Removed KerxIndexArrayHeader.glyphCount
Removed KerxIndexArrayHeader.init(glyphCount: UInt16, kernValueCount: UInt16, leftClassCount: UInt16, rightClassCount: UInt16, flags: UInt16, kernValue: (Int16), leftClass: (UInt16), rightClass: (UInt16), kernIndex: (UInt16))
Removed KerxIndexArrayHeader.kernIndex
Removed KerxIndexArrayHeader.kernValue
Removed KerxIndexArrayHeader.kernValueCount
Removed KerxIndexArrayHeader.leftClass
Removed KerxIndexArrayHeader.leftClassCount
Removed KerxIndexArrayHeader.rightClass
Removed KerxIndexArrayHeader.rightClassCount
Removed KerxSubtableHeader.init(length: UInt32, stInfo: KerxSubtableCoverage, tupleIndex: UInt32, fsHeader: KerxFormatSpecificHeader)
Removed KerxSubtableHeader.tupleIndex
Added KerxIndexArrayHeader.columnCount
Added KerxIndexArrayHeader.columnIndexTableOffset
Added KerxIndexArrayHeader.init(flags: UInt32, rowCount: UInt16, columnCount: UInt16, rowIndexTableOffset: UInt32, columnIndexTableOffset: UInt32, kerningArrayOffset: UInt32, kerningVectorOffset: UInt32)
Added KerxIndexArrayHeader.kerningArrayOffset
Added KerxIndexArrayHeader.kerningVectorOffset
Added KerxIndexArrayHeader.rowCount
Added KerxIndexArrayHeader.rowIndexTableOffset
Added KerxSubtableHeader.init(length: UInt32, stInfo: KerxSubtableCoverage, tupleCount: UInt32, fsHeader: KerxFormatSpecificHeader)
Added KerxSubtableHeader.tupleCount
Added SFNTLookupFormatSpecificHeader.init(vector: SFNTLookupVectorHeader)
Added SFNTLookupFormatSpecificHeader.vector
Added kSFNTLookupVector
| Declaration |
From | enum CTCharacterCollection : UInt16 {
case IdentityMapping
case AdobeCNS1
case AdobeGB1
case AdobeJapan1
case AdobeJapan2
case AdobeKorea1
static var kCTIdentityMappingCharacterCollection: CTCharacterCollection { get }
static var kCTAdobeCNS1CharacterCollection: CTCharacterCollection { get }
static var kCTAdobeGB1CharacterCollection: CTCharacterCollection { get }
static var kCTAdobeJapan1CharacterCollection: CTCharacterCollection { get }
static var kCTAdobeJapan2CharacterCollection: CTCharacterCollection { get }
static var kCTAdobeKorea1CharacterCollection: CTCharacterCollection { get }
} |
To | enum CTCharacterCollection : UInt16 {
case identityMapping
case adobeCNS1
case adobeGB1
case adobeJapan1
case adobeJapan2
case adobeKorea1
static var kCTIdentityMappingCharacterCollection: CTCharacterCollection { get }
static var kCTAdobeCNS1CharacterCollection: CTCharacterCollection { get }
static var kCTAdobeGB1CharacterCollection: CTCharacterCollection { get }
static var kCTAdobeJapan1CharacterCollection: CTCharacterCollection { get }
static var kCTAdobeJapan2CharacterCollection: CTCharacterCollection { get }
static var kCTAdobeKorea1CharacterCollection: CTCharacterCollection { get }
} |
| Declaration |
From | case AdobeCNS1 |
To | case adobeCNS1 |
| Declaration |
From | case AdobeGB1 |
To | case adobeGB1 |
| Declaration |
From | case AdobeJapan1 |
To | case adobeJapan1 |
| Declaration |
From | case AdobeJapan2 |
To | case adobeJapan2 |
| Declaration |
From | case AdobeKorea1 |
To | case adobeKorea1 |
| Declaration |
From | case IdentityMapping |
To | case identityMapping |
| Declaration |
From | enum CTFontDescriptorMatchingState : UInt32 {
case DidBegin
case DidFinish
case WillBeginQuerying
case Stalled
case WillBeginDownloading
case Downloading
case DidFinishDownloading
case DidMatch
case DidFailWithError
} |
To | enum CTFontDescriptorMatchingState : UInt32 {
case didBegin
case didFinish
case willBeginQuerying
case stalled
case willBeginDownloading
case downloading
case didFinishDownloading
case didMatch
case didFailWithError
} |
| Declaration |
From | case DidBegin |
To | case didBegin |
| Declaration |
From | case DidFailWithError |
To | case didFailWithError |
| Declaration |
From | case DidFinish |
To | case didFinish |
| Declaration |
From | case DidFinishDownloading |
To | case didFinishDownloading |
| Declaration |
From | case DidMatch |
To | case didMatch |
| Declaration |
From | case Downloading |
To | case downloading |
| Declaration |
From | case Stalled |
To | case stalled |
| Declaration |
From | case WillBeginDownloading |
To | case willBeginDownloading |
| Declaration |
From | case WillBeginQuerying |
To | case willBeginQuerying |
| Declaration |
From | enum CTFontFormat : UInt32 {
case Unrecognized
case OpenTypePostScript
case OpenTypeTrueType
case TrueType
case PostScript
case Bitmap
} |
To | enum CTFontFormat : UInt32 {
case unrecognized
case openTypePostScript
case openTypeTrueType
case trueType
case postScript
case bitmap
} |
| Declaration |
From | case Bitmap |
To | case bitmap |
| Declaration |
From | case OpenTypePostScript |
To | case openTypePostScript |
| Declaration |
From | case OpenTypeTrueType |
To | case openTypeTrueType |
| Declaration |
From | case PostScript |
To | case postScript |
| Declaration |
From | case TrueType |
To | case trueType |
| Declaration |
From | case Unrecognized |
To | case unrecognized |
| Declaration |
From | enum CTFontManagerAutoActivationSetting : UInt32 {
case Default
case Disabled
case Enabled
case PromptUser
} |
To | enum CTFontManagerAutoActivationSetting : UInt32 {
case `default`
case disabled
case enabled
case promptUser
} |
| Declaration |
From | case Default |
To | case `default` |
| Declaration |
From | case Disabled |
To | case disabled |
| Declaration |
From | case Enabled |
To | case enabled |
| Declaration |
From | case PromptUser |
To | case promptUser |
| Declaration |
From | enum CTFontManagerError : CFIndex {
case FileNotFound
case InsufficientPermissions
case UnrecognizedFormat
case InvalidFontData
case AlreadyRegistered
case NotRegistered
case InUse
case SystemRequired
} |
To | enum CTFontManagerError : CFIndex {
case fileNotFound
case insufficientPermissions
case unrecognizedFormat
case invalidFontData
case alreadyRegistered
case notRegistered
case inUse
case systemRequired
} |
| Declaration |
From | case AlreadyRegistered |
To | case alreadyRegistered |
| Declaration |
From | case FileNotFound |
To | case fileNotFound |
| Declaration |
From | case InsufficientPermissions |
To | case insufficientPermissions |
| Declaration |
From | case InUse |
To | case inUse |
| Declaration |
From | case InvalidFontData |
To | case invalidFontData |
| Declaration |
From | case NotRegistered |
To | case notRegistered |
| Declaration |
From | case SystemRequired |
To | case systemRequired |
| Declaration |
From | case UnrecognizedFormat |
To | case unrecognizedFormat |
| Declaration |
From | enum CTFontManagerScope : UInt32 {
case None
case Process
case User
case Session
} |
To | enum CTFontManagerScope : UInt32 {
case none
case process
case user
case session
} |
| Declaration |
From | case None |
To | case none |
| Declaration |
From | case Process |
To | case process |
| Declaration |
From | case Session |
To | case session |
| Declaration |
From | case User |
To | case user |
| Declaration | Protocols |
From | struct CTFontOptions : OptionSetType {
init(rawValue rawValue: CFOptionFlags)
static var Default: CTFontOptions { get }
static var PreventAutoActivation: CTFontOptions { get }
static var PreferSystemFont: CTFontOptions { get }
} | OptionSetType |
To | struct CTFontOptions : OptionSet {
init(rawValue rawValue: CFOptionFlags)
static var `default`: CTFontOptions { get }
static var preventAutoActivation: CTFontOptions { get }
static var preferSystemFont: CTFontOptions { get }
func intersect(_ other: CTFontOptions) -> CTFontOptions
func exclusiveOr(_ other: CTFontOptions) -> CTFontOptions
mutating func unionInPlace(_ other: CTFontOptions)
mutating func intersectInPlace(_ other: CTFontOptions)
mutating func exclusiveOrInPlace(_ other: CTFontOptions)
func isSubsetOf(_ other: CTFontOptions) -> Bool
func isDisjointWith(_ other: CTFontOptions) -> Bool
func isSupersetOf(_ other: CTFontOptions) -> Bool
mutating func subtractInPlace(_ other: CTFontOptions)
func isStrictSupersetOf(_ other: CTFontOptions) -> Bool
func isStrictSubsetOf(_ other: CTFontOptions) -> Bool
extension CTFontOptions {
func union(_ other: CTFontOptions) -> CTFontOptions
func intersection(_ other: CTFontOptions) -> CTFontOptions
func symmetricDifference(_ other: CTFontOptions) -> CTFontOptions
extension CTFontOptions {
func contains(_ member: CTFontOptions) -> Bool
mutating func insert(_ newMember: CTFontOptions) -> (inserted: Bool, memberAfterInsert: CTFontOptions)
mutating func remove(_ member: CTFontOptions) -> CTFontOptions?
