
//  UAEClientCommand.cp
//  Copyright © 1991-92 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
//  Kent Sandvik DTS
//  This file contains all the TAEClientCommand member functions, i.e.
//  for creating an Apple event which will query a server over the network.
//  <1>     khs     1.0     First final version
#include "UAEClientCommand.h"
//  Empty constructor - for avoiding ptabs in global data space
#undef Inherited
#define Inherited TClientCommand
#pragma segment ARes
DefineClass(TAEClientCommand, TClientCommand);
//  Put together the client AppleEvent, which will call the server asking for
//  Gestalt information
#pragma segment ASelCommand
void TAEClientCommand::IAEClientCommand(CommandNumber theNum,
                                               TAEDocument* theDocument,
                                               AEEventID theID)
    AEAddressDesc theAddress;
    FailInfo fi;
    // save document wherefrom command is issued
    fDocument = theDocument;
    this->IClientCommand(theNum, theDocument, kCantUndo, kDoesNotCauseChange, NULL);
        // setup fMessage to contain the data for our Gestalt GetData AppleEvent
        TAppleEvent * aMessage = new TAppleEvent;// create AE object
        aMessage->IAppleEvent(kMacAppClass, theID, theAddress, kAEQueueReply);
        fMessage = aMessage;
//  Process replies that gets back to the client side from the AE server
#pragma segment ADoCommand
void TAEClientCommand::ProcessReply(TAppleEvent* theReply)
    CStr255 theResponse;
    long actualSize;
    DescType actualCode;
    struct Configuration tempConfig;
    // handle Inherited processing and check for AE errors  
    // if OK, continue processing the reply - store it in the document
    theReply->ReadParameterPtr(kAEConfig, typeConfig, actualCode, (Ptr) & tempConfig, sizeof(Configuration), actualSize);
    // Now move the tempConfig to the fDocument itself.
    // FUTURE: Make a TProcessGestaltCommand which will process the information
    // and store it in the TInformationView
    // TProcessGestaltCommand aCommand = new TProcessGestaltCommand(this,tempConfig);
    // and so on...
    // Process the reply to a more suitable format, this is done from the
    // document itself for the view class