Read Me About AESendThreadSafe.txt

Read Me About AESendThreadSafe
This sample demonstrates how to send Apple events from threads other than the main thread.
The code was built and tested on Mac OS X 10.4.8 (PowerPC and Intel).  The code code should work back to Mac OS X 10.2.
Packing List
The sample contains the following items:
o Read Me About AESendThreadSafe.txt -- This document.
o AESendThreadSafe.xcodeproj -- An Xcode 2.4.1 project for the sample
o build -- Contains a pre-built binary.
o AESendThreadSafe.h -- A reusable module that implements the core code.
o AESendThreadSafe.c -- A reusable module that implements the core code.
o main.m -- Standard AppKit application boilerplate code.
o Test.m -- A class to test the core code as part of an AppKit application.
o MainMenu.nib -- Resources for the test application.
o Info.plist -- An Info.plist file for the test application.
Using the Sample
To use the sample, just launch it from the Finder.  The resulting window has two buttons:
o Start Thread -- Click this button to start a thread that sends N Apple events (where N is set by the number in the "Events to send" field).  You can click this multiple times to start multiple concurrent threads.
o One from Main Thread -- Click this button to send a single Apple event from the main thread.
In both cases, the Apple event is sent to the Finder, asking it to return its version string.
Building the Sample
The sample was built using Xcode 2.4.1 on Mac OS X 10.4.8.  You should be able to just open the project and choose Build from the Build menu.  This will build the AESendThreadSafe application in the "build" directory.
How it Works
The comment at the top of "AESendThreadSafe.h" describes the problem that this sample solves.
The comment at the top of "AESendThreadSafe.c". describes how the code works.
Credits and Version History
If you find any problems with this sample, mail <> and I'll try to fix them up.
1.0 (Feb 2007) was the first shipping version.
Share and Enjoy.
Apple Developer Technical Support
Core OS/Hardware
7 Feb 2007
$Log: Read\040Me\040About\040AESendThreadSafe.txt,v $
Revision 1.2  2007/02/27 10:45:50         
Corrected a grammo.
Revision 1.1  2007/02/09 10:55:56         
First checked in.