP!, postProcessDragCallback postProcessDragCallback: DataBrowserPostProcessDragUPP!, itemHelpContentCallback itemHelpContentCallback: DataBrowserItemHelpContentUPP!, getContextualMenuCallback getContextualMenuCallback: DataBrowserGetContextualMenuUPP!, selectContextualMenuCallback selectContextualMenuCallback: DataBrowserSelectContextualMenuUPP!) } var v1: DataBrowserCallbacks.__Unnamed_union_u.__Unnamed_struct_v1 init(v1 v1: DataBrowserCallbacks.__Unnamed_union_u.__Unnamed_struct_v1) init() } var version: UInt32 var u: DataBrowserCallbacks.__Unnamed_union_u init() init(version version: UInt32, u u: DataBrowserCallbacks.__Unnamed_union_u) } |
Modified DataBrowserCustomCallbacks [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct DataBrowserCustomCallbacks { var version: UInt32 init() } |
To | struct DataBrowserCustomCallbacks { struct __Unnamed_union_u { struct __Unnamed_struct_v1 { var drawItemCallback: DataBrowserDrawItemUPP! var editTextCallback: DataBrowserEditItemUPP! var hitTestCallback: DataBrowserHitTestUPP! var trackingCallback: DataBrowserTrackingUPP! var dragRegionCallback: DataBrowserItemDragRgnUPP! var acceptDragCallback: DataBrowserItemAcceptDragUPP! var receiveDragCallback: DataBrowserItemReceiveDragUPP! init() init(drawItemCallback drawItemCallback: DataBrowserDrawItemUPP!, editTextCallback editTextCallback: DataBrowserEditItemUPP!, hitTestCallback hitTestCallback: DataBrowserHitTestUPP!, trackingCallback trackingCallback: DataBrowserTrackingUPP!, dragRegionCallback dragRegionCallback: DataBrowserItemDragRgnUPP!, acceptDragCallback acceptDragCallback: DataBrowserItemAcceptDragUPP!, receiveDragCallback receiveDragCallback: DataBrowserItemReceiveDragUPP!) } var v1: DataBrowserCustomCallbacks.__Unnamed_union_u.__Unnamed_struct_v1 init(v1 v1: DataBrowserCustomCallbacks.__Unnamed_union_u.__Unnamed_struct_v1) init() } var version: UInt32 var u: DataBrowserCustomCallbacks.__Unnamed_union_u init() init(version version: UInt32, u u: DataBrowserCustomCallbacks.__Unnamed_union_u) } |
Modified EventLoopTimer
Name | Declaration | |
From | EventLoopTimerRef | typealias EventLoopTimerRef = EventLoopTimer |
To | EventLoopTimer | class EventLoopTimer { } |
Modified EventRecord [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct EventRecord { var what: EventKind var message: UInt var when: UInt32 var `where`: Point var modifiers: EventModifiers init() init(what what: EventKind, message message: UInt, when when: UInt32, `where` `where`: Point, modifiers modifiers: EventModifiers) } |
To | struct EventRecord { var what: EventKind var message: UInt var when: UInt32 var `where`: Point var modifiers: EventModifiers init() init(what what: EventKind, message message: UInt, when when: UInt32, where where: Point, modifiers modifiers: EventModifiers) } |
Modified EventRecord.init(what: EventKind, message: UInt, when: UInt32, where: Point, modifiers: EventModifiers)
Declaration | |
From | init(what what: EventKind, message message: UInt, when when: UInt32, `where` `where`: Point, modifiers modifiers: EventModifiers) |
To | init(what what: EventKind, message message: UInt, when when: UInt32, where where: Point, modifiers modifiers: EventModifiers) |
Modified FCFontDescriptor
Name | Declaration | |
From | FCFontDescriptorRef | typealias FCFontDescriptorRef = FCFontDescriptor |
To | FCFontDescriptor | class FCFontDescriptor { } |
Modified HIArchive
Name | Declaration | |
From | HIArchiveRef | typealias HIArchiveRef = HIArchive |
To | HIArchive | class HIArchive { } |
Modified HICommand [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct HICommand { var attributes: UInt32 var commandID: UInt32 init() } |
To | struct HICommand { struct __Unnamed_struct_menu { var menuRef: Unmanaged<Menu>! var menuItemIndex: MenuItemIndex init() init(menuRef menuRef: Unmanaged<Menu>!, menuItemIndex menuItemIndex: MenuItemIndex) } var attributes: UInt32 var commandID: UInt32 var menu: HICommand.__Unnamed_struct_menu init() init(attributes attributes: UInt32, commandID commandID: UInt32, menu menu: HICommand.__Unnamed_struct_menu) } |
Modified HICommandExtended [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct HICommandExtended { var attributes: UInt32 var commandID: UInt32 init() } |
