CoreMedia Changes for Swift
Modified CMBlockBuffer
Name | Declaration | |
From | CMBlockBufferRef | typealias CMBlockBufferRef = CMBlockBuffer |
To | CMBlockBuffer | class CMBlockBuffer { } |
Modified CMBufferQueue
Name | Declaration | |
From | CMBufferQueueRef | typealias CMBufferQueueRef = CMBufferQueue |
To | CMBufferQueue | class CMBufferQueue { } |
Modified CMClock
Name | Declaration | |
From | CMClockRef | typealias CMClockRef = CMClock |
To | CMClock | class CMClock { } |
Modified CMFormatDescription
Name | Declaration | |
From | CMFormatDescriptionRef | typealias CMFormatDescriptionRef = CMFormatDescription |
To | CMFormatDescription | class CMFormatDescription { } |
Modified CMMemoryPool
Name | Declaration | |
From | CMMemoryPoolRef | typealias CMMemoryPoolRef = CMMemoryPool |
To | CMMemoryPool | class CMMemoryPool { } |
Modified CMSampleBuffer
Name | Declaration | |
From | CMSampleBufferRef | typealias CMSampleBufferRef = CMSampleBuffer |
To | CMSampleBuffer | class CMSampleBuffer { } |
Modified CMSimpleQueue
Name | Declaration | |
From | CMSimpleQueueRef | typealias CMSimpleQueueRef = CMSimpleQueue |
To | CMSimpleQueue | class CMSimpleQueue { } |
Modified CMTimebase
Name | Declaration | |
From | CMTimebaseRef | typealias CMTimebaseRef = CMTimebase |
To | CMTimebase | class CMTimebase { } |
Modified CMAttachmentBearer
Declaration | |
From | typealias CMAttachmentBearerRef = CMAttachmentBearer |
To | typealias CMAttachmentBearer = CFTypeRef |
Modified CMBuffer
Declaration | |
From | typealias CMBufferRef = CMBuffer |
To | typealias CMBuffer = CFTypeRef |
Modified CMClosedCaptionFormatDescription
Declaration | |
From | typealias CMClosedCaptionFormatDescriptionRef = CMClosedCaptionFormatDescription |
To | typealias CMClosedCaptionFormatDescription = CMFormatDescriptionRef |
Modified CMTextFormatDescription
Declaration | |
From | typealias CMTextFormatDescriptionRef = CMTextFormatDescription |
To | typealias CMTextFormatDescription = CMFormatDescriptionRef |