mutating func update(with newMember: CTFontOptions) -> CTFontOptions?
extension CTFontOptions {
convenience init()
mutating func formUnion(_ other: CTFontOptions)
mutating func formIntersection(_ other: CTFontOptions)
mutating func formSymmetricDifference(_ other: CTFontOptions)
extension CTFontOptions {
convenience init<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == CTFontOptions>(_ sequence: S)
convenience init(arrayLiteral arrayLiteral: CTFontOptions...)
mutating func subtract(_ other: CTFontOptions)
func isSubset(of other: CTFontOptions) -> Bool
func isSuperset(of other: CTFontOptions) -> Bool
func isDisjoint(with other: CTFontOptions) -> Bool
func subtracting(_ other: CTFontOptions) -> CTFontOptions
var isEmpty: Bool { get }
func isStrictSuperset(of other: CTFontOptions) -> Bool
func isStrictSubset(of other: CTFontOptions) -> Bool
} | OptionSet |
| Declaration |
From | static var PreferSystemFont: CTFontOptions { get } |
To | static var preferSystemFont: CTFontOptions { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var PreventAutoActivation: CTFontOptions { get } |
To | static var preventAutoActivation: CTFontOptions { get } |
| Declaration |
From | enum CTFontOrientation : UInt32 {
case Default
case Horizontal
case Vertical
static var kCTFontDefaultOrientation: CTFontOrientation { get }
static var kCTFontHorizontalOrientation: CTFontOrientation { get }
static var kCTFontVerticalOrientation: CTFontOrientation { get }
} |
To | enum CTFontOrientation : UInt32 {
case `default`
case horizontal
case vertical
static var kCTFontDefaultOrientation: CTFontOrientation { get }
static var kCTFontHorizontalOrientation: CTFontOrientation { get }
static var kCTFontVerticalOrientation: CTFontOrientation { get }
} |
| Declaration |
From | case Default |
To | case `default` |
| Declaration |
From | case Horizontal |
To | case horizontal |
| Declaration |
From | case Vertical |
To | case vertical |
| Declaration | Protocols |
From | struct CTFontStylisticClass : OptionSetType {
init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32)
static var ClassUnknown: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var ClassOldStyleSerifs: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var ClassTransitionalSerifs: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var ClassModernSerifs: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var ClassClarendonSerifs: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var ClassSlabSerifs: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var ClassFreeformSerifs: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var ClassSansSerif: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var ClassOrnamentals: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var ClassScripts: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var ClassSymbolic: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var UnknownClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var OldStyleSerifsClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var TransitionalSerifsClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var ModernSerifsClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var ClarendonSerifsClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var SlabSerifsClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var FreeformSerifsClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var SansSerifClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var OrnamentalsClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var ScriptsClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var SymbolicClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
} | OptionSetType |
To | struct CTFontStylisticClass : OptionSet {
init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32)
static var classUnknown: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var classOldStyleSerifs: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var classTransitionalSerifs: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var classModernSerifs: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var classClarendonSerifs: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var classSlabSerifs: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var classFreeformSerifs: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var classSansSerif: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var classOrnamentals: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var classScripts: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var classSymbolic: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var unknownClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var oldStyleSerifsClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var transitionalSerifsClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var modernSerifsClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var clarendonSerifsClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var slabSerifsClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var freeformSerifsClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var sansSerifClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var ornamentalsClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var scriptsClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
static var symbolicClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get }
func intersect(_ other: CTFontStylisticClass) -> CTFontStylisticClass
func exclusiveOr(_ other: CTFontStylisticClass) -> CTFontStylisticClass
mutating func unionInPlace(_ other: CTFontStylisticClass)
mutating func intersectInPlace(_ other: CTFontStylisticClass)
mutating func exclusiveOrInPlace(_ other: CTFontStylisticClass)
func isSubsetOf(_ other: CTFontStylisticClass) -> Bool
func isDisjointWith(_ other: CTFontStylisticClass) -> Bool
func isSupersetOf(_ other: CTFontStylisticClass) -> Bool
mutating func subtractInPlace(_ other: CTFontStylisticClass)
func isStrictSupersetOf(_ other: CTFontStylisticClass) -> Bool
func isStrictSubsetOf(_ other: CTFontStylisticClass) -> Bool
extension CTFontStylisticClass {
func union(_ other: CTFontStylisticClass) -> CTFontStylisticClass
func intersection(_ other: CTFontStylisticClass) -> CTFontStylisticClass
func symmetricDifference(_ other: CTFontStylisticClass) -> CTFontStylisticClass
extension CTFontStylisticClass {
func contains(_ member: CTFontStylisticClass) -> Bool
mutating func insert(_ newMember: CTFontStylisticClass) -> (inserted: Bool, memberAfterInsert: CTFontStylisticClass)
mutating func remove(_ member: CTFontStylisticClass) -> CTFontStylisticClass?
mutating func update(with newMember: CTFontStylisticClass) -> CTFontStylisticClass?
extension CTFontStylisticClass {
convenience init()
mutating func formUnion(_ other: CTFontStylisticClass)
mutating func formIntersection(_ other: CTFontStylisticClass)
mutating func formSymmetricDifference(_ other: CTFontStylisticClass)
extension CTFontStylisticClass {
convenience init<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == CTFontStylisticClass>(_ sequence: S)
convenience init(arrayLiteral arrayLiteral: CTFontStylisticClass...)
mutating func subtract(_ other: CTFontStylisticClass)
func isSubset(of other: CTFontStylisticClass) -> Bool
func isSuperset(of other: CTFontStylisticClass) -> Bool
func isDisjoint(with other: CTFontStylisticClass) -> Bool
func subtracting(_ other: CTFontStylisticClass) -> CTFontStylisticClass
var isEmpty: Bool { get }
func isStrictSuperset(of other: CTFontStylisticClass) -> Bool
func isStrictSubset(of other: CTFontStylisticClass) -> Bool
} | OptionSet |
| Declaration |
From | static var ClarendonSerifsClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
To | static var clarendonSerifsClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var ClassClarendonSerifs: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
To | static var classClarendonSerifs: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var ClassFreeformSerifs: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
To | static var classFreeformSerifs: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var ClassModernSerifs: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
To | static var classModernSerifs: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var ClassOldStyleSerifs: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
To | static var classOldStyleSerifs: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var ClassOrnamentals: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
To | static var classOrnamentals: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var ClassSansSerif: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
To | static var classSansSerif: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var ClassScripts: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
To | static var classScripts: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var ClassSlabSerifs: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
To | static var classSlabSerifs: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var ClassSymbolic: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
To | static var classSymbolic: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var ClassTransitionalSerifs: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
To | static var classTransitionalSerifs: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var FreeformSerifsClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
To | static var freeformSerifsClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var ModernSerifsClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
To | static var modernSerifsClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var OldStyleSerifsClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
To | static var oldStyleSerifsClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var OrnamentalsClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
To | static var ornamentalsClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var SansSerifClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
To | static var sansSerifClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var ScriptsClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
To | static var scriptsClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var SlabSerifsClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
To | static var slabSerifsClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var SymbolicClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
To | static var symbolicClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var TransitionalSerifsClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
To | static var transitionalSerifsClass: CTFontStylisticClass { get } |
| Declaration | Protocols |
From | struct CTFontSymbolicTraits : OptionSetType {
init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32)
static var TraitItalic: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var TraitBold: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var TraitExpanded: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var TraitCondensed: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var TraitMonoSpace: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var TraitVertical: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var TraitUIOptimized: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var TraitColorGlyphs: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var TraitComposite: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var TraitClassMask: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var ItalicTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var BoldTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var ExpandedTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var CondensedTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var MonoSpaceTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var VerticalTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var UIOptimizedTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var ColorGlyphsTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var CompositeTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var ClassMaskTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
} | OptionSetType |
To | struct CTFontSymbolicTraits : OptionSet {
init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32)
static var traitItalic: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var traitBold: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var traitExpanded: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var traitCondensed: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var traitMonoSpace: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var traitVertical: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var traitUIOptimized: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var traitColorGlyphs: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var traitComposite: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var traitClassMask: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var italicTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var boldTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var expandedTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var condensedTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var monoSpaceTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var verticalTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var uiOptimizedTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var colorGlyphsTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var compositeTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
static var classMaskTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get }
func intersect(_ other: CTFontSymbolicTraits) -> CTFontSymbolicTraits
func exclusiveOr(_ other: CTFontSymbolicTraits) -> CTFontSymbolicTraits
mutating func unionInPlace(_ other: CTFontSymbolicTraits)
mutating func intersectInPlace(_ other: CTFontSymbolicTraits)
mutating func exclusiveOrInPlace(_ other: CTFontSymbolicTraits)
func isSubsetOf(_ other: CTFontSymbolicTraits) -> Bool
func isDisjointWith(_ other: CTFontSymbolicTraits) -> Bool
func isSupersetOf(_ other: CTFontSymbolicTraits) -> Bool
mutating func subtractInPlace(_ other: CTFontSymbolicTraits)
func isStrictSupersetOf(_ other: CTFontSymbolicTraits) -> Bool
func isStrictSubsetOf(_ other: CTFontSymbolicTraits) -> Bool
extension CTFontSymbolicTraits {
func union(_ other: CTFontSymbolicTraits) -> CTFontSymbolicTraits
func intersection(_ other: CTFontSymbolicTraits) -> CTFontSymbolicTraits
func symmetricDifference(_ other: CTFontSymbolicTraits) -> CTFontSymbolicTraits
extension CTFontSymbolicTraits {
func contains(_ member: CTFontSymbolicTraits) -> Bool
mutating func insert(_ newMember: CTFontSymbolicTraits) -> (inserted: Bool, memberAfterInsert: CTFontSymbolicTraits)
mutating func remove(_ member: CTFontSymbolicTraits) -> CTFontSymbolicTraits?
