
//  About.cp
//  Copyright © 1992 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
//  Kent Sandvik DTS
//  This file contains the About box code including any adorners/behaviors
//  The resources are placed in the project .r file
//  Version Info (latest first):
//  <1>     khs     1.0     First final version
#ifndef __ABOUT__
#include "About.h"
//  Functions
#pragma segment ARes
void CreateAboutBox()
    TWindow * aboutBoxWindow;
    CStr255 programName,  versionInfo, finalProduct;
    //  Yes, I do know this is a waste of resources to 'macroDontDeadStrip' and
    //  register the adorner type every time we open the About box. However, for the
    //  sake of modularity, where I only need to place a CreateAboutBox() statement
    //  inside the TApplication->DoAboutBox(), it made sense - instead of writing all
    //  kinds of init methods that need to be called from IApplication.
    RegisterStdType("TMetalBlueFill", kBlueMetalLook);// register adorner types
    //  Get application name    
    //  Get version information
    VersRecHndl versInfo = (VersRecHndl)GetResource(kVersInfoType, kVers1InfoID);
    if (versInfo)                               // short one?
        versionInfo = (**versInfo).shortVersion;// get version info from version 1
        versionInfo = " ";                      // nooooothing
    //  Create Window
    aboutBoxWindow = gViewServer->NewTemplateWindow(phAboutBox, NULL);
    //  Hook in any adorners
    aboutBoxWindow->AddAdorner(NewStdAdorner('blmt', "", 'blmt', kFreeOnDeletion), kAdornBefore, kRedraw);
    // Stuff in the version info to the other status view, but first get a ptr to it...
    TStaticText * versionField = (TStaticText *)aboutBoxWindow->FindSubView('sta2');
    finalProduct = programName + CStr255(" ") + versionInfo;
    versionField->SetText(finalProduct, TRUE);
    //  Open the About box window, and let the user close it whenever...
//  About Box color adorner
CRGBColor gMetalBlue(26312,
                     47359);                    // Setup the metal-blue color
//  Empty constructor - for avoiding ptabs in global data space
#undef Inherited
#define Inherited TAdorner
#pragma segment ARes
DefineClass(TMetalBlueFill, TAdorner);
//  Draw TGrayFill Adorner method
#pragma segment ARes
void TMetalBlueFill::Draw(TView* itsView,
                                 const VRect&   /*area*/)
    CRGBColor saveColor;
    PenState savePenState;
    VRect adornArea;
    CRect QDArea;
    CRect tempRect;
    GetPenState(&savePenState);                 // save off the current pen state 
    GetIfColor(saveColor);                      // and the foreground color
    itsView->GetAdornExtent(adornArea);         // get area
    itsView->ViewToQDRect(adornArea, QDArea);
    tempRect = QDArea;
    SetIfColor(gMetalBlue);                     // colorize it
    SetIfColor(saveColor);                      // restore the foreground color and the pen