To | struct HICommandExtended { struct __Unnamed_union_source { struct __Unnamed_struct_menu { var menuRef: Unmanaged<Menu>! var menuItemIndex: MenuItemIndex init() init(menuRef menuRef: Unmanaged<Menu>!, menuItemIndex menuItemIndex: MenuItemIndex) } var control: Unmanaged<Control>! var window: WindowRef var menu: HICommandExtended.__Unnamed_union_source.__Unnamed_struct_menu init(control control: Unmanaged<Control>!) init(window window: WindowRef) init(menu menu: HICommandExtended.__Unnamed_union_source.__Unnamed_struct_menu) init() } var attributes: UInt32 var commandID: UInt32 var source: HICommandExtended.__Unnamed_union_source init() init(attributes attributes: UInt32, commandID commandID: UInt32, source source: HICommandExtended.__Unnamed_union_source) } |
Modified HIObject
Name | Declaration | |
From | HIObjectRef | typealias HIObjectRef = HIObject |
To | HIObject | class HIObject { } |
Modified HIObjectClass
Name | Declaration | |
From | HIObjectClassRef | typealias HIObjectClassRef = HIObjectClass |
To | HIObjectClass | class HIObjectClass { } |
Modified HIThemeButtonDrawInfo [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct HIThemeButtonDrawInfo { var version: UInt32 var state: ThemeDrawState var kind: ThemeButtonKind var value: ThemeButtonValue var adornment: ThemeButtonAdornment init() } |
To | struct HIThemeButtonDrawInfo { struct __Unnamed_union_animation { var time: HIThemeAnimationTimeInfo var frame: HIThemeAnimationFrameInfo init(time time: HIThemeAnimationTimeInfo) init(frame frame: HIThemeAnimationFrameInfo) init() } var version: UInt32 var state: ThemeDrawState var kind: ThemeButtonKind var value: ThemeButtonValue var adornment: ThemeButtonAdornment var animation: HIThemeButtonDrawInfo.__Unnamed_union_animation init() init(version version: UInt32, state state: ThemeDrawState, kind kind: ThemeButtonKind, value value: ThemeButtonValue, adornment adornment: ThemeButtonAdornment, animation animation: HIThemeButtonDrawInfo.__Unnamed_union_animation) } |
Modified HIThemeTrackDrawInfo [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct HIThemeTrackDrawInfo { var version: UInt32 var kind: ThemeTrackKind var bounds: HIRect var min: Int32 var max: Int32 var value: Int32 var reserved: UInt32 var attributes: ThemeTrackAttributes var enableState: ThemeTrackEnableState var filler1: UInt8 init() } |
To | struct HIThemeTrackDrawInfo { struct __Unnamed_union_trackInfo { var scrollbar: ScrollBarTrackInfo var slider: SliderTrackInfo var progress: ProgressTrackInfo init(scrollbar scrollbar: ScrollBarTrackInfo) init(slider slider: SliderTrackInfo) init(progress progress: ProgressTrackInfo) init() } var version: UInt32 var kind: ThemeTrackKind var bounds: HIRect var min: Int32 var max: Int32 var value: Int32 var reserved: UInt32 var attributes: ThemeTrackAttributes var enableState: ThemeTrackEnableState var filler1: UInt8 var trackInfo: HIThemeTrackDrawInfo.__Unnamed_union_trackInfo init() init(version version: UInt32, kind kind: ThemeTrackKind, bounds bounds: HIRect, min min: Int32, max max: Int32, value value: Int32, reserved reserved: UInt32, attributes attributes: ThemeTrackAttributes, enableState enableState: ThemeTrackEnableState, filler1 filler1: UInt8, trackInfo trackInfo: HIThemeTrackDrawInfo.__Unnamed_union_trackInfo) } |
Modified HIViewContentInfo [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct HIViewContentInfo { var contentType: HIViewContentType init() } |
To | struct HIViewContentInfo { struct __Unnamed_union_u { var iconRef: IconRef var iconTypeAndCreator: HITypeAndCreator var imageRef: Unmanaged<CGImage>! var imageResource: Unmanaged<CFString>! var imageFile: Unmanaged<CFURL>! init(iconRef iconRef: IconRef) init(iconTypeAndCreator iconTypeAndCreator: HITypeAndCreator) init(imageRef imageRef: Unmanaged<CGImage>!) init(imageResource imageResource: Unmanaged<CFString>!) init(imageFile imageFile: Unmanaged<CFURL>!) init() } var contentType: HIViewContentType var u: HIViewContentInfo.__Unnamed_union_u init() init(contentType contentType: HIViewContentType, u u: HIViewContentInfo.__Unnamed_union_u) } |