mutating func update(with newMember: CTFontSymbolicTraits) -> CTFontSymbolicTraits?
extension CTFontSymbolicTraits {
convenience init()
mutating func formUnion(_ other: CTFontSymbolicTraits)
mutating func formIntersection(_ other: CTFontSymbolicTraits)
mutating func formSymmetricDifference(_ other: CTFontSymbolicTraits)
extension CTFontSymbolicTraits {
convenience init<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == CTFontSymbolicTraits>(_ sequence: S)
convenience init(arrayLiteral arrayLiteral: CTFontSymbolicTraits...)
mutating func subtract(_ other: CTFontSymbolicTraits)
func isSubset(of other: CTFontSymbolicTraits) -> Bool
func isSuperset(of other: CTFontSymbolicTraits) -> Bool
func isDisjoint(with other: CTFontSymbolicTraits) -> Bool
func subtracting(_ other: CTFontSymbolicTraits) -> CTFontSymbolicTraits
var isEmpty: Bool { get }
func isStrictSuperset(of other: CTFontSymbolicTraits) -> Bool
func isStrictSubset(of other: CTFontSymbolicTraits) -> Bool
} | OptionSet |
| Declaration |
From | static var BoldTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
To | static var boldTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var ClassMaskTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
To | static var classMaskTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var ColorGlyphsTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
To | static var colorGlyphsTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var CompositeTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
To | static var compositeTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var CondensedTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
To | static var condensedTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var ExpandedTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
To | static var expandedTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var ItalicTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
To | static var italicTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var MonoSpaceTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
To | static var monoSpaceTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var TraitBold: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
To | static var traitBold: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var TraitClassMask: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
To | static var traitClassMask: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var TraitColorGlyphs: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
To | static var traitColorGlyphs: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var TraitComposite: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
To | static var traitComposite: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var TraitCondensed: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
To | static var traitCondensed: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var TraitExpanded: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
To | static var traitExpanded: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var TraitItalic: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
To | static var traitItalic: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var TraitMonoSpace: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
To | static var traitMonoSpace: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var TraitUIOptimized: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
To | static var traitUIOptimized: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var TraitVertical: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
To | static var traitVertical: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var UIOptimizedTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
To | static var uiOptimizedTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var VerticalTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
To | static var verticalTrait: CTFontSymbolicTraits { get } |
| Declaration | Protocols |
From | struct CTFontTableOptions : OptionSetType {
init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32)
static var NoOptions: CTFontTableOptions { get }
static var ExcludeSynthetic: CTFontTableOptions { get }
} | OptionSetType |
To | struct CTFontTableOptions : OptionSet {
init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32)
static var noOptions: CTFontTableOptions { get }
static var excludeSynthetic: CTFontTableOptions { get }
func intersect(_ other: CTFontTableOptions) -> CTFontTableOptions
func exclusiveOr(_ other: CTFontTableOptions) -> CTFontTableOptions
mutating func unionInPlace(_ other: CTFontTableOptions)
mutating func intersectInPlace(_ other: CTFontTableOptions)
mutating func exclusiveOrInPlace(_ other: CTFontTableOptions)
func isSubsetOf(_ other: CTFontTableOptions) -> Bool
func isDisjointWith(_ other: CTFontTableOptions) -> Bool
func isSupersetOf(_ other: CTFontTableOptions) -> Bool
mutating func subtractInPlace(_ other: CTFontTableOptions)
func isStrictSupersetOf(_ other: CTFontTableOptions) -> Bool
func isStrictSubsetOf(_ other: CTFontTableOptions) -> Bool
extension CTFontTableOptions {
func union(_ other: CTFontTableOptions) -> CTFontTableOptions
func intersection(_ other: CTFontTableOptions) -> CTFontTableOptions
func symmetricDifference(_ other: CTFontTableOptions) -> CTFontTableOptions
extension CTFontTableOptions {
func contains(_ member: CTFontTableOptions) -> Bool
mutating func insert(_ newMember: CTFontTableOptions) -> (inserted: Bool, memberAfterInsert: CTFontTableOptions)
mutating func remove(_ member: CTFontTableOptions) -> CTFontTableOptions?
mutating func update(with newMember: CTFontTableOptions) -> CTFontTableOptions?
extension CTFontTableOptions {
convenience init()
mutating func formUnion(_ other: CTFontTableOptions)
mutating func formIntersection(_ other: CTFontTableOptions)
mutating func formSymmetricDifference(_ other: CTFontTableOptions)
extension CTFontTableOptions {
convenience init<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == CTFontTableOptions>(_ sequence: S)
convenience init(arrayLiteral arrayLiteral: CTFontTableOptions...)
mutating func subtract(_ other: CTFontTableOptions)
func isSubset(of other: CTFontTableOptions) -> Bool
func isSuperset(of other: CTFontTableOptions) -> Bool
func isDisjoint(with other: CTFontTableOptions) -> Bool
func subtracting(_ other: CTFontTableOptions) -> CTFontTableOptions
var isEmpty: Bool { get }
func isStrictSuperset(of other: CTFontTableOptions) -> Bool
func isStrictSubset(of other: CTFontTableOptions) -> Bool
} | OptionSet |
| Declaration |
From | static var ExcludeSynthetic: CTFontTableOptions { get } |
To | static var excludeSynthetic: CTFontTableOptions { get } |
| Declaration |
From | enum CTFontUIFontType : UInt32 {
case None
case User
case UserFixedPitch
case System
case EmphasizedSystem
case SmallSystem
case SmallEmphasizedSystem
case MiniSystem
case MiniEmphasizedSystem
case Views
case Application
case Label
case MenuTitle
case MenuItem
case MenuItemMark
case MenuItemCmdKey
case WindowTitle
case PushButton
case UtilityWindowTitle
case AlertHeader
case SystemDetail
case EmphasizedSystemDetail
case Toolbar
case SmallToolbar
case Message
case Palette
case ToolTip
case ControlContent
static var kCTFontNoFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontUserFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontUserFixedPitchFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontSystemFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontEmphasizedSystemFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontSmallSystemFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontSmallEmphasizedSystemFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontMiniSystemFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontMiniEmphasizedSystemFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontViewsFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontApplicationFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontLabelFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontMenuTitleFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontMenuItemFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontMenuItemMarkFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontMenuItemCmdKeyFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontWindowTitleFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontPushButtonFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontUtilityWindowTitleFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontAlertHeaderFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontSystemDetailFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontEmphasizedSystemDetailFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontToolbarFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontSmallToolbarFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontMessageFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontPaletteFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontToolTipFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontControlContentFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
} |
To | enum CTFontUIFontType : UInt32 {
case none
case user
case userFixedPitch
case system
case emphasizedSystem
case smallSystem
case smallEmphasizedSystem
case miniSystem
case miniEmphasizedSystem
case views
case application
case label
case menuTitle
case menuItem
case menuItemMark
case menuItemCmdKey
case windowTitle
case pushButton
case utilityWindowTitle
case alertHeader
case systemDetail
case emphasizedSystemDetail
case toolbar
case smallToolbar
case message
case palette
case toolTip
case controlContent
