Known and Resolved Issues

This chapter lists high visibility bugs that have been addressed in this release. It is not a complete listing of all of the bugs addressed. If you still have issues with any of these bugs, please file a new bug at under the Java (new bugs) component, version X. Refer to the bug number indicated below in your new bug if you believe it is the same issue.

Java Applets

Radar #6799359

Using javax.print API from applet turns off caching, causes excessive jar file re-downloading.


Using the javax.print API from an applet has the side effect of turning off URL resource caching, which causes applets to repeatedly re-download their content for each resource accessed.


This issue has been resolved.

Java Application Support

Radar #7032365

There is no way to create a Java application that uses Objective-C garbage collection in JNI.


The JavaApplicationStub for bundled Java applications on OS X is compiled to run in Objective-C non-garbage-collected mode. It is not generally possible to create a new JavaApplicationStub with ObjC-GC turned on.


A new JavaApplicationStubGC has been added to /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Resources/MacOS, which supports ObjC-GC. It is currently only for development purposes of JNI libraries and to test Java's native code under the ObjC-GC environment.

Java Aqua LAF

Radar #6975000

Java SE 6 removed legacy Aqua classes.


Java SE 6 removed all legacy Aqua classes, and replaced their implementations with stub classes. Applications depending these classes will no longer function correctly. Direct usage of Aqua internal classes will not be supported in future releases.

Java AWT

Radar #6865481

Robot.createScreenCapture() fails for secondary display in Java SE 6.


The Robot.createScreenCapture() method failed to capture any additional display outside of the main display.


This issue has been resolved in Java SE 6.

Radar #7002556

AWT event dispatch scheduling could starve low-priority events.


The default AWT event dispatch mechanism could lead to event starvation and prevent any low priority events from ever being dispatched. This could result in a high-activity animation effectively preventing normal painting of Swing components in other windows.


Applications that depend on the old algorithm can set the apple.awt.enableLegacyEventScheduling system property to true.


The AWT event dispatch algorithm was changed to prevent complete starvation of low priority events.

Radar #7038002

Windows throw NullPointerExceptions when dragged onto additional displays.


If a window is dragged onto a secondary display which had been attached after the Java application was launched, the window throws a NullPointerException originating from it's GraphicsEnvironment.


This issue has been resolved.

Java Deploy

Radar #6962689

Web Start shortcut apps fail to launch on PPC and 32-bit only Intel Macs.


Double-clickable Java Web Start app shortcut bundles fail to launch on 32-bit only capable Macs.


This issue has been resolved.

Java Graphics

Radar #6982785

Java Web Start applications cannot specify which graphics renderer to use.


Java Web Start does not allow the property to allow unsigned applications to choose which graphics renderer they prefer.


This issue has been resolved.

Java HotSpot

Radar #6256466

Java allows the creation of Threads with insufficient stack size.


A thread's stack size can be specified with new Thread(...). If a too small stack is specified, the thread will throw a stack overflow exception and then crash because adequate stack is not available to process the exception.


This issue has been resolved. Java now enforces a minimum stack size of 64K on all Intel architectures.

Java JavaLib

Radar #5903402

ECMAScript (JavaScript) javax.script support is not present in Java SE 6.


Prior versions of Java SE 6 for OS X do not contain the ECMAScript (JavaScript) scripting engine for the javax.script API.


This issue has been resolved.

Radar #6156523

The wsgen and wsimport tools fail with a NullPointerException.


Invoking the wsgen and wsimport command line tools in Java SE 6 result in a NullPointerException.


This issue has been resolved.

Radar #7087291

Applet console "dump thread stack" command does nothing.


The Java applet console command to "dump thread stack" failed with an UnsatisfiedLinkError in Java SE 5.0 applets.


This issue has been resolved.

Java Printing

Radar #7124937

Applets attempting to use certain print functions throw AccessControlException.


Applets attempting to use certain print API that calls into the native CUPS printing system on OS X would throw a AccessControlException attempting to talk to the local CUPS daemon.


This issue has been resolved.

Java ScreenMenuBar

Radar #6975997

Certain applications crashed while using the Aqua Look and Feel screen menu bar.


Some applications using the Aqua screen menu bar in combination with a Help menu could exhibit a crash which was introduced in Java for OS X v10.5 Update 4.


Opting-out of the screen menu bar or changing the name of the Help menu are ways to avoid this crash prior to Update 5.


This issue has been resolved.