Modified HMHelpContent [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct HMHelpContent { var contentType: HMContentType init() } |
To | struct HMHelpContent { struct __Unnamed_union_u { var tagCFString: Unmanaged<CFString>! var tagString: Str255 var tagStringRes: HMStringResType var tagTEHandle: TEHandle var tagTextRes: Int16 var tagStrRes: Int16 init(tagCFString tagCFString: Unmanaged<CFString>!) init(tagString tagString: Str255) init(tagStringRes tagStringRes: HMStringResType) init(tagTEHandle tagTEHandle: TEHandle) init(tagTextRes tagTextRes: Int16) init(tagStrRes tagStrRes: Int16) init() } var contentType: HMContentType var u: HMHelpContent.__Unnamed_union_u init() init(contentType contentType: HMContentType, u u: HMHelpContent.__Unnamed_union_u) } |
Modified InkStroke
Name | Declaration | |
From | InkStrokeRef | typealias InkStrokeRef = InkStroke |
To | InkStroke | class InkStroke { } |
Modified InkText
Name | Declaration | |
From | InkTextRef | typealias InkTextRef = InkText |
To | InkText | class InkText { } |
Modified ListDefSpec [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct ListDefSpec { var defType: ListDefType init() } |
To | struct ListDefSpec { struct __Unnamed_union_u { var userProc: ListDefUPP! init(userProc userProc: ListDefUPP!) init() } var defType: ListDefType var u: ListDefSpec.__Unnamed_union_u init() init(defType defType: ListDefType, u u: ListDefSpec.__Unnamed_union_u) } |
Modified Menu
Name | Declaration | |
From | MenuRef | typealias MenuRef = Menu |
To | Menu | class Menu { } |
Modified MenuDefSpec [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct MenuDefSpec { var defType: MenuDefType init() } |
To | struct MenuDefSpec { struct __Unnamed_union_u { struct __Unnamed_struct_view { var classID: Unmanaged<CFString>! var initEvent: EventRef init() init(classID classID: Unmanaged<CFString>!, initEvent initEvent: EventRef) } var defProc: MenuDefUPP var view: MenuDefSpec.__Unnamed_union_u.__Unnamed_struct_view init(defProc defProc: MenuDefUPP) init(view view: MenuDefSpec.__Unnamed_union_u.__Unnamed_struct_view) init() } var defType: MenuDefType var u: MenuDefSpec.__Unnamed_union_u init() init(defType defType: MenuDefType, u u: MenuDefSpec.__Unnamed_union_u) } |
Modified NavDialog
Name | Declaration | |
From | NavDialogRef | typealias NavDialogRef = NavDialog |
To | NavDialog | class NavDialog { } |
Modified NavFileOrFolderInfo [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct NavFileOrFolderInfo { var version: UInt16 var isFolder: DarwinBoolean var visible: DarwinBoolean var creationDate: UInt32 var modificationDate: UInt32 init() } |
To | struct NavFileOrFolderInfo { struct __Unnamed_union_fileAndFolder { struct __Unnamed_struct_fileInfo { var locked: DarwinBoolean var resourceOpen: DarwinBoolean var dataOpen: DarwinBoolean var reserved1: DarwinBoolean var dataSize: Int var resourceSize: Int var finderInfo: FInfo var finderXInfo: FXInfo init() init(locked locked: DarwinBoolean, resourceOpen resourceOpen: DarwinBoolean, dataOpen dataOpen: DarwinBoolean, reserved1 reserved1: DarwinBoolean, dataSize dataSize: Int, resourceSize resourceSize: Int, finderInfo finderInfo: FInfo, finderXInfo finderXInfo: FXInfo) } struct __Unnamed_struct_folderInfo { var shareable: DarwinBoolean var sharePoint: DarwinBoolean var mounted: DarwinBoolean var readable: DarwinBoolean var writeable: DarwinBoolean var reserved2: DarwinBoolean var numberOfFiles: Int var finderDInfo: DInfo var finderDXInfo: DXInfo var folderType: OSType var folderCreator: OSType var reserved3: (Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8) init() init(shareable shareable: DarwinBoolean, sharePoint sharePoint: DarwinBoolean, mounted mounted: DarwinBoolean, readable readable: DarwinBoolean, writeable writeable: DarwinBoolean, reserved2 reserved2: DarwinBoolean, numberOfFiles numberOfFiles: Int, finderDInfo finderDInfo: DInfo, finderDXInfo finderDXInfo: DXInfo, folderType folderType: OSType, folderCreator folderCreator: OSType, reserved3 reserved3: (Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8)) } var fileInfo: NavFileOrFolderInfo.__Unnamed_union_fileAndFolder.__Unnamed_struct_fileInfo var folderInfo: NavFileOrFolderInfo.__Unnamed_union_fileAndFolder.