static var kCTFontNoFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontUserFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontUserFixedPitchFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontSystemFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontEmphasizedSystemFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontSmallSystemFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontSmallEmphasizedSystemFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontMiniSystemFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontMiniEmphasizedSystemFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontViewsFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontApplicationFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontLabelFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontMenuTitleFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontMenuItemFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontMenuItemMarkFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontMenuItemCmdKeyFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontWindowTitleFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontPushButtonFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontUtilityWindowTitleFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontAlertHeaderFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontSystemDetailFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontEmphasizedSystemDetailFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontToolbarFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontSmallToolbarFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontMessageFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontPaletteFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontToolTipFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
static var kCTFontControlContentFontType: CTFontUIFontType { get }
} |
| Declaration |
From | case AlertHeader |
To | case alertHeader |
| Declaration |
From | case Application |
To | case application |
| Declaration |
From | case ControlContent |
To | case controlContent |
| Declaration |
From | case EmphasizedSystem |
To | case emphasizedSystem |
| Declaration |
From | case EmphasizedSystemDetail |
To | case emphasizedSystemDetail |
| Declaration |
From | case Label |
To | case label |
| Declaration |
From | case MenuItem |
To | case menuItem |
| Declaration |
From | case MenuItemCmdKey |
To | case menuItemCmdKey |
| Declaration |
From | case MenuItemMark |
To | case menuItemMark |
| Declaration |
From | case MenuTitle |
To | case menuTitle |
| Declaration |
From | case Message |
To | case message |
| Declaration |
From | case MiniEmphasizedSystem |
To | case miniEmphasizedSystem |
| Declaration |
From | case MiniSystem |
To | case miniSystem |
| Declaration |
From | case None |
To | case none |
| Declaration |
From | case Palette |
To | case palette |
| Declaration |
From | case PushButton |
To | case pushButton |
| Declaration |
From | case SmallEmphasizedSystem |
To | case smallEmphasizedSystem |
| Declaration |
From | case SmallSystem |
To | case smallSystem |
| Declaration |
From | case SmallToolbar |
To | case smallToolbar |
| Declaration |
From | case System |
To | case system |
| Declaration |
From | case SystemDetail |
To | case systemDetail |
| Declaration |
From | case Toolbar |
To | case toolbar |
| Declaration |
From | case ToolTip |
To | case toolTip |
| Declaration |
From | case User |
To | case user |
| Declaration |
From | case UserFixedPitch |
To | case userFixedPitch |
| Declaration |
From | case UtilityWindowTitle |
To | case utilityWindowTitle |
| Declaration |
From | case Views |
To | case views |
| Declaration |
From | case WindowTitle |
To | case windowTitle |
| Declaration |
From | enum CTFramePathFillRule : UInt32 {
case EvenOdd
case WindingNumber
} |
To | enum CTFramePathFillRule : UInt32 {
case evenOdd
case windingNumber
} |
| Declaration |
From | case EvenOdd |
To | case evenOdd |
| Declaration |
From | case WindingNumber |
To | case windingNumber |
| Declaration |
From | enum CTFrameProgression : UInt32 {
case TopToBottom
case RightToLeft
case LeftToRight
} |
To | enum CTFrameProgression : UInt32 {
case topToBottom
case rightToLeft
case leftToRight
} |
| Declaration |
From | case LeftToRight |
To | case leftToRight |
| Declaration |
From | case RightToLeft |
To | case rightToLeft |
| Declaration |
From | case TopToBottom |
To | case topToBottom |
| Declaration | Protocols |
From | struct CTLineBoundsOptions : OptionSetType {
init(rawValue rawValue: CFOptionFlags)
static var ExcludeTypographicLeading: CTLineBoundsOptions { get }
static var ExcludeTypographicShifts: CTLineBoundsOptions { get }
static var UseHangingPunctuation: CTLineBoundsOptions { get }
static var UseGlyphPathBounds: CTLineBoundsOptions { get }
static var UseOpticalBounds: CTLineBoundsOptions { get }
static var IncludeLanguageExtents: CTLineBoundsOptions { get }
} | OptionSetType |
To | struct CTLineBoundsOptions : OptionSet {
init(rawValue rawValue: CFOptionFlags)
static var excludeTypographicLeading: CTLineBoundsOptions { get }
static var excludeTypographicShifts: CTLineBoundsOptions { get }
static var useHangingPunctuation: CTLineBoundsOptions { get }
static var useGlyphPathBounds: CTLineBoundsOptions { get }
static var useOpticalBounds: CTLineBoundsOptions { get }
static var includeLanguageExtents: CTLineBoundsOptions { get }
func intersect(_ other: CTLineBoundsOptions) -> CTLineBoundsOptions
func exclusiveOr(_ other: CTLineBoundsOptions) -> CTLineBoundsOptions
mutating func unionInPlace(_ other: CTLineBoundsOptions)
mutating func intersectInPlace(_ other: CTLineBoundsOptions)
mutating func exclusiveOrInPlace(_ other: CTLineBoundsOptions)
func isSubsetOf(_ other: CTLineBoundsOptions) -> Bool
func isDisjointWith(_ other: CTLineBoundsOptions) -> Bool
func isSupersetOf(_ other: CTLineBoundsOptions) -> Bool
mutating func subtractInPlace(_ other: CTLineBoundsOptions)
func isStrictSupersetOf(_ other: CTLineBoundsOptions) -> Bool
func isStrictSubsetOf(_ other: CTLineBoundsOptions) -> Bool
extension CTLineBoundsOptions {
func union(_ other: CTLineBoundsOptions) -> CTLineBoundsOptions
func intersection(_ other: CTLineBoundsOptions) -> CTLineBoundsOptions
func symmetricDifference(_ other: CTLineBoundsOptions) -> CTLineBoundsOptions
extension CTLineBoundsOptions {
func contains(_ member: CTLineBoundsOptions) -> Bool
mutating func insert(_ newMember: CTLineBoundsOptions) -> (inserted: Bool, memberAfterInsert: CTLineBoundsOptions)
mutating func remove(_ member: CTLineBoundsOptions) -> CTLineBoundsOptions?
mutating func update(with newMember: CTLineBoundsOptions) -> CTLineBoundsOptions?
extension CTLineBoundsOptions {
convenience init()
mutating func formUnion(_ other: CTLineBoundsOptions)
mutating func formIntersection(_ other: CTLineBoundsOptions)
mutating func formSymmetricDifference(_ other: CTLineBoundsOptions)
extension CTLineBoundsOptions {
convenience init<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == CTLineBoundsOptions>(_ sequence: S)
convenience init(arrayLiteral arrayLiteral: CTLineBoundsOptions...)
mutating func subtract(_ other: CTLineBoundsOptions)
func isSubset(of other: CTLineBoundsOptions) -> Bool
func isSuperset(of other: CTLineBoundsOptions) -> Bool
func isDisjoint(with other: CTLineBoundsOptions) -> Bool
func subtracting(_ other: CTLineBoundsOptions) -> CTLineBoundsOptions
var isEmpty: Bool { get }
func isStrictSuperset(of other: CTLineBoundsOptions) -> Bool
func isStrictSubset(of other: CTLineBoundsOptions) -> Bool
} | OptionSet |
| Declaration |
From | static var ExcludeTypographicLeading: CTLineBoundsOptions { get } |
To | static var excludeTypographicLeading: CTLineBoundsOptions { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var ExcludeTypographicShifts: CTLineBoundsOptions { get } |
To | static var excludeTypographicShifts: CTLineBoundsOptions { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var IncludeLanguageExtents: CTLineBoundsOptions { get } |
To | static var includeLanguageExtents: CTLineBoundsOptions { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var UseGlyphPathBounds: CTLineBoundsOptions { get } |
To | static var useGlyphPathBounds: CTLineBoundsOptions { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var UseHangingPunctuation: CTLineBoundsOptions { get } |
To | static var useHangingPunctuation: CTLineBoundsOptions { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var UseOpticalBounds: CTLineBoundsOptions { get } |
To | static var useOpticalBounds: CTLineBoundsOptions { get } |
| Declaration |
From | enum CTLineBreakMode : UInt8 {
case ByWordWrapping
case ByCharWrapping
case ByClipping
case ByTruncatingHead
case ByTruncatingTail
case ByTruncatingMiddle
} |
To | enum CTLineBreakMode : UInt8 {
case byWordWrapping
case byCharWrapping
case byClipping
case byTruncatingHead
case byTruncatingTail
case byTruncatingMiddle
} |
| Declaration |
From | case ByCharWrapping |
To | case byCharWrapping |
| Declaration |
From | case ByClipping |
To | case byClipping |
| Declaration |
From | case ByTruncatingHead |
To | case byTruncatingHead |
| Declaration |
From | case ByTruncatingMiddle |
To | case byTruncatingMiddle |
| Declaration |
From | case ByTruncatingTail |
To | case byTruncatingTail |
| Declaration |
From | case ByWordWrapping |
To | case byWordWrapping |
| Declaration |
From | enum CTLineTruncationType : UInt32 {
case Start
case End
case Middle
} |
To | enum CTLineTruncationType : UInt32 {
case start
case end
case middle
} |
| Declaration |
From | case End |
To | case end |
| Declaration |
From | case Middle |
To | case middle |
| Declaration |
From | case Start |
To | case start |
| Declaration |
From | struct CTParagraphStyleSetting {
var spec: CTParagraphStyleSpecifier
var valueSize: Int
var value: UnsafePointer<Void>
} |
To | struct CTParagraphStyleSetting {
var spec: CTParagraphStyleSpecifier
var valueSize: Int
var value: UnsafeRawPointer
} |
| Declaration |
From | var value: UnsafePointer<Void> |
To | var value: UnsafeRawPointer |
| Declaration |
From | enum CTParagraphStyleSpecifier : UInt32 {
case Alignment
case FirstLineHeadIndent
case HeadIndent
case TailIndent
case TabStops
case DefaultTabInterval
case LineBreakMode
case LineHeightMultiple
case MaximumLineHeight
case MinimumLineHeight
case LineSpacing
case ParagraphSpacing
case ParagraphSpacingBefore
case BaseWritingDirection
case MaximumLineSpacing
case MinimumLineSpacing
case LineSpacingAdjustment
case LineBoundsOptions
case Count
} |
To | enum CTParagraphStyleSpecifier : UInt32 {
case alignment
case firstLineHeadIndent
case headIndent
case tailIndent
case tabStops
case defaultTabInterval
case lineBreakMode
