Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: SVEditMain.c |
Contains: |
Written by: Original version by Jon Lansdell and Nigel Humphreys. |
3.1 updates by Greg Sutton. |
Copyright: Copyright ©1995-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved. |
You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without |
restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute |
this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made |
changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make |
it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source |
code, but that you've made changes. |
Change History (most recent first): |
7/19/1999 Karl Groethe Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1 |
11/1/95 DS Made Changes for GX Printing. |
10/12/95 CW Added call to InitDragHandlers in DoSVEdit |
10/12/95 CW Changed MaintainCursor to make cursor arrow if over selected text |
*/ |
#include <Memory.h> |
#include <Quickdraw.h> |
#include <Types.h> |
#include <Menus.h> |
#include <Windows.h> |
#include <Dialogs.h> |
#include <Traps.h> |
#include <Packages.h> |
#include <PPCToolBox.h> |
#include <Editions.h> |
#include <Printing.h> |
#include <ToolUtils.h> |
#include <Desk.h> |
#include <Scrap.h> |
#include <OSEvents.h> |
#include <AppleEvents.h> |
#include <AEObjects.h> |
#include <Errors.h> |
#include <Sound.h> |
#include "SVEditMain.h" |
#include "SVEditGlobals.h" |
#include "SVEditUtils.h" |
#include "SVAERecording.h" |
#include "SVAppleEvents.h" |
#include "SVEditWindow.h" |
#include "SVEditFile.h" |
#include "SVDrag.h" |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
/**---------- Standard Main routines --------------**/ |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
#pragma segment Main |
pascal void MaintainCursor(void) |
{ |
Point pt; |
WindowPtr wPtr; |
GrafPtr savePort; |
DPtr theDoc; |
wPtr = FrontWindow(); |
if (Ours(wPtr)) |
{ |
theDoc = DPtrFromWindowPtr(wPtr); |
GetPort(&savePort); |
SetPort(wPtr); |
GetMouse(&pt); |
if (theDoc->theText) |
if ( PtInRect ( pt, &(**(theDoc->theText)).viewRect ) && |
!PointInWindowSelection ( pt, wPtr ) ) |
SetCursor(&editCursor); |
else |
SetCursor(&qd.arrow); |
else |
SetCursor(&qd.arrow); |
if (theDoc->theText) |
TEIdle(theDoc->theText); |
SetPort(savePort); |
} |
} |
#pragma segment Main |
pascal void MaintainMenus(void) |
{ |
DPtr theDoc; |
WindowPtr firstWindow; |
firstWindow = FrontWindow(); |
if (!Ours(firstWindow)) |
{ |
EnableItem(myMenus[fileM], fmNew); |
EnableItem(myMenus[fileM], fmOpen); |
DisableItem(myMenus[fileM], fmClose); |
DisableItem(myMenus[fileM], fmSave); |
DisableItem(myMenus[fileM], fmSaveAs); |
DisableItem(myMenus[fileM], fmRevert); |
DisableItem(myMenus[fileM], fmPageSetUp); |
DisableItem(myMenus[fileM], fmNoGXPrint); |
if (firstWindow) |
{ |
EnableItem(myMenus[editM], undoCommand); |
EnableItem(myMenus[editM], cutCommand); |
EnableItem(myMenus[editM], copyCommand); |
EnableItem(myMenus[editM], pasteCommand); |
EnableItem(myMenus[editM], clearCommand); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
theDoc = DPtrFromWindowPtr(firstWindow); |
EnableItem(myMenus[editM], pasteCommand); |
EnableItem(myMenus[fileM], fmClose); |
EnableItem(myMenus[fileM], fmSaveAs); |
EnableItem(myMenus[fileM], fmPageSetUp); |