Radar #6981526

Dialog windows with null parents causes screen menu bar failure.


Java applications which use dialog windows without a parent frame would fail to properly restore their menu bar, when they opt-ed into the Aqua Look and Feel screen menu bar.


This issue has been resolved.

Radar #6992235

JMenu items sometimes fail to update enabled state in screen menu bar.


JMenu items sometimes fail to update their enabled/disabled state in the Aqua Look and Feel screen menu bar when several other properties about the menus are the same.


This issue has been resolved. The underlying native menu item cache now uses several more criteria to determine if it needs to regenerate a menu item, including the enabled/disabled state.

Java Security

Radar #6979638

Encryption strength policy reverted.


The maximum key length for certain cryptographic operations was reverted to using a limited key length in Update 4.


This issue has been resolved.

Java Sound

Radar #5991024

Playing sound would hang until the AWT was instantiated.


If a sound clip is played before the AWT is instantiated, it would hang until another thread would come along and instantiate the AWT.


This issue has been resolved. Playing sound will now instantiate the AWT on its own.

Java Text

Radar #7099169

Text with surrogate pairs fails to render on PPC.


Applications that displayed certain characters using unicode surrogate pairs failed to render correctly on PowerPC machines.


This issue has been resolved.

Java Toolkit

Radar #6976804

AppleScriptEngine causes service load failure in Java IDEs.


Certain Java IDEs failed after installing Update 4 due to the javax.script AppleScriptEngine being compiled to work on pre-Java SE 6 VMs.


This issue has been resolved. The AppleScriptEngine javax.script service is only available in Java SE 6.

Java Tools

Radar #6964632

Java VisualVM is not provided as a double-clickable application.


The Java VisualVM profiling tool has not been provided as a double-clickable application.


Java VisualVM is now available at /usr/share/java/Tools/, with a symlink present in /Developer/Applications/Utilities.

Java Web Start

Radar #6463503

The user.dir property is always set to / for Web Start applications.


The user.dir system property always is set to the current working directory of the launched process, and it was unset for Java Web Start applications launched from JNLP files.


This issue has been resolved. The current working directory is now set appropriately for JNLP launched applications.

Radar #6578506

Java Web Start application shortcuts may not launch.


A Java Web Start shortcut made from a JNLP file with an empty or missing href may not launch.


This issue has been resolved.

Radar #7046051

Java Web Start applications request authorization twice.


Signed Java Web Start applications which need to re-execute into a different architecture on 64-bit capable machines would ask for authorization twice.


This issue has been partially addressed. The initial checks for which architecture to launch in have been moved before most code that requires accessing signed resources.

Java Installer

Radar #6951072

Installing Update 4 removes Jar and Applet symlinks from /Developer.


The installer for Update 4 removes the symlinks for Jar Bundler and Applet Launcher inside of /Developer/Applications/Utilities.


This issue has been resolved.

Radar #6985383

JNLP files lose association to Java Web Start launcher application.


After installing Update 4, JNLP files could lose their association to the Java Web launcher application.


Open the /System/Library/CoreServices folder in the Finder. This re-associates JNLP files to the Java Web application.


This issue has been resolved.

Radar #6997161

Installing Update 4 concurrently with a rebooting update can lose JNLP file associations.


Installing Update 4 simultaneously with a software update that requires reboot can cause JNLP files to lose their association to the Java Web launcher.


Open the /System/Library/CoreServices directory in the Finder, and then close it.


This issue has been resolved in Update 5, when first launching a WebKit-based application

Radar #7042195

WebKit-based applications may crash after installing Update 4.


Installing Update 4 relocates certain Java components which are expected to remain stationary at runtime. If Java is already loaded or running during the install process, references to those components may be lost applications may crash unless they are restarted.


Java for OS X v10.5 Update 5 installation now requires restart.

Radar #7080239

Old versions of the JavaPluginCocoa.bundle can crash WebKit-based applications.


Old copies of the JavaPluginCocoa.bundle in a user's ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins folder can cause WebKit based applications to crash. These old copies are symbol-incompatible with the JavaVM.framework, and are not designed to be used across Java releases. The only copies of the Java plugin that should exist are inside of the JavaVM.framework, and a symlink to it inside of /Library/Internet Plug-ins.


Remove any copy of the JavaPluginCocoa.bundle from your home directory.


The installer for Update 5 will manually move aside any JavaPluginCocoa.bundle it discovers in a user home directory into a "Internet Plug-ins (disabled)" folder.