case lineHeightMultiple
case maximumLineHeight
case minimumLineHeight
case lineSpacing
case paragraphSpacing
case paragraphSpacingBefore
case baseWritingDirection
case maximumLineSpacing
case minimumLineSpacing
case lineSpacingAdjustment
case lineBoundsOptions
case count
} |
| Declaration |
From | case Alignment |
To | case alignment |
| Declaration |
From | case BaseWritingDirection |
To | case baseWritingDirection |
| Declaration |
From | case Count |
To | case count |
| Declaration |
From | case DefaultTabInterval |
To | case defaultTabInterval |
| Declaration |
From | case FirstLineHeadIndent |
To | case firstLineHeadIndent |
| Declaration |
From | case HeadIndent |
To | case headIndent |
| Declaration |
From | case LineBoundsOptions |
To | case lineBoundsOptions |
| Declaration |
From | case LineBreakMode |
To | case lineBreakMode |
| Declaration |
From | case LineHeightMultiple |
To | case lineHeightMultiple |
| Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation |
From | case LineSpacing | watchOS 2.2 | -- |
To | case lineSpacing | watchOS 2.0 | watchOS 2.0 |
| Declaration |
From | case LineSpacingAdjustment |
To | case lineSpacingAdjustment |
| Declaration |
From | case MaximumLineHeight |
To | case maximumLineHeight |
| Declaration |
From | case MaximumLineSpacing |
To | case maximumLineSpacing |
| Declaration |
From | case MinimumLineHeight |
To | case minimumLineHeight |
| Declaration |
From | case MinimumLineSpacing |
To | case minimumLineSpacing |
| Declaration |
From | case ParagraphSpacing |
To | case paragraphSpacing |
| Declaration |
From | case ParagraphSpacingBefore |
To | case paragraphSpacingBefore |
| Declaration |
From | case TabStops |
To | case tabStops |
| Declaration |
From | case TailIndent |
To | case tailIndent |
| Declaration |
From | enum CTRubyAlignment : UInt8 {
case Invalid
case Auto
case Start
case Center
case End
case DistributeLetter
case DistributeSpace
case LineEdge
} |
To | enum CTRubyAlignment : UInt8 {
case invalid
case auto
case start
case center
case end
case distributeLetter
case distributeSpace
case lineEdge
} |
| Declaration |
From | case Auto |
To | case auto |
| Declaration |
From | case Center |
To | case center |
| Declaration |
From | case DistributeLetter |
To | case distributeLetter |
| Declaration |
From | case DistributeSpace |
To | case distributeSpace |
| Declaration |
From | case End |
To | case end |
| Declaration |
From | case Invalid |
To | case invalid |
| Declaration |
From | case LineEdge |
To | case lineEdge |
| Declaration |
From | case Start |
To | case start |
| Declaration |
From | enum CTRubyOverhang : UInt8 {
case Invalid
case Auto
case Start
case End
case None
} |
To | enum CTRubyOverhang : UInt8 {
case invalid
case auto
case start
case end
case none
} |
| Declaration |
From | case Auto |
To | case auto |
| Declaration |
From | case End |
To | case end |
| Declaration |
From | case Invalid |
To | case invalid |
| Declaration |
From | case None |
To | case none |
| Declaration |
From | case Start |
To | case start |
| Declaration |
From | enum CTRubyPosition : UInt8 {
case Before
case After
case InterCharacter
case Inline
case Count
} |
To | enum CTRubyPosition : UInt8 {
case before
case after
case interCharacter
case inline
case count
} |
| Declaration |
From | case After |
To | case after |
| Declaration |
From | case Before |
To | case before |
| Declaration |
From | case Count |
To | case count |
| Declaration |
From | case Inline |
To | case inline |
| Declaration |
From | case InterCharacter |
To | case interCharacter |
| Declaration |
From | struct CTRunDelegateCallbacks {
var version: CFIndex
var dealloc: CTRunDelegateDeallocateCallback
var getAscent: CTRunDelegateGetAscentCallback
var getDescent: CTRunDelegateGetDescentCallback
var getWidth: CTRunDelegateGetWidthCallback
} |
To | struct CTRunDelegateCallbacks {
var version: CFIndex
var dealloc: CoreText.CTRunDelegateDeallocateCallback
var getAscent: CoreText.CTRunDelegateGetAscentCallback
var getDescent: CoreText.CTRunDelegateGetDescentCallback
var getWidth: CoreText.CTRunDelegateGetWidthCallback
} |
| Declaration |
From | var dealloc: CTRunDelegateDeallocateCallback |
To | var dealloc: CoreText.CTRunDelegateDeallocateCallback |
| Declaration |
From | var getAscent: CTRunDelegateGetAscentCallback |
To | var getAscent: CoreText.CTRunDelegateGetAscentCallback |
| Declaration |
From | var getDescent: CTRunDelegateGetDescentCallback |
To | var getDescent: CoreText.CTRunDelegateGetDescentCallback |
| Declaration |
From | var getWidth: CTRunDelegateGetWidthCallback |
To | var getWidth: CoreText.CTRunDelegateGetWidthCallback |
| Declaration | Protocols |
From | struct CTRunStatus : OptionSetType {
init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32)
static var NoStatus: CTRunStatus { get }
static var RightToLeft: CTRunStatus { get }
static var NonMonotonic: CTRunStatus { get }
static var HasNonIdentityMatrix: CTRunStatus { get }
} | OptionSetType |
To | struct CTRunStatus : OptionSet {
init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32)
static var noStatus: CTRunStatus { get }
static var rightToLeft: CTRunStatus { get }
static var nonMonotonic: CTRunStatus { get }
static var hasNonIdentityMatrix: CTRunStatus { get }
func intersect(_ other: CTRunStatus) -> CTRunStatus
func exclusiveOr(_ other: CTRunStatus) -> CTRunStatus
mutating func unionInPlace(_ other: CTRunStatus)
mutating func intersectInPlace(_ other: CTRunStatus)
mutating func exclusiveOrInPlace(_ other: CTRunStatus)
func isSubsetOf(_ other: CTRunStatus) -> Bool
func isDisjointWith(_ other: CTRunStatus) -> Bool
func isSupersetOf(_ other: CTRunStatus) -> Bool
mutating func subtractInPlace(_ other: CTRunStatus)
func isStrictSupersetOf(_ other: CTRunStatus) -> Bool
func isStrictSubsetOf(_ other: CTRunStatus) -> Bool
extension CTRunStatus {
func union(_ other: CTRunStatus) -> CTRunStatus
func intersection(_ other: CTRunStatus) -> CTRunStatus
func symmetricDifference(_ other: CTRunStatus) -> CTRunStatus
extension CTRunStatus {
func contains(_ member: CTRunStatus) -> Bool
mutating func insert(_ newMember: CTRunStatus) -> (inserted: Bool, memberAfterInsert: CTRunStatus)
mutating func remove(_ member: CTRunStatus) -> CTRunStatus?
mutating func update(with newMember: CTRunStatus) -> CTRunStatus?
extension CTRunStatus {
convenience init()
mutating func formUnion(_ other: CTRunStatus)
mutating func formIntersection(_ other: CTRunStatus)
mutating func formSymmetricDifference(_ other: CTRunStatus)
extension CTRunStatus {
convenience init<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == CTRunStatus>(_ sequence: S)
convenience init(arrayLiteral arrayLiteral: CTRunStatus...)
mutating func subtract(_ other: CTRunStatus)
func isSubset(of other: CTRunStatus) -> Bool
func isSuperset(of other: CTRunStatus) -> Bool
func isDisjoint(with other: CTRunStatus) -> Bool
func subtracting(_ other: CTRunStatus) -> CTRunStatus
var isEmpty: Bool { get }
func isStrictSuperset(of other: CTRunStatus) -> Bool
func isStrictSubset(of other: CTRunStatus) -> Bool
} | OptionSet |
| Declaration |
From | static var HasNonIdentityMatrix: CTRunStatus { get } |
To | static var hasNonIdentityMatrix: CTRunStatus { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var NonMonotonic: CTRunStatus { get } |
To | static var nonMonotonic: CTRunStatus { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var RightToLeft: CTRunStatus { get } |
To | static var rightToLeft: CTRunStatus { get } |
| Declaration |
From | enum CTTextAlignment : UInt8 {
case Left
case Right
case Center
case Justified
case Natural
static var kCTLeftTextAlignment: CTTextAlignment { get }
static var kCTRightTextAlignment: CTTextAlignment { get }
static var kCTCenterTextAlignment: CTTextAlignment { get }
static var kCTJustifiedTextAlignment: CTTextAlignment { get }
static var kCTNaturalTextAlignment: CTTextAlignment { get }
} |
To | enum CTTextAlignment : UInt8 {
case left
case right
case center
case justified
case natural
static var kCTLeftTextAlignment: CTTextAlignment { get }
static var kCTRightTextAlignment: CTTextAlignment { get }
static var kCTCenterTextAlignment: CTTextAlignment { get }
static var kCTJustifiedTextAlignment: CTTextAlignment { get }
static var kCTNaturalTextAlignment: CTTextAlignment { get }
} |
| Declaration |
From | case Center |
To | case center |
| Declaration |
From | case Justified |
To | case justified |
| Declaration |
From | case Left |
To | case left |
| Declaration |
From | case Natural |
To | case natural |
| Declaration |
From | case Right |
To | case right |
| Declaration | Protocols |
From | struct CTUnderlineStyle : OptionSetType {
init(rawValue rawValue: Int32)
static var None: CTUnderlineStyle { get }
static var Single: CTUnderlineStyle { get }
static var Thick: CTUnderlineStyle { get }
static var Double: CTUnderlineStyle { get }
} | OptionSetType |
To | struct CTUnderlineStyle : OptionSet {
init(rawValue rawValue: Int32)
static var none: CTUnderlineStyle { get }
static var single: CTUnderlineStyle { get }
static var thick: CTUnderlineStyle { get }
static var double: CTUnderlineStyle { get }
func intersect(_ other: CTUnderlineStyle) -> CTUnderlineStyle
func exclusiveOr(_ other: CTUnderlineStyle) -> CTUnderlineStyle
mutating func unionInPlace(_ other: CTUnderlineStyle)
mutating func intersectInPlace(_ other: CTUnderlineStyle)
mutating func exclusiveOrInPlace(_ other: CTUnderlineStyle)
func isSubsetOf(_ other: CTUnderlineStyle) -> Bool
func isDisjointWith(_ other: CTUnderlineStyle) -> Bool
func isSupersetOf(_ other: CTUnderlineStyle) -> Bool
mutating func subtractInPlace(_ other: CTUnderlineStyle)
func isStrictSupersetOf(_ other: CTUnderlineStyle) -> Bool
func isStrictSubsetOf(_ other: CTUnderlineStyle) -> Bool
extension CTUnderlineStyle {
func union(_ other: CTUnderlineStyle) -> CTUnderlineStyle
func intersection(_ other: CTUnderlineStyle) -> CTUnderlineStyle
func symmetricDifference(_ other: CTUnderlineStyle) -> CTUnderlineStyle
extension CTUnderlineStyle {
func contains(_ member: CTUnderlineStyle) -> Bool
mutating func insert(_ newMember: CTUnderlineStyle) -> (inserted: Bool, memberAfterInsert: CTUnderlineStyle)
mutating func remove(_ member: CTUnderlineStyle) -> CTUnderlineStyle?