EnableItem(myMenus[fileM], fmNoGXPrint); |
if (theDoc->dirty) |
EnableItem(myMenus[fileM], fmRevert); |
else |
DisableItem(myMenus[fileM], fmRevert); |
if ((theDoc->dirty) && (theDoc->everSaved)) |
EnableItem(myMenus[fileM], fmSave); |
else |
DisableItem(myMenus[fileM], fmSave); |
DisableItem(myMenus[editM], undoCommand); |
if (((**(theDoc->theText)).selEnd - (**(theDoc->theText)).selStart) < 0) |
{ |
DisableItem(myMenus[editM], cutCommand); |
DisableItem(myMenus[editM], copyCommand); |
DisableItem(myMenus[editM], clearCommand); |
} |
else |
{ |
EnableItem(myMenus[editM], cutCommand); |
EnableItem(myMenus[editM], copyCommand); |
EnableItem(myMenus[editM], clearCommand); |
} |
} |
} |
#pragma segment Main |
pascal void SetUpCursors(void) |
{ |
CursHandle hCurs; |
hCurs = GetCursor(1); |
editCursor = **hCurs; |
hCurs = GetCursor(watchCursor); |
waitCursor = **hCurs; |
} |
#pragma segment Main |
pascal void SetUpMenus(void) |
{ |
short i; |
myMenus[appleM] = GetMenu(appleID); |
AppendResMenu(myMenus[appleM], 'DRVR'); |
myMenus[fileM] = GetMenu(fileID); |
myMenus[editM] = GetMenu(editID); |
myMenus[fontM] = GetMenu(mfontID); |
AppendResMenu(myMenus[fontM], 'FONT'); |
myMenus[sizeM] = GetMenu(sizeID); |
myMenus[styleM] = GetMenu(styleID); |
for (i = appleM; i <= kLastMenu; i++) |
InsertMenu(myMenus[i], 0); |
SetItemStyle(myMenus[styleM], cPlain, 0); |
SetItemStyle(myMenus[styleM], cBold, bold); |
SetItemStyle(myMenus[styleM], cItalic, italic); |
SetItemStyle(myMenus[styleM], cUnderline, underline); |
SetItemStyle(myMenus[styleM], cOutline, outline); |
SetItemStyle(myMenus[styleM], cShadow, shadow); |
SetItemStyle(myMenus[styleM], cCondense, condense); |
SetItemStyle(myMenus[styleM], cExtend, extend); |
SetShortMenus(); /* Does a DrawMenuBar() */ |
} |
pascal void DoFile(short theItem) |
{ |
short alertResult; |
DPtr theDoc = nil; |
FSSpec theFSSpec; |
OSErr fileErr; |
TPrint thePSetup; |
switch (theItem) |
{ |
case fmNew : IssueAENewWindow(); |
break; |
case fmOpen: if (GetFile(&theFSSpec)==noErr) |
fileErr = IssueAEOpenDoc(theFSSpec); |
break; |
case fmClose:IssueCloseCommand(FrontWindow()); |
break; |
case fmSave: |
case fmSaveAs: |
theDoc = DPtrFromWindowPtr(FrontWindow()); |
if (theDoc->everSaved == false || theItem == fmSaveAs) |
{ |
fileErr = GetFileNameToSaveAs(theDoc); |
if (fileErr == userCanceledErr) |
break; |
else if (fileErr != noErr) |
FileError((unsigned char *)"\perror saving ", theDoc->theFileName); |
else |
fileErr = IssueSaveCommand(theDoc->theWindow, &theDoc->theFSSpec); |
if (fileErr == noErr) |
{ |
SetWTitle(theDoc->theWindow, theDoc->; |
theDoc->everSaved = true; |
} |
} |
else |
fileErr = IssueSaveCommand(theDoc->theWindow, nil); |
break; |
case fmRevert: |
alertResult = DoFileDialog ( kRevertDialog, FrontWindow ( ) ); |
if ( alertResult == kStdOkItemIndex ) |
{ |
if (IssueRevertCommand(theDoc->theWindow)) |
FileError((unsigned char *)"\perror reverting ", theDoc->theFileName); |
} |
break; |
case fmPageSetUp: |
theDoc = DPtrFromWindowPtr(FrontWindow()); |
if (DoPageSetup(theDoc)) |
{ |
thePSetup = **(theDoc->thePrintSetup); |
IssuePageSetupWindow(theDoc->theWindow, thePSetup); |
} |
break; |
case fmPrint: IssuePrintWindow(FrontWindow(),kUsePrintDialog); |
break; |
case fmPrintOne: IssuePrintWindow(FrontWindow(),kNoPrintDialog); |