__Unnamed_struct_folderInfo init(fileInfo fileInfo: NavFileOrFolderInfo.__Unnamed_union_fileAndFolder.__Unnamed_struct_fileInfo) init(folderInfo folderInfo: NavFileOrFolderInfo.__Unnamed_union_fileAndFolder.__Unnamed_struct_folderInfo) init() } var version: UInt16 var isFolder: DarwinBoolean var visible: DarwinBoolean var creationDate: UInt32 var modificationDate: UInt32 var fileAndFolder: NavFileOrFolderInfo.__Unnamed_union_fileAndFolder init() init(version version: UInt16, isFolder isFolder: DarwinBoolean, visible visible: DarwinBoolean, creationDate creationDate: UInt32, modificationDate modificationDate: UInt32, fileAndFolder fileAndFolder: NavFileOrFolderInfo.__Unnamed_union_fileAndFolder) } |
Modified ThemeTrackDrawInfo [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct ThemeTrackDrawInfo { var kind: ThemeTrackKind var bounds: Rect var min: Int32 var max: Int32 var value: Int32 var reserved: UInt32 var attributes: ThemeTrackAttributes var enableState: ThemeTrackEnableState var filler1: UInt8 init() } |
To | struct ThemeTrackDrawInfo { struct __Unnamed_union_trackInfo { var scrollbar: ScrollBarTrackInfo var slider: SliderTrackInfo var progress: ProgressTrackInfo init(scrollbar scrollbar: ScrollBarTrackInfo) init(slider slider: SliderTrackInfo) init(progress progress: ProgressTrackInfo) init() } var kind: ThemeTrackKind var bounds: Rect var min: Int32 var max: Int32 var value: Int32 var reserved: UInt32 var attributes: ThemeTrackAttributes var enableState: ThemeTrackEnableState var filler1: UInt8 var trackInfo: ThemeTrackDrawInfo.__Unnamed_union_trackInfo init() init(kind kind: ThemeTrackKind, bounds bounds: Rect, min min: Int32, max max: Int32, value value: Int32, reserved reserved: UInt32, attributes attributes: ThemeTrackAttributes, enableState enableState: ThemeTrackEnableState, filler1 filler1: UInt8, trackInfo trackInfo: ThemeTrackDrawInfo.__Unnamed_union_trackInfo) } |
Modified TISInputSource
Name | Declaration | |
From | TISInputSourceRef | typealias TISInputSourceRef = TISInputSource |
To | TISInputSource | class TISInputSource { } |
Modified WindowDefSpec [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct WindowDefSpec { var defType: WindowDefType init() } |
To | struct WindowDefSpec { struct __Unnamed_union_u { var defProc: WindowDefUPP var classRef: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> var procID: Int16 var rootView: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> init(defProc defProc: WindowDefUPP) init(classRef classRef: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) init(procID procID: Int16) init(rootView rootView: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) init() } var defType: WindowDefType var u: WindowDefSpec.__Unnamed_union_u init() init(defType defType: WindowDefType, u u: WindowDefSpec.__Unnamed_union_u) } |
Modified ControlHandle
Declaration | |
From | typealias ControlHandle = ControlHandle |
To | typealias ControlHandle = ControlRef |
Modified GetColor(_: Point, _: ConstStr255Param, _: UnsafePointer<RGBColor>, _: UnsafeMutablePointer<RGBColor>) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func GetColor(_ `where`: Point, _ prompt: ConstStr255Param, _ inColor: UnsafePointer<RGBColor>, _ outColor: UnsafeMutablePointer<RGBColor>) -> Bool |
To | func GetColor(_ where: Point, _ prompt: ConstStr255Param, _ inColor: UnsafePointer<RGBColor>, _ outColor: UnsafeMutablePointer<RGBColor>) -> Bool |
Modified HIToolbar
Declaration | |
From | typealias HIToolbarRef = HIToolbar |
To | typealias HIToolbar = HIObjectRef |
Modified HIToolbarItem
Declaration | |
From | typealias HIToolbarItemRef = HIToolbarItem |
To | typealias HIToolbarItem = HIObjectRef |
Modified InvokeControlUserPaneHitTestUPP(_: Control!, _: Point, _: ControlUserPaneHitTestUPP!) -> ControlPartCode
Declaration | |
From | func InvokeControlUserPaneHitTestUPP(_ control: Control!, _ `where`: Point, _ userUPP: ControlUserPaneHitTestUPP!) -> ControlPartCode |
To | func InvokeControlUserPaneHitTestUPP(_ control: Control!, _ where: Point, _ userUPP: ControlUserPaneHitTestUPP!) -> ControlPartCode |
Modified MenuHandle
Declaration | |
From | typealias MenuHandle = MenuHandle |
To | typealias MenuHandle = MenuRef |