mutating func update(with newMember: CTUnderlineStyle) -> CTUnderlineStyle?
extension CTUnderlineStyle {
convenience init()
mutating func formUnion(_ other: CTUnderlineStyle)
mutating func formIntersection(_ other: CTUnderlineStyle)
mutating func formSymmetricDifference(_ other: CTUnderlineStyle)
extension CTUnderlineStyle {
convenience init<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == CTUnderlineStyle>(_ sequence: S)
convenience init(arrayLiteral arrayLiteral: CTUnderlineStyle...)
mutating func subtract(_ other: CTUnderlineStyle)
func isSubset(of other: CTUnderlineStyle) -> Bool
func isSuperset(of other: CTUnderlineStyle) -> Bool
func isDisjoint(with other: CTUnderlineStyle) -> Bool
func subtracting(_ other: CTUnderlineStyle) -> CTUnderlineStyle
var isEmpty: Bool { get }
func isStrictSuperset(of other: CTUnderlineStyle) -> Bool
func isStrictSubset(of other: CTUnderlineStyle) -> Bool
} | OptionSet |
| Declaration |
From | static var Double: CTUnderlineStyle { get } |
To | static var double: CTUnderlineStyle { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var Single: CTUnderlineStyle { get } |
To | static var single: CTUnderlineStyle { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var Thick: CTUnderlineStyle { get } |
To | static var thick: CTUnderlineStyle { get } |
| Declaration | Protocols |
From | struct CTUnderlineStyleModifiers : OptionSetType {
init(rawValue rawValue: Int32)
static var PatternSolid: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers { get }
static var PatternDot: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers { get }
static var PatternDash: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers { get }
static var PatternDashDot: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers { get }
static var PatternDashDotDot: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers { get }
} | OptionSetType |
To | struct CTUnderlineStyleModifiers : OptionSet {
init(rawValue rawValue: Int32)
static var patternSolid: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers { get }
static var patternDot: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers { get }
static var patternDash: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers { get }
static var patternDashDot: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers { get }
static var patternDashDotDot: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers { get }
func intersect(_ other: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers) -> CTUnderlineStyleModifiers
func exclusiveOr(_ other: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers) -> CTUnderlineStyleModifiers
mutating func unionInPlace(_ other: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers)
mutating func intersectInPlace(_ other: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers)
mutating func exclusiveOrInPlace(_ other: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers)
func isSubsetOf(_ other: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers) -> Bool
func isDisjointWith(_ other: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers) -> Bool
func isSupersetOf(_ other: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers) -> Bool
mutating func subtractInPlace(_ other: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers)
func isStrictSupersetOf(_ other: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers) -> Bool
func isStrictSubsetOf(_ other: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers) -> Bool
extension CTUnderlineStyleModifiers {
func union(_ other: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers) -> CTUnderlineStyleModifiers
func intersection(_ other: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers) -> CTUnderlineStyleModifiers
func symmetricDifference(_ other: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers) -> CTUnderlineStyleModifiers
extension CTUnderlineStyleModifiers {
func contains(_ member: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers) -> Bool
mutating func insert(_ newMember: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers) -> (inserted: Bool, memberAfterInsert: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers)
mutating func remove(_ member: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers) -> CTUnderlineStyleModifiers?
mutating func update(with newMember: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers) -> CTUnderlineStyleModifiers?
extension CTUnderlineStyleModifiers {
convenience init()
mutating func formUnion(_ other: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers)
mutating func formIntersection(_ other: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers)
mutating func formSymmetricDifference(_ other: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers)
extension CTUnderlineStyleModifiers {
convenience init<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == CTUnderlineStyleModifiers>(_ sequence: S)
convenience init(arrayLiteral arrayLiteral: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers...)
mutating func subtract(_ other: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers)
func isSubset(of other: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers) -> Bool
func isSuperset(of other: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers) -> Bool
func isDisjoint(with other: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers) -> Bool
func subtracting(_ other: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers) -> CTUnderlineStyleModifiers
var isEmpty: Bool { get }
func isStrictSuperset(of other: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers) -> Bool
func isStrictSubset(of other: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers) -> Bool
} | OptionSet |
| Declaration |
From | static var PatternDash: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers { get } |
To | static var patternDash: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var PatternDashDot: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers { get } |
To | static var patternDashDot: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var PatternDashDotDot: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers { get } |
To | static var patternDashDotDot: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var PatternDot: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers { get } |
To | static var patternDot: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers { get } |
| Declaration |
From | static var PatternSolid: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers { get } |
To | static var patternSolid: CTUnderlineStyleModifiers { get } |
| Declaration |
From | enum CTWritingDirection : Int8 {
case Natural
case LeftToRight
case RightToLeft
} |
To | enum CTWritingDirection : Int8 {
case natural
case leftToRight
case rightToLeft
} |
| Declaration |
From | case LeftToRight |
To | case leftToRight |
| Declaration |
From | case Natural |
To | case natural |
| Declaration |
From | case RightToLeft |
To | case rightToLeft |
Modified KerxIndexArrayHeader [struct]
| Declaration |
From | struct KerxIndexArrayHeader {
var glyphCount: UInt16
var kernValueCount: UInt16
var leftClassCount: UInt16
var rightClassCount: UInt16
var flags: UInt16
var kernValue: (Int16)
var leftClass: (UInt16)
var rightClass: (UInt16)
var kernIndex: (UInt16)
init(glyphCount glyphCount: UInt16, kernValueCount kernValueCount: UInt16, leftClassCount leftClassCount: UInt16, rightClassCount rightClassCount: UInt16, flags flags: UInt16, kernValue kernValue: (Int16), leftClass leftClass: (UInt16), rightClass rightClass: (UInt16), kernIndex kernIndex: (UInt16))
} |
To | struct KerxIndexArrayHeader {
var flags: UInt32
var rowCount: UInt16
var columnCount: UInt16
var rowIndexTableOffset: UInt32
var columnIndexTableOffset: UInt32
var kerningArrayOffset: UInt32
var kerningVectorOffset: UInt32
init(flags flags: UInt32, rowCount rowCount: UInt16, columnCount columnCount: UInt16, rowIndexTableOffset rowIndexTableOffset: UInt32, columnIndexTableOffset columnIndexTableOffset: UInt32, kerningArrayOffset kerningArrayOffset: UInt32, kerningVectorOffset kerningVectorOffset: UInt32)
} |
Modified KerxIndexArrayHeader.flags
| Declaration |
From | var flags: UInt16 |
To | var flags: UInt32 |
Modified KerxSubtableHeader [struct]
| Declaration |
From | struct KerxSubtableHeader {
var length: UInt32
var stInfo: KerxSubtableCoverage
var tupleIndex: UInt32
var fsHeader: KerxFormatSpecificHeader
init(length length: UInt32, stInfo stInfo: KerxSubtableCoverage, tupleIndex tupleIndex: UInt32, fsHeader fsHeader: KerxFormatSpecificHeader)
} |
To | struct KerxSubtableHeader {
var length: UInt32
var stInfo: KerxSubtableCoverage
var tupleCount: UInt32
var fsHeader: KerxFormatSpecificHeader
init(length length: UInt32, stInfo stInfo: KerxSubtableCoverage, tupleCount tupleCount: UInt32, fsHeader fsHeader: KerxFormatSpecificHeader)
} |
Modified SFNTLookupFormatSpecificHeader [struct]
| Declaration |
From | struct SFNTLookupFormatSpecificHeader {
var theArray: SFNTLookupArrayHeader
var segment: SFNTLookupSegmentHeader
var single: SFNTLookupSingleHeader
var trimmedArray: SFNTLookupTrimmedArrayHeader
init(theArray theArray: SFNTLookupArrayHeader)
init(segment segment: SFNTLookupSegmentHeader)
init(single single: SFNTLookupSingleHeader)
init(trimmedArray trimmedArray: SFNTLookupTrimmedArrayHeader)
} |
To | struct SFNTLookupFormatSpecificHeader {
var theArray: SFNTLookupArrayHeader
var segment: SFNTLookupSegmentHeader
var single: SFNTLookupSingleHeader
var trimmedArray: SFNTLookupTrimmedArrayHeader
var vector: SFNTLookupVectorHeader
init(theArray theArray: SFNTLookupArrayHeader)