break; |
case fmQuit : IssueQuitCommand(); |
break; |
} /*of switch*/ |
} |
#pragma segment Main |
pascal void DoCommand(long mResult) |
{ |
short theItem; |
short err; |
long result; |
Str255 name; |
DPtr theDocument; |
theDocument = DPtrFromWindowPtr(FrontWindow()); |
theItem = LoWord(mResult); |
switch (HiWord(mResult)){ |
case appleID: |
if (theItem == aboutItem) |
{ |
SetCursor(&qd.arrow); |
result = Alert(258, nil); |
} |
else |
{ |
GetMenuItemText(myMenus[appleM], theItem, name); |
err = OpenDeskAcc(name); |
SetPort(FrontWindow()); |
} |
break; |
case fileID: DoFile(theItem); |
break; |
case editID: |
if (SystemEdit(theItem - 1) == false) |
{ |
switch (theItem){ |
case cutCommand : IssueCutCommand(theDocument); |
break; |
case copyCommand : IssueCopyCommand(theDocument); |
break; |
case pasteCommand : IssuePasteCommand(theDocument); |
break; |
case clearCommand : IssueClearCommand(theDocument); |
break; |
case selectAllCommand : |
if (theDocument) |
TESetSelect(0, |
(**(theDocument->theText)).teLength, |
theDocument->theText); |
break; |
} /*of switch*/ |
ShowSelect(theDocument); |
} |
break; |
case mfontID: IssueFontCommand(theDocument, theItem); |
break; |
case sizeID: IssueSizeCommand(theDocument, theItem); |
break; |
case styleID: IssueStyleCommand(theDocument, theItem); |
break; |
} /*of switch*/ |
HiliteMenu(0); |
} |
#pragma segment Main |
pascal void DoMouseDown(const EventRecord *myEvent) |
{ |
WindowPtr whichWindow; |
Point p; |
Rect dragRect; |
DPtr theDoc; |
p = myEvent->where; |
switch (FindWindow(p, &whichWindow)){ |
case inDesk: SysBeep(10); |
break; |
case inGoAway:if (Ours(whichWindow)) |
if (TrackGoAway(whichWindow, p)) |
IssueCloseCommand(whichWindow); |
break; |
case inMenuBar: |
SetCursor(&qd.arrow); |
theDoc = DPtrFromWindowPtr(FrontWindow()); |
if (theDoc) |
{ |
SetFontMenu(theDoc); |
} |
DoCommand(MenuSelect(p)); |
HiliteMenu(0); |
break; |
case inSysWindow: SystemClick(myEvent, whichWindow); |
break; |
case inDrag: |
dragRect = qd.screenBits.bounds; |
if (Ours(whichWindow)) |
{ |
DragWindow(whichWindow, p, &dragRect); |
/* |
As rgnBBox may be passed by address |
*/ |
dragRect = (**((WindowPeek)whichWindow)->strucRgn).rgnBBox; |
/* |
The windows already there, but still tell |
the our AppleEvents core about the move in case |
they want to do anything |
*/ |
IssueMoveWindow(whichWindow, dragRect); |
} |
break; |
case inGrow:SetCursor(&qd.arrow); |
if (Ours(whichWindow)) |
MyGrowWindow(whichWindow, p); |
break; |
case inZoomIn : DoZoom(whichWindow, inZoomIn, p); |
break; |
case inZoomOut: DoZoom(whichWindow, inZoomOut, p); |
break; |
case inContent: if (whichWindow != FrontWindow()) |
SelectWindow(whichWindow); |
else |
if (Ours(whichWindow)) |
DoContent(whichWindow, *myEvent); |
break; |
} /*of switch*/ |
} |
#pragma segment Main |
pascal long GetSleep(void) |
{ |
long sleep; |
WindowPtr theWindow; |
DPtr theDoc; |
sleep = 0x7fffffff; |
if (!gInBackground) |
{ |
theWindow = FrontWindow(); |
if (theWindow) |
if (Ours(theWindow)) |
{ |
theDoc = DPtrFromWindowPtr(theWindow); |
if ((**(theDoc->theText)).selStart == (**(theDoc->theText)).selEnd) |
sleep = GetCaretTime(); |
} |
} |
return(sleep); |
} /*GetSleep*/ |
#pragma segment Main |
void HandleOneEvent( EventRecord *myEvent ) |
