Safari Developer Library Release Notes


Safari Web Content Guide

Safari Web Content Guide is updated with information on the Smart App Banner feature of iOS 6, which provides a standardized method of promoting apps on the App Store from a website.

Safari Image Delivery Best Practices

Safari Image Delivery Best Practices describes how to deliver pixel-perfect web interfaces on high resolution displays for websites on iOS and OS X. Learn how to use technologies such as CSS and SVG to create scalable graphics to replace traditional images and discover different optimization techniques for presenting your web content.

Session Videos from WWDC 2012

Now available in the Developer Library: session videos from WWDC 2012. When you search for a document, relevant session videos from WWDC 2012 now appear in the search results, making it easier to find everything you need to build great apps for iOS and OS X. If you aren't already logged in to, you need to authenticate using your developer credentials. Once logged in, you can access session videos and download source code and/or a PDF of the presentation slides.

Provide Documentation Feedback

To send comments or bugs for a specific document, use the feedback links available at the bottom of each HTML page. All comments are associated with the document and are screened and routed to the appropriate author and editor for action.

If you are reading a PDF document on your iPad and are a registered developer, you can also file a bug against a doc by going to and logging in with your Developer account information. Be sure to note the title of the document you are reporting on, as well as the page number and any information that you feel will help us improve the document.