Introduction to WebObjects 5.4 Release Notes

WebObjects 5.4 for Mac OS X v10.5 is an application server with tools, technologies, and capabilities to create Internet and intranet applications. It has an object-oriented architecture that promotes quick development of reusable web components. WebObjects is extremely scalable and supports high transaction volumes. These release notes describe the improvements and changes made to both the developer and deployment versions of WebObjects 5.4.

WebObjects 5.4 for Mac OS X v10.5

With this release of WebObjects are the following improvements, changes, additions, and deprecated tools and technologies.

WebObjects Runtime Improvements

Open Specifications

Sample code

WebObjects Deployment

JDK support

Build System


Who Should Read This Document?

Any developer who wants to develop and deploy WebObjects applications should read this document as various issues and fixes found in this release may affect your application. Anyone interested in new WebObjects development should also read this document for the most current information on new features and outstanding issues with WebObjects 5.4.

Organization of This Document

This document contains the following chapter:

This document also contains a revision history.

See Also

The Following WebObjects documents may be helpful: