
//  ULookupCommand.cp
//  Copyright © 1991-92 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
//  Kent Sandvik DTS
//  This file contains all the member functions for TLookupCommand,
//  for instance the PPC browsing handling.
//  <1>     khs     1.0     First final version
#include "ULookupCommand.h"
#ifndef __UAEDOCUMENT__
#include "UAEDocument.h"
//  Empty constructor - for avoiding ptabs in global data space
#undef Inherited
#define Inherited TCommand
#pragma segment ARes
DefineClass(TLookupCommand, TCommand);
//  Initialize TLookupCommand, used for opening the PPCBrowser window
#pragma segment ASelCommand
void TLookupCommand::ILookupCommand(CommandNumber theNum,
                                           TAEDocument* theDoc)
    fDocument = theDoc;
    this->ICommand(theNum, NULL, kCantUndo, kDoesNotCauseChange, NULL);
//  MyPPCBrowserFilter - filter for the PPC Browser with information
//  about what to look for over the network, i.e. who we can talk with.
//  Thanks to Eric Soldan and his Kibitz application for the tips
//  on how to implement this function.
#pragma segment ASelCommand
pascal  Boolean MyPPCBrowserFilter(LocationNamePtr/*theLocation*/,
                                         PortInfoPtr thePortInfo)
    OSType type;
    if (thePortInfo->name.portKindSelector == ppcByString)
    // go through every PPC port, and select the one that has the right signature
        BlockMove(thePortInfo->name.u.portTypeStr + 1, Ptr(&type), sizeof(type));
        // The BlockMove is so that we don't get an address error
        // on a 68000-based machine due to referencing a long at
        // an odd-address.
        if (type == kSignature)
            return TRUE;                        // found node
    return FALSE;                               // did not see any
//  Do a PPC Browser lookup of existing nodes that talk the same protocol,
//  i.e. an open application with the same signature
#pragma segment ADoCommand
void TLookupCommand::DoIt()
    FailInfo fi;
    TargetID theTargetID;
    PortInfoRec thePortInfo;
    AEAddressDesc targetAddress;
    CStr255 thePrompt = "Find node you want to examine";
    CStr255 theType = "AEGestalt Nodes";
    CStr255 windowTitle;
    PPCFilterUPP myPPCFilterUPP;
        myPPCFilterUPP = NewPPCFilterProc(MyPPCBrowserFilter);
        FailOSErr(PPCBrowser(thePrompt, theType, FALSE, &(theTargetID.location), &thePortInfo, myPPCFilterUPP, (CStr255)""));
        fDocument->fOKNode = FALSE;
        if (fi.error == userCanceledErr)
    // signal in document we found OK node
    fDocument->fOKNode = TRUE;
    // enable the report button in document as well
    fDocument->fReportButton->DimState(FALSE, TRUE);
    // get the AE Address
    theTargetID.name = thePortInfo.name;
    FailOSErr(AECreateDesc(typeTargetID, Ptr(&theTargetID), sizeof(theTargetID), &targetAddress));
    fDocument->fAEGestaltAddress = targetAddress;
    // fix window title, so it will have the title of the port name
    switch (theTargetID.location.locationKindSelector)
        case ppcNoLocation:                     // my own machine
            fDocument->SetTitle(CStr255("This is a local node"));
        case ppcNBPLocation:                    // we are handling this case
            BlockMove(&theTargetID.location.u.nbpEntity.objStr, &windowTitle, 33);
        case ppcNBPTypeLocation:                // not handling it yet
    //  Words of wisdom, the nbpEntity record is trash if the PPC selection is on the same
    //  local node. It is very important to check the locationKindSelector (as above) and
    //  only use the npbEntity record when we have a ppcNBPLocation!!! See IM VI-7 for more
    //  information about this (it's well hidden!)