init(segment segment: SFNTLookupSegmentHeader)
init(single single: SFNTLookupSingleHeader)
init(trimmedArray trimmedArray: SFNTLookupTrimmedArrayHeader)
init(vector vector: SFNTLookupVectorHeader)
} |
| Declaration |
From | func CTFontCollectionCreateMatchingFontDescriptorsSortedWithCallback(_ collection: CTFontCollection, _ sortCallback: CTFontCollectionSortDescriptorsCallback?, _ refCon: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> CFArray? |
To | func CTFontCollectionCreateMatchingFontDescriptorsSortedWithCallback(_ collection: CTFontCollection, _ sortCallback: CoreText.CTFontCollectionSortDescriptorsCallback?, _ refCon: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> CFArray? |
| Declaration |
From | typealias CTFontCollectionSortDescriptorsCallback = (CTFontDescriptor, CTFontDescriptor, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> CFComparisonResult |
To | typealias CTFontCollectionSortDescriptorsCallback = (CTFontDescriptor, CTFontDescriptor, UnsafeMutableRawPointer) -> CFComparisonResult |
| Declaration |
From | func CTFontCopyAttribute(_ font: CTFont, _ attribute: CFString) -> AnyObject? |
To | func CTFontCopyAttribute(_ font: CTFont, _ attribute: CFString) -> CFTypeRef? |
| Declaration |
From | func CTFontCopyGraphicsFont(_ font: CTFont, _ attributes: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CTFontDescriptor>?>) -> CGFont |
To | func CTFontCopyGraphicsFont(_ font: CTFont, _ attributes: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CTFontDescriptor>?>?) -> CGFont |
| Declaration |
From | func CTFontCopyLocalizedName(_ font: CTFont, _ nameKey: CFString, _ actualLanguage: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFString>?>) -> CFString? |
To | func CTFontCopyLocalizedName(_ font: CTFont, _ nameKey: CFString, _ actualLanguage: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFString>?>?) -> CFString? |
| Declaration |
From | func CTFontCreateCopyWithAttributes(_ font: CTFont, _ size: CGFloat, _ matrix: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>, _ attributes: CTFontDescriptor?) -> CTFont |
To | func CTFontCreateCopyWithAttributes(_ font: CTFont, _ size: CGFloat, _ matrix: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, _ attributes: CTFontDescriptor?) -> CTFont |
| Declaration |
From | func CTFontCreateCopyWithFamily(_ font: CTFont, _ size: CGFloat, _ matrix: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>, _ family: CFString) -> CTFont? |
To | func CTFontCreateCopyWithFamily(_ font: CTFont, _ size: CGFloat, _ matrix: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, _ family: CFString) -> CTFont? |
| Declaration |
From | func CTFontCreateCopyWithSymbolicTraits(_ font: CTFont, _ size: CGFloat, _ matrix: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>, _ symTraitValue: CTFontSymbolicTraits, _ symTraitMask: CTFontSymbolicTraits) -> CTFont? |
To | func CTFontCreateCopyWithSymbolicTraits(_ font: CTFont, _ size: CGFloat, _ matrix: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, _ symTraitValue: CTFontSymbolicTraits, _ symTraitMask: CTFontSymbolicTraits) -> CTFont? |
| Declaration |
From | func CTFontCreatePathForGlyph(_ font: CTFont, _ glyph: CGGlyph, _ matrix: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>) -> CGPath? |
To | func CTFontCreatePathForGlyph(_ font: CTFont, _ glyph: CGGlyph, _ matrix: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?) -> CGPath? |
| Declaration |
From | func CTFontCreateWithFontDescriptor(_ descriptor: CTFontDescriptor, _ size: CGFloat, _ matrix: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>) -> CTFont |
To | func CTFontCreateWithFontDescriptor(_ descriptor: CTFontDescriptor, _ size: CGFloat, _ matrix: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?) -> CTFont |
| Declaration |
From | func CTFontCreateWithFontDescriptorAndOptions(_ descriptor: CTFontDescriptor, _ size: CGFloat, _ matrix: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>, _ options: CTFontOptions) -> CTFont |
To | func CTFontCreateWithFontDescriptorAndOptions(_ descriptor: CTFontDescriptor, _ size: CGFloat, _ matrix: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, _ options: CTFontOptions) -> CTFont |
| Declaration |
From | func CTFontCreateWithGraphicsFont(_ graphicsFont: CGFont, _ size: CGFloat, _ matrix: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>, _ attributes: CTFontDescriptor?) -> CTFont |
To | func CTFontCreateWithGraphicsFont(_ graphicsFont: CGFont, _ size: CGFloat, _ matrix: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, _ attributes: CTFontDescriptor?) -> CTFont |
| Declaration |
From | func CTFontCreateWithName(_ name: CFString?, _ size: CGFloat, _ matrix: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>) -> CTFont |
To | func CTFontCreateWithName(_ name: CFString?, _ size: CGFloat, _ matrix: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?) -> CTFont |
| Declaration |
From | func CTFontCreateWithNameAndOptions(_ name: CFString, _ size: CGFloat, _ matrix: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>, _ options: CTFontOptions) -> CTFont |
To | func CTFontCreateWithNameAndOptions(_ name: CFString, _ size: CGFloat, _ matrix: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, _ options: CTFontOptions) -> CTFont |
| Declaration |
From | func CTFontDescriptorCopyAttribute(_ descriptor: CTFontDescriptor, _ attribute: CFString) -> AnyObject? |
To | func CTFontDescriptorCopyAttribute(_ descriptor: CTFontDescriptor, _ attribute: CFString) -> CFTypeRef? |
| Declaration |
From | func CTFontDescriptorCopyLocalizedAttribute(_ descriptor: CTFontDescriptor, _ attribute: CFString, _ language: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFString>?>) -> AnyObject? |
To | func CTFontDescriptorCopyLocalizedAttribute(_ descriptor: CTFontDescriptor, _ attribute: CFString, _ language: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFString>?>?) -> CFTypeRef? |
| Declaration |
From | func CTFontDescriptorMatchFontDescriptorsWithProgressHandler(_ descriptors: CFArray, _ mandatoryAttributes: CFSet?, _ progressBlock: CTFontDescriptorProgressHandler) -> Bool |
To | func CTFontDescriptorMatchFontDescriptorsWithProgressHandler(_ descriptors: CFArray, _ mandatoryAttributes: CFSet?, _ progressBlock: CoreText.CTFontDescriptorProgressHandler) -> Bool |
| Declaration |
From | func CTFontDrawGlyphs(_ font: CTFont, _ glyphs: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>, _ positions: UnsafePointer<CGPoint>, _ count: Int, _ context: CGContext) |
To | func CTFontDrawGlyphs(_ font: CTFont, _ glyphs: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>!, _ positions: UnsafePointer<CGPoint>!, _ count: Int, _ context: CGContext) |
| Declaration |
From | func CTFontGetAdvancesForGlyphs(_ font: CTFont, _ orientation: CTFontOrientation, _ glyphs: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>, _ advances: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGSize>, _ count: CFIndex) -> Double |
To | func CTFontGetAdvancesForGlyphs(_ font: CTFont, _ orientation: CTFontOrientation, _ glyphs: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>!, _ advances: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGSize>?, _ count: CFIndex) -> Double |
| Declaration |
From | func CTFontGetBoundingRectsForGlyphs(_ font: CTFont, _ orientation: CTFontOrientation, _ glyphs: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>, _ boundingRects: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGRect>, _ count: CFIndex) -> CGRect |
To | func CTFontGetBoundingRectsForGlyphs(_ font: CTFont, _ orientation: CTFontOrientation, _ glyphs: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>!, _ boundingRects: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGRect>?, _ count: CFIndex) -> CGRect |
| Declaration |
From | func CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters(_ font: CTFont, _ characters: UnsafePointer<UniChar>, _ glyphs: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGGlyph>, _ count: CFIndex) -> Bool |
To | func CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters(_ font: CTFont, _ characters: UnsafePointer<UniChar>!, _ glyphs: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGGlyph>!, _ count: CFIndex) -> Bool |
| Declaration |
From | func CTFontGetLigatureCaretPositions(_ font: CTFont, _ glyph: CGGlyph, _ positions: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, _ maxPositions: CFIndex) -> CFIndex |
To | func CTFontGetLigatureCaretPositions(_ font: CTFont, _ glyph: CGGlyph, _ positions: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>?, _ maxPositions: CFIndex) -> CFIndex |
| Declaration |
From | func CTFontGetOpticalBoundsForGlyphs(_ font: CTFont, _ glyphs: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>, _ boundingRects: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGRect>, _ count: CFIndex, _ options: CFOptionFlags) -> CGRect |
To | func CTFontGetOpticalBoundsForGlyphs(_ font: CTFont, _ glyphs: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>!, _ boundingRects: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGRect>?, _ count: CFIndex, _ options: CFOptionFlags) -> CGRect |
| Declaration |
From | func CTFontGetVerticalTranslationsForGlyphs(_ font: CTFont, _ glyphs: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>, _ translations: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGSize>, _ count: CFIndex) |
To | func CTFontGetVerticalTranslationsForGlyphs(_ font: CTFont, _ glyphs: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>!, _ translations: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGSize>!, _ count: CFIndex) |
