Known and Resolved Issues

This chapter lists high visibility bugs that have been addressed in these releases. It is not a complete listing of all of the bugs addressed. If you still have issues with any of these bugs, please file a new bug at under the Java (new bugs) component, version X. Refer to the bug number indicated below in your new bug if you believe it is the same issue.

Java Aqua LAF

Radar #9435342

JTabbedPanes fail to show currently pressed tab state on Lion.


Individual tabs fail to darken when pressed and moved over on Lion.


This issue has been resolved.

Radar #9484003

JButtons with the "segmentedCapsule" appearance are broken on Lion.


JButtons which use the "segmentedCapsule" client property render as a broken image on Lion.


This issue has been resolved.

Java AWT

Radar #10010502

When running in high-resolution mode, scrolled content looks blocky.


When using a display set to high-resolution mode (2x or greater), Java content in a JScrollPane looks blocky when scrolled because it uses an intermediate buffer that is not HiDPI aware.


This issue has been resolved. Scroll pane drawing defaults to direct-drawing when running in HiDPI.

Radar #9062943

java.awt.FileDialog fails to return file extension in SAVE mode.


The java.awt.FileDialog could fail to return the extension of the file name from the API if the "Show all file extensions" setting is turned off.


This issue has been resolved.

Java Deploy

Radar #9388719

Java Preferences is not legible in Arabic.


Several layout and font issues cause the Java Preferences application to be effectively unusable in Arabic.


This issue has been resolved.

Radar #9812754

Java Preferences applet plug-in selection switch does nothing.


As of Safari 5.1, the in-process Plugin1 no longer loads, so the plug-in selection switch in Java Preferences does nothing.


This issue has been resolved. The plug-in selection checkbox has been removed.


Radar #9113673

Using QuitStrategy.CLOSE_ALL_WINDOWS causes shutdown hooks to be ignored.


When using the CLOSE_ALL_WINDOWS eAWT QuitStrategy, after all AWT/Swing windows are asked to close, the process abruptly terminates, without giving JVM shutdown hooks an opportunity to run.


This issue has been resolved. After requesting each window close, a check is performed to see if the windows actually close. If so, System.exit(0) is called, which performs the standard system shutdown hooks before exiting the process.

Radar #9561495

Java apps can't use Lion's full-screen window feature.


There is no programmatic way to opt a Java window into Lion's full screen window feature.


This issue has been resolved. New API has been added to allow Java windows to opt-into full screen.

Radar #9968507 throws a NullPointerException.


It is possible for the eAWT GestureHandler to throw a NullPointerException when dispatching a gesture event.


This issue has been resolved.

Java Plugin2

Radar #10277046

Applets fail to gain focus when clicked on.


It is possible for a Java applet to fail to get focus unless it is clicked on multiple times.


This issue has been resolved.

Radar #8647140

The Java applet cache should be clearable by Safari and other browsers.


Safari and 3rd party browsers should be able to clear the Java applet cache, along with other plug-ins’ temporary storage.


This issue has been resolved. The Java applet cache can now be cleared within Safari from the Privacy preferences tab.

Radar #8996876

Java applets should not cache when run in a private browsing mode page.


Java applets should not keep a permanent cache when run in a web browser page which is in private browsing mode.


This issue has been resolved.

Radar #9253530

Browser shows stale content when applet process dies.


If the Java applet process unexpectedly dies, the last rendered content of the applet may remain visible.


This issue has been resolved. A broken coffee cup icon now shows up when the Java applet process dies unexpectedly.

Radar #9600742

Scrolling in an out-of-process applet can result in scrambled scroll region.


When running an applet in a non-Aqua Look and Feel, the scroll regions may become corrupted with partial updates.


This issue has been resolved.

Radar #9711034

"" property is false when using Plugin2.


The "" system property incorrectly reports "false" or null value instead of "true" when running Plugin2.


This issue has been resolved. The property now returns "true".

Radar #9754092

Java applets that open their own windows may have a Dock icon of the generic unix executable.


In some circumstances, Java applets which open their own windows will have a Dock icon of the generic Unix executable.


This issue has been resolved.

Radar #9836124

Mouse enter/exit events are not delivered to Java applets.


The Java applet plug-in does not accurately convey mouse enter/exit events to client code.


This issue has been resolved.

Radar #9890462

Showing the applet detach frame with Cmd+Shift causes the applet Dock icon to inflate.


When holding the Cmd+Shift keys over a Java applet the detach frame itself causes the applet process’s Dock icon to inflate. It should not inflate until the applet is actually torn out of the browser window.


This issue has been resolved.

Radar #9908949

Modal dialogs opened by Java applets should not inflate the Dock icon.


Opening a modal dialog in a Java applet causes the Dock icon for the applet process to inflate. This is not necessary, because those modal dialogs always float on top of other applications.


This issue has been resolved. Only windows and non-modal dialogs cause the applet process icon to inflate; a Dock icon allows these windows and dialogs to be brought back to the foreground.

Java Swing

Radar #9360095

Scrolling horizontally in a popup window causes it to close.


Performing a horizontal scroll gesture in a Swing popup window causes the popup to close.


This issue has been partially resolved.

Java Toolkit

Radar #10013760

No way to run AppleScripts off of the main thread.


The AppleScriptEngine has no way to run scripts on any thread except the main thread. An option is required to run a script on the current Java thread invoking the engine.


This issue has been resolved. Developers can now set property on the scripting engine context: context.getBindings(ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE).put("javax_script_threading", "any-thread");.