
    File:       SVAETextUtils.h
    Written by: Original version by Jon Lansdell and Nigel Humphreys.
                3.1 updates by Greg Sutton.
    Copyright:  Copyright © 1995-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
                You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without
                restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute
                this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made
                changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make
                it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source
                code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
                            7/20/1999   Karl Groethe    Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1
#include "SVToken.h"
#include <TextEdit.h>
OSErr       PutStyledTextFromDescIntoTEHandle(const AEDesc *sourceTextDesc, TEHandle theHTE);
TEHandle    TEHandleFromWindow(WindowPtr theWindow);
TEHandle    TEHandleFromTextToken(TextToken* aToken);
OSErr       GetInsertDescFromInsertHere(AEDesc* insertHereDesc,
                                        AEDesc* insertDesc, DescType* insertType);
enum TokenWithinType
    kTokenBefore = 1, kTokenPartialBefore, kTokenWithin,
    kTokenPartialAfter, kTokenAfter
typedef enum TokenWithinType TokenWithinType;
TokenWithinType TokenWithinToken(TextToken* container, TextToken* token, short* numPartial);
                // Text from window routines
OSErr       TextTokenFromWindowToken(WindowToken* theWindowToken, TextToken* theTextToken);
OSErr       TextTokenFromWindowDesc(AEDesc* windowDesc, TextToken* aToken);
OSErr       TextDescFromWindowToken(WindowToken* theWindowToken, AEDesc* textDesc);
OSErr       TextDescFromWindowDesc(AEDesc* windowDesc, AEDesc* textDesc);
typedef char chars[32001];
typedef chars **charsHandle;
                // Routines to count and get desccriptors of text
void        MoveToNonSpace(short *start, short limit, charsHandle myChars);
void        MoveToSpace(short *start, short limit, charsHandle myChars);
void        MoveToEndOfParagraph(short *start, short limit, charsHandle myChars);
OSErr       CountTextElements(TEHandle inTextHandle, short startAt,
                                short forHowManyChars, DescType elementType, short* result);
OSErr       GetDescOfNthTextElement(short index, DescType elementType,
                                        TextToken* containerToken, AEDesc* result);
                // Routines to determine text token type
char        GetTEHChar(TEHandle aTEH, short offset);
Boolean     IsAtStart(TextToken* theToken);
Boolean     IsAtEnd(TextToken* theToken);
Boolean     IsWhiteSpace(short aChar);
Boolean     IsParagraphDelimiter(short aChar);
Boolean     IsContentsToken(TextToken* theToken);
Boolean     IsParagraphToken(TextToken* theToken, short* start, short* end);
Boolean     IsWordToken(TextToken* theToken, short* start, short* end);
DescType    GetTextTokenType(TextToken* theToken, short* start, short* end);
OSErr       MakeContentsSpecifier(TextToken* theToken, AEDesc* result);
OSErr       MakeAbsoluteTextSpecifier(WindowPtr theWindow, DescType textType, long index, AEDesc* result);
OSErr       MakeInsertionPointSpecifier(TextToken* theToken, AEDesc* result);
OSErr       GetIndexSpecifier(TextToken* theToken, DescType textType, long index, AEDesc* result);
                // Call following routine to get a specifier for any given text token
OSErr       GetTextTokenObjectSpecifier(TextToken* theToken, AEDesc* result);
    ETX = 0x03, // Enter key on keyboard or keypad
    BS  = 0x08, // Backspace key on keyboard
    HT  = 0x09, // Tab key on keyboard
    LF  = 0x0A, // Line feed character
    CR  = 0x0D, // Return key on keyboard
    ESC = 0x1B, // Clear key on keypad
    FS  = 0x1C, // Left arrow key on keypad
    GS  = 0x1D, // Right arrow key on keypad
    RS  = 0x1E, // Up arrow key on keypad
    US  = 0x1F  // Down arrow key on keypad