{ |
DPtr theDoc; |
char theChar; |
WindowPtr theWindow; |
Boolean activate; |
switch (myEvent->what) { |
case mouseDown: FlushAndRecordTypingBuffer(); |
DoMouseDown(myEvent); |
break; |
case keyDown: |
case autoKey: |
theDoc = DPtrFromWindowPtr(FrontWindow()); |
theChar = myEvent->message & charCodeMask; |
if ((myEvent->modifiers & cmdKey) == cmdKey) |
{ |
DoCommand(MenuKey(theChar)); |
HiliteMenu(0); |
} |
else |
if (theDoc->theText) |
{ |
AddKeyToTypingBuffer(theDoc, theChar); |
TEKey(theChar, theDoc->theText); |
AdjustScrollbars(theDoc, false); |
ShowSelect(theDoc); |
theDoc->dirty = true; |
} |
break; |
case activateEvt: |
activate = ((myEvent->modifiers & activeFlag) != 0); |
theWindow = (WindowPtr)myEvent->message; |
DoActivate(theWindow, activate); |
break; |
case updateEvt: |
DoUpdate ( (WindowPtr) myEvent->message ); |
break; |
case kHighLevelEvent: FlushAndRecordTypingBuffer(); |
DoAppleEvent(*myEvent); |
break; |
case kOSEvent: |
switch (myEvent->message & osEvtMessageMask) { /*high byte of message*/ |
case 0x01000000: |
{ |
gInBackground = ((myEvent->message & resumeFlag) == 0); |
DoActivate(FrontWindow(), !gInBackground); |
} |
} |
} /*of switch*/ |
} |
#pragma segment Main |
pascal void MainEvent(void) |
{ |
EventRecord myEvent; |
MaintainCursor(); /* TEIdle in here for now */ |
MaintainMenus(); |
if (WaitNextEvent(everyEvent, &myEvent, GetSleep(), nil)) |
HandleOneEvent( &myEvent ); |
} |
#pragma segment Main |
pascal void DoSVEdit(void) |
{ |
OSErr err; |
short result; |
InitGraf(&qd.thePort); |
InitFonts(); |
FlushEvents(everyEvent, 0); |
InitWindows(); |
InitMenus(); |
TEInit(); |
InitDialogs(nil); |
InitCursor(); |
MaxApplZone(); |
SetUpCursors(); |
SetUpMenus(); |
gWCount = 0; |
gNewDocCount = 0; |
gQuitting = false; |
gFontMItem = 0; |
gGestaltAvailable = false; |
gAppleEventsImplemented = false; |
gAliasManagerImplemented = false; |
gEditionManagerImplemented = false; |
gOutlineFontsImplemented = false; |
/*check environment checks to see if we are running 7.0*/ |
if (!CheckEnvironment()) |
{ |
SetCursor(&qd.arrow); |
/*pose the only 7.0 alert*/ |
result = Alert(302, nil); |
return; |
} |
err = InitEditionPack(); |
if (err) |
{ |
ShowError((unsigned char *)"\pInitEditionPack", err); |
gQuitting = true; |
} |
err = AEObjectInit(); |
if (err) |
{ |
ShowError((unsigned char *)"\pAEObjectInit", err); |
gQuitting = true; |
} |
InitAppleEvents(); |
err = PPCInit(); |
if (err) |
{ |
ShowError((unsigned char *)"\pPPCInit", err); |
gQuitting = true; |
} |
err = InitDragHandlers ( ); |
if (err) |
{ |
ShowError((unsigned char *)"\pInitDragHandlers", err); |
gQuitting = true; |
} |
/* create the UPPs for the control tracking routines */ |
/* globals, since we don't want to have to create and dispose of the routine */ |
/* descriptors each time we call DoContent */ |
gHScrollActionUPP = NewControlActionProc ( HActionProc ); |
gVScrollActionUPP = NewControlActionProc ( VActionProc ); |
/* create a UPP for drawing a dialog's default button. Again, make it a global */ |
/* for convenience */ |
gDefaultButtonUPP = NewUserItemProc(DrawDefaultOutline); |
while (!gQuitting) |
MainEvent(); |
} |
void main () |
{ |
/*the main routine starts here*/ |
DoSVEdit(); |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-07-22