Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
// UAEDocument.cp |
// Copyright © 1991-92 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. |
// Kent Sandvik DTS |
// This file contains the basic TAEDocument member functions |
// |
// <1> khs 1.0 First final version |
#ifndef __UAEDOCUMENT__ |
#include "UAEDocument.h" |
#endif |
// Empty constructor - for avoiding ptabs in global data space |
#undef Inherited |
#define Inherited TDocument |
#pragma segment ARes |
DefineClass(TAEDocument, TDocument); |
TAEDocument::TAEDocument() |
{ |
} |
// Create TAEDocument |
#pragma segment AInit |
void TAEDocument::IAEDocument() |
{ |
Inherited::IDocument(); |
// initialize handle to AE |
fAEGestaltAddress.descriptorType = typeNull; |
fAEGestaltAddress.dataHandle = NULL; |
fConfigurationInfo = NULL; |
fOKNode = FALSE; |
} |
// Create any needed TDocument Views |
#pragma segment AOpen |
void TAEDocument::DoMakeViews(Boolean /*forPrinting*/) |
{ |
TWindow * aWindow = NULL; |
FailInfo fi; |
Try(fi) |
{ |
// create Main Information Window |
aWindow = (TWindow *)gViewServer->NewTemplateWindow(kMainWindow, this); |
// find text views |
fInfoField = (TStaticText *)aWindow->FindSubView('info'); |
fLabelView = (TLabelView *)aWindow->FindSubView('VIW1'); |
fInfoView = (TInformationView *)aWindow->FindSubView('VIW2'); |
// find buttons |
fFindButton = (TButton *)aWindow->FindSubView('find'); |
fReportButton = (TButton *)aWindow->FindSubView('repo'); |
// Add Adorners to various views - yes this would be far better to do |
// from the resource file itself, but as long as there's no ViewEdit 3.0 |
// which handles the new format, I'm hesitant to hack in by hand these |
// values, because it's a tidy exersize. |
// add window adorners, fill gray background |
aWindow->AddAdorner(NewStdAdorner('gray',"",'gray', kFreeOnDeletion), |
kAdornBefore, kRedraw); |
// add view adorners, frame second view |
fInfoView->AddAdorner(NewStdAdorner('fram', "", 'fram', kFreeOnDeletion), |
kDrawView, kRedraw); |
fInfoView->AddAdorner(NewStdAdorner('eras', "", 'eras', kFreeOnDeletion), |
kDrawView, kRedraw); |
// add static text adorner, erase background |
fInfoField->AddAdorner(NewStdAdorner('eras', "", 'eras', kFreeOnDeletion), |
kDrawView, kRedraw); |
fi.Success(); |
} |
else |
fi.ReSignal(); |
} |
// Handle Events passed to TDocument, like the find button event |
#pragma segment AMain |
void TAEDocument::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber, |
TEventHandler* source, |
TEvent* event) |
{ |
if (eventNumber == mButtonHit) |
{ |
// were any of the buttons pressed? |
if (source->fIdentifier == 'find') |
{ |
// find button? |
// post a menu command which translates to the FindÉ menu entry |
this->HandleMenuCommand(cFindAEGestalt); |
} |
else if (source->fIdentifier == 'repo') |
{ |
// report button & we have valid node? |
if (fOKNode) |
// post a menu command which translates to the ReportÉ menu entry |
this->HandleMenuCommand(cCreateReport); |
} |
} |
else |
Inherited::DoEvent(eventNumber, source, event); |
} |
// Free any resources attached to the TDocument, take also care of AE resources |
#pragma segment AClose |
void TAEDocument::Free() |
{ |
AEAddressDesc aDesc = fAEGestaltAddress; |
// dispose the descriptor! |
AEDisposeDesc(&aDesc); |
Inherited::Free(); |
} |
// Setup menus when TDocument is created |
#pragma segment ARes |
void TAEDocument::DoSetupMenus() |
{ |
Inherited::DoSetupMenus(); |
// we assume that we are starting from a Find command |
Enable(cFindAEGestalt, TRUE); |
// we can't report anything until we have information |
Enable(cCreateReport, fAEGestaltAddress.dataHandle != NULL); |
fReportButton->DimState(!(fAEGestaltAddress.dataHandle != NULL), TRUE); |
} |
// Handle menu commands assigned to the TDocument controlled menus |
#pragma segment ASelCommand |
void TAEDocument::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber theNumber) |
{ |
TCommand * cmdToPost = NULL; |
TAEClientCommand * AEcmd = NULL; |
TLookupCommand * aLookup = NULL; |
switch (theNumber) |
{ |
case cFindAEGestalt: |
aLookup = new TLookupCommand; |
aLookup->ILookupCommand(cFindAEGestalt, this); |
cmdToPost = aLookup; |
fInfoField->SetText("Look for node to examine...", TRUE); |
break; |
case cCreateReport: |
AEcmd = new TAEClientCommand; |
AEcmd->IAEClientCommand(cCreateReport, this, kAEGetConfig); |
cmdToPost = AEcmd; |
fInfoField->SetText("Report node information...", TRUE); |
break; |
default: |
Inherited::DoMenuCommand(theNumber); |
} |
if (cmdToPost != NULL) |