| Declaration |
From | func CTFontManagerRegisterFontsForURL(_ fontURL: CFURL, _ scope: CTFontManagerScope, _ error: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Bool |
To | func CTFontManagerRegisterFontsForURL(_ fontURL: CFURL, _ scope: CTFontManagerScope, _ error: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>?) -> Bool |
| Declaration |
From | func CTFontManagerRegisterFontsForURLs(_ fontURLs: CFArray, _ scope: CTFontManagerScope, _ errors: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFArray>?>) -> Bool |
To | func CTFontManagerRegisterFontsForURLs(_ fontURLs: CFArray, _ scope: CTFontManagerScope, _ errors: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFArray>?>?) -> Bool |
| Declaration |
From | func CTFontManagerRegisterGraphicsFont(_ font: CGFont, _ error: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Bool |
To | func CTFontManagerRegisterGraphicsFont(_ font: CGFont, _ error: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>?) -> Bool |
| Declaration |
From | func CTFontManagerUnregisterFontsForURL(_ fontURL: CFURL, _ scope: CTFontManagerScope, _ error: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Bool |
To | func CTFontManagerUnregisterFontsForURL(_ fontURL: CFURL, _ scope: CTFontManagerScope, _ error: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>?) -> Bool |
| Declaration |
From | func CTFontManagerUnregisterFontsForURLs(_ fontURLs: CFArray, _ scope: CTFontManagerScope, _ errors: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFArray>?>) -> Bool |
To | func CTFontManagerUnregisterFontsForURLs(_ fontURLs: CFArray, _ scope: CTFontManagerScope, _ errors: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFArray>?>?) -> Bool |
| Declaration |
From | func CTFontManagerUnregisterGraphicsFont(_ font: CGFont, _ error: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>) -> Bool |
To | func CTFontManagerUnregisterGraphicsFont(_ font: CGFont, _ error: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>?) -> Bool |
| Declaration |
From | func CTFrameGetLineOrigins(_ frame: CTFrame, _ range: CFRange, _ origins: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>) |
To | func CTFrameGetLineOrigins(_ frame: CTFrame, _ range: CFRange, _ origins: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>!) |
| Declaration |
From | func CTFramesetterSuggestFrameSizeWithConstraints(_ framesetter: CTFramesetter, _ stringRange: CFRange, _ frameAttributes: CFDictionary?, _ constraints: CGSize, _ fitRange: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRange>) -> CGSize |
To | func CTFramesetterSuggestFrameSizeWithConstraints(_ framesetter: CTFramesetter, _ stringRange: CFRange, _ frameAttributes: CFDictionary?, _ constraints: CGSize, _ fitRange: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRange>?) -> CGSize |
| Declaration |
From | func CTLineEnumerateCaretOffsets(_ line: CTLine, _ block: (Double, CFIndex, Bool, UnsafeMutablePointer<Bool>) -> Void) |
To | func CTLineEnumerateCaretOffsets(_ line: CTLine, _ block: @escaping (Double, CFIndex, Bool, UnsafeMutablePointer<Bool>) -> Swift.Void) |
| Declaration |
From | func CTLineGetOffsetForStringIndex(_ line: CTLine, _ charIndex: CFIndex, _ secondaryOffset: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>) -> CGFloat |
To | func CTLineGetOffsetForStringIndex(_ line: CTLine, _ charIndex: CFIndex, _ secondaryOffset: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>?) -> CGFloat |
| Declaration |
From | func CTLineGetTypographicBounds(_ line: CTLine, _ ascent: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, _ descent: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, _ leading: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>) -> Double |
To | func CTLineGetTypographicBounds(_ line: CTLine, _ ascent: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>?, _ descent: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>?, _ leading: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>?) -> Double |
| Declaration |
From | func CTParagraphStyleCreate(_ settings: UnsafePointer<CTParagraphStyleSetting>, _ settingCount: Int) -> CTParagraphStyle |
To | func CTParagraphStyleCreate(_ settings: UnsafePointer<CTParagraphStyleSetting>?, _ settingCount: Int) -> CTParagraphStyle |
| Declaration |
From | func CTParagraphStyleGetValueForSpecifier(_ paragraphStyle: CTParagraphStyle, _ spec: CTParagraphStyleSpecifier, _ valueBufferSize: Int, _ valueBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Bool |
To | func CTParagraphStyleGetValueForSpecifier(_ paragraphStyle: CTParagraphStyle, _ spec: CTParagraphStyleSpecifier, _ valueBufferSize: Int, _ valueBuffer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) -> Bool |
| Declaration |
From | func CTRubyAnnotationCreate(_ alignment: CTRubyAlignment, _ overhang: CTRubyOverhang, _ sizeFactor: CGFloat, _ text: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFString>?>) -> CTRubyAnnotation |
To | func CTRubyAnnotationCreate(_ alignment: CTRubyAlignment, _ overhang: CTRubyOverhang, _ sizeFactor: CGFloat, _ text: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFString>>!) -> CTRubyAnnotation |
| Declaration |
From | func CTRunDelegateCreate(_ callbacks: UnsafePointer<CTRunDelegateCallbacks>, _ refCon: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> CTRunDelegate? |
To | func CTRunDelegateCreate(_ callbacks: UnsafePointer<CTRunDelegateCallbacks>, _ refCon: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> CTRunDelegate? |
| Declaration |
From | typealias CTRunDelegateDeallocateCallback = (UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void |
To | typealias CTRunDelegateDeallocateCallback = (UnsafeMutableRawPointer) -> Swift.Void |
| Declaration |
From | typealias CTRunDelegateGetAscentCallback = (UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> CGFloat |
To | typealias CTRunDelegateGetAscentCallback = (UnsafeMutableRawPointer) -> CGFloat |
| Declaration |
From | typealias CTRunDelegateGetDescentCallback = (UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> CGFloat |
To | typealias CTRunDelegateGetDescentCallback = (UnsafeMutableRawPointer) -> CGFloat |
| Declaration |
From | func CTRunDelegateGetRefCon(_ runDelegate: CTRunDelegate) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> |
To | func CTRunDelegateGetRefCon(_ runDelegate: CTRunDelegate) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer |
| Declaration |
From | typealias CTRunDelegateGetWidthCallback = (UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> CGFloat |
To | typealias CTRunDelegateGetWidthCallback = (UnsafeMutableRawPointer) -> CGFloat |
| Declaration |
From | func CTRunGetAdvances(_ run: CTRun, _ range: CFRange, _ buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGSize>) |
To | func CTRunGetAdvances(_ run: CTRun, _ range: CFRange, _ buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGSize>!) |
| Declaration |
From | func CTRunGetAdvancesPtr(_ run: CTRun) -> UnsafePointer<CGSize> |
To | func CTRunGetAdvancesPtr(_ run: CTRun) -> UnsafePointer<CGSize>? |
| Declaration |
From | func CTRunGetGlyphs(_ run: CTRun, _ range: CFRange, _ buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGGlyph>) |
To | func CTRunGetGlyphs(_ run: CTRun, _ range: CFRange, _ buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGGlyph>!) |
| Declaration |
From | func CTRunGetGlyphsPtr(_ run: CTRun) -> UnsafePointer<CGGlyph> |
To | func CTRunGetGlyphsPtr(_ run: CTRun) -> UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>? |
| Declaration |
From | func CTRunGetPositions(_ run: CTRun, _ range: CFRange, _ buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>) |
To | func CTRunGetPositions(_ run: CTRun, _ range: CFRange, _ buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>!) |
| Declaration |
From | func CTRunGetPositionsPtr(_ run: CTRun) -> UnsafePointer<CGPoint> |
To | func CTRunGetPositionsPtr(_ run: CTRun) -> UnsafePointer<CGPoint>? |
| Declaration |
From | func CTRunGetStringIndices(_ run: CTRun, _ range: CFRange, _ buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFIndex>) |
To | func CTRunGetStringIndices(_ run: CTRun, _ range: CFRange, _ buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFIndex>!) |
| Declaration |
From | func CTRunGetStringIndicesPtr(_ run: CTRun) -> UnsafePointer<CFIndex> |
To | func CTRunGetStringIndicesPtr(_ run: CTRun) -> UnsafePointer<CFIndex>? |
| Declaration |
From | func CTRunGetTypographicBounds(_ run: CTRun, _ range: CFRange, _ ascent: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, _ descent: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, _ leading: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>) -> Double |
To | func CTRunGetTypographicBounds(_ run: CTRun, _ range: CFRange, _ ascent: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>?, _ descent: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>?, _ leading: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>?) -> Double |
Modified KernTableHeaderHandle
| Declaration |
From | typealias KernTableHeaderHandle = UnsafeMutablePointer<KernTableHeaderPtr> |
To | typealias KernTableHeaderHandle = UnsafeMutablePointer<KernTableHeaderPtr?> |
Modified KerxTableHeaderHandle
| Declaration |
From | typealias KerxTableHeaderHandle = UnsafeMutablePointer<KerxTableHeaderPtr> |
To | typealias KerxTableHeaderHandle = UnsafeMutablePointer<KerxTableHeaderPtr?> |
Modified SFNTLookupTableHandle
| Declaration |
From | typealias SFNTLookupTableHandle = UnsafeMutablePointer<SFNTLookupTablePtr> |
To | typealias SFNTLookupTableHandle = UnsafeMutablePointer<SFNTLookupTablePtr?> |