this->PostAnEvent(cmdToPost); |
} |
// Return the AppleEvents address stored in TAEDocument |
#pragma segment ARes |
void TAEDocument::GetAEGestaltAddress(AEAddressDesc& theAddress) |
{ |
theAddress = fAEGestaltAddress; |
} |
// Read the Configuration information |
#pragma segment Main |
void TAEDocument::ReadConfiguration(Configuration* theConfig) |
{ |
BlockMove(&theConfig, &fConfigurationInfo, sizeof(theConfig)); |
} |
// Process the information we got from the AE for the View class for |
// later display |
#pragma segment Main |
void TAEDocument::ProcessAEInformation() |
{ |
switch (fConfigurationInfo->machineType) |
{ // Label1 - Machine Type |
case 1: |
fInfoView->fLabel1 = "Classic"; |
break; |
case 2: |
fInfoView->fLabel1 = "MacXL"; |
break; |
case 3: |
fInfoView->fLabel1 = "Mac512KE"; |
break; |
case 4: |
fInfoView->fLabel1 = "Mac Plus"; |
break; |
case 5: |
fInfoView->fLabel1 = "MacSE"; |
break; |
case 6: |
fInfoView->fLabel1 = "MacII"; |
break; |
case 7: |
fInfoView->fLabel1 = "MacIIx"; |
break; |
case 8: |
fInfoView->fLabel1 = "MacIIcx"; |
break; |
case 9: |
fInfoView->fLabel1 = "MacSe030"; |
break; |
case 10: |
fInfoView->fLabel1 = "Portable"; |
break; |
case 11: |
fInfoView->fLabel1 = "MacIIci"; |
break; |
case 13: |
fInfoView->fLabel1 = "MacIIfx"; |
break; |
case 17: |
fInfoView->fLabel1 = "Mac Classic"; |
break; |
case 18: |
fInfoView->fLabel1 = "MacIIsi"; |
break; |
case 19: |
fInfoView->fLabel1 = "MacLC"; |
break; |
case 20: |
fInfoView->fLabel1 = "Quadra 900"; |
break; |
case 21: |
fInfoView->fLabel1 = "PowerBook 140"; |
break; |
case 22: |
fInfoView->fLabel1 = "Quadra 700"; |
break; |
case 23: |
fInfoView->fLabel1 = "Classic II"; |
break; |
case 24: |
fInfoView->fLabel1 = "PowerBook 100"; |
break; |
case 25: |
fInfoView->fLabel1 = "PowerBook 140"; |
break; |
default: |
fInfoView->fLabel1 = "Unknown type"; |
break; |
} |
if (fConfigurationInfo->systemVersion == 0x700)// Label2 - System Version |
fInfoView->fLabel2 = "System 7.0"; |
else if (fConfigurationInfo->systemVersion == 0x701) |
fInfoView->fLabel2 = "System 7.0.1"; |
else if (fConfigurationInfo->systemVersion == 0x602) |
fInfoView->fLabel2 = "System 6.0.2"; |
else if (fConfigurationInfo->systemVersion == 0x603) |
fInfoView->fLabel2 = "System 6.0.3"; |
else if (fConfigurationInfo->systemVersion == 0x604) |
fInfoView->fLabel2 = "System 6.0.4"; |
else if (fConfigurationInfo->systemVersion == 0x605) |
fInfoView->fLabel2 = "System 6.0.5"; |
else if (fConfigurationInfo->systemVersion == 0x607) |
fInfoView->fLabel2 = "System 6.0.7"; |
else if (fConfigurationInfo->systemVersion < 0x600) |
fInfoView->fLabel2 = "Pre 6.0.x System"; |
else if (fConfigurationInfo->systemVersion > 0x701) |
fInfoView->fLabel2 = "Post 7.0.1 System"; |
switch (fConfigurationInfo->processor) |
{ // Label3 - Processor Type |
case 1: |
fInfoView->fLabel3 = "68000"; |
break; |
case 2: |
fInfoView->fLabel3 = "68010"; |
break; |
case 3: |
fInfoView->fLabel3 = "68020"; |
break; |
case 4: |
fInfoView->fLabel3 = "68030"; |
break; |
case 5: |
fInfoView->fLabel3 = "68040"; |
break; |
default: |
fInfoView->fLabel3 = "Unknown CPU"; |
break; |
} |
if (fConfigurationInfo->hasFPU) // Label4 - Has FPU? |
fInfoView->fLabel4 = "TRUE"; |
else |
fInfoView->fLabel4 = "FALSE"; |
if (fConfigurationInfo->hasColorQD) // Label5 - Has Color QD? |
fInfoView->fLabel5 = "TRUE"; |
else |
fInfoView->fLabel5 = "FALSE"; |
if (fConfigurationInfo->has32BitQD) // Label6 - Has 32-bit QD? |
fInfoView->fLabel6 = "TRUE"; |
else |
fInfoView->fLabel6 = "FALSE"; |
if (fConfigurationInfo->hasSCSI) // Label7 - Has SCSI? |
fInfoView->fLabel7 = "TRUE"; |
else |
fInfoView->fLabel7 = "FALSE"; |
if (fConfigurationInfo->hasAppleEventMgr) // Label8 - Has AppleEvent Mgr? |
fInfoView->fLabel8 = "TRUE"; |
else |
fInfoView->fLabel8 = "FALSE"; |
if (fConfigurationInfo->hasEditionMgr) // Label9 - Has Edition Mgr? |
fInfoView->fLabel9 = "TRUE"; |
else |
fInfoView->fLabel9 = "FALSE"; |
if (fConfigurationInfo->hasAUX) // Label10 - Is A/UX System? |
fInfoView->fLabel10 = "TRUE"; |
else |
fInfoView->fLabel10 = "FALSE"; |
if (fConfigurationInfo->hasTrueType) // Label11 - Has TrueType? |
fInfoView->fLabel11 = "TRUE"; |
else |
fInfoView->fLabel11 = "FALSE"; |
CStr255 tempString; // Label12 - AppleTalk version |
NumToString(long(fConfigurationInfo-> atDrvrVersNum), tempString); |
fInfoView->fLabel12 = tempString; |
fInfoView->fHasGestaltInfo = TRUE; // report for view to draw |
fInfoView->ForceRedraw(); // redraw the view |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14